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0 SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Dentral Ttm<? at Jacksonville and Savannah. JivHU-in Tlraw at Other Points. Schedule in Effect June 80th. 1WL NORTHBOUND. Uau^uuT Cv7 JiK'kx invil.v iP. ? i H i?, a , 4.i|> . ... ** Savannah (So. By ).... IJUp l'J8un " Hnrnwoll i 3S8v 4 la*' " Blmkvillo | 4 12|> 4 ftf?Colombia ) 55?n?i rt l.Su .... Lv. Charleston. ini. Hy . <> it A ... Summorvillo 7 41a l.\Wot " Hrtuiohville V tWa 3 iMa' " Orangeburg t2la 4.1a " Kitigville 10 .'4n 4 0."* Ar. Columbia . II It* 4n? ... {a. AuKUKtn. iso. iiyT) .. 2.-?.n' oaopl <v. Oram to villo ..." .. 3 i>i> 10 Lv. Aiken huup Lv. Trenton 8&2i> 11 00|?| " Johnston 4 0.i>|ll'J0p .... Ar Columbia. &4&U - 1UQ Lv. Columbia, i BUig tit .'i.kSI>i it-J.r?\ " Wlnusboro . 0 hupi 7?at " Chester T Hhpl N 17a *' Hook Hill h.V.p' 8ten Ar. Charlotte^ . . vlWp w .Y>*| Ar. Danville . I.'4>n. 1 ,.3p Ar. Itiotiiinnil . tiuuu 840p| Ar. "Washington 7 U6o UuOli .... " Baltimore iPn.UKi ... 0 17*1 11 Jin " Philadelphia . 11 .Tito 2 ,V*j J* New York. .. 2UBp' t". iia Lv. Columbia 11 3-jn 7 2llt? ..." A r SnuftrinKiii-.f 'i lih. lit 'In.. " Ashovillo 1 7 15p 2l>jpi Ar KsoxvHle 4 U6a : < A*-. Oncinnmi 7 .v ?j 5 lwi Av. Louisville , tup TTita SOUTHBOUND. ggffi Lv I.. .Ulxvillf . 7 I.*, . :ii|i * Lv. Ciucmnat) . >.?? ?u5 ? KUOXTUIP 1 &Jm| 8 36a! I ' Aahoville 7 ttvij HOOp .... " Spartanburg ItHCm; fllSp' Ar. Columbia .. 2ISpl l>;vp . ... Lv. S?-\* Yorkt Pu.K.K i .t.fcip ; KMi'iOtl " Philadelphia .... ; t)u5p 3o*u " Baltimore .. I S27p tl liia .... Lv. Winhi itt'n (So.Kyi I Vf*1> l! 15a LvT Kio|,motel *11 :? l.i'lm Lv. Danville ... ~~T... 4 .da 6 Uv Lv. Uharlotto.. m " Kook Hill | U It in it) 4ip| " Chester .... P44? 11 ISp 44 Wiunsltoro . |(> 2-mi lii Ola Ar. Columbia. t Hid* St 11 35n 1 ubu Lv. Columbia, il'. D.).. lAXnn a.Vioi .... " Johnston 1 1 40p (lUVal 44 Trenton 1 .i^p' fl 2ha| Ar. Aiken ? Hup 7H0n' Ar. Cranitevlllr Skip B6-v Ar. AiitruKtn .. 3 0ip' 7 45tt! Lv7 Columbia iNi. lit i ,i,?l | 44 KtngviUo :i4t?n t 44 OrnnifcburK 4 11 15a j 44 Hrnnohvillo ! :,2f?p I iki 44 Hutnmerville tlCp 5 57m Ar. Charleston . 7 nop 7 ? Lv. OolumlniiTSo. ~Ky 7) 11 4 11 1 Ion 7.T. 4 Hlaokvil.o '... . I *Jup JbJj, .... " Hnrnwoll I lap. 3 0, a Savannah auip I .Via Ar. Javksonvill" (P.S. 1 ; 1 .11 ,, Sleeplog Cur Service. F,xo?lleut tlnily MtMunKt'r service lwtwoon Florida and New \urk. Nor. .It and 34?Now York and Florida Kx promt lirowiug-rootn alee; inn ours between Augusta and Now York. Pullman drawing room Hleepintt earn lioiwoon Port Tampa, .hud; spnvilln. Savannah Wailmifton and Vow York r unman alee; tnjf eat * i??*t ? ivn <.'harlot to and Kiohmond and 1 'hat hit If and Norfolk. Dining cars between Cliurlotto an.l Savannah. Kut. I'i and Ml?U. S. hast Mall. Through Pullman drnwinicrooin Imtfui sionpuiK urslx* tween Jacksonville and Now Yonc and Pullman sloeniinr oars lad ween A'ttfuata mid Char lotto and Charlotte and Kn-hinond. Dining cars nerve all meals enroute Pullman Hleeji ln? ears 1>otwrt>ii Jack* invill<? and Columbia, enroute dally lietween Jacksonville and Clnoin nnti, via Aaherille. FliANK S. HANSON, S. H.HAKDWIOK, Third V-P. & Weu. M|fr., Wen. Pas Atft., Wnahlnitton, L). C. VI iiHldnuton, 1). C W. H.TALOB, R. W.Hl NT, An t Wen. Paas. Ag't,, Die. Pii>.h. An't.. Atlanta. Wa. t 'bnrlostoii, S. C. RAMS' HORN BLASTS > rfTT) H""\ wo fnnl3' hP:i l; r,S.! I UIe WOl'SO til. II Y livery ernvorslon is a miracle. f Simplicity Is tlio Friends are n t re* wry, it Rel"vu"' Emulation is a curP 'ur 'uvy J^ * The giving hand Is the only cure for tho grasping he.ut. Tho dnnger of ambition's tenths lira not In that they are steep but that they are slippery. The man who is keenest on tho inspection of his neighbors is weak on introspection. The herat of lova is the only lens; that will bring Gocl within t>ha focus of our facilities. We are almost Inclined to agree with those who deny tlie soul if they speak for themselves alone. Tlie man who cannot get wisdom out of his own follies will get nothing but folly out of all wisdom. There is one habit worse than walking with your hands In your pockets, that is, keeping your heart there. They who plan to give God their last days Oiily conteplate an insult they a-e never permitted to perfctotrat?. According to the measure of the weeping saint heaven must bo a very wicked place, for there are no tears there I Cleveland has had a trial of a streetsweeper, running on an electric railroad. ami getting its power from an auxiliary motor. It was pronounced a success. Preceding the sweeper in the trial was a trolley water-tank by which the street was sprinkled front the center of the tracks to the curb. Then came the sweeper, with a revolving brush sixteen feet long, which piled the dirt in a furrow close to the etn-h ft? " ... . - ........ i iic wiirK was thoroughly done, according to the report > in the Cleveland papers and was done quickly, the trolley sweeper ntov;ng at the rate of seven miles an hour. |'his invention, while a good thing for lite city is its economy, may be a bad ihing for pro pcctive street railroad companies. Among the returns now demanded in some places for franchises ar? the paving and sprinkling of streets md the removal of -now. A logical addition to the e requirements would he the cleaning of the streets l>y a power sweeper. i One of the embarrassments to which the philanthropist is subjected resu'ts "from a wholly illogical idea that because I be is rich and generous lie is, as a matter I of course, able to nuke * good soccch. | I I v THE MERRY SIDE OF LIFE STORIES THAT ARE TOLD BY THE FUNNY MEN OF THE PRESS. ttat Yft ? Woman ? Touch I*rol?!cm ? Never Done ? Iinjirovetl Wltcherttft ? Still In the l?urk ? Not Srv Kimv ? ) Prod Icy?What ProToksd Hlin, Ktc. When Muriel plays her violin? With grace adjusted 'ncuth her chin. Such saintly mood dwells in her eyes, 1 fear her fashioned for the skies. lint?ah?while music's magic speaks. A,airing snaps?color mounts her checks? Her eyes snap, too?then flees my doubts?* know she's human?out and out. ?Chicago Record-Herald. Touch Problem. Studious Youth?What is life, anyway 5" Waggish Youth?"It's a gre:w riddle which everybody gives up in the end." Never Hone. She?"Do you think it is work for a woman to talk?" He?"Oh. yes; you know they do say woman's work is never dpuo."?Youkers Statesman. Iinfirnveit Wltrhrrnn. "I suppose the witch in your new play rides a broom-stick?" "Hroom-stick? What alls you? She ritlei a carpet-sweeper."?Chicago liecord-IIcrnld. Still in the Durlr. Flic?"There are some people I like and some 1 don't like." He?"What almut me?" She?"Oh. present company is always excepted."--Detroit Free Press. Not So ICsisy. Disgusted Citizen -"Aren't ycu nsh.nurd of your indolence, living without work?" Drifting Dohson "IIol* on, stranger; It's hard work living without work!" ?Chicago News. A 1'rnil Icy. T'.ie Cockatoo?"Have you been talktig long?" The Parrot?"Well. I guess 1 have! Why. my father lost all his friends trying to t; II them the cute things I paid when I was only three mouths' old!"?Puck. Wltuf I'rovokotl l!im? "Joe, you are rude I'll never put foot it your olliee again." "( h. yes. you will; you'll come in again late some evening when I'm hurrying off t< try ami eateh my train."? Chicago Record Herald. A W?r<l in Young Cheekloigli "Sir, I wish to Marry your daughter." Old (Jotrox "lint she is < nly a schoolgirl of twelve." Young Cheekleigh "1 am aware of that. sir. hut 1 eatne early to avoid lite rush."?Chicago Newts. The livtort Courteous. Jailor (locking the thief in the cell!? "There, niy good fellow, 1 am a man of iron, and I guess you won't break away from me." Thief?"Well. I'm a man of steal, ami we'll see about it."?Detroit l'rco l'ross. ICiitergeitcy Ability* "Women have no originality?tin Inventive genius?" "Nonsense; I've seen my stenographer make a memorandum with a hat pin on a cake of snap when site had no paper handy."?Chicago Decor1* Herald. Wlftt ii ,Tnt?! He?"I know I'm late. dear. You see, I was detained a eottple of hours by an old friend, who just got hack to town after a long absence. I hail to tell 1dm all I knew." She (snappishly)- "I don't see why that should have kept you so long."? Philadelphia Press. A Society Muni "Mr. Wood by is very particular,'* said Mrs. Wood by, who was engaging a new servant. "He's quite a prominent society man and entertains "Is lie so?" interrupted the applicant. "Faith, then, lie ought to Know me Uncle Mike. Nary a society ye ever heard tell of that ho don't- belong to."?Philadelphia Press. Not ? Hit lti-iitl?lla. "Tlie author of this story contradicts himself. He says: 'And then the great freight steamer labored in tlie heavy seas.' He actually uses the word 'labored.' " "I don't see anything wrong with *1 "Walt! And then n little further Jdown he states that the steamer was n tramp."?Chicago News. Difficult to Determine. "We orter git some credit fur not beIn' any wuss'n what we are," said Plodding Pete. "Oh. I dunuo," answered Meandering Mike. "I've been try in' fur some tine .to flggei* out how 1 never happened to 1m? a burglar. I never could make up pne mind whether it was 'cos I'm too good or 'cos I ain't, industrious enough."?Washington Star. lilt* Orlicliinl Method. "Fie says 110 girl ever refused him.'* "Quite right" "Hut he has hccn devoted to several, find It is only reasonable to suppose that he must have proposed to some of them." "Oh, no. He has a lietter system than that- one that doesn't so seriously endanger his self-esteem. When he gets to the proper point he writes a note to say that. If she lias 110 previous engagement, he will be pleased to call and propose marriage on a certain evening. That gives the girl a chance to regret that she will not be at home on that evening, nud thus a direct negative Is avoided. Great scheme, don't you think?"?Chicago l'osu I ) / A IRINOR EVEHTSOF THEWEEK YVASHINOTON ITEMS. A now ten dollar note. bearing a picture of a Buffalo. Is being engraved In Washington. The State Department was notified that Marquis Mnllsplna, the new Italian Ambassador, will reach Washington In September. A man claiming to be Senator ITan na's son. but who Is an impostor, was arrested in Washington for swindling jewelers. The constitutionality of the Massachusetts Electrocution law Is Involved In an appeal to the United States Supremo Court taken by I.uigi Storti, a condemned murderer. The Italian Government made representations to the State t)epar#ment and Instituted investigations through consuls into the alleged lynching of Italians in Mississippi. The new battleships recommended by the Board of Construction are to >? im- iiirjrcsr. insiesr and most heavily armored in the American Navy. OUR AT?OPTKI> ISI.ANDR. IrI\c yellow fever cases wore found in a suburb of Havana. Cuba. and four were removed to the eity hospitals. The fiscal of the Havana Audiencia said that ho possessed already sufficient evidence to convict C. F. W. Noely of postal frauds. II. I>hclps Wliltinarsli, Civil Covcrnor of Benguet Province. Luzon. P. I., was exonerated by the Civil Commission of the charges against him. Little opposition was shown in Cuba to the decision of the United States to occupy Morro Castle. Cold and silver jewelry valued at $2-?i,413 was imported into the Phillivplnes during 11H)0. Aguinahlo is considerably irritated at. ids continued surveillance by the American authorities at Manila. DOMESTIC. Counterft it half-dollars were passed extensively of late in Massachusetts. Carrie Nation was lined St on nml I given thirty days in jail for disorders i In Topeka, Ivan., during her March I raids. Four burglaries In one week Is the record against ten-year-old John Miigelmeyer, of Austin, ill., two borsch being part of his plunder. Burglars seized a bundle of notes in the City National Bank, of Dayton, Ohio, by using hooks. After a wild life for several week", | Mordecai F. Washburn, a wealthy brick manufacturer of Hnverstraw, i N. Y., fatally shot himself. I'anlons were granted four prisoners j nt Newburyport, Mass., for helping Deputy Sheriff Ayers when attacked ' in Jail by other prisoners. By ihe ruling of the fourth Appellate Division in H 'Chester. N. Y.. a woman is entitled to nil the profits which may ' accrue from her beauty. The missionaries of the American board will return to N< rib China to resume work In the early fall. ?>n the Midway of the I'an-Amerl; can exposition, at Buffalo. N. Y., Mr ncsto / Zoorzaya killed himself after attempting to murder a concessionaire All saloons in Fort Scott. Kan., were ordered dosed and the mandate was obeyed. Creek and Austrian railroad graders inet at Sydney. Neb., in deadly coin! bat. Six Creeks were wounded and J :?r.e Austrian was killed. A drunken , fow was the beginning of the ditliaulty. The vacant post mastership at New Orlean i, oil., was tilled by the ap; [lolntim nt of David (!. Baldwin. Itevclalions of a conspiracy result in it in murder and the nrnsl of well ' known cit.r.ens of Keliols County. (Ja., mnv load to a feud in tnaf part of tin ; St a to. t "Colilcn Rule" .Tones. Mayor of Toledo. Ohio, was lined $.T and oosts hy I Police Judge Waehcnheinicr for contempt of oourt. The Mayor promptly paid the line. Governor Jennings, of Florida, arranged for the transfer of Mullat Key Quarantine station, the most iinpnrtant in the South, to the Federal Govrnment. The hlstorie Fairfax Inn. at Borlceley Springs, \V. Va.. over 100 years old. was lutrned. The guests had a narrow escape. roRKir.x. The London County Council Is nhor.t .o send 11 pnmvvny manager and an ( electrical engineer to study traction ; systems in the Cnited States. John Heuderson, the well-known ' shipbuilder, died at Glasgow, Scotland. Russia demanded from the Forte concessions In tLio way ^ renting I stations. I Owing to losses m the Loipsic Rank failure, Banker Salo Itawez killed himself. Boors captured and burned a train tirto., -- " -- - - - ...... ..ciuiiun nwi. nouill ATriCn. Three British were killed and eighteen wounded. Fifty houses were destroyed by fire nt Port au Prince, Hnytl. Many firemen received Injuries. The damage Is estimated nt $200,000. The Chilean Government Is preparing a bill which will effect a reorganization to a large extent of the national finances. The freedom of the City of Loudon was presented to Lord Milner at the Guildhall. Indians who claim possession of Calquhotin Island in the St. Lawrence Itlver were dispossessed by the Ca' umllnn Government. The Belgian Minister nt Washington. Count <le Liehtervelde, will be succeeded by Baron Moneheur. A dispatch from Tlen-Tsln sahl that Europeans there distrusted China's pledges. Lleetions in many departments in France showed small gains tor the Government party. Iajrd Huberts, the Commander-inChief of the British Army, issued an order that in future dismounted infantry officers are to carry carbines iu stead of swords ou active service and in r?">M!uvrea. It reqnires no experience to dye with Put, nam Fai>elk("< Dyks. Simply boiling yonr poods in the dye in all tbnt in necessary. Sold oy all druggist*. ; The new Metroimlitnn Railway t?f Piiris now carries a daily average of 115.000 pasI sengcrs. ! The American quail has been successfully acclimatised in Sweden. I,(Mltea Can Wear Short One size smaller after using Allen's FootEase, a powdor for the feet. 1\ nuskes tight or new shoes easy. Cures swollen, hot, sweating, aching feat, ingrowing nails, corns and bunions. At all druggists and shoo stores, 25c. Trial package FREE by mail. Addroas Allen S. Olmsted, I.v Hoy, N. Y. The lirst porcelain factory in America was established in Philadelphia. Rest For llir nowrls. No matter what nils you, headache to a cancer, yon will never get well until vottr bowels are put right. Cascabkt* help nature, euro you without a gripo or pain, produceeasy natural movements, cost you just 10 rents t.. utnri ?->??..< 1 i-I-'l. -i 1 Industrial Briefs. Philadelphia (Pa.) partieB, whose names have not been announced yet, have leased building at Shepherds town. W. Va.. and installed knitting machinery in it. The Enfield (N. C.) Knitting Mill contemplates doubling its capacity in the near future. The plant now env ploys forty hands and produces 110 dozen pairs of hosiery daily. The establishment of a knitting mill is talked of at Malee. N. C.. and G. C. Baldwin is interested. Mr. Baldwin asks for prices on knitting machinery and on cop yarns for manufacturing. Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup forchildran teething, softon tho gums, reduooe intlammation,allays pain, euros wind colic. 250 a bottla Sugar-coated comjdimer.ts are sometimes hard to swallow I'iso's Cure is tho host medicine wo over used for ail affections of throat and lungs.?NYm. O., Vanburon. Iud.. Feb. 10,1000. The lirat world's fair was in Ix>ndon in 1851. IU'v. H. P. Carson, Scotland, Dak., wivs: "Two bottles of Hall's Catarrh Cure completely cured uiy little girl." Sold by l>ruggibt^, 7.r?c. Many a man gets a pointer from the linger of scorn. See advt. of Smithdkai.'s Bcbinkss Coi.i.kok The man who loses his temper loses his friends. Polly IMnktights?"The tenor's voire Is going back on him. Don't you think ho seems rather throaty?" Fanny Footlights?"On the contrary he seems quite chesty." A. C. Dover of Charlotte. N. C., contemplates organizing a company to build a cotton factory, and has gone to New York for the purpose of endeavoring to interest North em capitalists. Even tho ben in a bonnet may have a stitig In lis tail. j Hair Splits | I "I have used Avcr's Hair Vigor g g for thirty years, it is elegant for K 1a nair dressing and for keeping the D hair from splitting at the ends."? B J.A.Gruencnfclder,Grantfork,111. a Hair-splitting splits I friendships. If the hair- 1 splitting is done on your 1 own head, it loses friends I for you, for every hair of I your head is a friend. .< Ayer's Hair Vigor in I advance will prevent the I splitting. If the splitting I has begun, it will stop it. J $1.00 a boltle. Alt drof flats. ' If your druggist cannot mipply yon, 9 send us ono dollar aud wo will express you a bottle, llu sure and give the namo B of your nearest express office. Address, 8 J. C. AYKK CO., Lowell, Mass. | 3?WW? I ???? I iUIWLUtt Sick Headache ? Food doesn't digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It's your liver! Ayer's Pills are liver pills; they cure dyspepsia, biliousness. . 25c. All druggists. Want your moustache or board it beautiful I brown oi rich black? Then nso j BUCKINGHAM S DY E wfdskors i _I* ow w_-f? * r ^ '-N? V?y*_'* M 1 SQZGDCHT for the TEETH 25t A LUXUFi 1 I Watch our next advei Just try a packago < > w v,.. ? nv??iu^ IUU( uunilli LIT1CK. UAH- | carets Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up J in inetul boxes, every tablet has C. C. C. , stamped on it. Bewuro of imitations. Actions speak louder than words, and j actors louder than either FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervousness after first day's use oT l)r. Kline's Great Nerve ltestorer. 52 trial bottle and treatiso freo Dr. It. II. Hi-ink, Ltd.. 981 Arch St., I'bila. Pa The man who shaves himself is always getting in a scrape. | CAPUDINE | 9 For IIKABACHRS 1 A and FKVKKS. 2 j Taken with Qutniuo it prevents N<?r- O 9 vousness and A -hlng and relieves the T 1 X Fever. AT ALL DllUG STORES 9 I D*0? > <>? &+0+ &+<> O+O* O Is the oldest and only busiticHscollegc in Va. owning its building?a grand new one. No vacations, j l.adics & gentlemen. Bookkeeping,Short hand, , Typewriting.'Penmanship, Telegraphy &c. ' Leading business college south ol the Potomac river."?Pnila. Stenogiapher. Address, G. M. Smitlulcnl, President. Richmond, Vu. EDUCATE forBUSINESS Ulexingtos business college, I.KX I \(JTO\ hi t ht*h <'lo s IUimIiii s- I rnlnliiK School for llovs and Ulrt*. |&tb year. Himi equliHnont*: Be*! >>r rveryIhliw. Courses elective tiu<| ciiicrm*- MalhemuUex Economic-, Civil (lovrriiinctit Illusion. Uw. Hookkcr|>liig. Penmanship. shorthand. I > iievrrltln* itn<l ] hn?. Kinrllsh. It rile toilav fur hmul; "'"I . riiiNrM cxpiAlnltiR evi?ri tiling. A?U1IVHH 1iija111?11 II, Juues, Pri'Midt'Dl, Liviliigum. H\. ' VADKIN VALLEY INSTITUTE, $ | BOONVILLE, N. C. FaII Term opens Am- li. 10)1. A school for J both irxr,, henltafaliy loe.-itsd in one of iho j best. Mentions of N. > . ' &' students fr on 1*4 I 1 counties in 4 Mates, hxpensea only ?11.10 | I for the teriu. n rit) for illust iitcl catu j j loRUO. K. II. llOIIAi. rinrlpnl. UORNER MILITARY SCHOOL, * ^ oxFoiin, n. r. The bent dUclpHiii'tl School nml tlio ni<>,( thoroughly must III Seliotui-N (.Uiii nif teed. Actual Results are the Fest Arguments. j For t'atV.oKUo address 1 Founded 1851. r J. f. IIOIIAKR. jfEMALE COLLEGE, ! NOT KFiSKW 11 K1LK is there such an ideal of < II If IS 1 IAN KIUTOATION. I.eeturw Course. Library, Apparatus, Cnbj loots. First-class. llooic-Keejiiotj, Shorthand, I Ari, Mu-ic. I ' for COLOREDSIUOENTS oi: both sexes, SI. AUliUSIIiit'S SCHOOL, it %i.i'.icai. n. < . : Collect n to, > n rm m 1,111 <1 (i at rial, 'Era I tiluts School (or \ it mm. 90.01 n Month stu'out* rimy w .rlc their ? ?t nnd put 1 Mulu hi h< ?>l. < ariM-nlry. Printing. ItrlrXluv i ip 1'ivler the Kpl?o >i a! ( Lurch. abtli Year. t-or 1 .'Mtaloptir. up|?y to rrtucl|wl, lie*. ,\. B lluaier. | itaielgli. V I . r% rr> p \f si,wii' i. uVikK, b *?-. jp/ I ouick relief ?n<l euro* wont D>ws. Look ol te-uinoniali nml lllilno' treatment 1 I'lCC. Dr H H OKEEN H SONS box E Atl?.m u. .... "The Sanee Hint maile fl eet Point fntneni." NlclLHENNY'S TABASCO. I IY WITHIN THE REACH "The Ham L-j * L The hand I YewismAvTht'~ w< 3 ^By'menti szt:Z, f~ ' r* ^ When the 1 J> \, By ,hC L $?nTm3!T Of useful j WMLr * For adult WjBt For LI..N ' "\ Who havi ily f?V7' September For I.ion Jf he's with I To write Inclose a ti | The List You reap a Anil lit"e tlsoment. >f LION COFFEE am nlarity. ill COLLEGE. DAVIDSON, N. C. For two-third* of a century DitHmi IlJ has been uoto i among smju .horn 1 ollegea lor the thorough una* or iti training, the ability o' lta t a ulty, and the atmoapherr of ' morality and hon^r on lta ampua. It iuvltes | tlir attoutlou of ?v?ry naront who wi-hes o give hi* son a thornu -h claas c*l or sc ent do educatlnu under luflaroccB couducive to the blithest i ype of character. Fur catalogue-, etc., address HENRY LOUIS SMITH, president. 18.18. ID JL Greenseoro female college, (IHKKNSUOItU, N. C. Literary and Ilusinees Couraoa. 8fhools of Mtisiu. Art and Elocution. Litorar.- Courao and all living expenses $200 p??r year. Fall pension begins Sept. lltn, 1901. Catalogue on application. Darn I'kacock. l'ros't. ^ T*' SOUTHERN i conservatory tern....'*. \V. nil\ \ V l\ IH'IIII IM. V?\.niRK 'TOR. Atlanta College of Pharmacy. Well cquippxd Laboratories. xcollent T<>ft'li?rn, 11 ir-i< Dispensary. wh?ro hundreds of jt!< ?( rtj>tlon? by the !> ?t physician* nro compounded dally by the student*. .-indents obtain tlrst !,.?* practical Instruction as well a* thai of .1 ih? iretlcul nature. There le u irreator (Ji'ltniiiil tor our Kt n.luatos thati we can siippl*. Address l?U. <? .??. I*'. rAYNK, 1'ayne'n Chemical I,ah >ratory, Il vnn 11. Atlanta. i?a. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA^ .lied IH3S. IVI 1 he ^ixt\ -fourth session will ? ommrnce Ocat??i?er l^t. ;.*d. l>epartmen* of Alcdlcltie. four years oour<?. fee* 3'?*? o per newdon. Depa tnient of enllstry. thr? e vt ur?> ts?ur*o, foes per *e*Mou. Department ??r Phurinu y. t*o year* c ?ur?e. feet jjtft .ui per send >11. For TurJier particulars ana v nuu lotftte uddrrs**. ChRlSTUPHER TOM KINS. H. D., Dean, UIClimOND, VA. SSAW MILLS! Engines, Wood I I .tiers, H. It. Cmsstie ~ m Machine* ami Other Machinery, f Vl auuf-ctured by tlisaiaiii iron Work*, nlciu. rv.c. ' ^ TATE SPRING. of Alii- r.i-n I Hotel < ?;???n nu t Water Shlnn.-d 1 luri^hout J* ^ t tir I to* mot?t Delitfhtlul health u't<l I'lfuiurt Dt H. it in the I'nlon. Klectrle Dipht-. steam Heat. V. liter V.inks. Water 1 ure? lnUk'CKtlou, l>\ Koepwia. and ull troubles of the Liver, Stomach. Kladder, and Kidney**. Itb< umutlsm utiii Mood hlMif Write lor Pamphlet. 'I HON. TO M I.INSON, Owner A Propr. TATK SIMUM;. TKNNKSKKK. AGENTS "/"'.V ?-ohaid Sash Lock and arohard Door Holder AcKw vrnrkors tvi'rywiinro ran rani Idc monoy; u Mi-i ly iHnii 'H l for our roods, S aui|iM '^tsh toi-k.with crii i s. t.-ruus. ot. .. frrc for ? stamp (3r iiustuf'v. Till*' l.liilll tKlf f tf.i >tullull " O." A'lilluiliIttliiu. r<U ASTH M A- HAY.FEVER . ' CURED BY - , . ?^toUJE?K SEN0 F0R I ) 7 FREE TRIAL DOTTLE -AdcreSj DR.TAFT 70 E 130t- ST.. N.Y. ClTY Etltb V"'e "" PPU CP of n?ry iliwrtptloa. Pat. V ?JU"LtO isfai'tlon OnuralitcM. r ' ' Writs for prlrrs. JKSSK MAItllEN U ii .i<Vk iu-i s rimrlni Si.,)laTivniiE.Ml), UseCEBTAIHS' cube.ii so. i. iThompson's Eye Water OF ALL! I Jwriting on the Wall," ~~?~~ i (hat traces on the wall >rds of import great, boon on one and all oning the date, first will surely be r day indeed, , new Premium List we see ion guaranteed. i > hear the date in mind, t won't be missed, j which we first shall find j it Premium List jresents rich and rare, and for young, COFFEE drinkers share p bis praises sung. first your grocer ask, 's latest T.Ut; out, 'tis briefest task ?3 auu insitt, ivo-ccnt stamp, and wj will send to you, i big reward, you see, have to do. 1 you will understand R W00C50N *PICR CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. I 1 i