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MJCAJ, ?juI P&RSAW4L, fcfr. ieotft ?Lg#i# nffcef a Cow rfuys / lii/?8K. $Jr. jJ.-p. VVuUjoii cfl^e <Iq,wii CrAW <Glia#rMC? -8peU<l Syiujay. Wis. ,j jjliaj.1 Starr #nd cJiiUJ. pf ftocfc fji^y af-e yisijtitig in t|*e n#d W*'8. White ar*? ^peij(/iii?r seyefal jyapk# #t Hot fcjjJWtfts N. <i. Mrs. \y. B. \vlio liae tieo# critically ill for h eye nil w^cks, }* reported to Ih' iwpwyiugpev. Dr. .1. H. Mack will tLe|iv<er #11 ad(hv>ss Ijefore the Y. M. C. A. of CJjrrfOtte on n,e$t Sunday, faster it fin ijf. Masse y left Monday fopr J?ock Hill to spend a short ivhjle with Muster Withers Alasaey. Misses Loujsp MeMnrray and Kit tip Kirk pal rick left for Chester /Monday Jo visit friends for several weeks. Mlsh Mabel Ai"4rey, grhp has />e.en attending a hogse party at Miss Lillian Masgey's, js uoy visiting in Lancaster. M r. I/. J. Magsey and /Liap^liters, blisses Liljie aipj MH"r'e Jackson, /.oli Monday fop Clevpliitpd jSpripgs to spend the weekIf ypn cgn't gpt yonpr pjctgre enlarged just whop \yanf to, just ,\vajl # few d.ays gip<J tlpefe wilj be agput-s afognd alright. Repair work pa tlie ljajles bridge js progressing pjcely, #nd j.t is thought tlmf" tljo bridge will he .open to travpl by the Jattur pad of the week. Mrs. D. Heyrisop. whp has beep spending sojpe time with her k daughter, Mrs. F. Niiiis, returned \p per puipc m lorkvijh- yosteritay pipping. A Mf. J?Hrr, of Mt. Ifolly, N; C.f in (o tak>- up 71 writing school Wednesday at the Fqrt Mill Academy, 'J'here wijl l|e bntlj day and night classes. Mrs. Kli/.a FplwoofA reports a yield of one apd one-foijrth hmsji. cIh of frisji potatoes from a small pfltch hi which she planted que gajlon of sepd potatoes. ]Vf r. Nile Carothers is spending a few days in Charlotte 011 busj. ness. During his absence Mr A. K Sturm s is filling his position at file Carol hers barber shop. The early vegetable and fruit season is past end Afr. W. T. Sellers is at houie until the cqtton season opeqs. He has hie usual supply of nevy jokes. The foot brjdge over the railroad near tlie center of town was finished yesterday. Sonje call it ''the qbseryatory*' while others !-t|je bridge of si$e." Air. J. Nixon Stringfc|lo>v, of phpstpr, who has been travelling iq tin infere^t of the South Carolina college, wap i?> the city Thursday night tq see Afr. J. EJ. Ardrey, (iojiatb White and Henry Brice, both colored, were before the mayor Monday charged with creating a disturbance on the streets. The fines were Brice, $i|; White, $1. Died, qp A(oqday niofipngat the homo of its parents, the two-yearphi daughter of M|\ aipl ?l. 13, Vatter>un. The burial was made pt Harrison (>J. C.) church Mop(}ny afternoon. Tiie annual reunion and picnic of the Culp family will he held at th? home of Misses Bessie and Alice White on Thursday, .\ugust 8. All of the family cqruioctiops >ire invited to he present; The annual Sunday school picnic of the Flint Hill Baptist church will he held op the church grounds next Saturday. Afpsic for the occasion will he furnished hy the Hold Hill junior band. A large crowd is expected. Dr. Lucius Ardrey, son of ('apt. W. K. Audrey, of Ardrey'a, who has been located at Burlaw, N. (\, lias sold out his interest there and has moved with his family to t'oloiado, where it in hoped the climate will benefit hit; broken Ju'Ultli. The Times is in possession of a \viu\\ taken from the le^ of it carrier pigeon, which was killed I>y ^(r. Chns. (Jrahain on last Friday. The number of the bird as stamped on the band was "V itl.S5t?." The owtitM'^s uaine and addreus were printed on the feathers of the left V'intf, but effaced so as to be illeu\bW. t7of the benefit of our farmer friends we will state thai t|ie Ivoek Hili roller mill is again in opera1 in# after# shut down of a few days, | during which the lyill bus been tjioroy^jily oyejrbftuWThe ph'yie season is #.4 hand. Let's forget efOpp f(tr a while now ! and begin to set (Jutes. Let all i the tegplar functions be lield in ) regular season ami in tjieregular fashion. An olci colored man, supposed to , have been a "blind t iger," was captared neyrtowp Sat unlay afternoon it ,was proven, however, that a part of the whiskey lie .was transporting bejopged to agugther party ami he \jas releasedi While it is eopceeded by all that the present cotton <T?jp in this section will fall short of the usual yield, farmers are wore hopeful J now than for some tiipe. Cotton has grown wonderfully during the past ten (lays and if tlje prices an> held up, th.y fanners may yet nunc out all right. The annual pionip of (he >Sunday Bohool at Philadelphia church wan hold on tl|p church grounds last Saturday. Childrens day >vas observed arid speeches, j-euitat ions and songs by the children took place in the j|iorn;ng. The music was funished by the junior band i of ("Jold Hill. Quito a large crowd was in attendance and there was plenty of dinner. Messrs. d. K. Smith and Majcollus Ooltharp, of Turnersville. Texas, are here on a visit to their old homes. Their many friends wijl be glad to know that they Dave been very successful in their adopted State. Mr. Siuijl} wont i jo Texas .'ioj'teen years aj?o wi|h no capital to start with, ami is lpjw considered "well off," I JSJr. fJ\ Spratt has the jaw bone of fhe skeleton which was unearthed by the |)i^ river several iponths U evidently belonged to the body ?>f a ^iant for it is of iifost unusual sj'/.e anil tbo tenth whic)i are rejuarkably well preserved are nearly as la roe as horse toetlp Mr. Spratt js contident that the null) suffered from toothache, for ho found sufficient j evidence of the fact ? -??? A Delightful H.venlng. The ilaneo which was ocivt n in the town hall Thursday evening was (juite an enjoyablo ntl'nir. The d)iuce was fj.vrn hy the yoiini; niep of the town complimentary to the visiting young ladies. Delightful refreshments \yere served in the 1 parly fyotii Mem-ham's icr?? cream parlor. The Fort Mill string hand furnished music for thy occasion which wts up to tlie standard, Tlje following were among those in attendance: Misses Janie Massey and Bessie Reyd, of Rock IiiII, ]<ou M'mfcey, of Lancaster, Mary Ardrey, Ftt|e Culp, Klla ^'Murray, Nannie and Maud Thompson, Julia Thorn well, Toinmio Culp. Bertha Massey, Rattle Curtis, and M essrs. J. R. Sprat t, .J. K. Williamson, S, L. Merchant, L. A. Harris, T. B. Spratt, ILU. Thompson, J. X.Stiingfclluw, of Chester, J. MoMurray. Jnuieg Thornwell, Frank Kimhrell, J. A. Withers aipl Clary Thompson. The chaperons were Mr. and Mi's. F. T. Begrain. ?A Sunday Murder. The brick phpit op the river was the scene of an awful tragedy Sun ; -i..... -? " W..J ...w. ? m*?ii uyt'ii lilt* ; solemnity of a bright summer day. Henry Anderson whh i>,^I)*>?i by another negro naiupd Sol. Darcy. The two men lmd just returned from the woods and art* hopposed to have been gambling. They began disputing over a entail sum of money in the yard in front of a hoarding house kept l?y ?J ulius White. They were ordered off the plpce by White, and as Anderson walked away l)ar*y picked up a piece of timber anil going up be. hind dealt Ipui a fearful blow on, the head. A physician was summoned and, e.\teriytdyv tip'. negro did not appear to t*> fatally hurt, but in the afternoon ho grew worne and died at 7 o'clock. As soon as the deed was committed a crowd of the brick yard hands surrounded tlii* murderer aipl lie was detained until ^Superintendent Mcudeohall was summoned ami J)arcy wiubrought tc? town and safely hnlged An imjuest was held by .Magistrate Mills on Monday morning and the verdict was in accordance with the above farts. J)arcy wa* taken to Vorkvilje 'J'nestlay by CV;?stabJe K. J', Harris .ami committed to jail to awajt trial. A I'd tin,is another i.s added to the list of erinns that have been committed on IJitj "public works." as the negroes arc wont to call such enterprises hereabouts, where whiskey, cards ai/d ha/I women //bound. ck. a ^ - - ?> ? i/'um ?. tv oar f\ masK. Hut l*er btutniy WiiH C4>iii|#U trly lii<t , ?leu l?y sore*. i>loselies ami pimples till slie used Ituel>luif's Arnica /"stive. Tlma t hey vniiislieil as will ;jl) Km pi ions. Fever Sores, Hoi Is. Cleoi>, ('arl/uneles, ami Helihis from its use Infallible tot Cuts, Corns. Hunts, Feul'J.t ami I'iles, Cure^uarauleeil. 2. tea I '1'. It Meaelpmi'f Things For Which We are Thankful. Our friends continue to reuiemlier ti.s in a tangible manner. M isH Addie Harris sent us ?i Mammoth Irislt potato n fi w days aj*o, which was ahead of anything we have seen ill that line. It weij/h ed one and a quarter pounds, and was a sutiicieut "mess" tot a sjnall family. Airs. .1. (J. Consult favored u> with a basket of vegetable poaehek which are 11 new kind to lis. Tht fruit {/rows vn a vine, and somewhat r? sendiles a eueuinber: oval in shape, and attains the si'/.e of 11 lien's e*?i/. They are said to In very prolific \W are also indebted to Mayoi I W. MeKUianey, for a monstei beet, wljieli was sent us Saturday afternoon. It weighed two and onp-lutlf pounds. To the above we would say thanks for small favors, larger nnet in proportion. SV. 15. .\rcirey has an advertise inent in this issno anent the nev school honks. He says lie imus liave the cash for them. (.r iin for Sale. I 1 have several hundred bushel.' of fc?6rd main, which I will se II a I the following prices: Rye Seed at .">1 per bushel. Virginia Winter Turf < hits at 1.10 cents per bushel. F. NIMS. nor WEATHER is mere, Hut you don't care for that. dust call regularly at our Ice Cream Parlor and enjoy a cool, refreshinu drink, or a plate of our delicious Ice Oream. 'Phone Id and we will deliver any of the above refreshments at your residenee. MUSCtlAfTS DRUM l-nPORIlin. Call an or write 1 he CROWN SALOON. FINE WINES, LIQUORS, ETC. OLl) NORTH CAROLINA E.UiLE CORN WHISKEY A SPKCI ALTY i m u'aoiiciai.' v- i 'i? t>...... tyurrll City 'l'llolir "it >'2. rinv. TwU'St CHAHUlTTi:. N. C, MONEY LOANED. W'i-* loans tut iuiprnvnl farms in York nnniity. ? j,nr omit intorosf. Kr asy. No hrokor's commissions. Only actual rusts of per fortius 1.?i( 11. Apply to C. NY. K. S|*'ii cor, Ally, at I-i\y, Hock Hill. S. 01 to uipi? v?iyin-d tit Yorkvillc, S. ('. C. K. Atty. at Law. May s<- ;lin J. U. Traywick & Co., DEALER* IN FINE EHJUOltS AND WINES, No 4 j Kiut Trartc Hf. I'HAKMkTTK. N. ('. Silverware. We mo adding at all tintra to oi\r line <?f Sterling Silver all tlie ihuhI desirable pieces for talde use. I*'?>r progenia or n-e in your family you can, find nothing Welter. 'Plume *>77 CHAUU?'ITK N I ( I \ < I DR, J. L. SPRATT, i , t^iTiUSlXW DKNTIST. <>l)i? < in .hams building. Mail* Street, Fort Mill.. S. C. M;jv tf. Repair Shop. i am still ruauiuK a ihepntr Simp at the Sprat t Maehitie tV>,'s shops ami will eoutimu* to <lo s*t ishju'tory worV ;.t pnci ( a> low as tin# lowest. On aecouitt of the hard times and aearcitv of money, I have decided to cut the price on horseshoeing to 10 cents a round, tiivc me a eall. ti-JO JS\ L. MAYKK. Why Do You Throw money nwny 1 >y huyjn^ a cheap ^nitlo of JJiiniess, when you cnti net the I vast jlomi Miiiie liurtien.s til the 1 v r-ci inn |n i rr . How is your saddle? Nnw's 41*' time fo have it reimired. (live ine a call. J. E. MARSHALL, l ( )|>|>. ('i-l|lrut Hotel lioei< till.I., S. NOTICE. I 4 hi ai'mint of tile Hiimil nmrj_fiit of profit allowed on the new school ' boolyH adopted I>y the State, we will iell them only for ?pol cash, 1 ^ There will he no exceptions, we are keeping them principally for * tlm convenience (?f the public, and plenye ask no further favor. 1 The wholesale price is printed on each hook l>y the publishers. Ivesp' ctifully, W. B. ARDREY & CO. : [jmtiu - ..c .-> .V'* F ifF&l h S^V-v..?X. I We Like Your Do.lar ' in |kiv111< 111 of laumlry work left in ' our care, 1ml we slrivc ns wi ll fur your upprohatioil. < Mir aim is to wash plot lies idean. iinn shirts, collars anil cutis to your liking Iwr mean hy polished or donieat ir liuishi, ami tfeiier jillv to afford you the hest satisfaction tit prices commensurate wit li, jjood work, hilt still rlpnp. Tin* perfect work of t ile Model Sikiiiii I-ikutulrv. t harlot tc. N. ?all the time at short prices has Won the general favor of pvul dressers. Shipments made Wednesday evening. Kn. h. m? Kl.ii inky. aoknt Fort Mill, S. t tfXCKLSmii xriJSKKI KS llave a tine record The (ieorpia t?oard of entomology cert ities to the health of their stock. Their trees fruit a year or t wo earlier than t he lit I le switches sold hv some firm*, I have the jtiyency and shall canvass York county to lime to , fake, orders for fall delivery. Phase sum your orders for ine. Finest ov??r^recnsaiid lluwers. as well as fruit trees, for sale. SAM. F. MASSKY. F< )KT Mild.. S. <\ ITV1 I 1 lsfcferIn All Departments of our printing plant there is the same care ^iven to producing printed matter thai is a credit to printer and user. It takes intelligent labor t<? produce the sort ol printing\ou care to 11*1*. Let us furnish estimates and show von what we can do tor you. K. M. LONDON, Kock Hill, S. C. V Do you need We have just rec in all the latest styles I ' Dry GOOds. I5ig line to arrive , see tlieni and got our j ! IVhen You I Call and inspoet. <1 1 no latest st vlos and on . quality and prioo. SornethSffi This is u subject ono, so wo tako groat j stock in this lino. Fresh Goods, 1 < vv li'ii u'n i? f* no 1 ?' TV lit* I II \ \ ' I II I } *1 as any, quality coitsiri phono No. ItN and yo want. lie? M ILLS & ( Siicct'Hsorfi to Hu j p Meacham & nrr slill running o"r Annn (itxjils. Wo did m splendid busmen* week like it will elonu up our entir one-half the former prieo. LA OIKS' CiAl'/K \ liSTS. A nice line at 5, 10, 15 ami 25c, Knit Short Pants, 25 c. Mouslin Pants, 10, 2!? and dite.? special. IK )SK. llluek Drop Stitch SIIk Heel and Toe. 50c. ItlacK Lace Striped Rose, 25c. PdacK Pace Stripod Husc, 15c., t \v?? for 25c. P.laeK and White Socks for ehil-1 A1 KX'S ST K A W 11 ATS. Wo cheap. M KN'S COLLARS, A now lo at 10 cents each. JMEACIIAP Be wise in tin Late knowleds When you want 1 % regular lawyer. When you want s your pastor. \\ hen you want i 1 1 V regular physician. I> buy drills, or have pre a regular dni?n>ist. I \V ill (ill your p scribe (or you. I have (Mice in practice and d TIIOS- B. MEj ''\ ' i ';VJ a Hat? eivcd a nobby line* and colors. . tliis week. Call and prices, Vant Shoes > * air line. We have all m please you both in ig.To Eat. that interests every* care In selecting our Best QuaHtiss, row, wit h prwwsins low ereri. Gull on n* n will get what you ipeetfully, YOUNG. IpllUH tfc You Hp.) a : Epps. * * id Summer Sftle on nil Summer i in Millinery Inst week. Oih* ifcore e line. You can buy n Hat At ???? rlrtm, two for 2.r?o. SLIPPERS. Wo nre aelliu^ more Slippers tluin ever before. Tlie great bargains we otTernre mnKiug them go. DRESS GOODS. A new piece of White Welted P. K., the Joe Kind nt 12 1-2. A full line of American Indigo Print* at the old price, 5o. per yard. J ? *v will cIohc out our entire lime very tof"LI. & I.'' Collars, all ktylee, n & epps. r ...... IICi ?e is often lost. ogal advice, go to a piritual advice,. go to nodical advice, go to a ut, when you want to ascriptions tilled, go to rescript ions and pre aCIIAK, M. Du