University of South Carolina Libraries
' THE FORT MILL TIMES, I ho TIMES COMPAQ? y.^r; 4'?nKgi"tw?i/m&' on vwwtft 'v piviteo, jiul we <J<> not ]?/ ('oniiiiiiniVutiniis cniiinihiii? i|i/jt$ t|ja? ;j h? wonls, unit"no l>> jo ywuieij for t'Jie views of ' SAh 'nil 'uiWcrtisinV tiinijiiwii lov I'lijfJl'loftn, K.nuiilo, "Kort tfjli!'' an',) KlSfk Hill lniH}n<'nH (louses' Tln>;L'iint-H is uusiir piitV.H nii'ufc kiiown i,"f ion to tjie |>ii)>lisper. ' 1' Local Telephone Jfo. 2<1. JJJLY '.If, }!/<>/. Kt?ar Adinirjil Schley fooled the naval clique, which lniu done such dirty work to tfy to diHcjrpdj^ jiiui j|( tfje eyes of thp A pcfica(f people, when lie called Secretary Lop^'e |>liiIV imkJ (lei}|ipi()e(l a court of iqimirv inlo Imh conduct durincr the r | ?t # J - f f ? T hunt ill Guhap \VHters fof fhe Spanjsli tieet. A()in|nil SeJjIey knew of the intention op tjje parf of the duple, which hp* controlled the Navy DepartmentKince the beginning of the McKinley adtninistration, to puck the court against him if he naked for jt. and advised hiuf to waif for a more propitoiiH time. Tbld time arrived when the plerk i" the Brpojclyu navy yard wrote und^r orders from the Inngunge concerning Schley that j >voi)li hayp (Ijagrnci'd th^ lowest gutter-snipe publication in the poultry, and aliainelpssly lab |ed it "Jjiktory" npd Hougljt t(j hayp I it. made a text book at the Naval Academy. The rji?iue overshot 1 the . Jnstend of jnjurinu Schley, [lie juihlicat ion aroused the . country's sense of fai rplay, and to- j day the (|enmnd for an inquiry that shall he conducted hy men of honof noj puppetH of of the ejique js rin^in^ ffop| tlie ,\t)iqjti<; t(? the Pacific, It is no^ ijp to Socejafy Tjnnjr. TJpit. pUh'll the country demands qii?I i| \yj|| tu^o no les^ Secretary Loii^ IpiwpyoiniHc^ that Hucli a cojirt s|?a|l he named and if Mr. Mcjvinley in as >yisy a politi- i cian as he is credited with heinj^ he will see that {.he promise ia kept. No political question is involved in thin inquiry, hut ?py failure to pive Schley the justice which every [irave offlcer is entitled to at the hands of the powers Hint lie, will make it a political tpioa^ion of the nioHl (laii^croiiH wort. Columbia v?. Charlotte. There is a friendly controversy 011 between the (.'olipnbia Style nyd ihe Cjiarlotly ()\?neryer as to the ineiils and advantages of thy respective cities which tlmy so |ih|y remanent. an outsider we can split t|ie dise mutiny eyenly leered itin^ Charlqtte \yith tl^o merits and Columbia with the advantages. The case reminds us of the backwoods man who rejoices in seeing his tirst railroad train, compared with thq town man who, though it i js a common bigl^? still likes to ! see it. Colombia bay nwuly some strides of tplvanye^ieut recently, thanks to Nyyv Kngland capital and foreign grains, \\ul it iq going to take Now fC^pland fitizenqhip to prizp he? ol(\ piohhI*H<*kH out of their lethargic nfat^ and pevtuit their oily t(> he mentioned in the ^aine bracket wi jh Charlotte. Howover, i?I\ patriotic Soi\th OaroliniaiiH are much ^ynt|f^ed to know and kco that Columbia's natural < i\ . < e a ' " i advantages are aasertia^ U\eip- i pelven, notv.'it Indi^idin^ the ifference of her p^onle, bnf the (alitor of The State should atoj) amid the e^nboranpe of his exultation and take a trip and the audacity of hie prp^oaitiona to T^e ^)bserve^ y^ill (laze him. The people of f'ofuiuhia will realize that will take more than one milliop foliar cotton i^illj y>offset the Ioh^ of a vViut hrou cplleiro. and all her i -? i? 'x.*' I T? ' | Utilis with two or three Shandong will iiyt etiunl a Di^worth. The governor una appointed the following to scholars!) ipe in the ('harles^on I icaT college, one troiii each conorypbionai district: Miss Marion ft. MncMillnn, of Charleston, first district; S. \\ Morrnl, of Kdgoficld'. second; Co. Laud () Matildin, of Pickens, third; Oscar LiHord(e, of Kiohlsnd, fourth; Hal ward* S. Hell, of Vo\k, fifth; Thomas C. J.ohns/m.of Florence, H.xth; H. H. Carter, of Colle^i, seventh. ^ - JMcLtU'lo Asked tu Resign. 4t a meeting of the pemocrat'c State executive g ijpiniltp, IpltJ in P''t )hhI Thursday eyeying, I if tf foljowfyg pbo[ution, calling on . fymM Ms'l.WW l,9 FWWt W panned, ty'heajreifH, | hp If on. >Jf jhjf L. MpJ,nurjif, lTnited fcitafeg Senator, eleeleij to reypaent the State of South (Japiina in the Rational CongreKH, ipiH by bin uffiliptioiin and votps in that body ignored the Democratic national platfoym find , thereby nusreyie?ented the State It lid Ilia I )i-IiiimThI ii* I'i iiimI ! 1 who elected Itiin: Therefore, be it Resolved, That it is t}jesense nnd Conviction of the Democrat ip Sjate executive coiuinittee thai Senator , J. Ij. McLaurin, from the standpoint pf honesty and self-respect, should tender liis un<|ualitied resitfnation immediately, i It was like a thunderbolt from a clear sfiy. The action, bein^ that of men who largely attend State conventions, may imjan that similar y|cws wil| be adopted by the next State convention.' Tim friends of McLaurin had a bard time and of the live who voted to kill tin; resolution some took, occasion to say they did so simply because they did not believe it was the tliue or lilaee to ii?lr Fur K^.mi..r L ? McLaui in's resignation. Senator Tillman was, natui'Hlly, the moving spirit behind tin* resolulion^ condemning Me Lain in and asking f?>|- !iits resignation. The State called the primary to till the place of Congressman Stokqs for September 10, but the calling of the primary and the arrangements for the canvass were entirely overshadowed by the McLaurin incident. The Richards resolution condemning Senator McLunriti, and asking for his resignation, was passed by the following vote: To kill the resolut ion; Louis Ap-' pelt, A. ?l. A. IVrritt, N. l>. Dial, A. G. Mil?M, l)r. It. F. Smith, *>. For the resolutions calling for McRmirin's resignation: Senator Tijlman, Chairman Wilio .lnne.s, A. \V. (Jones, \V. W. Williams, F. F. Lutittc, G. I hi lie,a n l?el linger. Thomas Martin, A. S. (J. McCoy, T. .I. Cunningham, T. tl. Kitchens D. H. Tray for. D. H. Magill, .!. A. Mo Denuot t, J. G, Richards,T. G. Williams, 1.), J. Griffith, W. I). Fvans, Cole L. Blouse, \\ , (>. Tain m, 11. 1). Lee. tl. (J. W11 born. 21 M. (J. Perry (jlepn way excused from voting ami suid: "I 11 i?! not vote for the resolution to ask Senator Me La u rin to resign Ins seat in the I'piled Statys Senate for the Reason that the constitutiou of the party was tixeij l>y the peoole and the ne<n?le w.ll it.?.i _ ... g ? " .. ... V.MV'll till? mutter in the next primary." Senator Tillman was severe in his denunciation of McLaurin The committee refused to tahle tiie resolution, 21 too, and adopted it by the same vote. The lo.-olution asking for Mchiaurin'H rt^i^nation was otfered by Kichardn, and wuh a substitute for that of iN|a^ill, and the Majji|l resolution was dropped, l^ichurds's having been adopted. -4W? ? FiliolnOH Oiler to Hrwan 1 -- -- -iW ? Will. J. Bryan on Thursday tft\ve his version of the story that A^uin^hlo promised hint tinnneiid assistance in his campaign of a year a^jo. Air. Bryan says it was While he was in New Y-.rk that two Filipinos sent a request to cp.nfyr witli hit\i. He declined to meet tliein and sent a friend to explain that lie did not think it proper to hold a conference. The Filipinos said that Aguinaldo was willih^ to issue a proclamation promising to lay down arms, m cn.-o of Mr. Bryan's election,'ami also was willing to contribute to the Uejnocratic campaign, fund, hut Mr. Bryan refused to consider either proposition and did not require uieih to furnish any evidence of1 their ri^ht to represent Aginaldo. i * White /nan furnn Yellow. Onmt consternation was felt bv the frieil/bl of M. A. llogatty d/ 1/eviiiKtoii, Ky., When thov saw lie was tnvning yellow, tits skin slowly ehnnyed color, also tlis eyes,' iiiiit he" snftered terribly. His malady WiW "Yellow Jamitliee. 11?was treatert by the lies! tioelor-, bin With-Hit bene til TIi.m h<> was :yl\ i-nd to try Klootriii Hitters tin- woiut rful Stomach anil Liver remedy, mid he writes, ' After taking t wo'-oith-s I was Wholly envibt A trial proves'its liiutehless 'merit for all Stomach Liver ami Kidney tnmbl?9. Only IHto. Sold by Thos H. Mem-ham, Drniorist. Iiera* of 5Ute News. Chief Justice Mclverhas called . a special t*nij of the supreme join 1 I on < Jctoljer 7 1? hei^r argument in tf;e Florence waterworks case, and j it ja pxpocted tIjaf climes of other cities inieresjlyd in like puterppises will also ha lipard. The Charleston frjendg tjf Se||a: t?>r McLuupu are sai<| to Ije highly j inpenBcd over the action of the State Democratic executive committee in calling for the resitrna: tioii of the junior senator. They I declare that the action of the coinmittee is not only a reflection upon Senator McLaurin, Imt upon many others as well, meij who have been life lonn Democrats anil who stand squarely by McLaurin in many if not all of the ideas which lie noiy advppntps. The tobacco season in South Carolina has opened with heavy sales in the tobacco bejt. The "break" was made in Dillon Wednesday by the lirstSales of tobacco for the season at the two warehouses. ajjjureiratiii^ J0,000 pounds. F rices were satisfactory to the | , farmers. Jno. C. Campbell of Blenheim is : aniiouneed as- a candidate for sec re ' nq*y oi state next year. i\lr. Catupbpll wan for six years county auditor am! in now a member of the house of representatives from ! Mar l)orocounty. The Confederate monument at Aiken wart unveiled ot} Tuesday There ^yere ?pveral tings in thy pioccs$ion, anions tliem being the ring of the Cobb Legion of CJeorgiu. wlprh passed through nupv battles tlpm any other Confederate : dag. Without afafiug hiy reasons, the ' Hon. II. M. Stackhouse, one ot tlie 1 tnoni In is of (he lioard of trustees of Clemson college, lim? \yritten (iovernor MeSweeny rpsignipg his position as a member of the board. ! I'leas (iillanif who killed Thomas i Adams a few mouths ligo pi the upper part of Newberry eoiiuty. I was found guilty and aenteneed to be jiauged on the 30th day of An! ??>?t. Tlieatoekholdei8 of tin* Newberry Cotton Seed Oil and Fertilizer Company at a speeial meeting I last week sold their plant to the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Com-i il'l : - 1 - - j'nii). jut* priee jmin neis i lit* tin* stockholders Sl.tid on 81. A ii tpiknown ijt'uro, said to 1) an escaped convict, burglariously fit- ' tered Alderman's store at Aleola Thursday night and stole a pistol and six watches. lie pa.-scd .\leo la and sold two watches, and was kiliedat Forest on by Captain Haines whilo resisting arrest, lnlpii- 1 dant Spratt had ariested him hid he escaped, and pi the second attempt to arrest him he drew a pistol and was shot with a gun. Tli e following military supplies have heen funished this State by the 1'nited Sates goyerinnent: From the New York arseti d, ;i.(RM5 cartridge heltsand fasteners. From Columbia arsenal litH) Springfield nlles and lit arm clients. From Indianapolis the same. From Frankfort arsenal. 20,tltX) ball cartridges. From Kock Island, li.tHlO bayonet scab boards. *>0 ramrods for ^prinytii'Ul rifles. 51) rear sights, 51) hummers. IK) In toll springs, 50 lumliler kciywh The \vh<?lo uggre- ! guteg in vnluothe sum of -? Drowned at Rock hill. \ lh<cl; ITill special of Sunday to The St,ife says that this afternoon two lmys wyir? drowned in a deep |n?ol in Mr. V. II. Me.Puddcn's granite quarry in the \\ estcrn part of I he eity. Tl\e affair was j ;^s tragic, as it was sail. The little fellows were about 151 years i ohl anil were ehiUlrea ??f opprativus at the Arcade mills. Their names were I .le'tf Sistare, aiul Robert Bishop, son of! a i??or widow who came here from Spar- ; tanbnrg. There is a spring in the bottom of the j quarry anil a quantity of fresh water has . i collected there, inviting the boys of the ' neighborhood to sjstrts whieli seem | iluubh pleasant this hot Sunday after- i iiooii*. ' ' | 1 The boya were playing on a lodgo covered'with water to thc'dcptli ??f a few inches. Tlprv was a slimy dejsisit on the surface ?\f the ruck and Bishop slipped and shot hey olid the ledge info tl\e deej>er water in the middle of tl\e quarry. (iallautly his comrade came to the lcsciie and together they went down to de.^th iti 2<> feet of water. The quarry is ar quite a secluded sped ami is ne?r ls*intf I \ve?yke*d .just now . The* tuily eye*\\ itimss of th" tragic eliding of a Sunday frolic, wore two children, one ejder. and tho | otlyv younger than the two wl\ei had gotten into danger. OiumJ tlmm waded out hid saw ho could d<? nothing. ( Ho then ran to tho mill jyivo the* alarn. hut t)\c help which arrived s|HMit a seele'in 11 day dra^/iu^ the depths until tly* Itoelics of tllee hoys \Vorc ve'covorcd. Tho Sistiire* hoy's fat her is a shoemaker ( and en tut*, hcru frpnt Kinj;.-Mountain. ? -* ?- ? A Poor Millionaire i latterly starved in r>?ndoji because- ho . eeonld not digest his food. Ktirly'iise eif < Dr.'Kind's New Life 1*1 Ms would have \ saved hint. They strengthen the* stomach, aid elitfevi Ton, promote*a-?\tnilal ion, intja'o e app-.ii,; I ru*e 'h'o. Memey l>?n U if not vilislied. S> Id hv Tlios. It. i M.e*nediam. DrngKist. ? -? * < R. (1. 1 >tiit A: Co. wiU probably i cHtabl'dh a branch ollie^.* in Colnin- ! bju < t t County Ncwi. Rock Hill Hurnlrt A|iss Alary Bplk. of Fort JVIill, [spent Frjdqy in flie city. AJr. and AJte. Will. Ifnnk^ up to Fort AJLill Thursday tq spend flip ?|ay wjth friends. Air. aqd Mrs. fjoopge Corjijfell, of l4 qrt All 11, are quests at the homo of Air. Dnyid Garrison. The Koch Hill lfqllej-Mills have resumed operations after overhauling apd placing additional machinery. A rouue ptoln five young tufjfeys from I'rof. J. A. Boyd's fowl liouse Thursday night. Tl)e 'Rock Hill Buggy Cq. has made application to tfio Secrefary of 5^tat<* for an increase pf its cap iuii slocK troll) UOlf tp Mr. Sloan Wilkerson, who was eqininited to jail Tuesday jn der fault of 1} of $f>00, being chained wjth bignnjy, succeeded in finding bondsmen'and Wednesday wag Released. Yovkvillo Enquirer. Mr. K. Thomas, of Sharon, was in Voi kvilla last Fridny, and while Ijore exhibited to the reporter an interesting revolutionary relic in the shape of a powder horn that Mrs. Thomas's great grandfather. Win. Adams, used at t.m battle of King's Mountain. Win. Adams lived in the northern partlof the eounty, and Recording to the best information of Mr. Thqnmg, was the progenitor of the Adanih family, nftprxyard so numerous and influential in Bethel, Because of itfj (Kilriotic associations and the manner of its coming down to her. the old jmwdpr horn is very properly treasured by Mrs. Thomas as one of her inoyt valued pitgsessiyns. Yorkville Yijomuii. Mr. \V. I). Harrison, aji aged farmer living near Fodder, died Thursday. He had been in bail health for a number of yoat's. Many of our reiylers will lenni Willi regret thi^t there will bp no Alljance pieiiic at Tir/.ah tips year. For several years this large gathering at Tir/.ah after the crops have bepn "laid by" hi|s |jerii looked forward to and attended by thoi]sanda front this and adjoining counties. i f -* +- Notes from (jold Hill. 4uly :i(|. - The people of this sectioii havq l^een having a terriblq struggle witlii General Green and his fofcqs foij the past tqu days aipl he has taken possesion of some spots, lie i.+ also holding forth in the neighborhood of Charlotte a$ Vpur oorresjpoiideiit was in that eity last Satkirday ""<1 his vyay passed a formqr neighbor who moved frodii this section about three years' ago over the North Carolina litne. Tlip gent Ionian was barrinig Jotf lps cotton for the third time and 1 was informed that he finished dhopping out only lint Friday. 1 njiso learned that one of Ills lll'iirll tiiiru t?i..L.wl mi II In.' - r-fr-"'" f" ? "1*. " l,,n* .y?ek of grass w;1ji?-li measured six feet in length. Yot\r correspondent ilill 11 >U this hut lie Iiiib seen scune -Mower home that \vould measure tirlep or (nur feet. The Bcloill at this place which openetl U/l two weeks ngu. has ilollhled iiolitteiyhuicc and is in a tlonrishinj. Condition. Mr. Kncvl W indie, who had the inisfortuiiflif haying his leg broken some tinle ago, ;s getting; along as well as oiluId l^e expected. We hope to seju l\im out again in a few days. The concilitioty of ^1 r. Thomas Merritt who has Re en ignite feeble for several montl^. has improved very little, if any during the past Week. While working ip. the field last Wednesday morning Mr. J, H. Coltharp, f ueling somewhat il\/4zy. started to t lie house lo cool otV. Several lion rs later \ie was found by his da tight t-r, Miss Fannie, in a gully a short distance from the house, and examination showed that lie hail received a stroke of paralysis. She assisted him home noil su111111<i111'i 1| Dj. Th<tin{yo>ii. At present he is getting along as woll as could I we expected. Mrs, Colthnri\ is ah o sick. Mr. W. Iv Kinibre\l is laid up at present with a ciyse of measles. Roy. 1^ oaz^les 1'He World. No Dv*P?.\ (,ry yi nu jlicuiP has evur rreateil one quarter of the oyeirtiuont that Juis Is -en ciyiMd by lh*. Kyig's New iMneoMorv for I'oiisumntioii. It'* severest t?lui'vo, beep op hojx>Jrs> victims of .Oniishmptinn Pneumonia, I hmonlt,an<'i. Pbmris-.y ami, llroncl\itis, lhiiiumii<1x >yf wlumi it lain restofed to perfect htuijUh. F?,r Cojtnhs. Colds, Asthma, Oroup, Hay Fever, Ibursejiess upl Whooping, Confix it is the quickest, direst ran- 4t? the world,, Tt'is sold by rims. H. Moachn'ni, win ^aarftittecs satisfaction or fcvfuntl money. I jo no bnjti Irs Vk'an<l 41 .OfO. Trial lsttMes five. |- --? ? Tito Sta le board of assessors will hold h liC'din^r in Cohunhjn < ; J uly 31 ic^? take tiual,action oji the matter of the assessment of l\te Southern Railway's property itt Charleston. * 1. i ) The governor has disr hurled Constable Kowell, who sent a nsei less aiuj SfMisationftl tpjemmn fv??iM j J Florence hs to the pnfureowjeijt of lljp dispengayy Ipw in that town. FOl* (JQQI) wBismm; WINKS, |UU?SP1ES, ETC., I ? I CAI.I. qs OR WRITE TO W. FT, HOOVER, CHARLOTTE, N. C. ph tnpt. 7 prot t* (I > : NO TEH , t ? X w ??jr j'hoto f.?r free report on intentahititv. <*llcto W wt and F'?r*dprn Intent* nnUTradi -M:?rk?.*W ? A- TREE F:iirc?t trrtna c*er o(f?re<l ' to ?nv?*tit??rw. W Jl LATENT J-AWYERb OF 06 YEAR3 PRACTICE ft $ . 20.000 patents procured through them, ft, vl) All Miidavntia!. *?oun<l advice ^utthfnlQ, Qftaervke. Moderate charms. flF R. SNOW & co.? $ PATENT LAWYERS, ft ^Opp. U.S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, ??. .. . rr??r?rr?:? Call Up No, 27, u lien you want nood. fregh | it will pay yoij to buy froijj tip' Special prices to our ooipitry lnrne quantities. t^'&l IRA G. 3M(Yri MKAy/iM OL ij: iHKl l Your attention is called to tin1 i First 11 nit ^ye j^uarnnjee gat isfac eqpi and wheat, t >ur papjicily is If wjieat per day. Second, that >ve buy pay cqyn, a itv; and gel! (lour. tnea). crusbed an d.iil^h and all mill products at hqvef i ROCK HILL R( ?: ? Don't Make the lYJi Of your Id'e by ^oinyj to the wn 1'?|J1J iSijOl', where you will find n ready t?> serve you. Our pitrons tie , of hojes. rips, cuts and fringes. \\'t shave. Call at third dqor of J hud; I CAROTHEF I Our Great QflVIon$\ Hoys* and For Two W On August 1st, >\ stuck i\m\ have decided all Clothing to the con Just think of buy ?.u!y frw and a buy's, sui This Cut Sale of UK/nor Wednesday, Jul two weeks, or until Ai Our Saciifce nr? i * i m r navo soia a <>;i tor<\d SJmos and Slipjiy nin^ of <?iir i\\t JYioyd liavo a low p*u.V- loft. I all, you w ill pd^s ? W\ don't buy a pair at oj vaUto. ('all, and soo 111 "THE OH) KELI T. H. HELK, Tou^vo l/lifjr ,-qly ex^;ci?>i|(.r;r( workmen. whq 410 in iittomjaHCQ at aijv time vqu cull. (}ur sJjqji will ty? found in t)j? jjiiihlinu. west of railroad. Haji ?? sjjcciijlty. BILL IK & STEVENS. Blacj^Muilliing: and Rpppfring. I tlifink my friemls for t)ipir past fftvprs, nnd, in flie futqrp, j h))hI| do nil in my power fo please them and mppt ji cu|)^mmucfi uf |]p?ir patronise, My thirty years experience in B}uckytnithinjyr ai)d Ip-paif work is thp ^unraptee | offey. satisfactory \york for U?bh mopcy t||ap you ran ^ef elsewhere. 7-jl-tf A, A. YOlTN(f gLD NKWSPAPEKS FMK SALE AT THE TIMES QPFJCH. JEEP, aptl wljpp ip neeij tjf ICE lai^pst dt'aipt'K i 1} town. frieii(}s and olljers \yljo vynpt it in ppct fully. THB & SON. Tr-r :??ij. vKLl>. i?llo\yin^ fftett;.? t ion in irrillflilltr i??i?l ovnliiiii<.!? -- m r-*1 >0 biishpls po|*|t and 'J.~>u bell corq. and wljeat qf j?ood qunl<1 crocked corn, client brand, nijdd market price. Outdity beat. )LLFR MILLS. r:???r:??? i s^ake t"g place. Visit thy C|TY lJARi corps ?>f Yt'bito barbers qlwayq yer ^o away wit |i tbcir facqs lull beautify the facp witl^ aq t???y 5uildiu?r, facpio raijroad. IS & SON, ??s? ... ? . ' Cut Sale Cly 1<1 rail*' Clutliing. eeks Onlv. / o. will begin taking to cut tbe price of J 1 ing a Man'&t suit for t for only 5f\ rents. Clothing W'iU w,mly lit 1^ au<1 last only l^ust 1st. ?J ; Shoe Sale. 1 m\t xrnny Uwv^uflr(NVS. sjlK'O tllO bogflln Shoo SaU\ \\\it still [f yon, \yotir s^vos. at iiiino h^v^uu if you DO'half tlioir (burner to lino. [ABLE STORE: j Proprietor. j.