University of South Carolina Libraries
SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Time at Jacksonville nn<l Pavamah. Rastei a Time ut Other Points. Pcluslule in Effect June Hrth. 100L KORTHROUND. U.'uK Uni^i (>v. Jnvkwiarilie tP. tit Hot'a' 7 4-iy " savannah (Ho. tty i \'i 1- l**? " Kamwetl .. 3Mp 4 l* " Hlackville 4 l-t> <>* <Lr. Columbia &.Wnj 6 U? Lv. Charleston, (So. Ky 7 (*.'n; 11 o.'jv ... Hummcrvillc 7 41a l'AMJtj " Iirnnchvillo VUln -00a; .... ' OrailKcburK * tt'JHa - 4-Vi, .... " Kinxrillo 10 - In I0<a K r. Columbia II 10a| 5 J on .... Lv. Auvusta. (ho. Itv. ( tilioy i'Joy .... Lv. Oramtoville Hi?ti?llOl.*?i>j Lv. Aiken HUtip .... Lv. Trenton HWp 11 t>?J?: " Johnston 40ipll-l0;? Ar. Columbia. . 54?\> ' ! 1'Ja. Lv. t'mmnhiu, bldft st .>.v>t> <i i'.'m .... " Winnslxiro ?i.VJ;>i 7 -o." .... " Chester 7 8rty| K 17a IUICK Mill *i>.jp, * l*"!l Ar. OIvirlotte_ . ... '.'.Via Ar. D:invil.V . 1J pvi i ;iSi> Ar. Kn-lnmnni fiUIA it4<ip Ar. \Vns(u!ik,M<>ii . ... '.it?,p .... " Baltimore (Pii.UR) ' 11 I'm. 11 .'tip " Philadelphia . 11 J .V!n " New Y? rk . .1 ittftp it ift'n tv. Columbia . . . 11 :{ i-t 7-lin .7 Ar. Spartanburg Slop 10 Jtin " Aaherillu 7 liip' liOlp Ar. Knoxviiln 4 Ota 7 Inn Ar. Cincinnati ; .r7T?i h 1w?i 71 Ar. L<>ulrtvill?; 777. *7dup| 8 AUn'T roi'tiiiiiiunu. M";'' Daily Daily Lv. Louisville . ; Win . jjjp .... Lv . Cincinnati . 8 (Mi 8u6(> Lv.Km.xvil!.- . ..77..." .~7~ " 1' s iu AshovtUu. 7 Uftu :iuoi> " Hpttrtnnbtint .. lo.ilfta it lftp Ar. Columbia .. 7' I5p -IliDp Lv. New YorktPa.rt.Ki adup, r.l.iot ..... " Philadelphia GUftp a."-, a " Baltimore H:17p d TJ-i Ly. Washi'tft'n (So.Hyl O.Vrp !l iftn Lv. Klcunnmd Fl M~n> l'Juim Dniiyillo . . .. j 4 ikVt ft 4*p! . Lv. Charlotte |"513ob| itDop' " l<oek Hill 0 ltm lj4 ip " Cluster ! 0 4 la il lap " WmnKtm) . Id ivi UUla Ar. C'rtumM.-i, iHMkSi 'll :t5a | oftn Lv. Columbia. tL\ D.i.. 'r.MUai 3ftm. "7777 ' John ton i l tup' 003a " 'fronton 1 ft.'p IPJKa Ar. Aik.-rt !i:io;. 7 ;>? . Ar. Hraniteville.. ... '.'vlp Uft?? Ar.'Ammata .. HOjp ! Lv, Uvliunliln too. Ujr) I " KinitvilU) ! H 46p liltfti " Orniurebnrit 14U',. :i 4."ia .. . " Hrnnehville i ftltfip 4 i\a " Huniiiiei-villo il ;:.'p ,*.7i? Ar. Charleston . 7-vi- 7 *M:? Lv. Columbia is.i. Kv.| 1! 4. . 1 lie. 777 " Hlackv?l:e .. ' r,V?a \! ft-Ja ' BrmiMT'! Ii0;? . 77 " haViuiitai: 1 :5us;! |.*>s,' Ar. Jack . .nvillo (p. s.) 7 4 <|> 0 Iftn' Sloopinn Cur Sorvioo. F.xcaUont dally puH-svm.-r survive between TT1. ? hI.I .. .. ...1 AT V' .I riuiiuiiuuti nun Hint. Noh. H.1 mid ;v-l?Now York unci Klori?m kx press. Uritwintr-rooiii sioopim; ourAMkiistii unci Kt'W York, hillin.ui drawing room aleeinnjj curs between Port Tniiipn. .tiiel; imnrillfl, >uvithnuh Wn-ddiiknui iii.d Vew York Pullman n'cc.'iliif imrn l>e;wei-ii Chariot aul B * Richmond itiol < ainrloltc ami Norfolk. Dini'i;,* C?rs between Charlotte u 1 I Sii vnnuidi. Nos. tiii I h?V?U. S. 1 a-? Mull, Throwrh Pullman drawing-room hullo? .-doouingear-.In twin* 11 Jacksonville uml New York tuiil I'.tll mail Hlaoioau rnrs U'twirn Augusta unci I'liar lotto urn t'hni lotto mill lilcriinoud. Dining ears mtti' nil nioais enrou'e Pulltuiiii sleep ink cum liet\v?*u .lurks mville i.mi Coluiub'u, ttiroutr daily 1?? twoon larhsoaX'illeundC/'inolie nnti, via Ashevtlle. FRANK. B. UANNON', Sj. H. H AKPNVICK, Third V-P. A: I4e?. Mgr., Men. Pa* AiM., vus'ilngum, h>- o. Washingehi, l). c VV. H. TAI.OE. U. W. H> NT. Aa't Hon. 1'hrs. Ac't., Pi v. 1'idm. Ac't.. Atluntn, On. i 'hurli'- ion. S. C. RANIS' HORN BLASTS f~p\HK poor always I with you" is not a promise. iff ^'1P family cr?n ?"ly ho savetl by * liip^TvlL^ a famil>' **eli^i,?n. i The policy man doesn't always fi t /!?][? vv VvxVt t,u> premiums. rv?jrv( Y Ho win) comKvp ) pounds with the devil is like ly to I'd Impounded by * ? o * f him. The nirrlt that loads great souls tn emulation lends little ones to envy. Prejudice masquerade, as principle that it may slay it. Perfect praise proceeds only from pure lips. Nothing is more lrritablr t > the re stless than rose. The li ver of church malaria is not Christian fervour. ^ on will draw the world us your deeds draw the picture of Christ. Tiie two great inieats are great enough for two worlds. It is not wise to consume nil mud because same contains diamonds. You can never give the gospel 10 another till yen ear, say, "my gospel.'' The success of your ministry does not d pond on the strength of your misery. When (Ifiil shut* one do->r in your fare It Is to force you to find the otli r door. We are all Inclined to watch Christ while lie works and sleep while llo watches. The best preaching for the times Is preaching for the eternities. Many a long course college man makes but a short cut in the pu.plt. Almost all our sins of omission are related to the great commission. No fuel, no tire. God's plans are never plain until fhey are perfected. Your promotion cannot bj measured Iy your locomotion. nlifitfr.r of Old (Snnhnnt*. J. T. Sloan of Toledo, 0 , recently received a letter from a friend a: Chatham, Ont., which wnid that owing to the loo jam in the St. Clair rlvrr, the Thames, a branch of the St. Clair was about four feet lower than the average, and as a result three gunboats that apparently had been sunk In the war of 1X12 were discovered. Many cannon balls and old muskets havo been taken out and several cannon were also found. It is uncertain as yet whether the boats belonged to the Americans or th? llrltish. It Is expected, however, as soon as the cannon are raised, some mark will be found , which will show their identity. NOTES AND CO/i/TENT. The power of the State to requiro fls'nways in* dams across streams is held in State ex rel Remley vs. Meek, (Iowa,) ol L. R. A., 414. to extend to a navigable stream that flows beyond the bounds of the State, if the dam does * not affect intercommunication between the States. * J. Pierpont Morgan has purchased abroad a Persian rug. probably the rarest of its kind in existence, for which he paid $25,009. The rug measures 10 feet fi inches by 19 feet, made of Persian silk in Tabriz. Persia, and | was woven by Mohammedan friars l-io years ago for a Shah. Th" time re; quired to weave tho rug was sixteen years. Sir II. Campbeil-nannerman. the leader of the Euglish Liberals, is a scholar as well as a politician ifnd a 1 representative of the old type of i Englishmen in public life. John Mor* i ley said of him once that he was pro'.)- I | ably the only member of the Commons who had his "Virgil" and his ' Horace" as readily as his "tongue's end as was the custom a century ago. A merchant who gives to a dos'gnated class of customers an opportunity t? secure, by lot or chance, any article . f value additional to that for en -h customers have paid, is held in Meye.s vs. State, (Georgia,) 51 L. R. A. to violate a penal statute against lotteries or other schemes or devices for haz- t ardlng money or any valuable thing. A person seeking passage on an electric street car, who signals the car to stop, and then attempts to cross the track to get on he proper side for boarding the car, and 13 struck by it. is held In Walker vs. Ft Paul City P. ; Co., (Minn.,) 51 L. R| A., f?:tj. not to Vo | guilty o: ' negligence as matter of proper .-l^nals will be regarded. A circular addressed to voters, stating generally and unqualifiedly th~t 1 a candidate for re-election to the| islature has championed measures op- | j posed to the moral interests of the J community, when this is stated as a 1 fact, and not as a mere opinion or inj fereuce drawn from any specified acts,' j Is held in Etkhoff vs. Gilbert. (Miss.) 51 L,. R .A., to be, when untrue, libellous per se, and not. privileged. The professor of English at Williams College reports that he put test questions to forty sophomores of that institution to ascertain the extent and character of their reading. He found that ten could not mention six plays of Shakespeare; that thirty four c mid I not tell who Falstaff was. that tliirtyI five could not name a single "poem of | Wordsworth's or Brov ning's and that i fourteen could not tell who wrote "in ' Memortam." iiaiuil l iintmillV!, <Iliei (II lilt* p(M''8 bureau in tlie imperial palace of Toki >, says that the Emperor of Japan's 1 >ve of poetry increase* with years. Sear" ly an evening passes that his Majes y does not compose from 27 to 3d of the I 31 syllabled couplets called wa-kn. These are handed to Huron Talcasaki for examination, llaron Takasaki has held his present position since 1^91, and he declares that the number of couplets composed by his Majesty fr m that time up to the end of last March was 37,000. The prohibition of the possession of quail during the closed season, mad by a statute against shooting, de-tr >ying, or having the quail in possession during such season, is held in Smith I vs. State. < I ml. 1 f?l L. it. A.. 404. to be i sustainable under the Federal Cms i ' tution guaranteeing due process o" 1 .w o ra State Constitution prohibit r.; i property to he taken without just com| pensatlon. notwithstanding the fact I that the quail held in posses-i >n (1 1 ring the closed season had been law! fully acquired during the open s ason. ' i Casey?"01*11 liet me lint Jonah was 1 an Irishman .no loss." ReiUy? "Why d'ye fink that?" Casey?' Sure it's > ] hard for to kape an Irishman down." J L1II i ! A Bks J\ \ ?%?&* __4=i:^- _y?Hste J - _ - ' ; ' i 3 - v? ' | i ^ *A I J> Watch our next advtr Just try n package < y the reason of its popi t Stray Shots. His sacrifice is the seed of our salvation. Peace with God gives power with men. God's providence is proof of His! presence. Yon never find some people oat until you call on them with a bill. Cum I-lczeuiu. H?.l?nir (tumors. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) cures all akin eruptions, itch#ig humors, eezeuia. waver* blisters, hcuIis. scales, fivusriiig sores. boils, carbuncles; heals every sore by giving ? healthy blood supply to tiis skin. Cures old, j deep-seated ruses after all else fails. Drug- ( gists. $1. Describe symptoms and treatment sent fu?'? and pr ?paid by writing Dr. Gillarn, It! Mitchell lAreet", Atlanta, (la. The people who think they have all the trouble in the world are really suffering ; lroni vivid imaginations. t*ome women who are not naturally pretty make up for it in other ways. Sc? ndvt. of Smitiidhal'h Business Coli.eoe 1 Great Britain buys about 11,')00 ton* of ! German toy* annually. l'IT? permanently cured. No tit* or nervousness after tlrst day's use oT Dr. Kline's Or?a . Nerve Hc.-storer. fi'i trial bottle gjnd treatise frwj Br. H. 11. Kline. Ltd.. 1-81 Arcli Kt.s PhiLn. Pa The golf plaj^cr doesn't always know whwt he is driving; n*. Mr*. Wimdow'a Soothing Syrup for childron j teething, soften the gutAs, re Juoos inftamrua- ! tloii.allays pun, on:-.* win 1 e.iiir. J>- a bottl* ! Sevsnty-three per ce'nt. of ships enter- I in/ British ports lly the national flag. Piso's Cure for Consumption in an infallible , medicinehiccoughsandcolds.?N.NV.Kamuel, | Ocean Grove, N. J., Kob. 17, 11KH). Ocean steamers ran ascend the St. L?aw- , rcnce River it'll miles. V.". II. Ori2?n, Jackson. Michigan. writes : "Suffered with Catarrli for fifteen veer*. 1 fall's Catarrh Cure cured me." Sold by Druggists, 75c. A vessel going from Montreal to Port Arthur has to ascend 6(ri feet. Putnam Fadeless Dvks are fast to sunlight. washing and rubbing. Sold by all druggi?"'.s. Grcit Britain anil Ireland, according to the completed census returns, have a population of about 42,000,000. Oi\o way of giving the professional beg v.m a rnnriee 10 rise in the World If to give lnm <i good blowing up. I.iiitirw \l cur Nltne* On(> size smaller after using Alton's Foot- [ a po'v.iar for tin foot, It makes tight or n<-w shoes easy. Cure? swollen. liot. sweating, rolling feet, ingrowing nails, corns piui ' ( unions. At all droff cists ami shoo stores, JSn. Trial package FilliIi l?v mail. Address | AJlen S. Olmsted. L' Itoy, N. Y. J he beggar doesn't have to he weighed I in the balance to he found wanting. It est lor Ci.- fourh. No mntter what ails you, lieadach" to a cancer, von will never get well until your bowels are put right. Cahtvarkt* help nature, euro you without a gripe or pain, produce caav natural movements, cost you just 10 rents to start getting your health hack. Cascaret8 Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up in inetal boxes, every tnbUrt has C. C. C. I stamped on it. Uewnro of imitations. Does laughing cause dimples, or do ! dimples cause laughing? Is the oldest ami only busincsscollege in Vn. owning its building?a gr?.nU new ono. No vacations, j I,miles & gentlemen. bookkeeping.Shorthand, , iiicioiiiiik, iiiiman?nip, icicKrnpny, ticc. " Leading business college south otihe Polomac river."?I'fiila. Stenographs Adilrriw, G. M. Smltlidenl. IMtsiilrnt, Itichmoiul, Ya. DCmFOU SI-SOOT I? vcu do vou ?.l?cu'd send ycur na WINCH GUN CATALOGUE. It illustrates and describes all toe diftc Ammunition, and contains much vain Winchister Repeating Anns Co.. hnwwpyy?i"n'.,r .? Y WITHIN THE REACH "Wh3fJj T!if ret t? ? * Excite mer .!" ^">J J j I The net, v '? 4 I I. T.ikc oui [.C.'^)V, And the v. ^ Con.icctttrt For childr x Stptrmb \ Kcmcttthct To groci That upon I.I ON ( If he's v. i A twr>-ce You'll ict The Ll< tiacmont. >f LlOft COFFEE an ilurity. __r New Weave Mill. Ae^na Cotton Mills, now building at Union. S. C., has decided to install looms when the mill structure is completed. the first Intention having been to manufacturt only yarns. The spindles will number 10,000 and the looms 300. W. H. Sartor is president. Wigs?"They say Miss Antique is a woman with a past. Waggs?"Yes; 40 odd years of it, 1 should say." k "I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor to ( C stop my hair frora falling. Or.e- [ half a bottle cureu mc." I . J. C. Baxter, BraiSwood, 111. F j Ayer's Hair Vigor is F certainly the most eco- | nomical preparation of its I kind on the market. A E B little of iteocs a lon<z wav. ? \ It doesn't take much of j I it to stop falling of the j | hair, make the hair grow, 8 and restore color to gray I j hair. $1.30 a fcottls. All dni{?lst*- H B If your druggist cannot supply you, I B scud us ono dollar nnil wo will express [ jjj you bottle. Ilo sure and piro tlio nauie E of your nearest express oflu-e. Address, H J. C. A YE It CO., Lowell, Mass. t GLjEMaemenowr=T*nB2*oy*e I Liver Fills That's what you need; something to cure your biliousness and give you a good digestion. Ayer's Pills arc liver pills. They cure constipation and biliousness. Gently laxative. ah deists. Want your iii??UHta?*li<? or lusiril a beautiful brown or rich hint k ? Thru u?e BUCKINGHAM'S DYEWmV?^ >fT? O' n?f r. Hm i A cn . Us*.- > S t< FEMALE COLLEGE, NOV KI.SKWllKliK is thoro such nn Ideal of Cll HIS I IAN KI>U CATION. Lecture Cour-e. Librurv. Apparatus, CnbIn.'U 1> >- - * IUT. IJ lUA urcjiiin;, Monnunii, Art, Music. UORNER MILITARY SCHOOL, - 1 oxruitit, n. < . T)u' bckt <1 I sol |>11 iwil Sr linol nnd tlio mo* I I lior o n o li I j t u ii;* ii t Mrliolarn ( iniiuiiIrrd, Actual Results are tte test Arguments For I'litiloKUfl Fouildrd IS.M. y J. C. KOIIXKH. WADKIN VALLEY INSTITUTE, J BOON VIL.LL, N. C. Fall Term opens Alii 1-1. 19 >1. A school for bntii liMitlifnliy In- ti? I in on,. .,f the beit HoAtioni of N. . students from i't counties iii 1 r>tiit,s. only Jtl.ui for the term. ?\ rit: for lllusti mc 1 cuta loKue. K. It. KOliX, I'rlnrlpul. - - .. ?i i .. 7 V me and address on a postal card for a jj ^ npg-ras BTflK JLLb^ LJ I IT'S FREE. rent Winchester Rifles, Shotguns and I lable information. Send at once to the New Haven, Conn. 9 ? T^-Jun?U?rwggj' "-J -t-Tm?rmTy?di OF ALLS I 0 Tits fiefs Contain ?" ca?t, the net i? filled, Q t docs it contain? cs of the men are stilled c ropes thrv strain. i is yet uncounted, and 1 is yet un?ccn; it reigns on every handill the capture mean? vith contents yet concealed? r nev. Premium, s that are unrevealed, refore, yet unmissed. will t>e very rite . what presents rare, en. and f. >r man and wifj, cr first will bare. on that day to bo rr and "persist , 1 *"?' hcstiw .it'iiiJt nt Afcj.i.t. ho. < us, nt Mile Man Tur? it wi , ;s?? >N pr. '' 'isferiisii 1 of M. ,\. H?k ifii fhoy Miiv j y His akin slow, . ell ?ii<1 ho sum It R f was Yellow Jnrt y (1 you olZ "ri^he'Jstand | tlie [ yied^. E W00L50N 5PICH CO.. TOlj^jf f. OHIO. W, iwa vara 11 . wmwa i.miaaLiJ^HBMy M L ? ? ? "? O^O+C <0+0+0+C ? ? ? CAPUDINE I 9 For IIF.ADAf'HRS t A nnil FKVKItS. 2 * Taken with Qulnloe it prevents Ner- O Q vousness ami A hiiitr urn! relieves tho t X Fever. AT ALL l>I'.UO STOKES. V %>> <> O+O+O+O^O+O+O Mf SOUTHERN ? V ... J CONSERVATORY IISSImusic. ^ .**' < '.'t* v/Jt 'v. *i trT . ,-jj. V VI* Alt Iirunoh'nTadKht. I ?? >'i ? .t-*? !?'* ? : ' . C* v?1v/?iiiao'. uuex?-.lrd. j (i. U. UK V A AT. IK IttLA.W. \.<\.l?IHE<TOR. C D U C ATE for BUSINESS *^LEX:r3GTO!3 DuVlfitSS COLLEGE, l.K\l\(5TO\ KV A hlRhfl*.., IIUKln.-K^ t r.tluliu: Soh.ol Boy* an:t Olrt?. Hthjear. II,.. rc],il'jui,.n<<: R?*t "f i-v,>rytbliw. Coamw elective hii-1 i-A.i.ra.v Kithi-miitiei, i ivn i;ovf?rnni?%nt H*%n?ltik. I?a*v. lto?kkeeping, ?VrvwAiinhhi Mi<?rth?iid. rTpowritlni? and Fni?'KntrlUh. A rlt't nlnv r<?r ltnn?1 iKHik unci * ir oularn oxpialtilnsr everything. A<Uln'-s laenjntn.ii D. Jonrc I'rritdcDt. L?*\lu?lon. liv. nEDlCAL DEPARTMENT Tuianc University of Louisiana. I Found?d til \STj4. (lt d tictr he:: ij.Ml iJi'tUlmitCX. ; ft*- adY*utn**a inr pr-ctim iu?t*u<*tion, lo?tli in i?iu. 1*# laboratot i*?j* and nhur.cii..t h hpi'tl imiwum ?nrj ti??q t ailed. Vr?*t *co^mi ia giT?-i? to? li* irrear* Churty tt?? pita witii Jk<? bed* mid if. W1? m nti ?;*?!!> Sjm rial mihi rucf ?t? in ftiT-u da * at tli* Itcin da ??i iho k The ueit oil !* ;*. imp October 31a*. \W.. 1" .r ?a;a liiuuaa' it mSoiiiianiii* d1r#in Pu??v\ s K t', M. !>-, fietn. 1*. O. Duvir 161, New Or.etttt*, I .a. 1838. 1DU1. GREENSBSRO Ft MALE COLLEGE, (iKKKNSIlOUO, N. C. Literary ami Rttsinas* 0 <u >-. Schools of Mvislit. Art nml niix'H'.iu.i. I. t?'-nrr Coii'?" mi'l nil ItvLnc ?x;?mih?v ?.:0.) i"?r yoar, F.ill dosslon Ileitis lltii. ivOl. OitHl kho on apiilKutioa. Dukd 1'raoock. I'roj't. FOR COL01r D C . U1ENTS fir 30TH SEXES. ST. AUGUSTINE'S SGiiOOL, t; A >. ! Colteslntr, M rm;i I, i u<! tintr: r?l, Trainlilt* Mchool lor N tirho*. $6.flQa M'<nth itititrnts riiv Tnirt tlHr way nn] B'"> t<> lljilit :? t?r;i?niA, ?'rl.iHT?. jlrles.uv l ijr OnOtir tli-- Cliucch. Siib Y^.r. ror j o-tAloRUP. ai-p'y to I'rtnvipal, llstr. A. S. iluatr-r. | "airlc i. t'. iaLil p ; ... I r. 1 ...... ^ i.iikihuh, ? <) <l l i huts, iv l> l rogM'iC s mSiftCiilncs rikI Oth??r >:achlnory, ? >1 ttnuf i turvil bj" ill -> *r.I?r*v Iron Snicin, N.f'. ' yi~\s jlj jop-"V And Cleamce the ! Scales, and E Shampoc a n a sr r Si (.A A v tn' p N 1 m I fl \ v V v\ V >'j ; ' - ' \ yipr$# w ><s? :i . V-J- 4t> I ^ >'> >%! , A * ; pa j. . ^ | fei kL.u, ..Ls/ VLa, And light dressings with emollients and greatest treatment at once stops crusts, scales, and dand itching surfaces, stimuli supplies the roots with er and makes the hair grovi some, heaSihy scalp \vhe; ft /7T ? 3 H ? minions o USE CUTICURA SOAP, assis great skin curc, for prc:;srv the skin, for cleansing the i druff, and the stopping of falling and soothing red, rough, and sore and chafings, in the form of bath inflammations, or too free or offer, washes for ulcerative weaknesses, purposes which readily suggest the and for all the purposes of the amount of pet suasion can indu these great skin purifiers and beaul CUR A SOAP combines in ONE BEST skin and complexion soax, in the world. Complete External and Internal i Cnnilrtln* of CiTlctu a b1! "B waIos ami thila aWu? nmtnu ?n,l heal, and CoYICI t ij [ cm* mood a sinoi.k sitt I * C, ot I luif, clidflijurln?. ?:>'! h' Trlfh Ion* ot hair, -whew nil oImc fafU Sold thro1 DKKT A Sows, V. 4-?, C!u*rt. rboustc Sq., Loadoi l*iuy?, IK?c*oii, IS. S. A. % Mil K DAVIDSON, N. C. Kor twd-thinl' of p contnrr TSuvlfUon ?/has h'i!n unit': >uuui't-i o11ok?* lor tne th..rou',-hujn o trailing. the anility o tta . a ulU", kixl Ihu irun.-syhere of m';?rnHfy und honor uu lt? < umtius. It invites the attention of Very tut-cut who wUhi'H o pivuhi* ton ii thorim h class o?l or pc ent rtltteatioti under lufluences conducive to tu? highest i vj>t? of character. Fur l ata:i>KUOs > tc., a hirers HENRY LOUIS SMITH, fresidznt. TATE SPRING, T ol Ani? rm jj Hotol Opi'ii and Wr!?t Shipped Ihru^hmt tln? mod I n-f\lth and HI?*..suro rt In ?li?' ViiImii. Klt*etrlc I?i|rhtf. steam limit. Wntcr \\??rki*. Wnii-r iir<*? In t;cetftl ?ti, Dvs t:i. and ail trouble* ?r tin* Liver. st.?ninch. l.ladcur. iinu Klani-yn, Hbenmuti*m and Uloo l t Im'u* v. Write for l'aiu)>|tli*T. TilOs* i>\\ nor A: Propr, TATK SrUl.NCI, ! ENNKSSLE. PHEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA, |?}j| is:ts. I J J t he -ixty-foiirth set>?ioa will cotnmenr* t<ct?.t> ?? Ut. ;:nl. l>c;utrtnieli' of Mt'llylti,. t'"ir JTfrtr* "our? rt'i ? 'O.O' pe* l>e;.? tifo-nt "t Mitl^lry, thr. h year* c*>ife *??'. foe* l cpurtinfiit of F\u%cimry. i.vo yenr* feeg 9 ? F?ri r - txj? iur u? r J'4?rtn;inur - Uli-atKlA* lugct iu!.lr<-iv \ CiiRb'M'HER TOM.KNS, H D., Deaa, UK-lk.T10.N2>, VA. SIS to S3C( AGENTS PER WEEK \ SELLING CRAM'S POll'LAR ATLAS OK r S. AMI woltl.l). Now hums Now i>ii?u?: now Su?ttstl?Mi'?* |> ').tlInr :.ii<I val?iiMi< work fvcr ?>lTrroil. vjlll ki'<! hollor ihsuoll iii l?? yw, Kxcliisivo V?r?Uorr Low rlw Llt>ornl termn llL bolNi : i < o.. Atlanta. Oa. rto c> Pf^Y ' W ?'*:oVERY: ?t*?w t V V.r' U V-J b Mlllllt I'.lirf All.t curs, WulWt, boon itl te ihuoiuhW -111 llWiu,' trmltiR'at Vrrv. Dr. n R OPERA E bt>Sh. tax E At.uiu.. .... "Thr fturr (tml inmtf Writ Point rnnoui.'* MclLHENNY'S TABASCO. USEG?RTfll?3^' CUBE.II No. IIP. VMaS f.M'Ali'tlSTAilS. P J V ill. h by flip, 'ill l"s UvkrL C 615 _ "i iii">iq n> r.i .mgnta. / QI <i T& ilt^S p of Crusts, dandruff by >s witti J)'ri H r-.-> : ! b ^ IH&k 5$S-! i (r?v n few?! 111 X -,' ~ \$r^ J@k If hi 'tA 1.3 ! CUTICURA, purest of of skin cures. This failing hair, removes ruff, soothes irritated, ites the hair follicles, icrgyand nourishment, / upon a sweet, vrholei all else fails. f Women ted by Cutkura Ointment, the ing, purifying, and beautifying ;calp of crusts, scales r.nd danhair, for softening, whitening, hands, for baby rashes, itchings, is for annoying Irritations and sive perspiration, in the form of and many sanative, .antiseptic mselves to women and mnt?irrc_ *"-T toilet, bath, and nursery. No cc those who have onec u^ed lifters to use any other s. CUTISOAP at ONE PRICE, the the BEST toiict and baby soap Troatmont for Every Humour. t* So*I*, lo definite t!ic nklu of cruets nrwi tlilr.kennl ruBflc, Cltiitb* <ti\rhr.KT. to , tiiiiamnuiilnn, and irritotlou, anil eoottie ; ?* RkrtOLVkNT, U> coot nr.d elenneo the ' l-^often sufficient to core the mo.l tortur'.itriihaiinir skin, aralp, aixi blood humour*, ughout Uio worWl. Itritlcli lx-t*>t 1". h'KWi. I'OTTKK DllVO i>'D CJIKM. LOftl', SolO