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Invited, but wo do not librae to publish
communications containing nioro than
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for the views of correspondents.
As an advertising medium for CluirJofte,
Pinoville, Fort Mill, and Rook
Hill business houses The Times is unsurpassed.
Rates made known on application
to the publisher.
Local Telephone No. 20.
JULY 21, 1001.
Unavoidable Delay.
Our friends will Kindly excuse
the lateness of this issue of The
Tin)os. The delay was caused by
the failure of the Southern Kxprops
Company to deliver otir
paper nt the proper time. In the
future, however, we shall gunrd
ngninst such occurrences hy having
I he paper shipped us a day
? - - -
The Vlcloua Chigger.
The season has arrived when the
guy and festive chiller is (retting
in his noblest work. It is harvest
time with this troublesome little
insect, and it never fails to attnek
JI V1 V PPUIllllrO t lint ini??*ilon if"
....J kMUf ?l? |
According to the dictionary the
chigger is "n small, troublesome
insect, of the tleu kind, which iodgr
es between the skin and the tleah."
It is visible to tlm eye, but is so
small it appears like a minute red
speck. 11 begins work soon after
it. lights on its victim and iH but a
short time in making its presence
known. The skin is poisoned and
red splotchos appear. Scratching
is, of course, the first thing thought
of, but it gives only momentary relief
and if one has only a limited
time to devote to the operation he
had better grit his teeth and take
it easy.
One uJ the best muddies for the
' chigger bite is a solution of suit
and water, briny almost; or salty
grease. Coal oil is one of tho statu
dard remedies and camphor will
stop the itching and kill the insect
if applied early in the attack,
An exchange says that the wortl
ought to - be written "chigreit
may also be written "ohegar, ohogre,
chegoe, cldgua, and jigger,"
but when the insect bearing all
? 1-~ ' ' 1
nn rjrr iKiuitin HI gej. IIOW'Il l?>
work nothing but "ohigger" Heema
to fit, ami the word is often prereeded
by one of a vehement wort
not found in the Sunday school
Wlatbrop's ProiptcU,
President Johnson of the Winthrop
Normal college Hpaut yeHtortlay
?n the city, anyH The State of
Saturday. He say a tho prospects
for the next aeauion at u iqthrop
are unuaually good. This year
there werefiO vacaneiea out of 121
Hcholarahipa allowed by the general
assembly. The examination
of applicants iu the several counties
took place recently. The deHire
of the girls to aecuro theae
scholarships ia ahown by the fact
that in York county 112 young
ladica stood the competitive examination
while in Fairfield, Orangeburg
ami other counties the number
was 2d each. The faculty ia
now going oyer all the papers ami
result* will hooii be made known.
The new dormitory building in
rapidly'nearing completion. The
third floor is now ready for use.
This building will provide sleep- [
jug accommodations for 200 additional
young lad i oh. Applications
for admission to tlio college ,
are rapidly coming in.
Qlnnderii Sprisdlrj;.
The State, 20th. The authorities 1
of York county have again written
the governor Htating that the glaii- j
ders iH steadily Hpreading iu that
county, and asking, in view of the !
aniiounceiiient that Dr. Nchoiii
cannot leave Dlemsnn on account
of sickness in his family, that cer- !
tain Atlanta experts, who are 1
named, be sent to aid in check- I
ing the spread of the disease. The
govornor has no funds with wliioh
to pay for such service, and has
written the York county authori1
ties that about all they can do is to
write President Hartzog of (Mem-1
son, and if he ran do nothing, then
employ the experts themselves He I
regrets, he snys. that he is power- .
lees to render the desired aid.
' ??? ?
FThe population of the State hospital
for the insane is now l.CMU,
and the hospital accommodations
ft-e taxed to their utmost. There
never were so many patients as at
present, hut the population is
always larger in summer than nt
other seasons of the year. j
An Interesting Story ot the Tribe from
The Interlude" ?the Woman's Edltlon
of the Ne?* and Courier.
The Catawba Indians nro supposed
to have emigrated to South
Carolina from Canada, according
to tradition, in 1000, numbering
12,000. In 1700 they numbered
l,.r)00 brave warriors, with 8,000 or
10,000 souIr in their nation. The
Catawbns were a noble race, fearless
of enemies; their address was
surpassed by none. Constant wars
with the Cherokees, Shawnees and
other tribes, together with the
smallpox scourge, depleted their
numbers greatly. In 1747 the province
of South Carolina allotted
them fifteen miles square in York
and Lancaster districts. About
1840 a treaty was made between
South Carolina and the Catawba
Indians, the State buying nil the
land claimed by theCutnwbns. and
afterwards lnpmg off seven liundred
acres on the west bank of* ( Kswu
Tarora) Catawba river, six miles
south of Fort Mill and ten miles
I from ltock Hill.
The Catawba Indians, although a
wartlike nation, wore ever the
friends of the white settlers. They
aided and fought with the Americans
in the Revolutionary war; in !
1780 some of the Catawbus went to I
Virginia and attached themselves j
to (-ien. Lee's legion and fought
with him. After the battle at
! Guilford Court House, North Caro- !
lina, the Indians came back to
South Carolina. The Catawbus |
fought Hide by side with our Con- !
federate Boldiers and made good !
soldiers; they were the most faith- |
tui and true fnetuls to the wliit*? I
people, and are the only Indiana
who continue to live in the State
today. ()n the hanks of the sparkling
Catawba lives the remnant of
the once powerful tribe of the Catawbas.
Seventy-five or eighty .
men, women and children constitute
the entire nation. They receivo
a small annuity from the
In the last two years a school has
been taught with poor attendance.
Now ami then a Presbyterian minister
preaches to the Indiana.'
The men hunt and tiah and have
small fields of potatoes; they are
miserably poor; the women make
the queerest, quaintiost peace
pipes, vases, pots, bowls. They
are made in the crudest way, with
the hand and knife, cut of clay, and
then burned. The Indian women
hriug the vessels to Hock Hill in
great bundles to sell, and this is
their only income; how grateful
they are for a cup of cold water
after trudging ten weary miles.
! The women cook in the clay vessels
and use them in the culinary
departments. The women
are striking looking, with perfectly
erect forms, finely cut features,
nun*k nair, penetrating eyea
and teeth like ivory. Some of the
children are beautiful in all their
poverty. It whh my privilege to
visit the Catawlm Nation a few
montliH ago with Dr. Carlisle and
Mr. Hull.
"The most pathetic figure in the
Houth are the Catawba Indiana,
with no history and no hope for
the future of their people." One
of Indian women told ua many interesling
facta of their living. We
inaiatud on her Hinging an Indian
aotig. After much perauaaiou alio
began a low, Had chat in the worda
of her forefathera. Presently alie i
broke down and wept, Haying it
hurt her heart to think of her peo- j
p|e all gone. Dr. Carliale waa re- '
minded of another incident that j
took place twenty-five centuries
ago, which waa celebrated in a lit- !
tie Hebrew poeill. A little change
would anil, the Cutawlms:
' lly the rivers of Carolina there
we ant down, yea we wept when
we remembered our goodly land, j
"We hanged our rude inatru- i
incuts on the branches of the trees.
For they that had captured ua and
our homes required of ua mirth,
| saying, Hing ua one of the songs of
our people."
These facts ought to make us
willing to help the Indians ami;
make them more comfortable. Capt
Samuel White, of Fort Mill, S. t\;
has most generously erected a monument
to t lit* Cat aw ha Indians ami
Iiuh had the mimeH of the brave '
warriors who fought in the Con-1
federate war placed on the monument.
Some of tho most nottnl
Indians were King Hagler, Gen.
Now River, Killy George ami
Peter Harris, and the women wero ;
Sally New Kiver and Polly Ayera.
I find a few Indian words in Mills'
My daughter, Now yaw.
My son, Cow-re-adha-ree.
A baby, Cow ri adhagh.
1 love you, Nn-moiigU sa-ragh.
When you can persuade tiie In*
dains to talk, the sounds of words
are very full of melancholy and
sound as above,
Reference, Capt. Samuel White
and for historical data see Mills1
Statistics and Drayton's History.
E. F. W. Blist.
Rock Hill, S. C,
County New*.
Rock Hill Herald
Harper Thomasson, a negro man,
who has been sentenced to four
months on the chain gang by Magistrate
Anderson, of Kbenezer, was
inarched through the city Wednesday
on his way to serve his sen
The infant of Mr. Dobson, who
is super'nteiidant of Ashe's brick
yard, sustained painful and periiapH
very serious injuries to its right
hand Tuesday by n sash falling on
it; crushing and lacerating the
hand. Dr. Fennell auended the
little sufferer and is fearful that !
the hand may be stiff.
A movement is on foot to organ- i
izo an Indian village at the Char- j
leston exposition and the Catawba :
tribe has been selected for this nt- ,
traction. Messrs. W. C. Hutchi- j
son and J, J. Hull, on the part of
lin A'nrl.' I
? ??v. a. *' i i* vuuiiui^niuiionf ? inir w ,
the nation on Monday and arranged
with the Indiana to hold a conference
in this city nt an early date,
when tho plan will he explained to
them. The village, it is expected,
will be composed of 'JO or 25 men,
women and children, embracing all
the pure blood Indians whonro not
too old and infirm to make the trip.
At a meeting of the board of directors
of the exposition company, !
held in Charleston on Friday last,
the board concurred in tho suggestion
of an Indian village andagreed
to furnish the I minus transportation
from Rock Hill to Charleston
and give them a remote location, j
where they will be expected to
support themselves by making and
selling pots, pipes and the curios, i
peculiar to the Catawbas. The In- ,
dians manifest some interest in the
matter, though it is hard to tell
when the Catawbas are pleased for
Indian characteristics are stongly
manifested in the Catawbas?they
seldom laugh and exhibit in their
faces neither love, fear nor joy, and
yet they are capalilo of a strong
feeling of affection and their record
as Revolutionary and Confederate
soldiers shows that they are totally |
fearless in battle and in the face of
appalling dangers, while persons
famillinr with their life say it is
true that the pure bloods but selil/tlll
utti l In niif I Hint thou noeor
""" ? ??? "J ..v.,..
He- ni to l>e joyous, and nt the snuie
time their conduct shows that they
are capable of that feeling also.
An effort will bo made to organize
a part of the tribe for the purpose
mentioned, accepting only such as
show up well as Indians. They
are very poor and if they go it will
be necessary to do much for thefu.
for they would hardly be capable
of sustaining themselves, oven, by
the sale of their curios. '
Yorkvillo Enquirer.
bench warrants were issued
Monday for tho keepers of disorderly
houses on the outskirts of
Yorkvillo and Kock Hill. All the
people named in tho warrants wore
women. Report has it that tho
Rock Hill olfendors hnvo tied, as
was generally desired. The Yorkvillo
olfendors are Htill here.
Jim Lindsey, the negro who
killed another negro named Jack- !
son at bethel, about a month or six !
weeks ago, was captured in Newton
N. C\, Inst week. Magistrate
Johnson, the reporter is informed,
went to Newton after the negro;
but the authorities at Newton demanded
$25 as couspousaion for
tin' trouoie. f\o rownru nnu noon
offered for Lindsey and Mr. Johnson
declined to pay Sheriff Logan
Iiiih Hinee received requistiou
papers from (ioveruor MeSweenoy
and it iH expected that Lindsey will
ho in the York county jail without
unnecessary delay.
Yorkvillo Yeoman.
Mr. J. L. Kimbrell and Mr. T. A.
Mills, of Fort Mill, gave the Yeoman
an appreciated call before returning
home from their business
with court.
Mr. J. C Hughes, of Fort Mill,
who spoilt several days of last
week with his kinsman, J. S.
Drakeford, returned home Tuesday
morning, going by way of |
Rook Hill.
Mr. Iv \V. l'ursley, of liethany,
was in the city Tuesday. He re
ports a tremendous rain in tin1
country east and south of King's
mountain Monday night, with ac- i
companiment of thunder and light- ;
ning. The 1 tar Iter's bridge on the;
headwaters of Jtullock's creek and
.. i\m'i... .,? ?i... u., \ r ... u..;.i
.. w. nro i>n am "i int;<- ?>u
I ho km nit1 Btreiun wiih wanhoddown.
The rniti was the harde?t of the
Hprin^r, greatly sur pawning in volume
of water those heavy rains of
April and May.
It Mizzle* I'ne WutlU.
No Discovery in medu iiio has ever
created one quarter of the excitement
that ha* boon caused by Dr. Kind's
New Discovery for Consumption. It's
severest tests havo been on hopeless
Victims of Consumption, Pneumonia,
Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis,
thousands of whom it has restored to
perfect health- For Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, Croup, Hay Fever, Hoarseness j
and Whooping Cough it is the quickest,
surest cure in the world. It is sold by
Thos. B. Moacham, who guarantees satisfaction
or refund money. Large hot t lcs
50c and #1.00. Trial bottles free.
Elders' and Deao ma' Convention.
Tho Elders' and I eacnns* Convention
of Ilet hoi Presbyte -y will bo hold at
Chester, S. C.,Tueac ay, Wednesday and
Thursday. July 30 11 and August 1.
Following is the pi jgrain for the convention:
TUESDAY, 8.30 P. M.
Sermon by S. H. Hay on the Holy
Spirit. ;
Organization, cloai ng with song nnd
prayer service.
MORN I NO SeSSlON, I A. M. to 1 P. MDevotional
oxercif os.
Tho Eldership. |
1. Scriptural Warr ant for tho ot'lco.
A. H. Atkins.
2. Qualifications fc r the oltico. J. B.
3. Duties of the off ico;
(1) Pastoral. W, B. Arrowood.
(3) Ruling. Chain lers Prnser, W K.
1. The relation of t ho offiocrs to sabbath
school work A . P. Brown.
*2. What can the to; ichiiig elder ile in
the way of dt-volopini r the other oftkors
of the church? J. A. Watson.
1. The relation of the oflicers to mission
work within the boundsof the congregation.
S. O. Cab lwell.
'2. The relation of t tie officers to homo
mission work. Jniiie t Hnsscll.
8. The relation of t he officers to foreign
missions. W. A . Hafner.
Devotioual exorcise ?.
The Dioconate.
1. The scriptural wi irrant for tho offlee.
T. C. liipm.
2 Qualifications for tho office.
(1) Spiritual, R. F. Kirkpatriek.
("2) Business. W. Jl. Roddey.
2. Duties of the off Lee. J. K. Hall,
W. D. Knox.
4. What can the dei con do in the way
of developing the libera fclifry of thechun-h
and the reflex influent e of this work?>U
the spirituality of tht church? A. W,
Klutz, C. G. Brown.
AFTKltXOOX 8RSSI ON, 8.30 to 0
1. Worldlhiess. M. R. Kirkpatrifk,
J. T. Deiady.
2. The grace of givii ag:
(1) The motives for giving. J. P.
(2) The measure of giving and the
Disproportion betweei l what Is given
for congregational pur [aoses and what is
giVeu to the general work. W. U.
Consecrutioti service) i.
What is cousocruti on ? D. N. MeLtiuchlin.
There will bo a huiioi *al discussion on
wn-.h topic after the pel "son appointed to
open the subject fiuislii *h his address.
All the cldorsand dui icons in the Presbytery
are o* officio me niliers of the convention
and all are iuvi ted to be present.
Please notify Rev. D?i,N. MoLuueliliu
of yonr intention to "be present, so that
entertainment may be provided for you.
Ix;t us all work and ( **iy for t4ie suecesaof
this convention. We ueod a deep
and comprehensive revival of religion
wit bin. our bounds.
J. K. H aix.
. ,li'. W. B. JtKHOWOOD,
W. (i. Nkviij.k,
J. A. V Matron,
L. R. V 11 I.I.I A MS,
Pros bytery's Com.
? ?- A
Poor Millionaire
Lately starved in LonldoiP beoause he
could not digest his food. Early use of
Dr. Kind's New Life Pijlls would have
saved him. They strengthen the stomnull,
aid digest ion, promote assimilation,
improve appetite. Price 25c. Money
back if not satisfied. Sold by Thos. li.
Meachum, DruKK'st.
Items of State News.
A proposition to have a dispellsnry
at Ltnnur lias been voted down.
A nojfro soldier from tlie Philippines
Ims returned to (Beaufort with
iSTt hi I
Thf new Hi't of text books ad opt t'd
by t li? State lioan I of education
became elfcctive .Inly 1. No
change will In* made for four years,
Avery Bland, a prominent citi-1
zen and ex-mayor of the town
of Johnston, died at his home, at
Johnston, July 17.
Dr. Jj. K. Sturkie of Orange-!
burg, is another avowed candidate I
for congress from the nth district, j
November 5 has be^n appointed !
as the time for thegeperal election
in the seventh districts
Mr. Arthur J. Knight, of Bennetlsville,
has been appointed post
olfice inspector for rural mail 1
routes. The salary is'$1,21)0 with j
an allowance of $1 for expences.
Tlie governor on Munday par- !
doited K. II. Wilkes of Florence, j
sentenced to the penitentiary for
violation of the dispensary law.
There was a condition attached!
?that lie should leave the State
and never ret urn.
It is reported tiiat Senator Tillman
will oppose the continuation
of .John (? Capers, who was recently
appointed (Tn11 .aI States district
attorney for South Carolina by
nrotideiit MeKinlev.
? w
White Man Turns Yellow.
( .rout consternation v?h felt by tho*
friends of M. A. H<thirty of Lexingtoq,
Ky., when thoy hiiw ho was turning
yellow. His skin slowly changed color,
also his eyes, and ho suffered terribly.,
His malady was Yellow Jaundice. Ho
was treated by tho best doctors, but
without benelit. Then ho wusurtviaod
to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful
Stomach aiid liver remedy, and lie
writes, "After taking two bottles I was j
wholly cured. x\ trial proves its match- :
less merit for all Stomaoh Livor and
Kidney troubles. Only (H)c. Sold by |
Tlxos B. Meucham, Druggist,
. hi JMk ^
The governor hna discharged
Constable Rowell, who sent a u.?eIphh
and sensational telegram from
Florence as to the enforcement of
the dispeneary law in that town.
111.1 KM)I I K, W. t\
A promptly procured. OE NO FEE. Send nude!. sketch.1 A
?'or photo for free report on patentability. U**?k *llr*W
A to Obtain U.S. and Foreign Patents and TriJn-MnrV .' W
3J FREE Fairest terms ever offered to I nventors CjU
AH business contmcntisl. Sound advice. Faithful (V:
npfn rric?. M?>derato charges. flF
|rc. A. SNOW & CO.|
? Opp. U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, a C.&
Call TJp IMo, 27,
When you want good, fresh
it will pay you to buy from the
Special prices to our country
large quantities. Res
MEAL, FLOUlt and ]
V...... -n i.' !- 11 1
4.UUI iiiacuuoii ih cnneu to uic
First Hint we guarantee satisfa
corn and wheat. Our capacity is 1
wheat per day.
Second, that, we buy ear corn, i
i lty; and well Hour, meal, crushed ai
diin^b and all mill products at lowt
Don't Make the Mi
Of your life by ?oing tn the wi
j BEK SHOP, whore you will ttnd
i ready to serve you. Our patrons n
of holes, rips, outs and fringes. W
shave. Call at third door of Bank
Our Great
1)-,^' i
v/1 iTJLVUin , 4.JIM HI III
For Two W
On August 1st. v
stuck and have decide*
all Clothing to the coi
Just think of buy
only 82 and a boy's su
This Cut Siiln nf
mcncc Wednesday, Ju
two weeks, or until Ai
Our Sacrifcc
We lmve sold a g
tered Shoes and
ning of our Chit Priced
have a few pair leftall,
you will miss a ge
don't buy a pair at o
value. Call and see tl
ploy only experienced workmen, who
urn iu attendance at any time you call.
Oar shop will bo found iu tlio Leonard
building, west of railroad.
Hair SiuKoiug a specialty. ^
BlackMiiithing and Repairing*
I tlmnk my friends for their past
favors, and, in the future, I shall
do nil in my power to please them
and merit a continuance of their
My thirty years experience in
Blnoksmithing and llepnir work is
the guarantee I offer. More satisfactory
work for less money than
you can get elsewhere.
7-d-tf A. A. YOUNG
- -J
largest dealers in town.
friends and others who want it ir^HB
THE & SON. 1
following facts:?
Hion in grinding, and exchanging
50 bushels corn and 250 bushels
shell corn, nnd wheat of good qnalid
cracked corn, wheat brand, uiid
1. -4 : /A ? * %
?i umiKei price, l^uailiy Dett.
ong place. Visit the CITY.,BAR*
a corps of white barbers always
ever go away with their faces full
e beautify the face wi^han easy
Building, facing railroad.
RS & SON. . v 1
Cut Sale
Childrens* Clothings
eeks Only. 1
re >vill begin taking
I to cut the price of
. . 1
in# a Man s suit for
it for only 50 cents.
Clothing will.com*
ly lTtli, and last only
ugust 1st.
i Shoe Sal<^
..WW. 4- 1
lAat many io\v-quar>ers
sinec the beginI
Shoe Sale, but, still
If you wear shoes at
nuine bargain if you
>ne-half their former
10 line.
iabJjE store:
, Proprietor^