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I F? I (V'OL. X. FM DROWNED IS YACHT The Veniizia Lost in a Squall or Long Island Sound. CAPTAIN BLAMED FOR DISASTER Rolf M?le> Snn'irnr Sny? Tlint 11?r* SUipper 1?I<1 Not II.mmI Owner'* m to Shortonlrii; Sail ? A. T. <*?ilt?urti. a riiltlKtMptilii Mamifurt urt-r. His Tw? DuuKlilorii, mill Two of tin* Crcxv IVri.l New Haven. Conn. ? The tug'Udc brought into New llaven Ilarhor the two survivors of a yachting partv of seven nnd tin* notva nf tlio wnr?t i yachting fatality that Long Island Sound has known fti years. On hoard the Cortrudc were Mrs. Waljtcr J. Sprankle. of Philadelphia, and Jatues Stanridge, while caught in the sunken wreck of the yaeht Yen\ ltzin, off Captain's Island, there were uhc bodies of Artlmr T. Colhurn. u veal thy Philadelphia spiee uianr.facVer and owner of the yacht: his two lighters, Annette ar.d Ida Fl'.zahcih; /ptain Flint, of ltrooklyn. the skip/r of the Yonitzia. and an unknown Jtoilor. J / Stanridge was t'.ie steward of the Ve- | nltzia. When seen lie told of the awful experience from which he and Mrs. ' Sprankle were the sole survivors, it.' j 1 hintnes Captain Flint for the accident, and lie says he knows Mr. Colhurn ad- J vised the skipper to lower everything hut the Jil> and jigger some time hit- I fore the squall struck the Vonltz'a, , I but Captain F'.iiii declined to ?i" so. "We left Delaware City," said Stan- j riilge, "with seven persons aboard, i The party consisted of Mr. ColLum. J his two daughters, Mrs. Sprankle. i Captain Flint, Fred (the sailor), and myself. When we were out in j Island Sound all sails were set. and. with sheets well siarte I. we laid a ' course up the Sound. "While busy preparing dinner T heard the party aft discussing the 1 condition of the weather. Mr. Col-I burn said ho thought a squall was j brewing, and 1 am sure that he nil- | vised the skipper to shorten sail." The rest of the story is not quite so ; clear In the mind of the steward. I whose trying experience seems to have j llTindl*Vi?1 llllti WflU nl.nlti gasoline cooking stove when n squall > struck the Venltzia. The hunt dhl not j right, and the steward, who was [ thrown oft his feet, scrambled to the 1 forward eomnnnlon way to see what had happened. lie had hardly reached the hatch i when he heard tne agonized screams ' of the women In the cabin. Captain j Flint, who was at ihe wheel when the squall struck the boat, was 91 111 at his post, while m ar him were Mr. (Job lnirn and the sailor hand. They were all bewildered, and did not know which way to turn for safety. The starboard side of the yawl was hurh d deep In the water, which was rushing into the cabin throttvh tie* open doers j of the after-eompanlonway. The screams of the women cent in- | tied, but tlie steward was unable to | move a foot iu their direction t(? } . 11der assistance. The V. itz a was r < fling by this time. Tors of water l ad poured into tlie cabin. Realizing that lie iambi do nothing to help the oilier persons .aboard. St. i j ridge jumped overboard Jit t be; -., the Venltzia was snlum rgrd. lie is i a good swimmer ami struck out for : j rope which lie saw ilr.pgling from ihe j uminsfiil wiiirh l?v '??i.? t-nc na"?. i ... . . ! ly under water. Wnh a f.-w sv'i't ' strokes ho nenred th" not when l.? j IllKl seen tile mpo. As be reached his objective point ho needy ]0sl l .irr , who!) h saw the sail di ?i?T?, ) 1* tree ; ! the waves, lie (jrupoil ''Tally. tryin** tr? gclye th" rope. I et ootid 11 t to r i\ | As he turned he smv Mr-\ Sprankb'. I who iil'ii r a ii"sin r. ;< utr'jrlo 1. . I ' foveed her way out <> ' '.? tl ?.ded ejji j in. s'rike out for th" Steffi rtf the | small hunt, which Tatiny ' ; ) i up. A i the same moment SnMiridtr1 1 realized flint the boat wis 1 i~= only j hone. Mrs. Sprnntdo ron< hod the boat llfst and seized th red lor. She was j ejol and answered, v. In Sfanlridyc t??M her to linn** on for ). r life. "I am all richt now." The sipiall lasied over half an hi.'tr The overturned b it with Mrs. Sprar , kle and the steward < i a. ny to it w tossed from wave to \v:i o. but ?!>. J J,va.vy iron davits kept it from turnim: o\'er. Had it nveriunid it would; sufelv have fdlen with water and ,? no uo\?ti. I ennie an hour 1 tor. and Mrs Spi^^L !e and Stanrid:." wen* t: ':? :) ni'Or^^ the (JerTude and e. 'vd r> r The Venitzln was a ynwl-rijiated yaeht.1 fifty four feet water line, and sixty-triroe feet no r all. She was built in 1880 n:ul was elaborately furnish ?d. She was on her v ay to Newport to .loin the fleet of the Corinthian Vaehl Club of Philadelphia tha re. nwtvi^rvut. Ut- A bAMJWIufl VjirM. Itiuicti O^-ncr Fnlla in l.?vc, f;H?" S10,?>00 met ?Turricn Iter. Danville, Til.?While pas- ng thromrlj Danville with *. train load of cable, William Richmond. a mill!' .an vouch owner, of Tombstone, Ari". who stopped at the junction r.stai. rant. to l?uy a sandwich. saw ami I 11 In love with T.lzzio Shul?/.. a Dauvill1 rfh*l. who has charge of the lunch counter. After disposing of hi?* cattle Richmond came back, prnpns '<1 ami was accepted and married. The couple have started for Australia on tlm! honeymoon. As an evidence of his slneer,lty Mr. Richmond presorted ' is tiancee a check for $10,000 to purchase ' her wedding trousseau J * RT F< WASniXfiTOS IT!:5tS. Tho Italian Clovernmont made representations to tho State Department and instituted investigations through ooi.suls into tho allowed lyuching o/ Italians in Mississippi. Tho now battleship* recommended l?y tlio Hoard of Construction are fc ' ho tho largest, fastest and most heavily armored in the Ainoriean Navy. I',1V?1 lU'lc ? tli.- * 1 * 5 % 1 n..?i or." vms arrested i!i Washington for disorderly conduct. Putnam Krrdloo Strong'* resignation :is a Cantain in the Army wms accepted t?v Secretary Hoot's order. In thoir nur.tinl report the engineers !n charge of rtvor and harbor improvements rocouuttouil* <1 m largo appro- t priatiou for waters about New York | City. Secretary Wilson said that while 1 bo corn ?-rnp was seriously damaged j ii> several Ktatesi tlioro was sidl hope of savin:; the greater part of it. on: ist.anos. Investigation into the ea??? of rv-v Ir.itt Andww S. Hovatt. of the Nino-! 1..eiiili Iiifatilry. charged with burnin r ! a town on ;l.o Island of Holiol. failed to prove CnntMiti Howan had ordered the town lo he burned. Adjutaut-t lenval Corhin ntnl Surg( on-' lenernl Sternberg arrived at Manila on the transport Ilaneoek. Colonel Santos, with forty men and thirty rit'.es. surrendered at I.ttrnn. in Alhay I'roviuep. 1'. I. The insurn e- 1 tion in North Catnarlnes l'roviuee practically ended. A mm ?:sti c. "Col(leu Kule" Jones. Mayor of To ' fedo, Ohio, was lined So and costs I y ; l'ollee .led ;e Waclienhokuer for eon- j temnt of court. The .Mayor promptly paid the fine. CJovenior Jennings, of Florida, arranged tor the transfer of Mullat K? y Quarantine Station, the most important in the South, to the Federal <5ov- , eminent. The historic Fairfax Inn. at Ferke- j ley Spr'.ups. \Y. Yn.. over 1<"? years old. was burned. The guests had a ; narrow escape. The Missouri Itlver Is changing its : course near Leavenworth. Mo, nuik ing a new boundary be!ween Missouri and Kansas. A burglar disturbed at his work by Policeman It. It. Faireltild, at Havenna. Ohio, killed the ollleer. A Coroner's jury censured Waptaln Johnson, of the ferryboat M.iueli Chunk, for the Nortiitleld collision in i New York Harbor, In which live lives i were lost, but freed the captains of : tile two boats'. For <>i?l)?>K:'.Ionient of postal funds, j 1'ovImaster Alexander Hush, c_ Mills; X. M.. Was arrested. Colliding trun* near Vinton. Ohio, 1 killed a s etion foreman tnd Injured throe tmiiinien. Chancellor Made. :ti Trenton. X. appointed three administrators. pendento lite, of the? estate of the late ; Jacob S. Rogers. and postponed the | hearing ot ilie will contest until Sep- j tcmher 10 in \t. , A tly bite ?n his nose mused tlte death of IS. F. Cochran, of Iteevlile, Tex. While bathing In Mahoning It Ivor. at Youngstown, Ohio, lit I.el Fitch ami Annie Cuun, small girls, were j drowned. Fardcntpil hec.*u:s-? he was dying. O. W. Muss y. the Rutland (Yt.t bank wrecker, is petting Well. I.ightnh'g killed 1 !> ? racing tnare Arline It., valued at $lo(tO, owned hy Charles kj. Smith, of Colorado Springs, Cel. When ordered to do work, itavles Phillips, colored, killed his em lo.ver, l.tleius lh ed, :it I?lt*1 :i 11(1, 1 iss. For robbing Ilio First Nati< nal F.nnk ??T Mineral roiut. Wis.. of $i!t;.<?t)o. Steward i Teh-it' will servo fontanel) years in jail. Fnited State Houndary Commission?r Cunningham was drowned in ilit* l:io Hrande Kiver, near El l'aso, Texas. A round white pearl, woisxhinjj 101 itrnins, was taken from a Mississippi liiver clam near ITairio <lu Cliicu, Wis. Twenty Kpworth League in em hers were robbed of railway tickets and money in Cob ra<li> Springs. Col., while on their way to San Fram-isoo. roitntr.x. Feiiador's Consul (leiieral in Chile, Sonor Alia rto Arias Sanehoz, was assassinated in Valparaiso. Drought, aeoonipanled l?y severe heat. prevailed through England. The Kald win-Ziegler nretie > xploriu^C expedition sailed from Tronisoe, Norway, for the north. Horatio J. Sprngue, I'nitod States CollSlll in t rihmltfir Hint tli.. ?a.1..os Consul in tin' American service, 4s dead. The I>e Sehested ministry, of Den mark, resigned. Four persons were killed in a powder works explosion at Nova, Sweden. Kus-iu fortitled a Chinese frontier station in Mongolia, and ordered surveys for a direct railway line to IV kin. Correspondence between Mr. Steyn and Iteitz. which was captured by ?Sonera 1 Kltciiener in Soutli Africa, was made public. It shows that Mr. Steyn was opposed to any overtures for peace. The Itrltish Government was defeated on n .rjvlal question in tlie House of Lords by ? vote of forty-one to twcntv. r 1 F" ORT MILL, kC., WRL I UNP RECEOENTZO HGTWffi \ i I All Previous His;! Records in tha Central Wrat Broker.. PRAYERS FOR RAIN IN MISSOURI The torrid Wav# Intetiao In Knti?:in. HI.roiiH, Indlnn fTrrrltor> itixl OUIn. ~ I>< mu ? Other Sln||tr? SuftVr l-'roin I iu o-'nal Unit?Corn 4'rul> I>iut?:?K?*tl Nciiply Fifty I'cr t>nt J?l'??t inrs l'i*rrhetl. Chicago.?Sunday | was the holiest iu the <reat corn bellt since the torrid wavt set In. Proni Colorado tit Tetiness-c, froiu Arkansas to Manitt ha, city ifter city reported maximums of 100 legrees and inpward. Lines of latitude cut no tlgua-e; it was hotti r m South Dakota tliauH in Texas, and St. Paul beat St. Lours lower down the rive.*. Professor Walz. looking over his mats, saw uothln;t except heal and dryness tliroughou i tlie wifule < >utilieu'al basin. No where was there mouture enough to* produce a th.inderbtoru. Moreover, there are 110 diseovtrable signs of tany speedy break* ing up. I ll?ports of ruine d corn, buriud up pastures and blasted outfields come iron all parts of 'the Central Wot. add ng terror to th e situation ior ill* lata iers. The tiro* tglit in the ''eiitiai We?t has heeit alt most unpr- ecdcnii i and tlie reports sa V the corn erop .dretntv linn ilium <ii. ... vmii u.i^rvi IU 41 ' * * ' >H of t . tv per cent. Ijiuieas fconUmg : ; s rone souu this dnuuage will be gi :i er. Kansas City t:nn< ninced the mom. remir.uable heated l-erui in Its hUter;.. Cor thirty-two ilat>*s the temperature bus risen above n dielj decrees every afternoon, nuil fox the hist thin en ?ht\s the uiereury has hone almve i< > regularly. .Stuce 'April f? there i::is bem only one hen^'y shower. Vucli suffering Is reported an. tin- farm laborers., and in many ?h trliis it is almost; impossible to get the wheat crop harvested h:vau-e men will not so iuto tlSe harvest ti.dd during the hot weather. The rail mads of the Northwest also are experiencing much difficult with laborers. the section gangs berug unable to ea.rry on their work. T<hc roads are having a severe struggle* with small tins along the lines, lb -Ids oi' grain, fences. Ilex, bridges and ,every inllannnable thing Is catching from t!?e Ireat. cotnhli ed wbh spark s from passing entities. The lieat wave1 prevailed over all the drought-stricken region ?<i' tt .Southwest?Kausus, Western Missouri, Indian Territory imd Oklahoma. lb-ought lias destroyed the gra<- in the great pasture! regions of Mis.-attri and Kansas, where gra&s is considered king of all farm (products. l:i eons. ipienee the natural ovp.ily of Ir-ef mutton, pork aujd ail ill dairy nroiu.tx Lax been stjrionsly affoeti d. r>. ? una hope for escape from ill:- most serious results o)t' tin* dovastal "on is tliat a secoiKl Crop of grass ran be matured tipforc Ifrost conn s, and i vc-i this cannot he d.nne unless rain falls Boon. Farmers of Missouri arc foe iing wheat to their s'tock in some of tin* most parched sections m th.? f a:o. Tln*y any that tlioy have lor.m! tills cheaper tlinn ro?ort(i:t: to the fnnpiy if oats in the pr?sent extremity. Lur ; ?u?ek owners in' Missouri have <?? :i shipping their bourses ami oat: h- acr - ? | the river into Mm of Illinois vkirh have escaped 1 li<? wors of uio wave lioat. In tniiuy sections favnirrs have teen cuttlalg their turn for :'oti? ll'T. ai.t. MISSOUHI pit ays rot: Ttv::.*. Vhe People of thf? l>rc;?itl?-Sf rlrl.?-n '-t ite OnoerTrd Iho <io vornor'n I'rocl: m:i t t .?. St. Louis. Mo.?Oil yaaua;.. which day Governor Mockery des! aaa'-d f .r f.istlug and prr yor that the i?r? : drought might He broken in Mi.. . uii. j ::ll records for bibt wentiior in St. i. ?u i \ ore broken, tlhe Weather Itmva.i tiiormonioter registering lbs degre e The Governor's proclamation was generally hoednS, nearly e\ cry ehu t in the city hnldfiig veil ntieiulod v i-os. given up to prayer that the drought which has prevaMod several months and threatens the destruction of nil vepotatlo^mlglit . broken. MOTHER'S FICHT WITH EAGLES. Mi>1?i II r r Ituhy, lint I'mciit 1'iirsiirtl nml K?(Ciipi| It liiiujiiio!. San Bernardino, Cal. -An vices ivr.'r received of an encounter between Mr-, (ioldinf:. wife of a stace ki-cjiei. ami two eagles on n mountain liliy utile.: north of this place. She was sitting outside of the static liouse by a cradle, in which lay i: ?r six months old bit by, when suddenly an eagle swooped down and seized the Infant- The mother rushed to where a mule was tethered ami. pulling the stake pin. was soon following after the huge bird, which found light difficult with its heavy burden. The chase continued for a long distance. when tli*? eagle alighted on its nest in the mountains. Mrs. Co',din climbed to where site bail seen tl. eagle alight, fought the bird and killed It Before she c<>ul(l escape tin* eagle's mate appeared nrnl tho mother lint' another encounter, but drove the 1?-?1 away. Mrs. Holding arrived at the stupe house In a pitiable condition The Infant escaped injury. Lightning Destroy* ? Church. The Reformed Dutch Church, at Accord, N. Y.. was struck by lighttiing and destroyed. Only the pulpit end organ were saved [/TA-V 1 ?NESDAY, JULY 24. I KILLED KIS CLASSMATE Col>pp? Chums Go to Sloop Together to Wake in a Death Struggle. "lovion rrpfl'v, tlte Survivor, Si?v- 1T? Itolirxi-vl n IturKlni1 Win XttinUin^ If ;tn anil !!r l'oufjlit I "or MTo. TtiMUl*?l?i?ro. Yf.?A pitiful traffoiT" \v;is (>nn<*i?>il in KmMVl'ivo wln-n Morton Sinrr frosty <li ?' nnJ killnl ?!" j frU n<l of liis lioylnwl :m?! rinssmnt". first in Yale and later in tli> Harvard Law School. Sidney Tol.. Crcs-v is front Hartford ami I'.ri-tol from l'.nttlr Crank. Mich. Tlmy combi" 1 their first year's studies in the Harvard Law Si ho: ' nvntli. Tim Irayedv <? aincd In tho hot ? of the irrandinotbor <?l" Orossy. M . 1*. Starr, iti whoso h< t><< th" vonm* siudont has l?oen in tho habit of speed imr liis vacation for several years. Tin fatality evidently was tlm result ? ! If of.a praetienl joke or else of a fritrh.l'nl nixhunare. r.ristol. who canto live as a can for. was invited by Cresvy to star i> ct? nicrltt. I' trlv in tho r.torn'n < rcssv was awakened sttddt nly to titn! himseif in the irrasp of :t 'nan. tin si rubied free, however. and. snatch, iim a revolver front lite bureau. II" ! I four sltots :tt his assailant. On liirlttj imr a lamp lie was horror struel i | I'ltid tita* l:e hail v!iof bis friettd. 'iris died almost instantly, after v.'suit: ir. "You have shot vote- friend'" I't-.-ssy said soan after the t ra r lr fit:-, he thon-h' i'.risto! as-mull d ' I while ill bis s!"on. and that bis ''if I did tint know what If was doiti.' 'r -y. however, Itelieveil im w .s a 1 ni'iyltif ami i* . .! nw- - | free, The other oeettp- nts of tie* house, ::rou-:d 1;* 11??* :n?N of the | slims. came l? the worn onirkly. Sever::! physicians were rule <1. and t v | l"i I ul 111 :i i I w ? hols liM'l t:\!; ii i i s riivim: I'risiol's >;: r. whi'" I ill ? other pa-stvl through his elide- <-n. | !,aler t'rrsay, who deeply a j feeted by the occurrence. told what h j e.n.hl n*r the affair. il<* declared that 1. had no trouble whatever with Mris*??1. that they had passed a parti :tlarl.v pleasant eveninjr. and that In* could not possihlv aeeotint for the action of Ills frietnl. save that h v.a t dreamimr or in a lit of sleepwalk'a.-, i t'ressy says he awoke to tin I ids t.-,i arm in the tiraspof a man wi.ii at esame time seemed to tie end iv< rim; to grab the n.hev. t'ressy strttuaie-I t ) get away and inanatml to teh hit revolver, which lay on the bureau '?;.* the sitle of his heil. The f -si sh t went upward into the eeilit: . and then the two men fell on ;!: : 1...?; . They struggled link and fortii o\ a space of several !' : until ?' i -y - . ceeded ill ;; tt:lt'.; ids right am j when the three other sh us w-me tired. ,28.082 PENSIONERS DIED LAST AH flat 'riicrc is on li'i-pi-H-i- ??r ' i i." n.-.-ii.?>i> ito- ituii?coot Kt'tK.r>:::.t.M. Wa.shimxi'ti. !> t?. :ds< : !ie (| pirn; of .'Is twvj names from 11; I rolls thfot'.uit the deadis o .. . it, > her of pensioner* durin.; ... year ? tided .lime 110. tin re v.a - an: increase of -J.'lnb name - o ?' > r? the granting of new pen '< . : number of name- earr'.ed on the r >. on .lime :: > was PPT.s.".?. rtu.i.. ?- ?. - .4 . nit it;;-.- oi ill ' TlUluliiT <? ' .1' .1 lOI:.-T - Wilo i I "t (! t! llio year, :is compared with the . ! < ! the previous tiscol year. Yin* ii .nl i .prnili;nil' i?n neeour.t of p >-1 . * ami :nlinii>is;;-.iiIon \v.: 's.:,.-.(. p.u, Jieinii an Increase of .S'!.'l ov-r : tlisMirseinonis of tin* previous The mii'iliiT of chtims iio-i! \. t. i? IVusion 1r?-:ii? on ::?-< *.m: of 1 it1.; incur.- <! in tin* So: ai~ii Ai- : War neirrot .itod up i . of wliieii Vov; wiTi' s* *1 ' ' 1 V..IV ri'jt' lril. CRESCEUS Bfir. A'13 TH: RECORD. At Hi-troll llr 'i'niti t to* t -- 1' ?' Kvi-i- II t'lo In ;? :.?< . Detroit. Mich. Civ- ; 1 -. . ? nili Stallion ? *'.* 11 "1 ; .<1 . < t't ore.- il. KMehnui, i . >. i lln* 1 rot'-for til trot ??:i i i. i? r i I I Hi vine t '.uli'n i r.n its ai ?; r- - i' ami iiichlen.Ml'v i. ' heat and won the i". - <->r r:i i> d i'vtt tnaiie. * "li;: !*1 f ii it. il l i .'.r 11 ion owned by I?.: d ? i l: < I.e.*.imjioii. Ivy., and dr ?vn ?>y K<dl<,.< . was !ho aiiiy oji]ki in tin; r. iiml In- was a |??i.. . i rcscciis won tin* hr>. i< at |>y live lengths ill life: iiinv 1 i<" i i . record for this year 011 : : y track, .1. I i:i the second licaf h I i by any 'in . front live to ten ] 1, id l'e.i In ' ilv Ml O.". Hat. I To e_r lie weld's rneinir reetir.l. I'lils animnne niriit by Start iny .Indue l'.:irnaid was 1 ceivetl with tnnitilltion^ hn/.K.-'i . The still was setting j'.sst us t .':v-eclat skipped under tin- wire. NEW ORDER FOR RURAL MAIL I Fr<i? I,ot tor \\ hcri' P.u of Mail lUiiitc I1?v Washington, I1 A . w nrd'T signed by the I'o-terisb 1 ?e": ral < 11 tains a provision which \ .11 carec a material check to the spr. ad < 1 the rti ral free delivery servii . it Is < |cr. that "except in sp" 'al :i".| t..i:t voidable cases" the rural t r tlellvt-ry service will not he established over any I ,.,..,.1 >UM<| >1 UK ll UKIM I' lllMlillt' > > i?l' ll'JIV- : ers <1 in part as a . !a:;e rente. This order itpplii s to the New Knulaiiil States. lVtne-ylvaitia. Itela ware. New York. New .Jersey. Mary In ml ami West Virginia, where the order is effective co til pel lite.; stage route carriers ! to deliver mull In i>"\.s put up by paIrons on the rente. Tile order will j wele ntied hy many Congressmen. who have been swamped \\ith petitions j from tlielr constituents who waut the rural delivery established. I IMI> 1)01. CHECKING MAIL ABUSES : *k?iui'iri5 i nat tsiav L^ai to Ono Ccn^ , Letter Post aero. ^ i Thvi"> Tmjiortniit OrJon T)r!i;irrlnS ! "I'lTiniirii" t ion* From Scroml CluR* TYr-'ilmn ?t?. T>. f\- PostHtastor-<toTV frn! Sr i'.'li lias thro orders j >| nt lending lu Import! nt particulars 1 thro.' V - Vl voirnhi'ions nfY.-ethiir see- ' ! or ! < '. ; ivail 111." tier. The lirs: o'rdor a: ic' : '* ;ion '27t!. which U tin yen- . ?'-iI 'ii.iM'.'i, s> as t<> exclude from ; th so!M!jil-!-l:?vR publications which have the characteristics r>f hooks. 1 This hmmilmcnt is in those words: j >' "t'eflooteal public.; timis herein re- | Ti- i to are I10M not to inchiile those havinu yiie HmrttetiyisMcs of hooks, h it only -ucli as consist of current lews or miscellaneous literary matter, e- hoili (not fxclu'liurj aihcrt sing), . ami conforms to ?h?* statutory clutracli i-;i - of sccnn l > *n.s:- matter." The s a'oiul iiviii :* amends Section | L'-l In several particulars. the prinei- j pal one hr'r.g tlii* publications. the | j Mih-( riptlo'js to which are not found- i 1 e<l on their vnlue .as c ws or literary iournals. and whii li. by the general i o of premiums or oilier c ?mi '"rations in the for o of chances to vin , pr vs. etc.. to in.luce subscript;'. :is. in 1 P'i circulate ivntly : r "i I'll"', "\v !1 lie i ! '< 1 from the i j- iiti ! elass. Th - paragraph j of ' i is as foil-; : "Th" Mllcrri;lit "11 }? >" MIIISl hO j shown hv 1 he puli''<ami when it , r - from x J." 'iti nts, or from t riii-ie I' iImi . : ?1"! 1 in i > : ?n with it, i1 eitvulnilol) j of tin1 :."Mil oil"i i i. founded on its v.i'.i-o as n new* ?.r i. rnry journal ) mi'? ' -i* *o>h' not .?!?? | i n; U' -Hell % :lt 1 j;it heeauso its ! ? :.< T to ot! er rtnis'il. j ?! ;;:ion t'i tilt, in iiVt", in its eiroitlnt.'. i :ir if.- it!y a nominal rate, j i s..- :: | nihil -atlou >!< - not conic within j t'>. r.-oniriMtifiit of ;i:r> laxv for no- | i :)' liiiv' m i on?l-? !: Matter." The third onli r :.i " n is Section liQl, i that tut; .hi >;>i> s-'ootnl-oinss ni;'' ? ! i' lis tr.ny not 1'.- returned at ll? t<oim<l nto to news ny-tils or to j 1'tiiit; di'evs. An exnlaiiatory statement trfv -n out it i!. liopartuio'.it rey.iidtn;; tin* orlop : "Ike notion of I Ntst master(hnernl Stiiitli is regarded as *:itv important. it is eviiViu" of the pur- j pn-o of th ? I ix'pnrt i.itMit to administer | the !.! ,x- as it Is, siri -tly and properly. I rtn I that nhtisv?s. wherever found, will ! Ik- eradicated. i.o se an ! indifferent i i:d tpretnlinn heretofore is responai- I Me for tin* In.-.; of many millions to tt'e <iovei!.;n? ui. I; i.: heJSevcd that ( VP lie II the cite M of ?h f1 I'.lST'S fit tlior- . nni'l.lo .r i.~ i 1 ,...J . I ? Jl.'iliv postal 111!- I j r..vri;) -? .< will t'orow. and one-rent i I -i >st.1 cr<? v.-Ill he made possible." | A 1 Immediate < lT?,r-t of the orders j \vi" 1 ho i i hsir from the a tils at rr.;u- j lAi'.'.jt .tMon a.11 ' f la" ptibll- j < .1;i .*.1>S ol' peri' 'Heals wit eir utlafien i."'o:i "various lottery I : -I pr'.r.e via :ues. Nn lexit iniutn I< aA n will ?. in.i;.-' -I hy tit 'now* j dispensation. On Uu contrary, all !!h!i |i\iliii' ;i a- I. !;.. mx nrwsl. m l in.i - ?*f r-tabllyaed | ior, will be ?li brlietlied t' ill - itrueti. il suppression l?y l!i" !'nMillie l>op:>r;i i ,'jt of ratcli- j penny . ThrlVa] ' it !.:ivc been systematically swlndli tjx the Government i a ' ra'i'! : t . revenue every year lo V.mlei.m tlm mails w!;h a cla s of matter wlti h tl.e lawmale rs never ini : 1 should lie eon'-ie .1 as entitled to rate ?>f . aioihl class mail. BANK ROBBERS SHOW FIGHT. I t? ?-? ;? OIT ( ?rnii (>l ' > Town V."1.5!< " lii'.v Worll oil II Safe. a; nenmlrin, Ohio.?A dnrinpt attempt t ? 1 '"i tlie IJes-der ,v- .'.s ltaiik ; iitaile liy a .mii,1 of > or 'even, vie itliiie.: wi: n .;r m liowrvrv, a* i. after -t;\iimr off a er wil o'eilir. a-', a! wl. mi that ! A rcii' lie illy for nil !e nr. the in.ibw e raped .a a n 'iii!< <?. \ i e:\ iniiai;I.rt of tlie vault showed i'im !. :! (ivalue ]t:-<i been r?< urcd. \ jnehiiiro of f-ifi'*! whi.'i bad been ier? "Ver rvvh' I:i liie ov . : vault was f a . ! liiiion^ the <!> A Sheriff'!! ! hill' ediately |m I; i.jt the chase. v. v le-s seem. i i!nod start ! eiillli 1 v' I if (I. -li Illei.'. RENOUNCES HIS COUNTRV. 1 Syrartlse M ! I ! ??iu ire llri l:ii"? Himself u Siilijn ! nf lMivuril \!!. Syr: it N. V. Major Alexander II. Hav's, a Mill; v. v l.<? ntiiil re ei Mliy claimed tills e.; v a ; h's home ; . ' pain |i'*rsti:etl taxi has declared ill ;u self ;t Pit I ijeet Ol' K.l_' l.dWMfd Of (!r . I'.rltei.i iiti'l h i h.ol liis name h? ken front -lie personal : x roll, i Major ran for C'mnrres* on the 1 I), : rn. i. tic*7c< t i:.. 'i- -: Jnmcii J. . i ..?! ? ?? y.: r<> :i! I was tl? ' f rd. lie Jin* Inrtfo street rnilrond j ni p. in !. ..ti vil'.o r.'i'l ? :;!< r.-ivo v ;*.] < state hi !. Is city. SCHOOL "MISTRESS" A WAN. V i?r in Ai !;:itiMiri Ai rcit .i ? Wanted on ? Clwrgi' ol" tinnier. f.i:;!e liork, Ark.?A ?'.< )< < . !v<> n few ;i da.;. :'ct? jilaci <1 undvr arn-t a sup- ;1 |i )?. .! yirtinjj w.i. i -ii. Wi: > 1?:t?I 1mm ti , teaching a j .i :i:? i lufM in ll;.* Ki;t),"rt \ II.'. r tiel^ldmrhm il. I It turns in. tint the pclio'.! teacher v...s nini) in disguise; that id- name is S arv. anil that la* is wanted in t Tr,:;."i mi a charge of inuri'.iT, committed seven jvars iik'?. ( KhIh tTelcmnnd With .toy. 'i'ltc drought has bet a partly lirokut 'a Ii it:hut. too late to save corn. Ti:.' rain was welcotn; d with wild j, J vUiouslrat ioua en* Joy. 0 . * >. NO. 19. SH BLIND IS MADE 10 SEE Reason Also Returned After a Soric/ of Remarkable Operations. Mnn I!rinii!ppc! Vri?rs in nn Asylum 1VUI a Mullet In llt.'tiii Iteforo SnrKi'im? I'lMlcrttiiik Cure. j Philadelphia. Petm.?Joseph F lionIcol. who for the l:ist sown,. i n years* has boon totally blind and who tvason lias boon impaired during that period. has returned to his u.stne iri this city entirely ettr? d l>y a series of remarkable operations. Several months ago Sehenkel was brought from the Norristown Asyinni for tlm Insanelotlie.lcffcrsoti 1 lospital. v.itero the last of the operations to which lie owes his wonderful euro was performed by l'rofe<sor 'learn. In 1SS1 Schcukcl, wiio was at that time eighteen years old. was standing in front of a shooting gallery >11 Second street, and vas shut a< e'ul? :ully. The hullet entered the skull tin? right side and pneirnted into tin* brain. The services <> tb.. n. - chilis wove obtained at that tin but :i11 declined to pralv for th" bullet, : m> in-_r ti nt such :i course inevitably i.tust res-ait in death. Tit" tirst tastiii of tlf ace'oh :it tva< total blindness. hut, at mime t<? say. Solcnhe: t -cover.'.I th > u-v o ' hat It ryrs a few weeks late;*. A yon.* later tlio blindness returned. ami v'.t'i it. r;iti>i< a partial i> ss of reason. Schenk'.'l win. sent to tit,* Norrlstowa Asylum win re lie i> lined umil a f? w months a:;o. Th-a were ti::1 s when Sin> ?1 >ii? 1 lift. <1 from the j :?rt:lS reason and tItott ho In 1 < ho lii'i unlit to L'iiiiaiioitiliia to bo op; rated upon. Finally I >r. Ko.-im. of the Ji:V' . son Hospital, was asked tal;-- th - case, hut. as If was col UK out of the oity at timt tinio. ho turned ?t niti.nt. over to his cullcatrue. I'roft iioarn. l>r. William M. Swoot tie. ??: ?1 in locatiny th" hullot v.i 'i an ray appnrnitts ami then precis - te- :a u.ronn.-utar wor. taken. Tito op-. ration was performed on .Imie kit ar ?1 w; s ;'.Mtmuiire(I successful hy th - pity-ic' tlima:li Scln-tik"! remain"! hi::;1. Tito patient remained i:t tin- hospital r arc ni ti'eatmeiii. an.l a lav day - a so 1 III. I.WI > - - I I ......11 W.IN I't'.-'KI". v'll. "C CM PAUL" A W.DOWi:?. R ifi! of Former 1'i't'Niilcnt Krajro? of Itir.Transvaal !)?? ? in I'ri luriu. l'rotnria. Africa.? Mrs. KrujTor, wif? oi lonncr rivs'nlom Kin-:t. of the Smith African Kcpnhlic. cli'-if of pneumonia. after an iilnoss of throe ? ilays. She was tixty-:-oron years old. l|M J*?jkk.. . * i* o'V i /^^vrV:t'i i!' '"r. if { ts: \ t if 0K t K,v? h r ' J *'" VV? r -\' ,\V : IV. ' " f ;t'h i'\ :V'I ??! Iwetc,-, - v.- u I * rut :?.: > r ::r. r. r. a >n run utr wiiw M. . Kinder was "Ooiii Paul's" v mhI wii'i- : i:< 1 :t Mi.--! I >:i I'h - <. ! n:; :i.<- of promim mv in Soul Si Africa. Mr. Krip-'er's Jlrsi wife was an aunt of 'I - i ?u S'ii --i.-. i'.y li.T lie til ' II" 1 !), AVllti (lit I. Mi . Kruvrr'K In'ijr -epnraii i*1 from lev ini-1 Mini, eonihinod with Si. <! :l'i ni Iu?r favorite liauiri.tcr, Mrs. Smith, i ' silly, had completely l>r ii< u ye.Bpirii. i* __ SWAM FLOOD TO MARRY. S'-itlii'i' Oltilni'iitii Parent Nor Ansr; Slivrr <*o111cI Ki cp <Jlil I roin Su< tIu*;ir(. I !:ir. e:> town. Mil. Mi-- J.olia (' I'M?c: "ii. ni Audi ta County, Va.. wus married i?? .ii.'in I.. Conk, of F. Ik toe., \:i.. after nvcrmiuiii^ obstacles of which a father's object ion was one of the least. The in ale. .i pretty plrl of reveritocit yea:-, jirueiireil one of her father's hor-'es ami left home early in thp morning. She roile alone Avitliout ,n saddle for ten miles and ero<.-wwi #?..?' . - ? <i t no ?' 21<>ii. lulonlt Kiver. 'i'll" river was. haiiiy wolieu. and she was enmpollrtt to cling In I 1m* horse's neck to avoid lieim: swept away. She join, il Conk :'.t n place agreed l"i hi iiiifl tiiey came direct to this ?!;!< ? to l>e ii nrri? il. CC'JTTLE a eurclar trap. tflc-: IJIiliiiK Thirty Items, Without ! unit. Thief Surrender* Himself. Id.mod. Mass. Thirty hours in n euiil" without food and with Httlo iii- and the inevitahility of arrest. let! i burglar who Siad Intended to rol? thn i.?t him: store of Spits* Brothers A-. * dork to make his presence known and o era v.l out of his hiding place. A va; oinuan who discovered suspicious :i< had called the police, and tbo.v ook charge of the roliber. T!:" man said lie was Christopher 'minor, hut. the police have rocog; j li/.etl him as Charles A \fe Vv?w - lou.-a'braaker with ;i u international fl ('nidation, iind he admitted that ha MaAvoy. Ila Iiiih sorvod farina ii Mnv-:ic!iusotts and In English i?ria* |||