University of South Carolina Libraries
NEW WAY TO WARN 9H<P3. An Invention That Conduct* EtheHo Wave* to Veaaelfe United States Consul Dudley, at Vancouver, reports- to the State Do-, partment regarding the wrecking of Vessels navigating the coast of British Columbia and Alaska. He remarks that he has heard complaints from mariners engaged In tho northern trade that the coasts north of Vancouver are not properly lighted, and that the wnterB to the northward have not been as fully sounded as b.ifoty to vessels requires. Consul Dudley also Incloses a description of an invention for warning vessels, which says: "It will interest those whoso calling takes Hicm into these waters to learn that an invention is now being investigated by the marine authorities and navigators at South-end-on-Sca which, if it may net go a long way toward making lighthouses obsoleto and tronecessary, is expected to be of muoh value In the prevention of shipwreck from any one of 90 per cent, of the usual causeB. This is an automatic system of signalling which will warn ships of their approach to dangerous rocks and coasts in all weatherB. when even a flashing light might not be seen and the booming of a fog horn be unheard. "A metallic conductor is flxod on an elevation ashore, or a lightship, or reef, or lighthouse. From this etheric waves are transmitted over a zone which has a radius of seven miles. All vessels within that area which are fitted with receivers aro warned of their proximity to danger, the distance and the point of the compass being registered. At the same time u bell rings and the receiving instru ment records the name or the place that 1b being approached. The automatic part of the Invention consists of steel bearings with a number of teeth which pass over a Morso transmitter. No operators arb needed. "The Instrument or machine works absolutely automatically. In its elementary principles, the syatero resembles Marconi's method of wireless telegraphy, but In detail the system Is essentially different. "The committee of Investigation at South-end-on-Sca ha3 enthusiastically' Indorsed the Invention after submitting it to a variety of testa in both fair and foul weather, and a syndicate is now holng formed to cnguge in its manufacture on a large scale, the inventor stipulating that the prico shall be maintained a moderate one, he himself preferring to be remembered as a philanthropist rather than as a miV lionulrc inventor. Sharps and Ruts. There would be few slandering tongues if there were no listening ears. The beauty of earth comes from tho showers as much as front (he shine. Salvation by self-examination is like sweeping a room with a search-light. Cnrci Can err nml Itlonri I'oInoii. Contigiou? blood poison. old outing ulcers, scrofula, bono pains, falling liuir, mucous patches, and deadly cancer, running, festering tores, persistent pimples, cured by It. It. 11. (l!otanie blood ltalni), which kills tlio poison. Urals ovary sore: especially recommended for old, obstinate cases. Druggists, tl. Dcscribo troubles and trial treatment sent freo by writing Dr. Gillam, 12 Mitchell 8t.. Atlanta, Ua. A smart brickmaker can make 4000 bricks a day. A sixteen horse power machine makes 30,000 in tlie same time. Fnch package of Pit nam Faj>ki.ksh Dt Colors oltbor Hllk, Wool or Cotton perfectly at one boiling. Kohl by nil druggists. Peppermint is native to Kurojve, and its tiac as a medicine dates back to the Middle Ages. It very often happens that when a ship arrives fate they dock it. Are Ton I'ting Allen's Foot-1*.use I It ts the only euro for Swollen. Smarting. Tirod, Aching, Hot, Sweating Feet, Coras and bunions. Ask for Alton's Foot-Eaeo, a powder to bo shaken into tho shoes. Cares while you walk. At all IVmggiit* and Shoo Stores, 23e. Haniplo sent FltF.K. Address, Allen S. Ctrusted. LoRoy. N. Y. A Crntcnnrtsn. Dr. Oraharo, of Kentucky, who lived to be ono hundred years old attributed his Ion X lift* and freotloin trom illness to tbo uso of Crab Orchard Water. It was his only medicine. ITcmloek, the extract which killed Socrates, is r. native of Italy and Greece. boo fulvt. of Hmitiidr vl'h IlesiNKsn Coi.i.fok Of all ( icrtnan cities Nuremburg has increased most within the last five years? about sixty per cent. Conductor 11. P. I.omnia, Detroit, Mi h., tcy>: "The effect of Hall's Catarrh Cure is wonderful." Writo hiui about It. bold by Druggists, 75c. u? miner to mage a 1001 ut a man uian to mako a man of a foe!. Mr*. Wlnalow'd Soothing Syrup for children teething, soften the gums, reduce# inflammation .nllaya pain, euro# wind colic, 25c a bott'u Running expenses ure often hard to catch up with. I do not believe Piao'a Cure for Consumption ha# unequal for coughs and nobis. - - Jons V. Bo tun, Trinity Springs, Ind., Fob. 15. 1'jOO. If you have God's Word !n your work you can get along without Man's worry. He nevor tuceccds who neglect* th? little thing.-. So. 28. PI COLLEGE. DAVIDSON, N. C. For two-third- of u century DstI 'son w has been note i among southern ollegelor tne thoroughness o' its truining, the anility o l.i t> liitr, and the afmoapuor* <.f morality and lionnron Iti amous. Ir invites the attention of awry i?ar#nt. who wi-het- o give hi- son it tnor-M h class csl or so -nt flo education nnd<tr influences conducive to tua hUliost 'vpe i f character For isu.ogus , ate., address HENRY LOUIS SMITH, FRCSIDEMT. [ % RAMS' HORN BLASTS y f ' rr\ HE book that has I inspired the race does not need to S~~\ prove Its own in' The wealth of a / W'" sometimes llypfv n IwASl Some think they 1^-* V a are slniess because \ S*<~\ they are godless. t J low Christ without confessing Him. Peace with God gives power with men. If men would have God's rest they must be weary in God's work. He who gives his body to sensuality gives his soul to suicide. No safer harbor Is gained by tacking before the wind of truth. Our bitterest tears are shed over our brightest blessings. The only way to feed the sheep is to follow the shepherd. Goodness may win gold but gold will never win goodness. muai oi Ha wuum ruiuoi ?aitii uiucia than work ourselves. Cur adversity should often be spelled perversity. The question of the Son solves the question of our sin. Christ tasted the gall of sin without knowing Its guilt. The darkness of night throws a fierce light on many of our deeds. God gives no goods to those who are not seeking the chief good. Tho best thing will be but stuff to tho man who only seeks the stufT. He who is only passively willing to do right will find himself actively wishing to do wrong. A Misinformed Spiritualist Shortly after (ianiPlough's famous 'Dutchess" was stolen a journalist was invited t<> attend a spiritualistic seance in North London. For soine time he listened, incredulous. Then he sent a request to the effect that the spirit of the lady v.'ho had sat for the purloined portrait should be summoned, ami exrmined as to its whereabouts. This was duly done, and a series of knocks indicated her arrival. Now. it happened that the medium had but a vague idea of the period in which the artist had lived. The journalist, noting thi?, said: "Ask the duchess if she remembers sitting for the photograph at Gainsborough." The medium put the question, and the spirit answered "Yes!" The seance ended. "Solvunttire rim tabulae." SOUTHERN RAILWAY. __ Centra! Timo at Ja<'l;s?invilla nn<l Savannah. Ill,tarn Time at Other Point*. Schedule in ElYoot Jim. 27th. 1001. nohth hound. jjjfj" N'o.lll Daily Dally ox au Lv. Jacksonville tFTal iT boa! 7 4i>p'l2 2up ' savannah t&<>. Hy ) 12 66p;i2bUrJ 4 D,) " Earn well ? j?p 4 01a " Hlaokvillo 4 61'p' 4 2ttu bliip Ar. I luiitliiu .. _0 U/k, tl lua t>-l.'.p Lv. Charleston, tao. Uy 7 Oua Ffuup! 62jp " buminorvilio 7 41u 12UUot Ooop " Hi unohvilie t, 66n 2 uou 71>op Orangeburg, ll Zia 2 46a 7.V-p " liiugvillu lo loal 4 26a 8Lp Ar. Columbia It txW 6 5oa i<b.?p Lv. Augusta, tao. Kjr. > ibSSspl WbWP tl Dp Lv. Uramtovillo bbbpjl016p Lv. Allien U i0p 7 lip Lv. 1 ronton 4O2p'U0up " Jonnston 4 17p 11 2ui? Ar. Coiunihlu, tl'. 1?.) 6t6p| 2 luu Lv. Columbia, tBlilg at 0 20p t) 2ua !> 48p ' Wiunsboro 7 lap 7 22a lORip .. V,"0,""?? SUlp! 8 Ma 1124P Hook Hill 8 blip! fi 4ba 11 4*p Ar. Charlotte V2up! 9 46a i2bba Ar.l>iiuvillo 12 61aljWp all* Ar. Kiohmonil . tl uun 6 26p Ar. Washington . 7 boa 8S01> 10 16a " Baltimore tPa.HH) ? 16a 11 85p 11'26a ' Philadelphia 11 km 2 6'ia 130a 1 ?e* Ww . ?08p 8 23?l 4 18a j 1 uinbla ...... 11 4oai 82Uo|...... Ar. Spartanburg a lUpill 26a " A she vi lie 7 16p 24?p| Ar. Knoxville 4 Mat 7 nop1 Ar. Cincinnati 7 ifc/pi 7 46n . ... Ar. Louisville ~4Upl J 60ai south Xo.lUNo.b6 N'o.lil lhiily Lially ox riu lv. Louisville . '7 46a Tttiy ? Lv. Uinotnnatl a m "aoop . .. tv. Knoxvillo ] i ?jn a 26a As ho villa h 00?% llu'.p 1 " Spartanburg 11 46a t) 15p 1 p. Oommbla ... I a&jpl umpj I CV. Now kork.Pa.K.U,. . iSlSal U4Uui ' PllllHllolfllltll >1.1-,. w -. .. |?n KH"[tuaoro&sk "MM Ht n (So.RrD. 1) Mrp 11 p.a rt if,,. L?v. Kiohmonil " llHup ISIm Lv. Danville j .ta 648p|i5nS5 ? t^JC'Srui # 1W? V" S6p 4ili | i o won losttji 6 uu? Ch.sicr ?.U;l [j iui, tV,l(v IV mmborr. . Ul n 1' u,i . u-|? | Ar. Oo.uinMo. Mild* St 11-.:. 1 U? 7 uj? Lv. t.iu'jji.ta, iu. i>.) nan 4 a<i: . Johnnton UlpIitlKn) Trenton ! ? 4xx Ar. Aik- n ; Ar. urunitovillo *'!.;?? 7j a A r. Amtim n 2arj _v - oa lo 20a I Lv. laiojuTiE (So. Kjrj *4(VI i . T tf>i ! .. J<"'CvlUo 4 ^ :rJu T OinnKc(?v.rrf Um *41* l.n -If-VMI.O ftl.Sp 4iVi ua?l Suinmorvlllo 7;,lv 5 67n l0;cj*i Ar ( mru-.ton ..... .. . sijp , llUM u i.^ | t.v. (. ..u.abm ,So. lijr./..... 11.,? Tli. 7ui blnckvlll? 1 Up i5r[1, 8asu | Kurnwoil 1 -^p 3 K.a I Savannah 8u0p f.'M. 10 20* ll J"-'i ' rli.o t I s.1 ' ?ut) Oittgl iijy sUcplnj Car Sorvlce. Kxcoll?int daily paaaenKer rorvieo Potwcoa Florid* and New York. No* M and J*?New York and Flortdn I.lmHo t. DaMy except Suml.?v, composed cx.-iutJ.oiy o. Pullman flm-il Drawing Konin Sleep. "?K. (' >n>i uriumut and Ol.servulorv Cars i.oIw onii N*??W York (\ilmii in urn* sir i Puliuian sleeping ears between Augi.ata and AiUrunni New ^ork. runs troiu AUguatn I? Columbia via li.nkvillo 1'nrior rars l??r iwcrn ChaNoston ami C'llmnUa. Nu?. jinliJ o<?Nf* Yoik and Florida Kv pr<-Mi. Drawing-room mee; in {. cars liciinra Augualu and Now York. Pullman dinw|:i?> rt-om sleeping "-nr* between Port. Tampa, JackF >o vllic. bKvnniiah Washington and Vow Yo- k. fulluian d.kf'Inv earn lx-twio.i Charlotte nud l;l"hmo.i<l. curs between Charlotio u:u! r nvuannh. Nos. .i> and .k>?U. S. Fast Mall. Through Pullman ?1- awlng-room buffet sleeping < ?: -. between Jacksonville and New York auil Pullin:ui seeping cars between Augusta and Charlotte. Inning car* servo all nivnlb t-nro.iio, I*uliinmi s.eeptug >.*nrs between Jacksonville ami Columbia niroutr daily betwoeu Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Asuevlllc. FUANKS.HANNOX, ?- H. hardwick, ridr?l V-F. Jt lion. Mgr., Gen. Pas Agi.. Vr*BNtllllRlo:i. 1). C. V> ii.sblllgtol), a. O. W. H. TA^LOS, Ii. W. Hl'N V, Au't Iron. Pass Ag't., l'ic. pass. Ag t . Atlautu, Hi. CU?rle*.on, a. C. Stray Shots. Happiness even in misery is the hallmark of the heavenly man. If your Ufo is hid with Christ, Christ cannot be hidden in your Itfe. Von runnot annralso a man mart from his soul, and that is invaluable. An attitude is about the only thing the dude dare strike. lest For ihr Rowels, No matter what nils yon, heodocho to a ranoer. you will never get well until your bowels uro put right. Cakcauktk help natnre. euro you vwthutlt n gripe or (tain, produce easy nnturr.l movement*. coat you just 10 cents to start getting your health back. Cakcahetp Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put ui> in metal boxes every tablet has C. C. C. stamped ou it. Bcwuro of imitations. Money and blood Bhould both be kept in circulation. FITH permanently cured. No fit* or nervousness after firnt day'B uso of Dr. Klino's Great nerve uuatorer. 92 trial bottle unil treoliso Tree I l)r. It. II. Kline, Ltd.. 031 Arch St.. l'hilu. l?a Germany has colonies an<l possessions whoac area in equal to nearly tivc times her own size. Your Hair I "Two years ago my hair was falling out badly. I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and soon my hair stopped coming out." Mi8S Minnie Hoover, Paris, 111. Perhaps your mother g had thin hair, but that is I no reason why you must S go through life with half- E starved hair. If you want I long, thick hair, feed it ? with Ayer's Hair Vigor, I I and make it rich, dark, I and heavy. ! $1.00 a bottle. All tfratflita. k senu us ono dollar and wo will express I! ( rim a buttle. lie euro and giro tbo name H | I of your nearest exnrwes ofllce. Address, K I J. C.AYKU CO., Lowell, Mass. y Your Tongue If it's coated, your stomach is bad, your liver is out of order. Ayer's Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dyspepsia, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. All druggists. Want your mnusturh* or beard a beautiful brown or rich black ? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE Whiskers } BO era, or Pwlxwvstw, oefvt h?tt A Co . n'iwt* n m. HQODQY Ntw DISCOVERY; K U l\ I O I omok ralirf and cum worst rasa, boon of M uuooitU >nj 111 days' treatment Jfr. c. Dr H H. OUtK IIOMS toi B. Atlanta. ... pmBSKT ???r?a - -* WINCH "NEW RIVAL" FACTORY L outshoot all other black powdei better and loaded by exact raachi powder, shot and wadding. Try ALL REPUTABLE DE in ?? A LUXUR J M ! \ Watch our noxt adver Si r i Just try u package c: ij e tho reason of its popu \ * I I l MM !? '.Ml > ? m I p V % im it u . m ?-> ?. 4 k\. im . ; ^kul ?SZ000^T for'?:i8 t all Stom, or by Mail for 11; 3 prlo OSEC?RTAIHWv CURE.1I ,y.' 1 Ik the o I Ide? t and only business college in Vs. owning Its building?a grind new one. No vacation*. Ladies & gentlemen, flookkcening,Shorthand, Typewriting,* Penmanship, Telegraphy, &c. Loading busineis college south oltho Potomac rlter."?Phi la. Stenographer. Address, O. M. Smithdenl, President. Xlchtnond, Vs. 1838. 1UU1. Greensboro female college, (iKKKKSUOKU, N. C. Literary and Ilusiness Ooura?9. Schools of MumIa. Art and FTooutiwu. Lltnrnrv Course and alt living expenses $200 per year. Full session begins Sept. 11th, l'JOl. Catalogue on application. Dbbd 1'bxcock. I'res't. medical college of virginia, IflH Its!ubttailed I88S. VI Tho stxtr-fourth session will comment-* October 1st. l*n. ^ Department ot Mnulclnr. four mw prMi<i||. L/Opftr>Tlllfnt Ol eutUtrjr, threa year* ouurne, fee* #6.1 Oil per wulua. Popurtment of Pharmacy. two y#i?r* Murnr, feea $0 .UU per *e*?ton. For further particular* >uJ Cat?> m|ue tolilro**. CHRISTOPHER TOUPKIHS, M D.t Dean, IIICH.TION 1>, VA. EDUCATE forBUSINESS H ATTIIR *^LE*!fJGT0M BUSINESS COLLEGE, LRXIXOTOX RV A high claw limine*. 1'ritlultur Reboot for Uoy* and 'Hrlt Itth year. Ilott Ile?t i.t everything. t.'otinte* rlrcllr* *ntl emlinwt' Mathematics. Rconnmlc*, Civil Oovernment Manning. Law. Itookkrr| Inn. IVnntan.hlp. Sliorthuml. Ty pewrltlng anj ka.iv KiirIInIi. W rite today for hand l>ook ami circular* explaining everything. Addre** lienjanitu II. Jouei, I'rctU**!. Lexington. Ay. hedical department Tulane University of Lonisiana. Fvutkded in 1884. nofr has S,H41 Oraduut**. It* for |tr*ctic?l instruction, both id nuipla labor at . and obuuoA .t hnapit*| tti Atenp la a r? u? q.iAllfd Kro? acc*aa ia gir?u to ? h? great Ch? r?t j Hm* pfta witb 9utf b*d? ?ud itu.uUO patmntt n -ualljr. ^i?t1a1 mia;mutt on t* riven dai r at thr bndaide ot thn rickTbt neit aaa'on b?*tnt October Ilat. IHII- For caia liifu* ai d Infu.inttion 1 'inf. S E Ch?ii.i k, M. D-. Ihsaii. P. O. DrAwnr Stfl. N?w Or.eaiiM, La. Guilford colleqe, 18*7 ?CO-I'.OVCATtON AL. ?1901. Opena September 3. 1U0I. Th'w Regular CotirA*?Clatrieal, Latin -clrmlflr, KclentlOc Three Special C'ouriv* Commercial. Mu le. Telegraphy Two Year* In PreparatjrT Department. T? i Kxpcrtenrej Toacbor* On-xl E-julpmont fur Scientific rle**areh Delightful Location. l.ll>-a ry. Latiwraiorle*. Iluuum. tlyino t.Uui Trnnli Courta. Athletic Kir Id Biprnim low. Kor Illu*I rated Catiloguo. addict. Prealdeut 1. I. MtU.U L Uullford Collet*. N.C. W. BRYANT. Dt RUAM.N.C^DinCCTOIk ANTED-TWOIEN To SEILOUR LI,\E to the TRADE. Ahlllti, Kiiorgr unit t nnlldptirr can t*kn the pltiio of B'.xpcrlencr a:.?l rnnko you worth mn rtnrt Per Year AboveTravvi)Z,UUU elinA Expenses. P. (t. 1IOX KGO. KA.\>AN CITV.MO saw mills; Eniflne*,W ond Pltncrs, It It. Oroantir ? mMachltif* ?ml Other Machinery, J Manut n-tun-d by th? tialem Iron Uorka, Motrin, N.C. OADE D SHOTGU N SH ELLS r shells, because they arc maJ^ nery with the standard brands of them &nd you will be convinced. ALES2S KEEP THEM J T WITHIN THE REACH w%pf/ If 1 mj | / "A HIGH fj J The Lion rises i t>iiU'Ap\ If / To exercise his j / To tell yot. a!l , I^S ji/ Unto the date tV *4 ^"?r ,'S 'm!' r?3 . <? Nintecn liundrci J As on that date -1 S^~^\ Will be renewec N tel I j/A The Lion from I 1 ,1 -^Vll His newest 1'ren " To man and wif Attractive prefer The List com >r 1 "r household i "^vs' 1 v< ~~ As well tools . % f/A 1 ? Who after p!a\t1 Fmm his halloo / vT \y That on Sejitem "The LION C , needing The u;i to-date o And if your gro Pon't hesitate, 1 tlsomont. Just write to u? We"! ?end the f LION COFFEE an, larity. 1 : ?-??"?" > p f n^i * *i (T\ ~"t n 06i.i aRd Bresfeis 2u 3. BILL 6 S0S2EL, K?r York. "The f*?ncc that nailr Weal Point ranouo." MclLMEWHY'S TABASCO. ; I m \v :"5 % 7^52^^ ?; I" ?.? ? S ? '! ',> ,\ * <r. r ? J/s ?,f^? ? ", ' ' 'J I -V ? .*? * ** . * &rr?^fr*/*5? *? ?* r < # . ? Wjftvi y/;.. . v [v.^... r . ; :(tt <* _ ? PA -V ?.' . , . r?N 4 *'v>S > '. # . '. /I-'c*; . * / :; * ,. . j? % .... . , A- 1^' ^ MBB3BBEB gaaBBS MILLIONS O! USE CUTICURA SOAF CURA. OINTMENT TIfc?no?amm?? 1 n IFor preserving purifying;, and and children, for rashes, itchic the scalp of crusts, scales, and falling; hair, for softening;, whit and sere hands, and for all th and nursery. Millions of We Itorm ot baths lor annoying excoriations, for too free or off of washes for ulcerative weak antiseptic purposes which r women, especially mothers, induce those who have once and beautificrs to use any ot I delicate emollient properties d< l: skin cure, with the purest of i most refreshing of flower od at ONE PRICE, the BEST s [ the BEST toilet, bath, and b Si COWPT.KTE EXTERNAL AND INTER! i ifenasss ' tlun, and 8cx>?h< TUC CpT okiI ainl chvaiis !? IllL OLI cienttueuroUia Inc. ami floalv skin, ecalp, mid blood bull j Sold throughout the world. British 1* " house Sep, I?ndon. Fottkr L>?ux? isn l'.-' imin' 1 W?S?I JWV'U'rV OF ALL.' I OLD TIME IN VIEW." now to the occasion, ' powers of persuasion, 0 pay the best attention lat he herein will mention. int that you should remember 1 and one, first of September. i, the Lion's list of prizes, 1 but filled with new surprises! lis car is new proclaiming iiu:n List, which will be naming, e, to children, aunt and cousin, j its, dozen after dozen. ) ises gifts most wisely blended nc and ornament intended, H and toys to suit the younger, liings naturally hunger. n the Lion makes suggestion ber first you ask the rjuestioti:? OFFEE I'remium List you'.-# ne, othnrs superseding, ,VJ cer is not one possessing, : t ,?ecause your need is pressing, i,?a two-cent stamp inclosing,, no further work imposing. 1 you will understand i s WOOLSON SPICy. CO.. TOLEDO. OHIO. M !s??. -iM. h; *'j f ' i lie a ixn.vh ryi un. Tjukte? Uso * 'j L'J In ?iuie. HoM hr drutfrflr?*u?. .o?fj <? r-aagEgj3 L Hff ;: *-v; ; rMOTHERSI ' ASSISTED BY CUTI- 1 IE GREAT SKIN CURE | beautifying the skin of infants I igs, and chafings, for cleansing 8 dandruff, and the stopping; 01 B cning, and soothing; red, rough, B ic purposes of the toilet, bath, I >men use Cuticura Soap in the B irritations, inflammations, and I ensive perspiration, in the form 8 ncsses, ana for many sanative, I cadily suggest themselves to B No amount of persuasion can used these great sldn purifiers 8 hers. Cuticura Soap combines K crived from Cuticura, the great 8 cleansing; ingredients and the ors. It unites in ONE SOAP kin and complexion soap and I aby soap in the world. 8 sal tubatkbtt fou every iitmob, k Tiortt.v Soak. to cleanse the ekin of crusts if ten tho lliickeuod cuticle,octicuba oixt- h :ly u>y Itching, tnllaniniaUon, nn<l irritA- V ;jh<i liiwvl, uuil Ctrruu'RA RKftOL.vK.vr, to o tho Mood. A Binoi.e Sict is often ftufll most torturing, disfiguring, Itching, burn- H tors, with loan of heir, whan all el*e fails. r>ot: K. Nrwnnirr Bovs, 27 2ft, Charter Cukm. Corp., Bolo Propes., -looton, U.S. A. * Constipation t g is easily cured and the bowels re-to red m V to u healthy coaditiou by tho uso of T I I ^ the natural remedy lor n!I ?trmach, j t\ bowel. Jivcp and kidney trouble*. Hy A T onr in "tieul of concentration cbc'i f> oz. , A l.oltle ix n-pii vnlmit to three tullons of A tlio spring water. X Q 5nld bv ell drutr- y 1 Jtlsts Crab apple "-^?7A & mark on TRACE. W' 'i"\tA ? A every bottle 1 i 1 A J CRAB ORCHAHD KATER CO.. Lauisvile, Ky. J WADKfN VALLEY INSTITUTE, BOONVILLIE, N. C. ? Full Te-m open* .tu;. 1'!. 19)1. A school for both exe?. huult ifuliy loyita l in one of the best section* of N. . . ib" students fr >m 24 count.< * in 4 Mates. hxpenses only ?41.o6 for the Itriu. ? riti for lllitst ate i catalogue. 4 R If. HOKN. I*rl a.'pal. FOR COLORED STUOENTC OF BOTH SEXEt, ST. AUGUSTIilt'S SCHOOL, RAhKltill, IV. C. Col leg! n tr, * <?r in a), I nrt ii at rf a 1, (rataInn Ncliool for X ursea It 00 b Month StU'lcnf niav ?r..r|r ihelr war and r[n to M?ht (ichnol < arprniry. Prta'tn* II rick tar ivh t*nd?r tlir Ept'cm al < ..urcli ;l51h Year Pie Ontalerue. at p y to I'rlie lpul, llot. 4. B llaaier llatrlch. .V. ? . r CAPUOiiJE * y. HELJF.VEH Immediately ^ y Head itches, Neurit gin, Iridl- B X1 gesllnn, t'nlns. Sclnlle and B l<!ipiiiniit!(> Paint. NO IIAL) R J, EFFECTS. 16. 26 and 50.-. a bottle. I S At Draft Stores. 3 v.;;*vts?s.ftK?uu3i?^-A?tv;.xhU5ii-sa<iaimI CI5 to ?3O(T0 AGENTS PER WEEK \ SELLING CRAM'S POPULAR ATLAS OK I' S. AMI) At New nii?i * Now Onun: New HtaMMIi'S? M"?: popular mi'l rr.linMo wot a *v?>r fft-r??4. ?jul kc*t ln?ur<J in 10 juna l.i.-lusirs crrllorjr l.o* r|.:<- '..P>?iritl l?ru.i m uolNs l-UllLISUINO CO.. Atlanta. Ga. mi ,