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LOCAL and PERSONAL. Good c< tton 8 3-4 cents. Mr. John M. Kennett was up from Rock Hill Saturday. Mrs. W. A. Watson, of Charlotte visited in the city this week. The Charlotte Brick Company has ndopted the 10-hour work day. Mrs. J. H. Colt harp is eriously ill at her home in the Gold Hilt section. Mrs. Eliza Fullwood has been very sick at her home during the past week. Messrs. E. R. and J. E. Putterson, of Lancaster, were visitors to our town yesterday. Mr. Boss Patterson has been n sufferer for several days from a carbuncle on his neck. Mr. A. R. Kinibrell, of Rock *T:ii Uno..( tti. i.:.. ? ? ! npruv i u\ t?ii wain ii in U1 Ulll- ' er, Mr. E. W. Kirabrell. A box car was derailed at the Millfoit mill last Friday, but was replaced with little difficlty. No Mayor's court Monday mopiing. Things were "on the quiet" Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. L. J. Massey has had a *phone installed in his store. The number of his 'phone is 71. Mr. W. W. Sellers has returned home from a visit to tiie family of Mr. J. (t. Steel, at Rock Hill. Mrs. T. S. Kirkp&trick and daughters, Misses Kittie and Mabel, are visiting relatives in Sharon, N. C. The west end of Bailes' bridge, over Sugar creek, is gone again. The high water of Tuesday carried it nwuy. Mr. Iiinn Williamson, of Burlington, N. C.. visited his brother, Mr. J. E. Williamson, at this place last week. Mr. W. W. Willfong, of Newton, N. C., spent several days in town this week, the guest of Mr. L. A. Harris. The county summer school lmv- j ing closed, Miss Ada Bradford re- i turned home from Yorkville Moil- i day evening. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Heath and children, of Charlotte, spent Sun- 1 day and Monday at the home of Mr.T.B. Belk. The waters of Catawba river overflowed the Catawba Power Company's coffer dam and works - . again yesterday. . Mrs. M. E. Henry and children, of St. Petersburg. Fla., are visiting Mrs. Henry'* parents, Mr. and Mrs. L..M. Dinkius. Mr. T. M. Smythe, who has been living in (lastouia, Nx CM for the I past eight mouths, is spending a few dsys in this place. Mrs. J. M. Willeford wnsaeriously hurt at the Fort Mill Mfg. Company last week by being struck by a loom which was in motion. Miss Carrie Smythe, of Matthews, N. CM spent several days of this week at the home of her father, Mr. Ira G. Smythe, at this place. M?b. E. W. Kimbrell, who has been absent a month on a visit to her parents at Syracuse, N. Y., returned home yesterday evening. A force of hands has been engaged during the past week in painting and repairing the Southern's bridge over Catawba river. The name of baseball between the Rock Hill and Fort Mill teams last Wednesday nfternoon resulted | in a victory for ltock Hill by a score of 8 to 5. Mrs. ?Tas. Harris, of Albemarle, N. C., visited friends in this place last week. She went from here to Steel Creek to visit the family of i Capt. Burt Erwin, Children's exercises were held at the Methodist Church Sunday evening. The exercises consisted of songs and recitations. A large crowd wsa present. Rev. R. A. Yongue left this morning for Lancaster to attend the ' district conference meeting. He will return, however, and till his appointment at the Methodist church Sunday. There will be a special meeting of the Fort Mill Light Infantry held in the town hall Friday night. All members are requested to be present as some very important business will be brought up. Mr. Claud Howio, who enlisted in tlio army several. months ago, and who has been in camp at Ft. McPlierson, Ga., arrived homo Monday night to spend a 10 days furlough. Colonel Leroy Springs has lost during the past two weeks, seven fine mules at his Erwin plantation in Lancaster county. Six others have taken sick and it is thought they will die. The disease in thought to be spinal meningotis. Miss Viola Cousart, who, for a number'of years, has been employed as a nurse in a northern hospital, arrived on Monday from New York City ami will spend several weeks at the home of her father, Mr, J no. Q. Cousart, in this place, I OVER THE COUNIY. Items from Contemporaries Grouped for Times Readers. Rock Hill Herald. A game of Imll was played at Oakland Park in this city Wednesday between Rock Hill and Fort Mill teams, the ccore standing. Rock Hill 9; Fort Mill 5. Thursday Rock Hill and the Severs teams, of Charlotte, crossed hits, and the victory again fell to the home hoys. Score, l"> to 10. The ics live of the bricklayers <>f the city, who are members of the union, that they will enforce fori themselves a regulation t<> work only nine hours a day, will not have much effect at present, as there is no immediate prospect of a rush of brick work to do. The resolution will go into effect Monday, July 15. On Wednesday of this week,! while a force of hands in the employ of the Catawba Power Coinpa-ny were engaged in making some improvements on the road that lends through the Dutchman creek bottoms on the road to Neely's ferry, a horse belonging to Messrs. Kimball & Heath died of MV|to ,,..4 a r a i ? * i\ iKiuni mil im nri-Ulllll HI 1 111' CX - | trenie heat. Many animals are allowing tlie eirectH of working in tin1 midday su n. At a meet in*.? of llie county commissioners held in Vorkville Wed- ! nesday the hoard decided to come to N ewport on tlie I 1 th instant and '40 to the county bridge over the Catawba and t.henee to Rock lli'l for the purpose of inspecting the prop >sed new road from the bridge to this eity. The next day the commissioners will meet in the council chamber for the purpose of conferring with cit izens 011 the subject. Yorkville Yeoman. Hon. W*. N. Elder advises us that there will be a meeting of the York county Farmers' Alliance at Yorkville on the second Friday in this month, the I'2th. Representatives from every alliance in the county living or defunct are urgently requested to the present. Lust week we referred to the glanders cases in Tirzah. Since then se era cases have developed in Y? ikv.lle. Mr. P. W. Love had one o 1 his tine mules to die, and another was very sick, with what appeared to be glanders. Mr. Love sent for l)r. Xesom the veterinary surgeon at Cleinson, to come and investigate, and he came Tuesday, lie examined the sick mule, and also a 'horse owned by SheritT Logan, .that was sick, and prnouonced the trouble glanders. Dr. Nesom had to go down io ljHtio.iiHier Tuesday, and (lid not get back to Vorkville until Thursday. Thursday evening lie went out to K. 1?. Karnes' on the Kings Mountain road, whore there was a very sick horse and found a case of glanders more pronounced than any of the others. The horse was ordered shot and the stable burned. The mule belonging to Mr. Love and Sheriff Logan's horse were shot, in order to do away with the danger of spreading the disease. There is no known cure for glanders, and a horse, or mule that has it dies sooner or later after suffering great agony. After exposure, as has been demonstrated by experiments conducted by the French war department, the disease may smoulder for several months before giving any symptoms of its presence; in other cases, it breaks out in a few days. It is contagious, and is sometimes communicated by horses to men, with the same fatal results. One man in the lower edge of Y?>rkville, named Funjv, died with it just after the war, having caught it in attempting to doctor a horse that had it. ? Mrs. \V. K. Phillips who was injured in a runaway last week is steadily improving and her friends hope she will be out again in a few days. Mr. Phillips lias been confined to his home during the past week with chills. Tl.? 1th ..f .1 .?li.- ? ..? " II - J "IS' observed as a holiday by tin* propie of Fort Mill. I?ntli mills and a number of tin1 business houses were closed for the day. In the afternoon a large crowd of citizens assembled at ('oiifedoratc park to hear the addresses of several pr< an inent colored men. The day passed off quietly and there was very little drunkenness and rowdyism, which ts not often the case on holidays. Murray, the 10 year-old son of Mr. T. if. Merritt, was seriously hurt on last Thursday hy falling from a horse, which lie had started to ride to tosvn. The horse heeame frightened at the striking together of some plows which the hoy was carrying under his arm, and ran with the little fellow for about a quarter of a mile. He held oil all right until lie threw the plows down, which caused him to lose his balance and fall. Mr. Merrit says hirt son was very ill for several days but is improving now. i Lizzit> niackinoiiil. colored, was before Magistrate .Mills yesterday mornim? eharyed with stealing < 1 o111ifrom the home of M . *T. W. liuiles. The woman was released upon returning the stolen articles and paying the costs. Mr. Jerry Thompson, manager of the store of the Fort Mill Mfir. Company, returned Saturday inoriii11l; from a ten days visit to his home at 15urlin^t?>n, N. C. During Mi*- Tompson's absence. Mr. .lohn ()rr has had charge of the store. ()ne of our oldest and most sueeessful farmers says that, with favorable weather, he thinks the cotton crop will yet turn out a. very f??ir yi??I?I. Almost nil the farmers have finished planting t heir bottom lands, which wi-m s<> badly damaged by tin1 recen* floods. A Poor Millionaire Irately starved in l/Midon because h<* could u?>t digest lii- food. Kurly use of Dr. Kind's New Life I nls wouhl have saved him. They strengthen tin- stomach, ai<l digest ion, proniotcussnnilut ion, improve appetite. I'riee _\V. Money back if not satisfied. Sold by Titos, li. I Meaeham, Drn^ist. S. \V. Mitehell, has sned 1 lit* Hickory (Jrovo camp \V. (). \\ . for Sl."?,000, for injuries received during his initial ion last .March. In All Departments of our printing plant tlu-iv is the same care ofi veil t< > producing printed matter that is a credit t<? printer and user. It takes intelligent lahor to ]>n?duee the sort of printing von can' to use. Let us furnish estimates and show vmi what we can do for vou. R. M. LONDON, Rock Hill. S. C. Our AnnualS From this date 01 gains in all summer g< Now, we have 1 enough for yon to kno bargains, we iiidui it cost sales all through 1 do (his lor wo have t we stay in business. The time lias now on the market at elosi inor goods. Our spat can't, give prices, bu cheaper tlian you hn year, come to see us. ME ACHAT Be wise in fir Late knowiedj When you want I regular lawyer. When you want s your pastor. When you want 1 regular physician. 1> buy drugs, or have pre a regular druggist. \ will fill your p scribe for you. I liu\ < cucc in pniclice and d TIIOS. 13. mm J i Some People Say, "Why I didn't know yon wore I agent for that medicine." We are agents foi every medicine sold in 1 the I . S. and if its a reputable re- 1 medy, we can get it for yon quick- ; er and cheaper than you can yourself. For we save you all express charg? s. < )nly a few days ago ^Irs. Dawson told us she had been sending ' I otf for two years for a medicine! she saw advertised. We had the I medicine in stock and sold it for less than she paid at the factory. 1 Toll us your wants. ARIBREY'S. I \\v Like Your Do.lar in ]kiv incut of laundry work loft in our oaiv, loit wo st rivi-as well for your approbation. Our aim is to wash riot lios rlrau, iron shirts, collars ami i culls to your liking iwc mean by that polished or ilotncsiic finish), and generally to afford you the best satisfaction at prices com in eiisu rate with ^rood work, hut still cheap. Tlu' perfect work of tlie Model Steam 1 .auiidrv. t 'harlotte. N. t\, all I lie time at short prices has won the general favor of p>od dressers. Shipments made Wednesday evening. Jin. 1^. Mi Ki.iianky, Auknt. Fort Mill. S. O. KXC'KLSM >K MIISKKIUS Have a fine record. The (Jeortria hoard of entomology ecrtities to lln> health of tlirir stock. Their trees fruit a year or t wo earlier than the lit t le switches soli I hy some lirins, I have the ap nry and shall canvass York county in time to take orders for fall delivery, l'lease save your orders for inc. Finest evergreens and (lowers, as well as fruit trees, lor sale. SAM F. MASSKY, VOKT MI LU S. C. | ummerSale. l we offer great bar(X XI s. been you long \v that when we say ' i Some firms holler llie year, but we don't o make sometbing if r come for us to throw ng out prices all sum o is limited and we t if you want goods \e bought tbein this YL & EPPS. ne. rV 1 fl 5- i" A 3 v*. gt; lb Ul IUII BUM. ct>al advice, 140 to a pint ual advice, 140 to 1 1 1 lieUlCUl iKIVK'C, i?() 1() 21 nl, when you want to script ions tilled, go to rescript,ions and pre4 l)2id years of experiispensing drills. fiCHAM, M. D. MILLS & YOUNG. _wr That is the name of our new firm. Wo will be found at the old stand of Hughes & V "? - - i uiiii^ ready to serve our many friends and customers, whom we thank for their past favors and hope to have a continuance of their patronage. We Want Your Trade And will endeavor to please you by selling you the BEST GOODS at ROGK BOTTOM Prices. Wo will handle a full line of Fancy and Heavy Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Tin and Glassware, Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Pants, Hats, Caps, and, in fact, we are going j i i i to make t lus "The Everything Store." AVc will buy your cotton, cottoli seed, corn, peas, chickens and eggs, or anything you have to sell, paying you the highest market prices for same. Yours fox* businesa MILLS & YOUNG. (SurevRHors to Hughes it Younir.) ' ' 1 Bargains for the ladies. Wo offer for a short time our entire stock of Ladies' Oxfords and Low Quarter Shoos at one-half actual value. We have t. about 150 pairs of those Shoes that cost u? from 75c to $1.50 a pair and will sell them now at 50c to $1 a pair, which is an actual I . loss to us ol k2o to 50 per cent. Our loss is. your gain. Call early and get choice. The ?* * numbers run from 2 to 4 1-2. Mason's Fruit Jars. We have just received a big lot of Mason's Jars and our prices are rock hot* torn. Fruit Jar Rubbers 5c a dozen. "Eagle" Shoes, A new lot just in. We claim and believe tliis brand to be the best shoe on earth for the money. The only coninlaint is that-. ?? 9 t - ~w "They last too long." "Till-: OLD RELIABLE STORE." , I T. B. BELK, Proprietor. I --'ak*