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I' -1?V.<fve, belongs the the word "rag agd one of them song, and after nt, he said, .nt, a regu1 to play a same^and tonic of the scale, hurdy-gurdy ght hand at hni of handour country .all", in the erybody rag"" or the inven Ii.;: l believe ferrcd to the >o the tunc. \t?la ltolla. -kable bells, tho located In thu *n aide of the 'achungsu, or I, beyond the contains- the bjt order of 41 fr and hung v thq Emperor rignntlc object inches thick, >f 34 feet at the 3, and is eovi inscription-? .as id Chinese - ? ' -?r fane," wrote t la what comtjs 'ons.'T thought "V being rja brains, open ex' sentiment. ApenUiturea on ouda are beating . ckbum nanl Water would any one remedy he elieves that half a >. c good resolutions my. >* Irnorron?. ne's Great realise free .. rhtla., l'a. liberal (town-low,. way, is fttil ft* to tirkc-ts, rni bulldlnc nu<i in?, South. eto..eheerfulu itiruUhou I.. r>n r% PQ y .soW UIHiuVfeKY; |.in l/|\ W I ^9 1 luiok rnlirf ?ixt curof w.irtl uiai. Hook o( I* uniimioU and lOrinta' U?lm?nt j Fri c. Dr. X H. OkSSN **OKB. Box B ilUntl. ut. ; ta a day suke>r? trj rl/ to lntrodu on r goods In the cons* try. K?ia Food Co.. Opt. ill. Kansas 'It?, Mo. "Thr Baura Dial marlr West Point fnniona.'* MclLHENNY'S TABASCO. [ use certain s'curej?! HHI ttttt DAVIDSON, N. C. For two-thirds of a century Divl<Uon v hiahrrnuotii i among southern ollaget lor the thoroughness ol its traluing, the aoil<?' ita la ulty. and the atmosphere of Morality and honor on Its t a mini*. It invites *te attention of every narrnt who wishes o P' e his ion a tliorou -h class est orscient'flo '" cation under infltteures conducive to tao est type of eha rncter. Catalogues, etc., add rets henry louis smith, _ President* MEDICil COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA, _ Hats hi Islieil I S ;< K. -fourth -es?lon wiliaoiiimen V ' Oepsrtnien. or Xe.itcin-. ur ei tl.irv '^ "^"'Peraeaal"1'. Uephrt lllrnt of neDartmVrii or Vfr" t,m* ? (*? per *e..ion. sr. ^Ti iVTr ^.. Hf_ Srmacy. ia? rears course. fe?a &ii. ?f funh,r Particular. *"<? CaWB christopher lihfkins, m d? Dean, Kl< HMo\D, VA. lH.tH. ??N__ Greensboro female college, GKKKN.SIIOKO, N. C. Literary and P.nsiness C?.iir*e*. School? of Muela. Art and Elocution. Llterarv Course nud all living expenses $200 vi'?r. Fall fc??*ion b*?Riun S?pt. lltn. h'Ol. CMtnloKuo at he midht . ooor except paint r returned the verv "Tell Dr. Radciiffe, .cnts, tlut I will take nim but his physic."? <: Post 1 R7Tnc f Y "LEADER SMOKELESS PO are used by the best shots in the co uniform and reliable. All the world's won and Aade by Winchester shells. I USED BY THE BEST SHO 1: Inour ' Roasting A Establish- |jf ijraj ? ments wc rj ' \)H positively 1 ,\h>| do not allow .V >1 'L ? the use of I ( ? Effs. Hffl ~ Egg Mixtures, in Chemicals, JJjj Jr"" i or similar %Lui I substances. LION COPPEE is an absolutely Watch o Pure Cofree. Just try a pack and you will u popularity. LION COF I lions of homes In every package of LION COFF fact, no woman, man, boy or girl wi t C comfort and convenience, and whicl Itlio wrappers of our one pound sealc without them. You will find you will be well by taking? Alini1 nM bowfl trouble*. i 11 11 wf & '?u*nrn, hud hreulh, r I 8 K^ !T ?" *'*e tomacl*, bJon W V 11 >49 mouth. hcaduplio, liidl p.itn* nfter eating, liver Iroulilc, m and dltyinpu. ? lion your bo?vrl* ltd) you are getting ?lck. < ouettj ptople Ihnn all other dlavnae* t aturtor Tor thn rhronlc ailment* i lafft'rtOK tlnit come afterwards, all* yon, atari taking CASCAItliT will never get well itnd bo well i you put yonr hoWola right. Take with CAM'AniiTK to-day, under c ante* to cure or money refn'idtd, American expert# deny that locomotives manufactured here are Inferior to the Engltfi kind. J m Jm am Jilt ot ip the utloift ifC ot Ptrrk. give satisfacCo.. l. mile, Mo. wspapera published in the it ner cent, arc in the Engke a hoarse voice to say Are \ ^Allen'a Foot-Kaec ? It is the uro for Swollon. Smarting, Tired, Achi. . Beating Feet, Corns and Bunions. for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be ?-uaken into the shoos. Cures while you walk. At all Druggists and Shoo Stores, 25c. Sample sent PKEE. Address, Allen 8. Olmsted, LoRoy. N. Y. People who wear squeaky shoes sometimes delude themselves with the thought that they have music in their soles. HESTER I" and "RPPFATPB" > WDER SHOTGUN SHELLS j, iuntry because they are so accurate, championships and records have been Shoot them and you'll shoot well. TS, SOLD EVE RYWH E R E wwi.f-I., m w Y WITHIN THE REACti fel "T ^ I''111 ur next advertisement, age of LION COFFEE : nderstand the reason of its FEE is now used in mil- '* L EE you will find a fully illustrated and <1 ill fail to find in the list some article whic 1 they may have by simply cutting out a < id packages (which is the only form in wh I "r No matter ho Q health, good he tjoymcnt. Bowc ! pains than all ot you get a gooc through the bloc of people are doc 0 started with ba get better till th< how it is?yot suffer with a slig mouth mornings during the dayworse untill th< loses its charms, has been driven bowels with C/L slightest irreguh tioiuituy ca^y in RETS tone the and after you 1 wonder why it all your other disorders commence tc HE TONIC LAXA1 LIVER TONIC mmhhi^ 'K:rM:- Wa | piiflDfifJT bUHnfm llow romplrxlon stnallnr luoiticliir In I (loll ( muV(> fPfU' imit merit, and o?imtlnn kill* more win oil ? am .Vitr.1 Ojrethcr. It l?* it money rcf .indert. ?o' illil lonjr yvifA of fair, hni?<*?tI trial, ? . not tadillrd, ni\rrn?l No mutter ho* aid the empty Nr. * tn?clmjr? lor j"otl ul.?m you parehntoil [ill the time until hour*. TuhoonraAv our Kilvlrf| tnrt dny. IIrnl111 will cjut iu ubtoluli) L'lii.r- j-KudrtttlarUitllntni Addiemi ?TlilUJNU iiE as Fragrant SQZOOO^ Free Blood Cni?. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) core* blood and akin humors like ulcers, e kting sores, ecaema, itching chin. aching bon< sand joints, boils, scrofula, blood poison, cttu >er, etc. B. B. B. cures all malignant blood ^roubles, old deep-eoatod cases, heals ererv isore. makes the blood pure and rich. 'Druggists. tl. , Treatment lreo an,d prepaid b* describing your trouble and writing Dr. Qiilam. l'J Mitchell St. .Atlanta, Oa. Some people are so clumsy they can't drop a remark without breaking their word. TO mo I.'NT A IN AND NIC t. SIEOItli It (CSOHTS. Vln Kraltitiird Air l.lnc Iltnllwny. Bofore completing arrangements lor your summer trips or deciding upon places a. which to spend the Puiumer. you should eal! on Ticket Agents nud Passenger Represeutu! Uvea of the Seaboard Air Line Railway. ; They arc specially prepared to furnish information as to lowest rates, quickest schedI ules and most attract ire routes to the Moun1 tain Resorts in Western Xorth Carolina and | Southwest Virginia, also to the Seashore Resorts of Oceiu View, Virginia Beach. Old j Point Comfort, the great Eastern Resorts ' along the Jersey Const and other populnr i places reached by the Seaboard Air Line Railway. This Company Is ofToritig lower rates than ever with perfect train serviceaud last through schedules. It will inture-t and juu i?> vim nemioaru Air Lilue Hallway Ak**dI?. Even the bee in 11 bonnet may have a stin^c In Iti* tail. Hn. 26. I OF ALL! HE VILLAGE GROCER." j! With due apoligics to II. W. I.onglcliuw.) wlmvi ? 3|jrcauiiis cncsinut tree The corner grocery stands, Tl.e grocer?mighty man is he With hard and sinewy hands, That weigh out goods from ntorn till night. And also codec brands. I His goods are varied in their price Ami quality as well, 1 he store itself looks neat and nice. As all his neighbors tell. And his one great ambition is To LION COFFEE sell. Week in, week out, from morn till night. You'll hear this fellow blow < About liis coffee, always right, i The LION brand, you know; t\ l it's pure and honest goods tic tries to make it go! , Not only is it pure and good, Ilut also very cheap. jilecaitse 'tis best for houscho.d us^ Y A stock he'll always keep. In LION COFFEE thus his inch Is both sincere and deep. 1 Buying?rejoicing?wondering, His customers attest That LION COFFEE is, by far. In quality the best, _5 \nd the premiums alio are n.lm.v.jl And always in request. > lescriptive list. No housekeeper, in u h will contribute to their happiness, f.i rertain number of Lion I lends from I icli this excellent coffee is sold). t WOOLSON SIMCE CO., TOLEDO. OHIO. ! w pleasant your surroundings alth, is the foundation for en1 trouble causes more aches and her diseases to gather, and when I dose of bilious bile coursing id life's a hell on earth. Millions rtoring for chronic ailments that d bowels, and they will never t bowels are right. You know t neglect?get irregular?first 1 J--<- - t i - -* in nouuacuc?Daa xaste in trie , and general "all gone" feeling ?keep on going from bad to ? suffering becomes awful, life and there is many a one that to suicidal relief. Educate your SCARETS. Don't neglect the Lrity. See that you have one ovement each day. CASC.Aboweis?make them strong ? lave used them once you will is that you have ever been > get better at once, end soon I, SOLD IN BULK. fr" * TO(TRri TIt* TMn nin fi 9 l! the first box or < AH( A ItIt* t^ Q 3 ETA n a< told, Aow It Is ' L (J over (Is million hoxtn m yeitr. grrnlrr Itinu nor Inr W orld. Thtw It a>>-.<?Iu<i- proof of t,e?t t I mon la I. tVo harr fnllh ood PS Illxolntcly giinMintrod to c^rr or Imij to'lngr, Iwo fido boxrt, glrc tin ru u ortlsjilo directions, u(i<! If you uro I iff on a sOr box , rrturii urintcd AOc x to n? l>y mall, or lh? drutxlil from It, nt'il jrl yonr money bnrit for both loo no mutter itlnil (diynn ttnrl to' Itlv lollott nnd j on will Writ the tiny orCAHCAn n ? Hook (rrrliy m*ll. UkOX lO., RKW \Olik. or CRICAhO. IT tooth powder 25*; ! 1 . "My hair was Killing out and B turning gray very tast. But your I Hair Vigor stoppeq the felling and fj I restored the natural color."?Mrs. H ' ' I E. Z. Benomine, Cohoes. N. Y. H I It's impossible for you a not to look ol|d, with the ! color of seventy years in j your hair ! Perhaps you are seventy, ar d you like i your gray haiir! If not, j I use Ayer's HJair Vigor. In less than a rrionth your j j gray hair will h'ave all the 9 dark, rich color of youth. Q $1.00 a bottle. All ^niijlsta. If your drturtrist cantiot supply you, 1 send "us ono dollar aud rio will express I j you a liottle. He sure untljrivo tlte nun.o 8 of your eeorest eyrcss oplre. Address, H J. C. AVER CO.L Lowell, Mass. fj | Bromonia Headache || j' EflVrtlvr In rases ?V nervous j disorders ol winnrul, j P ITesdsrhes froiv orerworV.Vir otherrsmses. S li Mailed to your sadr*'*'-<>n re^-rtut oit&ceuts; j? W medium sire, Kf-e , lsrire strc,. n HIIO.VON'IA ll'O., |*a Seymour Hldir.. Mil A\e_ mi,' jd ? v V n special 1 duty ot ?'i>vn aim every i?<?l iiiaiu of tin1 town of Fort Mill, roucijl or special, to report ami prosecute jy violations of section 1 of this ordinal! j# ami also to fait hfully discharge all ? duties required of municipal poluenjS ^niior, ..v? SmjAs, L'.:irolnlf ? EFFECTS. 15. '25 *ud 50^. a bolt;*, g Z, At Druj? Storey g s SAW MILLS! Engines. V> oc d I'l'Dcn, Iti. n. Crow tie 2 m Machines nnd Other Machinery. r Munurhcttircd by |th^ Salrm iron Wtirki, S'^iriu. N.O. ' So. '20. Complete E internal/] ?-?THE Consisting of CUTICUR. skin of crusts and scale ened cuticle, CUTIC.URA allay itching, irritation, soothe and heal, and ( to cool and cleanse the 1 germs. A SINGLE SET i the most torturing,,disf blood humours, rashes, with loss of hair, ,whe Om1 A11 AitiAi* vama/ts ami au uiiici ltiiiUllCS ] MILLIONS USE I Assisted by Cuticura Oc*tm ing, and beautifying tbo gkij crusts, scales, and dand^uff> hair, for softening, whitenin and sore hands, for baby ra and for all the purposes o>f t Millions of Women use baths for annoying irritations at ions, for too free or off&nsb of washes for ulcerative "Weal tive, antiseptic purposes v^pjc to women and mothers. induce those who have once v and beautitiers to use any ot bines delicate emollient prctpC the great skin cure, with,' th <lii nts and the most refreshing medicated soap is to bo coinj) purifying, and beautifying th< Ko other foreign or domestic sive, is to he compared witl\ p toilet, bath, and nursery, at One Price, the best ski,x the best toilet and baby soap Comploto External and lntorr^a i? ConaiuUnfr of Cuti<mj1 /tlinmvwfll scale*, and soflen tl)u iiiticura mars safe blood. A 8l*Ot.K .THE SET Ihr, dtBflgrnrlnjt, ltr?iln ? humours, rashes, ?o.h" IT, else falls. SoMtf.rougbonttho world. H15, bouse 8<i., IxjnOou, JC. C. i'UTTim PilUO A?L i 9 i; ti ) I*7SICX HEADACHE ! 9 uccumbe reodllr U> the ?i<r remedy to take I I Slip ? A natural medicinal walor-ronrwilftM. < ? Aix?r;?-nt. 1 tx.Ulve, tonic. A ?i<wUk' for all I I Q liver, ktati-v, ?i.iniavh mid bowel dworderu. I ( <N It rurpo?T"rplA l.l?rr. ItlKnu ?.?., J?nn | | * \ ?ttee. I' li lo of tKl Kt'larve, . . ^ flenrlhurw. *lok llrutlaihe, . JSJ l?j?TOl,rv Canallful'm, I'llew. ' 1 jj t'niti Orehnrtl Wnlrr I* til* m(?l ( IB- 1 I ? raclou* of the natural tumoral vrntere; most ( I 0 Tliv irrnulne l? said hv I ( > -ill ciruu'u'l-tx wltti Crab I I A Appl trade luitrk on TBAD? flfc J MAM | | S every bottle. * c , l 1 CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO.. Lou.?vtlie. Kv. \ \ ?06C?090?90CO?0?GC?MM9t ? HAYNOR'SICECream b ii l"'1" miwt wonderful I're j>uration for fl Jl tiinkltin delicious I K CKKA.M WITH()i 1 Mill# OIL COOK1NO nt a co!>t not exree ting 15 cents per irallou. Kor fl*" yeen. tbit at tlcle ha? been on the tnarki?. hu* Riven the tiett nicir t Send one l>oll?r ami tret iioiiith to moke four kkIIoii., (iiolii.Hit.-nil flavoring. etc. Kull directions. Goods delivered. AUKNTh WANTED. TIIH HAY.XOK M'F ? CO., NORF-LK. VJL. FOR COLORED STUDENTS OF BOTH SEXES. ST. AUGUSTINE'S SCHOOL, IIAI.KIUII, N. C. Foil o?;T#tc,No rum 1,1 ud Hat rial, Train' Inn Ncliool for Turart. $6.00 n Month. Mtt.'ents tiiH.r work their way ntid B" to Mrhl Sohunl. Carpentry, Priming HrloUaylug. Under the Eplsem al Church. 35th Year. Kor I i iHtalncur. app y to Prim-leal. Itwv. A. B Iluater. K alrtgli. L. | $15 to $30 ( TO AGENTS PER WEEK \ SELLING CRAM'S POPULAR ATLAS OF IT S. A NI> WOltLII. New tnapa New Census. Netv Statistics? M"?t |?'i ul'ir hI.'I valuable work ever >fTerod. l^itliki et (I'llri leeue-l in 1' years Exclusive territory l.n.v ,i rl -? Liberal terms llfl'U.IVti I't'tll l.tllti ? . % vu.. Ai.mnn ua. kg Heat Cough fi?jrup. Tories Good. UioH xternal and i treatment SET A SOAP to cleanse the s, and soften the thickOINTMF.NT to intfantlv and inflammation, and TJTICURA RESOLVENT blood, and expel humour is often sufficient to cure iguring skin, scalp, and itchings, and irritations, n the best physicians, fail. 3UTIGD8A SOAP ent, for preserving, purifya, for cleansing tho scalp of and tho stopping of falling g, and soothing red, rough, shes, itchings, and chafings, ho toilet, bath, and nursery. 'icura Soap in tho form of ;, inflammations, and excori re perspiration, in tho form cnesses, and for many sanah readily suggest themselves ) amount of persuasion can ised thoso great skin purifiers hers. Cuticura Soap cornrties derived from Cuticura, 0 purest of cleansing ingro; of flower odours. No other ared with it for preserving, skin, scalp, hair and hands. toilet soap, however expent for all tho purposes of tho ius it combines in One Soap and complexion soap, and in tho world. v , 1 Troatmcnt for Every Humour. IA Boap. to cleanse the skin of crusts anri thickened cuticle; Cdtiil ra Ointment, to f. Inflammation, and Irritation, and suoUia i k\ ItKsoi.vrsT, to cool and cleaned tha r Is often snfl'clent to cure the most torturK. burnlnjt. :tnd scaly akin, scalp, and blood it?9, and Vrrlutlons.'wlth loss of hair, when tlsli Depot t\ v kwlie.kt A Sons, 27 (harter? Cue*. tx>arn bole i'rop#., Uostoa, U. S. A. i h i