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! ' I ifS&ZZF** "" " T^rl*MlR4m - %Af, -. >?r y>*?3 i * i fi^ii mtxA Pttftiirj i Jr Add to your phone lis? itfe name f J.-^V. Donahue, No. 9. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hughes w it to Lancaster Monday. Air. J. M. Patterson visited relatives near Lesslie, S. C., this week. Very few Fort Mill people went to Columbia on the Excursion yesterday. Miss Susie White returned Saturday from a visit to relatives in North Carolina. Mrs. M. J. Odell, of Concord, N. C.t is a guest at the home of Capt. S. E. White. There will bo preaching in the Baptist church at the usual hour on next Sunday morning. Mr. aud Mrs. W. H. Parks spent Sunday with the family of Mr. W. D. Smith near Charlotte. Dr. T. 13. Meacham went to Statesville, N. C., yesterday to visit his daughter, Mrs. E. S. Reeves. M rs. M. D. Scott returned to her lioiuo in Charlotte Tuesday after a visit to friends in this place. Mr. W. P. Crayton, of Charlotte, spent a few hours in the city yesterday. lie went from here to Chester. Tln>! Ladies Home Missionary Society is arranging an entertainment to tie given in the town hall soon for the benefit of local charities. j Mr. Geo. Cornwell, an employed of the Millfort mill, had his left hand severely lacerated on lasf Friday by getting it caught in the machinery. Misses Frances and Mary, daugh. e AT., u n >i V i l a tit. xfl. I OU1II A". iHllJifiCy It'll Friday to spend the Hummer with their uncle, Mr. H. E. Coffey, in Lancaster county. Dr. M. W. Grigg ,iml family, we are iufoimed, have moved to lilacksburg S. C., where they will make their future home. Mr. Roht. liutler has bought Dr. Grigg's house and lot in Sprattville. Mr. P. 15. Love, of the Rock Hill Journal staff, arrived in town yesterday morning and will remain here several days, during which time he will be engaged in soliciting subscriptions, etc., for his paper. A Pineville correspVdont to Mill News says thnt John RobinBon, aft^r three years with us, leaveh for his much-loved city, Fort ^Jill, where li*>, <jjH"Mr. Smith can join hands and sing ''Home Sweet Home." The following gentlemen from Fnrl Mill K?... _ w* ? ?.??.? & v\; u iinn i |; 11(1 V U UCCII drawn to serve ?h petit jurors during the approaching term of the court: J. L. Kimhrell, .1. 11. Moss, R. F. Grier and J. F. Boyd. Court will convene on the 15th of July, Judge Gage presiding. Miss Beulah Kimhrell died of consumption at her home in Pleasant Valley Friday morning after an illness of several months. The funeral services were conducted hy Rev. Yongue at the Methodist church in this place. The burial was made at the Fort Mill cemetery. Mr. J no. Q. Cousart. went up to Charlotte yesterday morning to meet his son, Mr. Earl Cousart, who passed through that city on his way to Plattsburg, N. Y. It. will be remembered that Mr. Coussart enlisted in the army about three months ago, and has si nee been in camj) at Ft. Mcpherson, Ga. A letter from Mr. IT. E. Merritt, who went from this place several days ago to work in the Southern railroad shops at Columbia, says that heandO. F. Bass were both in the crowd of non-union workers who were marched out of the shop yards bv the mob of mnslcefl m?n early Sunday morning. Both lmve since returned to work. The work of placing the approaches to the county bridge was finished yesterday and it is now open to travel. The sot of piers that was knocked out of posit ion during the flood haft not been replaced but the people who saw it withstand the high waters so successfully have no fear of its giving away under any team ever constructed. l)r. T. S. Kirkpatrick, having bought the laud which has been used as a bicycle track and baseball ground, will begin in a few days the erection of two small houses thereon. This will cause the ball | layers to look elsewhere for a ground upon which to amuse themselves, but they can probably timl thesame near the cemetery. An exchange says that, "Wo want some one to bring us a] bushel of cherries on their subscription. Don't bring them on Saturday afternoon.'' The Times man is not especially in need of * cherries at present, but what would bo more pleasing to our sight thai,1 11 load of dry pint; wood stacked ud in our back yard? Any day except Sunday will suit. us. \ ' 1 - Dr. >n, of Char^ lotte, was in 1 lownpfonday.. Mr. A. O.fJones is quite sick at his home ^?n Cleborne street. Magistrate ?T. B. Mills spent Friday in Charlotte 011 business. Mr. W. I/lHall lias been confined to his holme for the past week with the grip. Miss Mng&i6 Gannon of Greensboro, N. C.J is Visiting her sister, Mrs. S. A. typps. Mrs. T. 1*. Meaclmm is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. S. lleeves, at Statesvitle, K. C. Mr. J. El Ardrey returned home Sunday ni ght from the South Carolina oo llego at Columbia. Catawba Lodge No. ."><>. A. F. M.. j will meet in the masonic hall Thursday oveningat usual hour. It is said that, there was a heavy shower of iail in the northern part of the township Monday evening. lurs. a.*lt. rtariseu nn<l 3lrs. St. L. McCon nol and children, of Concord, N. C., arc visiting at the I)omo of Mrs. K. A. Fulp, Mr. All iaon Thorn well returned home fror i Clemson college Monday niglit accompanied by Mr. William 5 itringfellow, of Chester. Mr. A. V. ]badfor?I, Sr., lias been given th J contract to make the changes iu the school building, which \vi s recently spoken of in The ] 1-months-old son of Mr. T. W. I>onahoe died at its home near the Fort Mill Mfg. Company Sunday evening and was buried at the For|t Mill cemetery Monday. The owners of the Rock Hill Holler Mills, whose advertisement appears! in another column, have secured the services of M r. \V. 1). Berry, fin expert miller of Lynch, burg, Va. While Oak Camp, No. 11, W. 0. W. /held u special meeting on Wednesday 11iht. for the purpose of electing several parties who had sent irt applications for membership in the order. JSeviJral Fort Miliums attended the ra at Derita, N. C., last Friday. The two-mile bu?gy heat, in which Mr. W. T. lloaglnnd of this place intended to enter with one of I his fust horses, was called olT. Reo. R. A. Young left yesterday for Opmgelmrg, where ho will usaifit hjia brother, Rev J.C. Y'ongue, in a protracted meeting. Rev. Yo^uie wdl hold a ten day's niect>?v Fort Mill some time in Aug?,s*" Prof. J. A. Boyd, of Rock Hill, who W"H i?r a long time principal of tl10 Fort Mill graded schools, ! hag accepted a similar position with 1 the big'1 school at 11 untersville, N. p-? ?nd will move with his family to that place. Mrs. Margaret Wolfe, who has beet1 living in Rock Hill for several years, has returned to this place and ld occupying her hou.-c in i Spr'attville. M r. ?I. \\ . Baker, who 1,a8 been living in Mrs. Wolfe's hoi'se, is now occupying the house C inarltf I .? \ I .. 1 m K!l vnt. i i j I'y Jll . fJ . L. Yo?ng. >lr. E. L. McKlhnny, ag -nt at tliib place for tho Model Strain LftHmdry, of Charlotte, received a tm.%ket of laundry yesterday which should have been returned to him on llie lf?th. The basket was put on f'ie wrong train nt Charlotte ftlld went to Hamlet, N. C., instead of coming here. Messrs. Hughes Ai Young have },?id their store closed this week } ai*d have taken stock preparatory ; tp a dissolution of the firm. As we ' l^ive stated before, Mr. Hughes withdraws to enter business at Jmneaster and is succeeded here by ^Jr. J. B. Mills. W e wish all of them success under the now order pf things. Prof. K. E. Thorn vv. .11 ! jiow attending tlif State summer Hchool fit Spartanburg. is planning . f<n excursion which will run from i flint city to Jiiltmori' and Asheville, Is. (on July 4. Tim jLrnin will ho run principally t > oiV(> j .the tonelu-rs an opportunity t<? visit the mountain cities and hi the Vandei bilt mansion and farm. It is flaid that tho Millfort mill ):at this place has changed hands, Messrs. Imroy Springs, of Icanonscastor, and li II. Springs, of ('liar1 lottC, having bought tlm mill from ' Messrs. \\\ A. Watson ami 15. I). j Springs. The Times ha* made iv' peated etTorts to as -ertai :i t'i? facts of tho deal, hut as none of the 1 abovti oenth nmn live in this place, we were unable to learn nmn than that which has been stated. The I'ineville baseball < am it Heems is not to bo classed with the team at. this pla e, a-* was a^ain deI inonfltrated on last Saturday when the Port A111! boys dticalcd the Pineville team by a score of s to.'J. The ^aine was ipiite interesting, not n run boim; m ule by "L11. i That is the name o] I i II will be found at the oj I: "V' <\niio- "" -1 - i rtjiiuv to servo customers, whom wo favors and hope to h i 1 !their patronage. !We Want Yot And will ondoavor 1 i ing you tlio BEST GOOE ROCK BOT1 AY o will handle a fi ITIoavy (jlroeorios, llai and (ilasswaro, I)rv (j Pants, flats, Caps, am to niako this "The Every t w e will buy your corn, peas, chickens a you have4 to sell, pa market prices for sain Yours for MILLS & (Successors to II side after the fourth inning. Wo uiulerstaucl that the Fort Mill team will play a j?H?ne with the Kock Hill nine next Friday afternoon. Mr. L. A. Harris, who for a number of years conducted, a grocery business in the storehouse recently burin d near the Fort Mill Mfi{. Company, has, we understand, bought the company store and will take charge of the business on July 1. Mr. Hairis is a business man ut every sense of the word and bis many friends will be olad to know that In- is to attain enter business at this place. As watermelon season will soon open ill Fort M ill, attention of the town couneil is called to the fart that an ordinance prohibiting the throwing of rinds on the streets i is much needed. Such ail ordiI nance ou^ht. to be passed, and not. only should it apply t the streets but also to''back premises" where as a general thin*; rinds are thrown land left to mould and rot. This en uses malaria and fever and the town will probably bo free from some of the dis -ases which arise from such a prat t ice during the hot .slimmer months, if the ordinance was enacted and enforced. Where is the Economy? Ivlitor Times: We will be obliged for apace in your pap r to ask for a little information from our supervisor in regard to the repairing of the county bridge. First, we would like to know where tho economy is in hauling lumber dO miles, when it could have been bought wit bin d miles of the work at J? 1.02 1-2 per hundred and delivered for nothing? Second, why wait to do this work with thecbnin^an^, when the men who arc suffering most from the ex l.n!*l ii I??nt iiiLf foreed t<> pay at tin* ferry would !111v*i been ulful to have tlitlx the hauling gratis; thereby saving the county tli expense of feodino jh,. ;'.'iand mules and pajiue the saru'eaut and guards to do it. And finally, with due respect and the kind "St feeling toward the supervisor, sargent it and jzuard . we would surest that it is very liiiai- ec iinany to liuild bridges, j where it reipiirea the skill of a rneeluinie. with nfttjroes who don't kn iw a hand saw file from a hrare and Int. as some of their work in lont Mill township, just before le ivin; h'*re. will testify to, as two i r three of the hri ipe.s liuilt 1 >\* t liein have to he built ovt r al lead;/. ClTIZliX. * /' L[ now of ^HM many ^HruscMffi a>?mlr iiJ^EliUI^UMia (. ift11iv [)ilSl :i\ a continuance of ir Trade to please you by sellJS at TOM Pricesnil line of Fancy and % dware, Crockery, Tin loods, Notions, Shoes, d, in fact, we are going* It! S!n9 9 UHSEE^ OIVJI Gl cotton, cotton seed, nd eggs, or anything ying you tlic highest e. "business YOUNG. h^Iioh Young.) Saves Two from Death. "Our lit t If (laughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough aiul bronchitis, " writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of Ariiionk, N. Y., "but, when all other 1 remedies failed, we saved her life with l)r Kind's New Discovery. Our niece, who had Consumption in an udvamxvl stage, also used this wonderful tnediciue and today she is perfectly well." Desperate t and lung diseases yeild to Dr. King's New Discovery us to no other medicine on earth. Infallible forUoughs and Colds. .jOe, and $1.00 bottles guaranteed by Thos. It. Meaeham. Trial ' bottles free. ?? The W(?rhl,K record for early cotton was broken by fair days when mi rnimy u balo wiih baled and shipped from A lice, Texas. Seven Years in Bril. "Will wonders ever eonse.V" Inquire the friends of Mrs. l'ease, of Ijiwrcnee, Kan. Tliey know she had been nimble to leave her bed in seven years on aeconnl of Kidney and Liver t rouble, nervous pros)rat ion and general debility; but, "Three bottles of Klectric Hitters enabled nie to walk," she writes, "and in three mouths I felt like a new person." Women sutlorinj; from Headache, backache. Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and I>iz/.y Sjh-IIs will lind it a priceless blessing. Try it. Satisfaction is Knarantced by Thoy H, Meachain. ()nly nOc. ^ " Repair Shop. 1 am still running a licpair Shop at the Sprat t Machine ('o.'s shopsand will continue to do satisfactory work at pri< , a*. low as the lowest. < >n account of the hard times and scarcity of money, I have decided to Cut the price on horseshoeing to 10 cents a round. (<iv< nu-a call. r. I'.t N. b. HAYNK. Some People Say, ' Why I didn't know yon were nip it! for (lint medicine." We tire ttoenlH lot evi ry inediciiie sold in tiie I S. and if its a reputable remedy, wo can j^et it. for you (|iiick.... t ~l - u <-i .urn i-ni'fijji'r innn you can yourst If. I**cjj- wt save you all express ehario s. ( 'lily a low days a"o Mrs. I)awrion (old us slio had boon sending oil' for two years for a medicine she saw advertised. Wo had the nudjojno in stuck and sold it for loss than she paid at the factory. Toll us your wants ARDREY'S. liavo We liave too many gcpqBI ^?J:fJfijt. i jHR*N| 1 If yon want Iro croam at 10 oonta a how you can got it at this price. H L. J. MASS Half Price. 1 From this date on we w ! entire line of Millinery at <fl If you want a Hat for \m H and see us. fl All So Ilats now All jUg Some big cuts in othc^Q Yours Truly J MEAGHAM A E J , 9 1 Bargains for tig stock^BwH?^raHB| from kUB|hhB|H^HM?|B now to us<nH^H|^^^^HHj vnur (ruin ^?u rill IT itllll m numbers run from 2 to 4 1-2. Mason's Fruit We have just received INI ason's Jars and our prices toin. Fruit Jar Rubbers 5c i "Ea^le" Sh( A new lot just in. We lieve 11 iis brand to be the bos for the money. The only eoi "They Inst too long/' "T1IE OLD UELIABI. T. 1!. BULK, Prop . / ; . ?* / ^ BBK^^^oh!^^^HHK89^HBRSS srahoiee. The HHSS jars. JMM rock hot- JHH9H i MMW claim ami be- ^HHHHHH / HBMnnni t shoo on earth KHHBKBHS nplaint is that, 9HHH e store: mm riotor* BH|