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JharRock uusurapplica Bl'.HH . ^^BK' ni*iiN>mN - ^^Hg;Mnst Hff.?rt t > ^ Out Party. B^Bv. about Senator commenced enjtl of elmt in ^ saya The State of He> ently nincli ^^ ovit t ie State ex^^BmflW^iuocrntic BB^^^^^^ne the ho hus ^ li an criticising in yesterday, ^B^Kiblication HHHH a 11 < koiuo roDomo cxooutivo men? one HbHB| of men of HBBBH* W(mid Statu justice X- oa W^ >w |H^HB^^K>y ^nanswrni m3m m Hgn^n|HH||BFoii hHBRHH|V own an tin miiid BnHBiiimii ox' or gjgMMHMMble, >re as t?ot)cl (ib the- one I ^^ (1 I will return yours to B B^^HiseHlcd the table so far as BHn Howard was concerned. ^HnoVTilltnan had a prize, and j ^Bkne%i it. Col. Howard also Kew tbanie might travel froui one end of the globe to the other and possibly never be able to duplicate that table, which was originally purchased abr. ad for a large sum of money.?Baltimore J American. -4t? Filllpinos Ficnd'Hti In Their Cruelty. Tlio War Department has received by mail the records of eleven recent trials ' of Filipinos by military commissions and the sentences imposed. The eluirges i against the natives included murder, rape, kidnapping, assault and battery, i burglary, ami violation of the rules of warfare. In several eases tlio dentil penalty was imposed, while other offou- | dors got long terms of imprisonment, in some instances :is high as twenty years. An espooially notable coso arose out of the operat ions of a famoos oath-bonnd band of Filipinos, called the Society of Sundatahans. The principal officers of ! this society, nest to a triumvirate of chiefs, are a chief executioner and assistants and a requisite number of grave diggers, who participate in the self-appointed work ^ the baud. The leaders select their victim, capture and carry liini nuviw ? ? ? !,.? nii,lif dozvous on a sandy beach covered with very tall grass, where the diggers have already prewired the grave. Here, in the preseueo of the assembled baud, bolpless ineu aud woinen from time to time have been stabbed to death and tossed into the gravos. The members of the baud than disperse and trust to the rise and fall of the nearby waters to hide the evidences of their ghastly work. Ton members of the baud; including t^wo of the (Chiefs, were tried before a military commisiou and eight of them were sentenced to he hanged. #11 approving the sentences Gen. McArthur says: "To the reviving authority it is evident that there can be 110 hope of jieuco for the Filipino people, nor security for their lives and property, nntil they shall learn to unite against all (lid* of murderers and assassins, uudor | iiatovur mime thoy shall nssnmo, and i mo to the assistance of the officers of klaw in their determination to bring piu nil to justice." In u not her case an armed hand of about twenty-five Filipinos carried away nine of the inhabitants of the bar- 1 rio of Casuutulncian and by repeated blows from the butts of their rifles drove them to the prosiduueiu of On hamuli. Here all hands drank freely of vino and the prisoners were made drunk. Thou, according to the test imony of two of the prisoners who escaped, the other seven wore led off in the direction of a grove of trees, where two days later their beheaded bodies were discovered. The lmmibers of the band who were captnriocireceived sentences of death in some cases and imprisonment at hard labor lor vammr terms in others. !*<* ?? Of State Newi. The Hock Tlill Post Office *will lie numbered nmoni; 'he second clneo post offitees beginning the first of duly next. The most, interesting and exciting game baseball ever played perhaps in the Stale, was witness- i ?'d at Piedmont last Saturday after- | noon. The contesting tennis. 1V1zer and Piedmont, wore evenly , uintehed and for eleven innings neither team scored. In the 12th however Piodniont made two fortunate hits and won hy a score of li tot). Mr. Daniel Wallace, who lives at Hickory Hill, Marion county, on the Pee Dee river, forty mil h from Georgetown, has discovered a Wrick building finder ground, supposed t.?>1 lie a structure built by an Huglishninn before the Revolutionary war. Mr. ^N'luis found a number ?>l household articles. I le has t:tkgn out of tlit* ground from .">1)0 to Kjo brick, but still digs. The briok hs small, dark rod and smooth, and supposed to bo of Kimlisb make. Imildin^ was put together he best mortar and I>y exired brick layers. striking maehinosts and workers at the Southern ay shops in Columbia engiga pitched battle early Sunday ng, in which several strikers iVouiidod. A crowd of masked ntered the shop yards and met by a volley of shots from nurds. Several of the shop lyees were driven from the have since returned to work. , J. Frank < M\ luu n, of I .an .eoniin Med suicide in Colutn ir v Friday morning by slmotimself in the head with a dJ e revolver. Mr. Clvburii was I., i* 1A: ? * ^ _ ,1 IK*'<iiii 111 \ ? \i. r irsi rv?u.n lina regiment during the Span* met icnn war. rrible lixploslon r 11 (ias<>lino hiovh burned a lady Rightfully," writes NT. K. Palmer, pkniaii. In. "The bMl dootdra pi"f haul th running sore that folI, hut Bmdclin'g Salve vn; curcrl her." Infallible for Cut*, i. i*nv s, L>nii.-':i, Skill Do'-easo* files. ;'h' a; Thus: J'?. M -achnii. L I fi * W' ?*lf Sf v * t v;,'' KSfr V,-" ? * ' ov^ i nil douN i y. Item* (<nfti ..ConttRinprarfes Grouped | fur Times Readers. Rock Hill Hernlc^J At tlio uAet iu^^^Phe Shi to touchers' \ iisssociuKou this week, E. Is. llu^hos.1 vtyo?mUvilio, was elected I president an <11. C. fcork, of Rock Hi IF, I lirst, vice-present- a. Mrs. A. 11. -anUyrecoivod very pain- ' fill injuries TtesrtiCy aftoniooii by fall- ' in^ when she Nvasf j$ottinj< out of a bu?;- i gy in front of her, home. She is confined | to her bed and tnu better yesterday. 1 At the mooting of the members of the ! company, cold at the armory last Tucs- ! day ni^iit, the Catawba Rides was or Kiuii/.cd b} tho election of the following officers: Herbert M. Duiilap, captain: J. H. Beckham, 1st lieutenant; C. K. Chrcit/.berg, 2d lientonaiit. The meiii- j hership of the company is now lift. A wagon loaded with ten convicts, with suits all spick and span, passed through town Thursday for Wright's ferry, when; they are to be engaged for j several days repairing the approaches i to the ferry, having been seriously dam- ! aged by the recent tloodH in the river. The roller mills is sending off ship- , meats of meal and flour nearly every day. Today they are shipping a car load of meal, (?(k> bushels, and a ton of wheat bran, Yorkville Yeoman. Mr 1'. 15. Love, late editor of the Hickory Grove Sun, is now engaged as local news man on the Rock Hill Jour- ! mil. The Sun has coastal to shine. Mr. Henry Massev has returned from ; California, and was in Yorkville Wed- j nesday. He has seen a good dual of the United States during his absence, but we believe is satisfied that there is no I plaee like South Carolina. Aiming the interesting visitors to the [ York County summer school t his year is Miss Minnie Mussey of Wuxlmw. A lady of culture and refinement, she is good company ativwhere. She laugh mgiy jokes about tho time, when a "lit - j tie girl," she was a pupil of (Ad. A. 11. Hanks the last year that well known teacher was at the Fort Mill academy ?emphasizing tho lapse ol' time since -then, something that according to general report, retjuires nerve for a lady to do. Miss Massey has spent much of her time in the last few years in Arkansas and Georgia. Both the Yorkvillo livery stables were sutferers trondny at the hands of brutes who mistreated their horses. One horse belonging to Glenn ami Allison died. They had rented a team to some negroes to go to preaching in the country somewhere, and it was kept going until one of the horses dropped dead. So far they have not takununy legal action. On tho same day the liinson-Heath Mule Company rented John Wilherspoon, colored, a horse and buggy. The manager, Mr. Estrige, got word late in the day that t he animal was being unmercifully driven, and was then headed oil" toward town. He hastened to meet it and came tip tin Witherspoon outside of town. The buggy was weighted down with Witherspoon and two women, the horse being then hardly able to go Mr. Kstrige ordered them to dismount, took the horse out of tho buggy and brought it back to the stable. Witberspoon was arrested and tried before Magistrate Barron for cruelty to animals, found guilty, ami sentenced to pay a lino of $!."> or serve 1ft days on the chain gang, lie paid tlu tine. ttM.d.- Hiii _m.?-....i Mr. and Mrs. Albert Collins wont to Fort Mill Ssublmth day. Miss Nan Thoruwell, of Fort Mill, visited Miss Marie Fewell this week. Misses Leidn and Lizzie Wolfe returueu homo Monday from a visit to their brother, Mr. Robert Wolfe, of Fort Mill. Mr. W. W. Thoniaaon, of Fort Ijiwu, Choster county, was in the eitv Monday. His father, the late Dr. N. W. Thomaaoii, was editor of the lirst newspaper ever published in Rock Hill. The }Mi]ier was called The Cranio, and the othee was located on White street. - ? Calhoun's Sweetheart. (ieorgo Wolaey Syinonds, in tho Ladies' Homo Journal for May,; tells 1 iio following interesting story i of the love of John C. Calhoun for ail attractive tvvelvo-year-old girl: At the time that Mr. Calhoun was 22. and the same fall lie graduated at Vale, ho visited his widowed cousin-in-law, Mrs. John II Calhoun, who was then living at Newport with her children. It was during this fall that ho fell in lovo with his little cousin, Flnride. who was then a girl of 12 years. She must have been a very attractive child. She was described as a very faciuating and vivacious miss. We can imagine how tho tali, grave 1 young man must have been impressed by the little maiden, who was his opp isito in age, appearance and disposition. :n writing to Florida's mother during the summer of the follow-' ing year I IH>.*>) he sent his love to her children and underscored Floride's name. Culh hiii saw his sweetheart from lime to time and. Willie we tl mi f Know the ilat <ui which lit* ashed her tti marry liini, we k11 i\v that IIim inuii.ey Itioiv place in IM I A11 lion ;li lie corrosp aided will) Mrs. ('allituui, yet he ijni-s n t m]>jhMir to !i:iv? \si iiit ii 1mi! kiio IdU'i' lo her daughter .that wi;h wiilten I in llu> fall of 1M0. at a time wlieu his attenturn was engrossed by his rare for Uouurvfia. C'aih ?nn was then *jN?^nrs old. This letter to Miss Floride was an ideal "love letter" and was signed "your true lover." One expression in it breathes such an earnest spirit of lovo and such lofty sentiment that this article cannot be better closed than by giving it here: "My dearest one, may our love strengthen with each returning day, may it ripen and mellow with our years j ariftyniy iltmd with immortal joys " ? * r*" y i x I \N^??^hln^ton'8 Chariof. The <?lc{ stntre coach of General Washington, which Iirb been etoh*d, for years at 104th street nnd Sheridan avenue. New York City, will be sent to Mount Vernon, on the Potomac, whore it will be cared for with other relics by tlie Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union. A^,ustus Fn y, who gave 1 lie j conch to the Association, said that it had been exhibited at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia i as a enrosity, and had been pur- | chasid by Benjamin Richardson,! the eccentric ilarlem capitalist who contemplated the estabishment of a private musuem. Mr. r rey said ' that the coach was manufactured in Philadelphia. ft the Washington family, and was known as "the white chariot." Didn't Harry for Honey. The Boston man. who lately married a sickly rich young woman, is happy j now, for ho got Dr. Kind's New Life Pills, which restored her to perfect health. Infallible for Junudicu, Billiousness, Malaria, Fever and Ague and all Liver and Stomach troubles. Gentle 1 hut effective. Only 25c at Mcacliam's drag store. Attention, Ft. Mill lit. Infantry Members of the Fort IVIi 11 Light Infantry will assemble for drill on Saturday afternoon, June 29, at 1.30 o'clock. Hy order of T. B. SPHATT. Capt. Silverware. We are adding at all times to j : our lino of Sterling Silver all the I most desirable pieces for table use. For presents or use in your family you can lind nothing better. ' 'Phone 277. CHARLOTTE, N. C. nor WEATHER 15 COMING, Hut you don't cure for I lint. Just mil regularly tit our Ice Crenin Parlor and enjoy a cool, refreshing drink, or a plate of our delicious Ice Cream. 'Phone 4J and we will delivei any of the above refresh- i nients at. your residence. ME ACHAH'S DRUO ETPORIUI. IfVhy Do You Throw money away by buying a cheap grade of Harness, when you can get the best Hand Made Harness at the i same price? How is your saddle? Now's tho time to have it repaired. Give me a oall. J. E. MARSHALL, Opp. Central Hotel. litres Hii.l, S. C. j Aim From The Devil up to the proprietor, everybody about this print shoj): is trying to make it the best print shop lor you to employ. Let us print for vou. R. M. LONDON, Rock Hill, S. C. 'J L X3?C ' / 'J wk.. i ^ We I.ike Your Doihr in ]Hivincnt of laundry v<>rk loft in our oaro, but nvo si vivo as wvll for your II |F|1I imm mil. will I I 121 lh ID wasil clothes clean, iron shirts, collars and cuffs to yoor liking (we mean by that polished or domestic finish), ami genernlly to afford you the best satisfaction at pricescapnnensurato witlip?od work, but still cheap. The |>erfcet work of the Model ?toaur Ijiundrv, Charlotte, N. C., all the timo at short prices has won tho general favor of good dressers. Shipurwtts made Wednesday evening. lil>. McEui.wky, A<n:NT Fort Mill, S. C j \ * / ? DR. J. L. SPRATT, ' .-:j) SURGEON DENTIST. Office in Jones building, Main Street, Fort Mill, S. C. May 8. tf. LIQUOR ORDINANCE. Be it ordained by the intendant and wardens of tin* town of Fort Mill, S. C., in council assembled, and by authority of the same: See. 1. That, except as authorized or J permitted by the statute law of the j State, commonly known as the Dispeu- | sary Law, the manufacture, sale, barter or exchange, receipt or acceptance, for unlawful use, delivery, storing or koep ing in possssion, within the incorporate limits of tins town of Fort Mill, any spir- I ituous malt, vinous, fermented, brewed (whether lager or rice beer,) or other liquor, any compound or mixture thereof by whatever name, which contains alcohol and is used as a beverage by any person, firm or corporation; the taking from the de))ot or other place ! within the incorporate limits of the i town of Fort Mill, by consignee or other person, or the payment of freight, or other charges by any person, firm, association or corporation, upon any such liquors, or mixtures thereof, by whatever name called; the, transportation of any s.icli liquors or mixtures from place to place within the ineorpo- i rate limits of the town of Fort Mill, by wagon, cart or other vehicle, or in any j other manner or way, is hereby proliib ited under penalty of a line of not more j than fiiftv ($ ()) dollars, or imprison-j muut at hard labor for not exceeding | thirty (80) days for each offense. Sec. 2. It is hereby declared to be the j special duty of each and every jxilice- j man of the town of Fort Mill, regular ; or special, to rejtort and prosecute nil I violations of section 1 of this ordinance, and also to faithfully discharge all the duties required of municipal policemen under the statutes of South Carolina embraced under the general head of i what is commonly known as the Dis- j pensary Law. Done and ratified in assembly of . council, under the corporate seal of the town of Fort Mill, this20th day of May, ' i5iu1. .ju11jn w. alckliharhkv, Attest: Iutomlaut. Ik a CJ. Smyth k, Secy. Call Up Mo. 27, When you want good, fresh ] it will pay you to buy from the Special prices to our country large quantities. lies IRA G, SMY' MEAL, FLOU11 and 1 Your attention is called to the First that we guarantee satisfa< corn and wheat. Our capacity is 1. wheat per day. Second, that we buy ear corn, ? ity; and sell (lour, ineal, diingb and all mill ROCK HILL R( L. E. BROW Don't Make tlie Mi Of your life by going to the wr BElt SHOP, where you will find i ready to serve you. Our patrons m of holes, rips, cuts and fringes. W shave. Call at third door of Bank CAROTHEl STOP CI Some people cry from s< The Lat Is llmt being made by E. crying and shouting the many ml' groceries. COFFEES. Our celebrated g Coffees, rich in flavor and strength,: MIXED TEA, Oolong or Enjj cents per pound. PICK EES, Mrs. Johnson's < the market, in 10 and '25 cent bottk Fit FIT JAUS. best quality at Flit* IT J A H It F BE EltS at 5 CANNED GOODS, a full line, A word to the ^ E3. W. KIMB] HA M Hl.Klv a ml (I _ J. L. Kiiubrcll, Agoi DEALERS IN FINE L,IQUODS ) AND WINES, No. 4'3 East Tratlo St. CHARLOTTE. - - - N. C. MONEY LOANED. Wo negotiate loans on improved farms in York eouuty. 7 per cent interest. Re payment easy. No broker's commissions. Only actual costs of perfecting loan. Apply to C. W. F. Spencer, Atfv. at Law, Hock Hill, S. C., or to undersigned at Yorkville, S. C. C. E. SPENCER. Atty. at Law. May 8. .'Jin FOK GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES, ETC., CALL ON OB WRITE TO W. IT. IIOOVER, CHIRM)ITR, N. C. You're Next! SlianiiMK) jfo to Billno ?fc Stevploy only experienced workmen, who siiv in attendance at any time you call. Our shop will ho found in the Ivonard building, west of railroad. Hair Singeing a apooiultv. BILLUK & STEVENS. [IEEE, n 1 id when in need of ICE largest dealers in town, friends and others who want it in pect fully. THE & SON. i ?EED. following facts:? tion in grinding, and exchanging ~>U bushels corn and 'J50 bushels ihell corn, and wheat of pood qual ^ycktd corn, wheat brand, midPHki't price. Quality beat. 3LLER MILLS. N, Manager. * stake onp place. Viait the CITY BAR11 corps of white barbers always ?ver p<? away with their faces tull e beautify the face with an easy Buihlinp, facing railroad. RS & SON. G5YINGS /? ;>itoay; some cry lorjoy. est Cry \V. Kimbrell tfc Co., who are rautngcs they ottor to buyers of outline Extra Roasted and Salome regular price 15 and 2."?c per pound. ;lish Breakfast, extra quality, 75 )ld Virginia Relish, the finest on >3. 75c and $1 a dozen, cents a dozen. best quality and lowest price, vise is sufficient. SELL & CO. DUAL Hlt'VCLKS. 5ft at, Fort Mill, S. C.