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vr:-T v darn KrxoiHM, llrliint TRuutora. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) cure* all skin ffeption*. itching humor*, o'zema. watery blister*. acaba, acalc*. festering sore*. boili. carbuncle heal* over* aore by giving a healthy blood supply to the hkin. ' Cures obi, deep-heated casea nftoi all nine fail* Drug gist*. ?1 Describe Hymptoma and treatment ent free nnd prepaid by writing Dr. Gill&tn. 12 Mitchell street, Atlanta, Ga. The proof of the pudding is ia lac digestion. Pctnav F*t>ki *.ru Dvr.s do no! spot, nlroak or give your good* an unevenly dyed appearance. Sold by all druggihin. There ia one admirable thing about the leader of an orchestra. He always faces the music. There are thirlv-fonr olicoi c factories in the State of Washington. /Ilk Vnnr Dealer Tor Allan'* Knot-Tu"*. A powder to shake into your slioo.i; rest* the feet. Cure* Corn*. Bunion*. Swollen. Sor?. Hot, Callous. Aching, Sweating Feet and In growing Nails. Allen's Foo:-E*->a mu'cos now or tight shoes easy. At nil druggist* an I shoe store*, '25 ct?. Sample mailed FKKK. Address Allen N. Olmsted, LeBoy, N. Y. The salmon pack of Washington in 1D0J was valued at !y3.?40.44H>. Ilcdlicrd Itnli'N to Old I'oinl Comfort, Vn. Aeeount Annual Convention National Travelers' Protective Association of America, Juno 3-8, 1901. For the above oeeasloD, the Seaboard Air I.luo Hallway will sell from all stations licit etn to Old Point Comfort and return at oue faro for the round trip. Tlukets will be sold Juno 1, 2 and 3. limited for return passage to et?rht days from date of sale, and subject to a further extension to Jnne 15:h. For full Information as to Ooudltlens, schedules.l'ull man sleeping car rates, etc., via the Seaboard Air Line Itailway, the best Hue to Old Point Comfort from the South, Southwest *od Southeast, en I upon or address any Ag cut or representative of the Company Worlti kineviiig. Teaspoonfitl dose* of Crab Orchard Water night and morning will cure tho most obatinbto cases of constipation. New Up-To\vii <>IIINew York f'ttj. The Seaboard Air Lino Hnilway has opened nil up-town oflloo at 1183 LI road way, New Voak City, o >rner Twenty-Eighth street. It." dowu-town passenger ofllco, at 3*7 llrocdwiiy, la still maintained. Any information *s to tickets, rate*, sleeping ear reservations, building and munufaeturlug si^es in tiio South, etc..cheerfully furnished at Ihlsofllee. Even tho bee In nbonnet may have a sting It its tail. So. 34. j .T. S. Parker. Eredonia. N. Y.. Save: "Shidfl Vint call on vim for tbo I'lOd reward, for I believe Hall'a Catarrh Cure will euro any cA*o of cataivh Waa very bad." Write bim/f6r particulars. Hold by Druggists, 75a. / It docBii't take a horsewoman to tLrive a bargain. 1 FITS permanently cured. No tj.l?? or Worron*ness aft<?r lirst duv'*' us; of D-' .line's Oiroai trial bott.*? '*,u"ise freo Dr. It. H. Kline, Ltd., 031 Ai t fra. Three thousand niarriagiP? what j id every day all over the worl^o proMrs. Winslow's Soothing Ky y 'I'l^iildren teething, soften the gutus, redijf. pulbimmation, allays pain, cures wind colic. 35c a bottle. Seven thousand mills in Russia grind miuuaiiy over iu.uuu.uw tons o! grain. I ?im sure riso's Cure for Consumption An red my lifo thrco years ago.?Mils. Thomas Ron?ina, Maple Bt., Norwich, N.Y., Feb. 17, I'JOO. Emperor William in ???i?l to receive more than OtK) letters a dny on an average. TO nOVNTAIK AND SUA MIOltK KGNOItTN, Via Senlionril Air I,lnc Itnllwny. I liofore completing arrangements for your summer trips or deciding upon places ill which to spend the summer, you should onion Ticket Agents and Passenger Representatives of the Seaboard Air Line Hallway. They arc spoeially prepared to furnish Information us to lowest rates, quickest schedalus and most attractive routes to the Mountain Resorts in Western North Carolina and Bouthwest Virginia, also to the Seashore Resorts of Oce ?u View, Virginia Ranch. Old JPoint Comfort, the great Eastern Resorts along the Jersey Coast and other popular {daces reached by the Seaboard Air I.ine tailway. This Company Is offering lower rutes that, ever with perfect train service and fast through schedules. It will interest ami f benellt you to call ou Seaboard Air I.iuo Railway Agents. . Black I "1 have used your Hair Vigor Q for five years and am greatly I pleased with it. It certainly re- Q stores the original color to gray I hair. It keeps my hair soft."? Mrs. I Helen Kilkenny,New Portland, Me. ll Aycr's Hair Vigor has jj been restoring color to y I gray hair for fifty years, I IancLit never fails to do th^work, cither. "lou can rely upon it for stopping your hair from falling, for keeping I your scalp clean, and for making your hair grow. St.00 a bolilr. All drufflMt. irn r- - - -- - - If your <lrnjr*ri?t cannot flip ply yon, 1 And ua one dollar ami wo w ill oxprcsa I you a l*>ttle. llo Mire and i?Ito the uncio } of your nearest express office. A'ldrcus, ] J. C. AYKK CO., Love 11, Mass. J TATE SPRING, T of %tn> ru n I lIot?>l Open an I Water Shipped Throughout Year the most i eUshtful Health ami Pleasure linu rt in th.' Union. Kieetrlo l.iaht*. Meant Heat. Water Works. \\ nler t urrs Iti titest|.in. l>vm>ep.|n. inn! all troiilil- - nf the l.lver. SMiurh. llladilrr. Iltovels ni.d Kliinev*. hheuiiiattsiii utid Blood DUram K. Write for Pamphlet. 'Alios. T011.1IV fto:>, Owner A: TATK SI'KINO, TKNNKS8KE. UAYNOR'S I I The most wonderful Preparation for B fl making delicious I K Cltb.A.U W I I 11Di T KliliSOK rOOKlSti at a cost. r. t ezere ilng 7Y rent* i?t Ballon. Kor five vests Hi? Hole lias t>e?n or. the market, has ?lvri> the i? ?t aueee-l S-nd one Hollar ami ,ei InniRh to make four gallons. Including s>'d flavoring ete. Klltl direction*. (loofli delivered. \UKNT8 W ANTED. TKK IIAYMIK M'F O CO.. AORFOI.H. VA. Use CERTAIN |?fcURE.!| dQk * ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Time at Jacksonville and Savannah. Ka.tcrn Time at Other Points. Sch?tlul?? in Effect Jan. 27th. 190L NaRTiinnmfn ;No.34!No.3l. NORTHBOUND. Dullj L?oily ox bU Lv. Jacksonville U*. S) ? a.'?a 7 46p l~ 1VP " savannah(bo. Ky.) 12&>pl2 8ou 4UA>p " bum well 4~5p 4 04u ...... " Hlnckvillo 4 3?p 4 28a 8 18p Ar. Columbia 6 l.rij> C lUa V45y Lv. Charleston, (fio. Ay ; oja floup 62op " tiuramerville 7 41a 120Uot Goop " Hrunchviliu BS&a 2 Uu.i 7 80,> Orangeburg 0 28a 2 4Au 7 ii>p " Kingviilo 10 l?>a 420a 8 4#'p Ar Columbia n ooa 6 boa 0lV>p Cv. Augusta, (ho. ttv.) ooop "youp 0 twp Lv. Mramtoviilo Ji Sip 10 lip Lv. A ikon a l&p ' 715p Lv. Tronton 4 02p 11 OOp " Johnston 4 17p? 11 20p Ar. Columbia, 1 >.) 5 2 loa' Lv. Ooluiuliiu. (Hklg bt 0 2vp 6 20a t'48p '* Winusboro 7 18p 7 2.'a 1081*p " Chester 8 Ulp 8 l.'Ja 11 24p " Hock Hill kiaap 8 4,'in 11 4Hy at. Chariot to (v liop y 4ir. i2!Ua Ar. Danville 12 51a 1 tSp 1111a Ar. ltichmonit / 0 O *? ? 25p Ar. Wusningtou . .. 777771- 7 3~u T.OOp 10 ISa ' I'.altiinoro tPa.Kll).../.. 0 15n 11 :i.">p 11 21m " 1'hiluUulpnia 11 sfm 2 50u 1 Ula u Now York 2 USp O Ifilu 4 'Oa Lv. Ootumbla 77777! 1140a 8 20a Ar. Spartanburg /. a lOp 11 2on " Ashovtlio .." I 7 15pl 2 4sp Ar. Knor.ville /. 4 15a! 7 .tip1 Ar. Cincinnati f 7llip' 7 4on1 Ar. Louisville .i . <t/pi 7 Ooal aoiiTiiuotmn No.38!No.85!No.81 sol>. I Daily Daily c* Bu Lv. LquIkvIH" ... / _ i_ J, ' tov' Cv. Cincinnati b .K>n, biwp . . Lv. Knoxvlllo ./. 1 Ami h Ami " Anluivlilo J. a ouu 8 05p " Spurtoiibvtrg 11 ISu G 15p Ar. Oolumblt* 3 2flpl PMUp ...... Lv. >Tow YorkiPa. u.U i 11 (tj{>. lv.liut:1243m " Philadelphia G Q3pi IA!nl 8 lOp " Baltixiyoro b?Jp rtifihi1 5 A'p Lv. Wnghy gt'n (Bo.Ry).. _. P a0|?' 11 15a1 (1 It'ip Lv. Rlohihond " ...... 11 ojp fiMlni Lv. Danylllo 4 4xi j -tap 12 Urn Lv. Uhtyrlotto b lwv i?56p 4 *la " Ho/ik Hill li Obn I038p 5t>ja " OjprBtor U i.Ui 11 lop SAa " Vfinasboro ID lfc:i l2 Uci 0 Ola Ar. C.olumbin, (BldgSt 11 iba, 1 lba 7 Oba 1 ~.A)olumbia, iU. Li.) 11 tun 4 :Da " 'Johnston iblpl 0 IWfi "! 'fronton 1 \3pl ft 4*? Ay*. Alktm 2 '-up: 7 Wn: U 40a Ar. Urunltovillo 2 Hip 7 lkn ... Ar. n 2 Bup b i Wn 1U 2j* /Lv. Ooiuiiibialhu. Ky) ~4 iwp, TuEn 1 7 l fx " Ktugvillo 4 41tp! 2 32a 7 tta " Oruugeburg Cdbpl IM'ui mli " BrahohVillo r. 15?> 4 Ami l> 2t 'tt " Suramorvillo 7 dip! 6 07al0 3d* Ar. Charleston I s lBpj ' Uuuill IBa Lv. C"iumKi.i (So. Ky.) 11 80a l lBnlTtWa " Hluekvillo 1 lopi 2 57:i | b 3>a " Barnwell 1 84pi 3 12n! " Savannah bb5pi B 'JUa; 10 2ua Ar. Jacksonville 11*. S.) 4,ipl y aTgi 22.'p Sleeping Car Servioo. Kicellcnt daily pnsiongor aervieo brtwoon Florida and Nftv York. No*. HI ivnd 32?New York nud Florida Limited. Daily except Sunday, composed exclusively of Pullman finest Drawing Kooia Sleep lv.'M>n New York, Coliim'.ln unci St. Augustine. PvUlmuu sleeping earn beiwec-n Angusta aad Atkra unci New York, runs from Augusta to (Jolumbia via fiiackvilln. Puriur curs btr Iwcm Charleston and Columbia. Nob, as unci id?New York and Florida Kxpro.sK. Drawing-room ait-oping c-nrs lirlww.a Augusta and New York, Pullman drawingrctorn sleeping rnrn between Port Tumpa, JackRou villa,Havannati Wasliiugtonmi.t Vt-w York. P\lllui&n sleeping carte hot v. con Charlotte u ml Kmhntoud. Dtuiug curs between Chariot to and Savannah. Nob. *j and Jtfl?IT. S. Fast Mail. Through Puliinun drawing-room buffet sleeping car-> l>otwean dueksou villa and New Yortt uud Pullutati sleepingcan but wren Augusta and Charlotte. Dtuiug ears servo all nteuls euroaio. Pulhunn su-oplng ears between Jacksonville find Coluinh.n t urouto daily l>oi wooil Jacksonville and Cincinnati, via Aaheville. FltANK S.UANNON, fc>. H. HAItlYNVIOK, Third V-P. A-Hen. Mgr., tu n. i'ns tgt., Washington, 1). C, Washington, D. O. W. H. TALOK, It. W.HUN3\ Au't tien. Paso. Ag't., Ldv. Pass. Ag't.. Atlanta. CI a., ?>. U. RAMS' HORN BLASTS ?51 fT"*, HI'' -renter mrs^s I are i?c rve: ulons \A^~" cT our bh- jiliti;?. i f?} Jpj Chris is not tie NSptfi BCW PL"S':1- b'.'filtise lid ' THIL M IS tlc>Sl)!SO.-L il^l\ lead you in HH \\ 4 A y\ Internal determine externals, ti'* V~S"~"* j, js better to of. f- jf fend a customer than to offend your conscience. You cannot rent the attie to God when malice has the front parlor. As distance lengthens kindness often strengthens. The force of love accomplishes mo'c than the love of force. The true preaching for the times muRt often he against the times. There can bo no imitation of fhrist whore there is no intimacy with II in. There is no sense anil th^re may he grin in getting up steam for anything but service. The man who calls himself a freo thinker usually means that h h is cea? ed to filter his thoughts. It. Is no use preach:nig Christ as the Savior of Society if you neglect lli.n | as the Savior of the soul. Work for six days is the true wm ship of God and worship on th seventh | the best work for the world. I It Is not so much the repetition of Christ's life so much as the r producj lion of His likeness that is need. d. There are too many people in tho churches who will not want to go to "heaven because they can neither jule nor ruin there. Little esiancao is nr. edit .Vive. Blanche i< the little five-year-old daughter of an East Side newspaper I tnan. She has lately been meditating or. the problems of existence. Yesterday she got something in her throat which I caused her to cough. When she got j through she said: "I guess I will cough j my head off some day." Then she went on: ' If I should cough my head off, papa, would (?od make tnc a new one ?" ller papa answered: "I ant afraid not. I never heard of such n case." She pursued her thought a step further and said: "I suppose it would he just as cheap for him to make a whole baby as to make just a head." Her father answered that he thought it would.?Clfi'tland Leader. Nine new dwellings, on? hotel ard two new stores built here since last October. Pretty good for * small town. STOLE FROM CLASSMATE? Mabel Burt, a Smith College Student Arrested For Theft. TOOK JEWELRY VALUED AT 3300C Mlw Hurt Come, of it Coo>l Fnnitlr When Arrtitni'il In Court Nlie IMcmlei * Ciilltv In n Molt Nonrhnlnnt \V??y ? * lirllrvf (I 1 liut Slip is I nrkliis in tlx Mor:il Nrnifl ? An All<>i;ril Con(V?*loii. Northampton. Mas?. ? Miss Mabel Lawrence Burt, of Bridgeton. X. .T., twenty-one years old, for three year? 11 student at Smith College, was arrested on the charge of having rohhed her fellow-students of tneney and jewelry to the amount of S"000. In court Miss Burt pleaded guilty to a complaint. containing two counts, and was hound over to the Superior Court in SI not). Being unable to furnish hail, she was taken hack to iter cell. Miss Burt is said to have made a confession. According to tlie police she told of having stolen valuables, money and jewelry during a period covering five or six months, but tlie details of the confession Chief Xaybard refused to divulge. Miss Burt entered Smith College with tlie class of l!)0l, a younger sis ter entering a lower class at the same time. The sisters and their mother took rooms on 1'rospect street, where they lived until the early part of last .June, when the daughters left college ami returned to Bridgeton. Nothing was seen >r heard of Miss Mahel until she came hack to Northampton alone early last January. Site did not stop long at any one time, it is said, hut spent an afternoon or a day and night with former classmates in different dormitories. After each visit it was said that valuables were missing. In May Miss Hurt cnmo line!* In Northampton, after a visit to her home, ami more valuables von missed. The pollee vere about to arrest her when a cleteetive arrived with a commission from a Chicago man in try to recover two rings. one a ilia imiiul valgeil at SHiOO. ami anoiher an ojial, valued at $<>?><?. said to have been stolen from Miss Henrietta II. Tifi't, of Chicago, a member of the class ol lttOl*. The police believed that Mis.ltnrt had the jewelry or knew when it was. However, the climax came ill the arrest of Mabel Hurt. Two valuable viugs. a watch, several purses and numerous other articles of jewelry were recovered. They correspond 10 the description of articles taken from college rooms shun last January. Miss Hurt was entirely self possessed in court. She did not show any evidences of nervousness ot shame at the ordeal she faced. She is a brunette, small and slender and quite at i met ive. The complaint contained two counts, the lirst charging Miss Hurt with the larceny of a diamond and ruby ring on May *Ji> from the room of Miss Henrietta IT. lifti. valued at $1000; the second complaint alleged the theft of a gold watch valued at .SI<10 front the room of Miss T.ouise Mc.vcr on January "J<?. Having read the coin plaints, the clerk asked "What do yon say to these charges, guilty or not guilty?" "tluilty!" was the firm, clear answer. Imicro Strickland asked: '"How old are yon. Miss KurtV" "Twenty-one." was 1 lie reply. It conhl not he ascertained what explanation Miss P.urt offered the polire for her conduct. Northampton people are inclin. d to attrilnite it ell to some form of mania. A dispatch from Kridgcton said that the diselosnre has caused a sensation there. The Burt family is of the best standing. Ogden Kurt, the girl's father, is n distinguished lawyer. ARMOUR INSTITUTE BARS CIRLS six Hundred Mu?t Co, unit Co-K<lu<-ut ion "W ill lie n Tiling of tlx- !'n?t. Chicago. ? With the completion of the spring term t'.OO girl students of Armour Institute will walk out and eo-edueation in that institution will he a thing of the past, it has been decided to make the courses strictly scientific. Many of the girls would" have received their diplomas next year. They are indignant at the unceremonious way in which they are to he dropped. The plan is to make the school a great institution of engineering ami technical work. Mrs. Armour's additional gift of SlloO.dOO to the sehool is to he followed by l?r. tJunsaulus tak ing charge at otic and developing th seliool r.s a ere; l memorial to i'. D. Armour. DOMINICAN REVOLUTION ENDS. flcurcitiix'n Son, tlif.e:xlrr, in l'ri?on? Promineiit llclirln Shot. Kingston. Jamaica.?It is reported here that the revolution in Saulo l?om into lias been completely crushed at its inception. A number of the prominent rebels have been shot or Imprisoned. Anions tile latter is a son of the late President lleureatix. who is said to liavo beeu the leader of the movement. Brliidi Steel -linkers ltecoine tlojiofnt. P.rilish steelmakers are auiieipatinp a groat demand for ocean tonnage to supply file world's* wants, anil hope to revive their drooping industries thereby. An overwhelming demand for ships next year is expected. Kiglit Suffocated la m Mine. Eight miners were killed In the Clia.* pin raine, at Iron Mountain, Mieli.| by the fumes following uu explosion of dynamite. Nearly thirty children were rendered futherless by the ex* plosion. Kurop* Suffers Intense Meat. For several days intense heut has prevailed over Europe, accompanied oy heavy storms of thunder and hail, til various sections the crops have jcou destroyed, and many deaths have oeeu caused by lightning. . ' sIJ & ' jL a *?:. v WSm "ir-iflWftfrtr'r :v ? ^ feSi MILLS!' Engine*, Wood Tinner#, IV R. Cro#?t!e 2 m Machine# and Other Machinery, z Manufactured by th? 3 J Salem Iron Vi'urhi, Salem, N.C. | wa????am? ?>1 m ? DO YOll SHOOT' If you do you fhsuld send your nan ; WINCH GUN CATALOGUE. It illustrates and describes all the difTcrc I Ammunition, and contains much valua Wlnchostcr Repeating Armn Co., ^Baaa:B?? 11 M?? I-? . I cLoOO : tencuSv S3. & $3.50 li cvfi r-r_ worth of IV. E'tLETs \\\?V ftt.Ao .bo,-, i. ? of th?? foot, iku.t II:.' notiJtni.'tion of tin* olt.|| li ( know!.ill/.' that linv.' nn.ln \V. I. Iioc-rlntnli. .-, I!., u* Tiikr no iil.allliili'. I1.1UI on Irtvlit-' W. I.. |>. > and prire Maniped on bottom. Your dMltr klioul.l km rtid for ihvini: full lurtru'tlnn* In.w i.>. r.i. r ! ' ^ ^ YV.^i..^irtn A LUXUR ?????___m | positively i I do not allow j the use of i r?w. i | E?s. .sfjSgi 0 R$re Mixtures. ?? 1 | Glue, " Chemicals, Watch ot < or similar . ! substances. Just try a l ! L!0N LEG I COFFEE , u ^ is an nn<1 y?" ,v absolutely rOitSOIl <>l Pure Coffee. ^ LBO! 1 I homes. In every package of LION COFF la fact, no woman, man, boy or girl wi R comfort and convenience, ami whicl Rn tlie wrappers of our one pound t eale How At Now what you want is with the long-tailed "C" on t never sold in bulk. Take sleep. It cures, that means i life. Then thev act regular! w o , be found in the eolit in i>uik. 25c. fEECl IS?** Toanync^dm^ rv / neTer'eold 'u buki S0Z0D0NT for the 1 I I I F C APU DINE i; fi RELIEVES immediately & Headuchrs, Nourn'alu, Indl9fi gestlon, Palnw. feclatle and fi; J Itheumatli Paine. NO BAi) fi; 5 EFFECTS. 16. .16 ami 50c. a bottie. ?; E At Dru* Stores. 1> kKEDOtliliiliiiMk KfcKftfc&RfcTifc&fefc iimriaa i??a ? ??a n ? ^ ie and address on s. postal card for a 17 ' S FREE. j :nt Winchester Rifles, Shotguns and ble information. Send at once to the New Haven, Conn. JGL.AS sf SHOES 8K8S. fes- 1 ur.rasrSWi W& %!&' ^ aunol be equalled / s not a.on* the belt J I t - v * ' v ^ Y WITHIN THE REACH ""lp"o| pIpPl ;. ir next advortlsoment. At ! A c jni^iva^u ui No & COFFEE rill understand tho In i its popularity'. 't,s N COFFEE Am! ;ed in millions of 1 hi! So 1 EE you will find u fully illustrated and d< 11 fail to find in the list some article whicl i they may have by simply cutting out a c d packages (which is the only form in whi e ? our B S""' > ? rt~l About t doctor says Then, "Lc g ^ , Because I S40/CI bowels go j/r^f Wthe bowels, t We all knov ^CCP an<^ You can ^ - v"~' healthy and or bird-shot you with > ^ . t I \ 9 you re wors Cascarets. Go and get them t< he lid?cost 10c. Be sure you get one! Eat it like candy, and it t strengthens the muscular walls ol y and naturally. That's what yoi nti TLJEAL LAXAT f ynu want result'1 Tablet Is marl'd "C-CC " Casei ly a: .1 always In th? lieht blue metal bo* witn tha lor.c-tail rtal, suffering from howel trouble* and too poor tc i Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York, mer r asthMtt 25* | } * . ..iw 0? C>- <P -*9 ^<0 O v Constipation 9 a 1b easily cured nnd the bowels restored A V to a Uoultliv coaditiuu by tho uso of y | | ^ the natural remedy lor nil stomach, ^ K) nnwel. liter nud kiilnoy trouble*. U.r A Y nur mo'limi ?f romrriitrntion c-iwh 0 02. Q bottle it o?|uiralnut to tlin-o icullou* of |J ? tho sprint; water. A A RUts CrsD apple A 9 e'efv bo"\;=k on | A CRA8 ORCHARD WATER CO.. Louisville. Kj. ^ r> 53 C5 c?2 V N-*' dt3ooveky: citm \.J |"\. \J? O 1 miick r?!i>-f *n.l citron ?< ru mH>. bout of nntl I O till? ?> treatment Fri'r. Dr. H K. or.EIN 6 ONB. toi E. Atumaio. "Ttir Waiter tltnt mniIrAVo?t Point f?mon?." iil c IL H ? N N Y' S TABASCO. *??. M. OF ALL. I ii, Promise Me." ? I promise me that when I am your hriJe we besrin housekcrnine s'u\r hv Kwtr prombc ine wherever we may roam ! t I shall ?! > the marketing (or home, that v.c eat I certainly must choose, ' ! I insist we LION l OFFklli use, ant it for its perfect purity, :1 iromise me?oh., promise met >.) promise me 11 t for our c< mfort's sahe, It morning LlOX COFFEF I can make, B. I when the luncheon hour is near at hand H! lin I'll need a cup of LION" brand. ' : tight when you conic 1: mc. my dear, to dine H up of LlOX COFI'LL must be mine; brand can healthier or better be? , promise me?oh, promise met i know that T.I<>N COFI'LL Is not glared ? Millions of go?.d homes 'tis often praised; in the bean?the package weighs a pound; ;le, a Premium List i always found. I I will save the lion heads outside earn the useful presents they provide, t is one pledge I will c-.act of thee? premise me?oh, promise me! i ?scriptive list. No housekeeper, in t will contribute to their happiness, ertnin number of Lion Heads from H ch this excellent c :Tec is sold). , WOOLSON SPICE CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. hi hUTJr dwlAttg-HUMMi, iZHZJZLfS nwplcV t_y V V he first thing the I i it's see your tongue." bad tongue and bad together. Regulate clean up the tongue. / that this is the way i look well. 't keep the bowels regular with purges ; pills. They move awful gripes, then e than ever. n l. - i-i juay-V/dscarcis?m mrxai cox the genuine! Cascarets are will work gcntly-whiie you : the bowels, gives them new j want. It's guaranteed to ALL DRUGGISTS ; > buy CASCARPTS, we will send s box free, ttioning advertisement and paper. 419 (A A DAY iUncC";:".! V# H* to in trod our ou r goodn In tlrt oona* irj. kimu PmA Co.. U#pl? 40, I?mm vUjr,