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* u'.\"' ' theIport mill times. PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS. The TIMES COMPANY. Subscription price $1 j>er year. Correspondence on current subjects is invited, but we do not agree to publish communications containing more than aoo words, and no responsibility is assumed for the views of corrosiioiideiits. As an advertising modinm for Charlotte. Pinoville, Fort Mill, and Rock Jj v Ilill business houses The Times is unsurpassed. Hates made known on application to the publisher. Local Telephone No. 2(5. JUNE 13, 1001. ? . Governor McSweenev luis sent n 1 fe-Cf e', . ? eanstic letter to Senator Tillman in reply to the communicntion us to the Senatorsliip resignations ? ft from the latter a few days ago, which lie practically dares the to send in mi unconditionn^Mitrnation. He says: 1 it I 1 T consider me course which j look in this matter to be for the ; best interests of the people of! South Carolinn. and I am respon- I v sible to theui alone for my neti n. And, furthermore, 1 atill believe' \ i hat uiy course has met the ap1 proval of a majority to the citi* K--ns of the State, nor do I consider ihem "unthinking citizens,1 but men w|io know and recognize as fully as any people on earth the rights, duties and responsibilities I of citizenship and do not need the V services of nny one to toll them K their duty. R "Your insinuation that I have been 'importuned1 to 'await the ! convenience1 of any present or wouhl-be aspirants, who 'aro not j^Bjtmt ready for various reasons to H^w)nter the contest brought on so ^JAinexpccetdly,' and that for this li'UHUn III V HCllOll lifts IIIU I'll I III' direction it Iihh, is unworthy of a man holding the hipli commission B which has been given you by the |H people of South Carolina and deserves no notice in this connec^Hlion. However. I may say for |^^your benefit Hint I alone am re^^Aspoiisible for my reply anil wiil ^wivc account for the course 1 have ^^Buken to the people who have honH^ftred me and not to any one indiHHidual. ^B "In this matter I have done what ^^^LUiouirht best calculated to propresent prosperity and of the people to do man my as or any other ^B|^^^^^^HBeoniniiaion and power ^|HHHB9^^B)eople." ^^^BHBllnmn BBBBBf evening while on ^^^HHBG^B'inthrop college. He i letter and sniil ' I deserve reply, but was angry. Finally he suid ?re will reveal whether B has been a dicker be^kid these follows." noral Bellinger of ! HBt gave out an enterBenton Thursday night ^^^Boeltui'd that Gov. i B^B^Bfte(' "without Hfl^^Busing to accept B^^^B'f Bona tors TillBfl^^B". r-FUti impresHNB that tlio attorn^HnB^^^the step, alBBBBBi[^Mr been conBynH|Hb>lh>wod, the h en acB|^B^H^^B neral said ||fflra|^Hj^Ba 11 s v 11 (1 o (1 VTTRTv |)[ )l 11 of <!oHk City. PB enter^Bjvlmnts wiien ^Bjrss lie ?*nHHh man H i of ^n^Pluime Ktfll It retail knew L5,000 Lin a ! , one load DllltB Consumptives ate Barred. Immigrants with tuberculosis , of tho lungs hereafter will he debarred from all ports of the United ! Slates regardless of boards of special inquiry, wit ch heretofore have used I heir discretion in tho matter, says tho New York Sun. 1 The order, issue by Ruperint* ndent. of Immigration Powderly, is mandatory. The hoard of special inquiry at Ellis Island, after n | reiving the report on a case ot t tuberculosis from Dr. Q. \V. Stonor, chief of the medical division of the immigration service at New Vol k, merely have to debar the immigrant. Tho Supervising Surgeon General of the Marine Hos pital Service at Washington has declared that "tuberculossis of tho lungs ia now considered a dangerous eontngeous disease." Immigrants with pronounced canes of consumption often have been deported. There are a few instances where n child ill of the disease has been permitted to land with its parents; hereafter there will be no more of these. Tho rule will apply also to alien passengers coming in the tirst and second cabins. The steamship agents say their companies will be affected very little by the order, as their ships bring over few unhealthy immigrants The South'* Advancement. The Texas oil descoveries will prove probably the greaest advertisement the South has ever had, says the Manufacturer's liecotd. Everywhere this oil Held will be accepted as simply another proof of thu VIIKI ii 111 lA.riiiiTPii of the whole south, and every fortune made in Texas will he an incentive to the business men of the world to search t he South for other hidden riches. At last the real broad world-influencing development of the South iH {jetting under way. and Texas is giving it a mighty impulse. Items of -State News. The Pelzer Cotton Mill recently shipped 10.000 bales of goods to Shanghai, China. The go<xla direct from Pelzer to Canada, and thence by the Canadian Pacific Railway to Yam ouver and thence by British steamship. The milroads to San Francisco and other Pacific ports in the United States and the American steamship lines could not meet the rate of treight by the Canadian route which is one thousand miles longer. Mr. Charles E. Cobb, of Anderson, lias entered suit against the Southern Railway for $15,000 damages on account of the loss of liia leg as the result of an accident at Belloti in .January. The governor lias received a letter from Jno. II. Devorux, a civil engineer in Charleston, urging that t ie 8lata take some action to open up and deepen the Suutee canal. This canal is 25 miles long and connects tho Santee river with the waters of the Cooper river, thus giving Columbia a water route to Charleston. Capt. Marcus II. Stokes of the United States army, formerly major of the First South Carolina Regiment is to he married at Chester Wednesday to Miss Anita Hall of Cardenas, Cuba. Governor MeSweoney granted a pardon on Friday to Garfield Benjamin. who was convicted in Darlington county on the charge of stealing a bale of cotton. Mr, \Y. 11. Scott, tin1 popular traveling nnilitor of the Southern Railway, died in Birmingham a few days ago. lie was a resilient of Columbia and was known here and throughout this State. He was a Confederate veteran. The United States circuit court has ordered the sale i.f the blue Ridge Railroad to satisfy judgement of the Southern road. The judgment*- amount to $2.(it0.21 >1,26 and costs. Thus. l\ Cothran is special master to make the sale. James MeAlister.a nativeof this j state was killed at Jacksonville, ' Fla., on Thursday by his landlady, Mrs. West. She was making an at tempi l(> C? >111 III II. Hll 1CH1C 1111(1 111* tried to wrest the pistol from her when it went off killing him almost distantly. .! ones Williams, town marshal at Cowp-ms and constable for Magistrate Potter, is in jail at Spartanburg charged with the murder of llabe JjOuen at Cowpens a few days ngo. He and his friends are confident that he. will show that his action was justiliable. A charter has been applied for to allow the North Agusta Electric and Improvement Company to improve property which it owns on the Carolina side near Agusta. It is proposed to build an electric railroad from Hamburg to Aiken, going by several mill towns. The company is said to have a capital stock of a million and n half dob , bus. ? / | OVER THE COUNIY. Item* f<om Contr mporarles Grouped for Times Renders. ' Yorkvillo Yeoinan. Mr. Dan. W. Smith, wife and ! adopted child, who have been visit! ing the family of Mr. ?Tos. A. Smith, ; near Y'orkville, for a month or two. will leave tomorrow on the return to their home in Denison, Tex. Mr. ! Smith is alleged to be an old York county Ku Klux?and a dead phot, by the way?who emigrated under stress of circumstances many years ago, and has prospered in the conntry of his adoption. His old friends here hato to see him leave. They had hoped that he had come to live among us again and "leave li is hones alongside those of the fathers." The board of eonniy commissioners met in regular monthly session Wednesday, all members being present. The chief business of the day was the execution of the note for So.000 to the Loan and Savings hank for money borrowed. It was ! thought that this amount would j carry them through the balance of me year. .Notes were also made ! to the Good Roads Machinery Co., for deferred payments on the now rock crusher. County Commissioner D. G. Stanton was happily married to Mrs. E. L. Armstrong, widow of the late L. K. Armstrong, of Bethel township, Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. The ceremony was performed at the residence of Mrs. ' Armstrong by Rev. W. W. Arrowood, pistor of Bethel Presbyterian church. Rock Hill Herald. The Chicora cotton mill is being put in good condition for the reception of the machinery, which I has been bought, but. has not yet I een shipped. Many improvements have been made on the interior 1 nrrangment. The company has be- j gun uie erection of n iiiixin^ room I 30 by 3(5 feet. and a waste and press room, 2 > by 30 feet. Mr. J esse Clyburn, wlio works for the Hook Hill Buggy Co., sustained painful and perhaps very surious injuries to his right hand Thursday. While working with a machine known as a shaper lie had the fore and middle fingers so badly torn and bruised that Dr. J. E. Massey, Jr., who attended him, is not sure he will be able to save either. Mrs. M. ?T. Summerow, of Charlotte, who sued Mr. Herrman Baruch for damages for an allegal insult, offered her by Mr. Sam j Friedheim, while he was in the store, having charged her with se- j croting on her person some goods belonging to Mr. Baruch. hns lost her suit. In the trial judgment was rendered for the plaintitf. At the time, counsel for the defcmdants made a motion to have the ease thrown out of court, on the ground that the plaintiff had no evidence t.o convict. The judge overj rul d the motion and an appeal was taken to the supreme court. Recently the supreme court handed down a decision reversing the judgment of the lower court and I taxing Mrs Summerow with the ; costs, amounting to about $150. Two deaths have occurred in the artillery garrison at Fort Fremont, near Beaufort, during the past few days. A fishing smack arrived in Charleston Wednesday with the! l.?f* ....... ? .... fni n il, rn 111 in n ur-giu mini. 1 lie mill i wiir taken from the belly of a ten foot shark killed 12 miles below the city. It is believe 1 he arm was that of rmo of crew of fifteen who were lost last week while fishing Some indignation has been 1 aroused in Columbia by the alleged descration of the Confederate j monument. It is said the contractors of the State House work have been using the monument in their work tying ropes and cables to it and pulling it out of plumb A fly wheel at the power house of the Charleston Consolidated Railway, Gas and Electric Light Co., Hi feet in diameter and weighing IN tons broke into a myriad of fragments at 1L o'clock Friday night, one of which struck and instantly killed a negro woman. I Didn't Harry for Honey. j Tho Boston man, who lately married it sickly rich young woman, is happy I now. for he got l>r. King's Now Life ! Pills, which restored her to perfect ! health. Infallible for Jaundice, i>illiousncss. Malaria, Fever and Ague and all Liver and Stomach troubles. Gentle hut effective. Only 25c at Meaclium's drug storo. MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES. T am ngent for the George W. Clark Monument ami Headstone Company, of Kutlan, Vt., and I .Jacksonville, Fla., the largest concern of the kind in the United : States. Anyone in need of any1 thing in my line would do well to call on me for prices before placing their oulers. j T. D. FAULKNER,Fort Mill, S. C. ' Silverware We nre adding at all times to our line of Sterling Silver all the most desirable pieces for bible use. For presents or use in your family you can find nothing better. Phono 277. CHARLOTTE. N. C. Why Do You Throw money away by buying a cheap grade of Harness, when you can get the best Kami Made Harnes" at the same price? How is your saddle? Now'fl the time to have it repaired. Give me a call. .1. R. MARSHALL. Opp. Central Hotel. Rock Him.. S. C. Fruit Season Is nt hand nnd Fruit Powder costs practically nothing compared to its worth and there is no excuse for anybody not using it. It is safer than air tight jars, for lotsof people put it in air tight jars to he sure of their fruit. Chicken Cholera Is rnging over the country and if it is not in your yard it is likely to he there. We have n preparation that will prevent as well as cure. We guarantee it and can ; refer you to plenty of jjood people wlio will endorse it. ARDRET'S. From The Devil up to the proprietor, everybody about this print shop j is trying to make it the best print shop for you to employ. Let us print for you. R. M. LONDON, Rock Ilill, S. C. I DR. J. L. SPRATT,! SURGEON DENTIST. f Mlinn i n l?nibU??? ? ? ?? Fort Mill, fcj. C. Mav H. tf. IVL>. i -.??? n ?1 IICII HI ? One's appearance should he n subject, for compliments, and not of a|M>logi??s and explanations. Dress is so largely a matter of linen that the laundry question is all imporrant. Disregarding the rule of spio and span tells severely against the. offender. The perfect work of the Model Steam Ijiumlrv. Charlotte. N. C.f all the time at short prices has ] won the general favor of good dressers. ! Shipments made Wednesday evening. Ed. L. McEliianky, Auf.nt. FOE GOOD WHISKIES, WINES, BRANDIES. ETC.. CALL ON* OR WRITE TO AV. U 11OO V EH, CHIKU)TTE, N C. v J. U. Traywick & Co., DEALERS IN FINE LIQUORS AND WINES, No. 4? East Trade St. CHARLOTTE. - - - N. C.! MONEY LOANED, Wo negotiate loans on improved farms in York county. 7 cent interest. Re-payment easy. No broker's! eommissions. Only actual costs of per- | footing loan. Apply to t'. W. F. Sponcer, Attv. at Lnw. Rock Hill, S. (J., or to undersigned at Yorkville, S. C. C. E. SPENCER, Atty. at Law. May K. :tm EXCELSIOR NURSERIES tuivn u nue record, ine ueorgia hoard of entomology certifies to the health of their stock. Their trees fruit a year or two earlier than the little switches sohl by some firms. I have the agency ami shall canvass York county in time to take orders for fall delivery. Please save your orders for me. Finest evergreens nud llowers, as well as fruit trees, for sale. SAM. P. MASSEY, FORT MILL, S. C. Call Up No. 27, When you want good, fresh . it will pay yon to buy from the Special prices to our country large quantities. lies IRA G. SMY' MEAL, FLOUlt and 1 Your attention is enllorl to llm First tlutt we Kiutrniitee satisfa corn and wheat. Our capacity is 1 wheat per day. Second, that we buy ear corn, i ity; and sell Hour, meal, crushed ai diin^b and all mill products at low* ROCK HILL Ri L. E. BROW Don't Make the Mi Of your life by iroin^ to the \vi BER SHOP, where you will tind ready to serve you. Our patrons n of holes, rips, cuts and fringes. \V shave. Call at third door of Bunk carothe: STOP CI Some people cry from s< The La Ts that beini? made bv E --I-. J ? crying ami shouting the many ml groceries. COFFEES. Our celebrated y Coffees, rich in flavor and strength, MIXED TEA, Oolong or Enj. cents per pound. PICKLES, Mrs. Johnson's < the market, in 10 and 25 cent botth FRUIT JARS, best quality at FRUIT JAR ltURRERS at 5 CANNED GOODS, a full line A word to the 1 e. w. kiivib: Furniture Having bought the s we are offering special iture to make room f< arriving daily. Take advantage of o PLAN. AVe are alw terms of credit that > to vou. Pianos, Organs, Sev kinds of Stringed AI u: fc? !VS. A ROCK HILL, S. C. \ I YouVe Next! Sluimp k> go to ous' Barber rJStt-- ,-vifj.. " shop. We employ only experienced workmen, who in attendance at any time yon call. Our shop will bo found in the Leonard building, west of railroad. Hair Simrvimr a sneirijillv. BILLUE & STEVENS. OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE AT THE TIMES OFFICE. >Jv promptly procured. OH NO TEE. Bend mode!. keU-h.VSt wor ph??to for trrc report on patentability. lin.k "llcwiv \V t?? < ?htain U.S. nud Foreign I'nttntitniiTrade-Mark?,**W a/ FRVT F:i r. it terms cror ofT?r?l to in venter*. (X) 0 PATENT LAWYER8 OF 2d YEARS' PRACTICE. ? 2U.000 PATENTS PROCURED THROUGH THEM. OS ^ All l?usin???* conflMtilul. Sound advice. Faithfulll) MBwrvlce. Modcnto charice*. fibj ;;ww"c. a. snow & co.f ^ PATENT LAWYERS, ft! i\ Opp. U. S. Patent Office, WASHINGTON, 0. C.? llEEF, nml when in need of ICE largest dealers in town. ' friends and others who wunt it in (port fully. THE & SON. FEED. f' llowing facts:? rtion in grinding, and exchanging 50 bushels corn anil -50 bushels shell corn, and wheat of good quaint 1 cracked corn, wheat brand, mill's! market price. Quality bt st. OLLIR MILLS. N, Manager. Lstalie oiik place. Visit ll.e CITY 11A Ra corps of white barbers always ever go away with their faces lull e beautify the face with an easy lloilding, facing railroad. RS & SON. RYING! nrrow; sonic cry for joy. est r.Tv . \\\ Kiinhroll A: Co., who are vantages they otTor to buyers of ;enuine Extra Roasted and Sulomn regular price 1.1 and '2.1c per p nind. dish Breakfast, extra ipiality, 75 Old Virginia Relish, the tiiu'st on as. 75c and Si a dozen, cents a dozen. , best quality and lowest price. wise is sufficient. RELL & CO. D <n irn'o 5nr s uai lock of Barnes & Love, inducements in Fnrn>r now goods that arc ?ur EASY PAYMENT ays ready to arrange vi 11 prove satisfactory vinsr Machines, and all 1 ' ' sicnl Iiistriimnts. ntlrews,