University of South Carolina Libraries
I ?= THE FOKT HILL TIMES. PUBLISHED WEDN ESDAYS. The TIMES COMPANY. Subscription price $1 i?or year. Correspondence on current subjects is invited, but wo do not agnsj to publish communications containing more than words, and no respnisibilit-v is asu.mied for the views of eorrcHpmdcuts. \s uu advertising medium for Cliarjotte, l'ineville, Fort Mill, and Hock Hill busiuess houses The Times is unsurpassed. Hates made known on application to the publisher. Local Telephone No. 20. MAY 22, 1001. The old soldiers of Sou h Curolinn will not get the extra $50,000 appropriated by lite general assembly. On Friday the State su l?! i iijr cown iiM'ii iiii' uiiioiuii mill would be nvailiible nt $100,(X)0. The net passed at the Inst session of the general asseinbly fixed the amount at "at least. $150,000," while the goncral Appropriation Act only carried an appropriation of $100,000. This will be a source of great disappointment to the old 8 ddiei's and many others. The fcitate board will probably begin the distribution of the money by the latter part of this week. The administration deserves all the sympathy it is getting for the streak of hard luck it is up against, on its feminine side. Willi Mr. McKinley having to break his excursion tour off in the middle on account of Mrs. McKinley's illness; the daughter of Secretary Long dangerously ill in Colorado, ami the wife of Secretary (Jage seriously ill in Washington, it looks like a veritable wrestle with a health hoodoo, Bryan Attacks Wall Street. The Commoner. A record of Wall street's doing for the last week is an indictment against our boast* d civilization. That such transactions are allowed is as much a reflection upon the intelligence of the country as it is upon the conscience of the people. It is little less than amazing that a few men should be permitted to corner the market for their own selfish purposes, beat down the price of tine stock and boom the price of another stock, demoralizing business and jeopardizing the interests of all classes of society. How will the historian describe an age in which a petty thief in severely punished, while great criminals go unwhippod? It often taken an object lesson to arouse the people to the evils of a bad system and recent Hue.!uations in the stock market, costly as they have been, will be cheap if they lead to legislation .which will put an end to stock gambling, erroneously described as "business. ? -4 - ? 'An Experiment in Politic*." Omenvillo Mountaineer. Tins iH the title of n very clever cartoon in the window of Felioii's bookstore, which the prevailing condition of atTaiis in ilii* {State since the political bargain counter was opened under the charge of the junior Senator, who is made quite conspicuous in the cartoon. In the foreground there is a contrivati' e labelled, "Republican Ollice Maeliine for South Carolina," and standing at the crank iH Win. Mckinley, who makes this announcement: "I'm a Democrat in the ollice slot, dohnnie, and we'll see what will come out." Johnnie stands very erect at the otlu-r end of the machine, holding in his hands a diminutive specimen of humanity. rei.d\ lo i>nul 111111 i>il<> lli.? ............... t - - I"" top of llie machine, \\ 11i Io "11 01,' appears at tin1 place of cm! on the lower side. Melemrin uses Hie words, "I mil a Democrat." while just behind him is the "iVmocralio Line fence," and on the oOier side is I is colleague fr in Edgefield. who has a pair of wings marked "Dispensary," and lie has a pi chfork in front of (lit- fence. John Baldwin, a white youth fyhout 18 years old, accidentally shot himself at his father's home, ab >nt four miles from Greenwood, Wednesday evening, He died in half an hour afterwards. Thotnns Addis, of Oeonee county, who has been recently pardoned by Gov. McSweeney for violation of the disp nsary law. has been tried 21 times by the Htnte and federal authorities, but thin is the first conviction. I A Yoik County hero. Tho following story of Mr. CI ill 10 Steulo, formerly of Hoc k Hill, who was employed as a telegraph operator in the Western Union oflires in Jacksonville, Fin., when the disastrous tire of the ttrd instant swept that eitv, is told hv a 1 stall' corrcspeiideiit in a recent issue of the Atlanta News. Along early in the afternoon there I eamo o\er the telegraph wires the baid, meagre message that a tire, with which the city's department was unable to | co|K\ was raging in Jacksonville, the | beautiful little city on tile bauics of the I St. John's. Little else was known wheil I In- evenI ing papers went to press. The South waited expectantly for fuller news. It was coming. Down in Jacksonville in the Western ' Union building there sat aloueone man. His nerveless hand kept up a constant J quiver as he lingered the telegraph key. It was Operator Steele, and through ! him alone was t lie outside world told of what was hapiteiung in t he doomed city. When the (lames had swept in red horror across to the cast of tho city t hoy turned. Hack to the west a!ono I ay street ami tin- water fit nit t untitled ami rolled in the billows of lire. As the lire changed it s direct ion ami mine whirling hack toward t h wi >t the telegraph building that lay to the front of it was vacated, Ulerks lied. Operators deserted their uiachiiies. The building was empty and silent, and the world was waiting to know the fate of the city. t hie man stayed, it was Steele, lie sat at the desk on the second floor. By his side was an open window. 11c could look out upon thai scene, sublime in its awfuluess. Steadily the whirlwind el' iiuuiu advanced, nearer ami nearer. Above the rear of the (lames, the crash of falling walls, ami the heartrending screams of frantic men and women there arose one sound. , It. was heard the world over. Above I he clamor, steady and e.lear, ! clicked Steele's telegraph key. t hit of t he window lie saw t his building ami that blaze up, (otter ami fall, ' and as he watched he sent o i! over t he wire the story of what he saw. The heat ami tli" smoke were st illine. He sought a brief breathing spell in the open street. A block above, in front of the Tillies Union and iliy.on office, he saw a youtift trirl staler and drop a bundle sitved from a ruined homo un- I dor the stamping feet of a sur^inj^ throng at the corner. II.. I r,...,.. t I... 1 feet of llit) croxvtl this bundle ami 1 it'l ??I ) the slight form of the girl into the! | newspaper office. Some where out on the river, or aeross on the other si?le, were his wife and haby. He knew not where, lint he hoped and believed them to ho safe. An uctiuuiiituncc, haggard and smokestained, seized his arm as he started baek to his work at the telegraph key. "They say that your wife and baby were on the ferry boat that caught fir** and was wrecked in the river!" cried the man, hoarsely. "You lie," said Steele, "Turn me loose. I have work to do." The man dropped his arm and stepped aside. He saw that telegraph key, the world, and the world was exjieeting the best t hat was in him. He would give it. The evening gloom and shadow was beginning to sett le around the edges of the fire's red glare when lie sat down at his key again. Night was coming on. I The flames were steadily swoopiugalong toward the telegraph building. The | heat was sickening. Hut lie stayed at his key. watching j the dames through the open window | and tolling the world what he saw. llow long t lie hours seemed! And now out of his window was naught but a red sea of flames. The buildings aeross fioin the otliee, on the other side of Laurel street, were ablaze. The message went out to the world that the Western I'nion building was doomed. The man who sent the message believed it. He thought the next i ilKtMMt lo K III I"! I itll consuming furnace. Hill, wonderfull td Jell, the flames, jtliat had laughed at the firemen's <1 folds to tight them before, languished. They died away, and sickened and sank into naught hut a hot red glare. The great tire was umler control. The telegraph olliee was saved. lie didn't seem to know that he was the hero of Jacksonvi 1 le s great lire, or any hero at all. Ihit he was. There was of course many and many a brave deed done thai day of days and many a man played the part of most sabltme heroism. I hit the man who stands out in th boldest and clearest relief against that shadowy background of terror is the young telegraph operator. Slowly the others eaine back to the building and weary and worn and heartsick t lie lone operator surrendered his place to them. lie had stuck to his post and had done his duty. Others could do the rest that was to be done. "No money in all the world could hire me to do it again," lie said to nie last Sunday. "I would do it for notli ing less than the love of a friend, that is a greater thing than dollars, vou i , .... iViairiit^- l>eln>rd. The man ia^e of Mr. Theodore Sharp. oT Port K<>yal, S i'? to M iss M air.ic Potts, daughter of M r. tl. 1 I . Pot If), of 1 f I? 1*1 i II t I I i ! I M'l1tion, \vlii< h was scheduled fo take place lit '.'..'iO p. in., on May loth, owing ton chapter oF ae< identsdid I not really occur until U o'clock a. ni. of Thursday, May the lt?:li. Tlnr were two wrecks oil thernilr< nds over which the s_rr??? m came and he did not reacdi this place until after I o'clock However, "All's well that ends well.'1 The bride was "a tiling of beauty," and we are sure she will be a "joy forever" to t he "Sharp" young man who won her. The happy couple left on the morning train Thursday for their future home nt Port Hoyal, where the best wishes of their many friends in this community follow | then). OVfcK Ihli LOUNIY. Items f-oni Conic nipnrnries drooped fur limes RcaOers. Yorlcville Enquirer. John l.r.ittoii, a negro who was seuteiicco to the chuingutig tor stealing wheat from Mr. T. I >. 1-esslie, made his escape last Thursday morning, lie hud allot her inont h to serve. t olieeiuan Hose shot and killed a dog Wednesday that was supposed to he mad. The animal had a tit;but whether it was afflicted with hydrophobia, of | course, eonld not he determined. There is every reason to believe that there will be a large crowd of people here to hear Senator Mei aurin on the lirst Monday in .Tit le. There will be people from the adjoining counties. Mr. \V. L. I'lyxieo, ownerof Mexico's mill, on Allison creek, told the reporter Wednesday about the recent capture! of two monster carp in his mill rare. One of the earp weighed 10 pounds and the other weighed I'J'.j. Mr. Mexico said that the lislt were sweet and juicy, and had 110 taste of mud common to earp caught from ponds. He thinks these big lish came up from Catawba river The vagrancv ordinance recently passed bv the u>wu council of Yorkvi lie, is a h.(1 tiling. Almost everybody lias lioliced some of tho bcncticiciit results; but the best testimony comes from lilueksl>iu-K- < >it yesterday the reporter lieur<l a story like this: "A few days ajfo Mayor Willi received a letter from a niemher of t he town eouiieil of I lacks ImVK saying, 'Kindly send me a copy of your vagrancy ordiiiimee. 1 know the ordinance is a )*ood one. It is dumping your vagrants on lilaekshur^r, and we will have to adopt it to oet rid of t hem.' Mayor \\ illis had a pood laugh over the letter, hut of course lie sem the copy of t he ordinance." Yorkvilie Yeoman. < )ur townsman, Mr. S. A. Pearson, has embarked iu an uncanny business; but if it's really snakes he wants, that's his business, and if there are any real, live snakes io be had for money, lie will get them Walter Thompson, colored, porter at the S. t'. & ti I', railroad, having been churned by divers and sundry persons with retailing prohibition ilrops, was summarily hauled before the mayor Wednesday morning and duly eoiivicted of the same. The line was $?."i or the time thirty days. The line was paid. Mr. and Mrs <>. K. lirist have the sympatliy of the people of Yorkville in t lie loss of i heir infant child, t iray t 'liftoii. which died 'I liursday 11ij^lit of last , week, after an illness of several days. The interment was made in Yorkville! cemetery Friday afternoon. While.Iiiii .lacksoii. Mr. J. W. Dob- ' son's milkman, was sitting in a lane taking a quiet tup a few days since, while the sun shone warm and persua sive, (1 iles i 'raw ford, a 1sti colored, stole a $h> bill from bis pocket. When Jim waked up be had a presentiment that (iiles had stolen bis easli. and (iilcs had a guilty conscience, so that when Jim stepped to the 'phone to s]Hiak to a ]h?Iiceman, (tiles "burnt the wind," mill !?:?< Mill ill t......o "v' 1,4 v,t,A ll,un uioianvr. Koek Ilill Homlil. Mrs. T. 11. Knrher and daughter, Miss Annie, ami Miss I'arlier, of Norl h t "sir??linn, spent a few days this week with Mrs. l'\ 11. Darber. During the recent thunder storm a house on the Rattorree farm, near town, oeeupieil l?y I'M. White ami his family, was struck by lightning ami the chimney ami cml of the building were torn np pretty bndlv. Tim clock on the man- j tie was smashed amlot her art ieles were thrown about over the house. White and his wife were in bed at the time. The woman was very much shocked and for several days was quite sick. The man was not hurt at all. 1 >r. Tsaih Simpson has received a very llatlerinjx letter from the chairman of the t'linies of the Southern branch of the National Dental Association, which meets in Nashville the CNi h of July, to he present ami rjivc a special clinic. He hasacccpied this invitation, also a vi ry cordial one from the president of the Stale Dental Association, w hich meets June It h on the Isle of 1 alms, to j;ivc a special clinic ami write a paper oil operat i \ e.dcnt isl ry. Messrs. Holler t'o (.'lark have a force of hands enquired in doin^; some p?od work in the way of repairs on Kriedhcini's hall. They are now ceiling: the hall and t lie walls are to he kalsoniincd and wainscoated. A stajro Is* feet in depth by 'J I ill width, with I wo laree 1 divssiin; nouns, w ill lit) const meted ami I lie hall will ho provided willi ahout .".tin op* ra chnirs, i ho scat in:; cajKioity of I lie auditorium. The entrance, which was formerly on the inside of the buildin;;, has hocn changed so that a wide and very handsome slairca e loads up from While streel. When eoiupletcd, the hall will he one of the host in this sect ion with capable sluice room and will till a need thai has Ioiijj hocii folt here. Alcinur.iil Day hi t-'liut Hill. MeiiK?i I >ay exereiscri. in honor of tiie ( 'oilli (iel"iile ilelhl. Welt" lieltl at n.ill Hill ehtireh Saturday afternoon, llii i 1 \ e V. A. 1. ShUioll, of I * I lieville. plt'sidllio. Toe exercises w to opened with prnyt r 1?\ iiev. 11. A. N tuione. and tin n the ui I dress id the occasion was tlelivei'i d 1 ?y I >r. !. I>. AJaek. I'lte address wnsanappi priate and striking one, the speaKt i advaneina the idea that the real purpose of the war was the inainIenanance of white supieinaey. li was tieHired I y a nninhei of til >se present that we publish the address iti lull. Ian for Hick of spat e we are nnahle to do KO. \ i ht i in' oxereist h lite yrnvoa ot tin* Confederate dead were rovt ivd wiili hWi'ct illiwits, The (iold Mill orehoHtru and coriu t band ftirniHhod delightful innate for the occasion. IT >AV hli ril.S Lliti. 1'. A. Panforth, of Ua (rrntiRo. fia., sult'cred fur si\ mouths with a frightful ranuiiiK son* on his Kv; but writes that Hucklon's Ariti?*Ji >'al\o wholly cured it in tivo days. For Ulcers. Wounds. Files, it's the host salvo in the world. Cure guaranteed. Ouly 25c. trold by T. li, Aicaclinm. The Book club. The Hook Club, which is composed of about fifteen of the lending ladies of the town, held its last meeting of the season with Mrs. S. K. White last Wednesday afternoon and the members will now retire to enjoy their summer siestas, ami no longer will the ghosts of Shakespeare or the souths of I.otmfellow or the clatter, chatter canting, cackling of Tennyson's brook (list lit b their midnight hours. The rise and fall of the liomaii Kiu pi re will pass from loview and the vision of Thos, Nelson Cage's Hlan'ntion scenes will no longt r trespass upon the midday musings. Not until the leaves begin to fail again will all I hrse things be rehabilitated and the ashes of the past b> unearthed again in search of themes of st udy. '1 ht? inoeliii'4 with Mrs. White | Inst wct k was unusually interesting from the fact that the drawing for the hooks on hand was to take place. The members conduct a circulating library system anions themselves and the series was wound up at the last meeting and as some of the I) >oks were much more valuable than others an exciting contest ensues for t he choice 1 volumes. A program has ifcueral- i Iv been arranged for 1 nch nicotine consist int_r of ipiest i. ns on literary topics and authors and a first and booby prize offered for the best returns. There arc always several successful om s in the competition and In re a<_rain conies in t lie speculative feature in the drawing for! first prize. The booby prize Generally uo.-s witliout a scramble. Miss liossie \\ bite ha- now won first prize three or four times in succession and it Is about com lud I that, besides KU|erior ability, she must bo possessed of a ^ravcyaril rabbit t*???t or some <?tIn*r , ^ooil omen, lbfreshinents arc often served by tin* bust- h-> at these <I< li^litful meetings ami, as it is supposed, is not the hast enjoyable feat lire. StlUI)Dt:RS AT MIS PASl". "I recall now with horror," says Mail Carrier Harnett Maim, of Levanna, : "my three years of sutVeriug with Kidney trouble. I was hardly ever free from ! dull aches or acute pains in my back. To stoop or lift mail sacks made mo ^ronii. 1 felt tired, worn out, about ready to ^i\e up when 1 bewail to use Electric I .it ters, but six hot t lescompletely cured me and made we feel like a new man." They're uurixallcd to regulate Stomach, Liver, Kidneys ami bowels, l'erfeet sit isfaction guaranteed l>y Thus. 11. Meaehain. < >iily 50 cents. MONEY LOANED. Wo negotiate loans on improved liirins in 1 one county. i jut cent in-I teres!. Repayment easy. No broker's I coin missions. Only actual costs of per- j feeling loan. Apply to <\V. F. Spencer, l aw, liook Hill, S. or to undersigned at Yorkvillo, S. f. K. srKXCEK. Atty. at Law. May 8. Jhn t'ONVUT LAFOK ORDlNANt K. licit ordained bv the iiitetulant and wardens of t he town of Fort Mill, S. tin council assembled and by ant hority of t he same: 1 That hereafter all persons sen- > ten ed to imprisonment by the inteiidant or town council of tlie town of Fort Alii! for violal ions of any of t lie ordinatises, rules or regulations of said town council, may, in the discretion of said iulcmlaut or town couueii, be sentenced to labor or. the streets, highways and other public works of said town, or of York county, in t he alternative, l'ora p riod of not exceeding thirty days. J. That such persons, when so sen teueeil to labor on the streets and public works of said town of Fort Mill, shall be formed into a town chain gang ami required to labor under the direction ami control of said town council i lirough such otlieer or agent as it may appeal for t lie purp ise. Done and rati tied in assembly of council, under t he corporate sea 1 of said town, this tit h day of May. I'.tul. I/O IV VO M. IS I II V V I V I Wi | >> . \ j 1*1 1 A I i I ? Attest: lilt einlaut. It; a <!. s>n l iti-:, Sci'V. siml Tivas. THE (IEM CAFE, ROCK HILL, S. C. j <?)i : i' 1 hnve opened a first class l\. s laurnnt for Ladies and Gentlemen and yon will find every!Idn^usually served in a first-class place. Visitors to llock Hill are assured o'* a nic?, quiet place to dine. Meals, 2o cents. In connection with iny Cafe I will run an up-to-date Ice Cream Parlor and will serve the purest of Ice Cream in the Hoof Garden adjoining the Cafe. J. ED. SADLER. Attention Buyen To you who arc pa tin# just the quality aft cut ion vou desire?A ? have you give us a trii have the goods that wi Our low prices on Try a slice of our o 11 ci ?ii% si oh/\/v v/uKlllr* <111*1 niun prices, (jlot into a pa dressed up. Don't fail to see o table cutlery before bn A nice line of frui times. We serve cold E. W. KIR1B1 HAVE YOU About that n i flour the people a Rock Hill nowadii not, it will pay y< by bringing a lo wheat over. We satisfy you beyoi tions. Try us a el and good Hour. ROCK HILL R L. E. BROW Furniture Having bought t he s1 we are offering special ilure to make room lb arriving daily. Take advantage of o PLAN. AW arc alw; terms of credit that v to you. Pianos, Organs, Sew kinds of St ringed Mus E. M. A ROCK HILL, S. C. J. L). Iraywick & Co., DKALKKS IN FINE LIQIMHIS AND AMINES, XV. _ , ... iiu. i ? r.asi i rant' r>i . CIIAKI.OTTE, - - - X. BARBER SHOP. For first class tonsorial work to the harbor shop of W. K. Carothors in the bank btiihlinir. lfair Cutting. Sliavin^r, ; Shaiiipooin^aiKl Siti^ciiij;. I.ailics' hair shamjMHHMl. Fcr HOLIDAY PRESENT The Lamp of: [ W Tti?* lump Ihiil dnfm't tlnre to Use lint |ii|i|;iuiK? ; (III1 lill Toll IT't it oo<t slHTS (J I i tlx / ' >\ tnyl* tort with, v?>u Imvi Zhc New i V Other tamp* in.iv t?i eff.-re Jy they 11 i;i\ I*-, in some reM i eu ne>s, there's only one. The Sure the lump otTereil you is " Njj _ on it; every lump has a. (30 Old I iiinips ? Woniii till i verv lamp tvnn f Jt t^ ?nut u ne?v lamp or s/oiv. nn ^ T Sjiyb J jslinl, a vaw mnunird or otlm Tw m.'im *'<1 into n New Rochcsti iV , iV&i' semi von liierntnrr on tln> su'._ J|yJ5j|JL \Vc arc 5PI CI At IST.A In thi J Lamps. Consull THE ROCHESTER HM? CO I .^IM. / * ' 3 of Groceries! irtieular?are not ?etof goods and kind of vo "would bo pleased to nl. Wo arc sure we ill satisfy you. poaches continue, nice dried beef, s at the vorv lowest lir and you will feel ur line of Docket and 1 lying. its and candies at all drinks. *.EX/Li GO. HEARD . . . c<% clean, sweet re getting over at ivs? If yon have >n to investigate, ad of vonr good ? n i 1 believe Ave can id your expectalip for sat isfaction OLLER MILLS, X. Manager. Rarcrains. ?lock of Harues & Love, inducements in Furnr new goods that arc nr EASY PAYMENT ivs ready to arrange rill prove satisfactory ing Machines, and all iical I list ruinnts. ndrews, 5< promptly procured. OR NO FEE. Send mod?l, tkctch.w A ,r |.h .to t r !?-,. r- ?-??rt en fit?'ntiit>ility. i\ k " ilrvr w * ? ton I S ami F rvpn Patent*and Tr.ivl?? Mark?," w A 1'RF.E Y ?? *? t- m? (v r offered to invcntor*.(3} V PATENT LAWYERS or ?r, YEARS PRACTICE JL> ^ 20,000 PATENTS PROCURED THROUGH THEM. <$ |1 All I* i.uin ?h 1 tiiiui mu?l. Sonnd advice. Fuithful(l) ^ rvif . Moderate charges. nj) frc. a. snow & co.; V PATENT LAWYERS, rt.; {\0rr. U S Patent Office WASHINGTON, OLD NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE AT TUB TIM ES OFFICE. S-For EVERY DAY USE I Steady Habits up or smoke. or on use von r*^ up tlmt looks ^fHNl h'Ihh yt lamp tlmt you never w U- 9 ^ Rochester. \ g||| / Imt f..r all aroiiiu! tcootloutline, look for llto nutuo f * Now. / . A i Notituiter wlieihor you vftr J'tW+fB*- ?. olil ono repaired or roflnp make of 1 imp transform ^IS.'yr**rfl(X3 gf. wo i'iui ilo it. I .el us ; trcntmrnt of dilCMCS of m 3s l'arV PI are A SH TUrelay St., Jieiv Tork. ffltt