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WFORT MILL MELANGE. Pithy Points aathered for the Perusal of Times Readers. Magistrate ?T. IS. Mills is confined to his home with measles. Mrs. M. ?). llall returned Thursday from a visit If) relatives in Sharon, N. C. Mr. W. J. Waters, of Chester, was ill town several days of last week on business. Mrs. Dr. J. E. Mnssey and children, of Rock Hill, are visiting relatives in Fort Mill. Miss Ober Neely, of Ebcnezer. is visiting relatives and friends in lower Fort Mill township. Rev. E. A. Hartsell visited his daughter, Mrs. M. A. Wulden, til Henrietta, N. C., this week Presiding Elder W. 11. Bays, of Rock Hill, was the guest of Rev. R. A Y ongue last Thursday. Mrs. E. W. Kiuihrell returned Wednesday evening altera short v:sit lo relatives in Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Massey, of Kbenezer township, were among the visitors to this place Sunday. Mr. Fred Nims left last Friday for a visit to his mother, Mis. E. W. Ratikin, near Mt. Holly, N. C. Mrs. W. A. Watson, of Charlotte, spent several days lust week at the home of her father, Mr. J. W. Ardrey. Mr. 11. M. Pounds was a visitor to this place Sunday. Mr. Pounds has a position with llie linn of lielk Bros., in Charlotte, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. NY. L. Blackwel<ler, of Charlotte, spent. Sunday in Fort M ill, the guests of Mrs. Blackwelder's sister. Mis. Z. V. Bradford. Mrs. J. JNI. ()(J t*l 1. of Concord, N. C., and Mr. and .Mrs. Eeroy Springs, of Lnucnster, S. C\, arc visitors at tlio home of Capt. S. E. White. Mr. Joe Hoke had the misfortune of getting one of the finders of his left hand severely lacerated in a pianino machine at the Spratt machine shops on last Wednesday. An old resident says that the streets of Fort Mill are being put in better condition this year than ever before. The improvement on Main street is something out of the ordinary. The first game of baseball played on the Fort Mill diamond this season was that of Saturday afternoon between the Gold Hill and Fort Mill teams. The Fort Mill boys won by a safe margin. Messrs. Todd and Covney, machinists, who have been installing iu'W machinery iu the spinning department of the F.?rt Mill Mfg. Company, liave completed their work niul left Friday for Durham, N. C. Capt. W. R. Bradford, ex-editor of The Times, left yesterday morn,-ng for Washington City, with the intention of accepting a Government position similar to the one which lie held in that city from 1^.13 to 11)00. The following committee for Fort Mill township was appointed by the York Cotton Growers' Association at the meeting in Yorkville on the <>th instant: W. H. I "W indie, S. II. Epps, 15. M. Faris, .1. It. llaile and S. L. Colt harp. it is announced that ihere is to be a marriage in Flint Hill neighborhood this evening, the contracting parties being Miss Mamie, daughter of Mr. Jas. Potts, and Mr. Theodore Sharp, of Port Royal, S. C. ltev. R. A. Yoitguc will officiate. Mr. Frank Giles, the young man who had both feet cut oil" by a train several months ago, was up from Rock Hill Sunday. Mr. Giles lias lately purchased a pair of artificial feet, and, by the aid of a cane, is enabled to get around with* out great difficulty. Tlio closing exercises of the Fort Mill orndeil school will t?o in tlio town hull Friday evening, May 17. Tlio entertainment will consist of the following plays: "Tom Thumb's Wedding," "Tin.* Gypsy Festival,1' '"Tlio iVnk Sisters" and "A Mock Trial." The doors will be opened at 7.15, and the exercises will be^in promptly at 8..'?d o'clock. The public f^en?rally is invited to be present. I / Mrs. J. Iv 13riic*e, of Winnsboro. S. C., whose serious illness was noted in last week's Times, is re1 ported somewhat improved. Mrs. j Brueo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Young, and her brother, Mr. ! J. T. Young, spruit several days at her bedside during the past week. Memorial day was duly observed in Fort Mill last Friday. The exi ereises consisted of the decoration j of the graves of the Confederate I dead and the monument in Coii; federate park. Services were held ; in the I'lvsbyterinn church and prayer was offered by Dr. J. B. 1 Mack. i As was advertised, the supervis: ors of York and Lancaster conni ties met on Sugar creek on the 1th instant and awarded contracts for re building Bailes' and Bar I oer s Drul^es. The contract price for the former is ?21'.); the hitler, ,7. J. lVi ry A." ('o.. of Oseeohi, S. C., were the successful l>i?lders. Dr. J. L. Spratt has bought the oilice fixtures, etc., of Dr. M. A\ . (iriot; nml will in a few days lie prepared to execute any dental work that may he desired. Dr. Spratt will have a neat little oilice when tin1 repair work, which is now under way, is finished. It is not yet known what move Dr. ; (i ris/o will make. .Mr. -I. H. Massey. son of Postmaster P>. II. Massey, who is a student at the Theological Seminary in Richmond, Va? informs his father that lie will sp-nd his vaca1 . . . ! 1 i ii?tn this summer in West Virginia, where he will assist, in church work. Rev. Dr. M. L. ; Laecy. Mr. Massey is an excellent youiio man and his many Fort Mill friends will lie pi. ased to learn that he is t lie associated with such a distinguished minister At a meeting of tin* Veteran's Association on Friday the follow* in? were elected ollieers for the ensuing year: J)r. J. I?. Mack, commander; dosinh C Ithnrp. vice commander; J. \V. Ardrey. adju- 1 tant; Dr. d, 11. Tliornwell, chaplain; \\\ A. Fi-dier, t reasurer. le v. Dr. J. 15. Alack and C'apt. ?l. \V. Ardrey were then elected to represent the camp in the reunion at Aleinphis, Teiin., on Alay L'S. ? ... Death of Airs. VV. J Kirr.brell. Airs. Nannie Kitnhrell, heloved wife of Air. W. Kimhrell. of lower Fort AI ill. departed this life rrhnrsday morning after a lon^aml painful illness of consumption. Mrs. Kimbrell was a daughter of tin- 1; 11 * * J osepli I > i 1111 < *, and was in i her .'Will year. Sin- was a member of the Fort Mill Presbyterian church: an excellent woman and 1 was ready to meet the j^reat change. A devoted husband and seven children survive her. The funeral services were conducted < from the home of the deceased by Kow Dr. d. II. Thornwell, assisted t by Kev. 11. A. Von^ue. The re- 1 mains were interred in the eeme- , tery in this place Friday afternoon 1 at l o'clock. ... ! 1 Rev. K. Shimmun. This gentleman is from Persia. ' He belongs to the Presbyterian church and has been in America ] four years studying for the eos. pel ministry. On Sunday ni^ht he lectured in the Pivsbvt *1 bill ehureli mi llm live religions <>f .Persia, which lire r Xoroast riitn ism, A rmenianism, <T ti daism. Ncstorianism and Maliometanisui. ()n Monday he le-turcd at the ' academy and told of shool-lil'e in Persia (imiiiie the hoys, for tlicv 1 have no rehools for girls in that ' country. The ehildrcu felt some- ' thing of the advantages of this ( hind when he told them that in lVrsia the children had no Raines j and toys, and also that SantaClaus never had been seen ilicic. That night he h tui'id to a lar^e audience in ihe town hall and illustrated his im-trucln us by ( pictures. The uiurhle palaces of t the rich and the mud hovels of ' the poor, the peculiar dress of the (v people and their Hirsute marriage ( customs, the plowing of ground < and the making of rugs and many t other things were imi>rebsively I told liy word and picture. Constantly tiid the lecturer bring out the faults of Mahninctanisui. making its two hundred mil ions of people to he as base and miser- ! able as it seemed possible for human beings to become, 'l et, these j eoj)le have m my tine traits, for they are scrupulously clean.' They pray live times every day, and their religion prohibits the drinking of wine, the engaging in games of chance or receiving interest on loans made to their own people. The great weakness of Mahonietanism is that by it "woman is totally withdrawn from her proper place in the social circle.*' A. ? ? Cotton Seed Oil ?vill l-'or Yorkvitle. . . J The \ ietor Cotton Seed Oil Company, of (iatVney, closed a ileal Wednesday with Mr. i'elham .Morrow, administrator of the estate of Leroy .Morrow, deceased, whereby the (lall'in y company becomes the owner of the \ orkville rolh r mill and ginning system, erected licrc by -Mr. Lorny -Morrow about six years ago. says tin* \ orkville eorrespondent of the \ ' ? im'ws alio v ;?>UMrr. It is sum I that tin* new owners will have 111?* pt opi i ty thoroughly overhauled and put in shape for doino; t lie best ipiality of work ox pi eted hy tin* most ox uotino ouin is of such a plant anil will at once take tin* necessary stops for tin* orcetion of an up-todate oil maiiufa't urini; plant on tho proporty purohasod. The Soullit rn'a New llnglnea. Tho Soul horn Kail way (Ann puny rooontly plaooil an order for a number of now outlines. to l?o used on tho pissonooi* service of that road, with tin- Manohostor ( V'a.) shops. Six of tho outlines liavo roar hod Sponoor. and t wo of t lioin. No-, 5571 and .'57-. aro now beintj "hrokoii in" on tho run hotwoon t'harlot to and Atlanta. Tin y aro ton whoolors, of tho most poworlul and swiftost typo yet put on tho road.- Charlotte Observer. A Slave Advertisement cf 1758. Tho following advertisement, puhlishod in tho Boston (iazette, of 17-7S, and republished in tho 11 diana).oiis Soiit inol, April lioth, shows how tho slavo trailers of a century and a half n?n conducted thoir husinoss: "duly iiuportod from Afiioaand to ho sold oil hoald tho bri?' .lulin' ney, William Kllery, commander, now lyiiifj at New lioston, a nuin1 lor nf likely no^rii hoys and ^irls. from twelve to fourteen years of' !e_*e. Inquire of said t ilery on said bri?;. where constant attendance is oiven. Note.-- The above slaves have all had the smallpox. Treasurer's nop s and New Knjjland rum will he taken as pity. ' c A COLD WAVIi. Ih'ee/.es from the Arctic regions lire constantly playing; about .Meachain s Si da Water and Ice ITeam I'arlors. Drop in and read your mail, or loaf with lis awhile. You can keep L*ool without its costing you a cent. Kefi eshino drinks will he served it jour home by callintf "phone ! ?. Ice ('ream every day. 'I'K Y our nice (.'ream I 'h esc. 1 lushes & Yonii;r. I.OST. i >ii Wednesdav afternoon. May Sill, lie l Weell llle resiliences nf l>r. 1. li. Mack ami \V. li. Anlrey. a small lilaek ( hatelaiae 1 a^, iasiile of which was ladie s handkerchief with owner's none on corner. Reward l'or its return o Times office. FLORIDA VHliKT \RLKS. fahha-e, I'eans, Potatoes, etc., at llil;,'hcs A fount's. Wfcntion. Fl. *3ill Id. InF;inlry. Monikers of tlx* Kurt Mill Liu'ltl I it11 \ will assontltlo lor drill ?t? Sutnrdnv afternoon. May is, at I .MO < ,Y|< )cU I y <?rdor < >1 T. 15. SI'11,\TT. ('not I'HATTS Stork and Poultry Food for ;;ilo at 1 -s A' Young's. TO MY FRIENDS! I linw lmiio|it I lie in tiro st (M-k of Harness atul Saddles of tlx* lato "l nrlr'1 Mill's lolmsoii and am tow prepared to hinti-di ati}tliin<r losirod i11 tliis lino. Harness and Saddle ropairino a sp< dally. A all will lit* appreoiat* d. J. E. MARSHALL, on K III 1.1.. S. < ' MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES. I am silent Ini* tlio \Y. lark Monument and i I ad.-limo 'ompany, of Kutlun, Yl . and I ackst >ii v i lit*, I* la., tin- lar?je>t eon' ru f (ho kind in t In* I 'nit.d dates. Anyone in need of anyliiu^ in my line would do well to all on me for prices before placing heir orders. I\ I). FAl LKM?lt,l'ort Mill,S. C. Buy Now Paris Ciroen to kill Potato bu?4s. Tanglefoot Paper to kill tlies. Moth Palls tit prevent moths. A ltoiuI spring Tonic to totic up your systeiu and Allan's Condition Powder for your domestic animals. "Murine" Is a new paint which can be substituted for haul and oil paint and does not cost one-fourth as inurh. Anybody can apply it and nobody can atl'ord to have a barn unpointed much less a dwelling house when it can lie done so cheaply. AUDREY'S. k- {4 W i / IIi \\lieii <;?in<r (hit, < lie's appearance should be a subject for compliment and uol of apologies and e\plana! ions. Dress is so lareelv a matter of limn that t li. laundry question i.-all i in p< >ri a lit. 1 Msiv^anim,: the en 1?> of spie ami span tells severely against t In- otVendei*. Tin' jierfeet work ??f th?- Model Strain l.aumlrv. * harlottr. N. (all I li?' t init' at short priees has won tin- pmeral favor of pun I ihvssevs. Sliipnn nls ina?l>' Wednesday ev? nintf. Ki>. 1.. McKi.ii.vm v, A<;i.vr. I'( Hv <i(X)!) W11ISK IKS, W 1 X MS, IlKAXDIKS, KTC., I'A I.I. ON* Olt \V KITH TO W. It. IIOOV Kit, ( II lltt.O I'TK, N. ('. To Business Men we print What is there in nnr line on which you would like quotations We want your trade, anil if you will give lis a chance, will submit samples and prices that will be interesting to you. we print R. M. London ROCK HILL. S. C. Canned Goods. 11 you need any cnnued yonds, come to see mi' for Ihem. I am very particu11 lai' about this p rt of my stock, and claim to carry tin* best and freshest. Is that the kind you want ? A* O. Jones. DR. J. L. SPRATT, Kl'ltUKON' DKXTIST. (in .lont's building. Main istre t l'oi-f Mill, S. C. May S. If. Snappy Bargains. | This week. we offer 100 pairs Ladies' and Children's Slipper AT COST. .*>1)0 yards odds and ends in Percales. Lawns, etc., at 5 cents a yard Most of them were 10 and 12 1-2 cents. a 100 Sample Straw lints at 25 cents, worth 50 and 75 cents. \\ e have the prettiest line of Men's and Boys' Madras and Neyli !^ee Shirts ever shown here, and we save yon from 10 to 130 cents on every Shirt yon bny here. They are NOT the kind that fade. We have just opened a lot of Men's Fine Shoes, in viei kid and box calf, at SI.IK), $2.50, ?.') and $3.50, and Ladies' and Children's (h fords and Strap Sandals, at 50 cents to $1.75. In Millinery we have had the biggest trade in years. The ladic have learned that they don't have to pay two prices for lints here. Call and compare our goods and prices. X*. j. massey, RIBBONS, RIBBONS, RIBBONS. There is more Kibbons used thi-season than ever before, and \v < have sold more tip to this time than in any i revious six months, new lot of that Wonder Kibbon, No. (>t) and 80, pure silk, in all shad , at 15 cents, Nos. 5 and 7. at 5 cents, No. 0, at 7 cents, No. 12 at 10 cents. Come early as it will not last long. A pretty TalVeta Silk, in black, white, pink and blue, at 45c.?a genuine bargain. A new lot of Cheneil. for Ties and Uosetts, in black, blue and pink, i at 5 cents. New Kiubroideries at 10, 12 1 2, and 15 cents. I - .j .ixaaies7 muslin Uderwear. We have some llargains in these goods. On account of lack of room we have decided to drop this line. Ladies' Pants, which sold tor 'Jo. dl>. and otic, arc now It), 211, and JjSe. A few Gowns and Skirts al a bargain. Knit l iulcrwcar. Vest, 5. 10, 15 and 2d cents, with or without sleeves, l'ants, 25 cents, a bio seller. MILLINERY. We can say to the ladies that .Miss Curtis has about caught up with all Lack orders and is ready to start afresh. We are very sorry that some customers were disapp tinted about their work last week, but let us beg you to be patient with her, as she did her best, working all dav and from It) to 12 o'clock at night for about ten days. Wo believe you will. mEACHAIYI EPFS. ?I J Do You Want a Good Suit for Spring"? I! so, wo are equal to the task of satisfvino; every one wlio comes here for clothing. N\ c know our stock is larger than any ever brought to Fort Mill, and if dollars count for anything with yon, yon will conic to see tis. w c have suits for moil and boys thai * arc as nice in quality and lit as can he bought in any city, and if you arc one of the liurnher who think it necessary to buy your clothing from an out-of-town dealer to ho stylishly dressed, you are wrong. Wall Paper. If there are any rooms in your house that need papering, let us furnish you an estimate of the cost. We have 500 designs to select from. Artesian Lithia Water, From the famous springs at Austell, Ga < is liiglil\ recommended by eminent physi- m a 1 i * ? i"i<(11>, iiiMuut; i uc iiiiiiiticr being l)r. Ale: JJ Mack. We have it. "T1IE OLD RELIABLE STORE."