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PI 1 F< VOL. X. C. R.ERISAS ACQlj'iTTcO Harvard Instructor Found Not Guilt}' ol Murdering His Brtflher-in-Law. JUR> OUT OVER FIVE HOURS Rffclvetl Verdict Calmly, Rut H't Wife Went Into llvMerie* ? l?ck tnonntrntlon In Courtroom When tlio Annouticcmcnt Wa# Mndo?Kntl of On** That IIah Stirred Nexv Ktijlnnti WidelyOnmliri'l*"* ? s *1 ?........... 1 in- jury in i il?* trial of Charles II. Kastnian. formerly employed in the Agassix Museum at Harvard ITiiversity, for the murder of his i>roiher-in law. lliehard 11. tirogan, Jr., on July 4 lasl. returned a verdict 'of not guilty. As soon' as the verdict was announced Kastnian was set free. Ilis parents hroke down completely and his wife went into hysterics when trying to thank each juror. Kastnian received the verdict calmly. : The jury, after listening patiently Tor nearly three weeks to a tremendous mass of testimony, followed l?y two days of argument, debated live h'utrs and a half before re:iehin*r a \Cfdlct. ' Knstmnn never lost tils composure. "When lit" was brought into the courtroom lie' walked lightly to his *? !! carefully adjusted his eyeglasses and smiled pleasantly at his relatives. . Then when tin' vcrdlc was announced. and the crowd hurst out in cheers, waving liats and handkerchiefs ?a demonstration which the Court did UOi attempt to stop lie till tied .'tlld shook hands with those who surged about bint the vanguard of a great rush; for it scented, after the cheer, that everybody wanted to grasp the hand of the man who had been freed. Kast man's aged mot iter was so overcome that site had to he :ak< t from the courtroom. ilis wife was almost hysterical, laughing nervously, hut never giving way to tears, ".is counsel seemed beside themselves w'tlt joy, but ttte man to whom it all meant m. nun II II.IM IIH* U1IISI rOllipOSIMl | > l t* son there. After In* had freed himself from the group of friends he went over and shook hands with the jurors and thanked them. He had nothing to say about himself, not a word for publication. Me had expected to be acquitted, lie said, and never had any doubt about the result. So great was the exritement that it was some time before the judges could thank the jury, and assure the twelve men that they had delivered a verdict in necorda i: h the evidence. During the day Eastman was e ... .1 to listen to a most scathing arraivn mcnt by Attorncy-tb neral Knnwlton. lie heard him toil how he had killed Itichard C.rogan, of a quarrel, a struggle. of a murder, of his "heartless eon duct" beside a dying man. lint it.; stood it calmly and well. How tlio Shooting Took l'lnor . Charles It. Eastman and Richard IT. Grognn, .Tr., both of whom married daughters of the late Alvan <!. ('lark, of telescope fame, were at target practice on the afternoon of July 1 iast year, when the shots were tired . > killed t.fogan. Eastman was arrested for mtirder. but was discharged by t In* loc al magistrate for lack of evidence. Wit He li was in the West gathering fossils for the Agassi/. Museum, of Harvard, in wllldt Iw woci ? * ...< ..i^-ii tii'ior, in- was ill dieted l?y tli - <Ir..11 i Jury. Tliis was in October. and In- has la-en in jail over since. It wns generally believed in Cam bridge at the time of the shooting that the two men had fought a duel. It was reported tlu-re had been domestic differences. flan l< oni.-lnl Kill* Ifimieir. H. N. I'ollock, tlie missing hank president of Cleveland. Ohio, ended liis life at Seattle, Wash., by sending a bullet through his brain. Filipino Colour! Surrender*. Colonel Astilla. the insurgent Governor of Infanta l'mviiiee. 1*. I . ha? surrendered with ten officers, IV men. 17<? rilles. and t? n cannon. No Coal Strike to Great llrlt.itn. The Miners' Conference, at London. reeiUed not to strike against the coal tax at present. A?k Removal of fjovernor Dot*. The Territorial Legislature of Hawaii lias passed a resolution containing a memorial asking President Me Kinley to remove C.overnor Pole. Ibis charged with obstructing leglsla I JU2I. Tlirrc Drowned In Chenango Kivcr. Edward 11 nil. aged sixty live; IPdaughter Dora. tu.jity. and (Joorpc Sholes, twenty i'.:lii. were drowned in the Chenango Kivi-r. south of Oxford. N. V. Their boar i-apsized. Sheriff* Po**r Kill* K*ca|>cil Prisoner As the result 01 a hand-to-hand tight between a sheriff's posse and two ? raped prisoners, at Redding. Cal.. R ri. Dorian, one of ?i p.-.r.rjc: .? dead iv.d the Ot .is*?.* ' o \r v.- ? .' itiii v funded. Trillium 0'ftrl?n'? Puprr srijrft. Tin- polii-i- si 1/ ii William OT'.r. .1 weekly paper. "The i:i-dl IYople.' .1 kl>ulilin, I rei;: 't I. won . . .1 11 i.iii eially reported in a?ii.nut ol retieetions upon King Edward. ORT f ( r.:?s. i.vK'ra.r.y vsry ilui Frosidenls Wife Taken to San Fran** | cisco For a Rest I'nlpi* Her Condition Improve* the I'lnm i For tlie Tojir May lie Chanced ? I>r. I.lxey'* Statement. San Francisco. Cal.?The sudden illness of Mrs. MeKinley caused an uuexpeeled change in the itinerary of President MeKinley. lie arrived in this city quietly two days ahead of the time scheduled. The state of Mrs. McKitiley's health was such Sunday morning that the President decided to leave 1>?1 Monte and bring his wife to this city immediately to the hoiuc of Henry 'I'. Scott, where she could nave complete lest for a few days, and wheiv n specialist could be consulted If necessary, A special ol' two cars and a locomotive was made up from tlu* President's special, and the President. Mrs. Mckinley, Miss Marlicr, the President's niece; Secretary and Mrs. Corielyoit. I?r. Kixcy, and Mr, and Mrs. 11. T. Scott left Del Monte for San Francisco. having the remainder ?>i the Presidential party at Del Monte. Only a few hundred people greeted the President upon arrival in this city. When ihe train, consisting of a baggage car and the President's special coach, stopped at Valencia street. Mrs. Mckinley was carried in a steamer chair front the private car to a closed carriage in waiting. She was heavily veiled. s?ml lite President and Dr. llix cy took seats in tit,- same vehicle. The rest of the party followed in carriages. Mr. and Mrs. Scot t had arrived at their residence ahead ol the President, and were waiting to receive? their uistiugitished gliosis. Mrs. Mckinley was lifted out of the carriage and placed in an invalid chair and carried into the house. Secretary Cortelyou, when qttes- j tinned concerning Mrs. Mckinley's condition, stated that there was uotli ing alarming in her present indisposition, and thai perfect quiet and rest for a few days would restore her to her usual health, it was the impression. however, of those who saw Mrs. Mckinley that she is very ill. and that her present state may result in an entire change of the President's programme. ' Dr. 1'ixey made the following statement : "Mrs. Mckinley stood the trip front i Del Monte much better than 1 expect- ' | cd. Her condition is not serious. She ! i x\ ill stay h> "e at least a week, and j l"l Vn Itid'Timt i?nu4 I . , | >\ ? ? v ? i | v PI. 1 I II I II IV l?%V I I lil 1 1 i111n> sin- will l>e able to continue the j journey." Later Secretary t'ortelyou issued the i following; bulletin: "Mrs. McKiuley stood the trip from Monterey extremely well and is resting comfortably at Mr. Scott's residence. Iter attack ol' indigestion, it is believed, will yield promptly to rest and remedies, while the felon on her j hand is healing nicely." The day after leaving New Orleans a bone felon appeared upon Mrs. MeKinley's linger. Her hand became swollen stud gave her consalcable pain, and produced fever that prevented her from sleeping. Dr. Itixey lanced the felon and gave her some relief in that way. Mrs. McKiuley bore it bravely, ami urged that the programme at the cities and towns should not lie modified in any particular on her ; count. It was hoped that the rest at Del Monte would do her good, but she i slept little during the night, an., in ihe ! morning, although iter condition had | improved, site reluctantly agreed to come to San Kraucis o at once. The j party got away from the hotel so j quietly that many of the guests did not know until evening that the I'resi- ! dent and Mrs. McKiuley had gone. EXCURSION ENDS IN DISASTER. WR^on Idiilcti With Merrymaker*! Struck I by :? Trolley Car. New York City. Of twenty-six young I Th'fUllo W111 ? <<?! /??ti ?/?* *.? * *' 1 , - . V.... ju,tuil!<l,( I mill i oi- I lege I*i?iiiL for :i starlght ride in a I wiipai two were curried home dead. I live were taken to Jamaica Hospital I suffering from mure or less serious injuries. and till the others are nursing j cuts or bruises as the result of a collision with tt trolley ear which crushed i into tiie wagon almost at lull speed. On the ear were twenty-five passengers. All were badl.v shaken up, but | none was injured. Those killed were Michael Scitueir, twenty-three years old. of College I'oint, ami Joseph Pickel. twenty years old. of College Point. Motormati Van was arrested a short time after thecollision. and was locked up til Jamaica. lie declared that lie was not to blnnit . Trolley Car Turn* Over. Englewood, X.J Loaded with about 11."> passengers, an open trolley ear oji its way from Shady Side to Englewood. got beyond control of the motorman while descending front Lconia Heights, dashed down the hill at fear till speed, and turned over at the bottom. where there i- it sharp curve. Strange to say no one was killed, and only a few were severely hurt, hut no one in the whole carload except the motor man escaped without a bruise. WholiMil? ExwnUon* of M;*re<loniunft. A Uibpateh from Constantinople an- ' nouncees the wholesale shooting of ) '.'.evolutionary 'ncluding , women. Th#> Anil rnllun Tarllam^nt Opened. The Duke of Cornwall and York ] opened the Australian Federal Purlinuielit at Melli uirne. The eerrniuiy | was a brilliant one. I MI] )RT MILL, S. CM WED A FIERCtioi IN DETROIT Ten Thousand Men and Rovs in a Fight With the Police. ALL OVER A STREET ORATOR The Director of Police Orderc?l That No One I?c Allowed to Nt****?i \ <? - Wagon of a Slnglr-Tut Advocate ? Mounted Ofllrprn Kept Crowds Moving ?Mayor Sided With the People. Detroit, Mich.?Fully 10.000 men and boys ran riot in tlio main streets of this city for more than three hours, and a continual running tight with police. both mounted and on foot, made and exciting period in the heart of the city. The net result is twelve citizens and tive policemen injured. The beginning of the riot was when the new Director of Police, Frank T. Andrews, who recently superseded the old Police Hoard, through the passage of the Ripper hill by the Legislature, issued an order to the police to allow no one to stand about the wagon of one "Totu" liawden. a local SingleTax exhorter, who had incurred the ill-will of many citizens by the extraordinary nature of his remarks on socalled wealthy "tax dodgers." iVE LEAD T / When Bnwdcn Derail his cxhorlntSi m o crowd quickly gathered. Director .V, llivws supervised the work of ilupolice ill keeping the people movitiu'. The crowd trood liauirediy hooted a. llie police ainl no violence was dour. At night, howet or. tl?? temper of the crowd I'lian^od when it was announced that Director Andrews had called on the reserve otheers to assist in keeping the Campus Martins clear. The Sin pie-Tax exhorter canto with his wa-am and found the campus jammed. The police refused to allow him to stop any one particular point, and Im drove front one street to anotiier. I he crowd following. This was not enough. and the employes of the Hoard of 1'uhlie Work turned out and proceeded to w.s down the streets with a two inch solid stream of water, remedies-. of who i the water hit. Finally Mayor Maylnmy niounteti Rawden's wagon in the driveway. ? the postotilce lot. where municipal a : thority dared not enter, and inform d the crowd that its rights were being trampled upon, and that the police had Iio right to stop free speech. Rawden finally was arrested, and after he had been I tailed our l?y the Mayor quiet settled down on the city. BEAUTY INDICTED FOR ARSON. Noted Virginia Society Woman Arrested For Itnrnliifi Her Own House. Newport News, Va. ? Mrs. .Jennie Wood, daughter of l'ost master K. i; Darden, of Damp.011, and one of the most noted beauties in Virginia s > ciety, who was arrested on the charge r.f timing her own house for the insurance, was indicted l?y the (iraud J nrv ?!? prosecution will endeavor to prove that Mrs. Wood is connected with a series of incendiary tires the. destroyed many thou-:: nd dollars' worth of property recently. She was inujctcd on three counts for arson, three different nttenipis to destroy her residence by fire having l?e n madTit" arrest and pr??:ecutiou e' M wood was hrou-re. aboil' i>y tl;e *'p sentailvt s of sev? ral in uraneo rorip; n'.e-.. who have beeu investigating tiemysterious tires. JACKSONVILLE OUT CF THE ASHE?. Temporary Structure.- ttotrc I'p, am! Tlioo-aiirt* tiring Fed. Jacksonville. Fin.?'The main strce-s of Jacksonville are h e-.; r. n'diy cleared of deVuv-. St.rc* cars will i>^ operated by uiules until the lo'loy -ystorn can be r. sto d ?;aa drawn for i .1: . n .1." " ' '1? "a cTuctnres .t > |? bnlkheaded Temporary structures ire on all side;, rite eity requrn. demolition by Hoeetn'.n . 1. "I .0 .< ; are being fetl l?y the relief ? .. nini< < . A large amount of insurance has 11 .paid. x : MESDAY, MAY 15. 1!>0 i MILLIONS TO MOVE CROPS The Treasury Beg-ins Preparations ; to Meet the Autumn Demand. Uxrtctncoa In Kind Iii-tlxtoU l'|inn In (tnlt>r tn II I Mlvrr l?olhir? nml Tnitcil Sltlc? N?>t??. Washington. P. t" ? Preparations have begun at thf Treasury to moot tiio mitu 111 n to-mntid for money for moving crops. A telegraphic* request come from Now Orleans for $275,000 to lie |<al<l for a deposit in I ho Now York XubTroastir.v, bv llio reserve agent of the bank, asking for the ourroney. Trcnsj tirer Uoherts nutliori/.id paynioni by tlio Now Orleans Sub-Treasury, on condition that express rates should bo ! paid at Now Orleans in ilio same i classe s of ourroney in which it v. as received at Now York t'ity. This in' eluded gold eerlil'.eales for $2<> to a t considerable amount. | "roasuror ltoherts lias authorised I similar transfers to the amount of I $250,000 a day so long as the demand i for money continues. Ho is insisting ; at present upon exchanges in kind, seeking to httsbaml the limited stock of silver dollars and 1'nited States notes in the Treasury, with a view to meeting emergencies later in the season. lie may then be compelled to , us" these funds in issuing small notes ! for payments in gold. , The stock of .standard silver doI? N'Xt MONTHS E?D.N(. | WifH MARCH 1901 - >|j TED STATES. .$l?-4,4(/7,SS3. |j , ? v-r> 117 Alb 94 b ffi.A u-M'f ------- i w i"*1 v JQ; ,\GE ENDING WITJJ ft , c. i9?? 87,551,000 pti - 56,467,000.p> mmn SffiHRJ triahunca^y "i;''4'*; / ?yum of7?.2s5' - '/ ly o^^.ooo;,:j. g g c"15 ^ | in: wor.i.n. ? From tin* N??tv York Tribune. l:trs on luind. uoi oo\< id M out ! -uiiidilix ci'i'tilicuii v . - > . . Tin- :i!!iouui of I . ii d Stains nolo? ; was ?10.21 s. lit!. Tli.-so am narrow mur; n nj?ot vviiiirli to i-niiiiuii tin* bii.U'- nxt'liuiip husiimss oi ill-" i-io.i mdvim; snavon nut Tr? usurer llohorls I. . In will lio ablo to i'.'iti rill d-i. itids. Hi linos it iifoossriry t.? l.i;. now:: tii" i lib i t'Xt lmu,;? > in kind j.s far as po-si I nl**. iiofat.sf m" ,!> iir. ii :ii,po.-.-d In !:nv ii|i<>.i mo-t form* ?o ,-u .-. in . , i.t i side of t lit* ^olti < vi i ibrn 11->. Col,l ftn iiiua > , an !?: flirt; is liv to any aiiuniut in i-M-hanim for t;ol? -in. hut tboir niin .i.r n ,'., ouniinatioi is ?20. not always *;iinl| cnou^'li ti liii'i'l dotiia:u!>. KILLED FATHER ANO HERSEL". it'iuclitpr Kc.<rtiipil Pie !'?r ill'* (rut Tleiil n-nt of II i-r Slollii r. ' Si. Louis. Mo I'll.-t.iVe r.:ia;f. a^e. flfiy. )>::i!i(1 ' II: St. 1 oi:L S ...1 IIiHll'il and a foroi'T Ir? ;?i*? -.'r11: I i\ .1 '.he Staie Leitislaniic, \ as -ho am killed at his home by his dnueitu r, Id; 11a a re, atxed iwtniy. who iliei turned the revolver n?? .11 I ers df, in ' dieting a wound front wuieh s. e ri.ei ! ill two tnitm.e . lloth were siio til roue h the load. The acti 'U of the ; own,: woman w*n premeditated. as was howii |iv a let t: r whieli she 1 ft. ! 11 ,t s!ie s.iid tiia the freuueni ii'snLs off. red to iu> mother l?y her fa h r lie a ne unheal ! a hie, and that sh had resolved to U i! , him and then hi'.-df. Mr. Ilaate wa i taking a nap when he w.,s killed. TURKEY'S SEIZURE OF MAIL. .\inlm?i*:?ilor?. P.-olrst nn.l l!io Port* Send 1111 L'n?-oiii;?roiiii?iiu: Kept.. Constant inople Turkey. The Arr , hassfldors of the foreign powers hav sent identical notes to the I'ortc eha; acterizlUK the seizure l>y the Ottc man postal at tliorities of f< :> ^n 1.1:1 butts as a breach of law and holding ti I'o: u; r? |.<.:isib!e fo i op; ion ill reply to tiie protect I Ijf T ori maintains the ri;:ht of the tttiotna I'ogtofllC" to p'Ccivp ..nd tli -iri'mt foreign mails. 1 fine of the IViv opened '-oniaine. dispatches to the Carman Atnhtiss.i lor. n MiMinnary Won I'.tirlod AIIti>. According oa dispatch j';oni Sljans liai to the I.ondoii Daft.* K.vpros! 1'ather P.ioli. an Italian mission irj was i ".'i ' alive in ihe lVoviuee c . hen-Si. C'.i -jti. VJ S'-13 ? ' '-j, ' 5 i . v hend :.-> .n *'s * o'.. i Va?b ni'ca. * ts broke iu i\t a .*h.ef. but * t: srol/?r t ?l?J Kail mart Cnlli'.lon ir? In a railroad collision at i iiayei It .a. an en;* in er was killed and iliu i ly other persons *?- * injured. 7? riME !. I BRIEF WALL STREET PANIC I 1 Fierht For Control of Northprn Pnr:fir Precipitates a General Crash. MANY FORTUNES SWEPT AWAY l I The ('ollapne W?? So S ml don Hint Speculator* Plil Not Ifnvo Time to SjivoTIiomi olvot>?ltunUorn' Kclli'f l'ool Snvnl tlio Money Miirkrt Krom l)t?H?ti'r ? TretnrmloitH Slirinknce In Stock Tuition. Now York City. ? The Stool; exchange was the scone Tburstlny of 0110 or the most disastrous panics ever re I corded. Fortunes made in the recent i rise were swept away in an hour. : Paper profits uuionntiiit; in millions of i dollars were cancelled, and in their ! places enormous losses were created for the aecount of eonmiission house , traders. It is simply impossible eve to estimate the losses sustained by brokers and their customers, hut it may be said without fear of contradiction ^ that the actual cash losses reached a , ^ total never before equalled in the history of Wall Street. ' The panic was precipitated l?y the 1 fight between the Morgan -IIill syndicate and the Ilarrinian-Kuhn. l.o.-b ?V ' t'o. clique for the control of the North i era Pacific Itailroad. The tight for the control of this property came at a time when the market was ripe for a reaction. hut instead of a reaction an absolute and unrestrained paule developed. In the course of which prices declined from twenty to fifty points, with even greater setbacks in several issues. Not till the damage was done, not till J prices had crashed as they had not crashed even on Hlack Friday, did these men apparently awake to a realizing sense of the gravity of the situation. of the wreck of tiuaneinl values ! they had made. While the crash was under full. Steam the scene on tin*Stock Kxehange {was one almost impossible to describe. More members of the hoard were pres. cut than ever before recorded and more excitement, more howling, shouting and turbulence were noted than in ntiy preceding day known in Wall street. Thousands of men and women were called to Wall Street by tele-1 ! phone, telegraph and afternoon extras, ilnrd luck stories were heard on every ' corner and in every brokerage ollice. reports of millions lost, and in some cases millions won. were freely circtii Intcd, but, of course, in till cases exaggerations were intense, i - - iiit* corner in ."Northern I'acitic stock, which was tlic immediate cause of the crash. Is unlike anything previously known in Wall Street, "f'or" ners" as they were known in former* - times were made for ihe delltu rale, purpose of entrapping speculators imo < selling shares wllieii they did not own and forcing them t<? repurchase at exi I tortionate prices or pay the plotters j well for letting them oh". In the pros , . rut instnnee two rival coteries of hank ers and railway magnates competing i for control of the Northern I'aeitle Itnilroad began 10 luty all the stock in - ; sight hoth here and ou the KurnjKau (' ' honrses. Three hundred shares of Northern , T'aeilie sold as high as SI'KHi a share, 1 and the stock finally cin?"d at y"'_Ti. 1 Fifteen hanks raised a pool of SIP,? oOO.OOO. which was loaned at from j | forty to sixty per cent, to brokers wlto i were unable to borrow at eighty per j cent., thus avoiding a serious disaster. Stocks generally underwent enor1 j inous shrinkages, and great losses were Inflicted on the speculating pub. 1 He. Tlie net loss on the day .11 the quoted values of thirty-four railroad j and industrial stocks was more than ! : $700,000,000. ! The crash In stocks has wiped out ' ; tens of millions of paper prolits, beg" gnred myriad small speculator, .1!! . over the land and caused mourning not t ouly in Wall Street, hut on the Kuropenn bourses tlutr arc markets for American securities, i Needless to say, the crash does not !nfleet the business of the country. ' I ..1 l~. > 1 ' . . < < n|ni-.iii i.!>>. * nilve ueen incurred, fortunes on paper have vanished, and ,J many projected trips to Kurope will lie deferred. lnit the inin -s, the looois s i and forces of the country are busy, the railways are laden with freights and t lite crops are growing in a million fields and the real wealth of me country i.s ? not affected. I- RKMAURART.K UAI.I.Y IN STOCKS. e Confidence I* Ke?torrd mjit No Knllurpii Follow the ."Mljjlity Cneth. '1 New York city.- in snnie rosooc x I the ronnvfrv in clnnt-o .... I.*. I fully ns remarkable n> the decline > j the preceding day. That a rally would ,, j eertalnly follow was fully e.vpe" . : t. 1 but when it is recalled that at ha'I past eleven o'clock on Thursday, a ,j large majority of Wall Street lune j. j were doubtful as to their solvcn . that prices should have regained su. b a percentage of their loss was simply astounding. Many intluences worked for recov !, erv and return of confidence. Briefly summed tip. these were the fact that f the interests connected with the Northern Pacific controversy had agreed to protect, their shorts. *ho i rurane* from x*>ft .xr:-':..* financial institution* of cuv 'wv n j money would he. abundantly uoo.">o i at easy rater., and that the fiotrlonwr s at the Stork Exchange clearing house , took plaee without the slightest hitr u. - That tltere should have hern no fad 1 tires is pimply marvellous. The panic clearly was over. vrv, y-'f-A*: * - V; , *, .' ' . V.-t . ' * v* " vA- ' * ,S. NO. 9. THE NEWS EPITOMIZEC WASHIKOTOS ITE^fA/ An atrnvmoiit s'TJiod nl thn Slate Department extends for out? yen * tho commercial treaty with Don mark, j Miniver t"<>i.arrived i!t WasliiiiErtoil nisi .It .it-i'..,- ii..: parlinent oMir-.als lvjuirdiii;? the situation in Chin T. On April 1 file nttcndniie * at the rcs? uliir Indian -ci'otv* in the country iva* So.S'tii, show in? ~ annual in. crease in *. } r. a vs. Disappearance <> ' flu* irn.injrr. of plans of the cruis* Ki. Louis caused coin oin iijRi.ins i i s. Tin* 1'anam.a ' al Company made forinnl announcement oi iiie terms u, on lvltioii it Mould sell the canal to the I'nili'd S'.'i!''.-Secretary .lay denied tile statement | that a new Isthmian canal ,r0J:ty had hooti delivered to I. rd Pauneefoto. the 1'rit i<li A nihji.-sadar. The historic old Mintiianta. now lyj 1n;r at llostou. was condemned. and | will he sold. Tiie Army Oidnaisre tin]..,, will pur! cl?a> sr.un.iHV.i worth ?'f projectiles for ! the coast forts. on: AIIOI'TI-I) ISI.AMIS. Tlie Philippine Commission favors ; ma kins? Manila a I'ede. a! city, and 'Proves' <Sonera! Davis is preparing a 1 srh"iue of municipal iroveriinicnt. i i Heavy I,.- s i i s mail contract ; for I tile Wc-T In.);. ; V'.xprcss C'om| pany. ill San .Inaii. Porto Itico, liuo : 1 i< ituil'i i i. ?n Troopers of the First Cavalry defeated a rebel fon > in Bntanjtns I'rov11101', Luzon, I'. I. Civil government was established in . Mauila. Two oases of yellow fever were re! ported ;n Havana, Cuba, ami qttarau tine regulations were put into effect... i Delegate Wilcox noutinateil Cliauo* itr'* V. Illcliardsou. a Hawaiian, l'or the ? .West l'oint eadei ship, for which Joseph Aea failed to pass the examination. noMrsTio. The total haul: deposits in Ohio are now Sid:;.!o.".:;0, a gain ill a year of "'j.s i. Seven counts charging James Callahan, alleged to lie one ol the abductors of young Cui.ahy, wllli perjury on his 'late trial were tiled at Omaha. Xelt. 'ilte Thirty second Volunteer lttfan1 try was mustered out at San Francisco. Cal President MeKinley and his party j nrrived lu California, being met at in i> iiii'i uji* rune by tJoventor ?I . 1 Fire destroyed several eoiton warts houses in .\ ;:i. tla., eatisins a losa of 111M >11 ( S1 ? *>.? m k ? I Itelief lr. ins are arriving in Jnekl gonviiie. villi supplies fur ilie tire, sufferer Tile Younger brutliers, noted outlaws. are i.i be released ??n parole 'from the Mmi.e oia Slate l'rlsoii. Yalta .loaes. < biei' witness in llir% Uiee uiuriler , al New \ ork City,, i refuses i'(ii 1 and is said by physieinxi.s to be oyiii-.;. The Seventh \ I'.aulc of New '.York I'ily boimln llie laini;able National Hank, t?f ('ir iimati. <)liio. . .Much I::in:t done by a break ; ill tlie lire- Canal, ai lioehesicr, N. Y. j Missouri will take the spaeu given up j by Maryland at tile'alo iixpo.sij lion. j Carnetri-'s >rift of SHii.ODl) for a lis | brary was aeoipied by I'liarlott , N. (1. j The 1IIilia.> Lcgisknlire adjourned j Bine llie. The Finance <'i.intnitlee of (lie CMty Couneil of Colorado Springs, t 'el., reported a short aye < i' >:;o.ooh in the ac'count-of t'iiv tT. :. liver M us. T. Hale. Million1 (,f dollars w< re carted through tin- streei ?? of Chicago when the Chicago National Funic moved. I -ei . ? .i I ll<- K.llll-I',1 , ; I I :i KUIIIIIII", -\insk;i, Km:'d ..; i"' h? ?1?i i1115o uiin ers to siwli nn extent t!>rt! tin re is likely to lie ;i shortage of provisions at the post. President MeKinloy fologTiiuhrd the Government would give : 'I thr aid pestdldo in the work of relief for .laeksouville. Mn. .Fudge .1. J Tlealy, a lawyer anil politician. was instantly killed l?y ljoing struck by lightning a bis raneh near 1 Aberdeen. S. I), lie bad been political i adviser and business partner of SenaI tor Kyle. FOKKTON. American eapiialisis may be asked by China to subscribe its indemnity loan. A ltio .fain iro newspaper comments on the danger of Ccrmnn colonization in Southern llrazi' I: Is announced in I.nenos Ayres, Argentina, that ('iiile is fortifying the Strait of Magellan. f.erniatiy is try nig to persuade the j ojm'.'jii State to form :t tarifl j union au.'tiost Aim \ an eompetition. ,ins< pli Farton. cvi'mv years old, tvns arr? el u ;'. d wuh dclinorai.oly eroniiiiiMg liis live eliildreu in his home at Parry Sound, tint. F. S. Sehreiner, brother of former pre -iier of f'npe Colony, dropped dead at a meeting of Free Masons in London. King Victor Emmanuel, at Home, signed ft <V'rco placing F.aron Fava. t ,,C ltnli.ti) tee" ' to J*1 1 ''il r r<-i. ca r ..- d i;v ; T'ce Duke of ConsnMl! ir,d 7or\opened fho ill's; ?e-.f .on of too Atisi i I.e; Federation Pavbameni. z Volbo.trne, ,n a -pler.did spectacle. Venezuela invited Heir Krtipp, ?hr '(ieruiaii ;ii toot iiianin'actnn.-r, to i for tlic supply of cruisers, torpedo boats and material. i