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FORT MILL MELINU:. Pithy Points Gathered tor the Perusal of Time* Readers. Miss Ada Bradford is visiting friends in Yorkville. The 2-inonths-old son of Mr. D. (J. Potfs died last Wednesday. Communion services were held at the Fort Mill Baptist church Sunday niornintr. The regular monthly meeting of 1 lie directors of the Savings Bunk was held Alondny evening. Mrs. E. \Y. Kimhrell left yesterday for g short visit t<? her sister, .Mrs. E. K. Andrews, in Lancaster. Kov. ?J. Barr Harris, of liock Hill, pr -aeht d at the Methodist church i i this place Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. \V. Craig and children, of Point. S. 0., visited at the home of J)r. 1). (J. Thonipson this week. Mrs. N. It. Hotchkiss returned f<> New Iluven, Conn., Thursday, after a short visit to relatives i:i this place. Prof. .Jaekson Hamilton and .M r. W. M. Crook are visiting at the home of the former in I nion county, N. ('. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Allien, of Concord, N. <spent several days at the home of ( apt. S. E. White during the past week. The annual spring communion sorvicesat the Presbyterian church in this place will he held Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Tim editor of The Times was pleasantly entertained at dinner a few afternoons ago by Dr. and .Mrs. T. S. Kirkpat i ii k. Air. it?>y Moore, of Chariot to. was the guest of his sister in law. Airs. \\ . P. Moore, at the home of fjapt. W. K. Bradford, Sunday. Air. dean Montgomery and Miss Alice Hammonds, employees of the Port Mill Alfg. Company, were married Sunday evening by Kev. i ia*:.. i. f i urn. Mr. ?T. M. Spruit informs The Times that his uncle, Col. L W. Spratt, hud considerable property destroyed by the disastrous fiiv which occurred in Jacksonville, JFia., Friday uiuht. Mr. W. A. Watson informs us that the statement published inj these columns last week to the effeet that he is to assume the duties of secretary and treasurer of the Milifort mill is erroneous. Mr. L. A. Harris, who is employed by the Whiting (Mass.) Machine Works in installing cotton mill machinery in Concord, N. CM spent Sunday at the h <me ?>f his mother. Mrs. Alice Harris. Dr. S. L\ Walson, who "radunted in medicine ami surgery from the University of Maryland last week, is at the home of his mother, Mrs. .1. L. Wats >11. Dr. Watson will leave on the loth instant for Durham, X. C., where he will apply t i The State medical board for license to practice in Carolina, his intention In in^ to locate in Asheville. Mrs. J. 14. Mack, president of the -Ladies' Confederate Memorial Association, requests the Indies of the community who are interested in the decoration of the graves of tin? Confederate dead in the Fort .Mill cemetery 1. ? meet at the residence of Mrs. T. B. Belk tomorrow afternoon at 1 o'clock for the purpose of making wreathes, etc. The graves are to he decorated Friday afternoon at d .'iO o'clock. Th e regular semi-monthly meeting and drill of the Fort Mill Fight Infantry was held Saturday afternoon. At the meeting, lire resignation of ('apt. \V. It. Bradford was tendered and accepted, and the new captain of the coin pany is now Thos. B. Spratt. who lias held the first lieutenancy in t he company since its >i gan i/.it ion. ('apt. Sprat t is well qualified to till the office to which he has heen promoted, having spent several years as a cadet at the Citadel academy in Charleston. The two other officers of the company are Messrs. S. \V. and A. L. Barks, lirst and secon 1 lieutenants, resi ?eet i v'fl v Severn 1 weeks ago nil entertainment?The Old Maids* Convention? was given in the town hall by a number of ladies of the community and the proceeds therefrom were used in purchasing new chairs for the hall. It was gener- | ally understood at the time the chairs were bought that in the future the hall was not to be rented to colored people. Hut there ueems to have heen a inisuiah rstanding. as the hall was used by a strolling band of negro musicians for several nights during the past week. Consequently a number of ladies who took part in the entertainment are incensed over the matter. The Times is not a parly to this con i r ivr.-y 1 ; , ., cm the opinion that Fort Mill is the only town in Sou h Carolina that ytiu'u its hall to negroes. I'ku.iaui Hill Sclioul clu5C8. lull tor Tinios: It was a beaut iCul day ami there was excitement in the air. The ilav was last b'rii day ami the excitement was ih'I'ii' siom ?1 by tin exlii bit inn ami picnic , given by t he Pleasant 11 ill school. i>f which I'rol". Ij. Shirley is the deservedly popular teacher. Karly tlio crowils he"an to ns| seiuhie, ami in cr??\v<is they eame until it seemed that tlnue whs .scarce staiului<x or sitting room, liy 1 ().!>'?) o'clock there was no more room and the exercises he?;an. It would he iuipossihlo to do justice in any mere desci iption of the exercises. Fist came the lit tie ones in words of erecting and welcome, in speech and in soiilt. And then came the older scholars in soi and dialogue. As : 12 actor and mimic the laurels belong to .Mr. Tims. (\dp, hut I must not for net to mention 1 ho award of t lc> cold modal offered by I !*1 b. l*\Mr|)ow. Kbij , of ^ orkvilli*. I'or ihis modal tlioro was some ? i111 or ton O'-alos'ants in declamation. ami wliilo all woro x? ! and praiseworthy tho judifes unanimously decidi d that the mod a! riojitfiiov belonged 1<> Mr. Prank Potts. The exercises of t ho school l)oinur over. tho visitors and quests o| tho occasion wore invitt d to relievo tin* Imrdon of a lon^r table i^roanino under the load of odorous and appetizing viands. Aft. r dinm r oupid beoaine master of ceremonies and the f a t u i e alone can reveal what was accomplished in those thotin^ hours of that afternoon. Tin1 yirls were temptingly pretty and the youn?x men were in a mood to be tempted. I'efore breakim_r tip in the afternoon the trustoi s of the school announced that Pr >f. Shirley was aeain elected to tench the school the ensuing year, the school reopening the latter pait of duly. And then all w< lit home late in the afternoon and many went with sitdis that the day hud passed so i sipid ty. The p'euie of this school is the annual event of the Pleasant Valley section of the country. Ijouh livv* l'rof. Shirley and his school ! r. Wade Hampton Cnn't be Bought. .\ i oinmlua dispatch says that llio tender of the Columbia jmstinastershi|) to (Jen. Wade I lampion is causing e, tin motion and sen sat ion. A close friend of .MeLanrin callid on (Jen. Wade ilainpton and asked liiill to aeeept tile office, which is soon to he made a tirstclass otliee. The general was re-' (jiiested to not mention the matter, a d it was only when assured Friday afternoon that the fact of the tender havin?_r la en made was known, that he said, when ni^ed f< r a statement: '"1 would imt aec? pi anything in tin* world from iliat smircr." Tl.oii, uflor a pause, tin* old j_r? 11? ral said, with added emphasis: "The people of South Carolina h!ionUl know by t his t iuie I hat 1 ran not lie I) iiiyht A statement of the Senator's side of the case has been sent out from Hen net t s v i I le. The Senator said that he did not offer the otliee to (ieneral Hampton. and merely promised to Use h s inlluenre in having him appointed if lie dosiia d it. at the request of a close personal friend of the ueiieial's. Mrs. K. K. Hoeos returned Saturday nirdit. after a vis.t of several days in Spartunbur'/. Mr. Hoht. Meredith and Miss Carrie Walker. I) t!i of Salisbury. N C., w.-re niar. ied at theCatawlia house last Thursday evening by Rev, 1C. A. II artsell. Mrs. A. A. Yoiiiilc left this morn ino for Winnsb ro, in response to a tel 'erani staline that lu r daughter. Mis ). K. Ihuee, is seriously ill in that town. Monday morning at ! oeh.ok Henry I \ num. a m-ei o man traveling with a colored musical troop, died suddenly at a m-oro r? slanrant m ar the livery s able of Mi. I. \Y . .Mehith iney. The following Confederate veterans left for Columbia t i- morninc. to attend the reunion in thai city: Dr. .!. II Thornwell and Missis. I. Jones, Hoht. Mums, !'. II. Johnston. Joseph N ivi ns. A. II. All* rr it I ami A! aj. L. N. (1u I p. ( A nej^ro man employed in the ironstnietion of tin- tlon for the Cat awl a I'uwi r Company was iIiowiimI in (ntawlii river a few* miles fioin thi- |?l n*e in Wi ilnesilay niorn.nv;. His lioily was not reeovereil nut .1 Saturday afternoon. ? -? *- - ?? The Tvi-v Mr. halloa, i preacher in ' Deliver, beraiue uully i-iilsiiiir!c*il aj> ill t in' jK-rorul i >11 of a line m rm - ut on ilealh. " Kn> lony." In- >.iiil >o!i litii 1 v. "wi will all l?* en I loil up ai ty slialile i >!l" lie - eor al moil, or, I shou'd ' ay, entitle oM 1 lliis- that is, euftle off i his sh >rta I par- : don me; sliuo'.e oil'tiiis eort Aliein! i t 1 us rise and sin^j the do.volojjy anil he dismissed." Indvx to New>t>emenls. Tlio (it m Calf, an np-t?Mlat?' 1{?\A luirant.? ?I. K. Sadler, Koi k Ilill. S. C. "Dollars <>f \ aliif for Mimes of Cusli." J-'.. \V. K i 111!?i 11 A- i \?. Snappy liari^aiiis in I )i v (ioods. I j. rl. A1 as-Hoy. A new Haiin'?s ami Saddle Stoiv. J, K. Marshall, liork Mill. S. C. lYnfessionat caul. .1. 1j. Sprutt, I). I). S. i?i_r Values ami Kind Treaijiienl Draw Tiaiiiv The l?ee 11 i v??? l'iijirhit !e, N . The latest in (tents' Duniishiuirs. Mem-ham A: Kpps. Wall Paper and Artesian J/ithia Wat or. T. II. hoik. I.cms of State News. The Southeastern Passenger a*soeiatii>n lias granted I ho one faro rate to teachers who desire i<> attend the State snnnuer school at Converse. Tickets will he put on sale .Tune 1?. The hoard of trustees of the Spartan lmrpfeiiy schools has ordered an elect ion for Tuesday, May 21, on the question of issuing .(>'.!?> in homls to provide a now huihlino for puldi school purposes. Many children wen* turned away last year for want of room. TweUe barrels of liquor were found several Weeks np? hy eonsttihles ill the vicinity of a irovorntneut distil lory not far from Marytlell. S. ( and tlie barrels were buried in the ^roiiiui. The cotistahles made another visit to the neiuhliorhood last week, and diseovered that four mor.? i.oms.1^ 1....1 i uncartlied since their former capture. Newberry may have the opjiortunity of bringing iilMMit t lie lirst meeting be t wi'i'ii >? ual<>!> Tillman am! Mrl.aurin, at which lb y can ?li -- ass t ho polit ieal issues of the day. Newberry is to have a firemen's t < >11 l-i t a i ii<- 111 on the tit h of Jimc anil botli Penator* Tillman and Yicl.uurin have been invited to In- present and make addresses. Senator Mcl aurin has ac.cptcd the invitation to be present, but Senator Tiilnian ljas not been heard from Leslie (iartier, a young white mail and fanner living a few miles from Jones> tile, S. twas out hunting vvitli [ his shot i;tin 'I hursdav and stopped at a | neighbor's house and while talking to the lady of the house he rested his right arm upon tlie ntn/./.le of his gun. 'J'lie weapon was aeeidentally discharged by t he hammer striking the piazza lloor. the whole load entering the forearm ard tearing it to pieces from near tinelbow to the wrist. Physicians found ainputntion necessary. A daring at tempt to escape from the State farm at Unload, S. P., was made by several convicts on Thursday and resulted in the temporary loss of three of the prisoners. Israel Piins, a lite prisoner from York county, slipped up behind tiuard M. < >. liurkett, si rue.v him a stunning blow on tin- neck and took his gun from him. lie attempted to shoot Inirkett, but did not know liovv to manipulate t he rillc. ,vm:s. follow ad by two oilier eouviets, t.rant McNeill and Tout Haystack, then took refuge in a large swamp nearby. A search of the swamp resulted in the capture of t^ims and McNi ill. but Haystack made good hi e.M-ape and is still at large. The Palmetto l ost, a weekly pajHT puldished in this Plate, recently made I lie f< >1 iow ing novel proposit ion: "We cannot give you a free trip to Mars, a course at Harvard nor a guaranteed pri/.i to tin- llabanna Lottery, but we do want to increase the eireulat ion of tie- I alinetto I ost, and make this proposition: A do/.eu eggs are not worth Dllli'li 1 ? nl' 1 ....???- -- :|1 * ' .. . ? i - iii^ I'll! \\C Will lilKC lh?' proceeds of them for nino mouths' subscript loll lit I lie i a 1 met to ! <ts!. Hcl a lifii on I In- ilo/.t a r^jjs, anil, jjn t? 1 hi' !; or hail, wo u^i'ci' lo o|v,. 11i11? months' subscription to Tin- lost for tin- hatch anil live to he do nays old, ami t rust to your honor mil tochcat us. lu sonic instances we may ^ol ci;r!it or ten chickens, and sixain w < may pet none, hut we will take the chance: so^ive us your name and try your luck." An exchange says that it lakes a rich mail to draw a check, a pretty jjirl to draw attention, a horse to draw a earl, :i porous plaster to draw the skin, a toper to draw a ear!;, a free limeh to ilraw-a crowd and an advert iseniciil in your home paper to draw trade. "1 robahly no small town in all the world," says the Memphis \pi? al "ever Ka\e to any jjivat eon> si of war so many tlist in^uished men as Holly .springs. Miss. It furnished eiiclit ^en eral otlieers to the I'onfedera v, not one of w hoiu lul l no eivei! a military ednea tioti. None etit" reil tile war as liiph otlieers, hut all dis! inptiished themselves in battle, and all attained the rank of genera I by their merits. Thev ,\iaj >r ( o neral Walt lu II ami I'niu' a<hers (invaii, < Inhiii'is, Moi, hentnti, I 'en MeCnlloii^li. l''eal lierstoiie ami Yaiifilian. Five of them were reared in I lie lown ami were schoolmates, ami the other thive tiveil in i lie town or in Marshall eoiiiitv." TO MY FRIENDS! I liftve IxiiioJil the entire stock ol Harness 1111(I Snililh s of the late I licit'"* .Miles ?! (ill 1ISI II II1 If 1 Mill now |)ic|?nred to furnish 11113 1 liiriL? tlesircil in this line. Ilnrin ss niul S ulille rc| airing 11 Hpccialty. A [ all will lie 111>|>ri !-i:i11 (I. J. E. MARSHALL, Km K I I II I., S. < ICXC'KLSH K Nl'llSKKl KS Have a fine reeoril. The Cleor^ifi hoard )f eiilnii:n!fi^) eeviitieslo the health of their sloe);. Their trees fruit a year or I \\n ear i " I hail ; he 1:' t ie s w 11 h ? - >'.! hv sonic limn. 1 have 1 it agency ami din 11 'aiivass York lounly in time to la' orders for fall delivery. 1'lease sue your orders tor me. I'inr*t e\er sv- ens and Lowers. as \v II as fruit in e.-. for sale. SAM I" M ASSI'.Y, i'UllT MILL, S. C. i I Full Mood in May is i no i 11110 to plant cornfield and pole I beans. We have several varieties. Price, 10 cents per ciipfnll. (1all and set4 ilie size ! of tin4 enp and buy some of tin4 best varieties of watermelon and cantaloupe seed. ARBREY'S. y\ V' p .L \ I nil When (ioin'4 (Nil. (hio's nppnurnnno slu.ul.l !??? a suhjool J for onnipltinonls, ami not of apologies ami on plana!ions Dross is so lar^i'lv a mat tor L>f linon that I ho lautiilry question is all impair ant. I )isfi>^arilin^ tin* rulo of spin ami span tolls sovoivly against t ho ntVomlor. Tho porfoot wnrU of tho Moilol Stonm 1 anmlrv. t haflnlto. N. all tho tint*' at slmrt prioos lias 1 won thojjonoral fa\orof uo ><l ihvssors. | Shipnimits inado Woilnosilayo\onin^. Kl?. 1,. McKi.ii.inkv, AliKNT. r< >u (;<)()]) WHISKIES, W IN KS, BKAN 1)1 KS, ETC., on nil w urn: to \V. 11. IIOOV EH, <11 \ UNO l'TK, N. (. To Business Men ? I we print .. V is there in our line on which you would like Inotat ion-? f \\*c w .jut your tr-olf, .111(1 it you will jfjvc lis a chaiioe, will submit samples ami prices that iviJl be interesting tu you. WE PRINT R. M . London ROCK HILL. S. C. Canned Goods. . I f y<mi need any canned coodb. conic t ) sec Die for iliriii. I am \cry partieunlar ali ?:11 tliin p rt of my block, and claim to carry t lie h' st and freadiest, I.h that the kimi y<mi want? A, 0* Jones, i J. LEE SPRATT, Sl'lit ;i:< ?N DKNTIST. i )l ice in Joiic.-s tmililnig, Main Street, l-'ori Milt, S. C. May 8. tf. i Snappy Ban ? -v_ This week we otTor J00 pairs AT C< )ST. ~)00 yards odds and ends in Perc Most <>f were JO and 12 1-2 cei J00 Sample Straw Hats at 2~> e? We have the prettiest line of M 400 Shirts ever shown here, ami we L?very Shirt yon buy here. They ar M e have just opened a lot of I box ralf, ut .St.?H>, $2.f?0, and fords and Strap Sandals, at oOoent* Ju Millinery we have had the b have learned that tiiey don't have U Call and compare our ^oods am IJ. Mil Lyon Brand Shirts. \V<* lmve a full line of these It is a shirt that you cannot bu; seJJ them fur Ho cents. The cm oarinent is mutie of the same m a calico hotly, hut all nnjulras, oood shirt for ol) c.-nts. Collars and Cuffs. A complete line of II. & I. Ct shapes, at 10 cents. Neckties, Bows, Etc. In ajl the tljlVerent styles ami Windsor Ties, Fours-in-Ilantl ai mail/' up in three ways. [Jnderwear, A complete 1 inc of Shirts at match. A tfootl ni^ht Shirt for MEACHAW Do You War Good Suit fo I f so, wo arc equa IVin^ ovorv ono who oo \\ v know our si iwk- is .. T , ? - ' > *? ? brought to Fort Mill, lor anything willi you, ns. We have suits fo arc as nice in quality in any city, and if you her who think it ne< clothing from an outstylish!y dressed, you i Wall Paper. i r - I I 11 \ I I (III" (111 > that need papering, |o estimato of tlie cost, to select from. Artesian Lithi From t he famous s; is highly rooonimondo rians, amoim the nun Mack. Wo have it. "THE OLD KEL Ladies' .and Children's Clipper ales. Lawns, etoM at 5 cents a yard lis. 'iith, worth 50 and 75 cents, en's and Hoys' Madras and Negli save von from 1(1 tr? 'tfi e NOT the kind that fade. Kami's Fine Shoes, iu .vici ki(l and J, and Lad lew' *uid Children's Oslo ?1.75. i^est trade iu years. The .) i?ay two prices for hats here. 1 prices. iSSEY, ? 11 Shirts, in all the l?*aditt^ colors, Y elsewhere for less than ?1. We jLors are nil fust, aud the entire ater/al?not a madras bosom and Sizes, 1J 1-2 to bS. We also sell a dlars und CulJs iu all the latest shapes. Bat Wing Shield Bows, ad the Keokuk?a tie that can be 25, 55 aud 50 cents. Drawers to 50 cents. ? ? ? r prints at Austell, Ga., (I by eminent physiiber being Dr. Alex. (AliLE STORE." I & EPPS. it a r Spring? 1 to the task of satislues here for clothing, larger than any ever , and if dollars count you will come to see r men and boys that id lit as can he bought are one of the num lessary to buy your of-towu dealer to bo ire wrong, rooms in your house t us furnish you an Wo have 500 designs ia Water.