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THE FORT MILL TIMES. PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS. The TIMES COMPAKY. ^Subscription prion .... $1 i* r ywtr. (ktrresponilence on tnyTvut subjects is invited, but \v? do not agree to publish eomuuinications containing morn tliun :t00 words, ?md ijo responsibility is asfunned for tljio views of correct .undents. As iu< ^ilvfrvtising medium for Charlotte, J'ineville, l"'oit Mill, am! Hock jllill business houses The Times is unsur(Mlssed. Hates made known oil application to tiie publisher. Local Telephone Ny. idO. MAY \ J'JOl. A Change of nanageiucnt. Willi issue, 1 sever nil connection with Tito Times. In the future, tlje paper will be illumined by my brother, Mr. H. W. Bradford, to whom nil unpaid suhscrip lions and .advertising accounts art' jilue. Ha will deyote his entire time to tlio paper ami will endeavor to make it more representative of the town and community in which it is published than I have been able to make if. W?l. R. BllADFOIfU. It, wna idle fur Republicans to deny that this administration is unfriendly to the rich corporations, in view of the donations it is now openly accepting from them. The McKinley excursion train will cost not a cent less than ;$50,<)0() ? probably considerably more?and it is being accepted as n gift by Mr. McKinley and his fellow travelers. Yet, officers in the Philippines are being tried by court-martial for exacting bribes pf a few thousand dollars from army contractors. There is not even a pretend* that any person in the McKinlxy trajn is paying a j rent, for tlje trip. Tlio Pullman monopoly furnishes the ears anil each railroad over which it passea furnishes the motive power and the eatables, drinkables, etc., during its transit over its lines, and the hijl of far*' iu as good as that furniKhi'f) by the most expensive hotels. No man of ordinary intelligence believes tlpft corpprptions ijive away money without exacting its return in favors of some surf. Mr. McKinley knew that w)|ep he accepted this donation that he incurred an obligation to thtf donors which would sooner or later have to he met, ami the intelligent people of this country know it. too, and will doubtless express their opinion of the transaction at the polls, when their next opportunity comes. "Senator MeLaurin's Bout" is the theme of the leading editorial in the last issue of '1 lie ('oimnoner. In lijs djscussion of the subject it)ditor Hryan says: "The Republican papers are npikiim much of t)p" speech recently delivered by Menu tor Mcbaurin of t^outh Carolina at Charlotte, lST. 0., and well they may, for it |))!ifl>tt thp be^inniiiLC of a moveniput in the South which v/ill have i>n iiiHuencc upon the polities of the nation. It is not likely that i\Jr. MuLanrin will bo the leader of the n)oveniout, lieciliise he is handu:appe(I by the fact tint he is lisino his otljcial position to misippro-ent. the views and interests of liisconstitifents, but some 11>;i< 1 <>r w}ll arise to uive direction and force to tlje apjstocratic and plutocrati-* element for which Mr. Me Iilliirili speaks. There is unci) mii element in every eoniMiunity, hid! I low that Hit1 race <) ii?*hI it. ii no Jonirey unities tlio whiti* |i?'<?iil?? of thr Soittlu'in States it will (loulit 1-HK ipanifest itself to tlieni too. Tilt* eoiporatii ps are increasing in pumlior apd maenitude in the South ami with their growth will pome attempts to secure from the ^ovorniuenl privileges, favors ami immunities. "Senator 'I'illmipi Ijas already taken up t lit* tfUittfe of hpttle thrown down hy Senator A|?iLaui in, and wid doubtless he utile to marshal a considerable majority in that S| i|o. I)i|t the same intlm-nee* uie nt. work in othei Staffs, where there is tho groHleht danger of their 8iii'(ii ss. "The pfinocrnlie sentiment is strong enough to resist the MeLaurii) movement, hut those who lielieye tin* hioii is worth more thai) tho dollar wijl have to bestir themselves." Mr. liryau warns the Dpmoorats of tho South against the eommereinl influences at work to win them a way from Democracy ami ijebuuch the electorate. INewbuid's Keporr to the Clovernor. ISelow ih fiiveu the 11?x . of the report of \Y. H. New-bold, Ks<j , I who went to Mississippi to see if the man under arrest there was M. It. Reese, the fugitive from Ihia State: Governor M. It. AJcMwoeiiey, Co- . 1 uinGia, S. (3. Sir: Pardon my delay in wrjtino to you ^inee my retain trum ()xford, Mjss.. after M. It. lieeae. I have not la-en able to do anything ainee I got hack, linen use the trip nearly hrokjC ine down. 1 arrived at Oxford Saturday ui^ljt last. Sunday m ?i'iii?ii_c in company with Mr. Montgomery, IOsij., 1 . S. district attorney, . A. Moi/t^ouacny, (our man, '1"' hum who worked up the Keese matter, and claimed all rewards); ltev. ? Winters, a grorcrynmii preacher, and .!. A. Mon I joinery's side partner; l)r. WilkitiH, the eounty p! yS'Cian, and Sheriff Darkies went to the jail to see Itnym md Stevens, supposid to lie M. It. Iteese, the fajgitivo fiotn justice. When I saw the man I knew at a glance that he was not Iteese. hut I did think that lie was Bud Dnlton, a notorious outlaw that was hadlv wanted by tin) I". S. ?vt r11men t, and tl,e \VeJJs-Furj?o Expies^ compa?y, f?n* (rain robberies in north Texas ami the 1 iidian Territory, in IS'Jl), so 1 walked up to the man to examine him closely, when he ho ill, "You cannot see me here, come hack to the liyht," ho shut the cell door and we went to the window at the other end of the ceil. lh> commenced to try to make terms with me to "identify" him as Reese, and allow hiin to escape, and he oll'ered me money to do this, lie claimed to have seen me in the West, and certainly knew of several of my exploits when I was with the express company, and worked in the Western Status and territories, lie.did not look at all like l{eese, and if we could hayo gotten these p> ople ; out I here to have sent us a desei j p- i lion of Stevens instead of a eopy of my Reese circular, we believe that I could have told from a I i shadow of that man on the ground 'in the sunshine that lie was not ! lieese. Here is a partial dosiirip- , tion of t he t wo men : lieese, bio Scotch-Irishman; looks like a North Carolina boomer; o feet It) inches hi^h: red | face; 1 irrje bone; snipiro build; i io i. I I 1111m* miir-mfj ryi'H ^wiiu \ in tlicni ), 1 >1111 neck, bi^ muscular I head, hair thin and dark brown, ' lii^li and bromi forehead ( round1 ed), coarse featured, scar on back of head, rijjjlit side. Stevens, trim looking, lialf' blooded (i reck Indian (it he was 'dressed up would look like a Northern Congressman ). b feet 2 inches hi^li, blue white Indian: skin, HUiatl bone, round build, small ye-brown eves, small hum iifck I for ii bio man), small trim head, medium low forehead, black hair (as thick as a cur dog's), small ears, looked years old (said that he was KM, line featured, a typical W esterner, no scar behind light ear (on head), as shown by eerl ilicate of I >r. Wilkins The two men looked nothing alike. Stevens was held on several charges in the I'. S. court that the district attorney said would give him more than a life j sentence in the aggregate, mid he hoped to profit by the lleese accident by making his escap'. and after 1 had faihd to identify him as lfeese, our man Montgomery and W inters trie! to convince me that I was mistaken about the matter, and when I would not be convinced, they otTered m onehalf of the reward to help them . r. i ft >> 1 I.., I'.-.. ...I I k I % 11 V '.? i ? it in i |>|( niiuir F, 111111 wIm'H I rejected (Ins proposition they snitj thai they would I>ri Stevens here nt their own expense. I told them thai I would ask you to give them a requisition for t|it> man if tlicy wanted it and would not put the Statu to any expense in the alVair. The I nited States distr ct attorney was on the train Sunday evening with ine and lie said that d. A. Montgomery and Winters told liiiu at the train ' iluit 11 ley had gotten a letter from a party in South Carolina siying that I would not do to trust, and that they believed that I was bought out hefoie I eame there, the reason that 1 would not iden tify Reese." They lire still curtain that they have Reese. (Joy. A. II. Loiigino rjiid lie thought lie knew you. lie signed.nty rcquis.tion all right for Reese. W. II. NE\VUOM>. A rather unusual rase lias jnst de vuIojmmI in lluruwell county. Thirteen miles of railroad trunk and right of way have been levied u|>oii J?y the sheritY of that eonuty and will be advertised fur sate at the approaching salnsday. A jMMiiteiitiary guard, named Watts, fell into an liuprotcereil out of the South humid, in Columbia, lie sued for dam ages and got a verdict for $7,.">00. but the road resisted payment. All the | road in Barnwell county was 1? \ ied nu. A Cunicd.rate Home Needed. Tho question of establishing n Confederate homo protnisos to ho one of the live questions of tho SUMMER Southern Button nml Lace * styles mimI prices. Full lint" Summer Inderweo dieiih* (Jnu'/e Vh.-.1s. two for o ? Ask for ttn> thing here. We how small, (ilad to havo you Always welcome. lie suro you tind the right Trade and Co.lege. The BEE HIV ClIAltLOTTi reunion in Columbia this week. Some action will have to he taken, as the matter will come op in tit*fi nite shape. The veterans* camp at Laurens has adopted the following resolutions: Whereas, for several years one or more ex-(.'onfederate soldiers of our county have been driven l?y inlirmities of old a^e and by dcslitulion to seek shelter in tin* home for the poor, there belli;* four old soldiers in that institution at this time, ail i, whereas, similar conditions exist, as we are informed and believe, in other counties of the Stale, and whereas the duty and feasibility ?f establishino homer-: for the homeless and helpless veteran soldiers of tlie war between the States lias lono since been demonstrated by many Statt s North and South, therefore re solved, First, That while distinctly disclaiming any intention of n lieu- , tion upon those whose misfortune lias made objicis of public charily, i niisfortuiies from which no rank I or condition may claim immunity, and the hazird of which is so en- | existent with life itself, we i\ el that it id a relleetion np< 11 the patriotism and manhood of this country that old soldiers who for four years stood as a wnil between j their country and it* enemies I should, in their old ulcc and intir- | mity, and for their few remaining yeais, l>c forced to seek shelter in the poor house, where under our laws they are ever denied the sai red rij_rht of the ballot. Second, Wo appeal to other camps of I nitial Confederate \ eterans and to the Sons and Daughters of the C Vmfedoracy to speak dill in t 11 i in iin nli'nrl or who bv reason of disability from wounds or other causes are unable to earn a support and who are destitute ami hoineletR. Fourth, That a copy la* transmi11?<1 to the delegation from lliis county in the State Tjesislature. silverwareWe arc adding at all times to our line of Sterling Silver all the most desirable pieces for table use. For presents or use in your family you cau find nothing better. cL//-f ,3. trmrf/nfa/w 'Phone 277. CIIAItFOTTK, N. C. MONEY LOANED. Wo ne^otiato loans on improved farms in York county. 7 per cent in icrest. Kc-payment easy. IS'n broker's commissions. Only actual costs of jierfcctiuy loan. Apply to \V. F. Spencer. law, Kw-'k Hill, S. or to iindersijrnnd at Yorkville. S. I". 10. SPI0NC10H, Atty. at I-diw, May s. Hin THE GEM CAFE, ROCK HILL, S. C. J I Kg M . | L\* / Jt' ' ' - 'izrsi -" I ^ J I lur o opened a first class Restanruut tor Ladies and (tent louien and yon will find everyt Itin^ usually served in a tirst-class place. Visitors to Rock Hill art* assured , of a liicv, quiet place to (lino. Meals, 2~> edits. In eoiinoetioii wi h my Cafe 1 will run an up-to-date lee Cream I'arlor and will serve tin* purest of lee Cream in the Roof tiaruen adjoining tin* ('afe. J. ED. SADLER. ~T0 TRIBE j 10 Host Values and rrroal niont. trade unless we save you money. Uur tucilities for buying j^ive us ilj ruining < 1 ii? ?-1 from niiiuiifii tuour store together. Paying spot price, 110 cutting for the hard ens flic. Selling only for cash. No > pay. No l>;nl debts to make up undersell, and we want trutle. We ,e must sc I j; ?od values, reliahle t anil hold the trade. 1 BE FOOLED. aists. all kinds, 2o cents up. Silk i, s' and Childrens" Parasols, all col etc., white and all colors, ""> cents ard. all (he latest shades for Spring. 25c. id Men's Furnishings EAD. to lighter weights. We put the t the sea-on. Men's Suminer Coats. J). \Yhole suits at ?11. ; SHOES. ()xfords. Sirup Sandals, etc. All r Shirts, etc. Ladies nnrl C'hil*1*111H. appreciate your trade, no matter couit* in, whether to buy or not. place, Tin* 15i^ Store, corner of ]T< THE ONE PRICE Cj CASH STORE, K, - - ?N:. C, Dollars of Va Frsl* !^a!rr&tffc ? T ? *\ 1* V T 4. If ? ? 4 satisfy you beyon lions. Try us a el and good flour, ROCK HILL R L. K. IJROW wu. Furniture Having bought t he si wo are offering speeial it lire to make room fo arriving daily. * Tako advantage of 01 PLAN. Wo aiv alws terms of orodit that \n to you. Pianos, Organs, Sow kinds of Stringed Mus E. M. ROCK HILL, S. C. J. U. Tray wick & Co., 1) 11A LICKS IN FIXE LIQUORS AND WIN ES, No. IJ East Trade St. rilAKLOTTK, - - - N. ('. BARBER SHOP. For first class tousorial work wo tot he barber shop <>f \V. It. I'arothirs in the hank building. Ilair t'uttinw, Shai iny, SliainiNtoiii^and Siu^ein^. Ladies' hair shampooed. A r?. LI /~\ I I r-N AX* r-.i-> r-n r-T~ iui nunuftT r^rxfc.i>t.N I The Lamp of J Tin* lamp ilopsn't tlnn* i ii w ^ to umi Ii;i?I I ; tin* Inn you gpt it ?n<l s-tnjrrt jrooil; tho / w\ iiiith part miiIi, "inf >on Ii?n< the New 1 ', > fJ/ OthiT lamps may bo ofrorr V? ' y tin y mnv !>? , insoiiio respootP ^>4_. iic-h, tlicrc's only out*. /"'.o < tCPS^ pun* tin* lamp otTorril yon i< a Bw on it ; cvtrry lamp bus it. t'K? OI?| riinnps ^ Wt* can fill rvi ry lamp win l r jjtt?" * ' * t trniitn now lamp or nm A ? < W/;j isl ? I, u ni <?r otli^r 9* - -l b. *i "<r !l New Rochcstt L -fsL* pop I von lilonUnro .-u Hi. ?n* l t V" '% We arc ^I?l v l M 1ST -l.a f 'v . y Lamp*. Consult THE ROCHESTER UMPJ30 # ilue Cash ?ro in all lines of BTAPLI5 and of canned goods is superior to ecial offer on Pie and California >er can. The former price was 10 Yaches and make your own preer pound. Kraut before it is all gone; three itry Tlam, we always have them, is any country produce to he had /I Ikllftoi' 1 i /? !?? 1\A f,\11?wl ol V* ? *1. I , ?V \ (III UV tWUIVI Ul V?Jk>4 ivs, when you <*u 11 ice from us IEL 1m *? CO. J HEARD . . . co, oloaii, swoot ro ?-olt in?' ovor at ys? IT you have ui to investigate, !i(l of your ti'ood boliovo Ave can id your expoctaip for sat isfaction OLLER MILLS, X. Manager. D Ocll ^ciilld. oek of Barnes & Love, inducements in Furnr new goods that are nr EASY PAYMENT ivs ready to arrange ? c ill prove satisfactory ing Machines, and all iea! I nst rnments. rarlfrw&vft m a v^ta m. v v v p MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES. I mil ayent for the (ieor^je W. Clink Monup.u'iil and |loadstone Company, of Kalian, N't , and laeksmivilli', Kla., the largest eoneoni ? f the kind in the United States. Anyone in need of anything in my line would do well to call on me for priees before placing their ciders. T. I). KU UiNER,Fori Mill, S.C. NEWSPAPERS FOR SA1.E AT TIIK TIM KS OFFICE. S?Far EVERY DAY USE .1 V " . J _ dieaay etaDiis ip or or oni'so von up that pi>< I \? lll'll f jf lump tli?t you nuvor will- f ^ 'Rochester. \lip^ i it f ?r all nrouiui pood i Mtiin.-, |iH?k fur t)io naiuo ^ KimIO o"\v. N > ln.ittrr w lifther you wffir 'S [ M unii rv|?nlnil or refill- C/l^^^vt^FSsv i,.i'..o ?.f I.imp traiivform a-flpSSit. ?"4 ;<> t i cafmrnt of diseases t lis Park l'laco (t lift Parflay St., Sen York. WL& B B 1 & H Jk what .you cnn uot at our st< FANCY GROCERIES. Our line any in town. This week we are making a sp Di ssert Peaches, at S ami 20 cents j ami rents per can. Buy some of our Evaporated I serves. The very hest at 10 rents p Try a few pounds (if our Sour ] pounds for 10 rents. If you would like a nice Com Also the 1) st Countrv Lard. Eve yhody knows Hint if there in town, such as Chickens, nji place. Why not keep cool those h<>t elf so cheapV E. OT. K1IVTBI HAVE YOU About that ni flour 1 ho people ai Rock Hill nowada not, it will pay yt by bringing a lo; w bout nvni' \\ o remedy 1 he ? viI tiuit has already j^DlIC t ill t 'O 1< Tliii'i|, That a ropy of tliis preii in I >!?* ami rcHolutioii bo transmitted through Ilia delegation from this ramp t<> Ilia State camp at its mat tiiiLt at Columbia, and that the Spite camp itt i aspect fully, yd ' earnestly, asked to memorialize the State Li'tjisl it lire at its next session to provide hy appropriate legislation for the site, at some suitable place in the State, of a home for those soldiers ami sailors of the war between the States who by reason of the infirmities of aire YOU WANT WIutc You Clot 11 the Host We do not ask you for your We are in a position to do it, rock bottom prices, Kverythii re is for a wholesale house ami . I . II!. A A I _ . f ?~ii<iii. Hinciiy lor one <01111 r. t<> make up on tin* easy hook -keepers, collectors, etc., h on you. You see we can easily are here to stay. We know v jjooils at the lowest prices to PEOPLE CAN'l Ladies' ready made Shirt W ones, nicely made up, all colors (iood line I ndneilas. Ladn 01 s. tin cents lip. ( h-^andies. Lawns. Dimities, A colored lawn for cents a \ Wash Silks. Koullards, etc., In Clothing, Shoes ai WE L Now is the time to change prices rio|it down at the lir.-l ol %2'y cents up. Lants, LN*> cents u