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1*0KT 92KL.1MIG. Plth\ Points (lathered for the Perusal of l imes Readers. Mr. Dave Culp. of Charlotte,' was in town yesterday. Prof. J. A. Royd. of I lock Tlill, wiis in town Saturday. Dr. ?J. 1>. Mark returned from lia in bridge, Gh., Monday niijlit. Dr. J. 10. Mhshi'v. of Rock Hill, was in Fort Mill Fiiilay on professional business. Mr. R. M. lOrwin, of Piueville was the est of bis brother, Mr. J. \V. Erwin, Sunday. Col. and Mrs. Leroy Sprinjjs. of Jjaurnster. Bjient yesterday at the home of Capt. S. 10. White. Messrs. A. R. Kimbrell. W. .1. Caveny and 11. 10. White, of Koek Hill,spent Sunday in this conuiiui nity. The commencement exercises of , Pleasant Hill school, of which j roi. Ij. Shirley IB principal, will held Friday. Mr. Will Withers, an employee of the Southern Railway in Co-I lutnhia, is visiting liis father. Mr. ! 13. F. Withers, near Fort Mill. Mr. 13. M. Spratt, of Chester, returned home Monthly morning, after spending Sunday with lis, brother, Mr. ?]. M. Spratt. Miss Delia Mills returned to her home in this township Friday inorniiiur, after a visit of several weeks to relatives in Kissunoo. Fia. Rev. Dr. J. II. Thorn well will deliver the annual address to the Confederate veterans at the reunion in Columbia on next Wednesday. M .isses Minnie and Dixie Nichols. of Charlotte, are visiting their lather. Mr. W. II. Nichols, whose home is in the northern part of the township. (Jeo. MoKinncy, a n?trro man employed on the plantation of Mr. 13. F. M assey, had his ri^lit le^ btoken Friday in ?rniiif? hy a saw loo fallino upon it. Monday mornino u notice was posted in the Millfort mill in this place to the ell'oet that the mdl will run only three days in the week until further notice. Rev. R. A. Yonone, pastor of the Methodist ehureli in this phire, is assisting Rev. .1. Uarr Harris hi u protracted meetinir at the Man-1 cheater mills, near Rock Hill. The local chapter ot the Daughters of the Confiderecy will send to (he State reunion at Columbia on the St 11 instant two maimed Confederal? veterans, Messrs. A. 11. Merritt and R<>bt. Rums. M iss Mabel Ardrey having found that it will bi> inconvenient foi lier to attend the reunion of the Confederate veterans in Columbia, the local camp will probably not lie represented by a sponsor at the r. union. ?.. I .1 - ' i# 1 .umiu fimiiu' u in uiMu i.Mi-y from the I'niversity of Maryland. .Hr. . Lee Spratt expei ts to return lo Fort Mill tin* latter part of this week imd will ut once open mi olfice in this place for tho practice of hits prof*ssion. For the first tunc in n decade, it is purposed to close the graded school in this place with an entertainment this year, and rehearsals are lieing held daily by those who are to take part in the entertainment, which is to be given in the , town hall on the evening of tho 17th instant. A dining was given at the residence of Dr. T. S. Ivirkpatricl; Monday afternoon in Ik nor of MKses K~sie and .Julia Harvey, young ladies who were visiting friends in this place and who are classmates of l)r. Kirk pat rick's eldest daughter, Miss Kittie, at Winthrop college. Rube Foster, the negro man who on the :t 1 st of March murdered Ida Watts, a dissolute negro woman, near the dam of the t'a1awba I'mvor (tompmy, was arrested in Jlaniht. N. recently and is now in jail at Voikvillo, Klwirilf I.nifiin 1.....I.... - 1 . .. Kill M lil II li'pilty for him hint WcdncMl ?y. Mr. W. A. Ileal y has resigned liit? position of secretary and treasurer wliicli ho has hold with tho Millfort mill for s -me time and loft last night for his fonnor homo in Winnsboro. Mr. \V A. Watson will again assumo the duties of eeoretary and treasurer of this mill and will liavo his ollice in Char- , lotto, N. C. As will bo soon by notice published elsewhere, an important meeting of tho Ladies' ( 'onfederale Memorial Association will be held on Thursday afternoon, May l)th, nt which it is purposed to elect a delegate to tho Confederate re- i union soon to la- hold in Memphis. Ten 11. It is hoped that the entire membership will attend the meeting. Mrs. Dr. J. lb Muck, president of tli" lo'nl associat ion, was recently elected vice-president of the South Oar Una division < f the association. * \ t (iu(J tllii Awai2?:i4t) CwllliXUiu^UiCUL T1 it> tliiril annual coiniueneement at (iolil li 11 academy was ahove tin* average in many respects. The weather was favorable, the crowd in attendance at each exorcise wan much larger than heretofore, the exorcises were of a high order ami were wall rendered. despite the unusual amount of sickness anions tl.c pupils for tiu* past two months. On Tuesday night there were three eon teats for three silver i..i . t--- *> ? - Iinuiiis uy lilt* CIHbSOS Ot lilt.' primary department. The medals xvi'iv wc ii I?v Masters Ivoj-h lioyd iind James Kj<[s nml Miss I lassie (i raham. W ednesday night cjuite a crowd assembled to hear the deli.ite, whieh, taken as a win le, flas \n r\ g(?"(l. Thursday night's ext reises were probably Ine bt*st and most int. re&iing feature of the entire program. The innsieal conceit exceeded the expectations of all, especially when the short time in whicn Miss Harris lias had charge of the class, only four uioiitiis, is taken into consideration. There was a contest bv a class ot girls for a gold medal given l?y Kev. 1{. A. Yotigue. The girls all did remarkably well, Miss Lileeker 1 arts b ing the successful contestant. At the close ? I the coneert and contest, 1'iuf. T. A Salvo favored the audience with several comic recitations and songs, which well* greatly enjoyed. Friday was eoinmeiieement day proper. As early as in ?. in. a large crowd h ut assembled, and the exercises were opened by a song, in whieh the entire school took part, followed by prayer, then an overture by the Gold Hill orchestra, after which there were contests for two irold fered by tin* county superintendent of education for tln< best i* ?*itution and l>y the school f*?r the best declamation. The former was won by Miss Klsie lloyd and tli?? latter by Mr. Lewis liailes. An intermission of one hour was ^ iven at the close of the contests, during which a picnic uinner was enjoyed by all present. After dinner the crowd a^ain assembled in the school building to hear other declamations and recitations, i*old medals having been otl'ered by lion. \V. 11. Slewart, ol Kock lid!, and the school The Stewart medal was won by Mr. I). V. ICppS, and Miss Canonic Crook was tin* successful contestant for the one offered by the sc h ooI. ()win^ to the absence of l)r.?l. 15. Mack, who was to have delivered a literary address, Kev. K. A. Yonrpte was reipi sted to make a speech. In his usual happy style, Mr. Vonoue entertained the crowd for a short time, his theme beiurr lu?w to invest n dollar so as to b;in?j i I I * ? - nit1 iii'-i results. I'rnf. Jackson Hamilton was then called upon by the patrons of the school to make a speech. 11 is remarks were appropriate to the occasion ami were listened to with marked interest by all. At the close of the exercises a handsome rocking el air was presented to Mrs. Edna Fat is Kdwards by Prof. Hamilton on behalf of hot* pupils. During the prt sent at ion Prof. Hamilton alluded to Mis. Fdwards excellent work for the past three years and made some touching remarks as to the parting of the teaclu r and her pil I:i Is. The next session of the school will open on duly loth, with Prof. Hamilton as principal, assisted by Misses I'rsula I ihwikenship and Mason Harris. Prisoner is Nm tt. R Reese. After all, it turns out that the tmtn under arrest at Oxford, .Miss., was not the much desired .M. K Reese. Mr. Newbohl, wie ll lie left, stated that lie did not beiievo that t he .M ississippi ant It or it ies had got ten Keeso. The authorities tin re were so positive, howeVi r. that the governor t bought it absoltiU ly neeessary to at least send some one to see whether it ?;n tlie man wanted. Sunday night t ?e following tele gram was received by 1 be < ?>v? rma : To (Jov. MeSweeuey, Columbia, S. ( : Wrong man. i ooics nothing like Ttecsc. Will write from lionm. XV. If. Newbohl. Many said when the letter from llie Oxtoid sheiitl lirst eaine that Reese, having been smooth enough to dig his way out of the York jail in tlio manner he did, would have sense enough to get far enough away not to he captured eie-ilv. This confidence in the fellow '.? mental capacity, it now appears, wan not misplaced. -+09" ? 'I tie llenie Paper. The local paper should he found in every home. No children should grow up ignorant who could h> taught to a- preeiate the home paper, l! is said o 1 e the hp . . .,1 J'-i ll?4 st? lllO ol llllfi.l^CtlCO 111 II. I those matters not to 1 ?* learned in books. (J ive your children a for-' oioji paper v Inch contains not a wonl about any person,> or tiling, whirl) tin>y rvrr .-aw or perliaps ?'vi r heard of. ami how could \on expect tht'in to ho interested. ! l>ut ift iIn*in havo llio homo paper ami road of tho people whom liny moot and plans with whioii they aro familiar, amPsoon an intoroHi is awakened whirl) increases with evory arrival of tho looal paper. Thus a habit of reading is formed and those rhililron will lead tho > papers eoiitimn iisly and hoeonio iittoliiixent men ami w< mien. a ei edit to their anci stors, slrotiH in tho world as it i-. today. Sl'V ;n Count V ltrlJirr? The county has boon ennsidorn1 >1 y tin" loser by the last ruin, From Suju'i \ is-?r (?< >:<i >ii tin* \oikvillo Yeoman loams thai the following bridges nvo ijono or ?lo\vn: llainbri"ht brid^o. over Kind's creek. (Infos' bridge, over ('lurk's fork. (iallowav bridge, over Clark's fork. Barron hi id'^o.ovor Allisoti ereek. no tr t ho rivor. ()noon ('tin Ion's fi rry road, in ar Catawba lunotioii. Bailor's biiti^o. <>vor Snuar crook, two miles oast of lAirl Mill. One ov> r Sto- 1 orook, in ni>i?t*r Ft rt Mill towns hip. ^ v- ? 1 rouble al K. At. M. A. Aooortbno to the A ?*rk \" i 1 h* eorrospondont ?*i th" I{t k Hill lloraltl I in ro was t roll I do at t ho K ino's Mountain Military aoatlo my last wo, k. i'r,,m all appear niic?s it scorns to have or.piniiled through an effort on the part ??f t\v(> of tin* professors, Bradhain and Law, to provoke trouble for [) ivato s-phon. Law had boon a.-ked to tision and lie lemuitied j in tlit* barraoks twenty four boms, iiiumii^ !'s 111 Mill < i IHsal IStiU't j III JIK poSHibh' UIIIUIIl; till* eudct S, Ultd llradhum. who is a fellow fiI> ?1? I terminate, seems lo have worked iti sympathy wit it tin in. The cadets felt so oiitraiM'l at the action of Hrudham that they forced him to leave the premises even before Col. Sti pin n-oii cniili! take action. Four cadets were dismissed, one suspended, one honorably diseharj^ed, one desi rb <1 and one expelled, as ti e result of I he (list urltance. Kv. ryihino is now niniiiue iiIoiilt uicely. I. li. Wit herspoon, I*.st|.. ami !'rofetsor l>. F. !? nes will till the plaet s of Fradhain ami l.uw for the | resent. I'ublie opinion has it that the routine! of Messrs. Itradham and Law is very reprehensible, iitii! tin- nelion of (Jul. Sit phriin it mul tin* (Mips nf i 11111 ts lias tin* full endorsement of the tow n i e< >|>i?'. Items i f M.Me ISeus. Smith Carolina m i l - silk will lie showii at t lie chariestt>u expos:t ion next 1 Jerembcr. Tim silk I'lilt live eoniinil tec of tin woman's il< ]>uunii'iit is now en pn^rd iii ae:ive jn'oin'>tion of the inter :>nn^ iialu in- aim experts lo make a very full e.xhiliil of the jtroiess anil its Jivoiluet al I !) e\p isi t ion. Tito State jM'iision board at its s"ssiou last week adopted the following with referenee to negro ajijilieanis for pen sions: "An e.xuiniiiai ion of the rolls in the ail J itant aail inspector tti'iicail's of lire of t lie l'es Jieel i ve ei nil ] a airs of V. h i''h they elaiiu to he members reveals t lie l.'.rt that i hesi names are not anions the re^u'ar eiirolleil sohliers of these runipaui- ami for this reason the State hoard ili.-.appro.t s tin m." In tin State supreme court Monday, under habeas corpus pro s > din;,?, an ajijiiieat ion for hail was made in behalf mI' Maj 11. It. Ilvain, char.vd willi the killing of i he lat e t'apt. .1. >1. ttritlin, in Columbia, oil April 1-k The court "ranted hail and it was fixed in the sum of st.lion. The bond was Kiven by Maj. Minns' two brothers, K\ flovernor .John (buy Minns and Mr. (ho. ICvlitis, and Dr. \V. ,T. Murray, of Co lumhia, w ho promp! 1\ ip alit.-'d. Vernon Watson, a younj,' farmer, was killed at hishomeiii liivo!i. .\i:<lrr>MU <'ftsi!; . Friday iii;jht I?v ' har lit* (Hvcii.,, a in ? hoy. ?\vrns had stolen a J<ilinn from Mr. Watson, Wliirli hi- h ! in i lii. in h;s li'iasi' I leaning I his ami t ha i < > W ens u a > about I ) nnnroff thr plarr, Mr Watson \\ :i! orrr to In* Irian' to or| tin' |>>if. As In all' 1111 >( I -: 1 : I rail ' ill ii >11 liiutlii'i' tried lu pi"\. nl his < uaisi;; in. ('iVi'iis, \\li? was i'i the v? :i?* nl' Hi'' room, : !t'ii|nil forward and tired Ins double barrel s!i.#t yan al W atson, slight iy W'liiiilin ? lii in and se\erel\ Wo.nidiiiK I !i M' v. " in I In- an i. As W .i' ; at i! Owens liri'd 11i * olid barrel, I In* I'onli'ti! > entering Wal son's 1111> from th<' I, wounding linn so duiigero;.>!v iIiii he died about an hour and a half later, ill spile of all nii'di'-a! at i mi i< "i Kvens lli-d, l?ul w as ruptured by thr slnrilt early Saturday morning. A lieu that leaves In r le st after a few day's sitt ing brraiise she does not le-ar the eliirp of rlnri.s, is sometliitig like the uierehaiit who <11<i - ad\ertisuig after tho Unit few "thi > ' Iwrntiw his first rails in not filled hi- store wit Ii Hani!irina < -1<mn i A S!'l'< I \ !. M ill.'l IN.; of ih ! a.nrs' I 'o: i f"tl' r.i t Mi a . > : ion w . h ledd a! the r bur <d' Mr-,. 'I', i . lt 'li< on Thursday ufieru >u. Ma\ '.Mb. it r, o'el'M'k. \ fall aMriidaiu'r of thr nieniher. hip is < arnrsl i\ rei|iiestrd, am! inetvI? ? ." Will plr.,-.i <. .am p.-, pared to pay th* ir amiuai dan Mrs .T. !>. M m i:. IYosi . Mis; i i' .i Wirrr . Full Mooa ia May j ! s t hi1 t iine to plant cornfield and pole1 beans. \\V have1 several varieties. Price,, 10 cents per eupfull. Call and see the size of the cup and buy i some of t lie best varieties of \\ ntcnnclon and cantaloupe seed. ARDEEY'S. V- v w v f /^LJ} /f 'V5 WA ^ - h r-rw-vi : v '"; "v A.a>j M -i SAfft //)!/ \\ Ih'ii (ioin^ ()v,i. < die's app> iiriiiii'i' should I"* a snhjoot for compliments, ami not of apologies and e\plat at ions Dress is <> largely a malt cr of li M'Mi t lia t t lw l.i umlrv < liestion is all important, i dsivoardiii^ t lm rule of spio ami span lolls severely atrain '* the offend, 'I'll perfee. work ot the Model Steam l-aiinitrv. t harlot to. N. tall t li?' tune a! short priors has won favor of nood dressers. Shipments made Wr hies,lay evening. Ki>. 1. Mi !'.:.:t '.M;, . Aiit.Ni . r.?u (iOO!) V, li ISKI I'.S. \\ 5 N KS. 15UAN 1)1 F.S. FT( .. (.'A I.I. UN UK WKITi: Til \Y. U. IiOOVKH, cuuaom-:, N v. To Dix sir? ess Men WE PRINT What is tlirre in our line on wliieh >?>u w.oilil like quotations? We want your trad.-. and if v??u will K've lis a chuiit'o, will submit samples and. jm i -? s that will bo i lit ere iiiy, t<? you. WE PRINT IK. M L o d o n ROCK HILL. S. C. For Firsl ;-Vrv u;oio I! Hill/1 OYS - KKN'iWI i*.\\T, OjijHisifi* ! i 1'ivslivti rian chuivli, (MIAKI.OTTK, X. V. I Vst ' >vs(i-rs i ii I hi- < iiy. I.iiri'i-sf Iij'h h r? 11111* :* in tin- Main. L'JI Wiwi 'I'railr in Canned Goods. I f you 11rod any canned i^o< <ls, c line to Mil* me for lliem. 1 nin very p-irliniitlar alimit t li is p rt < if my h>t?iok, iii.d *!niii) lo cnriy 1 lie l>i .-! :111<I !t ie ft. Is 1 liid tlie kind you waul ? An JOtlttS. * > Special Barg; AW jiiv overstocked want Io (liviiic with our 7~>c 1 Icnviettn. Ibaek ami colors now 7i.V # ! 00c yard wble \ll*atms, now . $1 40c 1 lonrir" t;i. black ami colors, now ~~c $1 Henrietta anil Sep;e, now 7.~>c 70< 1 tV figured Oraautnlios, now . 7'| l.'x lVxt (."alien, all at . . V I $1. I'm* Pique, leetrir Wiic, now . 7 | $11 PJ'.e Porealos, now I lie | $-5. IMadras, now . . Ilk? j I'm $1 Straw -. now ... . .VV : $1 Straw Hats, now . iW | And a 1 liousnnd oth oils to nuMit ion. ( all ai aiul compare our prices, at least "JO per cent. X.,, rj. W.AS CaS 4. .\ fi: 11 line of tliese < . |el>rntei| em and i'Vi'iy pair is ?piaianli e.i P ivplueetl 1 >y a new pair. No. wit no side s'.i'i Is. nial four lmolis, is one < stnu<;!it front, low hust :i!!sI ootvil liip sets. Colli nt $1 per pair. A niee sli a ipu! Mit:t:ner eoi.-a-t at coiiIm. GSov \V. s ! 1 i 1,.? r \\\..a I'.. I M.i n \ pi l . I li I MM tlicin in black, tan, IWJit mw ami j^la< Ivy n ja r <>f mir (iinloii Loatl Lisle (i 11>v , niaili like a kid, with claiu white. black ami assort<-il tans. ftfillln O'sr opi iiiaur was held on tin* 1th lvrrivt -1 111Ma' shipments by ox| ross. this lino. mi&fLax-ijkiw. T uo ? ou wan Good Suit fO! I r so, \vu aru oi] ual iyiii-c i vury ono who con Wu know on!* stock is I brought to Fort Mil?, for anythiujz; with yon, us. \Yu Ii:ivo suits for arc as nice in quality an< in any city, ami i?' you bur who think it nun clothiim; from an out-o stylishly (Iiv.-sect, you a: &Z1 V 3 I v ~ J' I i j \\ : k ~' "o:.D rnc-Koir 'Till- OLD liKIJ \ ol ? i 1 a<ns. I on some lines and customers. Men's luindHOWed Shoott, u?w . $2.25 IjxlioH Hats, now . . . $2.50 *?(? Ijulics Hats, now . . $1.60 Sailor Flats, now 40c ; Sailor Hats, now lOo T> Sowing Machines, now . . $22.50 ? Sowing Machines, now . . $19.60 > Sowing Machines, uow . . 15.00 .* Moii'k Shirts, now 50c .2~? Mmis Shirts, now .... 96o > liicyeles, now . . . . $25.00 er 1 hings too liumer Lid see our new goods Wo will save you lorsGtSm sets is '<> ho found at Menchnm & > yivo satisfaction or they will bo It short hips and low bust, with if the lu st sellers. Also No. 001, - ono of tlie now (hint's in eorojl waist corth'l at 50 cents, ami es. <1 liijou Kid (iloves. We have o white all at $1 per pair, icr Mitts, at 25 cents. A ?Ood }? or buttons,at 25 and 50 cents. ery. ultimo. Since tlmt time we have That tell* what we are doin^ iu sK EPFS, 1 - 9 ' % -" st <i> t a r Spring? to the task of* satisios hero for clothing, an;or thail any over and if dollars count yon will come to see men and boys that IB i f it as can be bought H| are one of the num- II ussary to buy your Wm 1-town dealer to be iv wrong-. KM sbhi llba? In k'" wagons. ,si.i: sw|