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The Delegates Have a Pecis've Talk
With President McKinley.
Hi r Cnlinn Complftc Th*lr
T.alinrii?Tli^.r Mailt- it FIiikI I'lca For
lterl|iroclt.v - Tito I'rrolilent l'roini <p*
to Appoint a. Coimtilxvlon an Soon
?? the Government In OrcanUetl.
Washmgto: P. C.?The Culian deleRation
completed its labors in Washington
on Saturday. In tin* morning
the delegates mot Seevetary Itoot,
irlio escorted .horn to the White House,
where they bad a final and decisive
talk with President McKinley. Then
they paid a visit of courtesy to all the
officials whom they have met. and
Dually they started for New York City,
homeward bound.
The proceedings at the Willie House
were interesting and important. Scnor
Capote acted as spokesman for the delegation.
He thanked the President
for the mnuy courtesies shown them,
which they accepted as expressions of
good will to the Cuban people. He invited
the President to visit Cuba, to
see for himself the conditions in tipIsland.
and learn from contact with
the inhabitants of the love and affection
whl h the Cubans have for the
United States, and their appreciation
of what has been done for them by
this Coverunieut in their struggle for
Senor Capote asked the President to
do something for the Cubans upon an
economic line, especially in the matter
of reciprocal trade relations. lie sahl
that it was especially desirable to have
something of mis kind done before the
next crop was harvested, in order that
tile t unnns might realize the advantages
to tliem of closer political ami
economic relations with the Uuited
In reply tlio President said it was
Impossible to settle the economic questions
until the political questions were
disposed of. lie told the delegates to
first form their Government, and then
they would he in a position to enter
Into negotiations with the United
States as to trade relations.
Senor Capote responded that son.-?tliing
ought to he done while the Cuban
Government was forming. He
thought that, while the United States
was exercising control, there might tie
arrangements perfected similar to
those under < ntcniplntion by the Secretary
of War in ISPS, when the Government
first passed under control of
the United States, lie told the President
that the Cuban ltrpeMIc did not
wisli to he horn in poverty ajul rags,
and if it couid not he wealthy, ii would
at least prefer to have sonieihiiig with
which to support itself, and to have i(s
people in prosperous conditions, or
with prospi rous conditions before
The President again reverted 1o the
fact that under the present conditions,
as the Secretary of War had advised
tlieni, lie did not see how it was possible
to settle any economic questions
before the Cuban Government was
formed. He would appoint Commissioners
Immediately a'ler a (lovernuient
was organized to negotiate with
slmiliar Commissioners from the Cuban
Government for reciprocal trade relations,
and he believed that the United
States would he ready to deal in a
manner which would he beneficial to
both countries. lie thanked the delegation
for the Invitation to visit ttic
Island, and told tlieni to assure the
Cuban people of Ills friendly interest
In tlieni am. Ilia desire to sec tlieni
contented and prosperous.
rspnor capote in tor said to a reporter:
"We have concluded our business
bore. Wo have had two interviews
with tho President and fo\ r with tin?
Secretary of War, during wliicli all
matters that we came iiere to discuss
have bad the fullest and most minute
consideration. We came to consider
the relations In ween C uhn and the
United States and these, both political
and economical, have had the most
careful attention. We return to Cuba,
mid will deliver io the Constitutional
Convention all the information we
have obtained. Information which is
highly Important and interesting."
General Wood had an hour's talk
with the Prc.nuent before Ids departure.
lie did not care to speak for
publication or give his opinion of the
result of the visit of the Cuban Commission.
There is n general Impression among
those who have been in close touch
with the Cuban delegates Hint they
will recommend the acceptance of the
PIntt amendment by the Constitutional
Convention when they return to
Havana. Secretary I'oot lias made it
plain to them that (lie amendment Is
the United States policy.
I.muled Plato! tint Acriilrntnlly iti a I'lay
( Irrn nt iliirnaville. X. C.
Burnsville, N. C.-W lillc playing tlip
tragedy "i.ast Upon the World." in
tllP flilKincr nv neo'^-" 1 ' ' 1
. ?iviii n ?j? nu: roan ley
McCorniick lii;th School, a real tragedy
whb enacted, when It N. McInturf,
one of the students, was shot '
nnd killed hy Hit ecus llailey, another
student, notti representing characters
in the piny.
When it became necessary for Knilcy
In hi* role to defend hluiself with a
revolver against n drawn knife in the
hands of Mcluturf, he used by mistake
n loaded pistol instead of the
one with blanks, nnd in the presence
of several hundred people Mcluturf
was shot dend on the stage. The hoys
were roommates and special friends.
Says Ho Had No Part in the Kid- J
rtaping- of Young- Cudaliy.
Court Itrbiikm Ihr .Jary For It? Action?
I Chief lloiioliur* S?j? Cimc ARiiinit
Crowp In Weakened*
Omnhn, Neb.?After considering over
night the guilt or innoeeuee of James
j Callahan, the Jury announced that lie
j whs not guilty of complicity in the
kidnaping of Kdwnrd Cudnby, Jr. The
verdict was an evident surprise to the
Court, and Judge linker expressed his
disgust in emphatic terms.
Callahan was arrested, on two other
counts, which the State is not now
prepared to say will lie made use of.
as no new evidence is at hand, and the
expense of going over the ground
again is considerable.
The Jury notilied Judge Baker at 9
o'clock a. m. that it had settled upon a
verdict, and the news spread among
attorneys and interested persons, so
that an audience of tifty awaited tli *
twelve men as they tiled into the courtroom.
Call"* nn's face was n blank as ae
w .ed the verdict unfolded ami read.
A.* the words "Not guilty" were pronounced.
however, Callahan half rose
to ids feet, his lips parted in a smile,
?nd he turned tiis eyes gratcfu. .* toward
the jury.
Judge Baker studied the wording of
I lie vedirt for several minutes In silence.
as if lie doubted the evidence of
his ears. Then, addressing the jury,
he rebuked litem in must vigorous
I terms.
[ "If Callahan had made his own
. choice of a Jury," the Court said, "he
. COllId lint linvi* <.a...o...i
.... .-V . V *\ \? I ?> I-I * r illt'U
' who would have scrvil hiiu more
j faithfully. If the State for its part
j had made the select son. 1 know of no
! men It could have named who could
' have been less careful of its interests,
j The Jury Is discharged without the
| compliments of the Court, and the
1 prisoner is likewise turned loose as to |
i this trial. I presume to continue the |
I criminal practices in which you have
failed to check him. I do not know
what motive actuated you iu reaehin,;
this decision, but I hope none of you
1 will ever appear a sain iu this jury
| box."
The jury evidently was ill at ease
(luring this arraignment, but did not
make any response, and filed rapidly
from the hex as soon as It was at liberty.
In the hallway Callahan mumbled
his thanks and shook the jurymen's
Chief of Police Dnnohue says he
will urge Mr. Cndnliy to at once withdraw
the proffered reward of SoOOO for
the apprehension of Pat Crowe.
"Crowe might easily make an appearance
ami claim the reward hint- |
| self." said Chief Oonohue. "as the evl- |
deuce against him is no more direct
than that against Callahan. In my
j eighteen years of experience with
criminals 1 have never heard more absolutely
convincing evidence than that
presented against Callahan. There
was not a single flaw in tli testimony, |
! and the evidence of guilt was overwhelming.
"From the information I hate so- j
cured as to the sentiment of the jury. ,
I believe that its decision was based |
largely on the theory that the victim
of the affair was a wealthy man, and
i as such Is able to suffer. Two of the
j jurors. I am informed, expressed their
| opinion that no kidnaping had c'
curred. and they had taken their eatli
' as Jurors with this conviction in their
"The SfiO.OOO offered for the eon vie
tion of the three men concerned In tlie
crime, however, will stand."
' fuvk-i Auk AM In KlT.-ftin; lilt Kiilrmc
!Frum h I.I vIiiGnvr,
Paris. France. The French League
of the Rights of Man has received ?
loiter from the Ottoman Liberal Com
; inittce in Constantinople appealing to
the league to take up the propaganda
for the release of former Sultan Mourn
d, tvho was deposed on August 151.
ISTtl. on grounds of ill-health ami mental
The committee proceeds, in par'., ns
"The deposed Sultan is undergoing a
martyrdom in prison in Tehlragan
more cruel than the sufferings of the
victim of Devil's Island. lie was Imprisoned
on the pretext of madness,
lie has not seen a human face, except
that of his .lailer, for twenty-five
years, nor u letter, a newspaper or
hook. Hp Is not allowed to leave his
rooms, and thus is lntried iu a living
gin ve."
The committee urges that, if he is
really deranged, lie should be treated
Srml. K<|ir(lilion to Native* Who
Killed Wealthy Herman.
Sydney. N. S. \v.?Horr Mercke. a
Herman millionaire, who was cruising
in ids yacht, and Herr Caro, his private
secretary, recently were murdered
by natives of the island of New
ltrilaln. off the northeast const of Papain
IIerr Cave's body was oaten.
Berlin, fiermnny. J'mporor William
has ord red Captain I'aesehew of the
llci'man aecond-elass cruiser Hnnsn to
roniinnnd a punitive expedition from
China to avenge the murder of Hcrr
The I>l?a?trr at Grlrtlirim.
An offlelnl return from (Jrleselm.
near Frank tort, < Germany, shows thai
seventeen persons are dead nud fort}
injured as the result of the explosion
and tire near there.
Holds tho Man With Fore Feet on
a River's Bottom.
Henry Ilufl'man, n Well-Known Anim.il
Keeper, tlio Victim of " IJIj;
Charley," ut l'eru. In,!.
Peru. Intl.?II **~y Huffman, a wellknown
animal trainer, with the Wr.let.,M?>o
m.it .. fi/iHi.HJ.r Untl. 1,n..A
being killed by It'g riiarloy, a monster
elephant, while the animal wn.i
bathing In the Mlsslssinewa Itlvrr.
Rig Charley wound his trunk almut
Keeper ITiifTman and hurled him far
Into the stream.
The man was unlnlured. and wlu n
he returned he said: '"Why. Charley. I
did not think that of you: arn't you
ashamed of yourself." The next instant
llutTman was grabbed by the big
elephant and thrown to tln? hot torn of
the river and held titer by the fore
feet of the animal. Huffman w:.s
Then, w'th a great roar, the o'ophant
ran away. Several shownvm
shot at libn. with no efTeet. lie brolte
tiown fenees and roamed about In a
big field, keeping everybody at a distanee.
Annies loaded with strychnine
were thrown near him. and lie eat or;.
An hoor later he lay down, and was
In terrible agony. A ritle shot setlied
Itlg Charley weighed over three
tons, ami was valued nt SlO.OOft. and 1
Ills lifetime bad killed four men.
Keener Huffman at different times
was animal trainer in Kalrmovnt
Park, T'liMad lnhla, and Cetdral I'ark.
New York city, ills home was nt
Columbus. Ohio.
Itnlnli Kill" a IVinnlp Tleer.
Tlndnlo. N. Y.?'Uii'nh. th? t!?ro~
which recently attacked nul almost
kll'od its owner. Frank Itosfnpit, 1
lndlananolis. killed a female tlcor at
tin* Kxno?itlon emends. ltoth titrors
won* in tlio sittne eittrc. but were senorated
by slrene wooden bars. TV*
female trot too close to the liars ami
Uajah caught ..rr by the throat.
An InFitno Kli'ftrlrlin ^tinntn I'lvo Men
i\t 1'orflnnd. Mr.
Portland. Mo.- In a fi' of temporary
[Insanity Ceoveo M. Ttrainerd. an oleetrlotan.
shot to dratli 1. N. Fat*n..nm.
olilof olootrlolan. and Karl" Ttnxton.
an assistant: fainlly wounded J nines
Wadswortb, of T.ewlslon, and Fbu u*
T.ano. of Mechanics' Falls, and slbrh*Iv
wounded Deputy Marshal Willnrd
Frith. I'.rainrrd is nndor arrest.
All the men oonoTiird were omnloyrd
In inakhiy oxt-wsivo clien* es
In tho now exchange of thr Now F.nirland
Tolonhono ( onmanv. It w s
about l.r.n o'oloolc when llrahmrd soddonlv
drrw a revolver. wli*"li ii
pointod at Fnrnnani. l?*ll!nt him in
stantlv. Th**n h<* turned. and i" rnn'd
suooosalon shot Wad*worfh. F.uxinn
and I.nno. who woro in soonrato cor|
nors of tho rootn. Tho alarm was
| sounded. and t..o police wore on t!
, soono within a few nrnntes.
j As Deputy Marshal Fri'li rrachod
[llio fop of thr flight of stairs lio > <
joolvod a ballot in lit" ri-riit s!d'\ Tlio
. npputv continued on downed tit" murderer
lioforo '"o oonM shoot again and
placed irons upon liim.
II* la Clmrj-cd Dlrfotljr With the Murder
of William Mar*h Hire.
Now York City.?Tho indictment
sgalnst Albert T. Patrick for murder
in tin* first degree contains ton counts.
catneu i*? charged dirccily with the
murder. Charles F. Jon s. tin* valet,
bolus Ignored altogether. In separate
counts Patrick is/ charged with kill
lug William Marsh I'ice with chloroform.
with mercury, and with an unknown
poison; with chloroform and
mercury together and with ch'orofortu
ano an unknown poison together.
ami again with all three of
the articles.
3Ils.*ion^rlf* Killed Ity (Invert*.
The Secretary of Stale, at Washington,
has received a report prepared by
the llev. J. V. Stevenson, of the Chinese
Inland Mission, showing the number
of pi rsons belonging to i'rutestant
missionary families who were murdered
in the ltoxer troubles. The total
is loti, divided as follows: llritish. seventy
adults and twen.> eight children;
Swedish, tony adults ami sixteen children;
American, twenty-four adults
ami eight children.
Ktoln u Sofo Containing S 10,000.
Two men secured Jjiu.uoo in gold in
the most audacious roubery ever
known at Anaconda, Alon. During >ue
tuny moruuig hours ttiey lorceu the
main doors of the "Alaska" sa.oou,
carried out the UOJ-pouud safe, putceu
it iu au express wagon, and drove ouisidc
the c?ty limits. After orenkiiig ,
open Wie and securing it* cuu.euia
tuey escaped.
CliU'itgu'e CIllcT of I'olli-e Knicni,
Chick.' ui' I'olice J OS-Jill Kip.iy, of
Chicago, hanucd lus lcsiguutioa i'u
.Mayo/ ilaiiison. 'in j Mayor io.il tli
I'nii'i' laai iio Had no in.em.on oi reappointing
him, ami the resignation
iuimcdiaiely loliowcd.
1'lenty of Money In Knniai,
i>taU? Ua'ik Commissioner Albnugii.
at lopiu: , Kan., says Un-rj never w..
-o uiucn money in iv:.n.-as as a. pre. out.
'i lie ban.; van.is arc loaned
iv.lii tbe proDis from it.vereiUiil .un..r.lc
Coal I>l?rovery In Iceland.
Great coal deposits liaie becu discovered
near the Nowd i' jord, ou me
east coast or Iceland.
Tons of Smikless Powder BIov/ Up
Near Frankfort, Germany.
I'tie Dlnn.trr Cnuwrd l?y i* Sniiill I'lro
Which Ii;nilril Several VcMrl* of I'icrlc
Acid, I''\|>IihIIiii; F??rly Ton* of
SmokelcNM I'onilvr ? l'icld Hospital*
Krcctcd? M Hilary Sent to the Scene.
Frankfort, t.ermany.- Oucof the most
disastrous explosions on record ooourred
at the Kleetto-Cheniieal Works, tu ~r
Criesheiin, where smokele ? powt*
is maiinfactured. Most of the hollers
exploded. The noise was so great
that it was heard at great distancer.
including Frankfort and Mayence.
Nearly 200 persons were killed an 1 injured.
The factory Immediately became a
mass of (lames, and a northeast wind
carried the sparks to neighboring villages.
where several houses were set
on lire. Eighteen cylinders, each containing
about one hundredweight of
smokeless powder, were in the room
where the explosion occurred.
Troops were immediately ordered .o
(Jrlosliciin to prevent the tire spreading
to the large benzine reservoirs
near by. Fire brigades from every
place in the neighborhood linrried to
the scene; but, owing to the dangerous
nature of the ruins and the fear
of a renewal of the explosions, tlit?
greatest d illicit it y was experienced it
stopping the thanes.
Only after live hours of strenuous
effort was the lire to some extent eon- ,
trolled and the danger passed, so as i
make ii possible to begin the work f ,
extricating the bodies.
Half a company of Infantry and i
. scores of physicians were Smmri.inte- 1
ly hurried to the scene from Frank- 1
| fort, as was nearly the whole force of I
. tire fighters of ibis eitv iiiwniinie 1
j woiv hastily .nprovised.
The inhabitants of <?rieshcim wnv
i ordered to leave their village and lied
t<> this city. When it was ascertained |
( that no further danger was atiticii
paled, tlie inhah'.tants were allowed
to return to their homes.
! Four sheds for > "cssing the wounds
j of the Injun d w >ro erected. The j
catastrophe originated in a small lire.
1 which, ignite.1 several receptacles of
picric add, ?mixing the llrst explosion.
The houses adjoining the faeJ
tory were partly demolished hy the
i violence of th? explosion,
j A number of children who were
! hurled hy the explosion into the Itiver
! Main, were drowned before resetters
j could reach tliem. Several firemen arc
among the victims.
f'rrUlirs AVIiilc (iolntr Hit* Aid oT n
Sick .Minor .it Niim .
Seattle. Wash. Partial continuation
of the rumors of death in Alaska hy '
freezing has horn received. Th Nome
, Cold Digger of .(anttary .'lit says;
"i)r. l'ellon, one of the bos? known
and most esh eined young pioneers of
Alaska, was frozen on the trail on the
i night of .lantiar.v 1 near Solomon. He '
: came from Oakland, Pal., and was j
j ti.irty-thive years of age. 1 ?r. \V. F. |
! P.aum perished while carrying medical
! assistance to a sick miner. Dr. llaum i
j left Nome en .Iune HI last, lie was a I
j native of Mobile, Ala., and saw service j
| in the Puban war.
"A story war. told at the Chamber of ,
! Commerce meeting of sixteen men and ,
1 a woman huddled together in a maimed
! a:-:! mutilated condition from frostbite
i in a cabin on Pilgrim Itiver, unable to
lie down because of the crush and with
' starvation facing them. Oencrous injdi.iduals
rtnl companies donated
money and food. Within two hours an
emergency supply of food was living
over toe trail by moonlight, drawn by
swift dogs. The next day a number
of tlie victims arrived in town, and
told thr>iv wtniT Sn- ... ?>* ?' *
badly frostbitten, and had ciuiurt d severe
v/locat oil c3nc.rm3,
.Vllllnui of Wat*rfil Stork Tloalccl l?y |
wittily T?xit? Eiit?irj?rlm*t?.
Austin, Texas.?A careful iuvcslljration
into the tinanciiil condition and
method of operation of a little number
of the companies which have been
formed under the laws of Texas to op
crate in the lieaumout oil lichl shows
that fully tifty per cent, of them are
wildcat concerns, and that their only
object is to dispose of their watered
stock, often atiiotiiiiitr; to several hundred
thousand djllars, to unsuspecting
It is predicted thai the collapse will
soon conic, and tiiat the people of
Texas of small i leans who have invested
Jn these worthless stocks will
be the principal sutferers. it is conservatively
estimated that fully !> ?',00
t.oOO Oi oil s ock have been roltl by
companies in Texas during tli past
two moil.lis.
adelbir r ha f ricuz
Tim Pretoria Co.isntii'.ii|> Sluy lta I.eft
Open Tor u 'i'iiar.
Washington. If- C. ? Adelliert Hay,
son ui the Secretary of State tui<
pignctl his position as t.'iiitcil Slates
i'onsuMiciieral at Pretoria. The* residua
tiou takes eiLCCk Immediate!}*.
lu view of the great expense of living
at Pretoria, U Is possible that the
ullice will lie left vacant until Congr* ss
cuu have an oppoiiuuity to net up mi a
recoiniueuriatiou from the bxecutito
looking to an increase in the salary.
Interna 1 revenue collections tlirourh- I
out the eountry (luring March. 1001.
footed un $2-l.tno.74."?. a decrease, as
compared with March. 1000. of $'203,or?r?.
ue Cuban Commissioners wore received
bv I'res'dent MoKinloy. and a
dinner In their honor was -riven at the
White Ilomo in the evening.
..loyd Criscom. 1'nitod States Spect.ai-v
of T.e-ratioii at Constantinople. decided
to return at the expiration of bis
lea ve.
President MoKinley pardoned TT-'orv
f?nodes. President, ami Wnller W.
Cb-anlt. Ca?bler. sentenecd in 1S07 to
cl-rlit years In the Ohio Penitentiary
for ember/lint feeds of Hi- American
National HatiH of New Orleans.
Hieloientie disnlensure will b- s. own
to Venezuela for President ?'"?tru's
attitude toward Minister I.oomis.
.lolin A. Kasson s-vered liis ollelal |
connection with the State Department
as Special l'eciproclty Commissioner.
The War Department will not interfere
with Sir William Van Home's
prolect for a railroad In Culm.
First Denutv of the PnPed States
Treasury Maurice 1.. Mulileuiau resigned.
to go into business.
on: Aiiornai ist.aniis.
' ?tere arc 2.".0U0 lepers In tlio Philippines,
and it is planned to isolate all
on one island.
Hiculenant William Patterson, of the
Coast Artillery, is to lie tried by courtmartial.
at Manila, for misappropriating
Major tloorgo. the Surgeon In -Chief.
Fnvs that Havana. Cuba. is without a
fa s?* of yellow fever.
llv ait executive nn'rr establishing
an insular naval force. Filipinos who
i-nl'si in the service -vill receive onelialf
tin* nay of other seamen of the
same ftitiiigs.
niiM isrir.
Tin' Staff Hank Examiner of OSoor,';ia
reports forty more hanks in the
State than on September f? hist, a total
of 177. I
Short In his noeotmfs f?100rt. Assistant
Postmaster P. II. Prexel. at Tarpoii
Springs, Ela.. was arresb d.
Arriving at Sail Franelsco.Pal., from j
China. Minister E. 11. Conner said tlie j
missionaries were not responsible for
the reeeiit troubles.
A run on the First National Hank, of |
Moscow, Idaiio. was cheeked by a
union of business men.
Virgil P. MeMaster. of Nineveh. N.
Y.. an exeeutor of the estate of Jane
Push, cf Colesville, was arrested for
inisnsiii|: $2d.0i>0 of the estate funds. ,
With the greatest crops In the history
of flie Territory In readiness for
harvesters. Arizona ranchers cannot
lind < nou.;'li men to rlo the work.
A hill was passed by Hie T.nner
IToupe of the Illinois Legislature proItlhlt
ing the sale. giving away or bring- )
ing into the Sia of cigarettes.
Robbers who blew open the vault of
the I'irst .National Hank .it Wiseasset,
M".. secured nothing.
The last sale of a new York {stock
F> change seat made a record price - ,
? in.
Shirt waists were oflicially denied
New York tireinen.
P.y "tiiis" from .lames .T. Hill, former
Senator Pet; igrew.of Soutli nakota, (
is said to have cleared ?2."0,000 on '
sto< ks.
The schooner Samuel Rick or was |
run down and sunk off Comtleld. C inn., j
bv the hall River steamer Pilgrim, i
Captain Allen, of the schooner, being
The traffic season at Nome, Alaska,
lias opened.
A stucco trust is proposed In the
Charles C. Stockley, ngrcd eighty two
years, former Coventor of Delaware, I
died at <irorttotown, Del.
Tola I.re. a Chinese merchant, applied
for police protection at New York
City, snyinv: his i.?e was threatened
by Highbinder?.
Ohio. Indiana and Illinois, through
their AMorn-ys-tletuval formed a
friendly a'l ame to eradicate frutululent
lasurar.e,. companies.
I'.y means of a breeches lntoy the
crew of the life saving station at ;
chedwM;. X. J., resetted Cnp.uin Me- 1
Keller and Ids crew of seven nun j
from the stranded schooner Molti.
The transport Carmine arrived at
San Franc.seo. Cab. from Manila,
having mi hoard the Tweiiiy-slxlli
iteahnent and the unusual number of
In a jealous mice .John II. Corman.
foreman of a cooper mine, shot ami
killed ileorge Mi-L'nrtby, at Milton,
Cal.. ami then Mew himself to pieees
witli giaat lutvilrr.
I.omlon adviees have it that the
Amcrieaii allotment of the new 15ri?ish
war loan will be $lb.Ooo.tMJ.
Sir Miehael Hicks Ifeaeli, Chancellor
ol the Ihwneqiier, at l.omton, linol'iiud
a deputation n. coal owners ami exporters
Unit tiie export tax oil foal
would not be dropped by the t.ovetulneiii.
Sir Kills Aslnue.'id l'artlelt, M. I'.,
was lined in a I.omlon police ruuix tor
an a.-.-aud upon a lawyer's clerk.
A dispateu l'roiu Home says that
11 rc.se i, tue assassin 01 King liinnoe.i,
is insane in consequence of tue in
t .intent 01 his jailers.
Peace is rapidly being restored in j
The Kg.'ptian budget shows a stir- I
plus, estimated, ot ^.iko.uoo, lor lDOl. I
The ltev. James Chauuers and the I
Itev. Oliver Mount ins were uuuueted I
by natives in .Sew Ouiueu.
NO. T.
Ratio AMen Confesses to Many Crimes
in Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Who" Durovcreil Ari?U???t '-IrsnTO l'<uu?i
Woulal PiTtrnil In Br ?
?Cmiclit by the l'ollrf.
Poushkeopsie, N. Y. Residents to
(1h< fashionable seetlon of this city
liave boon eoinplaininsr for some week?
of petty robberies and several servants
liave been discharged on sns
pteem. 1'uusiuil o(Torts have boon
made to discover (lie thief and the
to,'"story was otenred when Chief of
Potloo MoTntio arrested twelve yenrold
Katie Alton, who confessed to n
series of burglaries and lliefta w'!:!?t!
nstonMmd 1 bo police.
KiOlc admitted that after sehnol It
was tier onsloin to visit the hooves of
the well to do as a beggar. \t tlte
home of Mrs. 11. l'nytnond site was
mot In the yard, and aocnsed of having
taken some money from the
"1 am only bogging." she said, "hut
T hist piet n rough looking man gohig
ont of tlio "itto. Ho must have stolon
the nmnoy."
Suspicion Wte aviefnit. Katie's
ba?-kot was fifed with gooil things
and she was allowed to go.
At tlio home of Mrs. Kltr.a T.erov
Katie vocoived no answer at the
kitchen dooe. nml climbed through a
window. She tlu*n plundered (lie
lower part of the house while the
femilv were up stairs.
In the home of Mrs. 1'rcdrrlek I.n
ens Katie made her way to the uuper
floor and stole a ohlhrs hank anil Its
eonti nls. She was met by o servant
as she was going ont tlie hack door,
and. telling a tearful store of poverty,
ohfnineil a basketfnt of food.
In one Pislnnee. where she was lit
torrented by a servant, she diverted
sii?n!eion by promptly Impiiring for
ii in irin \viim was NlUlWil Irt rro
qi'pntlv \ Nil that liniMi.
Wlim arrest oil she said :'t first t.at
rIip li.nl latflv pom* to work In a far
tory and li.nl earned I'm money. the
RiMMiiltuK of which attracted attention.
Or. W. C. I'.vownlnu'n Claim A?nlmt Ihn
i;>tnto ?>r ( lirU i#. Mnjr",
Pittsburg. IVnn.?Tin* estate of the
(ate Stati* Senator Chris T?. Mnw has
received a ) > 111 from !>r. Willi or <5.
Browning. of Philadelphia. for r,rx).flOO
for nmressionni s 'i \ .res during
the la<| illness of Senator Muscp.
Pr. Browning wni In attendance on
Senator Matron for nventymil* niont-m
previous to Ids ?! :*. Ii?. llo areoninanied
film to several |I'ircs for tin* recovery
r?? liis health. Tin* fop Is brl'evril to
In* oiip of I)< * largest of its Uiinl over
rlinaged in tin* Initial Slates.
TI'.P tiitl OOVelS t\V >!ll\ "IIP lll'illths'
treatmint. ami tin* ehnnres an* at tlir
rati* of Ssi) imu* treatment lionr. One
eliartre is SI7.0ft) for Ins) summer's
treatment at Atlantic Oily, and nivilhpr
SfJ.ni o for neeonipnaiving the deceased
to Hot f rings, Ya.
Tli?* executors of tin* .Magpp pstale
rofnsi* to discuss l>r. B,-<?\\ ning's tiilL
It is learneil from reliable rmtrppH.
Imwi?ver, tliat t lit* bill will be contest*
Prt**li1t*tif .mil Si?rr^tiirf Ko.it fiftiii
rnl )lil< k'' ItcroiiiinfndHtNin.
Washington. 1). ('.? It has lfcn determined
to increase tin- regular army
to approximate 7(5.000, ami to leave
it nt that number unh? ( conditions
In the I'hilippiii* g should make more
troops necessary. The 1'residcnl ami
(secretary lloot hate so do<*i?le<l. The
fetalis will be worked out by the
eeretary and (leneral Miles.
The decision is practically in line
with a ri oiiuiioml.il ion made by (!cneral
Miles several mouths ago and ie*
newcd by bim in a letter to the Secretary
of War recently. In I.i letter
(lencral Vile: r. eonimi n led that tlio
army be limited to one udder to
every HHHl of population, namely, 70,HUO
The number of olTieers nppnin' ?d
will be as originally derided. 'I'l.h
artillery corps will be Increased U
Its lull strength of IS.tKJt) men.
Ilir Tlinm Krroiaiinrml* I'nit (Sir Aniff*
Uiiu .Sy#trui lid Adoptril.
London. The annual lei'jru of re
mining tut' iikhi shows a total tnlUtliivia
ok PS.otil, against 4-,,{.10 in ibo'J.
The recruiting tor the iuiaiitry is regarded
as unsatisfactory. lit .spite of
the impetus 01 tlit* war and to* iniuetion
in tin* Mliiiidard of heigh:, tlto
number of enlisted iiifuuirj iiit'M t.i lj?i?
low that of 18'jv), tin* recruits generally
liavkUg preieired toe snowier
tiraucties of the service*
'J lit* J inies, in tlit* tours * of no editorial
on tt-c lima volutin* recruit iug
report, computes the lcnins here ivnu
those ot the succt'ssiui AiueikCJii system.
which it thinks thouid tie uni*
Until in I lie l nited Kiu^uoiu.
.11 urtlcr of III* livo Ctiltil>'<'.? Not ('jrnmitted
b i llurglars.
Paris, I uuec.?Tie. Vidowcr uniiicd
ISrit-re, \vnose live t'Uihhvii were nniftlcrcu
at t'tin it res, ii.ucouii'uu.til With
tne eliuUn.li s bodies m t'ie prcscucu
u magistrate, wuose qucs.ious the
man ret used to uuntver. ito was
therefore plated uuuer arrest. 'the
Urst repot.* of the criuie utiribuietl
the ku.uig of the eUildreU io oui'giur*.
who. it was said, SkUoocd and mud
geoued theui to siieute their cries of
aiarui upou discovering that unuvee
were iu tue house. _ ^