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FORT MILL MeLANGF. I Pithy Points Gathered tor the Perusal ot Times Readers. Mr. It. M. London, of Rock Hill,' was in town Mondny. Miss Annie Culp, of Pineville. spout Friday with relatives in this pbtoe. Mr. S. L. Meaelinm spent Monday in Charlotte in the interat of the local 'phone exchange. Mr. Stewart MeMurray has returned to his home in this community, after an absence of several weeks in Maeon, (la. Rev. A. Finch has accepted a call from Catawba Baptist church to deliver two sermons monthly. Mr. Finch is visiting his father in Spartanburg ibis week. Mr. M. It. Stubbs and family moved from Fort Mill to Rocking nam. >. lust riiur&dny. Mr. Stubhs had been an employe of tin* Fort Mill Mfyj. Company for several years. Mr. Charlie Watkins, a young man whoso homo is in (ho northern part of town, is critically ill. He has been in poor health for several months, on account of which he returned to Fort Mill from Charlotte some time ago. News reached Fort Mill last night of the sudden death from apoplexy of Capt. John R. Erwin at his office in Charlotte yesterday afternoon at J.JO o'clock. Capt. Krwill'd iiis^f 11-ifii Mi.-:-; .lanilio (irier, was u sister of our townsman Mr. It. F. (trior. At the auction sale of the Queen City Telephone Company in Charlotte Monday morning, a half interest. in the line from Charlotte to Fort Mill was bought for ?220 by the Curtis syndicate of Newark, N. J. Mr. B. I>. Springs owns the other half interest in the line. Mr. Herod It. Neal, who was well known by a ureat. many people in this township, died suddenly at his home in Yorkville Saturday ni^jlit. He was a one-le^nod Confederate veteran,and had been employed for years as auctioneer at the court-house on salesdny. Wash Ilenry, a ne^rb man employed at the works of the C'liari..4 4.. /? - -- 4 ? i mm' Diuiv vicii |?'ui} i wo nines south of town, was seriously hurl about the bond lust Wednesday afternoon by falling from the tram car used in transporting clay from the pits to the mud mill. Another nopro man had his ri?.;ld hand painfully mnshed by the car Saturday morning. Some time n^o Mr. T. It. Spralt decided to open a dairy in Fort Mill, and accordingly lie bought a number of the finest cows lie could find for sale in this section. Thus far he has experienced no t rouble in disposing of all bis milk and butter on the local market, but he expects to betfin sliij piiijj the principal part. of his butter to Columbia in a few days, the price in that eity beino cents per pound more than in this place. From outside sources it is learned that there iH little doubt that the present year will witness the erection of the third cotton mill in Fort Mill. It is said that the plans for the mill, which will be niiliroli' ?? on!in?!io? V?? T v/vv \* \ i I i t \ y 1 W PJI1IIII I ll?l \ r been drawn and that the .site lias been selected. The Times is unable to learn when work on tinbuildings will be begun. The motive power for the new mill will be supplied by the Catawba Power Company, it is stated. The Times is informed that a Special meeting of the town council will be held during the present week at which it '.a proposed to pnss a vagrancy law. That this informntion will prove gratifying to every respectable citizen of t!ie town, goes without saying. Port Mill has needed such a law for years, but never so much as daring the past three months, in which there have been scores of worthless and unknown (diameters loafing on the streets, both day and night. It is a matter of frequent comment that these vagrants should be required t?> give a satisfactory account of themselves or put to work on the streets. If the town council enacts a vagrancy law and then sees that, it is rigidly enforci d the white tramp and shiftless negro will give Fat Mill a wide bert h Items of State News. Mr. John 11. Ashe, president of the York cotton mill, committed suicide Monday ni^ht I?y jumping into a well on his premises in Yorkville. It is thought that worry over linnticial troubles caused .Mr. Ashe to take his own life, lie was regarded as one of the foremost fit i/.ens of the county and his death will prove a threat lo-s. especially to the community in which Inlived. Speaking of the semi-weekly pa per which is soon to lie established in ltock Ilill l>y a number of Imsine-s men of that city. The Herald says: "The Journal Publishing Company, as far us we know, is a recent thought on the part of the gentlemen who propose its publication. We are not iuforined of tlu* date of the appearance of the lirst number. We shall meet The lourul as a business compel iter and strive in a lejjit imute way to maintain our husint ss, having only eo*?d wishes for ever}* legitimate enterprise that may come into the community to assist in lnu* up its inter* sts." Morris Swizter, a Polish Jew. is in jail in (ireonville, ? liar^eil with at tempt intf to burn his store in that city early Sunday moraine. The attention of two polieemen was directed t<i the fact that the front window shades iu Swi/.ter's store were closely drawn, a circumstance which was considered suspicious, and an investigation was made at once. t pon entering the store a dim light was seen coming from a candle. The candle was stuck in a lu>x and was encircled by a pasteboard crown, such as come with hats, and matches were strewn around the caudle inside the circle of the crown, while the box otherwise was fail of paper. The b.?x was set underneath some shelving back against the wall, ami on the shelves was a large quantity of clothing. (iold Hill Items. Kditor Times: Things are moving along nicely around here. The farmers are well up with their, work; the soil has been well prepared.and the guano horn is heard abroad in tho land. Brother Kpps didn't toll it all in his recent newspaper interview. (If course tin* cm>t toil acreage will not be increasid, but the number of bales per acre is what wo are uftor. < )no wide-awake follow lias been doing Homo figuring and lias sottlod 011 thmo bales per acre. Anotlior, who is nioro impudent, hopes for four. .Jlist watch us, will you ? There is a new giil babe at Mr. 1?. M. Paris', and Mr. S. I'. lJlankeuship has added another to his squad. These two gentlemen adhere strictly to the Scriptural injunction which says multiply and replenish t he cart li. A certain young lady near here recently received seven letters in one mail, and it wasn't a good day for letters, either. Don't (odd 11 ill heat the word on big things? tiii:. Dr. Thornwell In Charlotte. Chariot to Observer. |N(h. 1 ue audience which assembled in the Second I'rcsbyterian church, both morning n: d night yesterday, niny ho deserihcd ns crowds. Dr. James II. Thornwell, of Fori Mill. S. ('.. is known to many of the people of < harlotte who, having licarcl him. of course were anxious to hear liiin a^nin; and the multitude which heard him for ihe time yesterday will ever alter lie anions' those who press to hear him when ever the opportunity is "iwii. The two sermons I )i\ Thoruwell preaeht d yesti rday would have done honor to any pulpit in the world. At the uiornini/service In spoke from the Mth I' aim David's prayers for the peace of Jerusalem. In a style exeecdin^l> pleasing and without a superlluoiis word, lie pre udied a sermon, tln? outline of which was clear to a' child s mind, and at its conclusion the power of stateim nt alone had convinced every hearer of the obli pillion lie ,vas under to (Jod, ami the lamelitH that had accrued to him through 14 At niuht the It xt w:;-> taken from ! the 12th verse r>f tlit* first chnptcr of Second Timot hy?*'Paul's (i rent Words ??f Assurance." Tin* preaehor showed with :i ?;race unci heauty of diction Ihi* Iu rt ft ami destitute ootid it ion of t ho ?jreat s< ddier of th oross, as Ho waitod in 11 is dungeon ooll. Ho called attention to the fact that the words w no address* d to a youii'_T man, and wore taken front an experience oalherod in suiVorinii for the truth of Christ, that thereby confidence mi 14.I11 ho hud should ho ever he called on to suiter ior i toil s cause mi I lie earl li. Tlie confidence of l'aul was attributed to liis having coumiitted to Cluist his body, therefore ho counted himself immortal till (lod should call. lie committed his life. While ic t in lill'eivnt to public i pinion In' held his interest of the truth of Christ above all else. To proniuii.ate this was he horn and to conceive its interest he had. been saved. lie committed to Christ his so ul. With !>< idv. li ic, soul, in Christ's hand he was hold before all who miuht seek his hurt. Personal knowledge, through spiritual e\p"rieii< *11 t lie oreat Christ, oave an indilit reu< e to the executioner and cv> n death ilsi If. Certain it is that all who heard 1 >r. Thorn well were i in pressed that here was a workman wln? need not be ashamed, and who in his preaching honors his Savior and liisC >d. Senatorial Possibilities. Mr. Ashury C. Latimer. Congressman from the Third district, wants to succeed .MeLaurin, and pitched his campaign at Tirzall. in this county, nearly a year ami. lie is ^oU'Tally considered Tillman's man for tin' place. Am t her avowed eondidale is D S. 11 etidcrsoii, State Senator from Aiken county. Mr. Henderson N said to he u hioh-iniinhd. Iiouorahle tnan and is regarded as very hrainy. (iovernor McSweeney is also said to have an eye on tin* Senatorship. llis administ rat ion as governor has lieeii creditable and he would make a st roiitf candidate. The Columbia Ivecord says that it is now regarded as practically certain that t'ol. Wilie.1 ones, i lmirman of the Democratic executive committee, will ho a candidate for I nited States Senator next year. He is one of the last known and most popular men in South t'lirolinn II. > ' - 1 ..X to ? II r j/irMVJl'Ill UIH1 cashier of ill-' ('uroliu.i National Bank, in (.'olnmliin, and is interested in many other business enterprises, and was colonel of the Second South Carolina regiment in the Spanish-American war. (\>l. Jones has always taken an active interest in Democratic affairs. UXl'KLSM >11 N t KS1;KI i-:s Have a fine record. Thc(!eorf?ia t>?>;ic<I of entomology cert ilies to I lie liealt It ??1" their stock. Their trees fruit a year or t wo earlier I lian t he lit I le switches sold hv some firms. 1 have the ap iiev ami shall canvas- York county in time to take orders for fall delivery. I'lease save your orders for inc. finest ever"reeiisatid flowers, as well as fruit trees, for sale. SAM . V. M As.- MY. ft HIT M II-!.. S. C. G. VV. NORMAN & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR DEALERS, Pox tie. - - - L'llAKl.OTTK, N. 1 i.1! 111n<-!i |>! astir. in callin.q ynur at (tin ion t<> tin- ,?-ry low prices ol my lit.e old open furnace Who'.i? winch for tit'lc'ii ynr- have lia?l no equal, eit her for ?1 i*i11U or tueilicinal pi.s. Ila\ mo |hiliiisetI la.'o.- <;u.i .sf it e -, of < >I<I Mountain l orn Whiskey at \ry low prices la>l - iininer w hen tits-iIi>-rs wen press,-d for etish, I :im prepared to \ ? .special attest t ion a ml very 1< ?\v tpio l a I ions Io anyone wattling anyt hi n^ in it:y lite-. All orders inusl he aceoni p.inieil hy ea -li or hank n I. reie'e. I ie care I til lot amine my jiriet- lis!, w hi' It iueliul' jn^ ami h Sweet Mash Corn, -*I ." < >hI i urn Whiskey, very line . t.'.pu ( .Ot I I | lose ( i ill, . . I .l| I I '.est I lo! land i i i n, . . on l-'itie i ieneva < i in. First rale Sunht-ain I've, I .(IP lies; Suiihi-ain li>' , . t.'.Pu h im- lli^li < irath' lives. ii.n ? North! ar olina \pple litamly, . \'.j > l >ld N. C. 1'eaeh I'.raiuly, . "..">0 I hire New Kii^luud Hum, . I ', > I' ie!i a mi 1 hue y. . ' 15o -k ami live, 1 .?"> < >lti i ora. o ye ir ?thl ".'?P Fine 1 offh; I \\ iiiskies, in !o>" hot ! ? No ehaiv w i .l h raa-le lor ke.t.c v. .e-si y <a w an' aeii i nant if i* Most respt. -ifully, G. W. NORMAN & CO. < >li> m;\vsi'.\i'ki;s roll SALK AT J'HJ : J i AJ ! .S Ol i 'i An '?since of Prevention Is o jual t<? a pound uf cure. And , now is the time to 11 so the provention. or later on there will l?o a lot of earing iloiio. For t wenty-fivo C2o> oi iits wo will soil you a preparation that \vt guarantee in ordinary cam's with t wo applications, allowing nh interval of a wool; or two, will protoot you during the entire spring ami sumnior. It is very necessary that your rooms, csiteeially tli iso that are ceiled, should have a good coating of Kalsoniino. in order to destroy ail eggs and germs. It will only eo . ,' "> to 7 "> cents, according to the si/.o of the room. And any 1? ily can apply it. This is a tritliup ! cost for heaat ilying and purifying your home. Hut the main subject of this shot eh is lledhugs. They are ( milled t>- eor.sidernt ion. fl TTP TTJ31 a T7*" ,k_ X Jtu. .'!* .?. -i. ^..1 1* T? ^ ?r " aviv11 'jj t ' ^||I f; Y?/'111 i f*mm i sip nillilliM 1. St lii:< H'NDINCS :ulil 1!? the ]>lt asuro of eat i no. Patrons of IE AM) HKOs'. RKVIMI R ANT aro made comfortable. < )ur wul^ appointiMl (Iniiio room, conn A in* olIS Waiters, well cooked Imul ft dm tine quality and moderate pri^^ii; make this an ideal place to l?rcak-\ fust, diiio or sup, regularly or oeca sh mally. Hand Brcp, hoik iiili,, sc. Silverware We art* adding at all times to our line of Sterling Silver all the most desirahle pieces for tahle use. Kor presents or use in your family you ran iiml nothing better. ' * ) /' <L//ir . i'/ur?;?rf/7ifo//? - irrj 'A j I rY':? ^ 'Phone :7 7. CHARLOTTE, N. C. HKADSTONKS. ( Ol'M INS, ETC. Aiiy??in? wishing i<> luiv ;i Monument or Headstone of l In* latest style, either in niarhle or ;jraniio, would do well to call on iiir lor priees. I also keepn nirn lino oft 'oil i lis, ( 'asketsanil I In rial Robes, l.otli tor ladies and gent leineii. T. 1). KAl? I.KNKH. KOt'K II I lih, S. ( Fci'.iciauv, 11)01. INFORMATION. 1 w ish my l it ends In tiiiderstand llnd I am still miking and selling 1 lie hest Saddles and Harness of any man litis side the lakes Ihat has straight hair. Uepnirin" done at the li.olit price. voni I NVkK M I LI'S. CIES. . . ^ i (',tl i ft iriii:c I ) - r| JVacbes, J i cent . |.i r ,i'I. I t.-i quality I 11 ht s, ]t? cents p< r cj a. "( ki!?I> ti fancy Table Syrup, in 10, Ja ami la cent cans. riil Hi'the Valley"' Sittfar Corn, 10 ecu's per can. 1' im l quality Columbia liivcr Saliii iii, in "ioatnl cent cans. ( lioicc lln^lish Jiiavvn, la cents per e.i a. V\'ci!<"i' t* . ? .i.'eil ITontli Mtistanl, I > cents per ran. lionie ina?Ic .l ilies- "iliiinb, blackberry ami peacb in jars, JO c nt . Cli .ice i rn lis :i in I Vegetables a!\v:y."oti liamls. fresh linkers' Brea?l ev'cry Sat unlay. Semi your orders early ami breail will !) rlelivereil promptly. O, JONES. \ \ i For sixteen years we hav New Home Sewing Ma because wo know they Wo havo them as low as 110 uso wasting money bi machine that yon can ne * shuttles for wlion you machine at such a low pi X*. J. MAS "'Gfh Nev This is Ihe ? ?iminnml of our store luiyor and milliner will start for the N sprinjx and siiniiii:>r stork. Miss Ilaltie Curtis will have charge ntui with her past experience, the talent proper conception of how to most prof lemi'ng millinery establishments of An Mill prepared to make anything in this season rhe received some very gratifying ans Ui first Indies on her millinery work, i*r, w. . 10 luul special hat tor the coming sense ; mat wh? , . t)n> bank s t urtis. she will take pleasure Vlie door Ik n?de?l l?y .Id) markets. A number of sp ' . He was reoe " .1. In due time we will give notice of c MEAGHAM t GKE/ Clearance Cio a*T 'THE OLD mm \ ii order 1 o make room jut selling for a low (lavs ? 1 WINTER CLOTHI We Ian e a bit*' stock of< suits and men's tine pai only last a few days, and will get extraordinary ba "vt" 7 f ' 1 " & 7 P 1 I Iiff! "Ol/l) HICKORY We are the Fort Mill ? Hickory" W agons. The " or and need fewer rep} wa^on on the market. II let as soil v on an "Old 11 sat isfaci ion. T. !>. UELK . 1 \ v] i / c been selling . . ? I ichines W are tlie very best. 817.50, ho there is ^ lying an unknown 1 ver ?et needles or ' can ?et a reliable ice. ISEY. 1 YorkS'3 , no on Monday, 1 lie 1 Till, our orthem markets to lay in ourI of onr millinery department she has for the work and tlie itably spend two wreka in tli? lerioa, alio will retnrn to Fort line \tbat you may want. Last ^ C(?ili))linientH from a number Anils if any of our lady friends n nnid will leave their'orders in (lining their orders while in lemul cjidera have already been \ I ** I >ur annual spring opening. \ & EPPS. 1 i . VT \ i % thing Sale I iBLE STORE." for spring goods wo only al 1 NG AT COST. children's and hoys' its. This salo will t those who buy now j^ains. " WAGONS. lUoiits lor the "Old " " ! se wagons run Ioniirs than anv other < you need a wagon,, iekory." They give PROPRIETOR ' L.U RilLSAULE 5 rOKB." jy > iwMWfti