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% FORT WILL MKUNLF. <Plth) Points (lathered for the Perusal of Mines ReoJerp. Mr. J. E. Williamson went to fChurlotto Saturday on a business At ip. Miss Ferry Keiuliie!:, \vh<fe? home is near Pmeville, visited relatives in thw community Monday. Mrs. Isab.dlo Caldwell,of llarrisimrg, N. C., is spending several days with In r daughter, Mrs. li. F. vj ner. Solicitor Henry passed through jFort Mdl Sunday owning cu route .to GatFuey, whero court opened Monday morning. Mr. J. W. Potts left yesterday morning for Chester, to accept a position in the store of his brother, JNIr. O. L. Potts. Miss Alice Williams, of Lancaster, spent Monday with her sister. Mrs.T. M. Hughes. Miss Williams is a student at Winthrop College. The attention of the farmers in this community is directed to the (advertisement of the ltock liill Roller Mills which appears in this issue. Mr Joe McLaughlin and Miss Laura McCain, of Wiixlmw. N ('., spent Sunday in this community ?s the guests of Miss Ella MeMurrny. Mr. T. 11. Spratt $eft Sunday evening fur Washington, to attend {the Presidential inauguration, lie is with his brother, Mr. J. L. Spratt, in Baltimore at present. After a visii! of several weeks 1<< her parents in Lauriuhurg, N. Miss Ilattio Curtis returned to Port Mill Friday morning, accompanied by her sister, Miss Uosa. Mr. L. E. Ligon has secured a position with the Seaboard Air ijine Hallway in a small town near Raleigh, N. C. His family will remain in Fort Mill for some time. *?Jonday was March sale.-day at Yorkville, and Messrs. ?J. \V. MoElhaney, W. T. Hoaghiml and \V. Ii. Denton were anions the number who attended from this township. Local fertilizer dealers state that their sales this year will probably not exceed last year's, which would indicate that the acreage of cotton in this township will not lie increased this year. Mr. L. M. Chance has returned to Fort Mill and is again emp'ojed as spinning and card room boss at the Fort Mill Mfg.Company. Mr. Chance left this place two years ago and has since held a p sition in a cotton mill near Greensboro, N. C. It is hardly necessary to call the attention of our readers to the typographical improvement in the first and fourth pages of this weeks' Times ami the unusual amount of raiding matter which tlies* pages contain. The service this week, however, is not as good as it will be in tho future. Miss Kittie Kirkpatrick came over from Winthrop College Friday afternoon and spent a few days at the homo of her parents. I )r. and Mrs. T. S. Kirkpitiek. Miss Cori 11 tie Faris,another young lady who is in NVinthrop froin this community, visited her parents, Mr. and M rs. B. M. Faris, this week. Coming down from Charlotte a few nights ago the editor of The Times was pleased to renew a former acquaintance with Mr. 10. A. Anil, private secretary to Governor McSweeney and editor of the dewberry Herald and News. Mr. Aull has recently been spoken of as ji probable candidate for secretary of Slate next year. Sam Mcllwniue and wife.negroes li vino in Watson's row, were caught playing cards Sunday aftei noon by Police OHirer Culp and were at once arrested. Monday morning they were lined $'2.f)0 each in the jntendnnl's court. At the time the arrest was made, ilje ncgr<> man had a p dr of murderous looking brass knuckles in his pocket. As will be scon by notice published in this issue, it is the purpose of the town authorities to collect street tax < no month earlier this year than has been the custom heret ifore. It is stated that the reason for this change is to enable the authorities Jo make some urgent repairs on the streets and to ra se funds with which to pay tho tllhuies of the jobee officers. Mills if: C'J.'s Store tiurneil. A few minutes before :' ) o'clock nst evening I ho store of Mills A (\>., j opposite the Fort Mill 24 fi?. Company in this place. wa? destroyed by fire, probably from a <h f etive line. The wind was hlowiu" briskly at the time the tiro was discovered I and in less than half an hour the building and entire s?iock or goods, valued at 5,000, were conHiimed. The store was closed for the lrght only a few ininiit- s befen tlaines were seen issuing from the building. The fire uiurni at the Fort Mi.I Mfg. Company was immediately soundid. but la-t re the water from the mill could be turned on the burning building the tlaines had gained sueli liemlway that all efforts w..v re directed toward saving u res id nee and eotton wart h >use nea. by. The residence, a new twostory frame building, the property of Mr. W . 10. Wliitesell, who lives in Spray, N. was considerably charred, lint was not buriu tl. The cotton warehouse escaped injury. M ills A (had 100 insurance [on their stock of mauls, in several different companies. The members ot the firm are Messrs. S. M. and -I. 15. Mills, father and sou. . 15o!!I I if I 1 W?Kf> inuiI I.>iii.i!...? . I....... - "' unfortunate in their business v? allures. lu ISS(> tliu store of )Ir. S. M. Mills whs burned in the fire which swept away the business part of the town. The burned building was owned by Mrs. Nancy \\ hilcsell, who iefiides at I law Hiver, N. C., and was worth about SoOJ. There was no insurance on it. - The l'rei>by tcrinn Standard1. KditorTimes: ThoCeiilial Presbyterian, in its last issue, tells of I an important event which took, place in New York City Monday night. Before the Presbyterian I nion there wore three reinarka-' j hie anldrci?os, by throe men who are representatives of the three contending views that are now stii ring the Northern Presbyterian church from center to circmnfer; once. i One address wns by Rev. Dr. John Do Witt, of Princeton Theological Seminary, on "The established standards of the Presbyterian church should, in this crisis, bo reallirmed and left unchanged." Another was by Rev. Dr. (Joorge R. Stewart, of Auburn Theological Seminary,on "Entirely new stan l ards of b lief r.rc demanded til the present, time."' The subject of the third addrtss was, "While it would be inadvisable to discard the established standards of the Presbyterian church, the time has come when they should be underui/.ed in form and modified in certain statements." This was the opening of what ; will be the greatest theological struggle that America has t\er seen. As'the Northern Presbvie. rian c-li 111oli litis one-llfill of oil tinI'rcsbytoriaiis in tho world, hoino live times as largo lis 11 n> Southern Presby tei ian eliureli, tliis controversy will determine the charm mt of the Presbyterian chinch of the twentieth century. I n the Xorthei n eh tireh 1 I'res liyte. ios luive voted on tin* advisability of revising the Westminster standards. Of lie se only l*> vobsl for making no change whatever, and III voted for some change, though the. e (1 life red as to the amoi.nt of change I'resi hytoriaiis throughout the wmld will 1)0 deeply interested in the outcome of this matter. A. A Novel Case In Lancaster. The Lam aster ei>! respondent of The State says that a novel sail inow pending :n that county. It grew out of an otl'er of the Atlanta / ? . - v nasi)iiiIi< ii Id pay ?.~.(h) to an> new subscriber to 1 be wei kly issue < f that pa|>? r who ^u? ns (I in nresl to the number of halo* of cotton ilelivt rid at the port of Savannah for the year ending September. ! !>()!). Mr. I<e\\ is ('a lit !n ?, of i leal b Spring-, is the canvassing a^ent <?l tlii* pip- r. and in I -hin_; ip Lous he had an agreement with hiibieribers that tiiey would di\i.le tin* <(pmlly with him if the winner. When the 'Mies ; box was t>pom il it was f ?;ir.u that Mr. Wylio ) !'\vcry, of < hikhurst, was iIto win nor.ami ho ar.vordin^ly scoured the * M.X-J, which ho deposit* d with the KVi'shaw buitk. Lotuiy now refuses to tii vide, c'aiv.:in^j ho had no [ sit c 11 agreement with (.'uuthen.und slick a^rei uient., if had, could not L'o enforced in the courts, because il would bo in.the nntur< of a 1*11111b!in_j contract, wli.o'a is contrary to public policy, etc. C'uuthcn tl.Oioupon coinmonced sail for tlio ft'l iVl'IV <lf 1 b of lb.. ........ .. .unking the banking cuuipai:;, a partv niul procured an injunction restrainii i; I!io binkiii;; company from p.yini; ? lit the nn>iji y until t in- sujt is ileloi mined. It should have l o -n stated that C'.uith'ii advanced tin* $ I siipscriplion price lo the paper I' ?r Lowe. v. A motion was inaile la f. re .Justice .Joins a few days ai?n by bowery's uttoi uey to dissolve the in jane", ion. The motion was refused. The ease will et iue up for homing at the next term of court. Itimi of Stale New'?. Contims refused to appropriate S2ol>,tk)0 l\.r I lie Chai jeston exposition, but i,'iive ItutV.ilo $.*>00,000 and St. 1 .ouis kit),t?OtJ lor the expositions t.? I e held in thine cities this year. It is In pe l that this disci imiiiation will oj en the eyes of ihv Charleston newspapers and that they will discontinue bootlicking the \ ankees. Two at tempts were made to wreck the northbound I'ror.d i-New York fast mail near I lid;;way Satuidij' ni^'ht. The attempts were made two miles apart. Tiny are : upposed to have been for the put pose of rohbery and by several nun. The second barrier was arranged in case the tirst failed. 1 u the lirst ease mi iron rail was fi.stoned a loss the track. The engine stopped as the obstruction was reached. Two miles faitlier a boulder of rock was run into, but was knocked otT the track i>y the pil->1. The livery stable of Mr. Walter I ' .... : i . i t i i\< rr in ivock ill.i was de.-t loyt'il by lire at o'clock Sunday mornino. Tlio negroes employe d at the stable were feed in*; tlio horses when the lire was discovered, aid the a anii was quickly turiud in and responded to. The buildinos. one horse, a considerable amount of fed and Iniooy fixtures were destroyed. The buildino was the properly of .Mis. David (Jordon and was insured It was due to the sph ndid wmk of I he lire department and the cllicaey of the new waterworks that the fire d d not spread. Knrk Hill llera'd: Mr. Frank Di!es, who lest both his leos up i nearly as far as his knees on account of his |M , n nin over tiy a S. t'c (1. i .\. train near the Highland I'ark mill on the .'Id day of last Aliifu.-t. w:;.?. on M .In -1 .t Saturday and a^ain .Monday on his arlilieial f? < t., which lie recently pill el last 11 (it. h ct st. d' $2 '0. 1 le is learning lt> wall; with some ease ami coinfoit ami le p s in a month or two to lie ahle to jjfet |i\ the aid of only one fitiek; lie now uses two. Mr. (lil-s has many friends and they were pdad to see hi in aoain on his let t. Smallpox in Vorkvllle. lhitjnirer, rid. There is a rase of smallpox in town. lie re is no quest ion of the fact. Positive information (level ope l shot t |y after 2 o'eh rl; yesterday afternoon and The Kmjnirer was put i i p >:-si s.-ion of it just a-, the forms were heinjr pn p.iretl for the press. The patient is a nt'^rti who o'-rupii'H out* of I ho tenement house* on the narrow ^ni^e railroiul, la-hind the ?;rid? d school. Tl:e nei^ro i- ludly broken out ami lie is very sick. I i<* was <>n ti.e streets Thurslay nieht in e intact .villi i.iiiite a 11 uial.t r <>i p p'e. A iv.. < ': II.;" <;! I he I) i:tl I < if held I h V.'a oidle I tor yesterday aiteruoon to consider lln* r it nation, and it was our information that the h ard won!<1 recommend that the house i>? (juiica Mined, with .Is minute-, an i tiial in v eases lio t.eated in ! he .cii..e manner. ?< ?The upper mill 111 this phiee was ; closed yestiid'i) as the result of an .leeid-.-nt 1ii?-li o?-ei:rre<l in llio ;ine room !h >n lay nieht, ficKinie^'s Second Inauguration. Wjltiant JMc Kin Icy is n second time PrpM'ili'iit of this '{('public, lie w.u ushered into timt ollioo iii Washiin ton City ]V]outlay tunid moro uutl liner decor it ions tiiau ever have niaeed the holiday;_j national capital. whose streets resounded to the tread of more matching soKUers and sailors than ever have participutiil in a like fundicn. and hail as witnesses to the coit monies a vast multitude 1, . ,.l i r ?t > <1 Iiu I im ini i i i-i j ilt'ii l IV Vi'llt'liovor (lit' Irtiv!11 <>v hi - vie? -Prosidential colleague was viiihle. The day in I lie early for* ii< on nave promise nf heiiin a spring day, hut llio weather was in a capricious iiu <id. and by noon a slow dri'/./.lc had he-uu that lasted with some intermissions, and ail occasional downpour, i'li worst of tlie w? ather came just .is the President was inducted into ollice on the east front of the capital, before i(),Oi )0 | ? ? ;p|e. In point of beauty the Mi litary display probably never has been c~i-oided i:i Washington. The rc?* iiInr oont iiio( nt of cavalry, infantry and artillery were uniformed as though for the most exacting: ollieial inspeetion. The same eonld lie said with equal emphasis of the miv d coiitiiiocnt. It was just after 1 o'clock when Pr< sident McK liiley stepped upon a liandsoinely decorated stand at t lie east I rout of 1 lie cap it ol t o take the oath of ofiiee. A oreat < heel' went up that n echoed until the Inline stand fairly tremblid. Hut a litis!) fe l upon the assemblage as the I 'resilient and ehief justice advanced to the center of tin* stand. The Piesidt nt removed his h it and raised liis li^ht hand. Faintly I could be hoard the solemn words of the chief justice, and the measured response? f tin* 1'iesidciit, taking the oath to maintain inviolate 1 the constitution and laws of the I nitcd States. There was no dein on-I ration as lie concluded the oath. Silverware. We are adding at all times to our line of Sterling Silvi r all the most desirable pieces for table use. For pro.-ents ? r use in your family you can lind nothing I elter. oy/i.' Ib/siMo/infam fr.j ' I hone Vt iT. 1 11A111.1 )TTI'], N. Look Here! 11" you want to pick your (! A lv I >i N SI0K1) from the largest, the fresh* st an 1 be.-t as-'ortment J it ' ? in iowii, can on us. nome m hulk, otlicrs in picka^is. And if we liavcu't ooi wluit you waul, \ i>u arc iu t I1kciy to litid it. Onion Sets smuI . . ( !o\ <r Sood. ^ our liens uceil a spring Ionic. Millie I><>!111 fy E'ood is lite rioht tiling. It makes t licin Inaltliy til.(I makes them lay well. Tiv a pickaxe find you will lie liaiitUoim ly rcj aid. ARBRSFS. KOC'K ill Ll>, S. fijimu auy, t'.kh. INFORMATION. ! wish my firi-mln t<? 11 ti< 1?-rKtm11 < 1 1 hit I mil si ill in ii isio nml Hi lling lh'' ImsI S.'iililh'.s ami Harness <>l any man si lo the lakes that has k!might hair. lu |?a;r:ug <!< in* at I he i 'glit }>ri?'C. vorii rNci.K ii ii.r.s. BARBER SHOP. For Hi's I clns-i tons.>riiil work go tothe harbor slu'.? of \V. K. Curat hers in tin* hank biiiMing. Hair Cutting, Miming, Miami Miin^aial: ing-iug. l.ailh hao* >ha in ; ' at. '& 1 *? Cs .t: 35 I12? S tl O p j The hpratt Mil liiiH' Cunpany iuivo osnp'.nyoil I-ill Iiaibiv to ran lli<'iv I'lnc!'* smith Shop, and I ho patronage of t l?o public i;' iv-tp. "i fatly solicited. .i it-- ^ Z3 WE STITJj Crescent 1 Because thev e;?ve us n i ? i..,.i ? |*i?vvr? cisv" HIM I'l lllaii ili)^ tirade bieyclo. XVv soldi r7 i your than any oilier ye been in the business, am us no trouble for repairs, money buying an unkno when you can get a Cresc dollars more. I*. J. MAS! *40n ?0 New O <S>0 This i.-; the command ?>f our store, Imyer and milliner will stall for tlio No spring ami sammer stork. Miss 11 at tie Curtis will have charge ami with her past experience, the talent ^ proper conception < f how to nmst prolii leading millinery estaidishments of Ann Mill prepared to make anything in this 1 season she received some very gratifying of our tirst iadies on her millinery work, want a spi.hat for the coming scasol willi Miss Curtis, she will Ink- jilengure tli*' Northern mm kefs. A number of spt received. In due time wo will ^ivo notice of 01 MEiLCHAM ft Clearance C!o ilT "THE OLD RE LI A In order to make room are selling for a few days Wli .i GIiOTHI We have a big stock of < sails and men's line nan A only last a jew days, and 1 will get extraordinary ba ^2SJ*S3? X i^s s?j> u -y ?* I I k J^ If*pi vrw^im l-fviV- ' - -y?* VWf$*> * 7T\i* 'V ^ ^ iN "<>1A) HICKOltY* \W are the Fort ">iill a Hickory" Wn-ons. Thoi i>vr and nvvd flavor ropa wagon on Hie market. It" iol \\< sell \ on an U()1<1 Hi satisfaction. T. lijvi.K f * 1 nl^l Bicycles, 1 0 trouble and <he ?| otliel' strictly first- '.,M no re Crescents last 'ml ar since vrc have -1 1 they have given j Don't waste vour % wn cheap bicych , f| out for a very fe ? 5TESTT. fi ??* ' YorkF'^jjflfl oo V. "-''M I bo on Monday, tlie 11th. on * rlliem markets to lay in our millinery department, ;ho lwiH for the work mul the taldy spend two weeks in the Jflfl erica, she will return to Fort ine that you may want. Last compliments from a number Atul if any of our lady friends and will leave their orders in filling their orders While in B ?cial orders have already been nff ur annual spring opening, ? EPFS. S thing Sale f f isu-: store." for spring goods wc only all ^ AT COST. 1 hildren's and boys' | its. This sale will 1 t'bose who buy now rgains. !! i ' jW gent s for the "Old -|;S e wagons run 1 . \{ ii\s titan any other || you need a wagon, 'V?W?RIHTf)R U Br LtAfi^a