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^ 'ji ? : .? ? -rrr'?"<* :? 1 Jlic ,fort jrtUU (Timw, PUHLISII ED WKDN ESD A YS. Win. K BRADFORD. .Mibsuription price $1 per yoitr. t'orres]>ondeiioe on current subjects is invited, iuit we do not ijgvv-o to publish -oeimuniratious containing more than words, and no responsibility is as c. sied for the \iews of eorresjiondeuts. As an advertising medium for t'lmr tte, t'iueville, Port. Mill, and lloolc ill l?n iitosH houses The Times is uuHuriss?;d. lhites made known on applicai 111 to t lie publisher. Local Telephone No. 23. MAIl'JII * iV<V "J'eii Tillman with his pitchfork ;md Mrs. Kn!i ti with her hatchet wouhl make a fino ci mhinntiou. 1 *Miey would he drawing cards on a j " T o foregoing, from the! i . ( >?'.i nns of the Spaitaui g i I era hi. is t he mo-t disgusting j iotnfoolery we have ween in a South j t'atoliim newspaper in ti longtime. In the matter of intelligence. Tillman is the peer of any Senator our | State has ever sent to Washington, I and tin- editor who would associate his name with that of a crazy woman is iiuleo 1 haul up for something to write about. In r< spouse to an invitation extended him to add re.-s the Le^isJ.iture of Alabama, David lb Hill has wiitten a letter of thanks and regrets, in wjd/.h he ur^es the ni .eessily of strengthening the party organization,of avoiding strife and subordinating sellish and personal j considerations to a broad patriot- , ism. Continuing, belays: "Wo should stand as a solid phalanx in favor of a strict construction of the Federal constitution; for the piesorvati m of the reserved lights ,of the States; for the maintenance of the (.onstitutionul currency of . I our fathers: for a system of outdo luxation imposed for public purposes only; for economy in all public expenditures and for the supremacy of the constitution, with all its guarantees, over every portion of pur national jurisdiction; and we should r? si.-t by every honorable means in our power the Kepubli- ! can etforls to fasten upon our country the evils of militarism, the wrongs involved in the diversion of public moneys in the shape of Congressional subsidies, the tendencies toward centralization of power and the substitution of imperialistic ideas f r the phpn and simple theories of democratic government. Upon all these issues the Democratic parly is l'iyht, and sooner or later the rij^ht \yill surely prevail." In the opinion of Mr. Bryan the steel trust will serve a usdul our pose if it awakens the people to a realization of the menace of private monopoly. In an editorial in the }nst issue of The Commoner he svys: "The existence of such a combination of capital, absolutely controlling several lines of business, dealing out daily bread to tens of thousands of workin^mon and dominating a I a roe part of t Ijo business world is in itself indefensible and insufferable. The Kans is City pla'form points out a remedy the pnly effective remedy proposed Let Congress compel all corporations to take out a Federal license before engn^iim in interstate commerce, or, if that is too harah, let it require that corporations having a capitalab >ve a d< si?;nntt d amount shall take out a license. The first condition should he that there is to ho no water 111 tho stock and the si cond thn* the corporat ion is not attempting to monopolize M'iy branch of industry or tl:p proline tiou of nny nrtiele ??f merchandise." ?-4?? Senator Allen's denunciation of Admiral Sampson fqr having \vr.tten a letter opposing the promotion of \vnrrant otljeers in tin* navy been use they had not enjoyed the social advantages* \vhjeh he onsid. Bred requisite for a cotnmisniouod officer in the navy vyas one qf the moH. severe ever hpard on the tloqr of the Senate, hut it wim fully deserved, and it is hep d tlpit it will he nu etTectual bar fo any further] promotion of Sampson. Senator Ai.i-n aid: 'If William T. Sarnie . in : * j tn 11 . of t!i : e iudofi o. t >: (. ?; uc<' i as n' 1 i ?e ' <r ? . f ." Uj.' K" to {*; ak dv % it a < III ei ''e ( country a race of biioh*. If I am correctly informed there was a time when Sampson wms no belter than Chnjrlcs Morgan, t.he gunner, 1 ie cany from no het?.fr slpck. I am triad to repeat thai we are not in i;jg jn ii;Fmtcd hfhites a class of brass-jeweled aiistocats. If this rank ami arrant coward is to be bebelieved, the liin,? may never come in this eounlry when a poor boy jnay attain to such a position as his abilities warrant him in holding. I want to say to Sampson and bis friends that I am responsible for what 1 cay." A Nerihern View ?.f the Negro. Mr. F Hopkins Smith, the well known author, line been lecturing in Northern cities recently on "L'ncle Tom's Cabin/' In speaking of the ein.aueip.itj->11 of the negroes and the negro of today, lie said in Chicago a few days ago: ''They didn't know what freedom meant, and the carpet-bag government further demoralized them. A nigger who found him.-elf no longer a slave put np a shack in the next vacant pasture. He had always been furnished food, and so lie stole hi.; late muster's chickens. The race had b. en dependent, and so first of all it became a race of thieves Left to themselves ami their own original instincts they developed immorality and became drum h. The result was the killing of the nigger. Four millions of .i:. .1 .... ..i.. or ,i iiii-iiiuii it i>vi 111 \ yi'uih ueiore men* time. Idleness, viee, starvation, disease killed them. Only lately old Aunt Cliloe, in Cincinnati, told mo with tears Mowing down her cheeks how she had to leuvo her old master when she became free and how she had suffered ever since. "The new nigger, he who was born since the war and who since infancy has had to rely upon himself, is a u*'W factor. Hi' may survive. Hut he has got to get out of politics and he has got to quit being a {bopp. 1 believe liooki r T. Washington luiy )|uld of the right idea. The nigger must get over the idea that lie is a gentleman and that he can give himself gentlemanly airs. "He must regard himself, as 1>:inker Washington tells him, as a labor machine. As a cellar digging machine he is worth 7.~> cents a day; as a bookmaking machine $2 adiy; as a machinist machine I.e may become worth $1 a day. Unless he be a digger, shoemaker or something, he is no account and worth nothing to society. Going into politics will not save him, :11 .a....:. .i m n m i n ill jiiti^ lll^ I lit" geill lOllKIII. When he is some uccouut {lie while man will employ him ami treat him well an long as he behaves himself ami no longer." -* Throwing Mud on ^Uvenson. There seems to tie general concert of aelioii among the Me Lain in orgmsof the State to throw mm! on Speaker Stevenson. That they must go after him and drag his name around among eneh ether, befouling him with their tilth, arouses suspicion that there is "method in their madness," dire and diabolical. No one of them has yet roino out manfully and said thoy feared him as a possible candidate for Congress in the Fifth district, anil a probable successor o! MeLnurin in the Senate, but one who has become familiar and disgusted with political juggling and trickery can see what the pulling of these advance wires means. The idea is to stealthily create a distrust of the Pee Dee stub sman in the public mind. s > that lie will hnvo t<> battle against deep seated prejudice in case lie cot nee before the people nu n candidate. The attempt to e rial the volt rs into <-nttie pens for voting has begun. The people of York county have already had one humiliating experience in this line and we are hardly willing to believe that they are ready to fall right into the same trap again. By trickery that was so simple that it threw voters completely olf their guard, people literally fell over no inothei an 1 howled ? own free .1 li The He ah Ut in Yol k court h i a I it *0 me li.Kii rio. Many r I si'ir" 11 u'ict U . , . ... v .si nill \ :i\, 111 Bonding to tin* Senate a man wlio lias never failed to rally to the .-import of Mark Hai'iia whenever the Liepu.hlieaus i:t the Senate needed a vote. Think of it. vottis; think what you have helped to do, and then ask yourselves tlie question, will you throw open your niotiilis and shut your eyes aj^ain like a lot of youiii; i;-os!in|48 and have t he soft mud rammed down your throats?? Volkville yeoman. ? ? ?-? ? I.e.*3 Drinking in the South. Before the lit ^innin^c f the Civil war and for sov? ral \ ears i;Fit r. the distinction of the Souther:: Stales as the^e wuieh produced and consumed a larger amount of .* |>iritnous liquors than any ^roup of Slides in I he eo'.Mil r v was ui.rhal Jen^ed. i5ul since I lio ?.*!?<. f tl.e war, or, rat her,since t lie etVaremeiit of the passing generation of lh;hticolonels and thiisfy majors, a complete, palpable and veiy marked change has come aim >.?t imperceptibly over the face of (hint's in the .South, and while Kentucky and Maryland continue to produce whisky in very lar^e quantities, as warehouse returns of the I'nited Stati s t ea.-ury indicate, the larger part of the product of both States is shipped North; comparatively little is sent South for consumption. ]n fact, the South is becomiii?i the temperaueo section of the I'nited States, and of 200,01)0 retail liquor dealers in the I'nited States, having licenses of various sorts, there are only 1,000 in Alabania, tdO in Arkansas, 100 in Florida, 1.200 in Georgia, dot) in Mississippi, 1,200 in North (' anh din in South C'arolia, wliero tlu' dospvmsary system prevails, and in which there lias been a very marked reduction in the sales ot liiiuor durinrr recent vears. ? 5p3iikcd Mubby i;i a Saloon. Tjip Ijttln town of M;uk!ovi|je, Ind., lilts tlirco saloons and the women are determined to ?.;< t i it 1 of tin in. The Carrie Nation idea is not canied out altogether, but tin Monday night a woman tlemol- } islied one saloon with stones and j old bottles. Tuesday night another ! woman took another course. Haying that if every woman would see to it that In r husband keeps away fiom the.- e j laces the saloons won Id soon have to ipiit business. She is a woman of larue proporti >ns, and, pmrurtng a hoard, made a elaphoard of it and went to the s.iloon. She found her husband w itb half a do/.en other men seated about a caul table with a lass of beer in front of him. She grabbed her bj t ho neck a ml, seat - ii!<4 herself 111 a chair, pulled him across her lap, face (iown. and ap plicil tho ch-ph. aril vigorously. The husband made a fcch'.c effort to net up, l)Ut found the w ife much the stronger. After tiring ( f the clapboard the irdewife took her. husband by the car m.d h d him to tin* other saloons and warned him always to remain away front them and then went home. Three other women lead llu ir husbands frt m the s.doon by the ears. Miss Alary Sledge returned to Chester Monday morning, j,fu r a short visit at the home of Mr. li. F. (i rior. Senrtjor Tillman passed through Fort Mill yesterday morning en route to his home in Tienton. I it will ret urn to Washington Monday. Dr. i'. S. Kirkpatriek has moved his olliee from the Watson buildinn 1? tho house next door to his residence on lJooth street. The room recently ore up cd hy Dr. Kirkpatriek will he the central oftiee of the local telephone system alter |liis \ycek. HKADhTONKS. COFFINS, KTC. Anyone wishing; t*? buy a Monument or tloadstone of the latest style, either in marble or irvniiite. would do well in call on me for prices. I nlsn keopn nice line of C'onins,rjisUctsan<l Burial Uobes, both for Indies and gentlemen. T. I). FAUl.KN EU. For First class Fen ice go to niWI.TQV* - 1U>T\!R1\T Opjiouto 1 st Fre>bvti:ri.?.i church, CliAKLOT'l K, N. Fes' Oysters tu the eitv. 1 urges. lunch con tiler in tb ;-i:iTe. 4'Jl West T?-ji lc , :i. ot. fc/llvEET TAX NOTICE. ''i.e. !. IV it ordained by the Intendant and Wardens of tho tuwn of Fort Mill, S. (in council assembled, That all persons subject to street duty under the laws of Soul h Carolina, residing in t he said town of Fort ? !ill, S. ('.hall between the first day of April, 1 Mi,and ile- liftt.eaih day of April, lPt'l, pay to tin treasure: ;?i said town a conu.iulat ion tax of two dollars or fievforin li\e days' work oa the streets of -aid town under t he direct ion of t he prop r authorit,:. s. Sis'. S. That all pers ms liable to work 0:1 said streets and feilin:; to pa\ said e nit mutat ion tax or labor as a bore required on or before the fifteenth (jay of April, I" ?I, shall p ty acoiMiuitation tax of t wo dollar- and !ifty cents or perform five days' labor on the streets of sain town, provided such tax be paid or labor performed oil or before the ijrst of Mav, I Pel. h'i.e. 3. '1 hat after the first day of May. 11)01, all delinquents under this ordinanee shall he arrested and brought before tin Iiiteudaut for trial and il ? < nvieted shall j?uy a line of live doliars or be ijupricatied ten days or sentenced to perform ten days' hard labor on the St reel g of -a id town. Untitled t his-h li da> of March. l"d. A . A N t III N't J. \ e t i il ' J il 11nil !i I Ill A (i. t-M YTIIK. Tri'iistnvi-. OLD N KWSl'A F EKS Foil SALi; AT TIN-: TI.MlvA OFFICE J U. Fraywick & Co,! DMALEP.S IN fine moi'ouk a x i> wi x i:s. No. 12 ICjist Truile k't. ('IIA UI jO I'TIC, - - - N. C. FOK (K)OI) WHISKIES, WINES, l HilAXDIES, ETC., CAM. ON WIUTSi TO w. if. iioovkh, umaoni:, n. c. ! \ A *" > 3 ,'r Aj -03 v;:A/ 'z&zZS w,-. y ' '/N^V' h' c *v 5." - 1 v i' c I ; -1 fearv f>?l lml5 v~-C s. / -o vv^ >.-S> V'' ' ! ^ Ffs a W.i'lc ol Words to atipto with lho patrons of tinModol istnnni 1 amidrv. t harlot to, N. t'. ?thoy know fall woll that washing ami ironing of ovorything olomtsihlo in the lino of woarinrj appamd is rlono proporly hy us. What wo want is for yon to know it. Monro this advortiso nioiit. Will yon favor us with a (roil ardor? Wo will ho happy to call for and to drlivor tiny thing vo.i may want i lunndorod. Wo nuiko a spooialty of lamploring wind Av ourtains. t d. L. ncLl.M \Y, Agent, fort Wilt, S. C? Increasing s::kis a tie: WALTER . r: Tabular Sic Gu:xr:a? i:\'.-rt over all oilier.j in. craalit' improvements, incl'adinj "vvrheols, Roller and Us Simple Voot T:ifu cf j-rcat andTradi Clearer; a ma draft and durability. CATA LOG I A. A. Y(H NO, Agenl j For HOLIDAY PR?SE*NT The Lamp cf \ 1 [ ?1 Tin* lamp iloesn't Jltro i 1 " v. laniJtMt>w ? tin1 lot 1 >5(0 ?,^>y v<ni I'l-t ii n:nl Mir * tr-i.i,!: tin 1 f ( \ i:ir-!i I' " I Willi. voi. Imvi "Che Hcn> 3 r ' "I''/ ' , V A* \\ 1 '( y O'.l.i r Jnntps inny bo *.fir?r*?? ' \ ' tlivy may I*-, in wnno rpstn-iw |\j ' x/ nyim, tlieii 'ii wilrono.* thv 1"..up ?'Tvtv.l ycii,i is t J'ff Oil it ; fvi-py lamp Iiih it. (.">? 0!?I T.MlMpr*t A | t - . '* ' ' x V.'.i van till p.vry In. n w.i ii j,'* ^ ' >ji want a iiv v I 'imp r w.'.nr. n.i c' ' 3 fcth'tl, ava m n ?<1 or -i :*?. ' 1 ",0 n Mow RochcstI f ml 1 ill I.It I 'III - I'll llli' mi ] Jt V Aj, Wc arc 31*1 CI A LIS I'.*? In tl?> I Limps. C M ioH I the bockesteb uaij_a f I \ \ i i FRIENDS. I Lend Us You G> The evil that men do The ^ood is oft iutori oThough the Roi*k not (load, it has undergo in its inanagrnu nt, ai oarnostly requests that and guarantors absolut lily, quality and prom] We gi\e pounds nfHiiiilrf r.f ilnur ? 5. , grade fiour, for every GO ROCK HILL Mi l. is. j'how DAN N Ell CORDOVA Pound pucka; III fill?" i ii-iiifiti nil in-* t1 li,.nc..L, " 1 " IV *w *. good eotTee, still on every package o to toll you of a new way to make it. ieg e. the, l>i:t insteiul recommend I ('otl'cc. 11 lias no superior for pari in your own old-fashioned way?lil using this brand you will have a tie, favorably with any you ever tasted i this octree to a grt at many of our ei I etter than any l.Vcent coffee they Save your Cordova wrappers, a hughes C Springfield Stock Farm. | (I'ra^oii U581T.) 1 fort f<?; <!, >hnrt Horn, Aberdeen-Aliens Cat11?*; Miropsliire Mieep; Kiiklish IVrkshiro lines; bronze Tuvki'ys, and Harred L'ly mouth Hock and Indian (.nine I hickons. Write for prices. .1. 1\ ritdWDUR, Kupt.. FORT MILL, S. C. st the worth of the A.WOOD jffr | tarnm iel Mowers. ion and finish, ranking T of materials and latest g Gtccl or Cast Drive .11 Bearings, New and ; capacity, Spring Lifter rvcl of simplicity, light JFZ FREE. r, FOUT Mil.I., S.C. S~iTEVSKYPAY US E Steady Habits in or xmoke, von 111> l *.(krt ? I wli. ii jy yf lanu> that you never will- a ytK q n ; thai ? fi i Rochester. V^||/ I you r?? " jurt .n pwl . ??>2???3yri , loit for uii I'.imuiv! ^nciV tol^yVrjaj .V< :o J*ii. 'i< %,* To n.ako agffffeHg i liiif. I.m-U for the nuuio r r? I i Vnrii-u-s , J ? I f-"' ' New. I ina' i- 1 ' : . iiii-'ft'iiii c"?izTr, -d?-sji f, i cii.i u it. Let n.s f\ n?a.y.1 g*y' "ji ratmrnt <.( C'.tczscs of . \>-J avion HkLt". V?J 3H Park Pln-.v :11 V.arr^aj ? ., Xeir TorV. _ T I J I \ 4 ! E ' r EarsB *. ? ( 1 iv'?)5 nfler thei?; it'll with their bout's. . (fliil Holler Mills is j tine a complete change nd the new manager : you give him a trial, } ( satisfaction, if quail* l>(b attention merit it. l i ; of head Hour, or 34 i did 4 pounds of low\ ounds of good wheat, 3LLER MILLS, n, manaoeu. ifLER'S I I I, GOFEEE. ;ei, 15 cents. ?epe)ts know how 1o innke n cup of f roa'atod coffee somebody is trying Wei offer no new recipe for nmkto yum our fine brand of Cordova ty, strength and richness. Make it ie vojur mother made it ? and bv . . I . , " 1 lieioulu <everago that will oompare it lioi^ 3 or abroad. Wo have Bold lstomjeiB and all agree that it is have jlet tried. nd ask) to see our premium list, t { DINING ROOM DELICA P Bi c* ;? m p m \ Yellow^ California Dessert Feacliod, 20 cents upr cftii. l'irst (jnuility Fie reaches, 10 cents per can. "(Joldcii (ilory" fancy Table Syrup, in 10, 25 tind 45 cent cans. "Bride of the Valley" Sugar Corn, 10 ee!its pel' can. Finest quality Columbia Itiver Salmon, in 20 and 25 cent cans. Choice English Brawn, 15 cents per can. Wcller'fi 1 repared French Mustard, 15 cents per can. llonic made Jellies ? plumb, blackberry and peach?in jars, 10 cents. t hoict. Fruits and Vegetables always on hands. Fresh Fakers' Bread every Saturday. Send your orders early and bread will be delivered promptly. A, 45, joiass. G.W. NORMAN & CO, WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL LIQUOR DEALERS, Box 05. - - CIIAHLOTTE, N. C. I take much pleasure in calling yonr attention io the very low prices of my line old open furnace Whiskies, which for fifteen years have* had no equal, eit her for drink or medicinal purposes. Having pur glased large quantities of Old Mountain Corn Whiskey sit very low prices last summer when distillers wore pressed for cash, I am prepared to \e special attention and very low quotations to anyone wanting anything in my line. All orders must l>e accompanied by cash or bank reference, lie careful to examine my price list, which includes jug and box: ' Sweet Mash Corn, $1.60 to $1.7a Old Corn Whiskey, very line . 2.00 (food Host: Gin, .... l.tM 1 Best Holland (Jin, . . . 2 00 Fine Geneva Gin, , , 3,0(1 \ First rate Sunbeam Rye, . . 1.00 I Best Sunbeam Rye, . . . 2.00 Fine High Grade Ryes, . . 3.0C. J North Carolina Apple Bin tidy, . 2.25 Old N. U. Beach Brandy, . . 3.50 Bute New England Ruin, . . 1.7a Bonch and Honej, . . 2.00 S Rock and Rye, .... 1.7a old Norman Corn, 5 year old 2.50 Fine Bottled Whiskies, inclose box 4.00 No charge will tie made for keg when you want such quantities. I Most respectfully, G. W. NORMAN | CO, ^