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RAM'S HORN BLASTStHK adderr on a jeweled tray Is dangerous as its fellow in tho dirt. Christianity is to tho Christless as the science of optics to tuc blind Abiding achievement is greater than rcstle.-s activity. The approbation ^ of self is seldom I V* born of the approval of conscience. Evil fastens on lis only because it finds affinity in us. No weapon will slay the enemy like tho "Sword of the Spirit." Charity draws ftoni an exhaustless fountain; the more it givej, the more it has to give. Tho saddest day for the Christian is that in which ho seeks satisfaction outtide of Jesus. luerv in no pruiiusQ mui me cnurcn which Ik a pour bcgger will ro.-t in Abraham's bosom. The pains of colic ate not to bo confounded with penitence for applecoon ing. You can always find many to go the way of riot with you, but then you can always find One. the Son of Man. to go to the way or righteousness. ? A good man not only knows how to live; he knows how to die. ' The true Christian Calendar makes every day a saint's day. He who fears God need never fear Jnan. ) The begging Church is a libel on the giving Christ. t Man's favor Is temporary; but Cod's is everlasting. 5 Too much service 6tools our time for feerious thoughts. | The sceptic hits at the New Testament miracles with a view of hurting its morals. God knows how much faith wo have nut tries us so we can honor Him with our faith. \ It Is hopole.-s consulting the compass of conscience when you lay the loadstone of lust lxv>ido 1L Thirty-two young people of Idverpnol, England, contracted typhoid fever. all on the same day, from eating Ice cream. Young man. rend this awful experience to that girl of yours when she wants a disli of ice cream, and you have but nine cents and a suspender button in your pocket. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Contra] Time at Jacksonville and Savanna"! twisicru Tiino at Other Points. Schedule In hlffoct Jan. 27th. 1031. KfliiTiranmin |No.1Ji!>?o.3>'>'No.&8 north bound. iDatly | Unilycx Su Lv. Jocksoiivlhe (l?. n? 7 Lp 1- Cp snwuuiah foo. Ky ).. |li&op.l'JIh'tt 4oop BltRWUl ; 4-'.p. 4 Ota " PiV-kvulo 1 4oyp 4 -ba' SlKp Ar. Columbia .. ?i Mpj C loa1 9top 1>V.Charleston, teo. i*., . , on Hoppl O-vp " buiiimervilU! 7 41a l .iAkil tli>v.p i" Huuichvitic su.n 7u?i. 7 Hop " Oriuigchin-g t) !K!a 4.'>a 7 fop I" KiuKviliu ? ... lu luii 4 iLixi ?4.p Ar Oo.uuitiiii lliKji u 7>j:i OU.p Lv. AVUUSlU, tOO. UV.) ^Trfvlp "uTnTp Lv. iTiauiiovino Suity lullip! Lv. Ailteu . It lop ... | 7 lop Lv. Truuinu 4 0-ii 11 OUti, ' -l l 1? 1 I "JUPI Ar. Columbia, tU. l>.? .,>l? 2 Jun Lv. Uo.uiubm, ihnlt: ai ?-Mpfa2k.u iMsp V. innsboro 7 l.?p' 7 2 a l.iiDp V. Qbat.vr 8blp; 8 I.ji 11 -Mp Look Hill MJnpi 8 41in 11 4?p y.Ohriwf nftn>| Q4tfft|.aa>? 4r. Dauvilla .. i,??,ia l asp; a liu Ar. KK-aiaaiil . I it u -n ~t>Sop! Ar. \V mining ou . . ... ; ,i, u ttbbpllO 1-A Bu.tiinoru (Pa.ItU) 9 ].<u 11 Jjp'U 2.'a J hl.nue.pliia . . 11 ...u 2 6?'u! 1 bdtt " N*?* 1 rl;. >Ufp iliji 416> tv. Co umbiu jnTaTH^iai .... Ar. StpnrUuiburg 1 i> lap II " A.mevilie .! 7 l.>p ?4.sp Ar Km.xviim I 4 lfiq] 7 ?>p| A Omi luua i J 7,wp| ;"3Tuj . ... ^r. i. 7.7 4vpl7"37?l i rol'tiibounu. N?.?U|No;a5 N' Dully IJuily ex r>u Lv. l.'?i i^viiiu ~ | 7 I6a| . . Lv. Cincinnati h.s,n m>.p Cv. Kuuxvillo ..........T77" i Amfi> a?h "777 " Annevino auf>p .... " t>parinubiirg 11 4{>:r a lop Ar. (Jo tiinbia .. .. ... l?2bp PUbp! Cv. Jtit.v yurk(Pa.ll.U) ... b ..op l-4i>in " Hiimdniptiia I'bbp l*6ui| II lllp " Baltimore 827p rt'iiiii 3 22p Lv. Wmthl'ici'ii (s?.Ky> . . BBOpIll lflal 6U6p Cv. Klonmouil ? ill ejp Ki>irn' Ly. DuuvUlo " 4 MB? &48p 12 6.A Lv, pliurlotm I? lliH t'.sip' 4-!a " liock Hill noun 10 Wp Oju " Clamor PMiallJup' f>2.a " Wiun.iboro lb 1m?.12 t?nj Obit Ar. Columbia, (BUlgSt lU'frn l loii! 7 boa Lv. Cut tun bin, lU. D.) I! iiOu 4 9bn' Johnston lltlp rt Ifn " Trenton 1 dp. a 4rn| Ar. Aiken 22bp 7 Hon' 9 40a A r. Uptliilovillo 2 lbp; 7 lva A r. Ai'vtis n ^ * .yip' SUla lb 2. a Lv. Coluinltifi (?o. liy) Vbbpi 1 .-oil! 7 CKi t" Klnirvillo 4 4;tp i jrjnl 7 is.* " Ornniroburg. :ap a 4aa M4!:? Hi HU.-hvlllo ? lip: 4 2f^i b All " Huinnierviilo 7 .lip! 6 r>7u lb :i>* Ar. Cnario-non 8 l.r>|> . ?x,:t 11 17>a w>v<uum (on. 11 ;.Ul, I l.llll l llJl i" Mlackvlllo 1 lop, ~ f>7ui Hdm I" lUrnwoll 1 vupl u l.'n Savannah ... Buiipt f'JUwllOlMa Ar. Jao'cs.vivH.o iP. S.> . . 't 4opl 0 'Jfin 'J Zip Slariiini; Our Snrvlnit. Excellent ilnUy passenger service liotwcen ' lorlda and Now York. Nos. .>1 ami .SI?Now Y<>r4t and Florida Limited. Diily oicopt riuuclav , composed exclusively of Pullman flrpvu Ciawlug Koom Sleeping, Coin part mont and Observatory Cars l??twcoD Now York, Columbia and St. Augustine. Cullman aUieping oars between Augusta and Aikiiu and Now York, runs from Augusta to Columbia via tiln.-kvillu. I'arlor oars between Charleston and Columbia. Nos. Jo und .i4?Now York and Florida Express. Drawing-room ilMVing oars latwwn Augusta and Now York. Cullman drawingroom steeping '-ar* between Port Tampa, Jacksonville, Havonnah Washington ami Vow York. Pullman sleeping eats botw.en Charlotte and l'n-hmoud. Dining oars between Chariot to end Savannah. Nos. do and 88?U. S-Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing-room buffet sleeping oarsW twoua Jacksonville and Now York and Pulli i iu sleeping oars between Augusta and Charlot to. Uiuuig cars servo all munis enrouta I 'oilman sleeping ears between Jacksonville and (Vdunibm. ?nroute doily between Jackson v.,le and Cincinnati, via Aeneviilo. /HAN K K. GANNON, B. H HABDW1CK, Third V P. & Urn. Mgr., Uen. Pus. Agt., Washington, D. C. Washington, 1). C. W. H. TALOR, K. W. H L'N T, Afc'tiien. rasn. Ag't., Civ. Puss. Ag't.. Atlanta. Ua. C Uarlesion, S. C. L. v i ^ Stray Shots. Even his Satanic Majesty Is called b7 nick names. When a man gets tight he generally has a lot of loose change. Marriage is usually a failure to a man who talks in his sleep. The pretty girl may not marry her photographer, but sho is usually taken by him. Living Skeleton?"The ossified man can't got a jab." Fat Woman?"Ilard luck, isn't it?" The roots of a strong tree do not make much rustle but they do tho hanging on in time of storm. When a man feels that he is loosing his memory he can usually measuro himself by attending a minstrel show. WF.DI)IN(1 TAKE BOXES. > Brent importance is always attached to the bride's cake on the oooasiym of a wedding, and it is usually accorded a distinct place of honor in the marriage festivities. The bride herself lakes no small amount of interest in this emhlciu of her nuptials, and undoubtedly keenly appreciates the task of CUttillf mi I tin onl.-n ?-ii?iT ceremony an<l dispatching email portions in tlie fancy pasteboard boxes with the orthodox silver-edged card to her friends and relatives. In the designing and choosing of artistic wedding eako boxes all showy tlt'i.'Ots should lie discouraged and simple elegance aimed at. The boxes may be mounted in cither fancy emhorsed pnjicr, rich watered or plain silks or satins. The silver or gold entwined monogram of the bride and I ridegronm and the pretty bow of suit? j ably colored riblioa always impart a very elTective appearance to even uu ordiuury cardboard box. . 1 iio self-made man too otton forgets to g.\u tn.i wile any of mo credit. So. 7. I wo hundred bushels of potatoes remove eighty pounds * of4'actual" Potash from the ! ! . ... . | ' \ soil. Unless this quantity f. is returned to the soil, : ^ tlie following" crop will ! t - Pi/ materially decrease. y' ) ' "e have books trllmg about 1 s composition, umj niul value of ~-r* ??. icrlili/cis tor various crops. Tlicy are sent iree. J . -a'A*. v-'-^-."-^'^GtUMAN KALI WORKS* SKBi ELIBBY'S r.r.e. i" s?ups! TEN CENTS S ? ? I T.ihlwV* snnn< nrr o< (?nn^ nc ?nim? A i w r- ?- ? < ? ??r? m | n can be. Some cooks may know is how to make soups as good. None ^ * can make them better ? none so j ? cheap!v. Six plates of delicious o c? soup lor 10 cents ? and think of m * the bother saved! ? (4 a t# Oxtail, Mullagatawny, Chicken, 2 Mock Turtle. Tomato, Vegetable, :* 0 and Chicken Gumbo. *? < At vnur Kroc?rrs, in cans ready for instant serving ju?t heat thein. LCOCY, McttEILL & LIBOY Chicago O Write for our booklet, "How to Make t* Good Things to liat." * I tsonoesoaactoti? rirasaa saai mjlm ajr SSRAPEC-wil OrcAlft*. Cheapest Food on Cnrtli J ^ *or Swln*. Cattle, l P ''J&'i-tC ** worth #100 lo yon to Nli wkU | ssjr-f vr'1 calaloiM) !*??( itpa, ^ Dollar Grass ptvlti^cly rnOis jou tWih ; 12 U?ns I , k- V ( lny ard luaof |? tur?)fr vi?,?o 1U0 | ' Bronitis, Pe?oait Sprlu (400 bo. co???,ai>0 . I l?ii. ??la J<r a.,) etc.. ?t.-. > For this Notice and 10o. i a fUrY"% -yf it- ' I l ie cats rg and 10l?rm Ssad I J^f7f>^LTB. lully wotth f lOlo g*l s sisit. I Frr t lr. 7 splrtidU v?f?t?hU and 8 ' I 1 ^ *-* bTllilsnl (Um?r d sod catalog. | j iJOIIN A.5AIZER SEED C0."cdH h m. m m m m m - ? m. m lu m-m m m wtw^w-?-M ' GRASS and FIELD SEEDS ONION SILTS. POTATOES. PP.ASt WINTER, RUST PROOF, BLACK, I WHITIi OATS, SO J A BEANS. &c. S. T. BEVERIDGE & CO., I 2 I 7 I-:, (nrj St.. IIII imo^D, V A. Alii:MS WANTED SI, " Booker T. Washington," tfrlu<<ii lijr lilmsHf. Kveryhody buy*; agents Hfo now making over $100 per month; beat nook l i*n|| toiulo ml j>f>ot?lo ever |>iib)l?lu>i|. Write f?-r tonne or !M irnln lor nuiUl end begin ntonee I'Iohso 111 ? i tl<>ii llils pnpi-r. Adilirm J. L. MCI10LS & tit, Atlanta, Georgia, f ilL FREE WITH SEEDS.h PsiSS NO MONEr REQUIRED. 9 V' ' *? / ^flwlllncnd you ?J0 parka***!* * ( choice I .V/ fi'griablc on conMlgnment. H W ken > 0*4 hav? ho hi them you can take H v.??r to f f 8 line t*r?n.iuiu?, lot lu?tli fSlhroHllrii H?uh, I (ioliyt?ri l?hfil ( loel, ?>le. h?n I |i>?Ul vceyuog (Mb offer I in i i' will f r*?r I wedl. l?y g H T. J. KlMi IO , Hreihmrn, Klrhraund, V u. H trNvIt for ?- iMng 1<?J r? k%g>v U] < \?iiK*h ^yTuf^S'astrB CfiO M In tlnip. Sold he tlniffL'lita. p*f KjjEasB l,\Vu r/^ruioThcaicson's Eye Water v - * A Best For the Bowels* Mo matter whnt alls you, headache to a caucer, you will never Ret well until your bowels are put right. CascabkTs help nature, cure you without a gripe or palu, produce easy natural movements, cost you just 10 cants to start gettiag your health Luck. Casoarits Caudy Cathartic, the geuulne, put up In metal boxes, every tublet has C.O.O. stamped on It. iloirtue oI imitations. The busy mau who uover bos any tlmo might cut a fow dates. Ittrr'a Oooan firmer \V!ri msolutelv cure Croup, t'ouoita and C'oi C9 qu cko. th in anything known. The bicycle seems <to bo on tlie retired list. A Crntennrlnn. or urnnam. of Kentu- ky. who lived to ho onn ' hundred yearn old, attributed bin long Hfo and lreedom tmin illness to Mm us?of Crab orchard VVtiter. It was Ills out/ medic, no. I'lso's Cure cannot b? too highly sunken of as a cough cure. W. O'Brib , fe! Third Ave.. N., .Minneapolis. Minu., Jan. C, JUOO. Scratch"#, -uddlo galls. sore shoulders, aw- etiny. cuts, hi u ses, atid lameness of ever,kind,cured atones by iioosotirea-o Liniment. The wimly day brings out th* ashman. Indigestion is a bud companion. Got rid of it by chewing a i>ar of Adams' Pepsin Tutti Frutti after each meal. The girl with high ideals aoldom marries an aeronaut. All goods aro aliko to Putnam FAorrEss Dvks, us they color all libers at one boiling, bold by ull druggists. It doesn't take an artist to dratv inferences. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Tnko Laxative Uu?ho Quixink Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cum E. W. Ubovk'b bignatu-e ou each loc. "I'm afraid I shall never bo fTItellefiTual." remarked a little Germantovm girl. "I've got su.h a pug noeo I could never keep glasses on It." ni-warr ?? Olniinrni* for CntnrTli That Contain .llrrrur). as mercury will surely destroy tlie sense of smell a lid completely derange tflew hole system when entering it til rough l.lic mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be ustsl except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, ns the damage thi>\ will ilo istmi t.? ?l.......... I ran possilily derive from them. Hud's < nturrh Fure manufactured by K. .1. ( henry & Co., Toledo, < contains no mercury. and is taken internally, acting directly upon the bloixl and morons stirfai es of the system. In buying Hall's' atarrh uro ho sure to gctttie gcntiine. It is taken internally, an i is made in Toledo, Ohio, by K. ,1. lieney .V ? o. T stiinonials free. jTf 'Sold by Druggists; priee, 75c. per bottle. Hall's Family I'ills are tlie bust. New Clerk?"Who is that ohl duffer that has so much to say?" Old C.erk ?"Oh, he's the firm's silent partner." Tlie Ileal Prrirrlptlon I'or Flillls and l'ever is a bottle of Gboyb's t'ui!.:. Tosio. It is simple iron and ipiintne in a tasteless form. pay. 1'rice23c. Rollingstone Nonioss?"I read in de paper yistidy dat's dere's a new coun- j forfeit $20 bill." Tatterdon Torn? "I'm glad you mentioned it. Frum now on I accept no twenties." Pon t forget nil pains relieved at once by Goose Uroatio. Nov diik, so I'AY. Nell?"Maud isn't a bit fomintne." Belle?"No. I have actually seen her thank a man for a seat in a street car." Wanted -At Once! Traveling salesmen with or without experience $ bo 00 and exp'-nss For partteuln s wrllo I ocahouuis lolmcvo Works, liedford City, Va. The follow who lives in an nttle seldom complains of too high living. Senators and Conereso are iiotv using Goose Grea-o for sore throa . iioar-eness an I colds; it cure- wll ll a I tdso fail. The wise use Goose U rcaso for man or heast.overy bottle guarant'd THE DELTOID MUSCLE. (t Plays a Prominent Part in the Tailor's Business. "It is n rare fhing." said the talking man, "to llnd a merchant tailor who can get a 'perfect lit' in the clothes he makes. So rare, in fact, that I have sometimes thought that tailors, of all ... nut-w iciiKi now to do tlieir j work right. Yet the tailor, or the cutter. rather, is not always to blame, for a perfectly cut garment may be often set askew by a careless maker, who by a crooked sea in or a slight departure from the line set for his needle may | throw the whole thing out of plumb. Still, a good tailor ought to know when a garment tits, and should either be able to correct its unfitness or not let it leave the shop. Speaking of the rutting part, I remember an incident that occurred once at a i-onvention of cutters held in Cincinnati. The subject for discussion was the cutting and iltt?ng of garments, and a testy old Scotchman had the floor. lie said in effect that if a coat were cut to set right upon the deltoid muscle the wearer would always And it comfortable and well fitting. | " "In fact,' said he, 'the defoid muscle determines the tit of a coat.' ! " 'Will the gentleman state wh&t and where the deltoid muscle Is?' asked a cutter on the other side of tlio chamber. "The Scotchman turned on him sharply. " 'Sir,' he said, angrily, 'do yo 1 claim to be a cutter and r.ot know where ii.? deltoid muscle is located? Don't you know, sir, that a knowledge of the human anatomy is as important to the tailor as it is to the surgeon? Do you expect to cut a garment to tit an olv jeet whose every line and curve you do not know? You might as well try to lit a plug to a hole without knowing the size of the hole. No, sir. the gentleman will not state what and where the deltoid muscle is. It is your duty, sir. to know the deltoid muscle, not mine to instruct you." "The discussion ended there, simply because tUero was nobody present to carry it <u*. for I don't bellcvo a xosn in the place except the old fellow knew anything about deltoid muscles, I know I didn't, hut as soon as I got to a dictionary 1 looked it up. ami I found that the Scotchman was ricbt."? Washington Star. annoy you and mako you irrit: unlit for ordinary duties, and a I That bearing-down sensal miserable. You have backache and pa in top of head, later on at the 1 Such a condition points i trouble. If you had written to Mrs. I perioneed impaired vitality, 3 I these hours of awful suffering. Happiness will be gone out unless you act promptly. Pr< Vegetable Compound at o neip you. Then writ? to Mrs there is anything about your i i'ou need not ho afraid to not explain to the doctor?you and is absolutely confidential, once with such troubles enab best for you, and she will char Mrs. Valentine Tells ot Nap Lydia K. Pinkhani's "Dear Mrs. Pinkham It is with I add my testimony to your list, hoping | others to avail themselves of the benef uablo remedy. Before taking Lydii liam's Vegetable Compound, 1 I was terribly nervous and tired, had sic no appetite, gnawing pain in stomach back and right side, and so weak I o stand. I was rot able to do anything paiuoall through my body. Before I li a bottle of your medicine, I found -nv ing. I continued its use until I ha bottles, and felt so well that I did tokean^ more. Iam like a new porf medicine shall always have my praisi P. Valentine, 566 Ferry Avenue, C; $5QQ0REW/ ii? Pafp*t, <dirc?t cure for J I* Subtil I S a11 throat and lunr * ' Ki>f W? I tronlilc* I'eoplepraise Cough Syrup Quick*, nive rriultf. Krtuae anostiUvtes. Oct Dr. null's Cough i?vrui>. Eatab CSS}'?* O p 11 CO of erpry .iwrlptton. Pnt?fejT'ty-"*?s OiinLtO tsf i. tion (IniTMiteoil. rpi mtft \ Writ" for m -. 11.~>si: m \i:i>kn . - . ? A LUXUn ]\/T AKE no mistake I 1 V 1 See that my head is on every package of / LION COFFEE j n you ouy. u guarantees | its purity. No coffee is I LION COFFEE unless it is in a I pound sealed packet with the | head of a lion on the 1 front. Then you get pure coffee?the highest grade for the money. In every package of Ll< list. No housekeeper, in fact, i H whioh wi-H contribute to their singly cutting out a certain r I packages (which is the only miri a i wmrarm I tched." "I feel as if I should 3 :pressions are ! Little tilings jj ible. You can't, sleep, you arc | iro subject to dizziness. :ion helps to make you feel tins low down in the side, pain jaso of the brain. unerringly to serious uterine 8 Pinkham when you iirst ex- 0 *ou would have been spared jj of your life forever, my sister, fl ocure Lydia Ik l*i uklium's 9 nee. It is absolutely sure to H ;. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass., if use you do not understand, toll her the things you could r letter is seen only by women Mrs. Pinkham's vast experiles her to tell you just what is go you nothing fur her advice. py Results Accomplished by Vegetable Compound. pleasure that fi ^ "v it may induce || IIjSpSSW I i ^ Owine to the fart tnnt some sceptical 9 \ K a 9 p,e?ijIr '' ! vf from time to time ?]*.;es* ioned I A E & [iJ the tfrnhinrnr** ??t the testimonial letter* 9 wr .? we hu.e 9 the National C?tv Hank, of i >nn. Ma-s $ .aoo, B laid to nny person who ran show th*r the .ihove I i?t ^muiine, or wan published brf??ir <btiin:n< the 3 erini?*ion.?I^ydia lv. Pxkkiiam Mkmcinb Co. 3 imiTFiwi ii irrn n n tt~tt?nr iiiii ? * j m r FI Ni i T n nirinBihii pecan co . iort worth*Stixas*. Use CERTAIN SF CURE. H , 1 IV I ? ? ? ~ - ? - ii wiirsiiM i lit. KtAUr Watch our next advertisement. Oft COFFEE you will find a no ^oman, man, boy or girl will f? happiness, comfort and convenience tumber of Lion Heads from the wi form in which this excellent coffee k <91 A DISCOUNT i OFTEN PERCENT. M. A. MAL^I'E! I Columbia, S. C., and he will quote you terms and prices. A chance to get a fine ORGAN.or PIANO cheap. 1 Please Rive your name and P. 0. address whoa send this ad. S AW MILLS, CORN MILLS; GANE MILLS, RICE 1 HULLERS, PEA HULLERS, ENGINES, BOIL ERS, PLANERS AND MATCH. IERS, SWING SAWS, RIP SAWS,, !and all other kinds of wood working machinery. My Sergeant I.og Briuu Saw Mill is the heaviest, strongest, and moat efficient Bill for the money on the market, quick, aecurato. State Agent for H. B Smith Machine Company wood working machinery. For high grade engines, plain slide valve. Automatic, and Corliss, write me: Atlas, Watertown. and Struthera A Wtlls V. C. BADHAM, LB26 Main Street. COLUMBIA. 5. C. POCC~C>CCCOCXXXXXXXXX>^^0<30^ 0 yiclda to nature's modic'.no, C' i I .I It easily curen Pyspepi-li and all etnmnrh, yt U liver. kidney and bowel disorders. An an* V I iJ rivallednpertept end laxnttvei InvlirorKtM L/ j | | and lonss llie whole lyatsm, A nnlural 1 "l wilier of the htsliesrt m 'dlclnui Value, Cou- |> I "l centrutnl to make heavier r (J 1 >, w^rli'iiiiwr to b. :Uo, i\ J i ship fttnl use. A 11 i't bottle in equal to 2 cmlioiinI V*J ?P X 13 of uneondeneed wnler. X I I So! t by itruitKlHtM evor)-TRAD? L ? at? O IJ where. Crab apple trade- t ^ "x.?wc*-~^ IJ \ mark on every bottle. >*J' l< CHAtl ORCHARD WATER CO., Louisville. Ky. >J OOOOCOCCOCOCX^COCXXXX^OCOOC TATE SPRING, 7 of \ merlin. I Hotel Open nnd Water Shipped Throughou? ? Year. I le- moot I .itfnI health del l'i. iiniie It -I In the t'III.ill I' relile I/k'Ii s. .St--am " Ileal, Water Wurli?. Water Cures tmlliteMt ill, |iy.|.|.|i>la, ntnl .ill ir uble- or llie l.lvrr. si- iiueh, H' elder. II nveU an 1 IJney *, KheienatlMii ami 1 tlcvill Maraves. Write for I'aiuphlet. TIIOS. TOV.|,INno\, owner.V l'ni|ir. TATK SPKISfl. TKN'NESSi* . AGENTSandSALESiUEN! We iiitiiiiifaeMiri* iiillek veiling article. Your profit* pere-nl >a .inle tl) cents. I'art tenia's for vtampv N > Woiiks, l-'.AW fi aikk. VVla. NKW l:isco"r KY;?tv?e UllY V t ts?S fi quick te inf anl cure* vi>r4 c?-i . it., .h el lestue.mslr itud Itlilnv. ti e.xtir.Mii? tri e. Pr a li. QKEEN 8 SONS. Box I Ui. AT l i:N MON Is facilitated if ?ou mention this paper when writing ndverdserr. So. 7. oivUi-1 iViinrft^ ^naffs -TJtgsgafcEiBat ^ I * OF ALL! Why has * LION COFFEE now become the leader jl of all package coffees? 3 And why is it used in fl r *YjjJ millions of homes ? | V ^ Because it dees not H J) sail under false colors, a pt It is an absolutely clean, 9 pure coffee. No glazing. E no coating with egg H mixtures or chemicals in order to hide imperfections, v Just try a package of HON COFFEE and you will understand the reason of its ? popularity, , fully illustrated and descriptive Uj 121 to find in the list some article J and which they may have by W rappers of our one pound sealed is sold). ' m NV00L5ON SFICH CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. ^ .