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f m' ^s. . I FORT MILL MLUNLF. Pithy Points (latlicn-d for the Perusal of Times Readers. Mrs. W. I?. Meaehnm and cliil t dren nre visit 11ur relatives in Mt. I Holly, N. C. Mc. Harvey White, of Graham. N. C.. is at the hoiue of his uiiele, Capt. S. E. White. Miss l>urn S.iter, of Charlotte, was the ir icst of Miss Mabel Ardrey Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Hubert Dossett, of Clover, spent lust Wednesday and Thursday with friends in Fort Mill. Mrs. \V. 1*. Moore, of Mt. Olive, N. C., is with her mother. Mrs. A. 15. Bradford, who has heen ill for several weeks. Mrs. ?T. 11. Thorn well will represent Catawba chapter, I). A. R., at the congress of the society to be held in Washington City on the ISth instant. Miss Violn ('ousnrt. daunhtfcr of our townsman, Mr. .1. <). Cousart. lots ll(?OII iiilMMllulv >11 ... V .. .n . lit (11 I 11^ I I l\Sbyterian hospital, in New York City, hut is convalescent n? ?\v. Police Olfieer H. C, Culp is one of a score or more persons in litis , community who is continetl indoors with grippe. Mr. Lee Warren is employed in Mr. ('nip's place tit present. Mr. T. (i. Matthews, of Clover, and M iss ljcula Dorster were quietly married at the home of the Bride's father, Mr. \Y. K. Dorster, in Pleasant Valley yesterday morning at 10 o'clock by Rev. A. Finch. Sunday afternoon a number of white men became, engaged in a , fist tight at the upper mill in this place, but no one was seriously injured. Monday morning several lines were collected by the town authorities as a result of the tight. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Fort Mill Mfg. Company was held yesterday afternoon. Col. Leroy Springs, of Lancaster, was the only out-of-town stockholder who attended the meeting. Mr. M. D. Hnney has returned to Rock Hill after residing in this place eight months, during which lie held a position with the Fort r yill jytfg. Company. Mr. ELaney ' made a great many friend in Fort . Milt, all of whom will regret to j *ieurn that lie Inn left the commit* "'According to the South Carolina census bulletin, there are thirty^ four towns and cities in the State , that have a larger population than , i\>rt Mill. In 1890 there were only ' persons living here; now the, population of the town is an increase of 705 during the past decode. Mr. J E. Ardrey came up from the South Carolina College Friday eveving and spent two days at his home in this place, lie was uccompanic! by one of his clans mutes, Mr A. A. Springs,of Georgetown. A tlie semi-annual examinations lteld at the college lust week, boti of these young gentlemen received honorary mention. During the past ten days the county chiin gang haa made very little progress macadamizing the public roal between the home of Mr. Chns. Hrahuin and the store of Mr. W. E. dritfin, in 1 his township, owing to tie prevalence of grippe among the convicts. It was stated Saturday morning that more than half the convicts were unable to work last veek. A correspondent writing to The Times abo*t prohibition says: "Legal prohibition is a theory and not a condition. Theoretically it is all light, but as a condition it in a failure, and has never 'existed anywhere in any country where men of Adam's race do con^re^ate. Kansas wis held up to us in the last State campaign as one of the l^odlieat countries, whose prohibition hud done its perfect work. We were told that they used their jails there to storo corn in instead of criminals. 1 have been ; ' "K recently bow Mrs. 'arrie Nation could tiud ho many saloons to hiiihhIi. I admire that woman and don't care whether her name is Carrio or Dhiii. 1 wish she had lived in the day* of the Confeder- i ate war and had been our aide, and < while I would not have h?\en pleased to see hqr destroy wj^at little liquor lay in our pathway, it would have been Worth an earl's random to sec thai woman light.'' i The Confederate Cabinet Met Heie. Fort Mill enjoys the distinction of laini* one of the towns in which :i meeting of the Con fed orute cabinet was held durinjr the Inst days of the war -about ths 1st of May. 1 And i: is i laimed by tunny that this was the hu t rcjj- 1 erid nh i < inv?' of the eal>inoi. I liourrb other informal conferences wore held afti rwards in this State and i :s (Jeoruia. JIuvin?r U?ft Chnrl ?tte President I >avis mid cabinet moved sunt hwest along the public road to Fort Mill Before night they arrived at tin* hospitable home of Col. A. B. Springs, in the northern pari of this township, where Messrs. Davis. Benjamin, Breckinridge and Calvin Johnson, secretary to Mr. Davis, sj -til the night. It is said that President Davis, wliili'ni the 11?n11 of Col. Springs, greatly enjoyed a "nine of marbles with Col. Springs' vomiLT sous. 'J'wo of 111? cabinet oflicers, Messrs. Tretiholin ami Kenyan, did not spend the nii^ht with Col. Springs. hut eame t wo tn iles fa rt her sout h. t > t he in a usion of Mr. Win. K. White, by whom they were entertained. Next mornimr the quests of Mr. White, after j^ettino ready to eontitiue their journey, awaited the ]'residential party. I'pon the arrival of the latter, it was proposed to hold a eabinet meeting. The doors of the \\ hite mansion were thrown open and the distinguished party invited to enter, but the day beinu; warm it was decided to hold the meeting in the shade ?fstately trees in the yard. Here Mr. Trenliolin tended his resignation on aecount of ill health. His resignation was accented. and (Ion I.'. m gaii was appointed to (ill the vacancy. At the cabinet meeting President Davis seemed to I>i* equable ami composed. Me had spoken int'liarlotto, ami hoped soon to have a more formidable army. I'ut Mr. Breckinridge was not so sanguine. The day before the mooting of the cabinet in this place, a detach-, uient of Stoncnnui's cavalry cam* ill a itd burned tile railroad bridge acroes Catawba river near here. Consequently the Presidential purty was forced to ford the river. Then Mr. Trenholm took the river road toward Columbia, while the others went southwesterly by Abbeville. Along with the Presidential party was a body guard of-about d.OOO cavalry, commanded by (Jen. I VrgUSOlt. ? - -? ?- ? I'lke Scores McLaurln. Kditor 'fimes: It is a matter of no surprise to me and many other meii in South Carolina to learn that John L. McLaurin has landed in the Uemihlb-n 11 !??? (? -I .. 1 1 ?y jowl with Mark Huntm. It is now ancient history, but *01110 <>f us still remember how a certain journal in York county of ohl time Republican bins threw ilirtv llin^s at this writer, Dr. Strait ami other men of independent thought in York county and t he Fifth ( 'on^iessional district for opposing Mr Lauriii's nomination for 1'nited States Senator. Some of us know Johnnie, knew his antecedents, knew him as a political trickster, and had lost all confidence in his honesty and reliability. 1 am not at all disappointed in him, and lie occupies the same position in my estimation that lie did then, and lias done exactly what I txpeeled him to do. When Dr. Strait charged him at Yorkville with disloyalty to the Democratic party and his preposition to Talbert, Strait and Jaitimer to cjo over to the l'opulist party, he denied it,and to the everlasting shaino of his henchmen they howh d Strait down. When i.? SU W TIIUT I llOl'e Wits M COllHpiruey to prevent free apeeeh his reply was,"You can howl niedown here, luit I won't bo howled down tomorrow in Lancaster, and I will prove what I say."' The contern platioii of the Lancaster meeting mid his own guilty conscience, caused a sudden rush of hlnod to .MoLaurin's head arid he fainted mid went no moie into the campaign, and why? 1'eeause lie had ei^- i noinrll to M O ih. t ho must do something to be^et sympathy. for lie knew there were others Inyiun for liim besides Dr. Stiiiii.uml it was a very smart trick to feinn a bad ease of sickness and Hot out of the eanip iinii- A smart political coon like -Johnnie will always survive such a case of sickness as he took at that time. Our present Connressman lent all I;;-' influence to MeLnurin. and that accounts for the larne vote he not in Voik county. Besides, lie had The State newspaper at Columbia and nearly all the county papers in the Fifth district, to. netlur with the whole Slat.- admiuistratioii. to boost him. And 1 don't suppose there ever was a politician in South Carolina who so successfully threw sand in the eyes of tin- people as did MeLausin. When t lie Senatorial hee henna to bu/.'/. ill li s bonnet (Jen lorln died iitnl gave Flh rhet lie opport uniiy to make anient political I>1 u 1 rder I?y appointing him to till Marie's place. Then lie was 110:11itiated in the primary which folfowed. And it is the tirst time in tin- history of the Stale that a man so highly honored and Pasted hy the people lias opci:l\ am. shamefully let rayed them and trampled honor and loyalty to the principles of South Carolina Democracy beneath his feet as a tilt hy rug. No man except one from whose bosom has tied all the elements of true manhood and every principle of honor, could or would betray his party and pt ople as John 11. McLnurin has betrayed the Democratic party of South Carolina 1'lKe. ('lu ster, Feb. 1_\ l!?ol. Titlman Sw.-ars In the Senate. Washington. Feb. Imumdiatclv alter the opening of the Senate this morning Mr. Tillman created a scene on the subject of a private pension bill which had been just passed il- declaimed against discrimination between Northern and Son!hern p< nsioiiers: said that he had been for years ? 11 denvoring to have a Dill passed increasing tll? pension of a oneu nued soldier of the Mexican war, and exclaimed in his usual passionate style: "I swear by the Almighty (Jod that I will never let another pension bill get through if I can obstruct it until this old man gets his pension." ? -+ +- ? The Highest Hrlce for Cotton. Leaving out w?f times. which don't count, the hi^lies price for cotton Inst century was 2.~> cm nts a pound in 1 S2o, says a writer in the New Vork Press, liy war t iiues we must include the four years of reconstruction, which were really harder on tin1 South than the four years of war. And cotton did somethin^ in the winter of 1S2~> 20 it has never done since, so far as I have been able to tind out; miiih4- : thiin; that enr.scd the (Milton jjrowino world to believe the stalks would t^row int(? trees and produce bales instead of bolls. The price around picking time was 2"? cents here and 2d in Liverpool, For the crop was poor and small, and with worse prospects for 1n2~> it was believed t lint dO, -to and even ."??) cent.' a pound iniulit be rcaele <1. Kvi i v. body went ol* 1lie ? :ip!e. 1?;11 iKi frosts came. 'I'll.- weather continued warm throughout I )t?c? tuber. danunry, Febnuuy and March, so tliat tin" |>1 tints ''rat toon ?!."* that is, they sprouted from old The late boll- opened and j?ifki?:: continued nil winter. Th< muxpec ted inerc.- in tin supp! y can.-cd a sudden i'ali in prim , involv intr countIfS: merchant and speculators in ruin. Cotton c tiiu^-d eent in (Mutrh'ston was sold in Liverpool, alter lieintj held a loir: tinie, for '? cents. I' ine Ui n? Sinn! at I tea ton's o\ -r\ Sa Iuiday. in n l\ MILL. >i. < . Ki:i;ki auv, IhOl. INFORMATION. I wish my friends tu 111111? r.-,t;i 11?1 that I dim still making and selling tin- best Saddles and Harness ?>i" any man this side tin- luk? s tlnit lins s'rnij-dit hair. Ibpaii in?$ done at the rilt111 price. von; hncle iiiuis, Ok fc (JAKDKX SEK1), A II kinds; I lie best and tl\r freshest. A RBRSSY'S. A Meat Market At wliirli ivasonaldi' priros prot)tmiiiiati* litis tit last lan-ti ostahli-lnd in tlit* .loin s building, on Main strin't. wlioiv tlio rhoiivst i*<>ijk ami s \ rs.\(in an In- had tit any tinn-. Vun linvo luM-ii paying i '2 1 routs prr pound Tor 1 voliml Sti tik. I ll sail you tin* 1 irst at hi mats FIS11 and < )^ S TKKS (in rvri v stylo i Stiturilays. (iivo im* y< at- orders. IMiono 11. W. E, DEATON. SUPERIOR COOKRR3T . . ! ifl n point c onceded. Tlu* presiding oenius of ham) bros'. restaurant is an expert in the preprntimt of pnlute tickling mid appetite satis fyin" dishes. Kisli, flesh and fowl are baked, boiled, roasted and fried to a decree of perfection attained ;it few hollies and no other restaurant. Our popular prices please 1 he people. Hand Brop, rock mix, sc. G. W. NORMAN & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR DEALERS, lio.v (T>. - - - (.'IIAllI-OTTK, N. I take much pleasure in calling your at tout ion to the very low prices ol' my line ohl open furnace Whiskies, which for lift ecu years have hail no cipial, either for drink or medicinal parjmsos. llavinir pniv has?'il lar^e quantities of Ohl Mountain Corn Whiskey at very low prices last summer when distillers were pressed for cash, 1 am prepared to ^i ve special at tent 1011 and very low quotations to anyone wanting anything in my line. All orders must lie accompanied by cash or hank reference. lie careful to examine my price list, which includes ju^ ami box: Sweet Mash Corn, $1.50 to $1.To Ohl <'orn Whiskey, very line . 2.00 ( lood Hose (tin, . . . 1.150 lies! Holland (iiu, . 2 00 Vine (iciieva (*in, . . H.on First vite St..1?? ?.> . .1 ,I?M I'.est Sunbeam Hye, . .<M l'"inr High <ira?le J'yt's, North < a ml inn Apple Bramly, 5i.2"> ()1<1 N. IVaeh l'ramlv, . . 2.fs> I'uie N< w I", upland limn, |.H~? l't acli ami lloney, . 2.'Mi K< wk a ml live, 1 < (Id Norman t'nrn, vear old S..V? Fiiio lloMlwl Whiskies, inclose lw?x 4.IX) N'?> charge will !? made fork'*" when you waul sueh quantities. Most IT .per i f || 11 v, g. w, norman &co. CHY3TAL I'diSES AW . TOfcOC MAIIK. % - S Jmt%I- Ac^>k w. it a ki>kky to , *)\A) N F.YVSIW I'KKS L'() 11 SALi: AT TIfK Tl.MKS OFFICIO I * Vest Chains. I Y >n will bo surprised at I lit* low prices we ask for the best quality ti 1 led chains, both for Indies' and p-:it s use. A larjro assort nu ut in desirable patterns. Let u> show them to you the next time you are in the city whether ; >u are ready to purchase or not. c'/y/r J- //</?/wft/ifa/'/i ( f j thone ni aklotti:. n. r. ONION SKIS, CKOYKU SKKl), LAST NVliat IVw Winter (j offered at and below \v] the tinie for genuine b are beginning to arri room. New lot famous Hat mod. If wood is so Loador Airtight IIoat< wood to pay for itsolf Only a fow loft, whioli Now lot of Furnil ur Li. J. MJ NEW SPKir \Ye have received unci have on spring \vt>iir. In wool jroods wo ha> dti inch, at ."?() cents, in garnet. blue waists ami boys" waists and shirts, tin* best oimmIs nmdo to s 11 for 10 c and darlc colors. 10 1-2 ami 12 ci cloth and several otlior linos suitabl You know shirt waists will he your spring sowing and you will ^e much. "The early bird catches the M EACH A M FOR FIR! JOB PR KENL) York THE FORT 1 V I.' ^ . ;\AI > > / i'l.Njl ??K NATIONAL IMI'OKTAN('13. THE - SUN I A LON13 CONTAINS ]M)TH. l)nllv, by mail, - - $6 a year. Daily and Sunday by mail, %H a ) car. The Sunday Sun i* in:. (mr.atkst srvivw si-.w t'ait.u in 'll(B WoKI.D. Price sc. a copy. By mail. n >ear. ,?liir< - TUB SDN, N<>w York. For HOLIDAY PRESENT The Lamp of J 1 a Th?* lamp tint UnrmTt fliiro ti ln iw I I Iniitrii'O'o I tlie liui /4*(iKrt yr??i C't it ni'l lavs ; tin' part xwUi, "ti?-.i y i luiviT-L - Ttr i ,-v v~xa ^nc iNCW 1 in Othor lnmps ni.iv bo ofTorH \ f *7 tln-y nm; >< , in nn* r?>i? <ls, \^* ni'.x. t'ii?T>-'s onlv onti. 'I'hr. i run' (lie lump?>lT?rr? 'I ym is ou it ; nv i y 1 imp lia- it. tiVK ^'*^1 <~> 1 ? I lillllipH 3 y\' Tt*(?? in fi.l i'i itv I n i> wniil * t[I** ; i\ xvimiii iiimv or si--iv. nn < - "T V. V<?2 i hi-il, a \ .i in .?ii11 t nr tli'T V J . ' tjf ix New * . il l x<>u ! u-riiiiiri' i ii tIn* vir ! TL, We arc iPI C1AI.IST5 In tlic 'FT'V' Lamps* Consnlti : r THE ROCHESTER UMP CO. ALL? * !oo(Is wo have loft arc liolosale cost. Now is a mains: snriinr ??on#k ?. ' l r? * auri wo need the risburf* Shoos just ararco, get. oho of our ;ts. It saves enough iu a very short time, go at cost. 0 just arrived. iSSEY. GOODS. HiiIt) a pretty line of goods for :o a new line of all-wool Venetians, and tan. In wash goods for ladies" we allow you A. F. C. Ginghams ente. 1,000 yards Percale, in 1 i^ht nils. Also Madras goods, Galalto e for the season's wear, worn, so commence in time with t the pick of styles, which is worth worm." 1 & EPPS. I J 1 .v .? .: ' 5T-CLASS . . > ^ 1NTING OUDKl'S TO HILL TIMES. V 3'\>r First-class Service ?<> to HAMILTON'S - RESTAURANT, Olllxisit*' I V.f I'WiillVtliMim CHARLOTTE, N. C. LJest oyntcrh in t 1m* city. Jjtr^cst luncli counter in the Stale. 2:21 West Trade street. i-;asy work, oood p*y. Make up u dul> for the YOHKYTI.1.K KN^UIHKll, the BUST family nc\\> paper in Sentli Carolina. Liberal eoiipensa I ion to clnhinaker . Seholurships in Con verse mid Due West Voinale I eyes, worth #SOO each, to the yoniitf ladies who return and pity for the largest 1 iis. Now is the time to l>e;tin. Write to as for jmrtHMilnr*. 1.. M. (IK 1ST SONS. Yorkville, S. C. t full 14. S?For EVERY DAY USE j Steady Habits ip or r.m !: , ore niso you ^ I looks If.Hwl when f J? liipip that you never will* f ^cchcGtcr. ' I you fi t ' just iw coo.1 1 f.ut for aii nrouin! lew.! J i mini.-. 1 i (or tUoVauio J QK99B L Soiniiiii r oliiilier rou ^ inii n! In ii|> irtiimforin fei*?yCP if- u ??ii !i> ii. Li't I.S r'TWt:."- ^ Iri-at.nrnf nj diseases y I'nrk I'lace A: 33 Tarda? St., N'e* York. / : ~ _ , J