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tr . ^ r MORAL effect of torpedoes. f thief Function is Bluff and to Keep thu | t Opponent in Apprehension. / *'i haven't a particle of cpnfldeneo in the ability of the new llollaiul submarine boats to do any real exectt Ign." remarked a navel officer, who was recently in tlie city, to a writer In Ihe New Orleans Times Democrat, "but their value ns a 'bluff is untie nlable. I refer to the attribute which la politely designated as 'moral elTocl' In the department reports. 1 was with Ihe Brooklyn and later with the Texas during the blockade of Santiago." he went on, "and I know whereof 1 speak. We had very meagre infonnu tlonAin regard to the torpedo boats in Corvern's squadron, and the wretched little tubs kept us in perfect agony of apprehension. We thought they world probably sneak out for nn attack i:t the dark, and every niglit the rapid fire guns were kept manned and ilte waters were swept by our searchlights without an Instant's futerinissioti. Su.'i g lookout is tremendously trying :i the nerves, and one's eyes soon g t to j ploying all sorts of strange trick The Poll of wave-s when tliev break Into each other, forms ci..i.i..,vc .....i. .. the electric glare, ami many a tine 1 could have sworn that 1 saw the turtle-backed bow of a torpedo boat headed straight at us. "As a matter of fart, a dozen false alarms were given. and oner the whole floet banged away for half an hour at j a Rtray buoy. Now, all this tension I would have neen twire as had if w<? had known that (Vrvern had a few ! imbmnrlnes. and I don't believe human i nerves could stand suclt a strain lor ! any great length of time. So. as I laid before, they are a capital bin ft*. ' ?ven If their aeual prowess is open to inestlon. A snllorman who was put , id wntch to look out for the diminu- t live turret of a submarine torpedo boat, knowing all the- time that In- ami his ship aud his comrades were linblto go scooting up among the constellations nt any moment, would he a candidate for a hum tic asylum inside of a week. Tie would m*? tirtTft-- u everything. from his soup to his 'har?y pouch. "If 1 were commanding a port de!ng a blockade," added the oflieer wbh o merry twinkle lu his eye. "I think 1 I'd paint a doxen flour barrels dead black, weight "cm at the hot torn sr. that only u foot or two would show above the water, turn them loose very night and then go to bed When they got to drifting out among the hotile fleet they'd create the higgc t stampede on record. Sncli an out lit ^ wo\jld he much cheaper than the Tied lands, and would probably accomplish the same result." Sliaps and Flats. Hoax?"There isn't much money in musical compositions." .loax "No: lots of them run he bought for a m< re song." Willie?"There Roes a rattle trail." Billy?"No. "tain't; it'.s ;i freight" Willi??"Aw . wotje talkin' abou:.' Dldn'tje see the cow-catcher?" Tommy?"Pop. what is a reforme: ?" Tommy'* Pop " \ reformer, mv Kon, : a man who tries to eonvert oilier people to hi* way of thinking." Muggins "Wigwag is a queer fel low." Bugins "What's he up to now?" Muggins "He has a hud cold and denies that it is the grip." "I've seen lVAuherV new battle pie. ture," said iJtllicus, "ami I tell yon. ; war must he an awful tiling." "Well." naidCyuieus. "i don't tliiak it's as bad it's painted. Stops Tickling j All serious lui\g troubles hegin with a tickling in rite throat. You can stop this at first iii a single night; a dose | at bedtime puts the throat at complete rest. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral The cure is so easy now, it ?, astonishing anv one should run the risk of pneumonia and con- i sumption, isn't it ? f or asthma, croup, whooping-cough, hron- | chitis, consumption, hard colds, nnd for coughs of all kinds, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has been the one great family medi- ' cine for sixtv years. Three sizes: 25c., 50c., $1.00 If your drnKgUt cannot aupplv run. -end n <t o dollar and will expraas ? liiry;. Iinti'.e i.. u all charK'* ptrpal'l u-' *nre toii i:o.> h- .our neareat atpmi office Addre*>, .1 ( Avrit i Lowell. Mae?. Dr. Bull's Cough Curea a rough or cold at one*, _ Conquer# croup, bronchitis. \f \f 11 grippa and ccuaumpliou. 25c. J 1 \trllN \vR\viix?;n?:v?ir \ *i <. . *#! ?#*# k\it>1 v iiiiPti'Mi ..r m i i> KHKK of iuon?T < <>??, ??Kln -<mlT ili?l > M i! A Packet* of Vc?rtnbl? Sco.i* for u? n e .-yrlj Nil X MONKY In ?'lv??ri-. VTrlt?nan |k>m?i o, A IM? offer ?"'! ?! ?lll >1 ?*iI \ mi ihi'i" l ?i'i.>n Sr at onw au<1 w|l| *l*.? *.*n<l Catak'H. l ull ln?lr . J tlorm. nu t 13 I>u? Mil* fot itlMri.-u'ion oiv TiMir fr1eti?1? In nisler to Itiitiiin 11> in to i..i> i 0 of roil tllllllO* I .1 lvl><. i r 1 Kll in.'lIM) V \ A l.tlOl) ?t I I . f I ioil.r. Q Gtvm lor miIIIih lull Pirkrii nDHDC V NEW PI8COVERV Lllll/r Or 1 quick follof ?n.| on t ? w I ***** Rook of t*?t.m<<ni*U ?n>l I (I i'.k i *' In jIi.i : Kr?r. Dr. H 11. SRkEN'? 9U.M. Hoi U JMoiu. r.n ITTBNTIOM ts f?olUt*toil i f voa mmiloc A this p*p?rwbcn wrIMns ftdveiMsnr*. No. 4, Use. CERTAIN iiilv'GURt., 4 fflfiODlEUTTHESTAKI Fred Alexander Dragged From the Leavenworth Jail by a Mob. CHILDREN AMONG SPECTATORS I'riftotier r.nrneil on Ihf Spul Wh.r., It I. lllci{.'il. Hr Mnr<lere<l m Young Ctrl?Mol? ItrnK* tlim From n I'rUon, Mini tin- Victim'* I-other Applies t(i Torch to the I'jfr. I.euvpti worth. Ivau. Kred Alexander, ft ymnik negro who whs nrrPttttl a few days ago shortly after ho attempted to assault .Miss Kva May Kotb. ami who was also siispeeted of immieriug Pearl I'orlifs. was huriH'tl .'if the stake in the west eni part of ihe ?-ity in the preseuee of till i \ oihmi persons. 11 < maintained his tii'i'Vi* to the eial. going so far as to :isk several frieiitls to stet? nn mut t?i?i Iiiin iil'ter coal oil was thrown over him. Mobs have been searehiny i ho l.eav onworili oounty jail tii^rlitly for soverul days. Whoti it was found that Alexanilor had not boon brouyht in from i ho penitentiary tho mob throatotiod tlio Sheriff and warden personalty and warned thoni to yet their families out of both the penitentiary and jail buildin us. as they wore yoiny to destroy t hetii both with dynamite. Thin alarmed the Sheriff, and he i ouehlded to briny Alexander in from lumstny. four miles distant, at all eost. The Sheriff was warned by the mob ttint he iiiiisi briny Alexander in ai 12 oYloek. lie oruani'/.ed a posse of tweitty depu ties and went to Lausing. A speeiaI meetiny of the penitentiary directors was ended and Sheriff Kver hardy insisted on tnkiity Alexander from the penitentiary. An enormous crowd was assembled 011 the hill close i?> tlie ('mil i House and county Jail. Within two blocks of the crowd five yottny neyroes. friends of Alexander, attempted an ill-advised rescue. The) brandished pistols and tried to yet one i<> Alexander, who was haudettlTed. Tile eltv police, who met the Sheriff's part) at the eilye of the city, disarmed these neyroes. This attempt caused ureal excitement and a run was made for tin- county jail. Alexander was dually thrown or drayyed into the Jail huihluiy after a hot flyht with the mob Tlu? mob then broke into the jail hv pemoline in two doors. it required half an hour in yet Alexander out. as iIn- Sheriff refused to yive up the keys. Alexander fouyht like n tiyer. and was knocked senseless before In', eeltld lie taken from i he cell. Out-, side lie revived. It was tirsi decided to haiiy Itini ill* ilie jail yard. Inn this was changed tit hurniny. and it was announced thatAlexander would he taken to the place, where I'earl Forties's Ivory was found! i wo mout lis ayo. This place was reached after a lony dciour down Broadway and through1 tlie fashiouablc part of tin- city. When the nudi arrived an iron stake had been driven into an old iimlier pile, read) for the Imrtiiiiy. This was prepared after the Sheriff** deputies left for the penitentiary to yet Alexander. The spot was in a deep yttlly or basin, and it afforded a title view of the etc at ion for rioon persons. Alexander walked up to the iron -take in a hold manner and William follies, father of I'earl Forltes. and a yotiuyer brother of Miss Uoth tied hi:n wirli chains and wire Alexander fitiicii ior ms mil mother. Inn she was hot in I lit* crowd. She hiid been and wits weeping, when uegro friends took her ?way to her home. After two tans of coal oil were thrown over Alexander and the pile of lumber. Mr. Forbes nnked: "Are you guilty of murdering my daughter':" "I don't know what you have me here for." replied Alexander. Forbes said: "For killing my girl mi I his \ ery spot " "Mr. Forbes, if that's your game, you have the wrong man." "Kuril hi in.** yelled ilie crowd. " < ientletneii. you've got lots of time." -aid Alevnnuer "You are burning an innocent man You took advantage of me. Will you let me skake hands with all my friends?" ' You have no friends in ibis crowd." said some one. "I inn iunoeent. lei tne pray." said Alexander, as Mr. Forbes applied n match to the pile. Then he cried "Oh. my <Jod. oh. my iioil." as the tinmen blazed up about hint. Alexander was conscious onlv for i moment. 1/onp ?for ho whs dead lumber was piled up to try and eomploioly incinerate iho hotly. Fully olio-third of tho trowd that wiiiiosM-ti iho burning wort- women, and t hero woro hundreds of schoolohil ilron iu 11. School was dismissed Just i- tho lights with tho mobs lu tho cit \ began. Thoro woro a few hnn tlrod negroes in tho crowd and tho younger ones anions thorn Joked and acted as aid tho whites during the half hour ii required to tie Alexander to the stake. After tho victim had boon cremated the mob leaders mentioned the names of other negroes and ii looked as though the city ,1nll would he stormed to get a negro named I.etcher. Sryio I.Tiicticil In south Carolina. t'olumhia. S. C. Charles Long, a negro. was hanged on the limb of a tree near F.lko, Tlnrnwell County, and shot to dentil. The wife of a farmer had heeli assaulted earlier in the day by a negro l.ang was arrested by a party of whites and was identified by the women. lie was then dragged into the woods and killed. Krinwltntril itnd Thru HhikM. Timothy Cadogan, an evicted tenant, who killed a Government agent named Bird at. Bnntry, Ireland, attempted to aevcr hia windpipe with a piece of Iron from hia boot, but was resuselated Just in time to be hanged at the scheduled time. Oulnnn Hm Diamond Field* The mail from Dcmarara brings a report of large finds of diamonds In the interior of Rrltinh Guiana. A company hus been formed lo England to | work thokclalm6. 0 THIS WILL INTEREST MANY. To q?MW Introduce the famous blood pnrlfler, B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) into now heaaa, wa will give away 10.000 treatment. B. B. B. will positively cure all blood and akin trouble*?ulcere. scrofula, eczema. anting sores. Itching humors. swellInge. pimples. holla, carbuncle*. hone pains. rbbttmatUm. catarrh. blood poison, affecting throat, boaos or muoou* patches. cancer, swellings, persistent pimple or wart. It. U. It makes tha blood pure and rich, heals I every aore or eruption, and slops all aches and pains. Druggists. 1. 1 or free treat- j raant, addreaa Blood Balm Co.. 1 Mitchell Hi.. Atlanta, (la. Deeorlbe trouble, and free madtcal advice given until cured. it. it. B. curea old. deep-seated cases thai refuse to heal under patent medicines or doctors' treatment. It coats uotblng to try It. It. It. Medicine aent at once prepnid. lVrtte toda>. HOLLAND'S QUHEN FOND OF /i. JEWHLBY. Bar Majesty. Queen Wllhelroina of Holland, la extremely fond of hand lame rlage. hut has an objection to barrings All the magnificent Jewelry which she Inherited was put In per fact order for her inauguration festivities. and some long, old fashioned ear MngK which belouged to her ancestors ( were reaet lu other forms, mostly u* brooches or ornaments. Boat For the Bowels. No matter what alls you, haadaoba to a eancar, you will never got well until your | Dowein tr* put rlgnt. Utirmri help | nature, core you without a gripe or pain, Eoduoe easy natural movements, cost you it 10 oente to Start getting your health ok. OiiOAiiTi Candy Cathartic, the genuine, pat up in metal boxes, every tablet ban O.O.O. stamped on it. Beware ot Imitations. You ilon't have to join a sec ret surety to got the grip. To Cure a Cold In One Hay. *1 ak* . Laxative Bkouu Quinine Tam.r.a. | All druggist* rotund the money if it falls to sura. ?. AY. (iiote'i signature on each box. ttc. Some people are too busy to attend o their own business. 1 he heel ia the cheapeet. ' artel's Ink is the b??t, yet it coeis u? more ttuui the poorest. You can't tell how rich a mau is by the quality ol cigars he givs* away. So. 4. A freah improsHlon of the imnieusuty >f I/ondon?that little world by itseil - is gained from the statement that in ' 1899 the killetl and wounded In the Ixmdou streets numbered 9.891, <?f whom 207 were killed outright. No battle in the South African war ran ?how ?o large a total of losses as this liat of casualties in the streets of peac*. ful lx>ndon. Tint Hril Prescription For t'hllln and Fever la a bottle of Gkove'h Tahtklrs* Can.:. Tonic. It is simple iron and quiniuo in a tasteless form. pay. I'riee95e. No man complains that his wife mustard planters are not as strong as those hie mother used to make. it you want "good digestiou to wail upon your appetite" you should always chew a tier of Adams'* Pepsin Tutti Frutl!. A Manayunk fl?h dealer advertise-: 'When looking for fresh lobsters don't forget me." Each package of Putnam FAnm.iurs l)\r colors more goo<l? than any otbnr dye ami i colors them better too. Hold by all drug- I gists. Stllious?"A girl eoldoni marrios h?*r idctl." Cytikiis?"No: she usually marries some other girl's ideal." For Biliousness. Torpid l.l?er, Indigestion Slot lUsilsiKi', t rati Orchard Water la a ipeillr. I atn sure Piao's.Cure for Consumption saved mr life three years ago. Mils. 'i huh. Ifoitai*KS. Maple St.. Norwich. N. Y.. Feb. 17, l'.K) . low'* l't>to ' WeolTerOne Hundred Dollar* Reward for I any ca?e of Catarrh that cannot be cured by i Hall'a Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHUNKY Ai Co., Props.. Toledo, (). \ W?, the undersigned, have known F..1. Che- i nay for the last 1ft years, and believe hlin por- j faetlv honorable in all onslnees transaction' and financially able to earr.t out any obliga Hon mode by their firm. Wknt a TltU ax. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, i Ohio. WalOino, Kin man Jt Makvin. Wholesali . Druggist*. Toledo. Ohio. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken internally. Hot. i log directly upon the hlood and mucous Mir- j facaa of the system Price. 7ftc. per botlle. Sold by all Druggist*. Testimonials free. Hall's Faintly Pills ara the bent. NOTKS ANI) COMMENT. fSvery ship loading at Now Orleans with mules or horses under Rritis.i contracts for use iu South Africa >* being carefully watched to prevent the placing on board of infernal machines ot other destuetlve instruments in behalf of the. Roers' cause. The coil especially Is subject to careful scrutiny Custom ami law prescribe foot binding in China and the same may lie said concerning wearing the queue. No gentleman in China would go with out a queue any more than a gentleman would wear one in this countrj It is not true that Chinese who cut off their queues are executed. They are not punished in any way except by common contempt. wmmammmmmmmmmmamm mSpeedy, Pr Acta quicker, X7\ than any laxative kne Ita action is niarv No remedy will quickly and with abs< mr Hnnj A^fra^r D*sf One halt | gvcrv driiggtKl and Rcncra QU for the full name, \mf nvn " Hunyadl danos. 1^' S?le Importer : Firm of ANf>P t?W?WW"* nwjJwiJCEfluW' GUM OA itttilHtMut Win ; Send um mkI sridrnss on a postal n< WINCHESTER RCP 4?WINCRUirK AVKNITR i mpv '|"r? V THE DUTY OF MOTHERS. > What sufFcrinjr frequently result? from a mother's ignorance; or morr frequently from a mother's neglect tc \ properly iustruet her daughter ! Tradition say* "woman must suf- | fer." and younjf women are so taught. There is a little truth and a fjreat deal of exaggeration in this. If a young woman sn tYers > !... > treatment. iitui In*r mother should si'? that she ts it. Many mothers hesitate to take their daughters to a physician for examiuation ; hut no mot iter need hesitate to write freely ahout her daughter or herself to Mrs. I'inkham and secure j the most eflieient advice without charge. Mrs. 1'iukhaui's address is Lynn, Mass. Mrs. August l'falzpruf. of South 'Byron. Wis., mother of the younjf lady whose portrait we her" publish, wrote Mrs. i'inkham iti.lnnuary. saying her daughter had suffered for two years with irregular menstruation ? had headaehe all the time, and pain in her side, feet swell, and was generally miserable. Mrs. I'inkham protnptly replied with adviee. and under date of March. IHW. the mother writes apain that l.ydia K. Ihnkham's Vegetable Compound cured her daughter of all pains and irregularity. Nothing in the world equals Mrs. I'inkhaui's jjreat medieine. for rejfu- j latin^r woman's peculiar monthly , troubles. j **: * . * . \ #r,-y '' " ' ***<>'?< Kverv cotton planter should write lor our \ aluahle illustrated pamphlet, "Cotton Culture." It is sent lrec. N'ti'l ii.tint an.I aiiilir s 11 ci km a n kai.i woukm, n sr., n. y. ? Constipation 9 A is ou-ily curml ami i In- reMiirerl A y to 11 tii'uhUy comlir ion by il?o u?o c?t V f 0- J: t ^ j i ^ the nntiinl remedy n.r h'.I stomach. ^ I A ImwH. liver n.<1 kiilncv Irouble*. Hy A I 7 nur met li' ><l of concent i a! ion each > nr. . A l?.ttli' is- i-quivnlent !o iFire K'llloiK of ^ ? t ho spring water. a ' 0 ?old hv ull Jruir- 0 A t;i?t* Crab apple ~A V trade marl: on a^Jtvuiia *9 4 fieri bottle ?V?<# <- A ? CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO.. Louisville. Ky. a FREE ELECTRIC KELT OFFER 4.'A#v?fi'A.vv WITHTTH DAY SFUCE WEARiNQ TRIAL own home. we wB^idRr>^^k.'-',1! ftirt.i^r? the* genuine rcS-xu.V:*>- ^ Jgj< r \y ? F i i-t i.KIHI. ?i.i Ki:mi inh t i Kia.%1 ki.m i an BrLni No In Kitfllirri *rI* low ^29r r CO?l:pobltlvrrnarani**. COSTS ' . AIMOST HOTMIHO r?vi,pAre?i WlfJl moM nil Ot Iter trPAtTTi. <fl! > i urf? whrn ?!l ?lh?r Aire* trie hrlta, af nll.tner-* aim* remfdlra fall. QUICK CURE tor more than-O&tlim i?f?. ()M ?M KI.4I IIE for ui: iicrvous diwRARt. wfukiicAi-? nnd thMirilrrt. l-'or complfti ?? *let! ? ?<nfltlcnf In! cut a lot; tit*. t ut bU art out and tna!l iu ut. BEARS, ROEBUCk & CO.. ChicaKO. ompt and Sure. cor ftrip?*? anil obtains l*cttrr resnlts inn. clous, its eflTcet immediate. rure count ipat ion and biliousness no >lulely no discomfort as radi J&nos jlassful on arisinp in the morning. 1 wholesale ftroi it in l Mi* world sells it. 1 DMIC ,'*ho1 with I DLUL Rid Centre Panel. I EA5 3AXLBMNHR. I.*0 Fulton 5t., N. V. I 1 IY C. O I C If XT A LOG UE FREE nhestsr Rifles, Shotguns, and Ambition 3w Don't delay if you arc infer?i?*c?L EATING ARMS CO. NEW HAvn?, carrw. f. . hi >? . *iifi -i ?Mti faL T ?? A Save Your ci aimiup A And light dressings of emollient skin cures. T stops falling hair, rerno\ dandruff, soothes irrita stimulates the hair follk with energy and nourish hair grow upon a swee scalp when all else fails. MILLIONS USE C Assisted bv crtirrna Ointment, for ing the skin, for cleansing the scalp of stopping of falling hair, for softening, and sore hands, for hnby rashes, itchinj poses of the toilet, bath, and nursery. Soap in the form of baths for anno excoriation", for too free or offensive ne ulcerative weaknesses, and for many ai Rest themselves to women and innthe induce those who have once u?ed these to use any others. CrTtcritA Soar c< derived from C'UTiCfRA, the great skit ingredients, and the most refreshing < soap is to he compared with it for pr the skin, scalp, hair, and hands. No < however expensive, is to be compared toilet, bath, and nursery. Thus it con viz.: TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, the r BEST toilet, BEST baby soap in the worl Complete External and Internal Confuting of C'UTICOH 4 {* j-. M ? -mn acalra and ?oft?n the ll #12 8 liGlflli Jrl to Inatantly allay itrhh Vl'jilBV&ififtl heal; and CrTici'Ha fl A Hi molr Pr.T I* often TUC OCT QS Of* ltchlnir. burn Inc. and ? I flL 0L I , Pi.ZJ hair, when all eUs falli SECOND HAND TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE AT LOWEST PRICES: A hii{ lot taken in exchange for the*'OIIrer** n hii ll \\ ? n re rh>?i iiir on t cheap \-k forucencv term* on the "OMVKIl." Wrwnntaci'iul rcprcsciitnti* in your section j mo yon i an - ell moiic iiiiii hi:ic.~. J. 11. CRAYTON, (ien'l Agent, A > DBHSOK, s. < . ^lloOD 1 ^ ' H'MIV $ ^fi\> / $50to!0Cmc s <?? N 1 * ) J UK >IK\Y !ll ?l\l o^nnil will |?n\ >011 ' (4 Kilirt to Star l with \V ri:<- n? at on. e giving >A V "f oooii|i?lUin Mini referc;n-.> i>? r|iil>-k we ^ ft u uiit only in- man t. >u ? . unty. We w?ut gooil N U ti u?t worthy men in.I will tnt Mich in. n w. ll f) y au 1 keep 11.- i\KH I'l. Wrllr \ f4 i<>--i?> . W.i lloohdt CO..Richmond. Ya rj SJAS/VJAI/?IAJ/<^SJ/VSAJ/V2AI/? . I ?NGINES boilers. ji Tnnk* Sivk*. Statu! I'tpnsaml Sheet.Iron i Work: Shafting, ['iillrvs, Clearing. Iloxr*. Hanfeie. ?!? Mill t nut I up* IVl'ui every <ihv. work hands lomraru iiuin wdkkst d iti.a ? <? i A' *iU-?TA. IjKoKUIA GRASS and FIF.LDSEEDS ONION SETS, POTATOES, PEAS; WINTER, RUST PROOF, BLACK. WHITE OATS, SOJA BEANS, &c. S. T. BEVERIDGE & CO., 1217 K. C?rr St., UICHR1UKU, VA. I . , I i i "FT/ j r |E$| BMI VQl BH |wn^ *j ? < / s Hair with v AAC AT iur^ Ap: 'ik*' or CUTICURA, purest of his treatment at ones 'es crusts, scales, and ted, itching-' surfaces, :ies, supplies the roots unent, and makes the L, wholesome, healthy IUTIGURA SOAP preserving, purifying, and beautify-* crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the whitening, and healing red. rough, gs, and challngs, and for all the purMillions of Women use CnTici'Ra ylng irritations, inflammations, and inspiration, in the form of washes for itioeptic purposes which readily sugrs. No amount of persuasion can I great skin purifiers and bcautifier.s, uubines delicate emollient nronerties i euro, with the purest of cleansing >f flower odors. No other medicated eservini*, purifying, and beautifying >ther foreign or domestic toilet soap, / with it for all the purposes of the itiincs, in One Soap at One Pricf, tr.ST skin and complexion soap, tho d. I Treatment for Every Humor. a hdap (2&c.1, to cleanae the nkin of cruet* and htekenrd cuticle; Cl'Tirriia Ointmrxt {'Me..), ig, Inflammation, nnd Irritation, arid aciothe and It solvent {50o ), to cool and clean** the blood. entTlclent to cure the moat torturing. disfiguring, ica:V elfin, ecalp. anJ Mood humor*, with loaa of i. (told Utrouiebout the world. am mwn m.m m m rr m mjcwn m.m m *m I SpAPE? 1 Greatest, CSeanest Pood on Garth 1 l >'or5!ie?(>, Swine.Callle, I ] wHBaIhF/ ^V|!l taw eer,. ' *4 ?ktl | *e*42v% Salarr'scaUl vm>* ihrot r?pf. Billion Dollar Grass ' m*kr you rich; If tons I ^ *\ < f k?jr ind Iflsof (Mttjr?|i?r a rs,?os!so I Firoti.u*. Tssa st, Spoilt (4^0 bu roro,?<0 , *>u* r,,kl* I fr * ? For this Notice and 10o. [ NowUI-a, fullc Wintti HOlo b?t I I"or 1 Ir. 7 T^aUbia and | I ^ UrliiLxxit Cvnar ar?<l parksge* st..l cftUtlog. | aJOHM ASA1ZER SEED C0..u2SKt! W mmwtwww ww TWWU rUCCnilTU'C nn/ci nnuraiT. I iilouui n o ulvLLtinvicn i; OUR LINB EMBRACES [he Machinery anil Appliances Rssen tial to the Development of the South's Resources. It is Complete. Submit us your wfiuts. Prices corn pet it ire. W.H.GIBBES&CO. ! roLi/nniA, s. c. MACHINERY & fllLL SUPPLIER A* *