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FORT Mm, inaixa:. Pithy Points viatiijrcu l;>r i!jc Perusal oi Times Renders. Miss Corn Wils mi, of Morgan ton, X. is tiio ouest of Mrs. S. E. "While. K? v. -I T. Spinks and family moved from t.hir place to Pleasant Valley \est.i rdny. The Misses KomlrieU, of lloeU Hill, vis.ted ft lends in this community last week. The Hock Hill chapter, 1>. A. 11., held a 1? iiliant rereptiou titul banquet last evening, tit which the Fort ill quests of honor were. Dr. and Mrs. J. II. Thoruweli. Mrs. S. E. White and Mr. .T. A. \\ it hers. A stranger walked into otio of the local ilrui; stores Monday afternoon u:nl called for a drink of beer, whisky, wine or ale. I'pon beinj* told that he coal I not be accommodated, the Btranker remarked that he was not a dispensary spy, but an i! ishnian. The home missions committee of lfethel presbytery met at -the resiihme ? of Mr. .1. M. Spratt in this place Monday evening. The members ot* the committee who were present at the inertim; were. Revs. \V. A. iIatl'tier, ?l. I?. Swann. Chalmers leaser and Klder \V. IX Knox. Dr. d. Li. Thornwel!, an honorary member of the committee, also nttemled the meeting, Considerable business relating t > the chur Ins of the presbytery whieh are not / supplied wmii pastors was transacted. The next * tinj_r <>f t!i?? committee will lit* held lit the home of Klder Knox, in Chester. For two days during the pas' week the county chain gang was employed in mncndniui/.ing Withers street, which runs through that part of Fort Mill known as Sprnttville. The Times learns from the sup 'lintend mt of the gang that it it will require at least three weeks' to finish the work undertaken in this township. Then the gang Nv'd he moved to the Waters hill, in Catawha township, which is said to be in worse condition at present than any other part of the public roads in York county. Catawba township is one of the two townships in the county in which no work has been done by the chain gang since it was established live years ago, the other township being lief he.-,da. Coming to Fort Mill. Win ashore News ami Ilerald. rp i. . .. i 1 a i itr i ami' many inenijs 01 sir. \\ . .\ J5onty will regret to lc.trn that ho is to leave Winnsboro, thoimh they will be pleased to learn that it is a special business inducement that takes him Iroin his <*li 1 homo. -Mr. lloaty has been eloch d secretary I ami treasurer <f (lie cotton mill at Fort .Mill, lie is to enter upon his new duties at an early day. Mr. Jieaty is well lilted for the position to which he has la en elected. ! I is family will remain in Winnsbuio for some,time y? t. The Times learns from Mr. 15. I), ^prinus. president of the Millfort null, that Mr. ilenty has been np])ointed secretary and treasurer of that mill. Mr. Beaty is expected to arrive today and wiil assume the duties of his new position at once. The retiring secretary and treasurer of the Millfort. mill, Mr. \\ . A. Watson, who i.^ a!s > a I arse stock holder, reliinpii?lies tin pi be cause of the inconvenience in rum i11!_r to Fort Mill from ( harlotte, ; where he reside-i. .M r. Hold. Hut lei* K * will be retained ns supeiint. ndeiit of the mill. Smallpox in Rock till!. A special to The Stale from K Rock Hill says that Mr. Alb rt Harrison ha - a ca of sin dlpow I hiring tin' hoi ida vs lie v ed several other towns in this State, a fortnight sinee For a week lie has been slightly indisposed and up >n calling a physician in- pronoune. d it smallpox'. I!i- diagnosis he been continued by another ph\.-i. cian. The b >ard of health tool; Ht.rn charge at once and ijuaiantined Mr. Harrison's residence ami prem.[] ] ises. riio pest h nisi built t yt ars ayi was renovated Saturday m and the p itient ni .vel to t:nHB day. ! Io< k 1 i i i 1 im I! 101 >u. v .eI j eina.ed and there seems to be li le ; | . alarm f t ;o a .-pi d. at| ( m. V > The Proposed lion J Issue. Tim first regular moetino of tin* town council eleolod on the l?th instant was held last Friday al'terii-? 'ii. at wliich nil the metnbets were pr? sent. The meet ins.; proved unusually* iuterestinir and much diseussioii was arouseil by the consideration of a matter wbieh will bkely eommaud more than p i--in;; attention. ()ne of the e< uneilmen stavteil the bail rolling; by proposino that LlO-yeur town bonds to the amount of be issued for streit improvements; and it was argued by the eouneilman who made the proposition, that the most inaetieable way of raisinir iiumev (o improve tin1 streets would I?t* to issue bonds. The establishment of a dispensary in Fort Mill would furnish sntiieieiit revt line to obviate tlie neeessary of the bond issue, but there are objectionable natures about the dispensary. Posterity would receive greater benefits from improved stieois than the present general ion. and it should be arranged for those who succeed u s to help b? ar t he burdens of t In se improvt m nts. None will gainsay that the stiocts of Fort .Millsh.ouM be improved, and it is a waste of words to talk about property values enhancing or th ' populat i > i f f I lie town increasing until we do something to make such t lungs probable The contentions that our taxes are low and that as the town is practically iineneiiiiibi red it is best not to eliange these conditions, do n< t receive seiioii- thought by those who own property luce ami li >pe to see it increase in value. There isn't a progressive town in the State which isn't in debt an ! in which taxes are art* not higher than hero. To show that i' i ? u e. proposed to enter into an extravagant scheme to raise money with which t?? improve the streets, it has been ear-fully calculated lli<t ail increase of 1mills over the present assessment, or ;?' _? mills, all told, wdl n:i\ tln? ini.a ..,.#1 . .(?I... I -J ,,"v? " "' ' bonds in 2:) years, or liy tho time they become due. According t?> a recent issue <ii the Ii<>0k liiil i 1? raid, Kock llili |>iiys 12 mills on her 'axnble property, unci the question of inereasin^ the taxation by mi addition b mills is lioin;; agitated. Thus showing that our jiro postal taxation is exec , dimply nominal. The imt i-lxmil peo] h; of Fort -Mill claim that t h is taxat ion would hear unduly on the mill interests of the place and would operate to keep other [ ro posed invest ments of tlie kind away from Fort Mill. The answer to this is. a j^roat many people object to paying taxes to educate poor children; but t!ic State ant liorit ies all over the country have declared it to be lejrnl. and even exp client, to tax the wealth of the land to educate1 its people to a better citizenship, in that better citizenship ipves inereased value to any locality. This same argument applies with as much force to the prop i.seil 1) ?ud issue, in that eveiy 1??w 11 t h . t issues honds invites, l?y its public spiritedness, progressive people, where n (ieju'i town rope's tle-io. The immigration of this class of p pie enhances the value of the property of any town and insures a hotter and more intelligent class of help in every department, ami thus I 11elits even those who oppose it. Witness the town i f tinstouia ( N. in wli ell the mill operators insist on employing only the host In lp that can he had, thereby | ayino larger dividends than the other mills in tliis section of the country. The romlil ion of tlio streets in Kofi .Mill prompts the stranger who im.y enter our niulst to at once associate tin- town with the celelca'eil Air. .M cnwher, who was always waiting for loniethino to t II Ml II ] >. A Cant of I husks. Kditor Times: IMense allow nnspure in your rulninns to thank those fiiends who have been so kind to my family in our I ite aliiictioiis. I am deeply seiisihle of otir obligations. and hope some day to show our at jireeialion of favors l>i\s!o.vt 11 ?: k. rwise than by word.. ]j .o i'lil' llie t i rv-ivi-s how orateful ! f- I ' 'lose fri",id in in- -d. \'erv r. sp? e|f !!v. ' \ .' ! I-'. M m' :;Y \ An cut the Dispensary. Tiio article published in these columns last week under I lie caption "Dispontiary Talk in fort Mill" has created a oreat deal of comment in this community and lias resulted in more l.aisli wards and wry faces beiii)* made at the editor than was anticipated \vl en the nr'iele was written. Imbed, the nrliele seems tv? have struek a popular chord, of disapproval. It was made the basis of at b as! one anti-dispcusary sermon and was also referred to repeatedly a' another religious service. In bis sermon Sunday morniiut. lb v. Mr. Finch, pas* or of the Hap tist church in this place, observed tbat The Times of last week con tniiit'd information to the etfeet that certain citizens of Fort Mill wetc discussing the advisability of a dispensary beinrf locat< d licrc. lie (h -non need tli i mitation and did not waul to see a dispensary opened in Fort M ill. A congregation that taxed 111" seating capacity of the Fort Mill Methodist church was in attendance Sunday afternoon to hear the ant i-dispt iisary sermon of llev. M .. \ i none, as it was anticipated that lie would unite S nth Carolina's liquor system hip and thi^h. And the lari^e eoni^rcaat ion was not disappointed. Mr. \ In^an his sermon by reading from the I ist issue of The Times the article relative to a disp n.arv in l-'ort Mild i! e d-uoiiiinated the article an "editorial" ami then paid his respects to tin* i d:tor. I ae revenue feature of the dispensary benefits the dispenser only, and lie would rather ii.Jit a blind tiper than a tiijer with both eyes wide open. We would not macadamize the streets of F?.rt Mill with the money leveniic from a dispensary, but with the you no manhood of the low ii. Loos 111 list hi? furnish* u t<? run a saw mill, just as human lo^s 1 11111 -1 in* forthcoming to insuit* the success of a wiiisliy mill. [The time st't'ins opportune t ? direct the nitration of the readers of 1 his paper to the fact that The limes was not commit ted to the establishment of a disp -usury in I'ort Mill by the publication of a news nrticl on the subject last week. In justice to the ministers whose sermons are noted above, however, it should be stated that, so far as we are in formed, in-it ln-r of tlieui have made such a charm*. When The Tillies conclud s that the interests o| t his coin in tin. ty can best lie subserved by t lie eslabi i di m e n t of a d is-h nsary in 1 <a t .Mill, covert words shall not be employed to make its posits a known. Kditor. ] May Wish I hey liad Opposed tt. News ami ' '<mricr. Some 0110 started up the report that tin* Yuri; dclc^ati<>11 would oppose tin* Charleston ? \p<*.->iIi< 11 appropriation. Il seems to have been a tail \ tail <>r misunderstand i11Senator llricf is heartily in favor of the appi opriat ion. ' Three out ot the lour member* in the lloii-.e have uiMMpiivocally expressed t heir support of tlie up propiiation and the fourth nn mlier of the delegation is undecided. ( 'apt. Ilaile, of \ ork, is one ol the new members of the House. Ills county seems to have a habit ol sending sollie o| the soberest t iiinkeis and most careful members to the Legislature. ('apt. Ilaile represents a line people and is 11i> rial. In talliiiio about 111" ex pi sit it>ii, lie sa id: "I am an advocate of progress and enterprise, and could not be ol b< rwise, eon i i n ;_j I rum the east rn section, o: ie ol I he most en t ei pi is in;X counties ill the State. Tlii.. II, .< t III. I I ......, I ... .. .? < , . ... . M nn II ?7Tni.r IIIHIter mill Imli vp it will hp Oi "lent mlvriiilnifp Mot only t<> our State, hut t ln.> whole Son I lici n section, mm I tiny 111 i iiiT t lint 11 f i> f'i ?r i Is oh joe t 11i' 111j111ii111 i11:ill inn his my approval Mini support. A i t<r this niftl I*-!' is presented ninl (1 irteussi (I the miiDiint will doubtless granted.'' ^ f,l'lie Cut .Mill Lmlit Infantry wiil'JI' ' Ut t lid til I'll i i e 11 1111 illIll .ir:?ti? n iii Washington City on .\i rC'li i '? Id- derision was mad at a Tin-el i a ; of the c'oinpativ las; i-'r ' iy ev audi *. V v s I I \ V) CHILDREN Would much prefer that you j^ivo them Tasti 'iss Castor i>i5. T!;t \ like to lick the spoon. 10 emits per bottle, at H2S33RJE Y'S. w ! : tiiam; oru many t'kiknds i'Oll Tii kiu L11 i? * i > i i )i ? mil, w ? - ' . r.U.XIi ! .\IU(I.N.\ti!'/ i>i UI.Mi Tin: V!:.\K AND WISH THEM ALE AHairav New Year. 2. j '*v ' rT/Vf^*1^ n? 'I limit' 1'HAHl.OTTK, X. l\ A Meat Market At whieh rensonal If prices predominate has at last lifon estalili-ln (I in the Jones building, on .Main street, where the elioieest Li:i:r. roui\ ami sals MIL ean lie had at any time. Von have I teen pay i ::p I :J | U rents per pom id for Koiind Steak. I'll sell yoii the I lest at I n etiils. EI S11 and ( >\ S. 'IT.IIS ( in t \ ei'v st y le t Sat u relays. (1 i ve n. e your orders, ' I Mi one I I W. E. D EATON. i: | Hj] H 3: \ * .n w / | .1 r. p - f I / it I: If "pi ?: ' U : ; v mI v.- i v i it:' r-lJ \ '/ h\ I Rx V* I r\;\j -11? -\/> >\ u -- t ij.At*\r . '?v ? SITTING J DOWN TO A V. HAL ample in <|tumtity. excellent in quality, skillfully cooked and well f> rved, the average man is 11<>t apt to til id fault with the cost. lie couldn't at II \M) BKOV. KKnTU'RIXT any way. We serve a most satisfactory dinner for "j.7i ckn r^. Hand Brc.e, Koru ihllm. G. W.NORMAN & GO. WHOLESALE A\D RETAIL LIQUOR DEALERS, l!.?\ - - - ( II AKI.oTTi:, N*. C. i tale* iiiuiTi pleasure in calling ymir attention i?> i he very lew prices el' my til LI ope11 furnace Whiskies, w hi h tor lilieen years have lie eipial, eii her I'er ilrinU or medicinal purpo>es. Ila\ina par ha>e.| I a r:;e ipiautuies el* Old Mountain ('era \VhLl;e> at \er\ lew prices last summer when distillers Were p;vs? i| I'er i-it. I aln prepared 10 ej vi. special attent ien and very low ipiolaliou to anyone wanting anything in my line. All ord? rs must l?o aeeoiu ;'allied hv cash or hank reference ! < .i. I'nl In <'x:11111ri my )>ii?*?> list, wltii It i i " I in T? - jtiu ; 111 < I l><?\: Sw.-cl Ma di ( i>ril, ?l .fl. i.'? < > 1.1 ('urn \\ hidioy, viTy li m * . V.ii'i I ill III I'llSf ( i III, . I .'i'l I'.i si I lullanil <iiri, . Vi nil 1**1 III* ( M'lllU .1 ( iin. HI 1'irat IMII' ^IIIIIM miii Wyi', l.iM I ?< -jt Sunlii'iiin llyr, . 2.011 l i no 11 ijfli < ni<S?* l< \ < -!, :;.on Norl li ( ; >*<>111i;i -\i>]?I< I >i:111 l\. *'. * * 1?I N. <I*i :i I? lira u?ly. "i.'iO I'llll Nr?V Ini^l.llld lllllll, I I'riicli mill I lunuy, . V illi Kim-K ami Kyo, I i-'i i > I I .Nnvniiiii ('urn. it yi-sii* old .'. ">ii I 'inc ! ' ul t In I \\ ii i- !> i* ill flu |m?\ I Oil No< liai-uo will In- inailr luria-u wIh ii yon want .^arli ijuniil ii i?-s. Musi re,|H'cl fully, G. VV, NORMAN & GO. CRYSTAL LENSES cr ' \ ^ T??ot i/*rk. 4*- A >j; , , V Qsaiiv Flri sal Always Pjv - . * . >'?. -j- .?-v m ; '-Ar. ' t: ? >yi& W 'l ' ^ V \ff^ ' '. V. r >\\ *yl fck :v?&\ L'.liuM vMSl L. t&Jii1L 'l U. V, ARDKEY & CO., Unfits ::i:t\\m siu>i\ M. -:-s. \V It. 1:nnl \*' li. Rsiyno 1 i;tvi* ( !? :i .! i r hit.: . r |< tir >!n>|> iii I'>ri Mill mill ili. y ii i your work. II.ivy thrill sluv > our liors;- . I! ) JUST ARRIVED? Haii Car Lead cI L Tin' kind that do not hum out. for six years and have never h.ul a ( repairs of any kind for them. The i stoves of an inferior quality. If yoi investigate. If your wood pile is gt 0110 of our Leader Airtight Heaters. limUos inoro lioat than live sticks in i very short time. Our W1NTKU COST SALH o \\ o still have some nice goods on or Now lot of Ft KNITl'RK and o\v prices. ia. mi yWhite Goods, N\*have received and opened u at the following prices? < hgand it 8 1 mlia Linen o, 7 1 -J. Nans >ok Plain Xansook !N rsian Lawns Colored ami cheeked Diinitic Also a full line of White Lace, throw on our counters a handle of short lengths, at 10 ets. per yard, an have a yard left in a week. Thesi 10 ets. a yard. Also ILt? yards Pup 1?) ets .-mother t roitiemloiis htirirnii counter in tlio renter. wl each am FARMERS' \\ e desire to remind our ftiriuo complete line of? Shovels, Picks, Iloes Trao: chains, Bridles, points, Horse Collars, I FERTILIZERS?Ac COTTON SEED ME, We will buy Cotton them Fertilizers. irassniss < N i:\VS AM) < ) I' IN l< >N S < ?! ' N ATI? ?N A L I M ! < MTANl '10. Til E - SUN \ I .< >N 10 C( >NTA INS IW )T I f. I>nil? , hy mall, - $6 n year. Daily anil Sunday l?y mall, a year. The Sunday Sun Is Till: <; i;i \ti - r s i nim Y M.WSJ-aiu.i: in Mil Woltl.ll. I'rici* 5c. a copy. Ily mall. $2 a > ear. .wM:vss rnit SLA', NYu Y<>; !<. | For HOLIDAY PRESENT 1 m a. . v ifks JLamp oi ' f l| Tlf Imnp ili if tUwr.n'l flam i '??. |o ii-.- I .<I Im. 'na 'f ; ii l:ii ! {V j on ' t ji in.| i i\,'mwl ; iId / y ? 'QkI i-'ii't villi, you liavi A\ ^ fw? f' ! iv~ 1 * ,'V. S 'W ^ ,, * ? ' I' y Oflii-r l:i?IiP"t III.' / In' < ((?" \ ' thi-y in.iy Im', in oiiih i ?j i? <;!.? \ . - iii'xi, llii r'-'i onU i'in>. j'i. siii " tin' !; iii|> olTori- l yuanTc;'* on it ; <M iy lanip lias it. (20 Olil ? f. v Wimmii l?:l ??v#*ry L?ii i? warn l t \ want a in- v lamp or s'niv. nn ~ ' %> V , i ii il i vn " it i *! ?I f p i'tli"i ' a' '"'"i'" ' New Roch??ti 'V1!' i : \ mi I . riii- Mi'i j V Vvi an. /Pi CI A 1.1 ST in ?hJ I ^.b >" -rji ' l.naip-. t'oMMili | THl Rae!?c.STi.R LIMP CO ?x easier Cook Stoyas, We have been selling these stoves all for ;i tlr*? back, yrute or any >riee3 are no higher,.than for other i lu'od a stove, it will pay you to It tag low, it will pay you to yet *5 One stick of wood in this heater ii fireplace. It pays for itself in a outilines as long as the goods las', ir cost counter. SEWINC. MACHINES at very LSSElfH 1 j White Goods. ip a complete lino of white goods l<?, 12 l -2, 15, 25 and 35 cts. K>, 1l? I 2. 15. 20 and 25 cts. 5, G, 10 and 15 cts. .... 12 1 -2, 15, 20 and *25 ots. 12 1 -*2, 15 mid 20 cts. s.. 1<>. 1*2 1-2, 15 and *20 cts. stripes and cords. This week w 150 yards of Striped Dimit'cs, d we guarantee that wo will not > ate the best goods we ever saw at . . . a s lor skirts, boys waists, etc., at i. Come to see them?on the lirst & EPPS. SUPPLIES. r friends that we are carrying a !, Hames, Plowstocks, Barbed Wire, Flowr S 1] -?tc. tt ii. 1U, OUlULie, IVdLill. VL. 1 Seed or exchange for & Tt OXJJtf GL ' 1 For First class Fcrvin "o to UHlll/tOYS - KICNTAIiitV l - I Opposite 1st Presbyterian church, oil \K LOTTO, X. C. !lest < lers in t lie city. I .a r;'esi limcli counter in tho State. ."'I \\ est Trade st Pa l. * i liasy work, good pay. Mal;e up . Huh for Mm YOltKVILLK IKit. i lie J:i->T family news* pa i r in f-oiitli i. *11 vol ina. Liberal com- ' i, p -o- fioii to < 1 iilnnakers. Scholarships ) in ? oil \ er anil IhieWcsl Female e#>lI'S-'es. won li "i?i each, to t In* yoniix lif ilu - who retarn and pay for the largest li. s. Now is the tinu to beL'in. Write to itfor )>;it'iifiilarn. J,. XI. < iKIST & SONS. Yorks ille, S. C. t folil I. ;~7~ ? ... *~~ 3~ i'c;1 3 sJZRV DAY i*1Sel Steady ifablts j ipor s-:hi.|.v, ?- fii.-p y?.u I .|? Mm! I 'i; ( J \>i.' 11 jy if I '' ' ^ ^ j 1. (Plw /. 88 Il.ifflay St., New t??%.