University of South Carolina Libraries
iTnlMM* jUuiMUW Wa hawe received a copy of the nevr for IDOd published by the Royal Baking Powder Co. It is an ar{tfttlo and useful book, and will be of Sritoreat to bousokoapors. A noteworthy feature of tbe almanac is n prediction cf the weatbor for every day of like year by Professor DeVoc, who eorpectly prophesied the great (lalveston jtyclone nid other Important metcroJlogical cveuts. Wo nrc authorized to pay that any woman reader of this MTior run appnrp n pnnv wll Imnf pn<t^ toy sending r request to the company pit 100 William street. New York, The Demand for HlcVory. , Dpcn fireplaces with prates hrt>>. fcame to be so popular In the modern piouse that there has arisen a demand for hickory logs of tho old-fashioned kort that one can build Just the right tlnd of fire with. Now there are so tunny other uses for hickory that It is r'ery difficult to get logs of size nud sufficiently knotty to suit. Wood yards pare fixed a price of $15 a cord for pew York State hickory. But if one wants the sort that is full of knots and gnarls and that will last the whole jrrenlng once it Is lighted, lie will find that he has to pay at least one-half biore than the quoted prices. Kvou at (that he will have a heap of Inspecting to do before just the right thing is jfound, though some good stuff is occasionally sent down the Hudson Kivcr. bther lots come from us far north as [Vermont and Canada. r Teacher?"The sentence: "My fath- 1 had money,* is in the past tense. | Now, Willie, if you said 'My father taw money, in what would you i>e speaking?" Willie?"Oh, that would toe pretense." Have yon ev??r experienced the joyfulsen Jition of n gor>d appetite? You will if you ohew Adams' Pepsin Tuttl Frutti. A fellow can't be judged by the umtorelln ho borrows. Tho ehnroploti oarsman should know the \ Tywed to ?nrc?-e?. Ho. 3. . Talk A !L - - jl TT x !"? ! That's always the way with our Hair Vigor. When persons use it they are always so highly pleased with it that they tell their friends about it. If your hair is short, too 1 thin, splits at the ends, is ! rough, or is falling out, our H air Vigor will perfectly satisfy i you. If your hair is just a little gray, or perfectly white, Ayer's Hair Vigor will bring back to it all the dark, rich color it had years and years ago. One dollar a bottle. I our druggist cannot supply you, tend us fi.on and wc will expi cms n bottle to yon. all chnrflrH prepaid, tic sure end give ua your ucurest repress otfice. J. C. A. v km Co., Lowell, Mas*. Send for our handsome book on The Hair. m i . . 115 ^efrst. enreet cure for B If- l>1 111 S"!! throat end luof trouble*. People praise r i. c i. iw? r?Ji.?i VUUJ^II ''j' ' "P yuuk. nut remits. ScftiM ?ub?utuic?. Gel Dr. Hull's Cough Svi up. L9BBYS Wil^iCiE in ?"r i1 mammoth r HAS IC TS kitchen we em- I Bfl KLiMk y ploy a chef | I who it an ex- ! pert in making mince pies. || II Ic has charge of making all of | Libby's Mince Meat. * ( We don't practice economy here. I lie uses the choicest materials. lie I is told to make the best mince meat v ever sol J ? and he docs. I Get a package at your grocer's? T I enough for two large pics. Y ou'll I r never use another kind again. = LIDOY, KlcKEILL & LIBGY I 1 Chicago y NVrite (or our booklet, "How to Make I Guoil M innas to Kal." 2 ' l? mi?mi?? u ?m?? n ?mi?in?j Two hundred bushels of potatoes remove eighty pounds t of "actual'' Potash from the If, soil. Unless this quantity i _ _ t i y ( is returned to the soil, (' matCT:al:y ^CcrcaSC* 1 Composition, use and value of IcrtiU/iTs for various ciops. ! t GERM AN IUU WORKS, , j Cflfe3STSSIThomcson's Ejs Vitftt | THE NEWS EPITOMIZED WASHTNflTOU ITKMS. The srcech of Representative Cp?h\ man. of Washington. ridneuling the Hirer and Ilnrhor Committee revealed a new humorist In Congress. Reennse of the Powers' onposition,1 President MrKinlejr withdrew his proposal for a commission oil Chinese Indemnity. President MefCinloy's cold developed Into a well defined onse of the grip. Tlie Military Court of Tnouirv re. j ported Pint r*ndets P">oz erd Tiretb d! I rot die as a result of hazing at West Point. Advocates of the TTollnnd submarine inat will urire Congress to authorize tlie construction of twenty more boats. ntrn AnorTEii isr,A\ns. The Pliillpplno Commission has deelded to organize an American police force of 300 men for service in Man- j lln. W. TTornre Wrl<rlit. newspaper man and a leader of tho Ttovnlist party in Hawaii, committed suicide at llouolulu. TIio Philippine Commission has com- i plated a code for the Government of j municipalities. Major Walter Ttced. surgeon, snvs the use of chloride of lime as a disinfectant in Havana would save $('>!>,000 a year. The Philinnino Commission made ' permanent I he suspension hy General j Mne'rthur of Judcre Ma!nrries of the Court of First Tnstnnee. for improper < administration of his duties. Governor Allen returned to San Juan from a tour of Porto Ttleo. heinrr enthusiastically received in every town lie visited. DOMKSTIC. The will of Ilo^er Wolcolt was ad- ' mittcd to prohate at Iloston, Mass. It shows personal property valued at l SI.not 1.000 and real estate valued at t $1:10.000. Frank G. Clarke. Popresentative in Concress from the Second New Tlainp- I shire district, died at I'eterlioro from < ijuiclc consumption. lie was fifty years old. A resolution was adopted hy the Missouri House of Itepresenlnlives memorializing Comrress to permit the I Viiininos to establish a government ol' their own. William S. Jennings. a rottsln of W. .T. Bryan. was Inaugurated as Governor of Kin. ida. at l'allahnsseo. A bill lias Ik'pii introduced in the Colorado Senate restoring eanitnl i?ti 11 ishment, and providing for eleelrocution. in the year 1POO precious stones. d'ani'tmls and pearls vained at S Kl. Cl.~?.2(l passed through the appraisers' stores at port of New York. The torpedo boat destroyer Lawrence made twenty and a quarter knots an hour on Its maiden trip to Boston Light. A freight ear filled with powder exploded with tremendous forec in a railroad wreck near Wilkesbarre, Penn. Bishop Coleman, at New York City, raid drink among women was increasing. while decreasing among men. Miss Augusta Blanche Berard, formrr postmistress at West Point, N\ Y., was buried with military honors in the West Point Cemetery. National hanks in New York C*ty held annual elections. New directors here elected, representing significant changes in management. llohert Cnllender. son of a wealthy merchant of Providence, K. I., committed suicide. Arthur Edgar Ely, a Yale student. died from tlu* effects of overstudy in New York City. Eight persons charged with counterfeiting were arrested in New York City by Secret Service agents. A Big Four passenger train was wrecked near Alexandria, Ind., and Engineer John Crlpes and Fireman William Bates were killed. The car shops of the Virginia and Fouthwestern Ilailrond at Bristol, Tenn., were burned at a loss of $:'ADOO. Spontaneous com bust ion of chemicals caused the tire. The I.afnyette Memorial Commlss'on nt a meeting in Chicago decided that a replica of the Paris monument shall be erected at Washington, 1). C. Luther Lombdin, postmaster nt Haiti, Mo., confessed to stealing two registered letters containing JjltKH) when arrested. F01tF.I?N. Stephano di Lorenzo, a companion of the notorious Italian hrignn I Mnssoiino, l:::s been arrested near Heggio ili Calabria. At the annual popular fete of Tie hi- ' No-Iehl in the Kauda district of Toklo. Tapan. twenty persons \vA\ e.-rsl.e-.l ' to death in a Manic end itrured. Liu Kutiyi, Viceroy of Xante hi. has memorialized l'.mp"'or Kw.'.U'rsu of [ihnu, t<> nbo ch tin disl notion lit-- ! 1 ween M.tnchus ami Chinese. lTInoe Alexander lVtroviteh was font from St. Petersburg to take measures against the plague raging in Southeastern Kussin. l>r. Apnelhlo, a Filipino, arrived from the lulled States at Paris, where he may succeed Agoncillo, Aguinaldo's ng< nt. Sen v*en Fno. heir apparent to the throne of China, was given forty baml>oo strokes for not paying due respect to the Kmpcror, the Kmprcss Dowager consenting to the punishment. In behalf of peace, a Boer commitlee of Kroomstnd appealed for burgliprs in arms to cease fighting. The French Government valuation of the real estate belonging to the Monastic orders Is about $220,000,000. Dozens of trains were snowed up on the railways In Southern Russia and some were completely buried. Ten thousand laborers were sent to clear the tracks. President Desehanel was re-elected by the French Chamber of Deputlea after a close contest with Henri BrL<t " J A .. v w / * / ( To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Uhouo Quinisk Tabi?m. All drugclata refund ibe mouny it it fnilsto dbra ?. w. Gbotk's feiKaature ou eaoli box. Ma Mrs. Newly wed? My , husband is very easily plcaSod." Miss Caustiquo ?"Ycb; I thought tha- when he niarriod you." \ ''A'.0^7']': " - - Imm - y I I This picture tells its own sr older girl, just budding into wc ly with thoso irregularities and sap tlic life of so many young \ Lydia E. Piiikhnm's A always bo relied upon to resto suffer. It is a sovereign euro f complaints,?that bearing-dom and displacement of the womb, and all troubles of the uterus Iexpexs minors iroiu mo uterus ment and checks any tendenc subdues excitability, nervous p entire female system. Cauid asiytfiSxrj provi fSc3ai:ay of il^rs. Pinkha foSSov/is:g strong siaicmoi " Dkar Mrs. Pixkham :?I was a about a year and a half. I have tried nothing1 helped mo. I underwent the ceived no benefit. My ailment was pi . . I suffered fron ovaries, and tl leucorrhcru 111 i weak I had to hard as to ah: Wg , endure the paii \&T"\ My memorv gr< ^ MB getting well. \ m> \JSgp my sister I wro i v %euf answer came, and was under cure almost mi g II ukacl o.STANiBURY [ for your timi'l I I ) jn your noble | broken-down women. I have lull a I E. I'lnklinni Vegetable Lou S Ileriugton, Kansas. wrutr'< " Mi ni IW I.II 1.HIIJU " aaeo3Si0?e??i?ffi * UTi ill 2 You're bilious, got ? eyes burn, your skin is y ? mean, ns if you v/antec @ passed off, and what yoi ^ and those who love you, ? i> q Ue sure yoi | t i i Tins is I ? ^ ? THE TABLET OCARAmKD TO rTRK nil k*A hrrntii! h>A U)?oA, wind on I hriaiUk?k?, iHillnKIm, ylmwlrt, i>nl nnd Whm yon - (vltlnc tl?k. < ntll|i?t1?R kllli nix fa It ! dnrltr for tbn rhmnlr allna w nftcrwuirta. Ko MKttFr what nil* j Oyon wlU avver ant well nntl h* w< rlcht. Tnbo aur *?1r1ra| aUrt will ^ lavulM tn c?r**rn***7 r-*f\a?<l. 00??00?9????? iMtfigi- 'i i iiiiiii jGfiC3lwHK^4ai J Worth Knowinc. Teaspoonfnl do<w>* of Crati Orrhnrd Wntor nli-ht mMl mornliiK will euro Uio moot uboilnate cuei of cutisilpuliou. Hoax?"That was a fierce cigar Jones gave me. Wonder what brand he smokes?" Joax?"Mother Husbard." "Mother Hubbard?" "Yes; loose wrapper." , /^vmtx-mi i m i W.' Is 1 vr\/k' 1 iiMijl'i i - ' ' :& ?-??fcG. V;^ $?; i : orv of sisterly affection. The ! manhood, has suffered greatmenstrual difficulties which | | vcincn. I J 'c;;ctable Compound can I j re health to women who thus I J 'or tho worst forms of female fl 1 feeling, weak back, falling B J inflammation of tho ovaries, or womb. It dissolves and ! iu the early stage of develop- j y to cancerous humors. It \ irostration, and tones up tho D nzttro cfcarfy ffro ofm's RflosfSeine ifoan tfao j , 73/ cf Grjcc Stansbury? 1 i i sufferer from female weakness for doctors and patent medicines, but horrors of local treatment, but re- B renounced ulceration of the womb. I a intense pains in the womb and I ?e backache was dreadful. I had g | its worst form. Finally, 1 grew so I " keep my bed. Tho pains were so H aost cause spasms. When I could B is no longer, 1 was given morphine, cw short and I gave- up all hope of Thus I dragged ulong. To please fe to Mrs. l'inkhom for advice. Iler j ?. but I was taken worse the doctor's care for a while, nding Mrs, Fiukhain's letter, I eonhcr medicine. After taking two much better; hut ufter using six tired. All of my friends think my pictilous. 1 tlicnk you very much y advice and wish you prosperity work, for surely it is a blessing to nd complete faith in the l>y<lia ipOUXlcl."?(JliACE 11. SrANSUUnV, _ __ Ti Owiti-' to the fart that some skeptical UEE people have (rum time to tune questioned 5 u.StiP the Renuinene'sol the trstiraonn' etters I we are constantly pub ishinc, we have ( r National Hank, of l.vnn. Mass . $?.?>oo, d to any person who will show that the above Kenuina, or was published before obtaining the y rtnissioo.?hvma E. Pis hum Mkiucink Co. ' i DUSaa,ClC a cold, you have a throbbing s< -ellow with dark rings under you 1 to kick a lame infant or kill a j need is a cleaning up inside, but send out at once for a box of l fret CA.^GAPPT^ * Hn-u 0 W. ?>vw I 4^ ? L/UK L. ?son ccrs iJcct.ti "3t*^ ' , "I tinvo i ?i*V Ti" A. CAIIK I s ?n< V 'iA '\ a'Tt <!o without t i<_ 1 fiii -\ ?#V? io>;ne tlmo fn A. 7 I "* antl ; ni now ( Y^/ fr^y I sr" "ifm to *vi My ch,;: M"verb'^ and A irjovotnt tnr? f /> r """* t .)> o I tronVlf*. Afptn<1Uirii, t?lll ? ? ? , '?? aUmntlt. fttlvnf rd tiowfli foul ? ?<?? ? k, !) nil art- rul In*. llffr 4r?tit?le, A.lor,' r?mt* hnwrli Han't mo? a rrtful'trly you mrrt l-A pfo|?la Mil olhrr HltfAtCt ioffothrr. i?nli Btitl loni| )? tri ?f nflfrHii|( th*( tnm? o u, aturt rnNlnif 4\S HV A At ET* for ?!l sail ll<? llmf until ) on put your botraU i CASCA KI.TF todaay. uitltr mm abaoluU d. 4* ??ooq?o?q??>??g The Beat Prmrrlplton I'or ftitlla I anil Fever la a bottle of Grove's Tastelebi Chii.:. Tosic. It is aim pie Iron anil qutnin* in a tasteless form. No pay. l'rloe'iSc No man is sa bright that ho requires to be looked at through smoked glass. Each package of Putnam Fad* Dti co ore raore good* than imy otiior dye an colors them bettor too. Bold by uii drug gists. The man who is waiting for something to turn up is generally turned down. I do not bdlrvr Plso's Cure for Consumption has an equal lor coughs ii nd eolds. .lolls ! ' I'.oyKit, Trinity Springs. Ind.. F?di. 15. l'JUO. rnlnrrli ('Miiml be Cured With locul application*, as they can nut reach the seat of the disease. Cat-itrii is a lib km] or constitutional disease, and in order to cure It you must u kr internal remedies. Hall* I 'at arrh ('.ire is . nken internally, and nets ill reetly on tlie blood and mueous surface. Hall's I'tttarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. Itwie prescribed l>y one of {.! liest pliysieians ii this country fur years, and is -v regular prescriptioll. It Is composed of the best tollies known, ruin billed with the best blood purl Hers. ncting directly on the mueoii* surfaces. The 1 oerfect eoiiibiiiation ol the two iinTi?ll..iii ; i. ' what produce.* wirh wonderful results In ciivInn cutarrli. .w??nd for testimonial**. free. I'. .1. OlII'.NKY A: ('<?.. 1'iop.**., Toledo, O. Sold liy 1 iru^i/ist^. price, ?.V. Hall's Family l'illsato the best. r cxxxx>r,coc^^co^cocrx:oc coc o || p?jf $8 A rj (> ylolda to naturo'e medicine. () 8 /> 8 O -_A?T?Q W It easily ruree Dyspepsia and all stomach. yl U liver, klunoy and nowol disorders An tin* O D tlfdltdtperlaut and imliro; invigorate* O ri anil tone* the whole .r-ietn A natural Q r| water of tho higho t ri'sllcmal Talue, cou- Q X rentratetltoniaselte.'ii.ler X X unil clieapar In b dtle, r**? f/STN X \ W eh I p am] use. A A- r- W \ VW v vW. r\ y hotUn is ennui to L'iri!lonH<33^'. X CI of uuenndenseil water. /I9*nQ f> Sold by druaKiM* every TWAQT r liunK (3 1 X where. tVnh apple trade- h ^ ?y X I )\ mark on every bottle. X X CSAd ORCHARD WATER CO.. Louisville. Ky. ^ LOCXXSCOCCCCCOOOCCOCXXCCCCO fh P' K r* ^ OH>*-C>OtrOAOAr **0 ^1" R" w1.w 11.1 ? I\ i. > t I \ e> I <> ! ^S?CL.L?*J H'tltu (..lection ?.r K, t !>S , 1*11 K1C ?'f m??ti.*y cost. "Illy Hint ymi nt*ll <*) [I Pack'lsfif N' h lor in. nt .V rwrh. \0 ' j ? In a lvMiir-. WrlltMi* ? p?>m*nI hi-i ?? ting j Js till- '?fTt?r a ? i w o w Hi Mntl \ on tlit* ?* Tack**!* , j tit "iiff and w | I h h h il l ? nia.'-c. i nil Iii*frt;c- I ' J 14.111* mi I 1% I'Uf Pttu r ?r Utri lltloti uni-n* ] j r \ mr flit' ??Ih tn ' r Ifr t'? III .11 V tli 111 to b.iy lit* , &fs ..t n.iii H.I1IM I .1 lv I . "? (/ Kit V \ \ (;i)OV >1 li ?.( i'lullira j bin u lor telling I..O I'acltrU. IfifMITCn i Aiiiors ?ou tiii. ^4'AH I tu . OLIVl R lYPLW Rllfck. Il Vso your influence and eat n a luucbinn for yourself or make a nl< ?* profit by aelllujc i few machines am vour rrlen a. * ? veil in UiMtJtllmei tf and ik utkwr uiakca ot nacuiuca ? part pa> mant. Send fori atalog and Terms. J. E. CRAYTON, (ien'l Agent, * I anui:km?m, a. c. I 3RASS and FIELD SEEDS i ONION SETS, POTATOES, PEAS; WINTER. RUST PROOF, BLACK, WHITE OATS, SO J A BEANS, <5cc. 3. T. BEVERIDGE & CO., ! 1'2I7 I!. ? wry St.. Kll II M(l\ 13. V A. FREE ELECTRIC CELT OFFER \ > Wh HTEMDAt SfRlE WEARING . ?iii 77y TRIAL join own homi-, we f f^rl n mi ii ii" jiffy-in "'">mU *'?e K^nulne ami * "Rlv KriDkt.r.EU.. iLTKKNiT- i t 1NM *1 ^k(k.N I kLMIIUi fikMH \ Lj^ ij^K]a 1 Jsit loany rmulcr of this i?nper. a No nuatT In atftaara; ?cry low ! i |?r.?li!?p c?arnnteo. COSTS ?.w _ ALMOST NOTHING compared with most all other troetmmt s. turn aim all olbcr aleetrie baiu, appllajir+a ami remc4!A? fall. QUICK CURE for more I h on bailment*. ONLY KtRCCL'tlR for ell nerfou? diM asej. weakness** and disorders. For com pie to euicl corfWentlal cat&Ioirun, rutllilaadoot a ad mall (? ua. GEARS, ROEBUCK ?t CO.. Chicago. Ise CERT AiW a L'CURE.K ">OODQ V VFW *cov*RY:g\wm *Jr \/ I ^ I qaiek '? i?f pinil enrti w?iil Sffrt xtij.k ?l UM lUullltl* RUti i () (J II > m J I M l)T K H B'Kft's MIWI-. Hox U MUIU. 0? J / ensation in your head, a bad tast r eyes, your lips are parched a canary bird. Your system is f Don't continue being a bilious CASCARETS and work off the let them se!l you a fake s In... ?cu iAJ 111b Ulll- I III. ocr 4, 17S3. nwlx*. i r il your vnlonblc C\S- ? [ And them perfect. Couldn't Pr' hun. I have- used them for capv, >r ir.allKistlon ai.<l biliousness oniplctely cured. It'commend uo? y Once tried, you will bar lout them In toe faniiiv." , _ A Albany, N. Y. . 4 vino n't on foot in New Y^-k Keif, ? Trn i !ELS AND LIVER.' OV1RAVTXCP TO CFRCi f?nr yea. CA ft ETa was sold. &ow It ! over el* million 1 tmtlMr m^dlrla* In ike vorld. Thlt U nbfol nr Heat Itshaiaalnl. Wo fullb, aa<t ntl rnaraut??d to rmr* ?f money rtfimdrd. Go bi them a fair, honeat trial, at pet tferapla dlrarllu after utlac our HOo but, rvtnrn tha named I um by moll, or (ha drajilit (V#m wham you pit hark Tor b< Ih botta. Tafia our advlra-an mat Itrnltk will anlrklr follow and yon wilt bltat tl mlAtCAftEU. llaakfrea by aalL Adds Tl totttotttteeaei / A DISCOUNT OFTEN PERCENT. ORGANS m&M rianos ro:? JigPp|| CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. " de'!,|re cnt"$?33 logue clip this Notice and Mt A. MA LONE, Co'umbia. S. C.. and he will quote you terms and price . A chance to get a sine ORGAN or PIANO cheap. Plrain Kivo your iiHiuo und P. O. addrmn, wbeu f*uid ibis ud. Sawmills, corn millsT GANE MILLS, RICE HOLLERS, PFA HULLERS, ESGIilfcS, BOILERS, PLANERS AMD MATCH. ERS, SWING SAWS, RIPSAWS. und ft'.l other kind* of wood working machinery. Sly >frcp.ini I o - Uratu >uw Mill In tba heaviest, sironiO"'.. and most efflcfent mill for th?* money ou tin* market, quick, MdNraK. Htntn Accnt f-?r H. B Smith M ichlr.n Corupnny wood working machinery. Kor bich grade enRinc*. plain sllda tilA, Automatic, und Ouril**, vrito mat Alias, Waturlowu. aud Siri.thorn A Wtlla V. C. BADHAM, 1326 A\ain Street. COLUMBIA. S. C. ET I 50 KINDS For 1 6 Cents H J^-7" V-jJ 1 .a-t yra r rt *rt*M out for iMMiOQntw ^ if ruwttmx'M. \Vi% racoirrtl 870,(Vll. W? Ri "*"? j now lure on our lniokn l,ll0,?4(in brim. imJ 1 h\ g Wn wi*h :w/vu nuirf m 1 < 1, tunkiug **f I N jj I till, li^nc^ t b in pr crdtfl?t?a y f ? IT?r fur 1*5 ofitn |?? atp"u<l of IV L!'l Lliuls r>r inrc^llux Uiua rtdlshfA. J 9 IjH I'i ninwii'f 1 nil ritrllt ?t nir'.ui*, L W" * / H lP?urt? clnrlmi* 1?>n?alnr*, a \% A W Vff? |ifrr!fM Iniurr i mtcllft, ft ? 1^'*! plrmllJ lift ?or!?. *J| Ps n ??. ;oririiii?l) ftrmll i 11'. f.onrr ami a 9 In all Uo kiiHl* ?u?f t?? rti'li flit a?Ml | i. aar and JO JklV |3f *?' * ??'?r I f?n?. |A??'h)r without (teat M B7 Elllun riB-t RU'i 5 r I Ca aUf. teV.lti.; all U Cm B??kwil llt)li<v? Ib'lli.r Gm?*. IVbmi, M CwQ it U' "it-*. *-i-e'tr n?U'i SVr I at fi->? . etc all "ly |(f.'v- l?r K? renlA lamp* ami IliU nntler. ?'^r-'? ?i*]o< po"ne ? w?.ril? $??* u* awj jfrrn I \\ Yy\\ 1 ?i?nf*r rr pr im a< \ firm # ?<! . Kill ) )/J JOHN A. S AL7?.f 8EFO CO. ^A\\ / t-w Crowaa, Wl*l,n|_^m gNGINES BOILERS. Tankn. 8t-iek*, Stand IMpen nn?l Shoot lroa NS'oik. Shiftloy, i'ulloyh. Coating, IIoxh*. Mn goiH. ?*I0 Mlil t'f MiiH'n 1 w-i -t ? ? ? ? - LOMItAUli M???N UOKKS Jt >ll'PLYOf AUGUSTA, UKOltUlA. J iia.\ / $50to 100m3.' toii?iTv& \V ! VIB \ S III - I il.himid nil |my inn ? J h lary to st .rl ivlili. U'rim u, m mn r kItiok A C *? . iKTUp lion .?u I refi- ??.ic. a. lie quIt'K, nn ivaiiliill l Out'lllul) l>in I'lmnl;. VI rKXilynud Ak ^ (rust >v rihy in u. .mil * ul | ? aurh men well M y auil kui*|> liu'in fiupluye i \ \V . I. ? ?K.\\ntr< y lu- ?V. VV i II ? Al ( '<>.. II ichiuoiid. \ a. W nvTA.T/.*AWATj.rAV,.*i??*i?.I *_ uHt Taf CUHtSWlUHt Al" tLSt FAILS. CJ kJ Boat t'outfh Hjtup. ThjUc* <ioixl. U(0 fcj Iti tliuo. P..U1 by druggist*. gf lst?? V**li CPU rC of rrtry rtMrrlptton. r~'? ?up'Sl i v t*CO ii'i 'tiuti OuirKutMil. f '< ra?,V!.W Writ* for rrl' < *. JK-IHE MAUDES i n" ' 'iTiTMWD I iws ClmiU* I I'TliNTION i* fiioilit-\t-< I If vou mnntlOS ( tills i)*i>?r trlit d writing (wlvri tlsor*. Mo. 4. a Id? ! e in your mouth, your ? nd you feel ugly and ? ull of bile not properly ? nuisance to yourself ? coid v/hile you sleep. ? ubstitutcg q ? ? ? ? A ? 4 25c. 50c* ^ NEVER SOLD IN BULK. DRUGGISTS S ?? tho lr?t b*x of CA0- A win jrmr, ir?*Ur llwa mi V u?* proof *f *root Mtrll, u* a I **11 OAK'Alct* *bMl*l?lr ay lo<?r, two M? b*xw, (If* n , ?nj ir you or* IO? ho* (*t III* tH(ly ho* to V0 rrk*?*t It, Mt (*t your jwoy ^ Ur irkat y*?-*tart M >* 4?y r*n irtl ii*rt*4 th? * * ~ luJmfmTit,, it. ttwoimi i6om?o*e?i >i