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I T' FORT SI II.I. JiiiMM.K'. Pithy Points Gathered for the Perusaj of Times Readers. Mrs. 11. V. Macon visited her sister, Mrs. Brace, in Wiatisboro, last week. County Auditor W. W. Boyce will tie in Fort Mill on next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for the pur p. ise of taking tax returns. Five liP'Toi's?t li i'Ci> men ntul I \v*i i wonuMi?were arrested in this place Sunday afternoon upon the charge of gambling, but were released for want of evidence to convict. Mr. Mack Curtis and sister, Miss Iiattie,left Fort Mill Monday evening for a visit of two weeks to their parents, Rev. F. <). S. and Mrs. Curtis, in Laurinburg, N. C. The Times was pleased to receive ? call from Mr. .J. H. Coltharp yesterday afternoon. Mr. Coltharp has suffered a great deal recently from a carbuncle on the back of his neck. Mr. ?l. .7. Ormand, who moved from this township to CJastonia, N. C., about two years ago and who has since been in the meat business ill that town, is arranging to return to this community and will live on his plantation two miles south of Fort Mill. A meeting of the Fort Mill Light Infantry will be held in the town hull Friday owning to docido whether the company >111<*t:? 1 the Presidential inauguration in Washington Chty on March 1. The otlicers of the company are anxious that every member attend this meeting. The entertainment given in the town hull in this place last Friday evening by students of Gold Hill Academy was witnessed by a large audience, notwithstanding the inclement weather. The most interesting feature of the entertainment was the broom drill given by a number of young lady students. The Fort Mill friends of Hon. J. 11. Ilaile will be pleased to learn that he has been assigned to two of the most important House committees? "Agriculture" and "('oinmerce and Manufactures.1' It is also pleasing to nolo that Mr. Ilaile voted to extend the time for ^ the payment of taxes. The other membors of the York delegation voted against the extension. Saturday evening .Mr. John J. Rose, grand master of the South Carolina Odd Fellows, mine up from Charleston and organized Fort Mill Lodge, I. (). O. F., No. 00, the charter members of which are Messrs. Robt. iiutler, C. H. Haley, L. L. Worls, J. R. Cherry, C. T. Hardin, J. F. (Jossett, .!. \\\ Donohue, It. S. AVolfe, J. IV Cartie, II. S. Owens, Geo. Me.Manus, M. J. Adcoe.k, A. G. James and lid. Rodgers. An undertaking which is worthy of commendation is the night school which was recently opened at tho upper mill in this place by Mr. J. \V. Hough for the benefit of the children who are employed in the mill during the day and can not attend the public school. Mr. Hough does not charge his pupils any tuition and devotes two hours every school evening to teaching them, lie has about, twenty scholars at present. i fin i ? - t . x ne municipal election held in Fort Mill M onday for an intendnut and for wardens to seive during the year passed oil* quietly, though not without interest. The opposing candidates for intendant were Messrs. d. \V. McFlham y and T. (t. Culp and the gentleim n who were voted for foi wardens were Dr. T. S. Kiikpatriek and .Messrs J. M. Sprntt, A. A. Young, Ira (J. Sniythe, W. I?. Menohain and J. \Y. Ardrey. The count of the ballots disclosed the election of Mr. MeKlhaney. he having received 2?S votes to IS for Mr. Culp, and Dr. Kirkpatrick and Messrs. Spratt, Young and Syinthe. The new council was sworn in yesterday afternoon and immediately held a meeting, at which Mr. Smythe was elected town treasurer. Tho election, by the council, of a chief of police was awaited with consider ible interest and general substa tion was expressed when it l>Qcanio known that Mr, II. C. Culp w s the lucky man. jy&. :/j i J * I L>lipentur> Talk in Fort .Mill. The unusually largo amount of whisky which is being shipped to Fort Mill and the weekly visits to the town of soliciting agents of North Carolina liquor houses, as well as the knowledge that, a considerable part of the whisky shipped here is sold by blind tigers, has caused a number of citizens of She place to express the belief that it would be as well for Fort Mill to have a dispensary. These citizens il..o ~ 1 * r s.'.iivmu nun 11 itn^e illllUlllll ?I motley is annually scut to North ' Corolina mul other States fur whisky and that not one cent of revenue is derived thereforni by the town. The dispensary, it is also contended, would draw a gn at deal of trade to Fort .Mill which now goes elsewhere, that there would bo very little more whisky sold and that, the treasury of the town would he greatly benefited, which would mean better streets and a public school of more value. These are the chief arguments of those who believe a dispensary ought to he established in Fort Mill. Hut of there is another horn to the dilemma. Then1 is little doubt that at least double the amount of whisky would b sold from a dispensary that is shipped to Fort .Mill and the ditlieulty of <>!>t.aiuing it, slight as ii is, would be cni.reiy removed. -4 ?? Death of .Wry. I;mina Alassey. As Tito Times m?rs to press v.v learn of the liruth of Mrs. Fuiina Mnssey, wife of our townsman Mr. S. F. Maysey, which neeuivd at tlu> homo of hor fcister, Mrs. Sallie I)>wns, this morning fit o'clock. Mrs. Massey had boon in poor < health for more than a year and her death was not unexpected. Sue Was a member of tin; Presbyterian church in this place and was a true and consistent Christian woman and a nood neighbor. Mrs Massey is survived by her husband and two little daughters, both of whom are less than 10 years old. Sinwas about do years of age. ller remains will be interred in the Fort Mill cemetery tomorrow mornItems of Slate News. Mr. Wharton has taken his place as a member of the State boaid of railroad commissioners, and the hoard lias reorganized. Mr. Milborn beiiiLT the senior member, has sue.oedeed Mr. Kvans as ehairinan of the body. It is authoritatively announced that Congressman \V. .1. Talhcrt will not stand tor le-oloction, lint will make the race for governor next year. Tins report comes direct from Col. Talbert anil there seems to lie no doubt thaMHBM|^ avowed intention. The House of Representatives yesterday rntitied the nomination of the Democratic primary and the general election and voted for 1>. K. Tillman, of Kdoefield, to suceeed himself in the I'nited Slates Senate. There were I'Jo voles east, of which number Tillman received I Jo. The State says that the proposition to abolish the convict lease system and work the convicts exclusively on the public roads has a threat many supporters in both houses of th?' Le^islat lire, and several bills have already been introduced on the. subject, but it is im possible to say yet whether the measure will become a law at this sessii >n. The time f<?r tin* payment ?>f taxes lias lieell extended to February 1. This action was taken 1>\ the j^ovei nor, comptroller j^om f?*I and 11easurer last Friday. Though tlnse gentlemen have heretofore expiessed themselves as seeing no i good reason why the time should be extended, the agitation of the question in the House doubtless roused them to see that there might he some good reason in the plea for extent ion. Tiio wife of Mr. Melvin Hair, a well known planter living within one and cue.half miles of lalko, in liarnwell county, was as-inn I ted , wiih criminal intent by ('links Lang, <i ln^rt', Monday morning. Alter accomplishing his purpose, the negro attempted robbery ami tied, but was caught late Monday afternoon about three miles from lllaekvillo and taken back to the I scene of his crime. I'pou being confronted by his victim, Lang confessed to having committed the deed. The party of men which had him in charge immediately , carried him a short way from the house and, after swinging him up to a tree, riddled his body with bullets. ? The child Lnbor Bill. The i'ull text of I ho chil 1 lnbor bill, which was introduced in the i i<>11 e ? 1' Representatives by the Aiken delegation la*t Saturday, is as follows: See. 1. That from and aflor tho tiist day of May. A. lb ItKJl. no child under tho up' of I'd years shall bo employed in any factory, mine or other manufacturing ? stablishnicnt of this Stiitc. See. d. Kvcry owner, suporintondent, nmuapn* ir overseer of any factory, mine or olhei nianufueturinp establishment, and any other person in charge thereof or connected therewith, who shall employ any such child, contrary to the provisions of this act. shall be Utility of a misdemeanor, ami for every sneb otVense shall, upon conviction t hereof, be iim d not h'ss than MO nor more than hot), or be imprisoned not longer than days. <>r both at the discretion of the eourt. Sec. That any parent, guardian or other person having under his or her control any child who consents, suiters or permits the employment of his or her child or V,?,,l 11,1ft.v.. < ' f 1 ') HIMiV t I II I I ' 1 I w >i (M who knowingly or wilfully misrepresents tho une of sueh child or wind to any ? f the p< rsons named in section ]1 of this act, in older to .>i>tai11 employment for such child or ward, shall he deemed guilty of a misdi ineaiior, and for every such otVeuse shall, upon conviction thereof, he lined not 1< ss than .si(> nor more than ?~>0,or lie imprisoned not longer than #J0 days, or both at the discretion of the court. Sec. t. That ia all eases where minors are employed between tin aees of 1 "J and IS years in any fact >ry, mine or other establishment, it shall be the duty of its parent or ouardian, or such person who may have control of such minor, to furnish the niananer, superintend en t. <iverseer or ot her a^eut of sueh factory, mine or other mannfaeturinn establishment, w it li eertilieab s of the ai;e of sueh minor, and it shall lie unlawful for sueh nuinai*cr, superintendent, overseer or other anent to employ sueh miner in liny worK ?>t tin- kind above stated unless such certificate is cjivcii as aforesaid; same lines ami penalties as provided in section of this act. St?r\ .*?. J5o it fur.her enacted, tint! all acts or parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this act he and the same are hereby repealed TOW\ TKK.tsliHKlt'.s UKP01U The followdag is ihe report of tlie treasurer of tlie town of Fort Mill (S. C.i for tin* year ending January 1 I, l'.Ml: UKCKiers. From former treasurer . . la Fines .... e.Vs.n.'j Kent of town hull . I I S."| Licenses . ('mimicry lot . a.on St ivet ta\ . I in.7a l'roi>erty . . ."?lu. :t;? I s;? iusiu t;si mi \ is. S'alarv of ]>olii,e otlicers ?nS.on Work on streets 171.u? Maniaini/iii" streets la' < )ne town lionil paid |n i on Interest on live town iiomls e> \V 11 Wilson, attorney liu.on Kvpciises. witnesses to Yorlcv W if I'radforil, advertisina jo.oO iJiteliin.vr Watson lot XM.OO Aeeonnts- l)r 'I' A Crawford <>'|n . .1 W M e K | ha lie y is.' i. If I"' (trier o$'?.!?:!), T 14 Lett; (, A A Yonna oyJ. lid, 17 W Kinilirell it t'o i$ '!. !.11, T M 11 utiles i S t ...I I. Unfiles iC Yoiiiik (sl.Jai, Sprat t Ma ehino Co JJr T S 1\ irk pat rid; ojli rs.7>> Kxiiciisas. la-, returns r. no ('leaning and repairing 1 ".no Terra carta, l< A Harris l.To Prisoners t<> chain Feeding |?ris huts 1.80 lb-pairing cemetery fence l.Wl l*nin|> finite, town liall ,'JII 'Phone messages to Koch Hill .10 line account Ismk .do Dray age, dead dngts ,o0 Hon so for blood hounds l.ltl Kiicartl booh, board of health IJ. v.* v! Secretary, board of health 1:2.on Manafjers, t wo elections . 5t.?K) Tntcndanl's fees Fines refunded J 1.00 Treasurer's comniissioiis M). la i'asli in treasury . . IT.'T.) l,3tW.K?? ,T. M. sri: ATT, Treasurer. CHILDREN Would much prefer tlmt you j*ive them I | Tasirliss Castor Oil. They like t ) lick the spoon. 10 cents per bottle, at ARBREY? S. WE THANK Ol K MANY FK1KNOS FOR Til KIR L115KRAL RATHON A(JK Dl'RlNC; i 1! I'. \ lv\ii AM) WISH TIIHM ALL A Happy Now Year. ci/Z/c . ?</!/ mrr/Hft///? ^ 4^ yarmri^ 'I'lwi' J77. CHARLOTTE. N. O. A Meat Market At which reasonable pri? es pre- ! dominate has ut lust been estub1 i.-hftl in the !?>nes building, on Main sir* el, where the rhoieost I'.KKl-', PoLk ami SAl'SAUK ean lie had at any time. You have lireii pavi:i'_r 111 I -1! cents per pound tor Hound Steak. I I! si 11 you the lu st at 10 cents. l"'lS11 and ( >YSTl'.ltS 1 in every style) Saturdays, (.live me your orders. 'Plume 11. W. E. DEATON. I . i'f y< 5 >fr/ :f~- :z r mi i I |f i llare!1 liiJp (,'AKKIIKV'L bi;Klt(H'Nl)IN(;S I mid to tlie pl< asnre of eating. Patrons ( f isam) bros'. restaurant are made mmfurtuldc. ' hir well appointed diniiiL? room, well (rooked food of line ipiality and moderate prices make this an ideal pi act; to breakfast, dino or sup, regularly or occasionally. Hand Brn^, hock hill,si. C. W. NORMAN & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LIQUOR DEALERS, Mux Cm. - - UHAHLOTTK. N. U. I take niueli pleasure in calling your attention to llic v rv low prices of my line old open furnace \\ hiskics, wliirli fi>r lilTecn years lia\e liatl no equal, < it Iter for drink or medicinal purposes. Having pur. based lar^e quantities of Old Mountain l orn Whiskey at very low prices last sutmner when distillers were |tressed for cash, I am prepared to jfive special at tent ion and very low quo tat ions to anyone want imj any! hitijj in my line. All orders must lie accompanied by cash or hank reference. I'.e car- fill to examine my price list, which includes jiio and hu\: Sweet Maslit'orn, $1 ,.'>tt to $1,7a ttld Corn Whiskey, very line . *J.oo < iood Hose (Hit, . 1 .tilt I test Holland (iiu, . on Hi lie < iclicvu t ill, it.lMI Hirst rate Sunbeam Kye, I .Ho I'.est Saliheaui live, ti.lH) line 11 i _ch tirade Uy? s, North t arolina Apple Ihandy, . 'J.'J-'i i lid N'. tl each 1 iratuly, 'J.ait I 'are New Kn;.daiid Hum, 1.7a I'e.ich tiiid Money, . . J.oo Hock and live, 1 .?,*> (>hI Norman t'orn, a year old> fine Hot tied Whiskies, inclose box I Ott No charge will be inside forked w hen yiMi want surii quant it les. Must respeetfully, G. W.NORMAN aCO. ,&m\ CRYSTAL LENSES , VV' < Trf?DLMAnK. I Y *? r :v ' *C\ v?^ < ? !< IV. 0. ARDRKY A. CO., ills KEl'AlH ,STK>1\ Messrs. \V. 1?. Ilitki. ami X* Li. 1'ayiio li ivc ?>;><-11***1 a ;; . a ral repair shop in I'm-. Mill and tije.v sola it your work. II i\ thein sho your horses. tf r - * SELLING 01 ALL WINTER DRESS CJOOI OR EN'S HEAVY SHOES, ET( TIIAT IS STRICTLY WINTE1 AND A CTIIMT af \ v v 'pit tv/'_ vwiU4&i. I 11U*V1 SALE COST. SPRING GOODS ALL WINTER GOODS MUST CM TIIE TIME FOR GENUINE BA1 I*. J. Mii SPECIAL -4?l For tln? noxt tliirly days wo c Capos and Blankets; also a full lino <?aitts something that everyone sli Wo have a few ('Iirist mas Wagons ft to ket'p thorn til! next season. So y They in list ijo. Conic to hoc us \\ will sell at a bargain, in ortliT to ?^ct MEACHAM THE l)E(ilNNIAT( OF 1 Keeonls llio seventh nnnivrrsa small ho^iiiiiiiifr wo liavo suece<h<l none iii this section. 11. 1ms ^rown successes are the just reward of lion never I icon any deception ?>r trieke lias in ver liad to take a backward si liI ?le, I int we do not dud 14c rosponsib ri^lit, This duty ends only with y?. I icon use you have helped us. In tin merit your confidence, and wish you HUGHES< N ! :\VS AM) < >1'IN1< >NS OF NATI( > N AI. IM1 OUTAM K. THE - SUN A I.OXIO CONTAINS I'.OTII. Daily, by mail. - - $6 a year. Daily and Sunday by mail, $<S a year. J The Sunday Sun IS TUB I i KK.VTKST SI'MiAY NKWSl'AlT.i: IN TIIK \VOI:I.I>. I'rlce 5c. n c<?py. By mall, $2 a year. Address Till: SUN, New York. for HOLIDAY PRESENT The Lamp of' Tln? lamp iloesn't llaro i >. ?lub?v. t?? ti-?* l>i.I laiiitiiii^.' ; 11 in lai ? K rtv i nil if ... .1 .-i t?.? t vvitll, niiit you Imvi' Pli New 1 \ * * \.t / Otli??r lamps liiny ho nnoroi \ > y (hoy in.i\ in', Inwiiiui riwiniitt \_ ' a -j X Hess, (lion 's only 0110. Thr euro (.ho lamp otfori'il you isv on ' <'v,',-y lntn|? haa it. ( '(Ml Old Iiam]>M ^>V >*'*7'""V*-. W<' oa ii (ill every lamp waul f *,???'. 1 A wnntu iiow lamp "or ttovc, nn ifV| 5 Isheil. a va o iTiminlwl op ?ilho: ) xZ.r'+r ' 1 ,"1" 11 Now Rochost* SJ'aV son.l > ou liloraliiri mi I ho MiliJ i< ? ' TJjw We ore I' 1 CIAI.IST.S in tht l.nmp*. Consult "" THEBQEHESTEB LAMP CO \ ? IT AT COST % ? ??? )S, CAPES, JACKETS, GlIIL\ IN FACT, EVERYTHING I GOODS, GOES AT COST, S AT J.ESS THAN WHOLEWILL SOON ARRIVE AND ) TO MAKE ROOM. NOW IS KEVINS FOR CASH BUYERS. lSSEY. ?5 SALES. illVr epe*.*ijul bargains in Cloak*. oT men, women and misses Over lould have for the winter months. >r boys 011 lumcl and have no pinee on can have one at your own pr o have several lines of goods ready for our spring line. & EPPS. J rHE NEW CENTURY' 1 ry of our copartnership. Froui a in liuililiii'' a luibineBH second to because it deserved tj f?row. 1U < si, liiiial.t* dealing. There hu-< ry in its methods, eonsecpi'eiitly it ep. Wo do not cliiiin to bo infallibly. What you buy here must be ?ur approval. Wo liavo Hiicceded ' futuro, rh in tlio past, we liop#* U? i a prosperous New Your. ? YOUNG. .J For First-clans Service go to lltmTON'S - RESTAURANT, Opliositc 1st Presbyterian church, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Host < )ystcrs in the city. Largest lunch counter in the State. J'JI West Trade street. fiASY WOKK, (i()OI> PAY. Make 11 ]> a club for the YORKVILLE KN^UIKKH, the I1KST family news* pu]>or in South Carolina. Liberal coitil>eusatiou to cluhinakers. Scholarships in Converse ami Due West Female colleges, worth $i'?o each, to the young ladies who return and pay for the largest, lists. Now is the time to begin. Write to us for iiurt icttlurs. J.. M. CUIST & SONS. Yorkville, S. C. S-For EVERY DAY US~ Steady Habits ip or rmokf, or cnuaa von ^ up tliat looks K'""' wlion jf lamp tluit you iievor will* 9 ^ Rochester. 'pijsf I you na " Just ns ?ood , hut for nil around ^ond- -SfeCppJ Sim ]{itch**trr. To lunko <-miiiic. l<Hik lor Uie uarao ^ "i iILiido TVPtV. /.jSHflLX U t. No matter ?vheiher you >s ?llft*S f old on.? repaired or rvfln- CT -j rntako of lamp transform s ;r. vu suu ilo it. Let us ?""! ''JrW f \ trcnt mental diseases HlQi; ? J" - W I , t 3S Tark riaco A 3.1 Barclay St., New York. I " "fw 111 iiiigffiBhffMMrii