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y F( VOL. IX. . BM SUFFER FROM GRIP ) The Disease Assumes an Epidemic Form in the Cities. IS PREVALENT IN THE COUNTRY It l? Kutlmatcd That Thrri1 Arc Orrt i Vlrllm. in the t'nltvd Statvs?j ltvport* Show That of Many Cnsc. t!ic I hcnlh Rnio in Smaller Than Hljli! Have liven lCxpeeted. Chicago.?Newspaper reports show lhat more tlinn linlf a million per* 1:1s In the grip belt, whieh t xtends ncrtiss the United Stales from N? \v York to flip 1 tacky Mountains, are sufTi with the disease. The epidemic is greatest in tic K?s'. 'Illinois is also extensively alliictcd. The Western coast is comparatively free, and some of the Southern cities, where it is dry and ? li ar, are praeticnlly exempt. Pneumonia claimed 10.1 victims dining tlie past week, establishing '? reeoril for lw? 1 v -v.... cii?w lii'.Min i M-jiiirrmont. The number of deaths from pneumonia due to grip lias born increasing steadily until it has reached the proportions of an epidemic. In the big cities of New York and Chicago the changeable weather has caused the grip to spread at an alarming rate, and. although few eases are reported as fatal, the nnuilu'r of east's is enormous. Here are the statistics from grip centres; (irip Cases City. " Reported. | New York lOn.otKl Chicago IPO.nOfi j Philadelphia 70.OOU \ Pittsliurp Unitimore. Aid Un.iMd ' Washinptoti. 1). C _ '?.<)(?t Wichita, Kan rj.tldit Halt Pake City, Utah li!.00t? New Haven. Conn ll.tuin Ht. T.onis, Mo lo.oon i Fort Worth, Tex lo.Otwi Indianapolis, lnd lo.OOo Peoria. Ill 10.000 Cincinnati, Ohio 10.000 ' Tiismsp Prevalent In PhII??tel|?liin. Philadelphia, Penn. ? Physicians | npree that the prip Is more prevalent ; In this eitv at present than at any : time since 1880, when it tlrst appeared | here. Five deaths from tliis enuse were reported durinp the past week. | Anionp the most widely known suffer- i ers are former United States Senator *ioorpc F. Kdimtnds. Bishop Cyrus 1>. i Foss, of the Meiliodist Episcopal Church, and Miss Olpa Nethersole. Mnny Case* In Kotlon. Boston.?(Jrip is prevalent here, although the pnysieinns state that the fall of snow has done much to imnrovo j matters. While many eases are re- j ported, eomonrntivelv few nvt? *?f n rious character. Tiie mortality records show that there wcro hut four deaths from the crip in the last month. 1 and all of these were complicated with other diseases. Fifty-four IMr In St. T onis. St. Louis, Mo. - Fifty-four deaths' fro crip in the past two weeks is the j record of St. Louis. The epidemic ! continues to spread In St. Louis, as well as to towns in no State and tu , Isolated nomes in the country. FstAl Caoeo in 1'lttnbnrr. Fittsburjf, Penn.?There were six deaths from crip in this city the past week. In Allegheny, out of fortv-flve 'deaths, sixteen were attributed to crip or diseases result inp from it. The doctors say the present cold snap will check the ra/r.ces of the disease. Were No Dentin <tl Atliany. Albany, N*. Y.?No deaths from crip have been reported. Lieutenant (tov- , ernor Woodruff is improving rapidly. There are eases in the State Departments and among the legislative; attaches. ? Severe SultVrrr. Syracuse, N. Y.?A canvass of the physicians of Syracuse shows twetuylive hundred cases of prrii* under treatment. Hundreds cf cases have been reported to t lie doctors. KILLRD WFE ?MD CHILD. FliorMin*> Mtirtli-r Stilt-I.*t> nt Alltunv, N. V ? Uuslmiitl'.t St it?.mt iil. Albany, N. Y.? Louis ('nrvit.f r,?t,r years old, cut his wire's throat with a razor, battered in the head of his (twelve-year old child Archie, and th:n cut the lad's throat, after which Lo cut his own throat with a razor, and drank a glassful of paris green. The (double murder and suicide took place ?t Carrier's home, 47 Alexander street. Carrier and liis wife had been married about thirteen years. They had j had frequent quarrels, and the t hand had heen arrested several times, 4he police say. The wife would nt ?er appear against liInt. however. Carrier left a note In which he said that the wife had brought the p iris jgreen to give to him. hut he had watched her too closely. lie said that he gave her a hard death, hut that it , was too good for her. and he regretted ' that he could not have given her a harder one. He accused his wife of unfaithfulness. He said he hud $250 Insurance In the Painters' Union, Which money would biry them all. rnlverMt^nffiii|,'f For C*.h?. The Cuban (Jonsf'tutionnl Convention has decided to give universal suffrage to the future republic. } ; L i t . ? * ' f > >>"' 3RT F( PEKIN HEROINE'S STORY Tiiss Condit Smith Says the Women Wero?Schooled to Suicido. If TIn?y I hIIim! to Iv ill TIicniitrlvrH thf Mrii Wore Pledged to Shoot Every One of Thorn. Washington. I>. C.?The thrilling experiences of Miss Mary Condit Smith, sister-in-law of MaJor-CIeueral Wood, and the other women who were shut up in the British Legation at IVkin j during the siege^were kept in a diary from day to day by Miss Smith, who' has sold the diary to New York publishers for. ?10,O!)n for its reproduetion1 in hook form. In telling of her expe-' rietiees in IVkin Miss Smith says: "We grew to he horribly expert in pistol praetlre. livery woman in the; legation was provided with a pistol, and the vital spots where a weil-dlreeled lmllet would kill instantaneous ly were pointed out to her. "livery day tlie women prnetieed tar gel shooting for hours with revolvers, and also prnetieed with blank cartridges against their own persons, livery woman had promised to place the muzzle of lier revolver in her mouth and blow the top of her head off at tlie sight of the lirst Boxer who should scale the wall of the legation compound. Should the women become panic-stricken, every man was pledged to shoot the women until not one was left alive. "For days and nights together not a soul in the legation dared to sleep. -...I .<nn?i n<m.> ill ilil.v moment ro use tin- pistols In Ills hands, which, tired as they were, never mice relaxed their hold upon tile weapons of death. "On one nevcr-to-bo-forgo! ten occasion we were actually lined up, with the men in a solid line in front of us ready to shoot us. for it was momentarily expected that the Boxers would pain possession. Night after night sitae ilion have I lain awak going ell over it again, or sunk into sleep only to he tortured wiili dreams as harrowliar as the actual experiences. "But even at such times there was left in us an appreciation of certain comicalities over which we actually laughed. I remember on one of the occasions how Mrs. Conger made us laugh by saying that she actually, nil through the siege, was more afraid of her husband than any Boxer who ever was bom, for Mr. Conger was in such nil overwrought condition she was mortally afraid he might shoot her dead on some false alarm. "One of the worst tilings was to witness the suffering and starvation of the poor children huddled in the legation. The positive heroism of some of those children In trying to distract the attention of the starving ones from their pitiable condition and give them heart to live through the ' awful experiences is beyond anything that ever was written. "I remember on one occasion one of the officers came to us holding out his . _.. .. i r?n hi ii ICI'MIIK >>1111 I >' * \ I' I" liyi'HI. :\uc? told me to uso it for my own destruction upon tlio instant of hearing ((( signal which was thou momenta , ox poet od. 1(| K' "Once tin' Fmprcss sent to the 1 n Honors a number of horses for thrift u use as a moans of escape. The hn|(| j( were loaded with sacks of food. 1.. of ttie food was found to ho poisonJcU." Miss Smith's marrInco to Lieutenant Itichnrd Hooker, I'nifed States Marine Corps, will take place in this city at noon on February 12, with Bishop Sattorlee official inc. FATAL PANIC IN CHICACO. Killed nnit Over it Score Injured :u? Kcftolt nf n Cry of "Fire." Chieairo. -Might persons were crushed to death and twenty more seriously injured in a panic which followed a man's cry of "Fire," in West. Twelfth street Turner Hall, in the < Mictto. Might hundred persons were in the place wiinesyinir the performance of a play call'd "Tim ftreenhorn." Here is a list of the d* ad: Annie Holdberg. s veil years; ? ? Mulh phnHi. aged four year.-: ? Solomon, thirty even years: < loo Se!iac(Y>>r. nine years; Mrs. S. Mendelsohn, forty years: Marie Wiiznlm, tw > years: and two unknown v.>111011. The injured numbering ai.oth twenty, were ' (llsIri'itPed aiunmr I've hospitals. 'i'lie play was iti YIddisli. and the audience was r urn i-ed for il< ? inn t part of wm en and children. The hall stands in ilm t r.trc of a district densely popuin'fd hv Hebrews. 'J'he alarm of "lire" was false, tlinre having lieep no blaze at nnv time. Tile furnace in ti:o building is defective and at tbnes allows sparks to pass ipi through the registers. HER SWEETHEART WAS A I.EPER. Hawaiian <ilrl Rrfnanl io Itmn't lllir iiihI They Died Together. Honolulu. Hawaii.?Another tragedy of leprosy has boon uncovered by the discovery- of two skeletons in an abandoned stone quarry near this city. They are the bones of two young na tives who disappeared several months ago I Keewamahl was n bright Kanaka ' who was engaged to be married to n native girl. .lust before the wedding he was found to be a leper and was ordered to Moloknl. The girl pleaded to be permitted to go with him, but in vain. He tried to eonunit suicide, and while iu a hospital -eeoverIng from his wound esenped. 8be disappeared about the same time- It la supposed tl>a?. In their degpab they de elded on suicide and killed themselre? iu this deserted quarry. 0 I \ , I ' -I )IiT MILL, S. C., WED] THE LEGISLATURE. Oolnjjs of South Carolina'* Law* t making Body. SENATE. Second Day?The Senate wis In sea- j sion just 30 minutes. The only feat- i ed by Mr Sheppard and a message from U-au fVln I,ill ,1... cd Mr. Sheppard a:ul a mo-sago from ! governor announcing liis veto of v scnlate bill parsed at the last session --elating to granting of charters to corjporations. ' The proceedings were opened with pr?,yer by the new chaplain. Rev. S. II. Zix lmcrmnn. After the reading of the jo' rnal Mr. Hamer, the clerk of the house, came over and announced that that body had completed its organiza- , tion. The president announced the ap- ' pointment of Mr. K. K. llntman aj clerk of the Judiciary committee. Mr. Sheppard then irtrolticed his reapportionment hill The fust section declares the Federal census of last year to bo a true and correct count of J the population of the sate. In tho event new coun'ies are formed tin r .> will be a reapportionment by the genero.l assembly. The members to he chosen under this bill are to be chosen at the general election in 1901 and every two years thereafter. If the bill becomes a law the representation in the next house will be a^s follow*: Abbeville 3, Aiken 4. Anderson 5, Bamberg 2, Barnwell 3, Beaufc*rt 3, Berkeley 3, Charleston 3. Cherokee 3, Chester 3, Chesterfield 3. Clarendon 3, Colleto-n 3. Darlington 3. Dorchester h Edgefield 2, Falrfli Id 3, Florence 3, Gtorgeiown 2, Gre nvT'o 5. Greenwood 9 I I - * o T I ) 1" ?, iitiiii|jiA'ii nuny Lancaster 2, Laurens 3, I-^xington 3. Marion 3. Marlboro 3, Ncwbrry 3, Oeonee 3. Orangchu g 5. Pickens 2, Richland 4, Saluda 2. Spartanburg (1, Sumter 5, Union 2. Williamsburg 3, 1fork 4. The counties which will each ga:n one member under (his reapportionment will be Spartanburg, Lexington. Aik^n ami (Ireenwood. The counties which lose one uvmht?r each are Kdreflold, ltcau for', Berkeley and Charleston. There are no other changes. The hill was rod and referred to the committee on privelcgos and elections. Third Day?After the roll call and morning prayer In the senate notice w-r.R received from the house that that body hrd concurred in the senate revohitlon adopting the rules of tho last 60s?jon for the government of the two house? during the preset session. A house concurrent resolution was received, which went over until tomorrow. providing far the apnointment of a committee of senators and representatives to look Into the mat.'er of legislation to validate certain lost bonds of the old State bank. The jut'lolary committee reported unfavorably on Senator Slieppard's Pill to amend the law as to judicial c,'fflcer3, but on request of Mr. Sheppnrd the bill went on the c l ndir. The senate at 12:15 went over to tv? 'all of the house to witness the open'.Mig of the returns for governor and ' '.eutenant governor. This consumed lift) minutes. ,.j Senator Shoppard introduced a concurrent resolution, which wa.- adopted, ^xing Tuesday, February 15 as the lav ror nauorng in inn iwn nou ns IJ (or a United St tea Senator to succerd Honator Tillman, whose term expir s llaireh 4. and fixing the date for the Joint balloting on Wednesday, ICth. Senator Henderson introduced a rselutlon, which was also a'opted, provlding for a joint session to l>e held on Thursday, the 17th. to hold all elections which are to be held at this sesi ion except United States somtor The Positions which nre to be filled at thi3 - **?! on are: Ru c< s o s to Judges fley ?ind Townsrnd; one tru tec of the ?outh Carolina College to succeed August Kolin. who was appointed by the Governor on the res pn t:on of L. L-. "Withers; one trustee of Clemson college to suececd the lute Senator Mauldin; a superintendent of the penitentiary and three diree'ora of that institution to succeed Mess-s. Odcll, Sanders and Rowland; a State libra>rlon and a eod3 conwnissioner for the term of ten years. Sen f r Shrppard irt o!u e l a b 11 ;o e-ente a State board of en omology. The bill provides for the inspection of fruit trees, vineyards and truck farm? to prevent contagions diseases, an 1 dostroy destructive ins'- t.? in orcha-d?, \ ineynrd?, < to, The 1 o rd is to co-? st of the president, the chairman of the hoard of tru-tr: and the professor of agriculture of Clem on <oll . The board is authorized to make s.:ch ru cs ami regulation^ for the prevention of"atrv< of fruit trees nnd vegetables as it may deem expedient and to .appoint a State entomologist and an assistant if neeo *viry. whose salaries shall he paid out of the funds of Clemson college. Senator Livingston introduced a bill directing the board of directors to eancel all contracts with private partes for the working of convicts and to hire the convicts to the different counties; also a bill to amend section R of the act relating to the appointment or magistrates and their deputies; and another bill to authorize the sinking fund commission to sell or lease all tho State farms except the l^exington farm. | Rtourth Tay.?Immediately after tho opening of the senate Mr. Manning offered a resolution that when .the body adjourn it adjourn until 31 > o'clock Monday. Mr. Clraydon moveti i to amend by miking the hour & p. m. ' The resolution was adopted with^'this amendment, and the senate will not be in session again until 8 o'clock Monday night. . <... j { \ . to * li i 1J NESDAY, JANUARY U Senator Appclt introduced a oorwaiTrcmt resolution providing for th? appointment of a cam in htteo of two senators and five representatives to notify tho Hon. M. R. MoSwoeney that ho h;?s Uoen elected governor o4 the State of South Carol i n? ".certain when it will suit -augurated. Tne same con. .uit toe is also to notify Ool. Ja.j. H. Tillman that he has ho ? fltxtwl lieutenant governor and find out his wishes as to the inauguration. The resolution was adopted and Mo*v-ts. Appolt ?nd Uric? wive appointed ob. the committee from the novate. Senator Brown Introducer! a bill. similar to the one that has been trn at former sessions. limiting th/O n lumber of acres o? land thmit may be owned in this State by alien individuals or corporations controlled by aliens. Roferred t.*j the judiciary comm.?oo. Im refer rod ;u? bills rounding t county go\ crn ir.v at. F liny.?Thnno was no sew-ion. ''< - note.* liming adjourned ovc*- till Monday. HOUSE. Second Day?When the house had hren opened with prayer by Rev. J Abncy, Messrs. \V. C. Vincent, 01 Beaufort, and H. H. Woodward. ?Vn were al> cnt Tuo day, were presented by their colleagues : nd sworn in. 'Hie election of a chapiaiu was thru entered into. There wore two nominees. Rev. E. Palmer llutsoti, o Green St.ect Methodist church. Columbia, aud "Rov. It. II. Pratt, of ilm Second Baptist chureJi, Oolumbia. Mr. liutson was elected, receiving till votes out of 11C. Mr. Ashley introduced a resolution to extend the time for payment o* taxes until March 1 Mr. Strom will introduce a similar m&u-.ure making' Mar, h 13 tho last d. y. Mr. .lohn P. Tho mis, Jr.. Intr. V. 1 * inn in provi..c ior n county ;itl r..1 or iua-.istn.nt to the circuit Mr. Tl:o.ra; s's* in rcdurot a r solution to provide for insurance of ... South Carolina coll.-g - b lil irr:;. Mr. Tntum introduce <1 :i to ourrtn resolution to tix February lit nv t e d..y for adjournment. Third Pay.?The hou. o completed organization. (Jpo k">r S tveu on a nouncod t'ue com mi tees. rl h. appointments seemed to give satefaet on Speaker Stevenson ajinouucctl the following committees: <Jn l'rivilcg. s uiid Elections?J. O. Patterson. J. V. L. McCraw, James Cosgrove. H. J. Kinard, I). E. Durant, J. E. Jarnigan, F. II. Dccnlni. k. Judioiary Committee?T. W. Bacot. T. Y. WilliamH. M. P. DeBruhl, G. W. Croft. J. P. Thomas, jr.. J. O. Patterson, C. I*. Sanders, A. L. Ga ton. E. P. Mr.. Rowan, M. L?. Smith, Robert hide, T. 11. Frasier, T. B. Butler, J. M. Spear , A. M. 11 stick. R. S. Wbaley. Agriculture?It. M. Bof on, J. \V Ashley, Peter T. Ilcliis, D. F. Ellrd, A. H. Dean, sr., E. M. Sea b ook W. A. Strom, J. l). Blvins, J. H. Brooks, J. it. Ha le, J. E. Banks, J. C. Dunbar, W. A. All. Ways and Means?J. IT. Wilson. G E. Prince. A!tamo t Moso . Ja..i s Cosgrow. F. C. We t. F. H. Weston, II. J. Kinard, T. II. Itain: ford. W. Q. Tatum. It. A. Cooper, J. E. BeutrngMard G. J. Relfern. W. . I ogan. J G. Woeiling. W. E. James, I). F. Eliril, J. N. Est ridge, W. C. Vincent. Federal Relations- M. P. DoTt-uhl, Jno. W. Bolts. I. M. Wools. C E It hinson, J. W. Pintzl r. F. II. M Master, Jeremiah Mishoe, J. II. Saiith, W. A. Neobitt. Claims?W. N. Elde.-. P. T. Ho'l's, R. S. Whalev. J. O. Winra 1 H n/vi.i \V. R. Fox. T. R. Gourd in, M. C. Ga.luohnt, II. C. Uttle. Roads, llridpea and Forrips?J W. Ardilpy, J. O. WinRo. F. C West. A If. IVan, jr.. T. F. S ackhcuso. J. M. Humphreys. Jno. \V. Crura, J. C. Lottoni, J. W*. SciRlrr. Accounts?W. H. Lo kwcod, H. if. Richardson, J. If. Smith, O. H. Jn'iron. G. A. Rankin, K. M. Saabrook. J. M. Smara, J. G. Wooling, J. M. Humphries. : Military ? Alt mart Mo-ps, .1 imcs ' Go grove, W. H. I^ockwosd, P. H. McM as tor, K. D-nnl', Jr.. W. If. u I orch. I/tw's Dorr .h, Ivy M. Mauldin, M. 1j. Smith. Pu1)1 ic ltui'dintr??T F. F/nrkhevs \ J. W. Hill, It. B A. Rcb'neon, W. M. Ttrow . It. ('. W. Bryant. .1. G l.o?r iv, H. G. Uttle, W. E. Ja:no -, Jno. W. Ifo'ts. Statp Tlonsp and G-o i:idr -G. J G lorvk, R. A. ThompPT-. .1 R. Rirrliar , F. M. Tin kor. jr.. .1. D G r.'cr. R. W. Ts'iohirols, f. S. M-Gill, J. 15. M I jfiixdilin, .1. G. K'n y. Intern 1 IP)p*o?<?T<rt? -J. H. UVoi, ' J. W. Hill. A. C. Hylcs. I. M. Man Mi a, E. I#. li>a o J. T. Ail tin, O. l?. Johns n. W. L. Parker. CI. A. Ran' i \ Education?II' jy-r Sit !<!erf o. j. ( I. cock. W. II. Park r, II. I,. Fro srrin. | Arthur Kiblejr, W. . Thorn/ s, Wtn. | Murchison. A. 11. Mo ?. J. TI Morrison, II. A. Mo-pan, R. I*. Guntcr. Railroads?Geo. E. Prince, E. H. Domlniek, J. R. Co-rgeFhall. W. II do Ixu^h. Geo. H. Hofott, W. H. I?rk- : wood, J. C. Campbell, J. C. Robertson, P. I j. Hardin. Inoorj>orat ons?T. Y. William*, J. O. Richards. C. J. Colcoch., W. A. fitrom, Thos. Y. Mrlxvxl, J. R. Coggwehall. A. F. Iyerer, E. J. Dennis, Jr., W. J. Thomas, I-ewis Dorrah, ?ohn McMnster, P. R. Mayson, W. M. Keel*. Mines and Mining?J. V. L. MoCraw. J. II. Smith, J. C. Kirsey, J. M. Humphrey. W. R. Fox. E. L. Ulcere, G. A. Rankin, O. L. Johnson, R. U. Mayson. Penitentiary?C. P. Fnndens, A. Y. fttroman, W. M. Brown, T. C. McLeod, J. B. Morrison, William Murchleon. W. A.. NesbiU, R. W. Nichols, tj. Parker. Commerce and Manuiactwrea?il . ' e * * r..V TME 3, 11)01 Stackhouse. C. TJ. Robin.?on. Henry TV Richardson. Goo. R. Webb. J. R. Haile, Jno. W. Crutn. tl. H. Woodward . Offices and Officers?R. B. A. Robinson. H. H. Woodward. .T. F. Banks, W. M. Roe's. Arthur Kibler. A. H. Trover. Robert Lide, W. T. Rogan, A. C. Rvles. OdMfo * r ? w.uic iiv^imuu iwr uisann?f\ ||. "Weston. W. II. Wei's. P. I,. Hardin, <\ E. Robinson. J. E. Jarnigan. J. I). Carter. J. H. Brooks, W. A. All, Sr., J. C. Robertson. Medical Affairs?B. H. Theus. J. M. Woods. J. E. Jarnigan, E. M. Seabrook. W. O. Vincent, J. B. McEauchlin, W. 11. Parker. Public Printing?M. W. Pvntt. A. C. Ivyl-.s, H. M. lAiffon. T. B. Butler, A. M. l'ostick. J. C. Campbell, It. A. Thompson. Engrossed Bilk??W. .1. Thomns. linger tinkler, J. 11. Wolling. W. II. Weils. J. W. Seigle.r, E. M. Ruekcr. Jr., P. P. McGowan. legislative l.ibrary- .Tercm'ab Mishew. J. S. P.IoCall. j no. McMasler, Adam II. Moss. M. W. Pyatt, It. A. Cooper. J. T. Austin. Enrolled .Vta llenry B. 1 tic hardt on, FT A. Morgan. George II. Hof. felt, Thomas G. Mcl.eod. B. II. Thous, W. O. Tatuin. G. J. Hod fern. ltnles?G. W. Craft. J. Thomas, Jr.. \. L. Gaston. It. S. Wluiley, Thos. H. Ralno'ord. Public Schools--J G. Richards. Jr.. J. O. Campbell. J. C. I.ontax, W. C. Vincent. Arthur Kiblcr, J. II. Dodds, W. II. Wells, T. B. Fraser. The first named In each committee is the chairman. The important <*>nimittces are presided over by members who were in the legislature last session and ranked ou the committee in point of length of service. Fourth Pay.?The house nucnibhd at noon and in loss than an hour and n half had transacted all tlio husin *s before it. Mr. Ashley's concurrent resnlution to extend the time for the payment of ta.xei - po. tJ-d third rending, as d d th<W of Mr. .Too. p. Thomns. Jr.. to provide (or the immediate insurance of the South Carolina collfyw buildings. The house concurred in t a ,to resolution to hold a joint soe-Hjnii on the lf.h to confirm the election of a United States senator to succeed B. R. Tillman. Mr. McOownn's bill to validate certain rniov-od bouds in l.*uraua couu'.y pOLMCd second rending. Acjorig the now bills introduced tu tlHi house yetJt*uda7 wom tlu* following: |{v Mr YA/ 1 ThAm. n nOil T\oArf Ion tho liHMnbonslup of u.o houao. This bill is almost identical with Senator Shop parti's. By Mr. C. E. RjobiRBon, to a*nend tho. law incorporating Clomton collide, so the*. It will not charter of town of Callio-un. Also to iucrouaa to.Iary of county superintended of education of Pickens from $?00 to $ 00. Ivy Mr. Bncot. U? give i3u? Stats hoard of health authority to remove tnriubc rn of municipal bocuais, suul to make the latter report to tho Wbat* Loud. lly Mr. lxrfton, a rcsolut on to cra te a committee of one ropraaontntue from each county to whom rat; all Py Mr. Wecton, n b.ll to validate c<Ttftin warrants given in pay met U of school fupplic*. etc. By Mr. straman. u resolution to appoint a committee of two reprcs*ait:vt.ivtH and >n* acaotor to make quaitorly examinrtions of d.s.pems?ary. This j? t*'" iv'"iiar conun&t&co now provided for by .ur. i ...aim, to prohibit roi lclas driving on tho highways. 1-lfth 1am.? A numheir uf uaw bills worn introduced, some of ihoin ton hing upon important measures. Tho nii.l iir.p.'.tint of there was a Milt to regulate the labor of children in cotton mills. This bill was presented by Aiktci uoleriA-on, end i? qui tie similar to Mo introduoxl in t'.o ran. re by Senior Marshall. Mr. .nigh Mnkler of Ch.arlcn'on introduced a biii to cede to tiio i of t'lci < -n <c t _n land cxi the . 0 p-r river owned l.y tho St; '.e. ' ;o i? n. \ i ... ?t lUiV.u u:i. ; 4 o I l i wri in;. t .{i:. < ,1 upon < t !i ? j o.!fnt I! . k CI <i. lc^.oiy tv.ii-.r j t! .:u I . . J. i.cyul was i.uoriU uy lliu ii..v".I 1' . i <1. i." C:il:or l>ill, intix>:lu< i hy | Cu !; a d. I ' t.I .1. so .??; from t j s . :i tmu ? y wlvrs t 1 f ?.K r: . l i?; I. ;?ir is .Irorj; ,v; o*v.; j t..o it.ln ivc.i . <i:s. I'he -full tvit of L-.o h ! l .s; r.j U. o.vs: !... on 1. *i' ci. fiom and n?fl:r 1i:? 1il. y of M. y, A. 1, lit: l. i o clii.-U u tutor . -> i f 12 yn.rj fdiaJl lx- i i:t1>!: _.<<1 in ?ny 'i\U iu~:r or f/u.<?r i.i .. > . .... till in*; ti?;.< rut i>; tills; Kt i o. i\ac. 2. Kvcry ownw, suporlntor.doh,', ni-ro^vr or <?vo...?. or of any factory, n.iur or olhor manufacturing tiTul o,ny othor poison in rh.irf.TO thereof or oonncetod thenwiiii, who shall employ any guch child, toiLnji y tu? t2u? p.o.isk^ia of thin a<<, kh 11 l,o guilty of a mistittuicancr, urul for ?vory f. icJi ortor. <o n&iJl. uu:?n convlc tion he flard not lcre 1 0 or nv?ro than $.">0, or bo invyrieoaod mi lon,gcr 30 <baya, (jt bc?.!h uL the dir<wik)n of the court. ?<v. 3. Thiit any p.-w?-n/t guard .'an or <yhcr poraore having under km or her nur.tfiol any child who oona.ana, auffira cr: permits tlhio en.ploymont v.4 h<8 or he*1 c.hiId or wrrd, under Che r.4?e of 12 yeaae, or who knowingly or wilfully ini?rr,prcrt nuts the of ouch (Cilld cr ward -tr? any of the pcctois mrucd In owtlcn 2 of Li;'* aot. In order '.r? obtain. employment for oui-h child or word, r*nU ho d?aiol girllty cf a loualenjuftnar, and tor every such of- ' * ... . v V ' . ' ' , , *\ f Q K J. NO. 14. fonee Aho.II. upon <xyn>ri?$1on thnnFctf, bo fiu?*l cut I<ob than J10 nor irora than $:.0. or Ik? imprisoned ncit Icngor than TO days, oi- both at. Lho dlicritAc* of t?-.43 ocmnt. Stv. 4. 'Ihat in all owco wore minora &rv employed bet^ <*?n th? ??*? of IS ami 16 yvncs in an; factory, more or iCh-or iiKumf:ix4iiiiiiie eetjvbliskjr.oivt, 1? :?hcil 1 bo the duty c>f Uu piuont or guardian. or such pi inr.?i who may have i or.ittol of such minor, to furuisilk tlie iKvLtui^iNr, *-.u ;xrin.Jen<iJeiit, ovwapur or other o^ou-i. of nuah r.-iotory, mine or nJicr numuf.uduring w jabllflhmaTMt, w'.th i? -tlfkciUis of the a?f such minor, atr.l !.t shall bo unlawful lor such manager. s; 1 poriatoniltHvt, overor o h r ;v.'A'M to envplt>y minor in any work or the klnq aliove i't.: . <d unless such certificate is given He. rJY?\ aid; same siiui pctiaJtiee t.o pi ovidid in sr.tlrsi 1! of th?i? m,iL t? c. it. lie it futti er otunbed, thi .o. all r.< Is or parts of acts in conflict* t.'a provisvi. "s of this a t. bo anil tkie u-mo :uo luTi'hy rea.ii.ltJ. Au insanity expert named Dr, Coodwin Itrowu, of New York Oity, appeared before the industrial com-* mission to mlvoeute more restrictive legislation to keep out pauper ami insane immigrants. lie intimated (Initio? oal ollieials in foreign eonntries on? eouraged the emigration of insane ami impecunious persons to the I'nlteil States in order lo relieve their municipalities from the burden id" supi>ortiug them, and as a consequence it cost tlie state of New York more than $1,000.000 a year to support foreign Ivrn insane persons, lie made the stunting declaration that oO per cent, of all the patients in the hospitals and insane asylums of New York were aliens and many of them were not even naturalized. lie asserted that similar conditions would bo found in Chicago, buffalo. St. I.-oiiis, Cleveland and other western cities. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Tlina at Jackson villa and SarannaTwl Unstvru Tirivj at Otliar Points Schedule in Effect May fitli. IftJU. ^ illtdlw ii| %j0 vs woktii bound. N^<!uu,ly ui?3 txou _^l Lv. Jacksonville (1* Sl'V. . som 7 47>0| Savannah (So. Uy | IMup 1? 05&J " Barnwell 4 0UM ' Bin -lcville .. i 17j> 4 l.YaJ " Springfield . 4 40f> 4 3>a " Snllv 14ri|> 4 47al. A r. Columbia ? .... UOip 00flM> l.v Clixrli'itun, (?i> iiy J tiajll '>JfV " Sunimervillu 7 4lu I \KHm " hi niicliviiiu ... . H 7v tii j I a5aj " Ornncctmri; . . O'.lml VWtni " Ki;ii{villfl ... I j I .u{ 4 jOa Ar Columbia |n flkn JjWjIl.v A umi- a. > -?> T.? i * 7n?i ..o>|' "TTHupt' l.v _ I? trnj aa?p 10 I5w Cv. ? l^vflt'lil . . I | l<irs ' Lv. Aiken . I utip ... l.v Trrnloti . . ., ,~Ti (Tijp iI (Kip Johnston. . 5 .Ma i||(, UAip Ar Columbia. (1*. I).1 02 ID* l.v Columbia, (Hlili; U U.ln tl I jji ? l .a' " IV iiiiuthoru .... 7u.ll> 7 2-ka " Chester . . .. ::,ip alia Knelt Hill . ?-'..p h 47a' Ar. Chnrlot t? ? i ?. a -lOaj Ar PwnvQle . | I.; ]7i$pi A ' Wiohmmirt . ... ("tTtkat ti ?-Ai9 Ai VVashintr'.oii . | 7 .i ill ? Trip liaiiimoi?> ii'i i:;:i ... . -i jhi p " Philadelphia lll.i.o ! 7>4a " Ntf W Yorlt . > gip ftl.Ut l.v Columbia . TTI . iff mi 7 38JN Ar SpnrtKiiburc .. . It IUp'II .VmN ' A-hnviliti ? 7 l ip J6op Ar Knoxvilla . 4 lln jTjfc>]1 Ai t 'inclnnii i j"5ip V 4.4> At latui.svillo . | j gyp } aouTiiimiiNii. iMi'SfJ" rf"-j*? ..'tlluily Unity l.v. lionl -viiTT T7%a . 4nq l.v Ciucinmiii . i .. " !> m it nil I.v Knux viIIb I I "8 " A-in viiif ... I - w i ;;ttip > I'urtrmlinrtf .. IM.'.i ft tjp Ar < .. HHi 1)111 .. I ., 'I,, r.y. Nrw VuricfPa-iirU) , . ^p|l/l5o| 1 hllnil**)|?!n;i . I ? 'A ,'it)4k }].' !trill.I.. I " i z:t* i ' n'gi'ti (So.T?y) | ' ' ! I i I.. Kk imnmt^ .. .. In 'J S#1 t*J I V I > I V I. '1 , JrtjJ f.V. ? .1 li .. I h ...rill lO);? " " > Hill i '.iii |? " .. . . .. ..Ml ..'ip \> It)fi .rn .. 1' 1 i i ; I ,* At I .M, , |; . i. r.;:i,| n i ! '' ' ' "?" 'ill. III... I il l .u ' ' . I ... . I .;>i ilI!.'* _L Til ___ . ? ,<-. ! ' : ! 4-3 A <v t? aw* A 111 :i ' 1 > ' i 1, Ar ' vi ;i- " j; > . ; |.?,j ; |.? A ? 1 - ? , , ?l* ' 1 I " ' 1 ) I 4ui|i I :? " 1: ... .. j ^ ; ' ? * I . ...? . > I,VI. I 1 1. 4 J? t-lllll ,H(I|' . | Ih . ... I . SJI *> .'ft ' r 1 1 > . .. 1 . ' 1 .,?) 7 ix)t% I v ' ... iii. 1. hi I.v, liy 1 I i.i I jl ' I Ml! / . . I ,. .' .t,ft . Jl" < " ! I '! I It. .ft " " ?IVI)II ! I ji| ; " " 1,1 I . 1 .. 1 ? Ar J i. l; . , i\'lPr S.\ 1, / 'i. ft I mum 4.1 nml 4 ,iii- | 1 ... . iL .111.,In n? I I I Vf a oil (!? :.> i I fi I. Ill 1 i.nn 1,1111; tDiiiy ? Suiiiiiiy SU(?*)iii ; r So''i'ic?, fCX'M-lloilt IIhi V ; ? 4- ? I r.'M I ?l'l v|rO l i-n ida mid Ni-.\- Yoi k \ >h . [ mill ,,i -N.-sv Y'ir'c nml H'liirnln Ka* f-r--.. I )rn a i j room >.ii-|-iti|? r?ix Ulweoil A i/iwn mnl New Y??J? I'nlliiinn (ii.i v%iiif m i'ii itif car* !> ? " i'? n I'urt Tiimi'ii J.i.'U Nivmniuhi \V *i if 1 on iiml ,i-?v Y<? k fall man <dii-j>in|> <nri In-, n-ii-n Tit it I ifto a id K'n-lun mil I >i it inrirt iM-oii'i-'i Marlull* ml .savKiinali. Nun :l> ami ;*?_(J s. [->-1 Hull. 'I'liromrT* fit l lliifl't ill mvlnt: r-i'itn I. i o. * -:n; .\ir? ' ** fwi-i-n .Im-U-vxivilli- mi I a- Y>r;< a ,'j Pull* in hi ? i-ajrtej^ir? I mm w- i -i .\u.: t i an I (Jhai** hi i- I>! U iiim H-it? an mi-tit i-nro-i 'v I'm nia-i ? -uiif --iir-? l??nvi i-n . -i-i' vinvili* ml ITii'iiniii.ii i iiroa'ti ilJii v I ?* Wivii .l.v. U-?oi?Vila nttil (Tiiiciiian i. t in A-'.u-.i. f. f l< v N K -s < A N NoN. .1 M.i.VU*. Third V f AU?u. U.-r., Tr-.jfii- Mfr., W iiviilni:ion. U lT. Wind, > CX TIJKK, S. II. H.\f ?V\ ?CK. Uv.i I n"? Ai-'l, ^ . . jI'ii. i .