University of South Carolina Libraries
1 I I m ???? U ?i??? A CIAN7 OREGON FUNGUS. A remarkably large fungus. or ^ the kind which crown oil the muika of trees or stumps, shaped^ u bracket, has just been "'\dp*d to the free city museum. It \ M 'U)yr fcet six Inches lengthwise tl f. surf;?.,. thnv feet across ami < ,j?hicon inches ?l??i?p and weighs ah- Mt ,J50 poullds w. j. Collins, one 0j> (j>(. men employed In stringing nt, telegraph wire to Tilla mock. 'discovered It in the wooils on -Task river, and wrote to L. I.. ^ swkiu.s about It, stating that all who /had seen it pronounce It the largest they had over seen. und offering, If It was desired for the city museum, to send It to the railroad station at North Yamhill free of eost. Mr. Huwkius at once asked that it bo forwarded, and yesterday it arrived and was placed in the museum. the rnllmnd company bringing it In from North Yninhill for nothing. It took eight men to get it out of the woods to the road, and Mr. Hawkins had to procure several men to assist him in getting it Into the museum. The surface of this great fungus, originally smooth and velvety, has he uviuc luu.foj mini uiu unu uas n?*rn ' rolled in bundling, but it Is wonderful I on account of Its grcnt size. Morning v Oregoulan. SODA WATER FOUNTAIN IN ENDLAND. e It would 1)0 difficult to find n more I t peculiar American Institution than the soda water fountain, or one which I would act as n more immediate and u powerful reminder of the scenes with J* which he is familiar in his native land t than the marble faced, many faucet- | ed and nickel resplendent structure ! wind: is one of the numerous devices ! ,s by which the American citizen tem , 1 pern the lli'icencss of the periodical ! "hot wave." lfenee the introduction of , the soda water fountain into tircuL j Britain, as referred to in a recent re ?, port by the American consul at Kir-, minghnm. tuey he regarded as a not able Instance of the interchange of ? Ideas and customs between this conn ' try and Ureal Britain which is growing more marked every year, it seems that in a window of a "chemist j, shop" in Birmingham there was e\ j hihiloil aliirltitr 1I1.i uiMim.f.K - ? nullum i uMiiinn a a sign advertising various sodas ami t phosphates. Tin' proprietor. who is quoted as "an enterprising man who 1 c Is ready to try new things." has prov 01! his rountitiu to l?e a striking sue ^ cess. It sreins that an Amcrleau soda j fountain syndicate has taken up the matter of these hot weather necessities ' In Knglaud, and a number of cities 1 ' now have fountains in successful op < oration. 1 ? A Valuable Invention. According to the Electrical World W. ' S. Jturngtt and W. II. (loodlial. of Milwaukee. wis., are. the inventors of a device which permits the calling of ' any subscriber on a purty telephone line without disturbing the other sub- > scribers on the same line. Tho apparatus is called the multiplex tele. ig. It is sahi to be possible l?y the use of ' the new device to maintain on one circuit telephone service, station signall- r ing on railroads, police and fire slgna'.l- J lug, moscnger service. etc. A number of submarine mines may ho placed in I circuit and any of them exploded with- ' out affecting the others. i. The New York Tribune says: "There's a plan on foot, to open a new raco course in St. l?uis. It will be a " mliitnlrn ??, ~ *W.. -' .....ivunv n> mi mt r ?.??<.- tmiauy I'xn sBivo clump of tracks In tho west. A limited number of high class turf or- r gantzattons with can-fully governed meetings may provide sport worthy of ' public favor. Many of tho tracks now t in existence in tho west and south t should no closed, because they are car- j ried on chiefly to promote gambling ( and to isustain pool rooms. No good , reason for ading to tho list of srch places can ho suggested." J With new leaves one good turn de- 1 serves another. j t Cures Asthma < t * Do you know what it is to have the asthma? Or have you ever seen one suffer with it ? The hard struggle for air, [ the spasmodic breathing, the nights spent in the chair, all tell a story of terrible suffering. ^*A.y c;i Cherry ; Pectoral certainly cures asthma; also , bronchitis, hoarseness, weak ' lungs, whooping-cough, croup, i , winter coughs, night coughs, ; 1 and hard colds. Three s!zcs: 2."c., SOc., $1.03. "" " " ' | f If your clrmtKlnt ciran: anp|ily yon. ??>nrt u* an? ; I dollar Hurt will h laru" Pottle to \oti, | ii rlimtkm prepaid. D* ?vro nn<! (It? ii? your ' n?nri>< < Tpr*ss ofllco. AdJrorn,I'. AT-.*i Co.. | , Lowell, >;<i< ATTHMTIiin l? fitcillliiM IfvonmoaUoa this paprr wbvmrii.lak'Mltci tUoir. *??. S. THE FATE OF THE PICTURES.. When Murium Dahlgreen, the artist, 'eft for Nome some time ago to seek lis fortune In the gold fields he deeded to take n vsrS?d supply of paints ind canvas with hlni. so that, should lie nuggets full to materialize, he might put in his time profitably immortalizing tlie picturesque scenery of the new milling camp with his brush. These dreams were shattered, liowev r. when Dulilgreeu's party landed at j fort Clarence, for on attempting to put j together a small boat with which they j tiad provided themselves, it was j round that t tic- dishonest or only care- | less?shipbuilder had forgotten to in- | Mude the white lend*in the boat's fix- j ngs. How to caulk tlie seams with j >ut It at SO iiillds' distance from ' S'ome civilization was the question. At 1 ast tlie Cotli of the party suggested j the artist's paintbox, and with tears j ho sacrifice was made, tlie "land-| icape of the future" decorating tlie nsensate seams of tlie little craft, it j was perhaps owing to this treatment. | tiowever. that the tinv boat eseanod i wrecking (luring a L'S days' Journey j through the recent terrible storms j From Port Clarence to Nome. Argonaut. Rest Kor the Uowels. No mutter what ulln you, beadueb? to a I mucer, you will never not well until your 1 mwtls are put right. Cascarata help ! ifttort, ear? you witliout a grip? or pain, ] iroduc? ?asy natural movements, coat you j uat 1C o?nta to start getting your linaltli act. Carcarktr Canity Cathartic, the ;euuln?, put up tn metal boxes, avery tubal haa C.C.O. Btuwpwd ou It. Bowar? of mltationj. "Plow voi# self for five cents!" houtcd a fakir selling norn.- on Chestlut street. '!"<> 4'ure ji fold In One l?n>. 'l ake l.AXATIVK 11 ItOMO QuittlNF. TAHI.KS. All druggists relund the money If It fallsto uro. K \Y. Gnova's signnture on each box. 5c. * "We are going to quit making fun f the emit ion and precocity of the ioston peoplo." says the Kansas City ournal. "Tho other lay a farmer ult ploughing tip in Smith County and anc in to tell the 'Pioneer' that lie I till nlousrheil tin 'snmn rrinmla 1?r0r?rifr ng to ihn paleozoic or mesozolc age, s well as some Silurian trilobites and iranchlpods.'" , Hon t forget alio tins ridleved nt by llllISi' liriWM1. N'ltl I'll R, Ml I'AV. Kvon a dull fellow can bore liis way hrough life. Millions I'm- Carter'* Ink rbi 'h insure |>mor of lis exeidtatit quality. I* nailoi liniim nil} uceurule. Tlwri'.uri'llii iii'iL The cash rcgi.ter in a saloon Is a ;ort of bargain counter. Happiness ennnot bo bought, nut one of i he great hindrances to its attainment ran be } einovod by Adams' I'epsin 'I'uttl Frutti. N'o. Maude, ?ioar; "Unleavened dread" is not 11 cook hook. I<li'i''k l.iiiiM' Orriikc iVill nlisollltolv I'lll'l' i 'koi l\ I'llCOIlK AMI in dm qu rkoi than anything known. A man must often pocket liis pride, i mi women have no pockets. 'I'lie rteni I'reiki rl|>lloii I'ur ( tillls mil Favor Is u bottle of Onovr.'s Tastk.-kss 'nil.'. Tonic. It is simple iron and i|uininn u a tasteless form. pa v. l'ny)25o. I The proof of the pudding i;< in the ligrstlou. Scratches, Middle galls, sore shoulders, wi eiicy. cuts, bin si-*, and laiie'iirs-<>f ev.-rv j .ind.cure l at oik'o l>> i.oosei.rea-o i nluient. I'iso's Pure cannot lie too hlfjlily spoken of is a cough cure .T. W. O'ltitiE , ' 'l! Third j Vvc., N., .Minneapolis. Minn., Jun.ti. ltWU. Tb? champion oarsman should know the owed to success. So. 'J. I'UTN \m 1'adki.kkh Dyk* do not htaiit the inndsor spot tho kettle. Sold by all drug- j fiats. Tho Now Years din took precedence >ver tho Now Yonr's dinner. i 1 Senators atid Con stress nru now using tloms j irease for sore tliro.t , hoarseness nn I colds; j ten res wh-n a.i else full. The xvi-e use (tooin ! irtiMR for man or beast, every bottle guarant'd >tatk or Omo, City or Toledo, ( , Lit o a* County, 1 FiiASK,l.enr.NSY make* oath that hols the senior partner of the linn of F. .1. Ciiknky .V 1 'o., doing business in theCity ofToledo.i 'ounty , mil State aforesaid, and the t said II nn will pay .he sum of onk iiiindiird doi.i.aiis for each 1 tntl every ease of cataiuwi that cannot be lured V>y tho use of II ai.i.'h I'atakuii.i itiik. FlIANK .1 . I 'IIKNLY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my < I J presence, this Htli day of December. . 8KAI.V A. I>. lHfSS. A. \V. (il.KASON, ( ? -1 N'llarjl ''"Mir. Hall's Cntarrli < 'uro is taken internally, and ( lets di rectiy ou tho blood and mucous surfaces ?f the system. Send for testimonials, freo. I K. .1. cur.Nr.y A t o? Toledo, O. j Sold by Druggists, ?.V*. Hall's lamiiy I'illsare thehest. i CREEN NOT RESTFUL. It seenis ns though rher! 'met no? ions nro no sooner ??'. an apparently Inn foundation^ than some ineonsld rnte ioo/ioclust ?omos along anil hrows thein down. IVople luive for innny years sup|VosedY Hint the color rreen was restfulXto hl)ln:in eyes, ami lave Imen reforrc<l\ to t\f' green grass iml green foliage tl\ut liaV,,v 1,:ls '"en I so prodigal with to\ the\ beneti ?f i\ oni led vision. \ \ Now. neeording In nY?erin\nprofos soi* of Lterlln. nature ivnsn'* thinking ?f human cyns when Mie made her refuse verdant display, ami that her olor seheine was carried suit absolute y regardless of tin* visual needs of lumnnlty. lie says that green does not j rotor! tho eye, :iti<^ li? denies that it tas any boiiotirial ctToot what over. i!o declares that green paper, grern dudes. green glasses. green decora ions and green umbrellas are all a mistake, and that by increasing tho Xieon light wo arc simply provoking a h rvotis disturbance. He says that each of tho colors titos i i different r u ? f nerves of vision, and, j herefore. looking at one partleular I olor saves one set of nerves at the ?xpense of another. The host method, lie says. Is to dim nil of the rays of Ight by smoked or gray glasses, vhlcl est all of tb:? optic nerves. -n MBUMW I I imnri ! ?i ~ THE CHANGE OF LIFE ; Is the most important period ill a wo- < man's existence. Owing to modern j J methods of living. not one woman in j \ a thousand approaches this pcrfec.tlj' < natural oliunge without experiencing ' a train of very annoying and some- | . times painful symptoms. I i Those dreadful hot Hashes, sending I the blood surging to the heart until it j seems ready to burst, and the faint j feeling' that follows, sometimes with eliills. .as if the heart were going to stop for good, are symptoms of a dangerous, nervous trouble. Those hot Hashes are just so many calls from nature for help. The nerves are cry Mrs. .Tf.nxie Sober. Inp out for assistance. The cry should | ho heeded in time. Lydia K. I'inkhain's Vegetable Compound was prepared to meet the needs of woman's | system at this trying period of her life. It builds up the weakened nervous system, a*ul enables a woman to pass that jjraud change triumphantly. 1 was a very sick woman, caused I I by Change of l.ife. 1 suffered with hot i flushes, and fainting spells. I was j I afraid to |*o on the street, my head , I aud back troubled me so. 1 was on- 1 tirolv cured by Ijydia 10. l'inkliam's j Vegetable Compound.? M IIS. .1 K.N NIK | Noui.i;, SOU) Ki'vscr St., Ctermautowu, | Pa. * < Dr. Bull's Cough Curei a couch or cc'.il at oner. .. Conquris croup, bronchitis, O V f 11 pjl grippe uuJ cuu!>utnpttou. .jc. J ? li To produce the best results j in fruit, vegetable or grain, the fertilizer used must contain enough Potash. Tor partic- ! , ulurs see our pamphlets. \Yo \ send them free. GKRMAN* KAI.l WORKS, c;3 N'.i n.rn St.. New YorL.. FREE ELESTBIG BELT GFFE3 ... , WIUITINOA* SFPIEWtARIHO -y&t/s, "ItAl l.i Jour own linine wo JfaSfiVt I.ii' t lir penutnc a:iil Bv' V >gacvy-fionly ItllUM.Rkl.u *LTKKX1TL )Ti'.;a. iNll l I UHI >1 kLkl intt' TO ilLjt'u f.' tt"Y "*'''' ef COSTS _ w y ALMOST WOTHINO < <>mi>*red with nantt all other treatment* t nrn ?*-- -n - trie bnU, appllAr.t ?c and rrr?ril!fi fil'. Q'.IICK CURE ?or more i tun SO*.linen**. OII.YSl RRn'KK for All i.rrrniu , wonkursiifB Ami disorders. For oomplrts ?r?!r.| ronfldrodal ? nttkls .id oat and malliouu. SEARS, ROEBUCK A. CO.. Chicago. r%DDC V NKW macovKHY;rir? t \J |\ \/ I C# V <-ni?k anil ciiim wxril [il?> U,>..k ?f l*>t >moiu*l. and lOilton tiaatwaut ; ( Kr. r. Ur H H QHLSN S SOM?. Box B. Atlanta. Oa. . Items of Interest. The wonderful physical endurance of T.en. Fukushlma, who is in command of the Japan?.? troops in China, was f thus explained lo Frederick Palmer i the other day l>y an ofllcer who is over ' six feet tall and rather thin. "No wonder Fukushima does not get tired; his , heart has to pump blood only about half as far as mine. It is the differ- . ence between supplying water to a two ' and a four-story building." I f Of tlie many wonderful experiences j af the British soldiers in South Africa. v that of I.ieut. J. Evans, of the 1st Royal \ In twenty-six different places at Piet- c er's Hill, and afterward^ rccove^jjL^la ane of t^o- -laoSt startling. I ^!Tevan<* 'navlng recovered, ir now on his way to Soutli Africa trrejoin his rogi- i meat for duty. I DON'T RUIN YOUR J \S) Hnraji I 13 A NAT I \MMMIHCH : \$X'ty FACTORY LO'DFF i "NewRival, 99 "Lead, 4 Insist upen luring ibm, tt'ic do others and ye < ALL DEALERS < >'t'><ffiT'f't'fiy'fy>yyT't'?'T I - aaas? ?? k*OtO?04040^0(H<H04CH040?* \ HICKS' ?~ 5 egSsS^t CURES * t HKADACHR AND LaQRiPPE. * DRII !H 0 "SALTER'S SEEDS Bi - WU-L MAKE VO'J niCIC* H K'/UfU**^ Thin 1* *i!*r?ng statement. but Sol g* bfw it out wrj time- PJ ( Combinnt'on Corn. Io3 <*xr^tis\oot ?io i oartli. Wlln?o?!tlroly t| C *j retgiutloiiUecotn growing. ^ ? \,rvOji,''v'v\ Billion Dollar Oraas. /' t -ljjjj !' \ OrfaU'U nmrvel of tlie ???. BP* ^ IS torn of tutv )>er tctt. Flrrt f Jtu ;i|^J m" Jt'i crop fix nx tB altor !wwiuc#j||! WB ^ \ CaIaIo^u? tell*. jlflvlf M -K&'/t' "n l?o. STAMPS P <!> ?.- - *?4fc?ta NOTICE w? mall J% ^ ?! r?u!or. 10 Gr.'o ? jVSil'. J**'"!-!** r?v?bor?, alto liji r^V'* If ' 'flfl ^ fcfcV Swill <*0 bu. I'tr A.) <>>U, f fylff J I x\ CsO bw4iil p#r A.) Ut{<?, V^P*pP"i . k ltarUT,(t?3i?i.p?rA) l'r? ?t, ?U.NV?rih|10.tO(?ift?Uil M r, John A. Snlzor B?cd Co. w'Crtst*. his. S ' BU - 0MMU? bM Ml ?ri | [TNGINES BOILERS. Tanks. Sttck*. Stninl IMpcsand Sboet-lron Work. SUaftlnK. Pulleys. (.curing, ltoxes, mh ^0!9. I*tt; 11 i rfstltkk IWTnst (Viiry day; work iMO hands. LOaiUAIll) IKON WORKS A' slIl'l'LV CO AUGUSTA, UEOltUIA. Saw millsTcorn m[lls~ CANE MILLS, RICE HULLERS, PEA HULLERS. ENGINES. BOIL~:RS, PLANERS AND MATCH:RS, SV.TNG SAWS, RIPSAWS., mil ail other kinds of wood working machinirv. My Mergeitnt I .off Brara haw tun J ? the heaviest, strongest, and most efficient J niil for the money on the market, quick, 1 loourute State Agent for II. 15 b;niih I dachlne Oom pauy wood working machinery. | 'or high grade engines, piain slide valve. Automatic, and tioniss, write me: Atlas, j iVutertowu. and Htrutbors A \V? lis V. C. BAD HAM, i.;36 Main Street. COLUMBIA. S. C. j EXPANSION flay not accord with the views of ; every reader of this paper, out ! V () u Will find it t ?? vlllirinh-rscl ?,?I' munlcatewilh us when in needof i ANYTHING In the A\achlnery and Allll Supply : Line. W. 11. GIBBES & CO. I MACHINERY & HILL SUPPLIES, j <?l.l [TIBIA, <. C. 4 DISCOUNT | OFTEN PERCENT.' - - ON a ORGANS CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, j If desire Cata- : MTAT MALON E, j Columbia, S. C? and lie will quote you terms and irice . A chance to get a tine [)RGAN or PIANO cheap.; rioaRp give your name ami P. O. addrtcw, shou aonil thi* ml. PECOND HAND TYPEWRITERS J FOR SALF. AT LOWEST PRICES: , ^ liirf lot taken In rxohiingo for the"Ollver" ! ? hi n wo arnclo*inir out rhettp A?k for agency term* on tlio ?M)M VI-'R.** \ o ? ?nt n k'TmI roprcsrutati i 0 in your section I .nil you can m-U nome nuicbiurx. J. li. CRA^ 1 ON, (ien'l Agent, j ANDUHSON, S. ? . uUeEBTAIM tE^'CUBE.111 WW 1U? Vili 3U!ttSZ33 : STOMACH WITH MEDICINE. RAL LAXATIVtJ MINERAL WATPR. sort by theuuMt prominent physicians g h tl)?' lii-st unci snfi-Ht remedy fur ni-- I b, bilimmness, livt r troubles. tfout ntul I res Constipation ! \ Inssfnl on nrisiitf* in tI'o niorninp: anil j rotu.irkn lilt*efTreth in lir 1; .iu hour. 5 1 I ? AA!' * th*-* lahct. j Ttr- I ! I'-Ui-iviU*. ked u uill Jnno.-ir"1 ] ^ Centre Panel. j ci ?f AnJrr?<Milcbncr, t'nttcnM..N.Y. j uAi#vvA uKaAj - * till i/1 u\i,i\.aCWiA IE SITE J?; isaoTBraS'iius^'ti t 2r, " and "JRepSS tCB* 99 | >u will prt the beet shell* thet money cad bay. , KEEP THEM. A ' ? V 7k \ \ wpJ V V And every Distrc of the Skin and Relieved by i y,U' uen And a single anointing * great skin cure and pure treatment, when followed doses of CUTICURA F and cleanse the blood, is nent, and economical cur ing, itching, burning, blee pimply skin and scalp ht ever compounded. jyi j | T TSE CUTICURA SOAP, as for preserving, purifying, cleansing the scalp of crusts, scalci ping of falling hair, for softening rough, and sore hands, for batv 1 the form of baths for annoying irril free or offensive perspiration, in t] weaknesses, and many sanative a surest themselves to women and j of the toilet, bath, and nursery, IS cuce those who have once used the tillers io use any ethers. CUTIC emollient properties derived from c;*re, wi h ti e purest ct cleansing Ii ing of fiowet odors. No other rr.< is to be compared with it for prcse :ng the skin, sraln, hair, and hands toilet scap, however expensive, is the purposes of the toilet, bath, a: in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, v the BEST skin and complexion so, baby soap in the world. Co.nploto External and Interne; , > Con.',.ting of Octi. vr.A /j '1 < >'? .nil . ift.ii to. u 'yj.iso iia a^aiMsasfis ___ _ ? A mum rfrrl. oficn *1 TUCOCT <M OC IVhim. bnrom*, ?r.d ??i I i.L OL 11 J ,Z J luir, vhM ?u kt, f^ii. - if '"wm ^ . ; iV - jssing Irritation Scalp Instantly i Bath with a? |j| with CUTICURA, the :st of emollients. This I in severe cases bv mild RESOLVENT, to cool the most speedy, permae for torturing, dkfigur:ding, scaly, crusted, and minors with loss of hair f Women sisted by Cuticura Ointment, and beautifying the shin, for ;, and dandruff, and the stop-, whitening, and soothing red, ashes, itchings, and chafings, in tations and inflammations, or too ne lorm ot washes for ulcerative ntiscptic purposes which readily mothers, and for all the purposes lo amount of persuasion can inse great skin purifiers and bcau',URA SOAP combines delicate CUTICURA, the great skin igreiients and the most rcfresh:dicated soap ever compounded rving, purifying, and beautify. No other foreign or domestic to be compared with it for all nd nursery. Thus it combines is., TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, ip, the BEST toilet and BEST I Treatment for Every Humor. Scar (C-o.?. to cl??tiao the akin of oro.u and dck?ne?J er.ttcla CbTiruiU Oin-.-iiiivt (b'tc.u , lnfli.iumutloii, and Irritation, and Motht and I ?or.T ?.st (60c.;, to cool tod afeanac U,? blood. I ,f*.ic!-nt to c'i.o tho raort torturing, dUOgurlog, i. ?<.>o ?c?;p, and blood L icjor?, with low of \ dc Id Uxxoagboia Uia world. ( ; \ I . iiL-...