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f Uh>BPulnts (ia^'frU lor the l'i>ru?a| | of Tin*6*'' RfatJers. MALep Hal' i? ah'e t<? he oul again, after b-'iug ill for several <lnyj. f Miss Mason Harris is teaching! the music cIhs* ?t tlie Gold lii'l Academy. Mrs Leroy Sptings, of Lancaster, is visiting her parents, ('apt. and Mrs. S. E. White. Mr. James Thoinwoll returned to ttie Lhcshyteiinn College, in diilton. Saturday morning. ?Ioe, the 13-yenr-oM son of Mr. 1 Doc Ni veils, who lives in the northern part of this township, died Sat-! urday morning. Our young friend Mr. Starr Kifribrell left Fort Mill tliis morning for an extended visit to relatives in Join shore. Ark. After a holiday recess of ton clays, the graded school in this place opened last Wednesday will; an enrollment of 125 scholars. The littlo 10 months-old daugh terof Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Mills lms bet111 critically ill for several days, but is somewhat iinprovt d now. Several members of the family of Rev. ?J. I. Spinkn, who moved frpni the country to the JJoyd residence in this place some time aj/o. are confined indoors with measles. The town council has appointed Messrs. L. E. Ligoti, T. D. Faulkner and L. N. Gulp managers of the municipitl election which is to be held in this place on the lltli instant. Lust week mention was made in these columns of an ente: tuiumcnt in 11A irivnn Ml tllP InU'll 1)51 ! 1 I IV students of Gold Hill Academy. The date has been changed from Saturday evening to Friday evening. Work is 'being pushed rapidly ahead at the! works of the ('harlot te Brick Coinpjnny, two miles south of this place on theSout hern Kailwuy, and it is thought by the manageinent that the first brick will be made by February 10. The side track whicl^ is being put in for the com pan}' v/ill be completed this week. Mr. R. M. Pound, a young gentleman who for Severn I years hns been employed as a salesman at the store of. W. 10. (.Irillin, left Saturday morning for Macon, (la., to enter the Georgia-Alabama Business College -Mr. Iomul was Accompanied by Mr. Arthur Faris, a Gold Hil! young nmn, who will matriculate at the same inst it utiou. i AVe learn from the Kock Hill Tterald 11irt* the comity cliniu gang is to be nicved from this community to Catawba township within a few days. This will not prove pleasing information to the farmers and o hvrs who have hauled rock to the public road a few miles above here upon the promise that "the rock would be used in Macadamizing tle road. The election to be held in Fori Mill on next Monday from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. for an intendant and four wardens promises to create more interest than was anticipated some days ago. During the past week the legislation of voters was large enough to warrant the belief that some surprises may be sprung on election day. Yesterday morning friends of Mr. T. (I. t'ulj) suc* ? (riiniiiKr iiia AAA. ft ?? ... ?w use his nunio as n candidate for intcidnnt. Mr. John W. McKlhauoy's name will also be presented as a candidate for intendant. Kepieaentativo J. J?. Ifaile left Fort Mill Monday morning lor Columbia, to be present at tinopening s *ss oil of l In- I, gislatlire, which convened at noon yesterday. A few minutes before the arrival of the train on which Mr. llaile left, he was asked by The Times whether he favored the appropriation of $o0,00O hy the Legislature for the exposition to be held in Charleston this year. Mr. Halle replied that he certainly did not intend to vote t > appropriate as large amount as timt a-k-d l'o.\ He thought that &' ">,GOO. 01 ?\\ <. (less, ought to satisfy the exposition people. * -i Tltc New J'tmluij Law. There i.- it.?t!;r*.etiienl anion.: (In- white citizens of South Carolina with reference to the propriety ami desirability of divine aid to the indigent and deserving Confederate soldiers or to the widows of such Boldeirs, says the Cireenville Mountaineer. No one criticises the appropriation of ?11)0.0 IK) from the treasury for this purpose, and the only tjuestion upon which there is any difference relates to the method of" distrihntion. The new pension law is more stringent than its predecessor, and is lmsed upon the principle that this small relief fund shall ho piven to those who iii'n ni'Imilh* it? ?kV> timij 111 uvirii vn ihiji, so that 1 !?? pension rolls contain only the names of such as arc deserving anil unable to care for themselves. It has been charged time and again that persons wciv drawing pensions who did not come within the scop 1 of the law, or who were possessed of property and had an income sutlieient for their individual needs, or who had children abnudantly able to take cure of them, and therefore they were not entitled to share in the distribution of the pension fund. Hence, the law now requires that new applications be tiled, a ? that a ' close scrutiny shall be exeri ised in making up the list, and only those clearly entitle 1 shall bo paced on it. 1. The applicant must have resided two years in this Sialo prioi to the tiling of the application. o t 1 1 ii* *? .\u Humi< rs aim Bailors wlio l< ?t both arms or both let?s, or 1 shjht, or wlio arc physically 11o!j?le.-8, aiv oiven priority in the dis tribution, and aro to lie paid in lull the sum i f t ipdit dollars per mouth. II. 11 a man, that lie was a bona tide soldier or sailor in the service of the State or t he C b in federate States. That while in such service lie lost a h*o or arm, or r-.e ived otiier bodily injury whereby he lias be| eome disabled; that neither himself or his wife is receiving an ineotne exceeding $].>0 per annnni, nor property snlK -ieiit to produce such au income. Or that it' nut disabled, lie has reached the a?_re of sixty years, and that neither lie iiui iu? win' is ri'i'iuv 11!<111 annual i income of $7f> from any source, nor possessed of property suificient to produce sueli nn income. 1. If n woimiu, she must ho the widow of a bona title k tidier or sailor in the service of the State or Confederate States, and lias never remarried. That either she is i?0 yeais of aj^e or that her husband lost his life in the service, and that she has not an income of $100 per annum, nor properly sufj lieient to produce the same. 5. Soldiers and sailors who lost an arm or It ;j; are to he paid 5?.l per month, and all others entitled to pensions s:d per month. These amounts can only he paid, however, if the roll of pensioners does not exhaust the appropriation, \\hieh inakes it incumbent upon the county boards to retain only such persons upon the roll as clearly come within the scope of the law. Much depends upon the township representatives as to the efficiency of the pension law, which is plain and unequivocal. These roprehentativescan aid and instruct the applicants, and very often they can point out to those applying the spec:id feature which debars the npphcant. For instance, in the ease of a debarred veteran, lie cmi not draw a pension if he or his wife income of ?150 a year, or property snHieitnt to p*oduce it; and in the cafe of a woman, that her income is not Slot) a year, or the ie without prop ity to produre it. All other requirements may ho valid, but an excess of these r? quinmerits would debar applicants. I< is certain that the object of all concerned in the administration of the law is to (lis tribute the fund in aeeoidance with the intention of its fiamers, which is to reach the needy and deserving with the pittance afforded b\ tin h:::tami I j ?c;vc help in to.-ir declining para to tlse m .imed ai.d di.- iblcd veterans, wli i 11 n:i sd valiant s ?: vie t > t lie S'a'e when r i< ri!. res w re demanded ? t their hands aid risked tin if ull in its dcl'vnet*. I lie <)!d Ccr.lury Abides With Us. 'Lin year Oil 1!. tI i'.VJ'J away. ami y?*t it abides with us. its days and hours haw i^oue, hut its iiillucitrc remains, livery duty dune or undone.every opportunity improved or neglected, every teiuptntiou resisted or enjoyed yea, every deed of the life and every word of ihe lips ard evety though, of themir.d and every desire of the heart has been forming our character. which will abide with us during l'JOl, during the earthly lit'", during the ceaseless a^jes of eternity. v.ui.;..., -o.,.. xiviwiii^ Ull^l \ .^Ol D Will UIKIU.^ and hearts so much as d. nth. truly j called the "king <>f terrors." All j k11< \v the strauuc thrill felt when lirst tin' cold corpse is touclu'd, the peculiar solemnity of the graveyard at eventide and the deep awe that depresses us in the presence of the d< ad. The son! tin 11 is willing to look in upon its If and se the things of life as they really are. More than anything else.death can make us honest with ourselves and with our God. Of all deaths there is none like that of an infant. It happens oftener than that of any other kind. Of the liffy milli ms of person., who died in I'ddO, about 40 per cent, or twenty millions, were infants. Thou is no lloel;, however watched and tended, Hut one dead laiuh is there; There is an fireside, how soe'er defended, J'at has oin vacant chair. i u all deaths it awakens amotions the tender. Parents mi list love their olii!!: they gave it existence, and it Incomes a part of their own life. !t is tin* tight of the 11 in , the musie of the heart, the sweet pulse ?f 11 t ir being. When the shadow of death i'al s on a Imhe. then the whole house is darlu ned, every daughter of music is laid low. and the current of life Hows so sadly and sluggishly along. We ofti'.ites eatidi ourselves looking f r the bright face, hut see it not; listening for the sweet voice, hut hear it n ?t; ami reaching forth to embrace the loved t ii'tll, lmt hearts and hands clasp only the empty air. Ah, then I feel the way is long. And tears leap up in the light of the sun: IM give my world lor a cradle song. And a kiss from Kt1>y?only one. The other day 1 read these wolds of a father bereaved of his Imhe: '"Our pearl was pie.dons, its casket heaut iful. The dark hand of dent h touched our treasure the casket, was broken and our pearl was "one. Friends have laid Ilia broken casket under the ground where soma lilies ^ri'NY, and ?Ji'sus has put our peril atiluno 1 I is jewels on high. \\ hail I la aonias the hand ot" lovt*, a piarat d I la nd, will repair I ha casket and replace the pearl; and then the patents will rejoice to know that a "babe in glory is a babe for! ever/' * ? . Married in Chicago. York\ ilia Yeniimii. Janus il. I>rakcford. who was raised at Fort .Mill, in Ibis county, and who was at Tir/.ih quite awhile, but who has lor several years bean manager for the Western I liion I aiaprapll Co.. at A-lievilla. X.C., was married in Chicago, 111, Tuesday night, January 1st, at M o'clock, to Miss ('atria Bristol, daughter of (J. li. Bristol, general superintendent of con s: met ion, of tin* Western I'nioii Telo^ra pii Co. After a short tour, including principally p ?iut.s of in the North, Mr. and Mr.*. Drakeford will return to Ashville, tlieir home. The bride is a neiee of ex (lovernor < 'ornell, of New \ ork, and in the youngest child and only dau^li ter of Mr. 0. II Ifristol. who is intimately < >nnectod with the Western I nion Telegraph Company. In iu^ a lar^o stockholder. Thnuu'h youn j in years, ahe is possessed of a gifted mind ami charmimr peT'Oiiality GREETINGS. f (tcsi'v to th-u:l; ''t f . a e.s an i ml, rs for ill" i?itr I e-i ?we 1 *:j m it y lMisiia'->s dti *ia.* t'ie .?i--I ye iv, ami hope i,\ < i-i: ; an, t if.11 in li - a.- ? t 11.evil a < Miitunitrm ? . kiiih t tf itir.v. 1 ?v 'i cmlicr, I < 1<. all i;imls of repairing in woo'l a.i<l mm. A. A. YOVN'J. * f 4 i i % J / / tc* J. -j ; k .,~r. . . _ r ",Ci .Z. ... w 1JL:s CIKI&RJ?. ?PO?E That st.iky socivtiun in Hit' throat anil air pa^siLjt'S. that t-taist? of ila ss aoriM.s (or net'illo-likf p ins through) tin* client -- danger siunaU! For t 1h so (.Dinlilit ns lake Chert} Balsam (Syrup And lie ??n tin' safe side. it's a romarksihle cure for all throat ami luntr aHVet ions. I'l'n.-ant to take, J>t'in_j ooni])D>cai of wild ehorrx, \d: pint-, halm of (tilcad buds, hi ?d 1 ? !, i t *. (histoiin :s >*iy '.! ae'.s like If it ti >u your r.inu< ? hick, lib cents a bottle. w. b. & co. Wi: THANK (UK MANY I-RIKNDS ! '<)K Til ill K Lllb i:ual iwtkonauk ihkini; TJI E Y KAR AND WISH TllKM A LI i A Happy New Year. o////' [j. / '? ^ v ////?//// 'Phone J*, i. ( llAKhO'lTK. N. C. A -v \ ,;{ a HLS&; At uliirli mas-uialilo pri? os pro, (iot)iillU'o 1:'?S at !a t lit oil *1.'tI?li.-lioil ill till- 111111 s I 111: [li in;;, oil Mnill stivol, win-r t!n> ? lioioost pokk ami sars \(j k | rail In- liiul at any timo. Von liavo I I iron | hi \ i: i u 1 2 1 2 nuts p- r potitul for Uoiiiii! St ak. I I s it you tlir I lost fit |ii rrilts. !'* I S i | Mild t) V S. TKliS i ia rvoiy stylo) Sutunln\s. (iivo uio your onion?. I'liouo I 1. W. E. DEATON. OP PROMPT ATTENTION to orders iri out4 of tin- things on which w?: pride ourselves. But .4 ?nl I 1 >1, |<: ?periy cooked is the special I ituio of our Kestauraiil. In this we excell. \V< Serve the ?-h lici-s! edihles of tlx reason tin.I vary Ihe menu each day. I);iinty dash s of delicious flavor h? ti?-1.1? lh>- j date. IV p.d... [?;1 . . tiarui iSref, sorti ihi.i.s.i G. V'/. N.ORMAN & CO, )M\(Jiy..riS<'J. "r t \'D RETAIL LIQUOR DEALfcT^, lld.v C4IAKLUTTK. N. C. I ink much plcuHiiTt.iu calling your ui icii! .i?:i i<> |lie very JoV prices of inv lino old op 11 fnrunce Wliltkio** which i">i ii.ii'.-n \< it Miivn uu<i "j" i'?i i.u, either lor drink or medicinal pifl* ?ses. Having pur based Jai>rc <iiuiuru.r, of < )1?1 Mountain Corn \\ liiskej' at ve'.V low prices lust summer when 1 i tillers were J ' s> I i eu li, I am prepared to ;2ive -.n nil at ttMii urn a ml very low ?|notation - to i:iviinwant iup a nyt lmi_{ in my line. \l! orders must be accompanied by e.i ,h or bank reference He e.i.t fil i i cM'.mine my price list, w 11i? ii include.- j.itf and box: S v. i M.i - i t i ->l . >0 t o if I .1 a < >! I t o. i V, ii y, wr\ line . "J.on ( ilxx1 I lose ( ill, 1 .tin 1 st 1 i..Iiaml (iiu, 2 tKJ l*'itie < ietieva t!ill, s .'5.00 h'i r-t-i a I Siinbe.iin live, I .fit] lie- fun.brill !'\ , . 2.IM1 Kilie 11 i^'U C rade Uvcs. 15.til) Nort ii I arolina A|v:< t'.'.andy, 2.21 t )ld N.C. !' ich Jtr.indv. . 2.lit) "ur? N-'.v | , . J J a i, . l.M I'e.M li and i i i.iey, V.otl l?oc! and live, 1.7.1 < >bi No-man '? o n. u* !?! 2. <tl 1- i:io lloil'i 1 \\ ii. . t i b i\ 4.IK) "No .li: . . . ! . .. t1 ; i. v v. iien you . in, : ,'i !i (juaiit.' it Mia* i\ ?; ! ut: y, G. W. NORMAN a CO. SELLING 01 ? ALL WINTER DRESS ClOOE DKEN'S HEAVY SHOES, ETC THAT IS STRICTLY \YINTEF I AND A (JHEAT MANY THINGS! SALE COST. SIMMN<J MOODS ALL WINTER (SOODS MUST (S( THE TI >J E F( >11 0 ENUINE H A I I*. J. Mil SPECIAL 4 For t!??' next thirty days we o ('apes ail. 1 HI- l;e!s; also a full line jailers s unethin^ that everyone sh We have a few Christmas Waj'ons fi to keep them till next season. So y They must Come to see us M will sell at a bargain, in order to get MEACHAM I THE BEGlNNliN* OF r Hit > ds llic : ?'vmitil anniversa nnH I?eg i n ning we have succcded none in this portion. It 1 ins grown sucve. -ii-s arc tlie just, reward of lion never been any deception or trieko lia^ in Yi-r had to take a backward rl i lible, b it wi? do not dodge respousil rig!:', This duly mis only with }'( iK'causo \"??11 navo ln-iptd lis. in tin merit your confidence, and wish yoi HUGHESt N I AYS AN I) <)L'I N K ?NS OF NATIONAL IMPORT AN CE. THE - SUN A1.ON 10 CONTAINS 1 JOT 11. Daily, by mail. v - - $6 a year. Daily and isundyy by myll, $8 a year. The Siyfiday Sun 's riir. nui'VTES-y svnoay MAvsrAi'KU in 1 / TiIk wohi.d. I'rld* 5C/. & cowy. By mall, $j year. T/Mfi SUN. New York. | For HOLIDAY PRESENT The Lamp of i f 0 Tli" lamp doof.n't tlaro 1 to n-ui )iiii[;im/i; ; the Inn I JUJ/.K ? ?\ v<*- 't ii uiul stiiynK?>o<l ; tlu/ " j\ iu^'Ix |>nri t\ ilia, ono >*.?n uiiv" -Che New 3 , 'V ' -y^y Otlii-r Ititnna m iv l?o olTorn \ ' v ttii-f iiiiiv Im-, In mimii- r*w?i'tii, '< , 'Il? ' On VMifl. 'J if. i Sff ^ i in.-ll. ? 1 . nil oiYeroil y>>u I? i .! oil it. ; i-M ry lamp hus it. t-xx "n OKI T/ttiiips ^ s'*l **lrX Wo 1-.UI I'.ll cvt-ry I< p want * ' V\ t* nit;. now lamp "r utarp, in < ? , y/i j i- iii-.l, n \ !?. m. ?>r i.t'.'T I "? j 1 ? Now llochostt . . L.ilJ' ? I - i it'. a 1 I J> H' r., vL>, W. H.-C . P. ?. I.'.I-IST:- In the i Lamps. Cm., ci? | THE RgCHESTEB IM? 30. IT AT COST * ? >St CAPES, JACKETS, CHILA IN FACT, EVERYTHING I GOODS, GOES AT COST, S AT LESS THAN WHOLE. WTLL SOON ARRIVE AND 1 ) T() MAKE ROOM. NOW IS \ ' UJAINS FOR CASH BUYERS. LSSEY, SALES. % HVr special bargains in Cloaks, of men. women and misses Overould have for the winter month^. >r b >ys on haiul and havo Do place ou can have one at your own price, o have several linos of { ?ds we ready for our spring lino. & EPPS. r i NEW CENTURY J ry ?>f our copartnership. From in building a bu.sincsH second because it deserved t? grow. it. ? si, legitimate dealing. There has* ry in its methods, consequently it p. W e do not claim to lie infallibly. What you buy here must lie >ur approval. \\ o liavo Bneeinletl * future, aft in thci print, wo hof*? to i a prosperous New Your. & YOUNG, For First-class Service goto II PULTON'S - RESTAURANT, Opjxrsilo 1s t Presbyterian church, CHARLOTTE, N. C. Rest Oysters in the city. Ijirgcst lunch counter in the State. 221 West Trade street. I;A6Y VVUHK, OOOI> PAY. Make up a club for the YORKVlLLl ENQUIRER, the BK8T family newa* jiajs-r in South Carolina. Liberal mm* jietisation to elnhinakcrs. Scholarships in Con verse and Due West Female ool* leges, worth 4fio each, to the young la* dies who return and pay for tho larg'-v lists. Now is the time to begin. %Vri.<? to us for particulars. L. M. GRIST it SONS, ' YorkyiUo. S. O. I fob!4. S-For EVERY DAY US?" Steady Habits ip or ?mck<\ or Cause you up ttiat look* pixxl Wlion w himp tliutyou novel* will- y | Rochester, 'w/ * l yon nn "jiMt n* good raBBEt. , tint for nil .iroum! Rivwi ic.ijm- ! ? for titouuuio c r% indeNeW. , Noin.iiti r wl???ili?-r you ittL' -1 lit ii.o r< p.urv.l or n- ln- xT j,_yr 1 mat of limp Iruuvf'irm fcPjj ^ r * vail t'.o It. Let ua up '-Vt < t< n'onl i f disci, .1 : ol fitinn I k(:!. Vtii " ? Park Piaro A 33 Uarclty St., Sew Yor*. ? t V