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wni *!,' '' ML!,IM?L', Jpolnts (la#1*--r^U tw the l*jrusa| v ol Tin*'* Reader*. t h Mi&Lee FTnli 'H able I ? lie out 'n again, after b-hig ill for several ' i to y< ft-i Miss Mason Harris is teaching I Hie mush; clas* at tho Gold 11 i!I I ?. Academy. Mrs Leroy Spiittgs, of Lnneas- K 1 ler, is visiting her parents, Cupt. and Mrs. S. E. White. Mr. James Thornwell returned 1 to the Drcsbyteiinn College, in Cliilton, Saturday morning. i ^ Joe, the 13-year-old son of Mr. 1 n. Doc Ni vens, who lives in the north- r( ern part of this township, died Sat-1 tirduy morning. Our youupj friend Mr. Starr ()] Kitiibrell left Fort Mill this morn- K( injr for an extended visit to rein- {\ tivea in Joti?phoro, Ark. ti After n holiday recess of ten (j <l?ys, the graded school in this c \rj opened Inst. edtiesdny with ThiJ>lluieut of 12.? scholars. a p?u>Ic>little 10 uionths-old dau^li- t for it'Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Mills jc t:U an,n critically ill for several e Pic u c2vnu^ . ?, ... i over guilty of. 1*he evideii11 r?a11 v v submitted has shocked the nation, and if it cannot be stopped the nation is ready right now to abolish the institution. It is a disgrace to humanity, llut what concerns me is to llnd a plausible reason for it?an excuse or a palliation. The hazor.s aay that it is to try a young man's metal, his coi;r- | age. That is false, of course, for it requires no metal or courage to stand ' guard over a dead rat or march along- j side a turtle or terrapin. The whole course of treatment is one of devnLsh cruelty and insanity. We are that somn of those huzers were considered very good, kindhearte 1 t>oya at home j before they went to that lunatic hay- , I n tit hiitw'o ;? ?oo , ... II Mill I III" III.II. .IC--W- 1 ciation lia* deranged them like it ?ml for awhile at Yale and Harvard and other northern rollpsas. A erowd <>.' hoys away off from home influence will do what no one boy will wisn or tkjrp to do at homo or abroad. I had a }dog on o who was faithful and kind? ! a good wutcli dog and fond of my children. I owned a flock of sheep and he protected them, hut when other dogs from the neighborhood canto af- , tor him in tho dead hour of night in.l gave the sign he woti.d go with then) two or three miles and help to kill a ecroe of sheep and be back at his vost on tho piazioi hy uaylight. I would not believe it for a long time, bat tho neighlKm: came and found wool in his teeth and he hail to h killed. ! reckon that's what the matter with those good boy hazels. They have got v'ool ^ in their teeth and 10 tu-y opinion, they Ought to he treated like the Frenchman dhl his dog. lie wanted to bleak him of sticking eggs, so ho hung him by the hind legs to a limb and let him swing for a day or two. A neighbor said: "Why don't you hang him by the n< k and let him choke to death?" "No. sure." ho said, "nm hangs in em i by de legs to g ve lie&m time to tink vat a f; i;.;i 1 \ . " Tho.- lingers ought to he hung bv tin r hftul legs 1 . until they had time to repent. Tho catalogue of cruel and ridiculous ' tilings tliat tho. o cowards inflict upon a freshman i.. fearful, ^omt of them are ur.tlt for publication. 1 say "o.iv. - ! I iniit< utTuusR it is a maxim thai, a cruel man is a coward. If they really ! wished t<? tcvt ;i young man's metal or courage why don't they shut him in a mom and go in one at a time and fight him list and skull. They are coward.-;, that's all. Tfiey would en t tight a Philippine hand o hand. They will gmduale cowards tind smell the battle from afar, and le? the privates do the fighting. They are of the same broini as General Miles, wl:o put tlia manacles on Jeflorson Davis and tiled ; to lie out of it. 11c won his spurs in 1 Cuba l>y getting on top of a hill and j crying. "Heef. hoof, beef." Ho reminds me of Patrick Henry's groat speach during the first revolution, iu which he scarified a man for crying b*?ef, ; beef. while the patriots ivoro fighting , for independence. 1 have but little j patience with the modern \Ve?t Poiper. I General Otis is a fair sample. He whipped the Filipinos every day before t.ho election. Pay and promotion is their soio ambition. Thoy are a stuck up swell set and would establish a military monarch if they dared. I see that fome follow Is defending Genu ral George (\ Thomas anil ."Black Jack" Log in in a New Vork paper. Welt, I know all about them. I have now in my possession a letter written to mo by Thomas in which he denounces, us all us traitors and guilty of treabon and says that treason embodies all the crimes In the decalogue. A doaen, of | our Rome boys and girls hnd improved . a tableau jier'orman. o in the city ljia.ll | ? > raise a little money to pay for re- I placing pulpits and pews in the \ Ity | i llu relies. The Racrilegiou.-i vamyils I had gutted the churches and used he ' pews fur ho;so troughs and the j chur hrr. for storage o. corn and oats. 1 of tho r.'-oivo* in tho. tableau wi.ii a battle *lci?? after tho battle and an old roii'i dcaie Hag was lying down onthe floor. For this they were an arretted and the play nrolien np. As I t as then the mayor of poor llttlo w rtorn town 1 wrote a reopcetful lot at to '< limr.aa asking for heir release, i ad ?i< . ting that no disrepoct was ntended. He condescended to pi? so the' l. but r an fled us and all 1 ae fc-oufh in outemptuoua and eootetr ptilde language and warned us tha a rebel Hag w.:a the Imwt odius ombl of trca on and must not be exhibi ,o<l 1 it> puhli r.or harbored in p Well, the Light Guards have got ' iie old banner yet and show It wheati>e> please. 1 bad not forgotten that iu ' 18"4 two cavalry regiments wore ,Cr- , ganizod and added to tho Unl ?xl , States army by Jefferson I>avi lu ; wx retary of war, ood that T as wras a nui^ow La oo? of tb?n aw he I J ' " * '' I I Tlu n i' whi 1,1 wil y ntul ^ H? lie M?J M F? icre if 10 metjp commissioned off'^ors thirty- I w |)''iro 'rom tlle south, and of these | . wiro twenty-four who joined tall Ustifpderaey. Anions these were pon llf K. I*ee. Albert Sidney John- ^ ,. -Joe E. Johnston. Hardee, Van- ^ 'Hot L Kirby. Smith, Hood and FitzIto mjlyoe. What a ftnlaxy of traitors ,i there. Hut Thomas was not } 1 n them, if there was ;my troanIV the was a traitor to his> Ah I L " ii^oga". let the old veterans of Villus tell. Saw a rot-eat letter from them narrating liow he tried U> i nu. , a regiment in Kentucky to fight jur side. but eould not got hut mwfe sickly companies and pave it up. oilie 1 forbear. L?ct me stop a while . Rive my indignation rest, li it r NV' not rainlivg 1 would go out and ml sotnie or chop some wood. CJod-ou'.' em. ' lieu t j wa& considering Ihis hazing a hiltlness this drinking tahuseo ami t , it sau.c anil going through conA 1 ons until the poor victiju faints has convnl.-Mons. The dictionary ' calls it physical persecution. and h (icorpe \V. Curtis, the editor of liar- || p? r's Weekly, denounces the whole v pyatein s a brutal and cqntcrnpiiblo denial of fair play. And yet i' is a!- !; lo-vod ami winked at by the officers in " enargo and no doubt, the investigation j, of the Uooz case will all blow over and j . end in smoke. 1 wonder if our south- I ern cadets join in it. We have never i. had any hazing in southern colleges ,. that 1 know of. 1 remember when the sophomores and juniors used to play v eomi> little tricks on the freshmen, but t. they wore not cruel or dangerous. 1 ; ivmomber when young Whatley eamo v to \thens from Talladega, Ala., with (, his father's wagon and camped ont at r, night while on the journey, lie was a ? onntry boy and had on a suit of home nuido jr.ins outside and plenty of grit ( inside. One evening after study hours j the sophs and juniors eombined to v scare the freshmen who were timed and green and home-iek, and :a? one big fellow pretended to take laughing gas or ether and after sucking a while t on a handkerchief 1 e got maniacal and * threw his arms about in a wild frenzy t and distort* li his countenance suddenly lie drew a hig. long butcher j knife from hi" bosom and the. know- (. lag ones ,-houted, "Run, boys, run; K lie's got a knife." and t-liey all ran ex- j oept Whatley. He boldly stood his , ground and seized a good sized stone 2 and as . o crazy 1 oy got within a few f a t of liim and w is brandishing his knife young Whatley let fly with the , ttone and knocked t.lie breath out of , him. We thought lie was dead and a \ doctor was sent for in ,i hurry. That t ?.? liic kim irii'K ptnyeii on mo fresh- |., men while I was in college. Whailey j never put 011 ?n> airs about a. i ? ho , took first honor all tho same and he trio colonel of a regiment during the , war. and. I think, was killed in battle, f T wl.-h we had &oiye southern W'hatleyf; i, at West. I'oint. ! j Ait. ; ail. it is the officers of an in- j, f-titiaiea who mold ihe character of s the boys and a that man Mills can't v moi i it he ought to r? sign. I w .s i, greatly gratified to read that resident liar: y. who is at the head of the Agri- -v e iMiral and Mechanical college in ;t Mi. : sinpl, where there are -Hit) stu- j; d-'i'ii.i, made a reqm si of thorn some \ moat: s ago that they would c,ait i smoking, trial all of Hunt "yes, ] wo will- v.e vill d:> anything you ask t its to do" And s rue lis en not a cigar I i or cigarette In - Uteri s-ecn in that I splendid institution. Thoso young t men are gentlemen, and we are proud v or them.? Bill Arp in Atlanta Constitution. 11 i lliirnrii) I'nj* (rrnnany. I Besides the three principal claims > against Morocco previously settled, <. Morocco lias agreed to pay (lenr.any (| in silver, on account ?>f otlnr \ claims and to < 'imply with her other J( demands. p llyiinmite its CoiuIi iikimI sill.. A railrotul agent in Cape Colony lias * captured a number of cases marked "Condensed Milk." intended for Hi" Boers, which r >ntrined dnoo split lailicts, add detonators and led pounds of dynamite. finitii<-lal Crisis in Mexico Vcixrcil. The alarm in hnnkitig and business !1 circles over the prospect of si financial ! ' crisis in Mexico cannot he disguised. 11 The high price of Mcxicsm money '? causing si general liquidation of debts 1' throughout the country, and in ever) instance silver is demanded. ... t Colorado I'acrH llnnliruplry. In liis limtl message to tin- l.nlorado < Legislature retiring Oovernor Thomas > said: "Cu." credit is exhausted and K w* ' to t;ov witli reliei or | liiuu'rvv.1.'." Tilt* tloatiut; <l"l>i *? \ tfUite aiioC.ats lo $-.U":?.uTT. >>li ir?* Duty ! *:? Itrur-Ailliiiriit r?ri|.ilinr. I' J ton ' Ail mi ml Inrqnhar, < .:n..iarlJ11 the North Atlantic squadron. has * applied for slnne .in y ..t ;h. , < 'his period (i* s ; -i i '< ;i.;; .j i: ill I'lliof Oi till* SqUa.l 1! Ii.m ;.j 1 die 1) CO. r ? - - fl French Short* MoiJu* hcni!!, , The Hrit >!l I1 nl'i 'Jill Of' t - a jrenewal of the modus vivrmli m .V< >vfoundlmul, tint believes < will immediately followed by in.:. :'a i. as witli th?? view of finally sou ion.; tue a lengthy dispute. : 1 The Dignified Frogs of ocrea. Frogs in Corea ?lo not hop or jump, n Fhey walk like well-ordered animals, d ]iiii>tly placing otic foot after another intil they arrive at the end of their journey. It is niv mousing sight to one v vlio has always soon the frog of Amor- i e$ Jump. g RT MILL, S. (/., WKm iuF D. ABKODE BEAD Ihicago's M'lliona're Passes Away ' Alter a Two Years' Illness. , .EAVES FORTUNE OF $40,000,000 ! i i If llu.l TIfaltli nt Hc?it?.- nn<l < Abroit.l?Canslit OMd lu h Frolic AVItl? 1 II Ih Two GruurtchJMrt'n-Sank IVu?-?- j fully Into tin. I.otiE Sloop?The Story ^ of Kit Career? m* Philanthropy. | , ChicjiKO. ? Philip I>. Arnmur. philan- i 1 luuuivivi an>i 1111111 i-iiiiiii??ii- ' ^ in', lmad of tin* vast commercial es- < ahlishment that hoars his iiaino. died t uddenly of lionrI trouble at his ivsi- j ihit. LMl." 1'rairle avonuo. Only tlio i nnmdiate members of the family and ' lis physicians were at the bedside* r'teti death occurred. The oml came j fter two v.ars' illness. in the coarse f which Mr. Armour visited Herman at Its. passed the cold months i ti t'aliornia. atel devoted himself largely to , n a', tempi . > restore his health, which, ! owever. nail been broken, never to be e trained. The immediate cause of (tie illness fllieli elided iil bis death was a bad id wbfeh Mr. Ariuour caught at the line of the firs* snow tltirry in No ettther. At that time Mr. Armour ink bis two grandsons, the ehildreu f the lat<> Philip l? Armour. ,7r.. for a lie on a band sled on the sidewalk t fr '"t of tic Armour residence. The hihlren enjoyed the sport, but Mr. Vvmour ic?>t 11i s feet wet, and a cold i'suited which confined hint to his bed or some titne. Mr. Armour was born in Stock Idr-N Mad'snt! '"oiinty, X. V . on May ?. As a boy he divided liis J i'tie between working on tiie farm . ml goit to the a< adi my. l?Ut before | i" was oui of school he 'j.tve up farm bores and was a bttsiness for liinteif. He bought eallle from the neigh* ' niritia farmers, butehered and dressed Item liitnselr. ami tlicit hawked the .teat aiioiu in a wagon lhrouvli Oneida Hid madlson < 'onnlii That was the beginning of Mr. Ar- 1 mini's business ear? "r, the lirst intertuition o' which was the result of a my and girl love alfair. Armour and ' l:?? girl played hookey from sehool oiip ' fiernoui :iml w<hi buggy riding. Tin* ' ioy was < \nelied Ue\l day. That nark ] what is always called the tuiv.hig point" in a man's curci r. Ar- t nour went i<> California. 11? hunted I gold in <' ilifornia until l^oi., hut is <!!n never panned out very well, i yield" I enough. ho.vevi to citable | iin to ui:il;o ;i s'iirt in something else, i'? he came i.ast again as far a^ Mil- f ):) "C. Wli Ve he Went into tile ware- | i?t!-e and grain Inisln. ss. Tlieii Armour tried pari; paei dir. 1 iiieh did pan on! well, lie mint] . 10 -iuue o! >T.n ,i t> i. and formed the :hi of Aftlour, i'lan'iiiiton Co.. i riili lie:ub planers :it Milwaukee and ' ir.ii.elu s in half a don n other lowns. ; a 1S7I the h> .nhpiariers was moved a Chicago, ltofore that his brother. I. O. Armour, had established a grain ' nininissiou and pork packing IntitliiCM a Chicago, anil the two enterprises* ' rote afterward combined. 11 was not the mere killing of ani- > sals and selling the product ilint made J ' he fouiul.ation of lho Armour millions. ' *. 1?. Armour made his first great i ' peeulative stroke just before the close f the Civil War. when pork was ' noted ;it SI". He was confident that liih the end of the war the prices of 1 11 food stalls would come down. S> e sold pork and fought the bulls for 1 litee mouths sueces-fully. lie made limit S1.tKiM.iMH) on Unit deal. !1 In iiinl iwti was a lull! when . In' hears wcro short about tifKi.uMM i :irii-ls of pork. Ilo eoriiered the mar- I-!, and his |>roHts were estimated all I ii" was from s_'.."?mm.miim to s.t.rimm.mmm. ( he next year with his brother he I rent into a ai-^aiiiie deal in wheat and * s hulls made about but c idn't let ao soon enough, and lost it n. r 1 or the Inst live years his fortune I ins been estimated at sin.iitMi.on'i Mr. Armour was married in October, Sf>J. to Miss Malvina !V-lle O^den, he only d.nmht r of .lonarliaii O^deii, , f Cincinnati. 'l'be.\ had two sons. J. , " luden Armour, who was married on ' lay r_\ I Sal. to Miss Lolita llimln a * hellion, of Sulliold. Conn.. ami Philip 1 ?. Armour, dr.. who u arried on No einher t>. issm. Mi-.s day kli/.nheth e-s er. of Chicago. The yoiliiirer 'hilip died last winter, tie left two <?.vs. | f Mr. Armour did mm h in the wai of t hnrity and philantliropy. His pet j nterpri-?es of that kind were the Armor .Mission and the Armour Inst!nte, a school of tcclimdou.v in <"ni"ttro. Tliey ivpri s.-nt an investment 1 mounting to sj.opm.ikio. and Mr. Armor frequently said that he had .it .ii.'Kic :i n. *i ?v investment. ' "?mnltjn>\ I'rovnlefit ill .">1 ln?onri. I At :i meeting of the ltourd of 11 -ri 1111 j i Knusus t'ity. Mo.. ]>r. .T. .Tame*. >- { < sidoiit inoiither of the Stale Itounl of ! , I?:i 11 li. sold there wen* eases of j. nmllpox in more thru otto hundred !v ountles of Missouri and that the nost vigorous quarantine measure's ad failed to stop the spread of tit" | lscase. | t Seven Miner* Killeil by lienilarine*. Seven miners were killed and forty t rounded in an affray at Altfjeblnj. i Iunwary, between riotous miners and i eudorine*. - i . L T] s KM) A Y, JANUARY 9 THE NEWS EPITOMIZED j WASHINGTON ITI'MS. Th?? President nominated Oscar ! Williams. ?.r Ni \v York. to he Consul | J General of tin- t'nitcd Stales at Sitmt > pore. Tin* Ship Subsidy hill was forced " eivc way in th Senate to the Army i hill. Senator IIniishrntitrli introduced a| lull creatinir a Department of FMu alien and civintr tlie head of tlie de j ( partmcnt a place in the President's j Cabinet. General .Tames A. Walker, defeated Repulilleau candidate in the Xin*h Congressional Virginia District, has tiled notice of a contest. Minister (,'oturer has hern instructed o urge 1 li?* arbitration of Hip distrlhn- ; 1 ion of China's indemnity should the 1 llplomnts fhil to agree. ( oru ai?otti:i? jsi,am?s. Attornoy-(.*< noral flriggs has fixed 'lie session of the Porto Kioau Assi'in- i My at sixty days. Thousands witupssod tlio starting of ' ho now trolley s.vstom at Sail .luan. ! i Porto Kioo. tlo first road of that do I ( script ion in tlio island. The people i ivcro much astonished. fiovcrtiorHi noral Wood urges re dstnncc to unroasonalilo demands of I striking stevedon s and sugar hand- J ers at rarilenas. t'uha. There is I'nprcccrientcd activity ' ( ?verywhere around the -177 American ( [nists in the Philippines. Scouting , parties and small expeditions are itrikit;ir rapidly day and night. i , The Philippine Commission has com- i Meted the preparation of a general Municipal government hill. I The total custom receipts In Cuba 1 Tor the eleven months cmlcd Novein* )cr i. P.MMt. were Sl-l.hPd.t;i7.PS. 1)1?"i itst i ('. (lovernor 11111. in his inamrural nd- j lrc.-s at Augusta. Me.. declared that i he ship-hiiiMing industry of Maine ir-s n the most prosperous condition if tas known tor years. I , Hishop \Y. X Xilide, ??!* tile M *?t lnn I - I si Kpiscopal I'litr.'cli. former l'rc?i- |i lent ??f the tJarrctt P.ihlleal Institute. i II <1 in Detroit, Mich., at tin? a;.;o >? dNty-eijjht. Three alleged counterfeiters were ! iricstcd liv Secret Service men at. MiiMIetown. N. V. William I >e i :i civil entriiiecr, Miitiloveil liy Hie I"niteii States Kncin'erir.K Departmeiit. lilew out h'.s rains :il Pensacola. I la. The eity of < Irani! ltapiils, Mich., re eivei! the thanks of l'resiili nt Krufrcr. | > hoio i he freedom of the eity was ( ciidered. i A hill Introduced in the Nebraska i nafe main's kidnapping under o r i ain eruditions a capital crime. The New* Vorl fhauih. of Comlierce declared Itself in favor of a* >rlvately owned eahlc across the L'arilie. Kdwin ?I. I', ''ford died near Paris, a: si ei _ h:\ ' \ years. lie was i noted breeder of abort-horn cattle. Io paid the I -1 price c\cr aiven or a short-horn. tipp, fur n hull ;.t !ho New York .Mill-- sale in 187(5. j The ilailroad i "omnii<sioiiers issued hi order e a ip dliiiu the Hoston K!e- ; ftiieil Kailway t'ompatiy to equip all treet ears in Huston with vestibules. , The eousidld'itioa of all the street aihvays of Detroit. Mfeii., under the t.tine of the Detroit I'nited ICnilway 1 hunpany. witli a capital of $ 1ih.~0o,0(Ht. ; vas effeeied. Two heavy freight trains on tie? i ' [htzoo and Mississippi Valley Hail j1 ond, both double-headers, met in eol j' isioii near Ilays Station, Miss. Seven iifii of the eight in the crews wer ; ;' A burglar robbed the limtsi- occupied | >y Jiiiiics Wilson. eighty-five years .lil, ni-nr New Haven, 1'.mi., nfti-r 1 funking Marion Morgan am! i H i* grandfather. James Ciithons. :i nephew of Cnrdin 1 Cililioiis. a tinli lit at tin- Charity ' lospilal, was way la i. I ami killed ai. <cw Orleans, l.a., by two highway urn. 1 Mrs. Margaret Prtell. who shot leorgc Drgrr in Hrooklyn. declared a roiirt sin* was not sorry she ha", died him. roily six to; - of gold ami si'.-'-r i vere rrrrivi-il at I lie Seattle Assay of- i in- in l'.KMi. In a i-rusa !r against saloons in Ti'i < ;' a. \ V , by llu- A till Saloon la-agtir, : iln.ingrnplis u. re lakrii. showing vio i tii.n of ill law in lirarly every liiju I >r?- i-i town. I i ninatis. No punitive r.\|. ditiotis nave lx-rn ( oiidncted by Anirrlran troops in i iin. it minting to an ntlieinl dispatch ' i roin tiriicral ChalTrr, i Chile is inal ing nrtivi- r(Torts to si-U : \ii-aragna and other Central Amrri- I an It* piiblii-s tli nr. whirs. horses, hi.v. etc. i.i opposition to California. !' It is iiinl r.-yod that at the nm J lusioti of the oprratiotis in Smith . ifrira Cnu ral Kitchener will become ! otnniaiiilrr in-chief in India. j Par!-inn police in lieeemher arrest <1 1J.!i7o persons. iiielmling six murlerers. irjr. iliii >??s and footpads. L\s7!> J ramps, HIV.) <tii111kt-ii people, and j Vollietl. Ten t.'ermaiis were killed and nine j voimded at hcltung. China. through j lie tiring of a salute with a defective . a rt ridge. Captain Torkildsen, of Stockholm, i ltis written an article In tlio NorT/ecian papers urging the Storthing to l ass a law eompelling the king to live < tlx months yearly In Nojfvrt - . ; i fr * [MES , 11)01 Hoi I IS \bout 3173.000,"00 V/'s Distributed at the G sinning: o( tnc Year, THE LARGEST SUM EVER KNOWN ?otiritfti:; <>ttt >;> *. in*;** l!at?l< Pcpoaltor*, II i*? I '.*?! !n;.itnl Tlt:it tl (irrnti'M Purl V? ??nt Into tl??? IIhthIw of .t I # \v? \ M<Miu?ral?li* H:i> in the History of flit* tNiiintr.v ?l??'ror If* of Pus! Ynnn*. Now York <'ity W'oilne^ilay. .lanuiry 'J. 1001. Will !?; moiiiorablc* in tin* IltstOI'V of llio 1'nllmt Stnlna f..r H I ho ?lny Tor tho payment of interest ind dividends l?y the yro.-it industrial nml linnnoinl em-porn lions of tho country, am! those payments wore ilu? larcrost over made. There are more wikira t ions 1J1 *mi there *ro a year H2o, uioro stockholders ami liomihold rs. -mi! therefore move i> rsons to whom pnymonts were m '? As the I'liiicil States i? tlio most orosijoroiis. liiMiicinllv :!> ! nt!" n: i.dlv. of :inv country iti llio wo'lil, :hi<I as I ho your 1!?im? was tiio most prosperous in the | country's history. 1ho sum d'strilm1 d , it M'edm -sdav was larrvr than that 1 ever lioforo put in oir< illation in nay onn'rv on a single dnv. li is esli m i I-'d t' r; * $17.ViV?ti.iT)ti was fMshursod on that day, mi a" of the ti anneint centres of tho e-mnt'v it s ! stim.vt.d thai litis larrm sum found lis w.-iv into ?li> pockets of nliotii 1'J. ptl.tltiO persons As m nmttor of fact. powoxer. if tho i l.tiiMl.n.'ttt of -jivimrs hanks do| "siiors : he taken ottl. whoso norrotralo weal'h : I: uiv. r. a! t!P.oand whoso ilinro of this ."" ITo.nOP.tKHi w:ts not f:ir | Trotii ?K<;,nii'?.(i(i(1. tho rest. or about Rxp.tWM.fMin. wax (listrilititoil anion;? ' mil pa Hi lively few people. There are j 1?M7 men ami women in tltis ooimtry who are iv:omted to ho worth St.uoi).IXMl or more. ;iml :i lnviro pail of the " remainim; SS'.i.mi>1 .(kmi was ?1 i\ i<! ?i nr? n ninny those millionaires. It is said that. if iho portion of tin* SMUidn.Miiii which was distributed anion-.: tli< possessors of la rye We: 1th Were dih!i'<l amony thorn out:.illy, on eh ono would rooeivo soi otliiu:; I !; SMxri Ii is also said tlillt .lohii l? l'oekcfellor j uhnio roooived about dilh.tMMI for his Now Vonr's i-i :il. This sl.n einenl. hovovor. is simply ha . d on :i Wa1! si root yuess. Uy far iho part of iho$17~, was |utid out, of course, In 1 iIds city. Those who should know say ihnt not far from si io.oim.oi:m was ilishm- I'd i i Now V- rk I'ily. Tibs was plmi; > 'II I lot I I ii IM hi,. .. i * 11? 1 ' i id , put on .Tnnnnry ii. IfH 1 Th 1 disburse- j iiii'iii - of that day wor 1 ivianl-d utmost fahuloiiand, up : > !' .1 time, were the hi iv. si oxer !. i. The payments on ami if interest f alii i!Iod i<> ii!m:.oi;i;. red it--- pay- i rrn nls on arc aaii of dlvid nils a- aiinr ra) to Sel.T-IV.Ther- wore oilier J ii.teresi and dividend pavr: -nts wliii h li.'id In ho osiiit afod. making tlit* estiuiaiid total dishui-elm ,ps for .Jami- , f iiry J. 1!iimi. at out S I.'IO.inhi.miim. The , 1 limitary disbursements f. - |sti;? were ^sS.i;i;i.::!1!I: for ! ST'.hlMI irj.*,; for 18*17. ::: it. ami for hSOO. $71,- M ir.s.i j The hows from Hoslon is that the ' kwiiiaiy disluirseuionts there amoiiuiid to an increase of !?xi{T?,? i Mo. as compared with January, itlQO. j Ihiiiimore. Philadelphia, Olilenyo, Cln- I i-inmiti and San Francisco nre the ntlier cities where tlie majority of tie- i rest of the payments were made, and > reports from each of these places t slate that there was a ficm In.-ro-io,. liver ill" disbursements (if a year ago. r/ires. rath3un hflo for murder 1 ( t'liurjjol W illi Trying t?> l'?!?nn llitrl mot I Willi Killing Hit II u*l>ittiil. \i w Haven. Ciinii. Curiincr Mix in 1 / his finding oil (lie Implest into the j | leaih of William Italhhcn. the rail- | toad hrakemun, who ilieil after drinkill;: poisoned coffee en Deeemlier "1, I j ileelares that the eolTee eoiilnitied . rough on rats jmt there by Mrs. ' , Ihillentil, lint Intended for John 1'. j Mart. also n hrakeniiin and a hoarder ! for ti n years in the Kathlnin home. ' f AeeorditiK t? Ik*' Coroner's incesliga- i t lion. Mrs. Itathhtin, who had hern an ] idiniii r of Hart for je-ven of the ten j rears lie had been In tin lr hoin be | { aime jealous been use three months t igo he had transferred is affections j / lo a young woman. , I The flat deilaiiiiion that Mis Itath tin performed the nimah r.ii < deed is mad' in the following I i.' .,.. "On !lets mherMi iia'lthuii pro . it red a box of rough on rats, and Hi" f iVnole or part of said 1- \ of rough on ats was pine. 1 I?v her in a tp'.aiitltv ?f e i(T? e which was to h taken hy aid Hart in !. i - dinner p. I .is his ap : t ,?ly for the following dt y." '1'lie formal arrest of Mrs. Rathhun iu >11 the char/" of helng rc-jioti-il i" for lie crime immediately followed tic Joroner's derision. i Hart, too, must stand trial, beeattsv >f his all ired relations: wiili \trw I I la t lilmn. IGNATIUS DONNELLY DEAD. ItrieUen III nt tlx- Home of III* lullirr- ' In-Law in MInnenpoli*. Minneapolis. Minn. Ignatius l>on- I nelly, who for thirty-live years had J been prominent in local and national | iiolitics and in llteruture, was taken I II suddenly in the home of his father ' in-law, Ilnrton Hanson. rhyslclnns were summoned hastily, i but saw at once there wus uo hope. lie I ' Hod In a few hours. He was seventy I r< Oiu. R V\ v \ . NO. 43. RAM'S HORN BLASTS. r*r^"w dfvii is H jc|"" stroycr; be cannot Vf ?\ Missionary zeal sir 's l'l? overllow ?*f Christian love. / is 110 w,jrn nieauoss to seek r a?H/l to live within Urt^R ^ Wfi^v your means. L\ol A A Not suffering but service is the mark ( ^\VV^ ?J<S^ of the Christian, i j'l jjr Even repentanco enunnt nil Kn/>i- t)i?? ?->-'*>" *4" flight. They who are never weary iu prayer ore never mighty therein. All Christian endeavor must be tb? expression of Christian experience. The preacher never knows whether he would bet on a horserace till he has been there. ^ Nine-tenths of our arguments against mis.-;ions are excuses for closing the pocket book. The ltihle aims to givo uniformity of direction to lives rather than uniformity of doctrine. The Christian feels his restrictions only when he M>eks to limit Christ's domain iu his life. They who hope for the inhcritam o o* the saints in light will not tuako lig'it of the testament. lie who cannot bless the waves that brat him homeward inns have little longing for home. \ emiragr ins man is not so much ho who is brave to snatch pleasure as ho who is ready to h r i .1. When the sinm r is seeking only nothing sympathy t!; .-ituerity of bin search may lie me Wlten Christ' , \ h * is fitted it changes to wins All of don's demands are hut invitations to priv'bges. SOUTHER N R AIL W A Y. Vnt??l Tint.. nt .1 i. k-.miv. I> .Ttvl Snvi'innh. Ki-iV rn Tmm nt Otltnr f .' _ Kolniluli' in i;fT.-ci M.iv i!i I'.iai. 'I I \ '1 v ..v ;/? noii i ii iioiis'tt. N . 11 ,, ' :. ; ; _ < \ Sii " "O ?"?'y ?v i<*k . i-iv !I i - | * x'n , ; |.-,p I\ilflllit! , Sly I h : tUk. *' I It I- I t .1 'I. I1* 'Ik, ! i' '< I Ho . ! I Kji 4 l.'.V %l 'in " lil . ... 1 i I sin*; " i ?.i| 4 I.a 4r ' >!nml.i:v .. ... I ti<A>i? < -i iv? 1;.- ; u i l 'ip t IJJ ill-! \ III ? MA lot I" i it*'f. v i . i v | u '' ' ' 1">? ii . . I . 'I 'I'" ' .. : A t >?' 4 kii? 11 i 111 Odnl ft Ut v - i i n.'j . '.lop .v <.finil. vill.i__ ' I n 3:tlp|lU I5p| ' ' I "7 | .1 I.?;?! . . .' ' _Al ' _ jl v "" ii'iii . :>> " 4jti iTiTip I'nilisr.m . r, 4 141 ' 11 Mp, \f ' 'inini'i.i, <r. IVI I i I i ilt, ... < . i )>itk. I Knit ->t '.I II 0 1 'V ?; I .1. mnOxji o 1 ;. ,|,l 7 L'.I;? " <"l?i,lt.T .1, (i l'),k " }<; Vlm ' H4.-H Vr i luirlnti* . .... . ii 1 '.MUu v' DftnvUlf . ' _ i? .it/ l .<r<p I I Hi tllV Milt It I ? l.| Ii it pi v i w.iViiMu'.nii ; 7;. > .via " H I'llni ir.. I'm UK) I Ii I it Tip U1"'"V.'1I,,,'u i 11 .t..ii J.Mia Now \.?rlt, I -j (jjjj, ii | (a : II in i! . .wit lr Npartruibiug .. a ii>|. II ,'j*. Asl??vil||. . ; :0p i' Hiiu<cv:ll(._. 4 7 JIH> V' <'?n?^?nr>it i 7 45a ir I?ulsvilju . , j ;ci[)i , la mi I'll 1:011 m?. U(i !N<> :l.'l'Vo.8ft Pan .v. I-'.M 1,>1111-" " . I ; I5g v ?'pirinnm 1 . i * 1 hikip .v Kll .XMlIc ~7. I ,1 A -In-villi* HliUaj aa'.p -I II lanlmrg ... ..11 4',:. I f, I ',|? Ir I .mil.1.i .. a?n. ?H5^? .V New Vi>rkt r*n li.U) " a.Hip J iiii?'i? ii?iii;i r.o'.pl a .'iGft Maltimorx ... M VT7|?i (' V>? . ^'ik.ii'i/i R>M .4lj>11 |.ri? Kicliinoml_ i fiTii? 1 i^u7r> i. I 'an villi, .. ^ _ _ 4 ? ? !'ft $j? ;.v (.i11 ;,.r!dSv .. ?0-'a|!oWa? riinstiT oa.'n ii >r,i? innil?>ro lO Jla ) 1 1 ? ? I' < 'uSunl.ia (BliltjSI lincrp 11 i..a I 3L? -v. ?: In*. < L' I < 1.. .. 11 aim iam .loimxion . . Id :yij? 1 icip1 f,;c?r? _ ii' ini'ii . _ . .11 niji 1 i:.|>! 1-. ir A III.-II " 7S7j. *.* Tfcjf* ir. Ivl??'li?.|il J.'_ I L'.',|. 11 :i IV l! < r 1111 Iitvilif! . .." I.'liait lap ,|sfi ii A! aiiHta .. | y. 11 hi?M? <_ w>) Iir.ip 1 .cr? KIiikwiII.. 4 V! H.'ia <)ra?x'C'I.iin; ?5. :: i.v? Bran. Iivill. fl j;,,, 40-,^ ^iifinnorvillo 7 s;? f. Ir CIhtIosIoii . . . _ I !, |.,j, 7 v 1' 'siii.i:. ib,, icy") i, , j.;.; .' :"lll/ , la 1' 1 > y ;i7a .. ^rnnu-l.rl.l ... . ? II.. .. ?-> -Vfll . i ' ' 1,1 |' aaip i,.f* if a > .. .11 v 1.' i' , ;i ' 1 /; ' 1 Mil; v. I ?vl Mm,law I riiw:i;iilil?|art 11 on: 11.11 . >111 j 11'. 11, , ,.p: .Sun ay " SUnnln. t' C . v/?R? oori'ico, K> 'lit d/u ,'ih-fii^or >11 vini bMwfin i i' in :i'id Ni-.v York ami i N- w Y rlc ami I'loriilii I'.a ',r" ?' * ro i |>t.ii; ii i Ir I # i i. \ > ? an I N. w Yn' k i "'illii1 ill i!; :i a i ii * i wini " i n r;ir liivyii-ii I'urt Tnniiiri. .1 l? ' villi-. Savannah. ' 'n-liin(;|iiii iiml Nov Y'?i 1; I ill I hi nil ili- j.iti|> p.irs Iwt wi in < "h.irl it t' mill xii'linioiul IliuuiK cur-i U'Imhiii i-liarl">ti" m<I Savannah Noh. Hi ami :WV-U. S. Fait Mail. Tlirontrlw >illlnian draw Iniprnom bnft'ot sleeping curs ln?ween .Tni ksiiiivillii anil Nrw York mvl Pultnm sleepim; rari liet wonn AutfiiHta nnii C.'liarot to. f )i 111 ii it i'A.r nerve all men!* enrouto ^ Pullman s.enpiiiK rani between .Innknonvilii*. ind tlnliimbiu i-nroute daily between Jaekaotr ntle and Cini-lniint.i. via Ailinvlllo. fUANK S HANNON, J M OTU? Third V P Admi. Mgr., TrofTlr Mtfr.. (Yanliingtiiii. L). U. Wanliinetnn. 13. C? W A. TUHK, S. n.HAUDWlOK, Urn Pana Ajc't., Ai'tUru. Puna. Ag't., w"t"'iHlill, Ql Ci .AliantA. *J)A 0 \ - 4