University of South Carolina Libraries
frj | 1 H 1 I / t the rnler and ing i nto | .'or o<l. it*n ' oaf im?; i wnt' i his ' his , inns IWIlliomi' filing overs imvun was -shown ml he rouble ixaiu." pposito rowtied trt that eorner, e turned and for ; at tin? 111. "Yes. ,v night." i\ly away, tator that ihit. wont > look out i rt of surt in thuiiiis hal ami dilapidated t it blankit or an <*11< in it was not." With it open and real;fast his worse than 11 husiast iealslied like pie iie other one ae said, after mint this one it won't take fore. oil her." oat of purple aile ami Alii-o vo lii'cortl. TLE. Spot !l<< iiil'K. 'eilorato oiaxrai \ liatl i mulouht >iat they in some to roino 'lintr roil Uiml. s collie 110." tlie eiirintis on t lie ii or so talkinc. f hoinir wo all \l tiny. to Mil'not her in 1 lit' i t lie ant." Olllll . be ant lo l.ttt SI* Ml I It i* to 1??? nirhcd turned ok of < .>111ort <>r that aiowii ' Wo M our nnliU? ipi.U> I had <1 my ivilli; II ter. and over of was up il it edilally l?ulnioli and If I lonld oujrli. ! was mt I Sellt as tlic etly tlio - entirely NVw Or. was Ol!C( at tlie State ppllennts for "hips. Well." s is the largest ssiotis that has ..r time.'* .exieo. Mo., eon.rnit trees, pruned perfection. ? t 'it i Best For the Bowdit No matter what alls you, headache to a t Sancer, you will never not well until your ] bowels are put right. Cascabsts help nature, cure you wttuout a gripe or pniu, produce easy natural movements, cost you ' lust 10 ceuts to start getting your health 1 back. Casoabets Candy Cathartic, the J genuine, put up In metal boxes, every tab- i let has C.U.O. stamped on It. Beware ot Imitations. ! } No one envies the turkey liis fat j ( when tliey think of Thank-giving Day. j ( I j It is confidently assorted that the lacy" decrease in lufuut mortality in this country a during tlie pu?t decade lius been brought about in no smnli measure by the universal i'?" ?<f ( ustorla--lt being In almost every home. The boy who has no skates cuts no t ice. \ 1 Kiev'* ItOunf Grraxt Wi.l absnlutcl?' cure Cltoi r. ColXI'R AND j I ol !>s <m cko, than anything known. ^ ; : ^ w Putnam Fadci.khs I>tk produces the i fastest nud brightest colore of uny known ! dye stulT. Bold by nil druggists. Trouble is often brewing with si hot i punch. Don't drink too much water when ey- i cling. Adams' Pepsin Tuttl Fruttl is an | excellent substitute. "Fall in!" is the command of the thin ice. Tin- (lent Prescription For Clillla and Fever la a bottle of Gnova's Tabtki.khs ciin.:.'1'onic. It Is simple iron and quinine | iu a tasteless form. pay. 1'rice25c. A wedding morn should have no mourning. Seuat rs and Congress an: now using (loose ( reuse for sore tliroa . hoarseness an 1 colds; itcure? \\ li u all else fail. The wise use (loose Grease for man or beast, every bottle gun ran I'd Thero is no servility in Christ's service. ( arlor's Ink lias a good deep color and it does uoi bt: am the< )cs. > urtor's do. nn't lailu. Courage is the cure for discourage- ; mont. To ( tire a Coltl In One llnv. Take Laxative Quinine Taiu.v.s. All druggists refund the money if it fuilsto euro. K. W. Uruvk's .signature on each box, 21 f. M miiteit- SiiIIititn l-'rotu Mlolliacll. 1.1 vi-r. kid in? v >!nl intestinal ?1 i rt I ? r- tit write l.i'v. Ai.ciii:rs o intkm. Tryon. N ?to earn ubout r? llicdx I !i , t I'll f'.lclo-o -t:ltal|>. TMsn's Cure for Consumption an tnfald. hie medicine lor roughs and rolils. V \Y. s a mi i:u Uri'iiu (irove, N. J.. Feb. 17. liwhi. v-V?-nfrli"s. -addle galls. vrr shoulders, Mr.'muy. ruts, Ion s^-, ami lniiii<lii's> ot lever, kind,cured at? nc l>> (loose i roa-i: l.lnitncnt. \lrs. Wlnslnw'sSoothing Syrup for children ( li'plliiliK, goftviia tli* KiiinK, roi! neon in Mammalian. allays pntn.cures witul colli-.:i:ic.alioi; I*. Don t. forge , nil pains ri'lico-il at once by uoomj Urease. No i i* he. no l'ay. A Itellntile Vliiianat-. A Rood Almanac is an iiuportHiit factor in 1 every house. A poor one is worse than none ' at all. It our readers would have the best, j they will pet one in which the signs of the | Bodiao, moon's phases, time of sunrise and 1 sunset, days lengths, etc.. are correctly cnl- I ciliated and not guessed at. Our experience 1 has been, and many others agree likewise, i that Hainan's Weather Almanac is the uiost A accurate ami reliable one published. The j weather fore-casts in this almanac have 1 proven themselves wonderfully correct in J foretelling storms, cold waves and sudden ; changes of the weather, even as much so as the signal service reports. The astronomer who makes the calculations belongs to a family who have made it their profession for a century and the records at his disposal are such as to make his predictions almost perfect. our readers can get a copy free at any Drugstore or bv addressing tin* Jtrown Manu ui'turing Do . (Sreeriovlllo, Tenn. Those who prefer an almanac in calendar form, showing moon's Phases, weather predictions. | etc., can get one of the Hamuli's Hrowine j Calendars, I his;rated in colors, for 10 cents, from llu> same company. To l)o Away With Labor Striker.. Thomas M. Costello, a member of th? ; Now York general assembly, lias propat oil and will introduce a bill which ' ho hopes will do away with labor 1 strike-, should it pass. The bill is mod- ' died on the Now Zealand law. Briefly. > it provides for a permanent court of \ \ arbitration consisting of throe nietti- * hers and awards are to be compulsory, tine member is to bo chosen by the la- j bor organizations and one by the em- j plovers, the two to select a third. This method has worked with marked success In Now Zealand, no strike having taken place there in five years. Mrmmrs ? [ Q, FOR GOUT, TORPil V&S No medicine In the Mineral Lasative Wate A covered more than 30 ?i8m c, i \ nation In the world. I & \ Recommended by l.iiffifiHS JH I //ISM pnysicrans, trrm whom USggSS / /Viy beil Natural Laxative PlriM I * ' ? Its Action Is Speedy, ??a I Every Drugpiii and n /*sr*l ft CS/ for the full nan,c, b) AwiV '* Uunyadi JunoB." Tft Sole Importer, Firm o{ And F00?3>?04?CC?f>??C0e?0???4 IEE I WBNCm 5 SHOT? Uuri6opaKcJ 0 ?H ] J illustrated cata- J FACTORY LOADED SH ' ^ loCUC. 9 "'nr.iag comK r.tlnn | | J the trip. All dealer* sell i? 8 WINCHESTER REPEA 11 O 1 So W inchest hi: A vs., Ki 9 CD ?:">ee?e<b?9CK>3?C?0#0'?-3e-;>??''ff'12< JUST THE COOS CONDENSED ENCYCLOPEDIA OF trunte apon about ?vfry snhject nnder the ran. and will ba tant, postpaid, far Mc. In atamp*. post AN ENCYS will elaar tip for put# tndax. aa that It may bo C ^ 55 ?1 la * rlrk nuns af valuable ff" II *J tsraraaU&4 aiaanor. and la " ?<" of FIFTY CENTS wbio peers <* tautalaoiaiila benefit to tho*e whoit adut will aiaa be fossd af rrant valoa to thooa who r? tanioiviii BOOK PUBLISHING HO * % How's This J We offer On? Hundred Dollars Reward for iny case of Catarrh that cannot ho cured by lull's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chknf.y A Co., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. .1. Cheley for the lust 15 years, and believe him i?er'octlv honorable In all business transactions ind linaTieially able to carry out any ubliga;lon made by their tirm. IVkht A Truax, Wholesale DruKgists,Tolcdo, Ohio., Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, nctug directly upon the Mood and (mucous stir- i 'aces of the system. Testimonials sent free. \ ['rice, 75c. 1st bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall's Family I'ills are tile best. ^ hhnnhmmmnnransnanonsi Qviickly C\i res Colds Neglected colds always lead to something serious. They run into chronic bronchitis which pulls down your general health; or they end in genuine consumption with all its uncer- ; tain results. t~n ? . i ? r/on t wait, nut rake Ayer's Cherry Pectoral just as soon as you begin to ! cough. A few doses will cure you then. But it cures old colds, too, only it takes a little , more time. We refer to such diseases as bronchitis, asthma, whooping-cough, consumption, and hard winter coughs. Three si.*e> : 25c., 50c.. Ji.oo. All druggists. J. C. Ayf.u Co., Lowell, M. - Ivvery cotton planter should ,vritr lor our valuable illustrated yamphlet, "Cotton Culture.'' t is sent free. Sond itanu* .in ! .?tldr**^s to iKRMAN K \Ll \VOKK>, ?>i .Vitus' St., N Y. ' Tanks, Stacks, Stand ud ' Sheet-Iron work; Shafting, I'ul- j leys, tacariiisr, H??\ Hangers, etc. jksn'ast every day; work ISO hand*. ' LOMBARD IRON WORKS AND SUPPLY COMPANY, Augusta, - - Georgia. SECOND-HAND TYPEWRITERS i FOR SALE AT LOWEST PRISES: \ bit; lut tilki*it in i xi !i?iibfc for t!???**< Ii\ ?t'* \'iii li w?-arcI'liihitiK out rhrap AM; fur aur in y tr nu- o;. I lir **<> 1.1 \ I:II iVrnnuliiK Mill rrpiVM-n; 11 i v?< in your-t*( tioii llhI you ran -HI ?nmc Zlinrliinrs. j. I;. CRAYTON, tien'l Agent, * > DKKM?, S. Dr. Bull's Cough Currs a roue It r r.-M : t on< ?. Conquer* croup, bronrhili JTUlJ/ irriuue aud ecu sum u.iou. -\.c. J D LIVER AND UONSTIPATIOT| world can relieve you like the Natural f r, provided by nature herself and dis- B years ago and now used by every D ail J&i&os , over one thousand of the most famous wc hive testimonials, as the safe-t and ^atcr known to medical science. Sure end Gentle. It never gripes, [i General Wholesale Grocer Sells It. I RMiT L,4,,cl with j DLUi. Itcd Centre Panel. j. Irean Saxlebner, 130 Fulton 5t., N. Y. jj J ?o#e?ea?2?a?oe?ecKM)??s<Pf;o *Sr?R| Wlnohostor | | VMS . i Facto ;yloaded ? shotgun shells, O j OTGUNS.-ELLSf K\V K I V AI? in the field or ut A 441-I'-A I) l* K. '?ind O them. J ? REl'K ATI.R." 2 riNG ARMS CO. 2 A trial ?ill.prove * rw iiAVhN, i < -.n. S Uieir superiority. 0 s a a o oco ? *./? o o ? so? ?^ ooo ? a i YOU WMTas UNIVERSAL KNOWI.EOCE," > It contain* fiJu pages, profusely Illustrated, el note or silver. NVlion reading you doubt. L0PED1A =-?-2 _ you. It haa a com- | referred to easily. Tlila lon> 1 Hjl Information. presented In an well worth to any ona many r k wa ask tor It. A atudy of thl* booh will ' >ation baa baan neclected, while the volnms k tuuot readily command the knowledge they | USE. 134 Leonard St.. N. Y. City. . - <""" * iBJuaecA DISCOUNT 1 OFTEN PER CENT. PRESENTS. M. A IVIALON E, Columbia, S, C.. and he w'll quote you terms and price . A chance to get a fine ORGAN or PIANO cheap. i Plenso Rive your name and I*. O. addre**, whoa send thi-< ml. S' AWM ILLS, CORN MILLS^ CANE MILLS. RIGE HULLERS, PEA HULLERS, ENGINES. BOILERS, PLANERS AND MATCHERS, SWING SAWS. RIPSAWS. and ad other kind* of wood workine tnaehinary. Jly Sfgeiiiit l.og lieatu w Mill Jo the heaviest, atroukms!, and most efficient mill for the money on the market, quick, accurate Statu .V-fent for if. li *iu!ih Machine l'om|>any wood working machinery. For high grade engines, plain slide valve. Automatic, nud < \iriiss, write mo: At'.us, Watertown, und Struthers A Wells. V. 0. RADII AM, 1.126 Alain Street. COLUMBIA. S. C. U/n r i fil'T Wel1 mention WtLAll I here all we Han ? die but we do SliLL EVERYTHING In the MACH.NEP.Y & HILL SU. PLY Line SB Tin* Murray Cleaning and IMt-triliuting System. I.uuo, Chu-e, Hcge, l.iddcll nud High Point saw mill*. I.iodcll Automatic and Plain engines. Ituudy traps, "NF.\V SOUTH" llrt k Machinery, Erie t'lty engines and boilers, IM-ston r-uws, "Queen of the South' Gn*t Mill*. W.H.HI DDES \ 00., < Ol.l 71 ui A, s. ttffl'i? MP SHOES V* C 3'^- ?" ? Jc union made The real worth of W. I., iituacliis *:;.t)(? and ? \|i % l.ftO hiiiir* t-iiniiinri'd t wltli oilier ni'ikrs i. i?i1 %B ?!(>?> t?? !Sr..(l(?. / "V Tjj) OurS-tfilti I r&A P/1 cannot l>?* cqtiultoil :i: I"* Hit v |?rl?"i". Over l.Clltl,- V'v f OOO Mtl i?li<>il w i hiti k. ' B \0\. F"'r 0> w L. Djur'ss Kf/\STCCL0>?lf ^ STo: 33 50 chefsw.II Jt ?rvn ft#.'' p::itwoly outweir ? EYcLE , s v*>> t.vo r-ir3 of oti!lna'y f^Af NXV^V S3 or 33.1,5 %V? arc < do '.truest tnukerrt ?jJT i.hii'm S.t and 8:t .V> slim s In t!:.? world. S\ iiinUc and m il more r?." iiinl sttoon i 'tan r.ny other two nit mil ? * n-n in tint i.'. H. Tin* j*0|inti:(i?n < f W. I.. BEST BEST $3.50 ?:=/?Tv rS\ $3.00 SHOE.'. "SHOE. | than thoy can ppt t Vcw 'un . ? TK I: iFFTai*o.n i U 1.. !>.??.->u* * . ku.! ft M hoes arc told than rmv ? riukt* :? In can** 'S'll K V \KK 'i'IS Zj ^ **?:: *hot:M keep them j ve i?ivu cm thaler c*c\?i?tve ?t.Io in each town. rl^ail. ?* no :?i ! In*ut on having W. I,. Ttouglik dIom vith ni>r .i .?! ? itamprr! ?ri hottum. jt your ?:i-?ier w:i r.m pn IPi'lu lor you, fcril iltwrl lo (irlnri, rnr.riii,^ |.. r.ii'l ."> rjii ? f.-r cerrihiir. 8to?? Wind i.IlooUi'r. ?i/r, oi l ?.'111. p'.nin or <-.p toe. Our ohorn will w?rh you anyi. I. r. . i .ilnluyur I rrt. W. JL l>ou(lb> bluiu ( <i, Bi ocktun, .U.uu. ^?REE:]a,.r Vf) sporting goods. \Uyf RAWLIHGS SPORTING IMm -5000S GGMPAHY, (i!iU Loru SI,, ST. I.Ol lS. Mo. STi^. W' W. PUGH. LmJ FI'.M yl.I-: SPM t \ 1.1 VI iixl Chronic S r<* l.tiiilm. %?lr?'*>n liim ul |?r, .K'i>l nt J VSi'lCK. TI\X is. i^OlCDC / NF.W riSCOVFRY;,tTo. L/ xj' II O I quick .'i.l . no t?% H.i.> "( Imi m'main on'i 111 il.ii s tiratinm.i I i . i'. lit M H. ORK,>N tf ?u*?. lox I. AlUoo, bt Use CERTAil : ol^'CURE.H S I Tl;\TIOS In fni t If vnii mention ^ tli.- pit per o tien wri. lulv eitlmos >?>.(> 2 ftPHHtfEfl1 DCwt t'ou.'i n?run. 'J ( len Oixxl. l'p? IWI Here St s! Nant to learn all ai- nt a u ' rr>e? How to Pt.-k Out e A " . ilOne' Know llnj.i ri :. inn", m> (mar l .1 ilnut ^ rail*)' Defect l>iM>a?n mi l " iTo. ? Cure when ran e 1* f t i \ I.' Tell tli* Atf* by * * ' o lortft' \V!i.?' ti>< .ill tin- Different (> art* of the , niinal* Hoi* t.. Sin.1. .? Horue Propen All tbn 11 1 bar * alua'.ile Information < an IM-U'itatned hy i lino our 1 (>!>- IWt.K ILLl'iATR ATKD l(IK>K HOOK. which we will lor< ird, puatalU.ou raoeipt of only -.1 rente lu atoll, pa. 1<M?K ITRI.fSHINli HOUSE. V .r.1 lu-ouard St.,)\ T.CU/. I A ^ ^ .T , . -J LABOR WORLD. Jrcnt Britain makes :h)O.OOO.OOCl yards of liucn a year. The dock laborers at Callao. the port of I.iina, have gone on strike ami all work has been stopped. Alaska advices state that Dnwsou is overrun with Idle men. many of whom are willing to work for their board. i The New York Postoflicc has been authorized to employ more clerks to handle the phenomenal business now being done. ' The M< Kenna Steel Company, at loliet. 111., which rcrolls old rails, has resumed operations after a long period of idieuess. The soil lenient of the woodworkers' strike, which lias since September 1 involved 1 ItMt men at Chicago, is said to lie assured. it is estimated by the statistician of the Central Labor Bureau, that in twenty live trades -1U.000 out of hlO.iMitt are out of work in I'nris, France. During Isst;> there were 74tt strikes in Tatter, comprising lTO.S'Jtl liands in t'JNo estaldisliments. and involving a loss of :i.r?r,o.7:tl days' work. The etnpioyes in the cotton mills of South Carolina are eltarged for lionse rent about fifty cents a room per month, and have a garden patch attached to each tenement. By assessments and donations the trades unions of San Francisco have taised nearly SSO.OHO to maintain the striking planing mill men in their foitlest for the eight-hour day in California. Tin* big furnace of the Alabama Consolidated Coal and Iron Company at Cadsden. Ala., which lias been idle several months, lias gone into blast. i giving work to several hundred men. Otlieers of the Pittsburg tl'onn.i district are trying to organize all the id luminous minors ium :i silicic body. ______ The animal that first succumbs to extreme cold i?s the horse. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Tt?n? i\T J.-vltsonville and PnvannahJ Eiislcrn Tini't at (Jthur Points Schedule in litroct May fitlt, 1000. NORTHBOUND. Lv. .I:?'k -'>11 V)i t I S >'.li 7 4.">p, " Savannah iSo Uy I lilSp iBboai " llaruwtMl .... 402p I in.v " HliK'kvtllo ... ... 4 17 V 4 15* " Springfield 4 4?'i> 4 U-sa " Sally ... 4 48p 4 47% Ar Columbia .. ..... tiOup I'.OUa f.v Charleston. (So liy . . iiawlfloop " SnmmerviUo 7 lIu.l.MOnt " Hrnnchvillo . H.Vmj 1 .'via " Orangeburg 9 .liul .; Ooa " Kingvilln . 111 l.'iii 4 U**a Ar^Cnlumbia . jllOiitl 5 .Via Lv. AusuMtu.Tso" Ity t Vina aoup it;Wp Lv. Ornnitevllle . " .'4.">u HHip 10 l.*>p Lv. Edgefield. . .. I......I 1 lop . ...i Lv Aiken . 1 I H'Alp ...I Lv. Trenton . ... ;> u ii 4UJpllOopj " lolin-aton . 6'Ala 4 14p II Alp] , Ar. Columbia. (IT. D.L. !S50p B lua Lv. Columbia, (Uldg St. 9 UJa OlOp h 15a " Wuuisboro . .. 7(Up 7 Boa " Ohivter 7Mp 8 19.T " R>r t Hill 8'iip; 8 47a A r. Charlotte lopj 40a. Ar D.iumIIw . . .7" 1 jMa 1 .tvp At- Ktcnmonil . Cum ?23p Ar. \VnrtiiQgtou .. ? " ~ TiEal S5UD Baltimore (Pa.Kit) . <i u.i 11 _V>p Philadelphia. U dTaj 2 .Via Www \ ork 2 Uip rt 11a Lv CJlomlto ............... II 4,,;l "7 55a Ar. spartnnlmrg ... . ..|nitipn25a A*h*vllie I 7 jw >^it> A i- h'noxvtllo ! 4 Iju 7 Mp Ar (,'inoinnmt . ? " 7 .Tip 7 45a Ar. l^uiHviliu .. . T55pl 7 south liotrsu. i MiVd' Jf0?5 '. x Su ",ulj'|t>;uly l.v.I.ouisvTTIe . ~ ~ ~ 4.,p i'V^Ci"?;inpHti . . ITaiti "?p)p Lv. KnoxvUlo "| -Aw'TaSa' .. AslicvtJlc 8UJa 3(ttp Spartanburg 11 4.7aI Ci !5p A' ' >?mwbU . ... 820P1 04&p Lv. NVw Vurki l*a. KK I 5aup I2l..n? , J lularlelphU r,u',p a 50a Baltimore H 27p| 0 22a i.v. Wiishi'gt'n (Sn.Uy) H60p 11 l.ia Lv. Richmond ^ iluopllSSlm Lv Danville .. ' . " 4jA[i'l) 4rtp Lv. Charlotte.. .. HloajlOUUt* Rook Hill u 02nll0 4.7p Chester 035n|ll25p Wmnshoro I0 2l?12 15* Ar ( olimil,ia. (UhlcSt . 03Up It 25aj 1 20a Lv. Columbia. (U. U.).. ll-50a 4 :u)a Johnston ... lOIJOp 1 it'tp! r> ,12a I'rontnn II UOj> 1 45p| f, 4-;u Ar. Aiken .. " vaip ffiiSk Ar. Edgoflehl . 4 2.?pj MJMja Ar (4i initcvilln .. . ; JIK.'nl ~2*15p 7 18a Ar. Augnwia .. M um 2,V;p ROUa Lv. Coiuwhi ? *m<?. ityi ~ 4(kip T:i5a Kiri^villo 4 4;tp : 32a " Oranuolmrtc r>y;tp ;j ^ Brnnrhvilln r. lap 4 25a Sinmiior\ill? 728p 5 .2a Ar. Cluirioaton 815p| 7 UOa l.v Ci.luinliiA (Vic. Uy.) .... fiTm! i"25a A.r s?iiy 12 42pl 2a7r? SprrnKtield . iJ.Vlp' 245a . ...t. ii r-p; ;?t*v? ' ParIIwell 1 1 k'7p| 3 '.?>? '* Savin null .... I 32Jp| 5 15a Ar Jacksonville ( I' I ' 7 4ii|' !' 'Trains 43 mid 44 i 111* < -<1 except Sunday! rrivr anil ilp|mrl Ironi H iinburg. t Daily exropt Sunday. Sleopirp; Cur Sorvicc. Excellent daily passenger xervico butxvftn Florida and New York. Nos. 33 iinii .14?New York and Florida Express. Drawing-room Bleeping cars Irtwrun Augusta and N. w York. Pullman drawing-room sleeping cars l?v ween I'ort Tampa. .l -.cksonwille. Savannah. Washington and New York. I'lillnwin sleeping cars bet ween ('harlot te and Richmond. Dm no; ears between Cliai lotto ad Savannah N'os. IC? and Sft?IT. S. Fast Mail. Through Pullman drawing-room lin'fot sleeping cars >*?tween Jacksonville and New York and Pullman sleeping ears between Augusta anil CharIn.le. Dining ears serve all meals enroll fe. Pullman roping ears lietxv -en .lack- >nvi)l& *nd Columbia emmile daily ImtWten Jacksonvillc and (" i via Aslioville. FKANKS (4ANNON. J.M.CITLP. Third V P As lieu. Mgr.. Tr: lie Mgr.. Washington. D C. Waahington, D. C. W A TCKK. S II lIARDWICK. lit a I no Air't.. As I Iron. l'.if . Ag't., V\ luiiiuiiiuU, D. 0. Ott. ^ oroaotlv nrocBMdl- r.R Kft * ?*?1 ? * * 5^ c |'t f r frreport a litability. It >.?k He* ? *,j' ><i: laml'.S arid K. r- n 1*3ton?.*and Trad* Mark?,"W V 1 REF. Fair?*?t t<*mi i cv c offered to i iivcotor*.(J) ^ PATENT LAWTFUS 0T C(? YEARS* PRACTICE ft; V 20.000 PATENTS PROCURED THROUGH THEM. A' I) liiiiiu* * r nf.4i. tiul. rM/tznd :.i.. ' t.uthfulCf} V * i-vlee. Moderate otiiirgef. A, i"rc. a. SNor/ a co.| V PATTNT LAWYT-RS, ? {, 0pp. U. S. Patent Office, V.ASHilttTO*. D. C.& 'Hlv 1 . #mm