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I1 FORT MILL MKLlMiE. Pithy Points Gather*,a for the I'.ru^al of Time.* Rentiers. Mr. Ileury Massey, of Tirzah, is visiting relatives in Fort Mill. Mr. \Y. T. Sellers is spending the holidays at his home in Fort Mrs. J. N. Aiwitter and son. of llytium. N. C , are the quests of Mrs. S. A. Epps. The holiday trade in Fort TNI ill during the past week has been better than for several yea is. Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Watson, of Charlotte, spent Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Watson's father Mr *T. W. Ardrey. Dr. I), (t. Thompson nml sisters, blisses Nannie and Maud, recently began housekeeping in tin* dwelling; formerly occupied In Dr. 11. I". Alexander on Confederate street. The time for the payiyent of county taxes without the p malty will expire on the ."?lst instant and | it is not thought that the time will I be extended by the Legislature. I After an absence of several w eks in Bainbridgo, Ga., during which time he was tilling the pulpit of the First Presbyterian church, Dr. J. 15. Mack returned homo last week. Onpt.. \Y. E. Ardrey has been critically ill at his home in Ardreys, N. C., during the past two 1. ~ 11: l \ i ? i ?rrus. inn urn, i/r. i- I... .\rurey. of Burlaw, N. (\, was telegniphe i for and under his treatment Cap!. Ardrey lias improved somewhat. Anions the college students who are spending the holidays with relatives in this community are Misses Kittie Kirkpatrick and Bertha Massey and Messrs. Win. Owens, ?T. K. Ardrey, Stewart McMurrny and Janu s Thornwell. Three young men, employees of the Millfort mill in this plaee, he came involved in a dillienlty just outside the incorporate limits Moi day afternoon. One of the young men was stubbed in the back with n pocket, knife, but was notseriousb injured. A number of members of the local lodge of Knights of Pythias will go to Winn>boro on the evening of January 1 to assist i i the organization of a Pythian lodge at that place. The lodges at Ruck Hill, C.tester and Columbia will also assist in the organization of the Wimisboro lodge. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Menrliani. jr.. of Greenwood, S. C., are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. T. B. Meaehatu. Yesterday at 1 o'clock a Christmas dinner was given at the home of Dr. Meachant, at which all of his children were present except, Mrs. K. S. Reeves, of Btatesville, N. C., v ho ut rived last night. The Palmetto Hotel in this place was the scene of a Gretna Greene affair on Monday night at 11.lo o'clock, when Mr O. Marshall Grubb and Miss Addie Hartley, of North Carolina, were united in marriage by Magistrate MeKllianey. The young lady appeared to he about 16 yens of age. Yesterday afternoon at dt) o'clock .Miss Edna Ma*-, eldest daughter of All* mid Mr- I'? M l.'-.i-Ia find Mr. Guy Edwards. t>f Pineville, N. were married I?y Kev. A. Finch at the home of the bride's parents in Gold Mill. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards have the hi s! wishes of a host of friends who hope that their lives may ever l>e tilled with pleasures and happiness akin to those of the day in which their wedded life be^an. The election for an intendant and four ward ns tost rve the town of Fort Mill during the year lt??l will not be held on January s. as was advertised in the e < . luiinis a few weeks a?jo. A in- niber of hasdtseoveied that the charter of the town provides that the municipal eh ct ion be In id <n the second Monday in .lamia: Hence \ e change in the date i' tne elec n to January II The resist rat m books will not ch.s till the evening of January I. Mr. tl C. Cu'p t<> l>; l)i?plac d. Frotn the Yorkville Kn<| tirer it is learned that Supervisor-eleet Gordon, up >n i^smniiiL: the t! 11i? s of his otiiee J anna: > 1. will appoint Mr. \Y. .). Whitoner sup rii.t i:d t i nt of lilt' r unty chain ^anj^. This moans that ?dr II. C. Gulp, who has lnld the position for several years, will I e displaced. The many Iriends of .Mr. Gulp hoped that the new supervisor would conclude to retain him. thinking that it would he to the county's interest to do asMr. ('ulp is tboroughIvacquainted with road repairing, such as the chain j^ano has to do, and knows how to ?ct the most work out of the convicts at the least cost to the county. lores of Ircendlary Origin. Three distinct attempts \vi re 1tl 111? ? ( < i l\n v?\ tli/A ***!!-. . - I 1 - - . 1- 1 in im\ i" Kill II IHC IlIlliMI'l I 4U" I I'll Mill Mfg. Company in this place Saturday evening. At S o'clo k an employee in the spinning department di-coveied tin* in a pih of out tun in the stuck mom. The lire was quickly extinguished, hmv ever, and few know of the incident until a second attempt was made to bum the mills at l'J<> o'clock. This time, as l>* f re. tire was up plied to a pile of cotton, in tug dye room. The llames gained considerable headway before they were gotten under control, though the lo*s amounted to only a few hundred dollars. The thiid and last attempt to burn the m lis was made in the "kitchen." an annex to tin* main \v? uve i < m. at 10..'W o'elo-k. Superintendent d.K.tios. sett I appened 1 i be in the "kitch0." at that time and saw a man strike a uiab li and attempt t > lire nInrrel of nil with it. lie ordt r d tlie rascal to llirnw up his hands, bat tin* rascal, instead of ?)!ie\in:r, ran to an open window and jump d from the huislitiLT. hi Ye shots were tired at him by the superintendent, 1 >llt without ell'ert. -<< The C? mp-iltive Drill. Nqlit.lle interest w is displayed by the crowd of several huudi <! persons that witnessed the individual Competitive drill by members of the Ft.'Mill Liqht Infantry in C infederate street Saturday afternoon. Ah was antieipattd in these columns last week, the drill was held for the purpose of app anting to a vacant sere; nnoy the eon'.estaiit who proved to he tlie most proiieient in llie manual of arms. Twenty-three memhersof the com puny ?-i?I?*r? 11 J ho drill, hut within half an hour the number ol' contestants had narrowed down to thro.', Corpl. !. M. \\ hito and Privates Win. Coble and Moiliort Morritt, all of whom drillod with such precision that it was a hard mutter for the judges to deride w hirli was the most protieieiit. Pi ivale ('ohle w<m oat tinally. however, after it Inraine noees-aiy to giv? rateh command.-.. Tlie judg-s were Limits. '1 l>. Sjantt and S. \\ . Pa: ks and Sergt. lvirl<-C us: rt, of Ihe ( oiupany, and (.'apt. Sand, K. White. . ? ? Arrested in Charlotte. Amos daekson. u young negro man for whom a warrant was is. sued last winter by Magistrate Mrl'jlhaucy njon the charge of disposing of property under lien of .Mr. L S. Nivens, was arrested in Charlotte .M mday niof ing. ('on stable l,ee W arren aftempt) d to arrest daeksoii innnef iately after the warrant was issne/l hot l> . ^ C*:ij1. An officer u/ll In- sent lo (Miarlotlo after Jack/ >n and In* will lie taken lo the couii/y jail in \ ?>rUville to await the if xt term <>f the court of general HrJrsions, at whieii lie will have to Answer to s-ven eases i>f larceny. / Ne^ro Womaiyand Shot. < >senr l'oster/s a coll red lali rei on the plantat/>n of Mi-si s lie^-.s and Alice \\ l/ite. Monday ni^ht he attended f/fefltival f r members i f his race <>/ a tieulty plantation and becam'/involved in a d i J! i? 1111 y with Boh fyeele, out of whom he tried to tau-* n fall with his revolver. Omydiot was tired at Steele, 'out the loll miss d him and stniel. May Sti/it. St |e then returned t he con/{diluent by sle < ?1 i 11 _c I' >^tei in the/i^lit I >r, T. S. Kirkpatricf was sent for by the wound ed ii/hii yesti rday iiioinintr and cut I'll' hai I I " '!i !i i- I* w: i!i little t H 111 ne. N > W ill 'il ' In V< \ t b i / issue i i >r any of '. < ; arih >l A "I lie I'vpuljtum lit Cluil'ittc. The city of ( 'harlotte showed a i_ain uf (ivi'f "?() jn-r criit in ;> >pnia ti?n by tin' Federal census, beim; int? <I at t ^.()'.?I. The count was restrieted. of course, to lb territory within the city limits. The new vottou mills and suhurh m towns built in the past tin years jo n the city closely, beino divide I onI\ bv the eoriiorate lines \Vhil.? not ?lissatislied with the count of tin* o?ivi rnnnnit enumerators, the city authorities ordeicd a police census which would take in the i n'ire ei y. This crnstis h: . la en completed and shows a |> >pulution of The ] o'.ii * count in. i le the corporate limits showed a oain of l.SIl over the 1 t dernl census. Another Itfck Hill iV.urdcr. Unci: Hill I'era Id, 2*?M. Thursday" of this we. k a murder was commit ted <<u the plantation of Mr. W. II Cowan, two mile southeast of this city, nude:' the follow ino circumstances, as near as we could learn: I hiring tlm d t\ Walter ( c? 1 >reil, had a ipmrrel with the wife of Walter Hood, ci lorcd. After the trouhh' was over the woman wont t<> the Manchester mill, where her husband. Adam Moid, was at work, and inform, d him of the ditliculty. Adam immediately s cured a sitioh harrcl. mu//.lc-lomliu*.r shotgun and went to the tield \v!;i ro (iil in*1 r * it:iii 10(1 Tidwell, also col >; ? * 1, wcic :il woik. They him 1 iiHu 1 approaehinn with his trim anil f. r sonii' leas ni Tidwi'll wont to tni'ot him. evidently believing thul lloml intended to take up his wile's quarrel with Cnlinore. As Tidwell approached nearer he in a loud commanded lloml to stop, when the latter, brinn only aliout t'our sti p- distant, levi 11. d his nun and pulled t he trii^'or. and I d\\ il ill. pped dead in his tracks, the whole load of shot having penetrated his neck just under t he eh i n. llood then snapped his nun at tlihnore, hul, as stated, it had only only one barrel and no harm re suited. llood then ran a short distance, wlure Mr. Cowan was in the held, threw down his oun and Penned Mr. Cowan to kill him f >r what he had done. I |e tln n pulled out his knife and ruhhii n up anaiu-t Mr. Cowan ln'^e 1 hir.i to eul his throat The latter nrahhed a shovel and st i in k 11 imd w i t h i I to k?>ep him h a k. A hunt t his tune the won an eanie up. as did (iilm re. and tin latter, n1 "ihh nn the nun stn ek lloid -ueli a hlov. with it t hat he hi nt t lie h ii 11 I. llood then ran away, n unq e:??cward, followed hy his wife The man is still at larue. hut the woman, we nndi r-tind, has returned to the home of Hi h Ceu. il. In r father. Mr Cowan savs Ii was so liorrilh'd nt 111 * nniidt r tluit it did not lor tin* time I?? i11<_r i cciir to him to lake tin* in op? under jut. si. Si 'IK > >1, N( IT 11 'K. The seonml Serin of tin- fort Mill Orntlml jfhool will lmjjm Wodtiosiluy, .lanuary 1'Ml, instead of Monday. I )< ( ?.miw^r nt, r MO. S. M. M \SON. IVinciial. """l \fy ! f, . '< Vi^ vf J..- - , ; : . ' * 1\ J 1 1 Y It ' oC ~'J ^ / I i > V Nv Vs >/ f\ L/ m jjW4 1 L /' ; - -v u') K * j .1 .13ail S;;\i *. VoiH > < hi li.s lim a :i? ft uinterv,car is 1 lm man o li > lias ili ni la 11ni|. r.'.l l>y - icli ear" I'nl tiidliods ,is arc ciiiiiIov.mI at the M, til l Steam I oo.-l... < i. - I li 1.1! ir < 11 > t i it! < i i l?\ i'Ii mi'-.iland tli< I > > i' t >i i lio!<--a ml <>l vniir jlt.ir111 -11 - art' nut f'r.i> ?I in I h" l:iim<I<-r 111_r. I "t.r In a lity i 1' < !??r. |n . I"*-i-i ion < !' finish ami ( ;.: Till Irindlin:' f 11 M >di ! M< am Laundry i-u illimif an |;:?11. ? tl. I.. ncltl.M IM^V, Ami), Mora y L< aned \\ ? i.? a 11 i 111 111 : 14m^i- I? hi us 1111 iiii]novi i! lai'iiis at i*i asnnaliU' rat is. Wi nir.i:-irooN ?V Sri:s< i;u. Ruck Mill nml ^ i?rk\ i11?', S. (' 2*tew OHsans Tin: <V>1 a U'H til at was roi; s m.i: vi:.\i:s .\a<?. thy \ uai.lon. HUJHN A 9 KoMay Goods. fl Oar lino of holiday goods is arriving daily, and wo aiv proi?uring to show* tho largest Watohos. Jowolry, 1'looks and l'anov (loads wo liavo over , , oarriotl. Whon in ihooity bo saro and call. Wo always glad to show oar goods. W'rito or 'pltoiio us umko tor anvlhin:; o hs\ c'y/i'r w/<rm?a?tfaf/t ( &1 iiroooln-^RM ? 2s?Doll8) .mm Idiono t'l IAKI.OTTK, N. l\ , -^H^| t mT O hli {> i? is i:, b i fups an BR n " y MI'M TOOTH r.lU'SII. rn'is, 0' a r.ox or mri; toilet koai\ C'4tron, a nick i i ksi'. Screens, i^H ft a ? cii.\i;s, Mat ^ a llOTTI.i: ok pkufl'mkuy, l'.cre. Cal.^1 Jf^ a kottki: oktom.kt ckkam. re>t vus-M 7y a nick 'i' i * i * i * <)!' "kntl iy m< )l" m| 4' tooth 1\\>tk. an antiskp- h r] 'i! i'm; t i:\NMN. ; and j~ i.i:\rTirviNtr thk tkkth. I L roil i iii: v KNTl NO dkcay I I, AND 1,IS ??-OKATIOX AND Dear Cl|l 1 li;:' '1'INti niKM HAND y, u how in ul ,'..3 Tl IKo AT \ . M NT ' . i.K M i N a n t1 ve [ l> p KlATloNs. ANA o ' Till!. K ,v ur papa ImI \\ll.KM\Ki: V N ACC;:: 'I AKKK 1 !:i> o11' 1 n ma1 k ! >'! :nt. vu ' \. u ai i' Iia\ i i w. b. uam.v & el!. ?i * <? t*?f 1 * C'OIIIC a"!lill. A Marks? Li, LiL U ul? i At which reasonable pri es predominate l?: s at last been stall 1 i-!i. 11 i:i t'. ' .Inlit'S liliili!iii<r. mi ])I*AII .M a. ii s". r ;'t. w !n-re 1 lie e iniiivst / <i. i la Dm w i I HI'.Kl'\ I'OiiK ami SAl SAtill , . advice he^^H i'iiii tic had at any time. i on have fl|fl been pa\ i11l; 1- 1 emits p r | mind ' 1 f<ir U>.und Sti ah. I'll s II tiie N\ ihf at It) cents. V 1S11 aml<)VS. / TKUS t in i very style) Saturdays. (1 i mo ymir orders. IMumell. --ABRSOi^^B W. E, DEATOM. ' ' *Jf| rn r:i >.-!> B IB k\xi " ?? HH ~ . ' <f" i, x : M x,::Hffl jy ^ ^? .^zr < is, i:MH| TliOlKH'dll KN.IOYMIONT :iil,i of m m ? :11 i!i j?'m!.- soiiM-wliat '"^HnRBjE tli> n| ]> ;it. . I>111 v. mils ?,f rxtM'l 1 A.I B B ; i.; fl B j?i* on tin..- p I'.v.'i v i u ; , ;.11< !! air 1 * ? ( ..11 ^Bfc^BSfl ami Hand Brop, r.oi ??.!.,s.< G. W. NORMAN & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ''WRgl LIQUOR DEALERS, H I ta'..- muHi \ low HHBhB B I ! . ' ' B HHH <ji \ ? >|i? 'hi I at t .'lit ion a a.I \ .-ry low ijiio Ifl^BEHBBH I jM i ..i ^^BsBB^BI B Mash < >'l > A! m^B^BBGH 1" . 1 1 ? c ^^Bb80^H 'i|B I] B Kirnt ;al.'^uiilxam live, l.r.n l ine I i i^'h (irail. I{> /^'BB| Nori 11 i >1iii.i .\ i >|>li* I'a a inly, I nit* N.-v. 11 vi :?? *i 1Cit 121, l.i.i ' g, w. normanVco. 'Y f W* I '1 H?*\V> i, i ; < ) ;i' < -? ! i 'i J i ? in A