University of South Carolina Libraries
m " ' *r'-' 5 r . ' /v Itrms of Interest. Dceplte the large manufacture of artlfHclal Indigo by German* the plant, which was once so profitable to South Carolina planters when tinder British rule, is now cultivated aJl over India giving employment to millions of natives and thousands of foreigners. In three districts alone, in Behar, where some of the finest indigo is grown, European capital is invested to the extent of no lees than $25,009,000. Some 370,000 acres are under cultivation. There are 700 Englishmen managing the working on the "concerns"?as the factories and plantations are always called?and 1,500.000 natives. An indigo concern may occupy anywhere between 1,000 and 10.000 acres, each cultivated acre producing, on an average, about fifteen pounds to twenty pounds of indigo. IxDrd Lansdowne, the new British foreign secretary, owes his title and his cstatoa to a peddler who was so poor that he lived in Paris for three weeks entirely on walnuts. Managing to earn an honest penny, ho took ont n patent for a letter copying machine, wrote on art and science, pnacticcd o-hemistry and physics. summoned the first meeting of the Itoyn! Society at his lodgings, was appointed an army physician. Invented a double-bottomed ship to sail against wind and tide, founded iron orks and opened lead mines, commenced a fishery and timber trade, and left a fortune to his sons. Royalty is not above the naming of children after wealthy persons in the belief that a 'substantial Inheritance will he, the reward. The daughter of Princess Henry, of Bittenberg (Beatrice), has always been called by her first name. Prince s Victoria. The degree has gone forth that henceforth she will he known as the Prinm-s Victoria, Eugenia, the godmother of the child being the former Empress of the French. It Is said that the godchild will inherit on this a -count the greater part of Eugenia's great fortune. Mile. Yvette Cluillxjrt, who had been in Berlin for several weeks undergoing medical treatment, lias rcturn. il to Paris. A Bible is of little value till t is the worse for wear. IjOts of girls who do fancy work don't fancy work. fcjo. 4'J. Y btfVe | Gambling j It's too risky, this 1 i Rambling with your ? w W / cough. You take the | chance of its v/ear- I ing off. Don't I ?; The first thing I you know it will be 4 down deep in your | | lungs and the game's lost. Take some of Aycr's Cherry Pec- j toral and stop the j I gambling and the I |cough. r "I given up to dirt with I y quick consumption. I ran down fl from 13S to 9S pounds. I raised B I blood, and never expected to get I fl off my bed alive. 1 then read of | fl Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral and began I fl its use. 1 commenced to improve I fl at once. I nm now hack to my K B old weight and in the best of | fl health." ? Ciias. K. Hartman, b c Gibbstown, N. Y., March 3, 1S99. ^ ' You can now get Ayer's 0 I Cherry Pectoral in a 25 cent I I size, just right for an ordinary B I cold. The 50 cent size is bet- 9 I ter for bronchitis, croup, whoop- | | mg-cough, asthma, and the grip. E I The dollar size is best to keep a I on hand, and is most economical H I for long-standing eases, luc?*rr--rTwuun\iu?imjKBtrmand rran Brag '"OtTRSK OIVRN. Pom. hjfrJ NT R thins OBARANritKit by ml, fcl*, r k kakk |3 H H ,,(;A M.*. Hr? ? oi.i.KOK. Li U J U-J Mitcon, Udiirum Use CEBTAIWS- CUBE.% |EXTRACT A 1 of BEEf 8 mtm ^ M2i|^A tf.OLi'.'.OHt regard to econ- c, . HHA over h?v\?v th^ ,,e c h,(.f go Bffl plurality was . raSnj^A to 2,170. In the'ittrrmoat. ?1.3 rieil in 18!M? with ? . ?rnct rt, SPopuliats and Fr.vSiH' -Colorado, Khiikhh, 5 tana, Kfvmln. l/tah ami \\'?M ton-- jmlost 81 .W4, making A loss ill these States lhyan a loafebi in the South an the small WestV^rn ami North v cni States ( xceou^*is total lot tho country. In tho crucial Shu^ttf ?f York. Illinois aud 1 mlian^St?1' his own State of NihrasloS Hryaij run behind the Deuioci M,I. m immrniir . ?r Scores Killed and Injured t>y xno Collapse of a Roof. SEVERAL ROASTED TO DEATH UiiinMrr Occurred nt n Kootlmll Game In Sun Kritiiciiirii?Victim* \V<tk Hurled on n lied H??t Furnace?HoJIpm Drawn ' From tlir llclorti "With 1'okrrn?Tkr Dead an<l II'Jlirr.l. San Francisco (Special).?By llic collapse or the roof of the Pacific <!lass Works while it was crowded with men and hoys who were watching a foot ami game net ween tno Stanford and Uuivarsity of California truins, fifteen persons were killed. More than 100 | persons fell into the furnace of the faetory upon ovens and retorts containing molten class when the roof collapsed. The injured number eightythree, and of these several cannot survive. The dead are: Edgar Fnirlmven, eleven years old; W. II. Kckfcldc, twelve years old; William Vaneleia, eighteen years old; Thomas J. ltippon, twenty-four years old; James A. Mulroney, forty years old; Marquis Van Dura, forty-live years old; Virgil Neul?y, *lifteen years old; Charles Momtlmu, thirty-four years old, Talleyrand Barnwell, sixteen years old; l.uuoii drank sixteen years old; Robert Miller, seventeen years old; Hector McNeil, fifteen years old; proses Of tenstein, fifteen years old; Will Kithstein, twelve years old. and E. C. I'utbey. The tires in the furnaces had been started for the tirsi time, and the vats were full of liquid glass. It was upon these that the victims fell. Some'Were killed ii'.st.'.utly and others were slowly roasted to death. The few who missed the furnaces rolled oft', and together Willi workmen hi the glass works saved the lives of many by pulling them away from their horrible resting pl.tee. Charles Yost, oven-muu of the glass works, was raking the tir when the ernsh en me, ;ind narrowly >seaped being struck I y the falling di hris. He .? ..i i mi i III I.n- IMIIIII I'lllll'l MIlUlv lilt" heavy baud:- lhat surrounded the glass ovens or were erushed by those who fell on lop ( f them. Clarence Jeter, a furnace tender, ptilletl eight persons off the top of the retorts, where the heat was about r?oo decrees. Some of the men and boys were terribly burned. They were drawn away front the retorts with long iron pokers used ia testing the glass. While aiding in removing the dead and wounded. T J. l'arker. a fireman. it " und his own sen anion; tli.- injured. \ The manager of the glass works realised the danger before the accident occurred. and had seut to.' the police to compel the crowd to le ve. .lust as a squad of officer* nrrlv? l from th" City Hall the roof went do?vn. It is estimated that tuore than 1100 persons were on the ventilator when it -collapsed for its entire length of loo feet. Some were thrown to the nmln roof of the buildlug and escaped tut hurt, but of those who fell into the strue ore almost all were either killed or seriously maimed. Caught tb Tlirir Own Ilentti Trai>. State Mine Inspector James W. Paul, of West Virginia, says the recent mine disaster at Hctryvllle, In which fouricen lives were lost, was the result 'of a conspiracy to kill the foreman of the mine. 'I h? conspirators. after flighting the fuse, stood at the entrance of the mine, but the force of the explosion was greater than they vAiicrini, ami i in * v v\ i re aiso Killed. KiiumeriitIon of lloiiit*nlle .A rouwil*. The enumeration of domestic animals in barns anil Inolosures of the United States, hut not on farms and ranges. was announced by the <" nsus Bureau, at Washington. In the whole country the number of horses is SJ53.877; neat cattle. I.lt5i5.n70. of which bl?l,."4t are dairy rows: mules. 182.113; asses. 12,S7o; sheep. 11?J.-I70,* swine, 1,CitC,S<51; and goals, !7.<5.V_\ Many Mti.ern Klltol In Krutir*. Sixteen miners were killed and about forty wounded by an explosion of dynamite in a eonl mine at .Mm-'ur Triiln I'liiO)[r? Into .a Ulvev. T'y reason of the tlooils part of an express train on the Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad was plunged into the Ohio Itiver, near 15 -aver. P nn? and M. S. Casey, of t'levelar.d. iiie> ss messenger, was drowned in Ins t ar. but the passenger cars remained i n the tracks. llnnU 1 .'ol?lit-rfl CtI Tlte safe of the Partners' Bank, at Emben, 111., was blown open by four men ami ?200l> in current j tak t:. The robbers escaptd. lies.I Iforttr tn the KruiTToir. The typhoid fever epidemic In C>ntenton. I'enn., wldeh affected 1150 families, has been traced to its source. A dead horse was found in the reservoir which supplies the p'.a e with drinking water. Cuban* Klfi't Senor <':iji?il-?, Senor .Mender. Capote was elected President of the Cuban Constitutional Convention at Havana. Senor CiijkUo nn? ofirnnfy 01 ^lUH' uiuit'i' MlljOr* (Jenornl Hrmikc'8 administration. Pr??i?l?l?>iit'? l'nriloim For On* Vcnr. During the year ended June ot?. 11*00, 7'Jo applications for pardons wore presented to tlie Department of Justice at Washington. The President acted In .*151 eases, denying 1IJ1 applications and extending elemeney In th ? other U'JO. O (Ifnnmy'ii IIiik? Itinl^-i ts lit liill submitted to the (lermnn sing shows that the imperial New ^or ''M1 balances at ?r?:i.'l,ooo,. ^ ?.a increase of $ i 1.0'HI.U'JO ove; 2 - ffijiitiiiimii EDUCATORS IN SESSION AT VIRGINIA'S HISTORIC CAPITAL Thousands Will Attend?Low RdlFroad Rates?Citizens Preparing: a True Richmond Welcome?Attractive Programme. Fully three thousand people arc expected to visit Richmond. Va., during the three days' session of the Southern Educational As-ociation which will | uuKi us ion annual convention in that city December 27th, 28th and 20th. Every white teacher in the South should attend the great gathering of Southern educators during holiday week. IMPORTANT MEETING. This convention will prove to he. no doubt, the most important in the his- 1 tory of the Association and the objects of the organization should appeal to i every friend to education in the South. 1 COMBINATION OF FORCES. The Southern Educational Association appeals "to every white ten her in the South to join in a vigorous move- : ment for a closer and effective union of educational forces into an organization which shall not only fo ter se'.f- , improvement and a bettrr rn 'er funding between the different branches of the service, but which sha'l aim to become strong enough to command attention in legislative halls, and p?rsua five enough to arou e and cduca'e public opinion throughout the land in favor of better school-houses, better equipment, better salaries and more generous endowment." RICHMOND'S WELCOME. The people of Richmond aw it th" coming of the Association and thou- i sands of visitors and cardial welcome will he extended to all. The lor .1 committee of nrrangem nts are made up rf over one hundred repre-entativo business and professional men, in whose hands has been placed the r spons'bil- | ity o' arranging for the p opcr r c ntior. and entertainmeut of the convention. AT THE .iEFFEHSHN. The .lefferson Hotel has be n selected as headquarters, and all g neral sessions will be held there, while the departmental sessions will he conducted in the various school buildings of me city. Th?? Jefferson, Murphy's, the Lexington. New Ford's, the Alhambra, the St. Claire and other hot is all offer reasonable rates, and bookings should be made in advance. Mr. Hill Montague i? chairman of the committee on hotels and accommodations and will he pleased to hear from any who desire definite information along this line. ONE-FAltE RATE. The railroads of the South have made a one fare plus "two dollars roundtrip rate for nv mbers of the a so.iation. and any others who will take advantage of it. The cheap rate is in fact open to all. The programme will lie one of unusual intercut and every tea her in til.- South .she-ild make an effort to hear the many a;>1^discussion-? which will take pl:'cc. Tlve opening exorcises will occur on the tnorning of Dee. 27;h at 10:20 o'cl" with an a '.dress of welcome by CJ'f\\ Tyler and Mayor Taylor, of Richmond. The responses will lie made by Dr. Jordan, of the ITnivority of Arkansas, Prof. \V. S. Jones, of Memphis, and Supt. J. (?. Wooton. of Texas. Chancellor Fulton, of th University of Mississippi, will d liver the President's address. Miss C. S. Parrish. of Randolph-Macon. will lend the discussion on Education for Southern Women and Dr. N. M. Hutlcr, of Columbia Univer ity. will make an addr ss on the subje t at Evidences of an Education. Friday, the second day, will be wrll filled with interesting topics and able speakers, including an aJdre-s by Dr. J. 1j. M. Curry and Dr. Barrlnger, of tbo University of Virginia, will lrai the discussion on the education of the Negro in the South. Saturday will be a busy day with important, committee reports and a number of addresses and discussions, the main topic for that day being the training of teachers for elementary schools. During the se sion the city of Richmond will provide various forms of entertainment, and amusement for all in and a number of side trips have boon arranged. A Hungarian has discovered a method of spinning wood pulp into yarn, so that it can be woven into a fabric that may ho corner cd into various articles of c'otliing. ( noil Position. Trustworthy men wanted to travel. Kxjiert ivo not nimiluii'ly tie >? uy For fart li-ulnm. audcoss l'l'i-rlrM Tob. it K, Hedfcatl ( Itv. Vu Muggins- '"What a liar l.onabow is.*' Thiggins?"Well, I should sty so. Ho had a tooth pulled out and actually told me he didn't mind it a bit." ICtrry !H?lhi'r!liotild (Cave bottle of ! t cut eiCrottp and Cold* llk? m:i?i . ami .ill I'dins ntnl ? tit*. Tommy?"Pop. what was the straw that broke the camel's hack?" Tommy's Pop - "The kind they p it in hoard ing house mattresses, my son." To < tir?< n t 'nlil in One Day, J au? 1.AXAT1VK lllliilli) qoinink Taki k". All drugirlv.s refund the money if 11 fulls to cure. E. W. OnovB'a signature oil eu<7b bos. 26c. A Wadding mil. The Wadding Mill, at Tuscaloosa, Ala., which suspended operations la t May after being operated two years lias been pun based oy a firm headed by Dave I,. Kosneu, manager of the Tuscaloosa Cotton Mills, of Cottondale, Ala. The purchasers have r.'i yet given out definitely just what use will be made of the plant, although they favor putting in machinery for making hosieiv. The Wadding Mills were never a success and the old machinery will he thrown out. Mr. Hnsneu states that the new enterprise in all probability will be a knitting mill and that same will be in operation in about 60 days. 'M2il f\ M / ' Ceit For the Bowels. No matter what ails you, headache to a cancer, you will uaver get well until your bowels are put right. Caucasus help nature, core you without a gripe or pulu, produce easy natural movements, cost you just 10 cents to start getting your health back. Cascarkts Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up iu metal boxes, every tablet has O.O.C. stamped ou It. Beware ot imitations. "Market!" called the street car conductor. "It's marked," veiled back the absent-minded clerk, fumbling with a pencil and pad. Tlio Iti'iil Prr?rri|?lIon For 4'tilll* nnd Fever Is a bottle of Ghove's Tutkliu Ciiii.:. Tonic. It is simple iroti and quinine in u tasteless form. pay. I'rlce25a. Where there's a will there's a lawyer. FITS permanently cured. So (Its or tierrou? n*sn after llr-t day'"* use of l)r. Kline'* dre-%1 I Nerve lte*torer.$:f trial bottle and troatl?efroe I Dr. 11. 11. btd.ttll Arch >t. I'hila. Fa. | ~ . I The society woman ottcn remem- ] hers to forget. Hnve you ever experienced tlm joyful senj sation os n?i* <! appetite? You will if vofl j chew Adams' Pe|?iu i'utli Frutti. Cider is an outgrowth of the powi^ of the press. Dyeinir in n< simple na washing when y ' us*' Putnam Fai>v:i ess Dves Sold bv s . druggists. Tommy?"Top. who was it said pat" ing is such sweet sorrow?' " Tommy'.' ' Pop?"tome bahl-hcade 1 man, I sup po.-e." II. 11 (iii-ts's Sons. . I Atlanta, tin., ar ' tho only u'wessful Dropsy SpcciulNt:* in th world. Sum heir liberal offer In advertise meat in nuutlmr column ol this paper. Kvrrr .T1 o( tier Should lluv* bott I-- <>f (loosed rr \?el .inisneut. ItouresCroti' ami Colds like music ,md ail Dnius an i i.ut 2 Never look a gift gun iu the moult * - ' ; ' * ' " ' -A J'x ' | V tftim Tho ordinary wery-dav li | ceaseless treadmi'l of work. How much harder the dr | derangement of tho female or r painful and keeps the nervous Ouo day sho is wretched a or two she is better and laugl is nothing much the matter ; deadly backache reappears, th ?iii soems as inougn an mo her vitals ; she goes to pieces No woman ought to arr misery, because these sympti womb troubles. She must re liuni'H Vegetable Coiupou for all female ills, such as irrejj weak stomach, sick headacli flammation of the womb, or nesses which beset tko female Kfrrsa Garden wrota ti was Sn great troubfe* / *' Dear Mks PlNKHAM:-I am v And the interest you have taken in me i , and advice ar s0[* doctors in the Jk niation and I t" l.mTnal'on' trcatmentevei . J %? *> two months, 1 jSSPtg V jf hack to work. tJJ/* / was com pellet] / 'nK down the J and medicine! Zig jwyfja- '^b tt? Three bo1 ties c Compound MRSLJGOOD^ me more -on. j . ? medicino I 1 . fi l.iht two months an I am better in n kind advice and attention, I rcmnin, I "MI j ioj ? . \\ I'; i-J y deposited with fT E? ri t fi OH u 0 wbi. ti win i.<vt'fj? \l**v V'-'!S &-J testimonial is i) \iJS \jjr ^uS writer's special AGENTS WANTED '.V,",, .1;, Booker T. Washington," WrlHfii by lilnislf. I v-rvli. <lr l>?aagon h itrr ii' ?\ in.-ii.ii e " ; A I n per in<>> tli; lira ik?>.. t'iai'11 l . .i.!o ?'il |k l 11* "T. r pul>.1*tie>.| \\ i ltd f"r terms or an in I "I . (Mils f ,-r outtlt mill'lii si oiu-r I'lense in : tl< i. Ms pr :>er. Adili.a J. L. MCliOLS & 10., Atlania. Georgia. n pww 111^ Fa feat, surest cure Tor Dr.uUsI S"11 tliroi.t aim lung \j+ it < WMH trouble* People prsi*e Cougli Syrup yu'irk. sure" results. 2xtu*e substitutes. Oct lit. Hull's Cough byiup. I i- ?; Jiik Dcnlnma Cannot lie Cnrrd hv local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. 'I here in only one way to euro deafness, and that In by constitutional remedies. 1). ufness la caused by an ntlmued condition of the muo us lining of the Kustnrhiau Tube. When this tulie is ilift ined you have a runihliuK sound or iinperfoct bearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, anil unless the inflammation can he taken out and tilis tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will bo I destroy, d for, ver. Nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing hutnu intlaiiiad i ondition of the mucous surfaces. e will give Ono llumlied Dollars for any case of lieaf lies, (caused by catarrh) that cun- \ not be eured by Hairs Catarrh cure, iseud ; for circulars, free. V 1 I'liwrv f- I'n T..l...l? n fold bv Druggist*. 75*;. Hall's Family i'llia are tlie boat. Kvery Tlotlirr SliotiUI Have bottle of RnoMsGrr.incIiinimt'iit Itcurusfroup and Odds 1 ka magic and a 1 rains utiU Cuts. Mrs. Wlnalow'aHoothlng Syrup rorcbl id ran leet Ul in;, v)( tonn the uums, reduces I till am motion, allays pain, cures wind colic.a bottle. Plan's Cure onnnot be ton blgbly spoken ot ss a co.tttli cure .1. W O'Bmu . Thlnl Ave.. N'.. .Miune tpolls. Minn., Jan. 0. l'JOJ. Wanted- NtiilV-rcrH I'r- in Stoiiincli. Llver.kldney and Intestinal disorders totvrlto Hev. ALPUKUK rt INTEH. Try on. N'.C. t > cni'U almut remedy that cures. Knolose stamp. Kverr TlothrrMntnld Have bottlaof OooaeOreaseldntmant. Dind Colds like magic and all Talus ant cuU Tnnquc?"Did you go to Ireland pfckyou were abroad?" O'So.ique? B| wouldn't have rai sed it." Da "I l)( \[nyn t*' ' ^r% cn'i^fv TABLE CUTLERY IN TOWN. I - - | Cotton Warrliotwi. Anyone wishing to store I heir eottoi in a clean dry place will tinil that w are prepared to store and insure sum in our standard warehouse, near on mill. Oar price for storing and insu ing will he la cents per hale per inout . or fractional part of a month. We wi advanee money on any cotton stori witli us at S per cent interest. FT. MILL MANUFACTURING C< September 20, I'.kki. Photographs. c X Tho best in the city at the prico. ? Cabinets, *2 i>or iloxon. Smaller quantities anil other sivl reasonable. 0. J. RIDER. Charlotte, N. i fo of most of our women is a | itly tasks become when some 5 gans makes every movement 2 system all unstrung 1 nd utterly miserable ; in a (lay ? is at her fears, thinking there 1 ifter all; but before night tho I e limbs tremble, the lips twitch I imps of Hatan were clutching I and is flat on her back, ivo at this terrible state of 9 iTTlf? nrn n euro ^nr^nir?n.. 1 ?*. vy ?? k?VSJ.V J VI UllllUl member that Lydia E. IMnklid is almost an infallible cure 0 jularity of periods, which cause e, etc., displacements and inanv of the multitudes of illorganism. j Mrs. Fink ham whan sho j Icr iottair talis the rosuSt. ory gratoful to you for your * . ana truly believe that your medicines a w orth more to a woman than all tho g world. My troubles began with infiam- I lemnrrhnges from the kidneys, then 9 congestion and falling of tho womb, | fion of the ovaries. 1 underwent local g rv day for some time; then,after nearly q Lhn doctor gnvo me permission to go B I went back, but in loss than a week I 1 to give tip and go to hod. On break- I second time. I decided to let doctors jj i Jiione ana try your remedies, lit fore IJ le was gonp I felt the effects of it. U >f T-ydm !' PiiiUh;un*s Yeirctahlo I and a pnekngo of Sanativo Wash did | i than all the doctors' treatments and y lavo Rained tvrelve pounds during tho n every way. Thanking you for your jj Yours gratefully, IS. E. J. OOODEN, Aclrlry, Iowa.'* jj S (Inins t" the (art that *omr aVeptira! 3 l ? 3 B people have from ti:nr t*> time questioned 9 the Krnumer.e** of the tr?tituon;a! letters 9 \\r are corian'ly pnl> is'.ur;;, tvr have I the National City Hank, ? t Lynn, M*** . $<, *>, H |.md to any per*, n who w.'l show that the above 3 ii.I genuine, or was published b?(<>re obtaining the a ?Lyoia li. l'i.n.:iu Meoicinu Co. R . iaAwaBaKnra?wr-?-ri- i. mnituv. -ygacr. -zzJ rrr*Ti*a ffc 3 jl pn eiott.inr, ^ | J ^ ^ A'*^y CATALOGUE 1.12 I'ages. CAMP oxrxvns, /-Vo'^Vn. a.^r.VBxs, s ejx nst V-iOAM23B afl, I Sewing Maeh'sss. Vi.i?T'lL'/ SCIIMEUtS ARMS CO.. 7*ri3rifc$r?5u kaihsaiI city, MC, tar.ieM CoortirfrCoods Wouoo in America. "rXV&Ti&i Thompson's Eye Water ,t lS WW U O T A S H gives colorx Jlavar and firvtness to all fruits. No good fruit * can be raised without Potash. Fertilizers containing at least S to io?o ?f Potash will give best results on all fruits. Write for our pamphlets, which ought to be in every farmer's library. They are sent free. t GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. !W?REE!CArfl * S-ff SPORTING GOODS. i \M RAWLINGS SPORTING GOODS COMPANY, liitO LuruM St., S'S". I.OI IS. OQNTRfiCTOBS'i"'r ^ BUILDERS'^ A?o P/1ILL SUPPLIES. t'nstlntrs. tt Itssms. ? olumnii unit ('h*n. n?*l holts. !?<"'.?, W ?*i?tiv?. 'IiiuLh, T? worn. ,t Musi \Yir? m.l Mm tin H??i . I!? 1-ttn.c Kiifr'.tiKs . mill 1'iiinti ilitclis, l ain l*'kn. t'lii' s. t li.iiti aril ltnpo lii t* < .* I. iv I) H'll' Quick iJi .ircry. LOWLAND !R"NWt - K;5 SUPPLY CO. AUGUST n5*yTCn I AGI.NTS lOU THK V y Ah I tu . OLIVcK TYPEWRMOR. (I l*se your influence nn.l earn n machine j for ynurarlf or uiako a ui<-c profit by a-iling a few machines amonj; your i: len s. v> e sell I oil installments anil t .k < other makes of | macnines *s pa: t payment. Send for tatalo* and Terms. J. E. CRAYTON, Cien'l Agent, ANUI.!tMt\, S. C. r\0/f>r3C*'V HEW DISCOVERY;BiTxa. Lx ^a L O b muck r? Ufand curwi mnt r.rws Hull ?. test <m<?uiai? av.U IOiIhin tiratintut Frio. Br. li. H. UHLEN H SONS, Box H At'in'.i.ut. To W. C. T. U. Workers with iiimolfih ilovotion rourinr your nio.1rst rains j into tlic Up ot a, hxlptiil, ninnvii l.. I cnter! |iria? ol nolilo Woiiu i:. son.l lor iMui's of 411'it ijjIT(>FM IC. TSli: l>t:i.lNKATOlVj" 1 In 11 \\ . Hl'j >'t? New York. 1TTHN Tl(>\ ia fiiuilit itcil if von nuintlm M this paper when wrillnc udvertiaoir. N?.4y M Bft"*. Oh^sjv up.^Ti'iOM Ubc Eu In tlnnj. S??ld hr ilrnutflNta Wl A DISCOUNT OF TEN PER CENT. ORGANS CHRISTMAS gjH|lH|L PRESENTS. loguc clip this M. A." M ALONE, Columbia, S. C., and he will quote you terms and nrlt'<* A rhnn<v to nr??t o ORGAN or PIANO cheap. l'lenso civo your nil mo and r. O. address, j wliou mind tbi.i ad. Saw millsTcorn millsT CASE MILLS, RICE HULLERS, PEA HULLEP.S, ENGINES, BOILERS, PLANERS AND MATCHERS, SWING SAWS, RIP SAWS. mid u.l other kind* of wood workinKmnehin?ry. .My Serjeant l-o*; Ili um Saw >1111 1h tWo heaviest, strongest, and most efficient mill for ilui monrv on the market, quick, ' accurate. State An out for II. 11 Smith Machine Tom;>iioy wood working madnnory. I l or high grudo engine*, jdnin slide valve. ; Automatic, and (tor )? ?, write me: Atlas, i Watertown, and rttruthers & Wells. V. C. BAD HAM. l.Uft Mnln Street. COLUMBIA. 5. C. \I/r r A \J)T Well mention WtLAn & hTc all wc han die but we do SliLL liVfctfYTNING i 1.1 the HACH NEKY & MILL SU. FLY Line UZ I' Th" Murray Ci-iiitini: nn<l I>i*!rilnitinK Systorn. I.uiio, e'ln-c, 1I*ko, Llildell uiul Hik'li Point Mir mills l.idtlHI Automatic ami | Plain ru Kliu-s. liiuulv iru|.?. "NKW SOI* I'll" Brick Machinery, Erlo City nnfrtoes and i 1 boiler*. Dbston saw.*, ' Queen of the South" j Grist Mills. W.H.GIBBES & CO., COLt tlUIA. s. t.