University of South Carolina Libraries
FORT MI1.L Pithy Points Gathered fur the I'cratd] of Times KeuJeo. Rer. Mr. Y mguo is conducting /i protracted meeting in Pleasant Hill Methodist church. Services ore held, both morning and evening. The hooks of the treasurer of Port Mill are now open for the payment of town taxes. After the 15th of November delinquents will Ijo required to pay tin? usual penalty. Messrs. A. 11 Parks and A. li.1 Merrill have been drawn t<> serve < on the netit iurv ? f th? ? ???< - - J -- ? " l'l" " ,v " ing term of the court of general sessions, which convenes in Yorkville on Monday. November 1-. Mr. L. E. i jigon returned to I Fort Mill Friday evening, afior tin absence of several months, during which he was employed in Scriven,, <ln. He expects to secure a position in Florida in the near future. Magistrate McElhaney has been contined to bis room for several dnys with la grippe. There atoj also twootlu r 1111 mbers of his family indisposed at -pres. nt. Mrs. McElhauey and daughter, Miss Nannie. Mr. Win. J. Rogers and Ms; Kudo-ia Perry, two popular young people of Pleas nit Valley, were married on the evening of < )ct ?bcr 25 th at the homo of Mr. J. W. Hall. ' the ceremony being performed by tlieir pastor, Rev 11. A. Yongu \ Mr. James Boyd, a young white man who lives ? miles north of i Fort Mill, and a son of Mr. \Y. F. I Boyd, met with the misfortune last Wednesday afternoon of getting bis right hand broken in three places in a corn sluvdder. It ;s , thought that his hand will have to ho amputated. Miss Susie While was one of the i two tear hers in this county who j was awarded a first grade certificate at the recent examination held by the county board of odu- I cation. Messrs. \V. M. ('rook ami A C. Faris and Misses Canonic and Mary Crook, all of this township, wore issued second grade certificates. Cards have been issued announcing the marriage of Mr. Kdwanl Kimbrcll and .Miss Myra Fravor at their prospective homo on Hootii street in this place Tm.-diy evening, November <>. Tlie ceremony is to be i>erfuriuecl by Kev. i)r. ?J. H. Til unwell and will be witnessed by only a small number <?f relatives ami friends ?.f the prospective b:i<le and groom. The Fort Mill Light infantry, 40 strong, left last night at 10 for Columbia, to pariieipate in the military parade and la-view which aiv to l>e hold in that city tomorrow. Hofoiv leaving it was d eided thai the company wili not outer the competitive drill, hut two members of tlie company. Sergts. Arthur Harks and Fi.tio Cousart, will compete for the individual prizes to lo jjiven the three best drilled men in the State in the manual (if arms. The S. I). ]>arrou chapter. I 1). of Ehenezcr, lias smveeihd in making arrangements with Hill Arp to lecture in the Fn shylerinn High school at 1'oek 11 ill Friday evening at So'cl ck. This is j robably the best opportunity r-i;r j.-eopie. will have of hearing ihll Ai j. for n long time, and Fort Mih should be Wt 11 repriS' lileil at the lecture. The money realized from the lecture will he devoted to the erection of a Confederate monument in Kl?v?uv^ "V ' ... t.v i I villi It I ) . .* I I I. ots art- for sale at the drugstore of Dr. T. J>. Mencham in this place. On next Thursday evening. Nnvein bo r S, at iv o'clock, tin* pnI>1 i<Krhool building in Piiievtlle, N. C ., will bo Iho scene of a two-act drama, '"Tin* Last Loaf, which is to bo presented by seven youngpoo pi o of that town. Th * p!ny is said to bo an interesting on.- and will doubtless bo p: venti d in such a way ns to reflect credit on th *? who compose the cast of chan.e levs. An admi/roon }>:? of < niy 15 cents is to l? charged, an.! the proceeds of the ente.'taii m> nl are to he dcv?t?d !o the school librai y il i- I;?that a audience will b ]J sent. Pour Attempt**. /?> i'.udi Ciitin. The Uoek Hill <: "i'c.-ia'i'ell{ of The State say.-. that ah a.I. .*?<> hah s 1 of coth>m la I >?; i: * to Springs, Mason A Co. were <lc;h iyed by lire in that place at an ear'.y hour ; Sunday morning Tan nmv water \ wan ks pm >vi (I tin ir eiiiency and put '.out tin* fire in 10 minute1; after it was discovered. It appeals that th m wcv time other distinct nth mpis to imrn < j cotton in IJock Hill on Sunday 'meruit:.;. At 1 o'clock tin-to was j a hla'/.e in a row of Fried liohn cottou in the rear < i lland Urns.' resiaurnnt. Tin fire was exlinI Lriiii-hcvj with n lnickct of water.' A t- w i.oiirs li ter .^!r. Campbell, of tho South Car lina junl (dcoiLjia , Railroad < hiee, found a hale of j>i aire on i ;s ci pipar.yV plalform. While at work upon that tho alarm was sou mini from A. Friodheim A: ihos." pla form tti the rear of tl eir store. All of these small blazes v. -re subdued without any trouble ami without allow ine; a spread.. Lanca ?toi's? bullion Dollar Mill. Fane isti r's million-dollar cot too ; mill is now in t i.tlit, says The ]vevicw of that |lioe. Tho erect ion of the in w mill is enly a matter of lime, and short timea! that. 'The contra ! forth.- construction ef lite mamm th building was !< t last \v*edm s lay, by Springs. Messrs. P. C. Thompson & Urotht is. we'd known cc lit mot.e ra of Columbia, formerly < [ Joi min^hum, A 111., were the successful bidders antomr n dov.on or more. 0 I The buildi.ui* is to be comp eted by llm ji; -t i f next May. and if not ;:;i hod by that time the conir.tcl j rovides f-a* a daily foifeiture ?!i tlie part of li t* contractors. Tin1 new mill ?v:!l b ? four stories'll, .<(?0 feet 1<>ii!^ and 12.) feet wide. Handsome towers will adorn the building, in which lur^o clocks , will ')? placed. Something like 4.000,000 bricks will be rviiuiic-l for the tn w mill, ami ah at that nuirbnr arc now ready 1*?r li e \. othu n. The contractors tiro expected to bc^in sv<?rk in ab ml b n <1 >va. ' K'I!et! tier 1 ha'v Ch.'iSrcti. A special to I'.ic Charlotte !>"\vs ; 1 run toviiie, N. C., lad Wednesday ny- s thai at nu early 1: liir thai ill. tail ;, at In !i?*i:i< t miles n< r;h*. a ! "f 11nntci: viihy a colored woman Carrie Caldwell, killed her three eluhlren, a_;e'i two, four and f r: y? ars, by cutting their throats v ith a it./.or, end ^ il 5.1 nu ll I'Hi-.Ui'tl her own thr< at. I inwoman's mind ln-iil boooni i: ranged ov? t the death .1 in . mot lit i' aiul father, the ('.-.lit . i I'll' latter 1:< v in;r c. uni t! r :it!y. \\ In 11 111. woman a rust' Hull inorri 1114 -!.?' c- nipluineil to !;? r Icoth.r who wii i visit ini* her I ud sho e: . sick 11:11! asked Ii. to at hen; to the hiYt slot':. II \v< nl ( > the I run l ft " t lull Jill! | So ii! (i \ l'f! 1 lstret timed t > Liu* house found lluil in his 11 lis 11 en his s.1 r I mil kilh 1! in r three t * 11 i) <! 1 c 11 mil h;ul cut her own ' hived. The woman's litish iiid v;us absent from home 011 ;i visit to ivlativ( s. Alt Democrats Should Vote. The followin<4 ;i|?1 t :.l to all ! )emocrats .11 South Carolina to vote at tlie j^eiu riiI election no:;t Tuesday was is.-ueil hy t'ol. Vv'ylie .tones, Stat chairman, one day la.-t week: '"In view of the present apatliy ...1.:. 1 . which MS'S'UIS TO l*X:St nillOIIg til"' I huuocr.ils of I his Stair at tin? genrra! ? iection, I fori it to l?e my duty.ns your chaiiuwin ti> address you in this public manner a:ul urge that you all cmiio out on November tith and cast your vot? s for the D.-uiocintic ticket tn>m Presid at to ? ..roller. Our pt <>ple have colts 11 int . the way of thinking that when they have east their votes in the primary there is no farther use t > vote. Hut this is a very df 141 go reus policy to pursue aasl may r< . nil in gn at hnriii to our St;.i *. Our Stat.* and county 1 i k *;* ' p * I .*, i hi* lv< pa ilica t*;1 !.*.vt put uj) no >] > ..-ition ;.J ail. "jh * ' It p* . is 'I . ' ,v - nn < ! <* ?:n' I ci. 4 i 11 the Cd < nip 1; of jo g: oca, f.iui they have a em *i: i*.to in every ( rugics; i .1 a! '! tii*t iri this St;.:e hoping to 1 .. 1 1 IidVt llieir canu?utl'.. .ea'tu t>y a Uej nb man house. Lot ivi'iy I tenmevatie voter ccnie out ami volt' lor the Dcnuuvutic nominees in his ilistriot n? d h vt thein In sui'h mi overwlu lining majority that not i vt n a Ivepublican house would dure unseat tluun or unL consider a contt st. 'The Democrats of this nation have iven you one of the "isadcst, purest and most brilliant men this country has ever produced, and the 1 h-iur.cruts of thin Slate have tciven you 'inrii of youi host men as candidates lot- Congress, and I can not believe that you will not come out and vote for them. We have lit urd of hit'' v-vi.."^ throats on :ill sides that our repre- , sontation in I'onerous would bo' rod.uood by a llepuhiienn Congress 0:1 account .>1 our small voir in tlu* gemou! v lection. "Now, ieliovr Demoeruts, do not allow this serious ehurge to t>o made against you." < ?- _ ( Would.a t V* ?sk v,t into [New i'ort World 1 Murk Twain ran s loss for the alinerhty dollar t!ma any ithor man iti Now 'l i rk. i 1? is out of debt, tho ri y dtios on hiy books will pro- ' vido tin ilioouto for hi:nsi f ami his family many years and ho has i more oonlraots i' >r tin* futuro than ho euros to 1.11. The following incident best shows Mr. ' 'haiioiis* utter disregard for the coin of the realm: A reporter of The W orld was di- I feted to \ itii him and make "rrangomeiits if po-sible to have Mr. . t 'lemons .itlend the Bryan muss 1 meeting ut Madison Square (iavden and write uh-juI what hp snv for. The World. "Tim Wi.rid has dire ted me,. Mr. ClciiH ns," said tho reporter, j "to ohor you i joii will go to j Madison -hpinc Cnrden tonight' I !1 its readeis what Mark ' Twain thought ot tin- Bryan meet-I i'tp. A carriage will take you over ihery, you will have a good box seal, #n!tt niter the mooting you ; will be driven Hick lo|tlio hotel, where a stenographer will take you dicta?i<>it." "Tiiat is a very llatter in poller and levant you to thank The World for the compliment, hut 1 would rather ink work 5 .said -Mr. I'ler.ieun, i i peeahar drawl. "Why, tliere won", be any work about it," sd:d Ihe i? porter " this meeting will i? > something worth seeiie.;. it will !? th > ureal es t | tliiu ,; it Ihe kind has I hi j ?pete d t:?;riiiv; I.: rni.;puif;ii and it will latere ' you rnivht ily, aside horn the imue y nsidirat; >n." " I eti, hut ! i. iii to work when is not neeiMsiv." replied Mr. t'leiliei.s. "j admire toe oilier people w h ? are I;: lust i ions, lent I an the hi//: e.*<1 man alive. I hat' work. It w>uld destroy all my 1 pii asure at tin' i.o eliii}/ i! I knew ! had to i! i M.uie work ufn it Wl.f. o v i i. " '! he W I !v W'll l.l> take loll;-. i "i hi) mil: ilr.s allir the nieetinu i ?u can di-'tn'e j II that >< u e?ir< to bay. I'ran! "ally you will be ttino . KJ f >r hO luinuteS woi'it," "That is true, but i inn th,.,t and sir") y and w >;i 1?i ruth r in I?t*(i and t n1 mi* of the s'l-ep I missed ni;*!d when ! out hack iH an i ???. > . V < n del k no a lm\v la.-.y 1 am ami I <?w aim 'i i dinlike d< isi(4 wot i; of any kind. No, il talked to me an limn* it would not clianm" my decision. I fully apple iafi Sue coinplimeul, hut I only work when ! have 1 Fresh Meat AND Fresh lee. Yes: Ira St :I!?? V; Suit will keep ei?|isl:t!tl !v oi; li, ml a sup-ilv ' Meats and lee. <'mil p;; r.-.t i v; Iv s|H-akiiitr, we have In-, a unavoidably out o' tie- busiin ss for I wo months, hut v.v n i to be ' able, iu ill - future, by i .< a: -at imi to Imsities- and fair dealing with our )t.itroits, to furnmh them with both .Meat and tee in season, anil merit a libcnd shari of tlie public juiroine^e. j Orders for Sunday lee i:-reived Satur | nay, and l< e delivered from i to a a. in. , Sunday--, t'al! up No v7 any time you , Iteed I .eef or le-.;. I It A ti. M5YTHE A. S?N. Photographs. Th<- Ih-sI in tin* r it v at tin- |>rio<*. < a'.iiiii-; jH-r down. Smaller oti.uit iti'-s and other siz"* . Vi ukoikiMC, 0. J. KADliSt Chariot (it, N. C. No. 1 W.-st i", li .a i . l Cation \V;?r?'!i<>u?t'. Arivoa.- \vi?iiini' t ? slor<- tin ,r cotton i'i ;* fl' Siu dry pi tpc wil' find we pared t-> ? ori iiml Irinnfo mrno . ,r i 1 .: J; . I . i . ? n.ill. Our I'cr sforint; t\nd ilisur \Tt^ .M ill )ic i? c:ts .? C i..c??-1* lllollt ll or P/actiona' j>a.- of u laoitii. Wo will al.a ui- Hon . osi any ?-oito:i t!oi\:tl . V.'itli \M at jm.' cent i in rest. FT. Mf - f. MANUl'VUTlT.lN'f: CO itiptcmbci 1> H>. . . / -v .[ OUR BOOK CLUB ! I 1 hat we are or^aniziiis* now is tin' oiio yoa want to j > n if you; want to buy some j^ood hooks for X inns presents, ai d it is tlie very j sort of present you want when you i find how handsome liiey are. Anil you v. ill tell your neighbor wheal you litul that we ran furnish you ' at two thirds of regular prices. Any of the popular l>ooks of the ' day sueli as ' David llnrum,''' "Janice Meredith.'' ''ilichard Carvel "Kesuneetion," "l'risoneis of nope, "isni;it? of the Strong," , ele., i;l 1 elegantly hound Ht $1.15. The publisher's price is $1.50.! Other hecks, children's hooks,! si a in lard sets, etc., in nil kinds of ' bindings at correspondingly low prices. To get hooks at those prices you must give us your order before November 15. If you are, not satisfied with theui when the) ( arrive you need not pay for them, that's nil. W. B ARDREY & CO. SOMETHING "| TO EAT. i There is no excuse for the good housewire worrying about what to prepare for tlie dining table. I have everything that she may want?Heavy and Fancy Groceries, I Witter, Fggs, Cheese, Country Produce, ofe.. etc. Try my home-made Sour Krtut, j at o rents per pound. It is nneh j nice r than that shipped here fi an 1 j other points. The best CucMiinber Pickles at 10 ! i*eiits per dozen. I The c hoicest Apples nnci Ha- | mum* at all time*, "Mien Axle <?reuse" in t|e? kind ' you should use when your wa^on needs };reie-inj;. It comes in 1<> and 'J') et nt eiuis. J?.\K!"iKS' I'.RKAD c\ery Saturday. A. 0. JONliS. G. W. NOR MAN & CO. WHOLESALE AND R? TAIL LIQUOR DI ALERS, i\i\ !; ?. - - - (MI.MIOTTR. N. <\ ' i i'n nmr'.i pi-nsnre ii railing yoin atteiil ion to l h \ erv lev prions of m v l i. ,?lil jji -11 Wb .-.Li'-s. whuli I'm- fifteen yi rs have lim no eqnn', ? liter for i.i inii or tiiei|i>;iiiai purpo<? . H i iio; pit" base I lar^c quanMI ier. ><f o,<| MimiiIai.1 (.torn Wibiiey at \erv low prie - las: Kiiniiner when distille v. i !> for o; -ii, i am [ r |i*? o> id >j.' < ia 1 a i.< >0 ion /ad wry low <|.i I at ion to inyono wo'iny iiny I hiiio ia lay Via*. All < .a 11 i ' in list lie areola I'.i ni I I v ; . if I .rib i' (. .? i'? ?-:ir? I'n! *."> i \.i my price list, wtiic'.i M ,i ?:111<I ln>.\: Sweet Mash Corn, ?! ? to 41,7.'? Old ('urn \Y liUkip , very line . 2.00 ( 'iNIll K<>S<'<iill, .'t Host Holland (a/lit . 'J (Hi Finn (ienevn ( iia. First-rate Snnleam Kye, 1.150 i'? -f Sunbeam Kye, 2.00 Kim- High < Jjnde itye>. J.(Ml Nort h ('andilia Apple Ihiindy, S.vift Old N. ?Ptfaeh liramly, '-i.atI I'uie New England Hum, 1.75 I ami Honey, .00 Iioek and liye, 1.7."> Fine !'.ot',! <I NYliiskies, in elos.- l?ox S.on No eh-irgo will he nijile forked wlnn yon want such ijti:intiti< s. Most respectful I v, G. W. NORMAN & CO. FA It vl FOR SAI.K A valuable plantation near Thorn's ferry. Fort Mill township, containing IVmr htinilreil and eighty-one < IS] meres, now rented to good tenants. Terms, die fourth etish, balance on long time. Address; \V. I? ItODOKY, Hock Hill, S. C. Hit; pot; K< M.1.!N<; now going on I 'i White Oak ('iiinp, Woodmen of the World. JOIN NOW and SAVE i on art* surely to die. (Jut ready ,v hile y< ?.i ran. Money Leaned We negotiate !iK)il<4Hf?e loans on :n proved farms nt. reasonable atrs. \Vithi;i{SIv?>n & Si?ia'ci:i:. lii'ek Mill and Yorkville, S. ('. Fur First class Service to ! I ?!?!/! OVS - IIKsT.U H INT, ()|>|M)sii<t hit I'r. bvterian church, CM AJJ iiOTT 10, N, C. !>< >v-(< rs in i iii; city. ! >: luiu-h ooi.iilcr iii the Slate. <22 1 West Trade street. ^ I I ?g Our second fn!l crop of Dross ' Furniture, etc., lnss just arrived. On beet wo have over had ia our sovontei the people are learning where to got ees. Our business is run on broad-g never misrepresent uuything. Noith tors' goods in order to sell ours. We The only "low" things wo have is oui If you need a Sewing Machine. ! Shoos, I )ross Goods, Cloaks, Boys' C ask is that you boo our stock ami com you nionoy we will make you a prosci Tj. J. M / NOTIONS, IIOISHRY: Ladies' fleece-lined Ladies' plain fast-colored Ladies lmlbrigj?an Misses, an elegant one ltoys' "Iron Clad," like leather.. Ladies' cashimere A full line mens' cashitncro and ? Onrotidofl' DRESS SH1KLI). Try? wardrobe. They are only FASCINATORS and HOODS. Full TALOIM POWDERS Nice COLOGNE A full line of LADIES' COLLARS. Y( >1 NG MEN, wo carry u full a ^oods for you. Our stock of SHIR full dress, can not he surpassed. In .. r..11 1: ' TT .....v <i ..<<1 inn*, jiiui ni ijuuaoiwciir \ cotton. In fart, anything you wear v MEACHAM f^lNGHE 5 Factory Loaded ? S"Leader" and "Repeater" ? powder and "New Rival" lo ? Superior to all othi r brands 1 $ UNIFOkniTY, RELIABI 2 STRONG SH * Winchcst r Shells are for sale U' having them when you buy and A ST( OF LOW 1 at ti; FORT mi HFC Wo have a large and W"ll-M*lected sto< Notions, She Ma Also a nice line of? Choi And we solicit a share (if jour patrona Our now Line of Ladies' Dress (iowl surprise yon. Call and examine our largs stock of ? Mei Our suloRtneu nre obliging n?l court excellent bargains. Com aud act STORE, FORT M i i tit OODS^a^ fioods, ( uil.'rwcjit", SIioi'b, Cloaks, r sales this year are by far the on years' career. This r.hy?vs that the best <ro< us at the lowes? priun^e and honest principles. We er do we run clown our oompeti' don't have to not down so low. I r prices. I Store llenter. Furniture, Carpets, I lothinc or anything else, all we I ipare our prices. If we can't save | it of the goods. lssev. i ? - j H NOTIONS. I 15 and 25c. I 15 and 25c. 5, 9 1-2, 10c. 25c? flj 15 and 25 c. n cotton liogc. \ nD i pair. Ono pair will do for your SH lino in all colore. 15, 25 and 50c. Nfl 10 and 20c. SB 25 nnd 50c. 1 .Luc* mm iirl up to date line of furnishing flB Ttt, iu negligee, atiif bosom Rud fl^H Collars, (.'utTs and Neckwear wo flHH ve show you the best in wool and I ve have it. : & epps. i '? *** ?? ????? mn4 nm{, . MM ESTERj I 1 jhotgun Shells. | loaded with Smokeless * Ml aded with Black powder. * 3 for * m?|k LiTY AND I E OOTING QUALITIES. ? B88T bv all dealers. Insist upon 5 v or. will get the best. R gfggre { ??j|K I -?- ' .' I )RM I PRICES wffll CO.S STORE H ? les, Hats, and Readyde Clothing. ice Pamilv ftrnnorioa ? ? -??j ? * vvvt^uui jSBHRB b and Ready-made Skirts will M H as' and Boys' Suits. ;eous nnd cau aliow you ?<>??? ? us and wo will do you good. fl H