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mr* 4 RAW* HORN BLASTS, b i n"^HERFi iuu't gold 4I enough in the ** world to make a tt. H'A'imo pets hia chitel a little deeper wfciv^X whenever ihere if a fSffla v\ \vv^v^/ frown upon the |^(jp t^ \ The hardest thine fdevil tvtr h *T htHive ii good innu. There Is no Individ a1 liberty apa.t from social responsibility. It only takes two to make :i Christian?Christ and th? lo t one Winjrs of prayer can carry you where serpents uf tin c:in not erawl. It is not the flower pot that makes the lossoni?. Ground that is barren to gc d is of ten rich in gold. There are too xr.anv Chrbt ans who are only leavened in spots. We ran not create spiritual pow- r. but we may create its conditions. Public wrongs will no. in lighted till men nre saved ft on person 1 fin. Noah. who cou'd f ee the world, v.\ s overthrown alone in Lis own xineya n. A man s life never rir s aovc .ts perpetual sour. es. one the need o < iny horn from above. The taste of the f. nits ;i \ h-? iron of l.ifo fnrovnp tlw. i*.?< ' < ? bitter weeds of the world. It is eter to h:i\r ji dog come in and . Ftir up iiii exclterm nt anion:st the pews than to have no interosi in t!i ; meeting ut all. A SYNDICATED PRESIDENCY. IVliy Itlrtinril Ulnrj'ii Ntrililnj; lirn*? I* it Trim One. Mr. Olnoy has much abused for saying that the re-election of Mr. McKinley "will mean that the Atnericilll people satietioii a syndicated Presidency." Those who alntse him. however, are nreftil not to quote what lie said in dclinition of Ids phrase: "A syndieated I'residoney a l'rcsideuey got for the Republican party hy the money of a combination of capitalists intent upon securing national togistntion in :ihi <>i tneir particular interests." Mr. Olul'y is ;i 111:111 w*ln? does not use words carelessly or ignurnntl.Y. In further explanation and justification of his biting phrase In- declared 11i:tt: "Our (lovernnient w:ts not conceived or framed as :i iiioiiet making 111:1 rhino ovrii for the prolil 01* nil tin* governed. miu-h less for tlir profit of )i:irti(.'uhir rlasRrs or portions of the governed." 1 Tito "vital prinriplr nml crowning nirrit of our t Jovoriiinent." ho truly said, "nro that ii stands for equal opportnnitirs to nil."' And with equal truth ho declared tluit: "This tlioory of ihr into functions of government MoKinleyism directly r.y protective tariffs, by the most intimate relations between the I'nlted States Treasury and the general money market, hy subsidies to particular industries, by an uggiv--si\e colonial policy, ami in other wa\ s it practically holds out the Uoverninont as an online I'm* use in the acquisition of private wealth." Is not litis imlictuicnl true? Where does Marl; llatuia turn wiieii lie stiirls to raise the enormous campaign fund which lie warns liis supporters Is essential to the election ot MeKlnley ? ltc go to lite people, as tin World tiitl for its Cleveland campaign Ifund in IStrJV Not at all! lie go."'? to Wall street, wit it its syndicated hanks, controlled l.y or in alliance will "the Standard < til's own;" to w-.*' its syntliciitctl copper and otliei trusts; to IMtiiailelphia. with its syn ilieated frit-yielding pro.ecled indtis tries and coal cnntldncs; to Chicago with Its syndicated contractors t'oi r tuiii cm it >1 When Collector llanna is nut i<> til up his rapacious campaign Hi. -i hi loos not sro to tilt* men who carry 11n? "full dinner-pails" which ho ;i> suincs that McKlnleyism li:i^ tilled 11? goes rather to tin* full money hay which linvc boon mnile roiund l?y Me Kinlcy hoiililics. MeKinhy siib-ldics McKlnley contracts ami other M- Kin ley hcucllts. coinrilnilions from >\ 11i I arc not merely til lies from favors re ccivcil. Inn I he expression of a lively hope of favors to eoinc. What word can more accurately ?lc scrihe n I'resiliency olualueil hy the means, for these eiuls. ihau that em ployed hy Mr. t Micy "a -v'n<Ii< ah i Presidency':" \cw York W orld Thtl Slilfly >1. Kllll. v. What would McKinlcy do wi lo u Ills old slamlhy. "eouiliiissioiiV ilt III tOUt Olio in to go to t'llilia ill : 111 ill toriiittioiKil ojipiifity mill help straight on nut llio tangled ntfnirs tlioro. Wlia are our ministers ami eottiiiiniulers for These ooiniiiissioiis eoxt otiorinoti Minus of inotioy iitul roally aoootii|>li>] 'little of vjiliie. However, tltey tnak it easy for the mlniiuistrntion to shif and cvailo heavy oUieinl resiioimibili t ! >? .floviiliin.l l>?..^...l,... The eoiuinlssloiier of the grin r;? mid oilier h;i* ordered tin* deinolit ?e of tllP ro-cillll'd "drift" fi'llefs oil tin government grazing grounds in Now Mexico. Some yenrs ago it was fouiu that tin* rattle would ?li*lft" mailt inilrs across tlir plains before tin whiter ld'zznrds. Involving tlir entile turn In lr:?\ expense in u.ii in-riii; them uj> in the spring. To pi. yen lllis tile * < 11 11 t ' lelie.- were litlllt mil Cr. anie ?o multiplied 1.1m a-.vii t tie 1 nl up III frin. il u ?e; t inllH, \ [ i il! "till i > lii- loie any 1 f m <> >. we pi.Mi lainh. tin* I'.'.i 1 * our ' I. .ii'ili'i'ril the felloes taken down 4 u the en(1 lenirii are protesting. Pome men don't leal.te that they need a rest until they r? >me home from their vacations. Show us a fault in our business and we stop it at once, no matter how profitable. We don't believe a fault can ever be reallv profitable. They said our Ague Cure was too bitter and powerful tor the weak digestion of malarial illness. We have corrected the fault, j It's cost us thousands of dollars to do it, but we have cor, rected it. j A.nd there is no better medi, cine under the sun tor every form of malaria than this new ! Malaria and Ague Cure. j. C. Aver Company, * i Practical Chemist-, l.owell, Mm, A\rr' S.inaparilla Avrr's H.iir Vijjor i A*rr' Pills Acer's Cherry Pectoral j A>er'? Ague Cure Ajrr'g Comatonr POCI^HILL 2!! aocut Wti Send nanic and address on a postal r WINCHESTER REI 180WINCHESTER AVENUE P'fp - CTj fwFREE! CATor V/f SPORTING GOODS. RAWLINGS SPORTING mm GOODS COMPANY, I.CO I.'m'iim M., ST. I.OIIS, JTIO. ATTIC VI'ION Is facilitated if you mention this paper when writing ?Uvcrti?cr?. S?>.4() I he Fringe in a New CuiaO. A new use for silk fringe is made apparent In tin* triiiuniitg of a black, silk grenndiiu*. mailt* tip over orange 1 taffeta. Tin* long overdress or tunic of grenadine is not cut even ahout the Item, but deeply slashed in great trl] angular points, the apex pointing up Tv-;?r?l. The sill; I'rlnjr?* is exactly the same ile]?tli as the height of tin* triangles, ami it is set on beneath lite hem. so only a part is visible over orange silk, which tills in the open triangh s. The fringe is not cut out to till I in tin- spaces, hut continues around the foot of the funic, although only a little more than half of it shows. It would Vol; thin and poet- if strained ncrosx the triangle, so it falls loos<. ''"he black silk fringe tool s like a lattice >\er the orange colored silk. The elbow sleeves of grenadine are continued to the wrist by an arrangement of the ' silk fringe over silk. This feature b rather it nuisance, since the fringe | shows a disposition to catch and pull; but it looks stylish all tin- same. ; I Too Lonj; to Waif. The .lapane e, as is generally known, I .... .11.11.11. . I'i.-1'l ill lil Illl'ir HUM I ??11 sitting for tin* must pari of :-i?and | < iVw hiJici* simple vegetables. While they are a healthy ami liapp.V 4 (><?|il#?. i in?\ su a undersized as eom pan <1 if 11 I ha meat I'lilcl's of Kump? ami AiiK'tii'ii siml it was seriously rec1 omiuetided. a few years ago, by ad \ isers ?>f ilia emperor, that lie should em nil; age liis Mlhjcets in adopt a diet 1 of Hash, wlili u view to increasing the t ' .iverage Japanese slalure. An American who was visiting in .lis pan tells of si Jicriklsha man with whom he heesime aaipinlnted. who. nl ' though aide to trot forty miles a day 1 'w ithout fatigue, was vexed because nt ' | his small size ami Usui begun in eat * ; mesit. He asked his Ameriean frlem ' one clay. In the bast Kngllsh at lib | command, how long a time it would ' I lie renllirei! nil mm unlirnil ili..f t.. -i . . , ?? * ? ?w iunt\<: * j <lio .Japanese ii larger ra o. "I ?!uuilii -h.v a hundred yeara, a) least." replied the \ rut-in an. I Tin* "rii'Usiia>v" iiian went buck it i iiib rice. <4 ? : I PIUcu! "\Yli..t l a;' I < mc of Vol r tpuh. that v as <1 s! ncd to I t- oine tin ini er.-al I;>iirji?'?" O/nleiis?' Oil 11 very body talks nulf nowadays." 'V 'H w: % Retained All His Faculties. Tired of liln parsimony and general meanness bis neighbors turned out one night and tarred and feathered old Sklnupbllnt. "Save the lar." he said to the good Samaritan, who was scraping hitn off several hours afterward. "1 can get live cents a pound for it."?Chicago Tribune. A Boston authority on peker speaks I of a hob-tail llush rs a Robert caudal | suffusion. i IDow'n 'I'll is ? offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for j any ease of Catarrh that cannot Im cnred by Hull's Catarrh ("lire. F. .1. Ciii:nky & Co.. Tdado, O. We. the undersigned, bnveknnwnF. .1. Cheney fur the last l"> years, and helievo him perfectly honorable in all business transactions nnd llnaueially atile to carry out any obligation made l>\ their linn. West lit Tni \*. Wholesale Druggists.Toletlo, Ohio., Kiwo A- Maiivin, WUdesjPe Druggists. Toledo, Ohio, j Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal y. net| lag directly upon the tdood and mucous sir : ruses of th? system. Testimonials sent t ree. | Price. 7.V. per bottle. Sold bv all Druggists. | llall's Family IM1K are the best. I do not believe Piso'sCttre for Consumption lias an equal tor coughs and cold". .Ion. K. ItuvrK. Triuil.y Springs. lud.. Feb. IS. I'JW. Mrs. Wlualow'aSootlilnir Syrttp for chlld-eu teething, ?oftens l lie uunis. reducoaiuttnmi intion. nllars palu. cures wind colic.-Cic.a bottle. The tombstone never says me;n tilings about tho man that's down. 'In Cure n Cold in One Day. 'l ake Laxatitk Bromo Qcisink Tari.ks. All ilrngatsts refund the money if it failato cure. K. W. (Imovk's sigonture ou each box. 25c. ? . . The literary tramp probably refuses i to cut wood because he dislikes hack work. Carter's Ink. Is the best ink tluil rjiu lie made. It cost* von no ' tun re t bun p <?< tic: lit to ur.t? uiiL. It isn't every telephone girl that etn i make the welkin ring. , , y - . WIimI does not hnvo / / W/ to lis uikrn ?>tT tn uil Yl^->?Cj5vy Will ran - tofttnunihs \\ withoutrc-oilinK. Axles V y( will lust n* Iouk uv i lull?> * ~T7(I biiKK). t un't : ?i-t uiiy 31 I //^ r^_ mure. Our l*Ati?l:t.. A Ar frV_\ iiiurliHnaal wornler. tlYmVj\/ JftJtlU Simple. Cnn't tret cut ?itUVjXU-f lUjooSl 1] ?'f "i<ler. Seo sample with our ntcnt. Hun'! i w buy a Iniwtry until you i* see th.s axlo. "ROCk llll l. BUGGY CD..""' ?? " TH ITstIFR I ATA/LOG UE FREE "Chester Rifles, Shctgess, and Annmltion iow. lJon't delay if you are interested. u PEATINC ARMS CO. (' NEW HAVF.N, CONN*. II \ BUSINESS ill mfe COLLEGE, ROANOKE, VA. II MORE CALLS FOR GRADUATES || THAN IT CAN SUPPLY. tfs, fa] SpikI fnr r.ntnlonriin bijcilAS. K. KrUKKliK, I'rt^ldein. P ij! Mention wliriv von ??w- lunlo i>f s<-ln?ol. t?3 # BBp STOPPED FREE B M Permanently Cured by 3 II ^ DR. KLINE'S GREAT E i W NERVE RESTORER ?r Kt mill; itmiIM ?UJ gi TKIAI. VIOTTLB I'll KK to Pit l&tttMt* w bo |I?V ftt>rr?|a<r ?wl? ?? drliffff. F*rmsn*ut u?i nitty tru^irirr fcr a.l A>i t'OMi l??$nrj*r?, } !? ? wt Vim- I anri, kit?O..iioo mi. 21. ii. u i.I *i:. f.d. U31 Arch -treet. HniUdei&liia. Koubcuj id;;. { ? that means sweet breath, c with your bowels clogged, sei but thoroughly and keep ther the genuine. CASCAR?TS a "C" on the box. You will them are quickly and perman J rggj) hsxr" r" a:'y ><-< i SI?3^ iUKir14 Add 11 -?... ? 1 ' I CURES BLOOD POISON. Trial Treatment Free. Permanent cure guaranteed by u.Mng 4 to 16 booties of B. H. H. H?v. vmi i Aches and Pains In the Bones and Joints, Ulcers, Offensive Eruptions, Boils, Scrofula, Sore Mouth, Gums or Throat, Falling Hair, Swellings, Cancer. Itching Skin, Copper Colored Sores, Catarrh, Rheumatism? Then B. B. B. heals every sore, makes the blood pure and rich and stops every ache und pain. Cures when all else falls. B. B. B. tested 30 years. Druggists. SI. Trial treatment free, by writing Blood Bairn Co., 3 Mitchell street. Atlanta, (la. Describe trouble and medical advice free. Idle. But Witty. He was an iul?' Irish boy. bltt lie (be Celtic wit. He bad stripped on board of a man of-war. where he an noyetl the boatswain by his laziness, j Seeing 11i111 on the maintop one uioi'ti- j ing. gazing idly out to sea. the boats -vain caiieu om i<> mm: (.'olue down out of that. ye raslieul! i Poute down out of Iliut. mi" Oi'll give | yo7. a dozen whiu hs will nio nipt1!" T'aitli. son." replied the boy. "Oi wouldn't come if ye olfi'iwl me two dozen 1" Harper's Vol ng People. Itching, Burning Kczcuia. Was troubled with n painful skin eruption, and after all other remedies failed, the father writes: "Send uie four more boxes of Tetteriue for iut littlo daughter. It does her more good than anything we ever tried. Yours, etc., .las S. Porter, Lynchburg, S.C." At druggists f>0o. box. or postpaid by J. T. Shuptriue. Savannah. Ga. Measures of Length in the Bible. The measures of length used in the Bible with their equivalents in our j modern use. are tl\. 1.. Hull) us fol lows: The great cubit was 'J4.NSS luetics, of 1 .N1M feet, and the less euliit is inches. A span (the longer), half a cubit, or 10.1'44 inches, or .t* 11! of a foot. A s|aii 11he less), one third of a euliit. i or i iiiclit'S, or .uo? ol a foot. .V 1 hnnd'< breadth. 1of a cubit. or d.t?S4 j in. In . or ,i;n4 of a foot. linker's | breadth. l.IM of a cubit, or .ill" of an inch, tr .o7d of a foot. A fathom, four I cubits, or I0.1M4 feet. The mile. 4.IHHJ j cubits. ?r 7.'_" (! feet. The stadium, t bt i of theintnilc. or -too cubits, or 7llt?.?i | feet. 'I'lk' para sat i>r. three of their miles, oi-\lll.thmi cubits, or four Knglisli miles am r?Stt feet, a day's journey was aliou twenty four miles. A sab ' bath days journey, d,r>oO feet. AnI swers. WIgg?" Viiat sort of a nt in i? I Iijones? Rather e.-jentrie, isn't h? Wagg "lie's the sort of fellow you might expert to go to a horse show in an automobile." A person may fall Into money without hurting himself, even if it's hard cash. j The llcfti I'rcacriptlon fort It 111? nnd Fever Is a Pottle of Uiiovk'h TASTr.txss (II 11* Tnsif It i4 ftimiilit ipnn nn.l nuinlriA Iii n tasteless foira. No cure,no pay. lTiee25c. The one thng that everybody c?n succcd in borrowing is trouble. Pctnaw Fxheikm I'tk produces the fastest and liriglinvt colors of any known dye stulT. Sold t>y all druggist*. A girl can't bleach her hair and k < p it dark. SalcMiicu Wnnlcil. Two holiest. rclliitilc mm; experience not nl'Sollltelv ti<-ces*iu y: salary nm! expenses paid. Peerless ToIiium-o Works Co.. UctJfoid I ity, \ it. i One way to find tun" is net to lose i iL Hon t drink too much water when cycling. 'Adams' l'epsin I'uttl Prutti is nu excellent su bstilute The busy foundrymut. is always c tst| ing lots. v, You can ??3, one." \mTOX^ ^as a ^j/\ \k\ I* His breat 'Iaw^0' ' ^ra-^s j 1 | \\ Listeners fl 1 It. IL beads ,>/nJ His breat! air. He ough; |uick brain, swift moving feet. Y< rtding poison all through your systi n clean with CASCARETS Candy < ire never sold in bulk. Look for tl ~n i i :ii- 1 xl- _ IIMU IHdl all BUWCI 1115 (IMU inC { ently CURED BY 9? ^ If yen want ra*ultsl Tablat is rr.arkod "CCC " C?< n'y and always in the Ii*ht blue rr.etal box with the lont-ti f ?-T.ark?the C with a Ion* tail?on the !:J' I mK 4k ca ofe K 2H Jt aJB H a dv mortal, who can't afford to bi ress Sterling Remedy Company, c I WOMAN'S KIM Lydia E. Pinkham' pound is Especi f'i Curing this Fatal < >f all tie* diseases known with which ' disease is the most fatal. In fact, unlc plied, the weary patient seldom survive: Being fully aware of this. Mrs. Pit hanstive study to the subject. and in pr< Ills Lydia K. Pinkhum's Vegetable t'? contained the correct combination of 1 fatal disease, woman's kidney troubles, many with the laws that govern the e are many so called remedies for kidne; table (Compound is tin- only one especial The following1 letters will show how Aug. 0. lS'.e.t. | " Mr?. I'inkiiam : I am fail- 1 lng very fjist. ? sinee .lanuary have j lost thirtv-tive or fortj }K?unds. I 1 have a yellow, muddy complexion, i feel tired, and have bearing down | pains. Menses have not appeared for 1 ! three months: sometimes 1 am trou- j j hied with a white discharge, and 1 al.-o ; have kidney and hludder trouble. . . I have been this way for a long time, ; and feel so miserable I thought I j would write to you. and see if you j could do me any pood."?M'.ss ktina i'aKOKUti iv, Troy. Ohio Sept. 1(1. leUt). ' I)eak Mur. I'inkiiam:?I have 1 used T vatic. II. 1'inkliaui's Vegetable | Compound according to directions. | and can say 1 have not felt so well . for years as 1 do at present. Before taking voi:r medicine a more miser- I nhle per-: 11 \ ..?i never saw. I could ni t ? ::t <>r leep. end did not eare to talk with any oao. 1 did not enjoy life at nil. Now. 1 feci so well 1 can| not he (fratefnl enough for what you have done for me. \ on are surely a j woman's friend. Thankinjj you a , thousand tim-a, 1 remain, liver yours Miss I-'.dxa Krp.i>kki? k. Trow Ohio. ' Prvit Mrs. I'inkiiam:? 1 have talicn live hottle: of l.ydia li. l'inkhani'sVejcv tahle < oiuponnd anil cannot praise it enough. I had lu-adaehes. \ c ^ r-k It in \KI>. We lnvi> il?|?jiit( vfc C '5S? ! v/hl. h will he i.i.i.t to nnv person 111 oj 11 it i?- i*< >t ^outline, or were Jnihlisl k T | HD^lOC V '"".W P!PCOVEBY;,lt? I B ,|U<k r- | !'? >. Bo .* u( tCBliinouislK ?i?j lOllaio' tiMtliloiil l l'lf. Dr H M OKEtN ? bunt. Bex U. AUiot*. Ok. j That Utile Rock For Ladies, i?;,, I AI.H K MASON, UorilKsilli, X. V aiways smell a "dead costive-looking face, h knocks you down, his feet. to his talk turn their the other way. h poisons God's pure t to keep clean inside; )U car.'t feel well and act well ?m. Clean them out gently ro4u^.',s^ i?- - "A oauia; lit. Ut Mil f. \UU ^ei ic trade-mnrk, the long-tailed lasty symptoms that go with I T DRUGGISTS i/, we will mail a box free, ^ikago or New York. ?tT J 1 i i IEYTROUBLES s Vegetable Comally Successful in Woman's Disease. (he female organism is afflicted. kidney ss early and correct treatment is aps. ikhatn. early in her career, gave ex dueing lier great remedy for woman* impound ? was careful to see that it lerhs which was sure to control that The Vegetable Compound acts in harntire female system, and while there r troubles. J.ydia K. I'inkham's Vegely prepared for women, marvellously successful it is : leucorrliooa, falling of the womb, and kidtiev trouble. I also had n pain when standing or walking, and sometimes there seemed to In* balls of tiro in front of me. so that 1 could not see for about twenty minutes. Felt as tired in the morning when 1 got up as if 1 had had no sleep for two weeks. Had fainting : no 1was down-heart cd, and would orv."? M its. Hkhtha Okkp., Sfoonil and Clayton Ms., Chester I'a. "dt: vit Mas. I'ixkiiam :?1 cannot find language to express the terrililo suffering 1 have had toemlure. I had female t ron hie. ? also liver.stomach, ? ""ib" kidney, and hla?i- J) lJ tier trouble. . . . ]i f i tried several doe- ^ [ tors, also quite a j ? yy I linmher of patent y \ ^ ?j K medieineK. and had I \ despaired of everts ^. * getting well. At \grfjgjftgjy lust 1 eoneluded to j try l.vtiia M. I'ink-fa h a m "s Vegetable ~~ Compound, and now. thanks to your medicine. F am a well woman. I can Hot UniiAd VtHll' !:? ?! ?i?i 11 ? ii.o for 1 know it will <li> all. and oven wort*, than it is rooommrndrd to do I 11* 11 rvery Fuffrrinu woman nlxint your Vryrtablr ('omyiound. and urjt? thorn to try it and m'u for tlu-insrlvra what it will do."?Mi:s. Makv A. ifii'r.K. N'o. Manchester. Ind. *>: w itb io? NatlnnaK'itjf Hank of I.ynn, Slum, \rh<> cmi ft n.I 1 In- iilmv c testimonial let tern lie-', twf.'ro ( mining tlir write:'? tpeeinl |>er1A JUA l:. ft NK II AM itt:t?H INK CO. y JBi and OATS POP RATT' H?h1 May seed wheat from a crop that yielded :i:i to \\o bushels per acre, rceleaaod by a spoeial seed wheat cleaner, in new two bushel baif,price per htishol. reed Oatstrrowu in N. ?rtli Carolina from Texas lted Hast Proof Se??.I. the North Carolina crop yield! k SO I u-hels per acre, price ,70c per bushel. Prices on cars at Char o'te, N. freight to I tt paid by buyer. Terms cash with order. I'll.\ It I OTTK till. .1 KKKTI I.IZKH CO., I HKU 01,1 V Kit. CIIA Kl.t)TT H . N C. %hj jC* SHOES fB' WW * UNION riAbi: " 5 *5 ?? N. Thr rrul %%or(h ctf f v our ftJ.OO nntl [ ^*1 blitif ronipurcil with ksfy ?l hf r muUpa U St I .(Ml i s r s t?? <?4>. We air thf | i y pjj tntktrt ?f . rwtailrrt P*y*' \ -j l f fhfl. i I ft I <1 a a \ m'.Lr woriti. >\ t- ink* jtiil \ v V | munuftu i u:tr?> in tin- 1". S. In I i'?. Jftl ^" ** *? |gW?spW87T*ws. Wlij flo you pay 84 to V< A \'t\ $"> for shoes \\ lieu J ou II :A1- \p\ cnnbu.i lY.L.Don^la* I v.mll shoes ft?r *3 and ^CONVINCE VOii *Vy 83.50 ^rh!, It Til K REASnVuOTf W I. iHitnjl<? ?S and 8'. hi ?>iofi tirr poM thou any other make i? heoaon tii r.VARK riit: iuxrniR mi:*, THE M?tt?fi?..?its wpKdi nit THE ,,,w, o. -is. u.rk- ,I,U latniMpliuneat'i'lfd. "1"Se '"y _ ftpvT ? ?ia?! to It Mm! ?*. ?h?M rf DCCT Oto I i thrr mttkrt. Thlt ft llkr CO, UtO I t"to inerfr rhoe* Thrv will out?o cn *r?r {?., I r? i f ! , I,.."kr? *t I rsO n f\ vPJ.OU the ?? '? thai I ??? i,.> r<" vJ>v3.UU uutt< n. Y 'utin ??!? ? t i 'ri onnr wei.d tfc'tr t" eon* Met. the* our.r SHflE.l? ? : SHOE. T?ur de?1er (houl'l keeji there i t t m\\ , - drt'.er ?x'Iu?itc a?U in etch town. Tikr no iTiatltulr ! Tntlt? or V - - W. T.. Ti' ucit* wuh n*v?e ?nd r*lre tn?n|?? tfAtn. If your de?>r will not jet then, for tmi.mi .i r * f to fictnrv, *nr|A*irf price and ?*. <x*'* i ? ti?o. S*tt? fctitd <* leafier, '/c. and wtdffc. r ?*. ? o- r. 9. Our ah oca v HI -etrh jr?u j?n vwl * re. f <y ' , / / " W. L JOUGtAS SHOE CO., Brccllon. Ma:s.