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iMKT mil, M-siam;:-;. Pithy Points Cathert;C for PoruraJ of Tinier Reader*. .Dr. ?T. 13. Muck is at homo, after an absence of several woaks iu Georgia. Couuly Treasurer Neoly will hf in Foit Mill on November TtU and Stb for the collection oL" ta\os. Mr. J. J. Bailee, c? Pleasant Yr' Icy, matriculated at WofTorcl cuilege, in Spartanburg, lust we ek. Col. Frank, li. Brown, one of Ebonczer'soldest and I; st citizens, died at bis homo in that community Saturday afternoon. A new side track is being built by the Southern Railway at Ca tawba River. Tile track is to be used for empty cars only. Miss Bessie Wolfo in seriously ill of typhoid fever at the home of hor father in this place. !>r. T. S. TT! I ? ? jvirtpaincK m I! o nlteutlhu1; physiciyn. Mr. C!. V.*. Vriliiar-is return- ' i<> his homo in J.nnenstor yosii -i]:sy morning, after a visit of several days to hie sister, Mrs. T H. Hush >s. Tli. county chain rang is at present employed. . ?.!? ! mi:', iny the public road l;ot n II gin house of Mr. "\Y. /. w. ami the homo of Mr. S. -i. Vl'.ibroll. Siu Smith, a young v. :? ; r"\. wlio lived in ti:i. plaetj a fi .. months ago. abut n :.i iloeh Hill .Saturday afti-mou. jI. w- s arrested im.uodi iloiy ti.'ter "he shooting, but eanj.-.-d S: r.u-e.y nk;ht aud has . e. .sine- ! . n iavu . of. T!?e Southern 1V--i Ascinlion hasannounced tl.e r.J i' military companies I i to I fair?1 cent per mile in v. (V ruction per enj its. 'S he '. v f :* the ; unci trip will b> fl.7 . individuals a rat.? ? f on < H '.eh fare for the round tr'p is .j;nouncod. Tha New Brid e Acro>.?? c C*'ow?*.c. Monday afternoon reporter visited the county tnei. > across Catawba river near 11... place. His vision wa. jjr, i d by a handsome structure spannine; ill stream, but it looked quite louc s ane without the appr >;;oh s a t stood *Ja feet above the \v?J r. Wlinn (Iwi ' ' Uv.i> IIK VUI 1 I I I-V LlJi 111. It'll U . main bridge a few days ago they kindly left a ladder set uj at east end whereby visiters an: euribled to got up on the bridge and inspect the work. The voder is covered by throe spans, ? f about 120 feet each, resting on four pairs of steel cylinders tilled with ?>:icrete?two pairs in the wafer ai .l one pair on each bank. Tin flo r of each spun is laid of <> by " lumber on seven stringers, which urn supported ut proper inter*.lis by cross beams, and th' ae are in turn supported by u suspension frame ??uiiv 01 Bieci and irun, which forms an open system of augi ;s conned .*d above the bridge by other steul work, bo as to present to view something like a skeleton of a frame for a perfect covering. Loads of 12 or 3d feel in height can pass under this framing. The whole structure is pleasing to the sight. Painters have covered iron and steel and the banister with a dull red coat. Pluffs of snliieient height on each side of the liver seem to guarantee crossing at any time after the wooden approaches are built. Those ure now being framed at Hickory, N, C., and are expected to be in place within two or three weeks. The situation of the bridge is not without some pleasing features. AMout 1*>'> yards above it Is Carol here' island, a large body of land, whieb gives one the idea Ihnt two separate and important streams are uniting tL.'ir lovers, and fortunes in a journey to ti'.e sen. wlr.lo a hundred yards In i av the bridge the water ripples c vor an irregular lt-dgo of rooks ext. :;ding in n somewhat broken corns across ti.e stream. The >rt"r did not ovj! >rr 1] o routo t\ 11i; ii will likely li- -d from Kort Mill to the* hridgo, l-i.t lie tliinkh a t-1.1*ij. Iit?-v roivl m 1:1 l>o laid < ut from t! ? !,i: through Mr. S. ]\ Sott ;iV !;. !t ?oniwvtini.' ?* '? I h? i <.r . < . >' ' I AI f. I?IV '.-ona! CrtpiL^i. Kogiih.v ?'orius|>i:vdeuc? Washington*, Oct. 1, iuOO.j Id*. Mclvinloy'u extraordinary and | '.parent 1v unaccountable friend ship for China, which has been so Iain y shown from the beginning 'r.i the trouble down to his abani vio iin- ul of the allies and the order t for the .?endi:ig of the A.irer:cao troops in China to the Philippines, i hns caused u lot of thinking. At* j U alien has been called to the fact , ih;d the Republican platform failed ! to aay a word ahum t??o continued i exclusion of Chinebo laborers from the I nited States, although it must have been well known to tho makers of tho platform that the present Chinese exclusion law will i expire by limitation in 1902, and , that unless it is extended by Coui gri s our ports will then bo open ! to Chinese eooley Inborere. It has h :v noted also that the Chinese t.iiui.>ii r to the United Slat"*; has d-.uo considerable talking of late n't ;.t the probability of the iucp s-v'il f'hudihip between bis i r;c<\einun :t and ours resulting in ' C. < .niov d ?. i iir.uiigrutioii r; strict . 'i'lal large ereployi-rs of iiir : i.i >o!\v > m tins country, if ' u in .-ii u i"v i i^iv plioilor'e ' ? n i j j M* ! r. l Ox iiliVUl!, ?!< H 'IXIOUH ?;oli< r.. < :i <.'1 n?h i-nnii|? ttf 1*1 U10V 1 : 1 known. ; *y j a. 1 . a i the <? 'hinv > 1 ? 1. < , , j?l.? , r. 1 . . . litliof. L? ru&pe ineanoi of (. ii.c-e ' . . v. j**. 1 * !\ i : ! c I i- ;c l s 1: i<lov to jo:-*i,"y Si, ' . n! :.-v.i t. Jilj. .VKij 111 Hot 1 I" <> ? 'U'.J ' i i> > ! ' Ui>-; on. >iinl the re-eTc . 1 >f ' r. I'.'civ."! ?y r -y r, ?aii 11. loodi . >f tl.:- ? :;atr\ with 1 , . , i Tic s. , > ; : i; -'i v >.; < ; - . r y fc- 1 . in? ^ ? j ' ; ? Ii i ! mid no! i ? < v< rlt? k? ? *?.? : iV' r -i j r.-.i. : , oontr.lns liiifi clact .' f . iiti . :;x?d .-?v i on:"' of \lwi Ci.iaose ozclirion :va ami its application to hvv.m . of ,i'i Asiali * v.- ros " 1 i>. j not surprising tin 1. Ha r . ]? > o in - !' (! i:i ! r ?r ( * rii c i i b.?r i\ o ioi.ig ?.? < p thi 1 ??!.% 1 ' linn for their t; think nv.vl to noi. un^H . ..... 4, mi j I LI n .* j before the Jackson Doraocrt'i* A > 'nr. tu-v lei himnvlf iothe : fuiiimi'il question, which lie declared was 1 ii<. in >st intercstinc. I topic to him. lie said: "The only way to settle tin* limine! nl question is to pay 1 i:t. public debt, and it would be v y easy to do s? by t' i ' f tl > wild expenditures wo ure now rnukhu.. In the ' course of a f w year a we could S5iv? I dv< i Ql 00,000,000, unci we should ccrumence today in order to nave the intercut v.hioh the people arc 1 paying. The system created by the last CouqresH is designed t<> ) increase the national debt, and 1 1 IV-I I I - ' - '* ? - iiiiut'i iiihi K'pisjiaiioji me CJoui run ti<?t and will uot bo paid, but will ! be iucrouKC'd from year to year. Tho payment of the debt will not underpin the national banks, but would force tin in to the old Jackson inn idea of a specie basis, and wo wouhi not be dependent for a circidatinu n: ilium on government bonds. When that is done the financial question will be settled and settled richt."' jjx-Senator Uorinrm, of Maryland, whose political judgment is conceded to l'c as good as tlu.t of of any mnn in the country, win in V a.-iiiiv^ton lust wet); and said of the outlook: "There i: r di'"t,a Very decided drift, in fever r?! !i Jiejuocratd V.l' eli j,:. ij; *,' that Bryan v. Ill b fleeted ' t*rical Condi < n : -en suv ! were i t j '1. Tl. : ?vh' t nmn.vdng l r th ? P . er . i New York say they are going t< carry t.i j'h y r-- i?t.i'V !y toi: Mont. v !> ! <1 they nr." going tc sncceetl 'I u Dc'111 >cr ll-ic HJfino < !y fori r< ' .ro in 1 ! ? mi ?ati i) :iud ' jit vv ill .1 r. Hi :s u- 'i i. t 1 > i i r li- t !..*< ?! '. i <! W.? ft ' Ti ; . i % I j - j : ' : fail l.hd bsi'Q Motived In ljj llrii'lforu lrc m Xdjutaut ( ?-.?< v; , Floyd. At the &j .-ciai .;i tini; i " j the Fort JIi!l Li^lit Infantry i. i i 'in tl > town hall l&tit Tlunviliy evening, it wne decided fiTu;? t unR)i!inoii8;\ that the ? .??}$ in. tend the fair, dini it nov. s-* , \ j ne u;ai y ii3 ki- ouiiibciH will y;o 1c Columbia; i In nd'iifion to the instrwiu.n* ! Seilt Olit h^7 this it?r?i r( m. ??> .. ?" t 1' ik preceding circnjur (1) tin fallowing rules will govern en the oeci. siou v>f the eompetiih > diiil to take place on Wed r e day, October 31st, during the fair: 1. The formation of tl:e squad of I til men, rank and file, will he in single rank and will e?>i h.k( of the following: Captain, two lieutenants, right Had left gu'd: s and f: ur fours. i". Crplains (luring 'he progroi-u j of the tdr*il will he regarded as jstri:rtors and may go wh?.revoi | they deem their presence uect-s; sary. 3. The mistakes of captains will .count five lime hs uh eh a^ those .of enlist-;:! men, and mistakes of | lieutenants three t .n< a u- ma'di as there >' enl:.-?? u >? ? : 4, During the pro rre the : i: ri' l . Pit'a us- w." ' h ' : ; to (]r*?\v < \ !. > T 10 k. , w;!i tP ' ( * .>' ?? . . , t( . | i 'rUl.S " } ' V. * 11. .. i.i I Ujf ) jj!.'. v il ,t? ' m? v . : ' * * : ;v< ii it ,v i , W - 1 ... ' ( ( > r i r I ? ., j < Ii: t . t >? >]. i n\ r i ' ). . \V (/ ,A . . > - .. v*! , * | "4. f ? Li ? ?&-.? > > * p..: . X. i V ?, '.'-.A V" li:i < J. r*i ?y* Ui> i" i \ 'l k * (i !y v. ;i uul i? ? * ' i i i jif :? ,;iv }.y <[ .i i>? v ll.illtN L ?fth> ?-u . ! \ n < !? !i it t s\ i- i ;> }i< tut 11 , l\v ;m -iifii) *. m li i:: ?1?'.' 1'ijj \v:, ti on: 1 .) i'.i <*!' ' -illll W ' ) III tl M?\?i i': , ' J . ii . i .. . t i I* . >.ii. T i) ii;'.. " 11 i . ' c Sr't i i ' . iv.V, ! itviv' Io?' ?' 1 v ;i* .i * rv* ? .t. r?. < .?!' i %' '1 *nv i 1t ' y.i? i : : lit. t ijl l1 lk\ V. S1YT?E * TIT !> V 1 >0 i U hOi 10 Now it. Ilio t u?e to &.'V : i ii.tvo jnfit rec-S-H. n -.???, Sy j ? in i.IS varieii ?5 Havfl .L?<? recfivctl h mx !t?i of ' m jlawea ? rt-Ui letl < ?"? i ?. ;?* Hyrup. 1 IV.rrlo i?ioo, Sy^'iir }l htul Kiivi r Drip Si rup j ( SclHk![?n K*' 1p .'to Sb' I* ci ! ; hiiV?* it. W It if o Hah, Krtfcii Cuk?t>, Nhokere hkI (.'duiityt ? nil 1 . . if k.adn. H in heat market prioo paid for ! country produce. A. 0. J0NJ>3. iNow York's Leadership. Thorn is one kind of nppnrel when in Now York's pre-orninrnro ' is est i lirilicd iho work! o . ? r. That iH nppnrt'1 tor 1 ) JV . I''- i <i iMtttit loml"rs!ii| ?>t Par. !' v/omenV woitr and < ? !t?r t.c ?i's, ir is i;t?ivcr?ul'\ > ' .1.1 y t1 . ! 2 ' j> I "* * ' I' i t | ' i . . i; * Mi .,t. . . .. .i .Ill'1 > i vv; i , ) . rlro -m i, i " ' : ' ?: t ' (! ' , * f . > ' > t it ill !.t. l'<?; 11?? i r.r> ' ' ' I ' ? Mi iirxrjiit*, a. Ordi: Um lav; : and fj?Uv-tu>: 'fi *a.\v. !' it r 1 tho in?- ttdir.T V. < t rli?* .OV.ii c! i i Mi ' 1 I !> '!>.! led iu>l by ?u'. >, ay Mli: u i That tvo (3) hi ill* on the doli it. by ' -iff u>-i '!! i f:<1 ,* >.Mi v:i ?i?- rt vr.lluu ' Jiiri \irntc* ci said , ti >21 . lit-v l-->. , t ?> tea; f Hi- . 13 he ? *oi.. i< f i uai.*?o ;-u~po-*-.. ^ c. 1? 'l a".' (JUT slalP he i : 1 h? a Into and pu/nl io >n th ;;l i ni'O u - In r ';hK>. sit bo ollloo ?j" ,5 \t ;*pr.iti, Imx rotary anf treasurer, .ir.<l tho trea** c ;>!is thnll foe op, ? for ill - o : 1. Urn of n tie and tlw sauio paid with- ! oat penalty ap to and o >ln Si>:;; tin lot h day of Koveml or, l'JOl. after .* hit said taxoB may ?x> paid with tiv t?nty p< c emit j u tided ouu 0<- emboa 1. I .H)). Seo. H. 'Jliitt > u an 1 ?;i'ii>r ]?.'?*em!?.T I, 1 ovecn Mi.f v.-ill It 1 all dclim, l OntH tor the f ill .h um >.t <? '; I las'v dec, tofretner vi.i. luciuj p>r' rout pO'iilty and 11 including one ' dollar f,. every execution isuio . by tho i miafliR i. i i>,mo and ral'Ut-l .a Ontuall iisfcom1)3'..I U- n i ;? *!>:> ? i. liHHi. ti i *. i 1111. U, t *i < a '! : ?i? ! i \ SPltATT, Kecy. t.i,d vv.v;, . I U. I An hdr: , v i r .i.i: f the inhrj t>t "5* p. 1 r-vsihiiu^. : a, or ol-strucliiir; odte-s ?d' tin* 'imvn ?n" 1 Fori 3d ill hi tin; dischurp* of their tlu- i I ! ics S-c. 1. Pe i: ordstnod by the T.nvu | of Fort Miil in Cttuncil ussoui- I ; 1 hat any person woo m any ivijimnr nsistn, hinders, or obst *ucta any i it - . j * 1111 oi.i". < > i i i I . ... 11 o?s,i', a ? .? .< i >. 'i.i ' ?? ? i . . i i." i ! I ' . I -I . I: ' ,l " ? < *. IV ' I . . 1 ...11 l . f Air. K." . io * 1 i : ' . t? .. ,! ?Iv. ?. . ,'i . t ; \. .. ;i . i : . .. ,," ;{>. . . S i I - . . 1. i % ? i V ? :. . it*. i : .t ill S :i? v . . t . . ? Hi ..... . ? ? I ! x. . * 1 ' % 1 . . ) S vV. will ' . * ' : % * *> 8? ? t i > * * ,, ? ! ' . >. .!."<>< \>. I . 1 .!> ? !>. t. . . ? > : h > I 1 , ' ' . ' In* >?.* . 1 Y. :(!. s.'m t. \i'?w"?f1 V . V; >;\ . |, I.,v 1 y i i:. 1 Atii ' \ >?'} . ? !. ii 1.1 ?.< ! ^. " <> .1 . i . i '.i .1 ii " h;< H ro < .,}, v. , j,-. i, j, ^ | . * , >11 IHi !i if V?'il <? ti? l?r. U?il. j Kv'-r;: jn? r .f tii. i?>u jKiny ?h.ju , cr' ty I . i- u? V.". . w. 1 "11 .I - ' * 1V. I ). 4 ? l * rs< '1 1 ! ; ' . , >v * > j , -# , ' i i I (\ : J k'. -> "j ? .! . \ iv i :i . v ?f " _ i! I l>?) ul't O"" '.t u" o? u. * .-ii... rat* n.u.i'. i!o. ' lk J. K&KlKit n?:>riol<P?, ??. C. N.). J '.Vim* c'liib ct a m*: NfcliCtf V? 4* r>. I AM jx-V:.'-us ;ir<- >?< v? by v ??*.:? . u?>t t" I hunt, ?if,h, ?*m timl i wr a. a ; \vi n> if ? ?m t in- f t h. iVrwns vin'h?itij,? 11*?-? *arui:iK \.?I! !?- I? with u.<- to ia\? l'1. KIM J VV. MtPKKY. J. 1> WITH Kits. S. B. WHITB Money Leaned w We trifoliate rnort loan? or j improved farina at reasonable! J t'HtOo. WiTMJiUFPOOX C* SkKNCKB. Rock 11 ill and Yorkville, s. t ['OIXTERS. 1 A tn'd rlti^can lie had lir rhevr1 n\Vri,;L,y\ (Iv.m." : . yh r r.?j;;! ; i < " !: . . > ' ) i . \ ii< < '.i-ii i '? ' 1 . i ' . Ml' ! . . KiH i i > *. ? ? ! I ' ? I . . . , ' . ' ' a ^ n ] v ( \ \ * ? / v p (iiMj DOLLAIL h IS Ki\l AL i'0 TWO DOLL: < { > ' .' i?riv f. V? t v.o make u V? a . : -.i t.? 0\ ' ot :t to > tOUS ! i) V* ' tl'i* ? .i. r> rO pay > v . : . uakc liioio . lo)r r.i i t-.f thru meet lain;. num.' nt I'1 Lvj?,lv a.oatid bi-foi'L you buy \i tare, Stoves, o*c. Oonipari L'.avs, a we are muv. to trot you; -r<k"' V?* 1 t!... 1...1 ... i ?i. . vi. k.i.iuAu i iii'* iuwii tkii pui li.s, A* Weil II etcck of plain tiio name prices ymi paid when fv-.ttoi W o have a fuil atock of the fain I; (lion and children. Our ruetouie weur twice us long us any other shoe We have the latest atylee in ij.i lack??tp, Millinery, and i>r? tT im its' ;.*? 'a. in *!?'.; k mi ! (*? 1 SJ o i:r pi res. L. J. Mi 'IEACIIAM & Ei li iv? .. !* t; > '? A: ri . / if r .? t . ? : 1 <i ! ; i . . ' .<- .. V > :< l i J:U? M tli< S? It" ?'r: *' .' ??. u.-.l. 1. >j\ ? 1 >. v* l*j <s .1 ?l J; ? .>/ ? y . 1" ' % V ' v i?l?a il .?' ? - si** v '* - ' h.. 5: 2 V * V? v f-' *? v*v * r> "l '' ti S y i.Anlvv. L.v,, ? \S * "l.L'A! iL.M" an J "RjfPHATLI-' S powder and "Nnw Rival" !< ? Suporioi to a!' ?> iu-r brands t k.'NiroRnn'v, KRUAB w w *' TWf n* I 4.} . 4. ? IV. lei >/. , v# \V t. %li- lj- arc t ?: * * j 1 av'i 1 j? ti;( i, v/iU'U you !'uy Oi l < t! k k > 4 4 ( frtWov A SI< OF LOW AT T VM? PHI M liiiu itiiiiii iii.i t; Wo have n lai^o and woll-solocted ?l< * T _ i #-< ; tvfir:nn? Nr? l/J. W J M: Air' ? ? nici .; . ' t ? Ch ! V l. ). I , ( i >?. . }>v < !. . u.'i < : u.' . ! :( !. : K i ;t. < ; : " . 1: . iAYED - ; ;l] vl. > II ' :This :s thf secw* J.- v :.r ; better jS. s r>v. 11: ? .?? I i ;u'l vi v, li-tl it) k??l ' vii;vi mi:*i no house roui i .<.<! r V. . I.t "0 l' r CfLt > ?>:>r COlit. itc Full Diy liu'xiri, Shoos, Furi-iiro X!mtlily i t it >ou di\ i..\ n i\ X'\v I)re?B (jio<>ds tbui iur. Wo luive nil the uew uovni?o<-ds, in the iieweit weave*, *i U WHO 5 tV.'K'B. i.a i IA 11 i t \ r> liU li SUO iCii, for r-B wiio Uiive nieU vUem t??y Uit?y *1 the same price. ,<iiea* ami Ohi'drena* Oapee *ud ii)ii.?),*H mid soriiv .'jjrtt'iitlly ? ' * i i - ' f. I- 'W f.*CiO* ii U)iti L O O *1 \J I 0 Ll 1J I . >?>q k"! . .. j ; < v\ . ? ' . i :. ) : *? a .. unci i . y .?.? ;'?.v :onuer * lit t i ' ' . i l'* -IJit.t ?. f ?1 ? ;.v'0, ' in Uti ? ""V . .. > r ti - j ill " * * . 1-4... >4 M %hi I 0t> K# .H.,;- Vv.i.-.i. \?m v; jil ou * il ?* V C??. I-. T,!"V >. f* N 1$ 2.. .sAa.J'.:.' A. A 't 4.4?. I. A .* / ti'-". U V."' T-* * k v?-*i ?i I / " ,1 WStf li A** T s 7 v7 * v. .-*/.. *"'?-? *?-' ? ' loaded with Smokeless g :/tided wvlt;? RL-ick powder. J i I ?: j'cv , r.'V\ ^ t X.,* t u ut : C.? rt f ': n f " ?. ;< i >u A Li Ti US. J Irt r ' : ("' ' ! tu I upon g v 'i- w?i! i' *" to? hf-Rt ? % <:-<&*? ft* S 3 KM 1'KICES HE t f, rj (* fr/v-nrr* t- ud.a jitijH; 0< L of? oe?, Hats, and Eoadyido Ciorbb?. V " irii'.y Clrocoiios. I i'i.-T . . Ic, .Skirts will t ; k' ' < r - ' sr vi 3'Otl ROD1B ? ... V !i do yon ?God.