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Prof. Walter Wilson, Of the Savannah High School, ""'I feel it my duty to testify to the wonderful curative properties of Tetterine. It has cured in a few days my hsu, whoso feet has been very badly affliot?d with some stubborn akin trouble, *fter having used a number of remedies without any benefit." 50c. at druggists or by mail from J. T. Shuptriue. Savannah, Ga. Mall a Mile of Babies. ? *T.nby boulevard' is the popular name of tin- long stretch of broad ceiuont walk which skirts the west edge of Ijitu'olu Park, from North avenue to Ccnn r street, in Chicago. Au observant man, walking south, passed twenty six hab.v baggies and met thirty-two; in two buggies were howling twins. X J.inroin park policeman is authority for the statement that there are more bailies trundled over this walk than over uny ??lIter length of sidewalk in the city. Hi -aid in one day he checked up 124 fond fathers, doting mothers, nurse utaids and suiull brothers and sis. tors shoving baby buggies, go-carts, wheeled chairs anil perambulators over the cement slabs. "And that was only fl"e hours during the whole day. That v;is on a Sat unlay. On Sundays thoy conns in droves." I. it ili<-? <11 n Hear Shoe* Orsfl ?lz>' smaller after uslnir Allen's FootKuso, it powder for the (not. It make* tljjlit or now shoes easy. Cures swollou, tiot,, tusbiiiK feet, in^rowln^ nnlls, corns and bunions. At all drinrirtstn und shoo stores, 25c. Trial ptickatre FKEE by mall. Address Allen S Olmsted, Lo Kfy, N. Y. Sillirun?"Women aro all curious." Cynicus?"And yet tho most curious tliiUK in thr- world is a woman who bus no curiosity." To t'lirr a <'old to One liny. Take I.axative Hrhho Qimmink Tahlks. All dniHirtsts refund the uioney if it falls to cure. E. W. Ghovk'h signature on each box. 2A.\ When a fellow trivet, nn I. 0, U. he becomes a tnau of note. ' 80. 30. OTVHFf^: from lack ^ S ? S^t no life. ' Jt is starved. It keeps yi I 1 coming out, gets J i thinner and thinner, ' < J bald spots appear, i U J then actual hnlHn inc r I l ^ The only good hair jH' mrs - H&ir , ,i;ya8or|: < the roots, stops ^ starvation, and the / ^ hair grows thick and ^ lor.'. It cures dan- < druiV also. Keep a ^ ^ bottle of it on your y< ? dressing table. < f J It alwavs rostnr<?c Ll ! / "v"v* r ^ color to laded or gray I r hair. Mind, we say * V "always." < $1.00 a bottle. All druggists. ^ " I lui\o found your Hair Vigor 4 . to lie the l>e?t remedy I liave ever k, 1 " tried lor tlio lialr. hair wm V A falling out very bad, so I thought . 4 I would try a oottlo of It. I nad nurd only one bottle, and my hair ? stooped falling out, and It Is now ^ , thick and long. 4 f. N AN* v J. Mophtcasti.b. k 5 July 28, 1IW. Vonkera.N.Y. A 9 Wrftm tha Otto!or. 4 . He will send you hi* book on The . t Hair and Scaly Ask htm any queay tlau you wuli about your hajr. Yen " 4 will receive a prompt answer free. a Address. IMt J. C. AVKK. r4 Lowall, Mass. 4 . ^ ^ ^ ^ x A ^ A A ! ROILER FLUEC! ^ Pipe an? Fittings Six Car Loads in Stock. Cut and Ship Qukk. LOMBARD Foundry, Machine and Boiler Works and Supply Store, ? Augusta, (in. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VA. * "!>? Nl 11>-Third Reiilon ivlll Comnit'iiro Orlnhrr 'i, 11HIO. Medical Uradcd Owrw Four Yohm, $?h">.06 Her f-c-sloti. I>ental <?rndcd Court* 'lure* Year*. Jflft.Oi l'?r Henftlon 1 h <rtn*r?ut1cal ? our ? 1 *v Yea's, J'or Sp*-|??u. No Kxirnii, ho turthe- utr icular* A<tdr??* ? kg it tsToi'ii in roni'Knx, n. n.. El,.., mi lliioxn i * 1 BEiJuMrm. CHINA DINNER SET &?% F" Of 20C. iiaVi/'r*ivrKD. 5000 SETS sh?tel iEJS"'1 HIM ol It K I' H HKM US. SKN1> I'KN CKS'l'S In 2? for information. U. S. China Company, Dep't "V" AKRON, Ohio. " ' t MESSAGE FROM CONGER.' Minister Wu Receives It and Takes It to Secretary Hay. IN STATE DEPARTMENT CIPHER. Tl?o Sl^iu'il "Concur" Simply Sny? : " In tlx. Krltlkli Legation. Un.ler ('ontlunci Mint mill SI..-II 1'lro I'roin C"liIii<*ao Troop*. Uiilck llrllrf Only Can I'ri-vent General Mhmiicw." Washington, l>. C. (Special).? Tlic following: en hie has lioen received from Minister Conner at I'ekin: "In Itrllish Legation. I'nder continued sliot and sliell from Chinese troops. Quick relief only can prevent gene ml massacre." Tlie message is not dated. I nit it is understood was sent from I'ekin on the lKtli. The message was received through the Cliinese Minister and was transmitted through the Tsung-ll Yainen nud tin- Shanghai Taotai. It was in State Department cipher and was signed in English with the name Con g'-r. The Minister took it to tic- State Department, where it was translated. The following statement was given on at the State Department: "On the l'ith ?.f tliis niontli the State Department communicated a hrief message asking tidings of Minister Conger in the "?n?e Department code. Minister Wu undertook to get litis in: Minister Conger's hands, if lie were alive. II?* lias succeeded ill doing this. This morning the State Department received a telegram from Consul-Cellera! (Joodnow, at Shanghai, saying: i lie > Hivmiur m miamium informs nie that hf lias reccivt'il to-dny a eiplier incssnip* from Commit ??f the isth.'" A few minutes Inter Minister Wu ppI ' l3L /V-?I > 1 i ?5sT < . \vr TINO FANO. (Chinese Minister to the United States.1 pen rod nt tl?o Strtto Department with ? telegram from Tuotai Sheng. dated July 110, which boon received by Minister Wu reading as follows: "Your telegram was forwarded, and as requested I send reply from the Tsung-li Yainen. as follows: 'Your telcgratn of the 15th day of this moon tilth July) received. The State I?o- I luirtiucnt telegram lias heeii handed to Minister Conger. Herewith is Minister Conner's reply to the State Department : " In Hritlsh Legation. I'mler continued shot ami shell from Chinese troops. it nick relief only can prevent general tnassaere.' " This reply was in the State Depart- [ ment cipher. The State Department later Issued the following bulletin: "The Secretary of State received a dispatch from Consul Fowler ut Che- ; Foo. tinted midnight IHth. saying a Shanghai paper of the l<*>th said all foreigners murdered. Fowler wired | the tJovernor demanding the truth. The Covernor repliel that ids courier ! left Pekin on the lltli, and all -then were safe, but l'ekin east city had been curried by rebels with Intent to kill." 81'KVUt KNVOV TO CHINA. The I'rrolrtpnt lln* .'timed *V. W. Dock Itlll fur tin Imvortmit Mission. Washington. T>. C. (Special!?The President tins Hiinniiiioii vv \v* n?..L hill n special envoy to represent tin* Ignited States Government In China. The purpose of the appointment if to have n diplomat it* representative cf the United States in China during the International operations and when the time comes for consideration by the Powers of China's future. The title to he bertowed on Mr. Kockhlll has not been decided, but he will be vested practically with all the functions of a . pedal diplomatic agent. Mr. l'.oeUhlll Is well equipped for the ni's>lon, having been secretary of the \merle n Legation in Uulcln for s?V|t?1 years, lie speaks and writes Chi"je.e fluently. SiiKCan Moro Kprrtnl Knvoya. T.ondon (By Cablet?Tho Standard says that the appointment of Mr. \V. bv. Itockhlll by the United Stales tlovernment as special envoy to China <s an ercellent hlea that might he lmItated with advantage l?y Great Britain and the other Powers. ('Mint Vakii l'*i nnre'a Meillnt Ion. Talis (By Cable)- The Chinese Minister at Paris lias transmitted to M. i)eleasse, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. for c-mnmmicutlon to President l.vml ;. a telegram from the Ktnperor of china, raking the mediation of F;r 'ice with the fin-niim IMMEN3I FORTUNE LOST. JHtrlicr Clulm l'nr Ml I.e. Agalnnt the <?ovoriim* i?t I Washington, 1). C. (Special).?The claim of the heirs of Chnrlos Durkco, formerly Coventor of Utah, against (he United States for certain bonds of the Central Pacltle Railroad Company, valued at $(Vl,t>4.T,Bl'J, was dismissed by Judge tlaguer, of the District Suprente Court, and the application for a rule against Secretary of tJie Treas'ury Gage to eon>i>ol delivery Of thein 1 to the claimants who denied. ,r ^' t Sue Brette?"She boasts that she has another new part." Cora Phee? "Yes, she's just been parted from her husband." The Best Prmcrlptlon For (Titlla and Ferer is a bottle of Grovk'h Tabtklkb* ('mi.:. Tonic. It is simple iron and quiulue in a tasteless form. No cure,uo pay. 1'rice23c. He is Indeed a fool who, when he can't get his breath, runs to catch it. Notice?Two traroltni: salesmen wanted In each stats. Salary un<l expet a--; experience un??* *ul ry. Pocahontas Tobacco Was, Bedford City. \ a Slobbs?"You say you don't know that she loves you?" Blobbs?"Yes;"out I'll make her show her hand." "How?" "I'm going to present her wi"h n diamond ring." Putnam Fa h.v.-h I)ves do not stain the hands or spot ttio kettle. Sold l?v nil druggists. Wigg?"I always drink beer with frogs' legs." Wiggs?"A conbination of hops. 1 suppose." Happiness cannot be bought, but one of the great hindrances to its attainment can be removed by Adams' Tutti Frutti. No. Maude, dear, there is no similarity between the eggplant, the chickweed and the crocus. FITS permanently cured. No tits or nervousness after first da y's usr of I?r. K line's Ore <t Nerve Kestorer-S-'trial bottle and trentisefreo I)r. 11. II. Ltd.. Ull Arch St. Phila, Pa. Lost, strayed or stolon?a cool wave. Dl?l You Kver It on A<ro?? an old letter ?ink all fsdrd out? Couldn't have been Carter's Ink for it doesn't fade. The flustered bride usually has all sorts of presents except presence of mint!. W. H. Griffin. Jackson. Michigan, writes: "Suffered with Catarrh for II(toon years. Hull's Catarrh Cure cured me." Sold by Druggists, 75c. Mrs. WlnHlow'sNootlitrw Hjrruii for children l?*et tilnir, softens I be KUina, reduce* Itillfimmtit'nn. uilnvH luit a. cure* wlnil colic. '! %? . n Imt I le. Southern Dental College UKNTAI. DBI'AIOMUNT Admits College of I'lijuiclaiia ?n(l Oldest i oli.kor in state Fourteenth Ad uukI Session epulis Oct. clones April SOUi. Th"fw contemplating the study of Dentistry boulil write for ca nloguo Addrrae S. W. KOHTKIt, Drlin. (VZ-03 In man IluliriliiK, Atlanta. G?. K^^~~~TAL 1 <r /rfN Z/*s\^on^ a^ow k\v/ /NX// 1*1 ingashot H Liv\ / \ 'f > Jl the bost i ' \ / / for some i i r see quo aoent os wt.ite direct. it < - ^ .A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A. A jajl&iMCi \ \Ww& FACTORY LOAD! 4 "Wew^iva/,'' "Lest < 4 Insist upon having them, uWe no other* am! < ALL DCALER . , ,w.^-V V WW'W V<VV ? + prevent dicease and that i strengthened. All diseases CASCARKTS are absolutely harmless, a CARBTS prearptly. stfeetiTrly and permaoer hat oarreet any anJ ever* form o( IregMlartt' too*. ? Ter sicken, weaken er gripe. Wr I do not balleve Plso's Cure for Consumption linn tn rqu?l tor coughs and colds.?Jolts F. liOYr.H. Trinity BprlugH. lud.. Fob. IS. 1UUU. I P&mf&BS Periods are overcome by LydSa E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, Fifty thousand heyspy I i m? mh-. | ?vy;irt!W y WO WiJL'S tJ. grateful tatters to RZrc. Ptokfcom. Menstruation S3 ? seiwtt strata on a woI man's vitality. if it is ' painfuti something is wrong which ? ?? I Lydia E. PloV.ham'i Vfjetablc Cvmpeund | wit! promptly set right; if excessive or irregular write to Mrs. Plnkhcm, Lynn, Mass., for advice. Evidence abounds that Mrs. Plnkham's advioo I | and medioSno have for many years boon helping wunimn IU ua strong* no other ; advice is so unvaryingly mcourate, no other modiolus has suoh a record of cure* i rr\TTC : M|I|H \ I ^ ; nl?U(*h?il. 1.000 J<v L\ III 1 I 1 llverxil Id York Co., 1 * VE E-<1 t JL s. C.. l.ioo lu And^r. aoti County. V(?> la Charlr>ston, 1.130 in MwiupUin ()a? iki(>'ut m>lli Kulnunowmk. k4 oo to 410 00 p?*r day sure. I 111 ADBwerluK htalo your i ip<*r1?n.?, If any. J. L- /NICHOLS & CO., I Wo* 919*994 Austell Bnlldlnc* Allssta, () ^ KED INTO IT. |l t yourself to bo talked Into buy- !| | ldy job to save a dollar or so when ft j is on Bale in every town in the I Did you ever think how easy it is B people to be talked into a tiling? 9 | IOCK HILL wVcV"?.ll" .c.| : * .A. A. A..A..A ^ , ?! a shotgun shellsmm \ 1 ysr," am/ "iSe^eafcr " j you will get the be?t nhelU that money cuu buy. ^ S KEEP THEM. VW"m'W*"VW,W'VW,W,W'WWWV1 ' TEO. E. N1SSEN & CO., u "uxkVM^" \s/ftnnMQ Lightest draft, most C * iTkUUIlO durable and finest finish. Do not , take one claimed to be as good. If not sold in your town, write us for prices. WINJiTOS-Stl.Kn, >. ? . pi.nui\ L BUBONIC ASIA 1 Y all begin in the places that breec it's the unclean h stomach and ^ be dreadful di beautiful southlai people outside ai are the ones w infection, but end friends and relal certain way of ke is to take CASCARETS. Perk ; are PREVENTED NDY CATHARTI' purely vesr'.Vthle compound. Wo mercurial or other it itlv cure every dieorder of the Stomach Liver and Iotr? / of the bowele, Including diarrhcea and dysentrv Pie tte (or booklet and free (ample. Addresa STBRLING v. We special Contracts WITH THE LARGEST AND MOST RBBPON8IMLE MANUFACTURERS OF MACHINERY AND MILL SUPPLIES. AND ARE I'REPAREu TO OFFER YOU SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. OUR FACILITIES ARE SECOND TO NONE. Complete Ginning Equipments omplete Power Equipments A SPECIALTY W H r.lODUC rc\ it . II. U1UDLJ ? V/U., COLUMBIA, - S. C. tout* Carolina ,\ gents for the Steel A'etr South I ilek Machinery. IIA VINO l'OR.TIKD A ( ONNECTION o: :o:: ui b si ::o: :o TiiE ELLIOTT GIN REPAIR WOMS 1 ant now prepared to repair an? rahnlM t otton Ulna as thoroughly as tn? u antifscturoo. This branch of the business be uuJrr the personal supervision ot ?r. W. J. KLLI6TT, w ho ha? lia t fourteen vtmrs of practical etp# rleace Id Pudding th? KI.l.tOI'T < !?*. nnil who la well i known to most ^ln users In Mils Stat? Now :s the Time ! Briar Your Gins Ceforc You Need Thcml rmnpleto Dinning svttern?. equipped with the Most perfect I'ls-umatle Elevating and Distributing striti*ou the market. Slxly eight complete nut I Ots In us In this State, and every otic of them giving ' abe.d- te ?ati?fa t oh lltgh.-.t tirade b uglues, nollom, Sow Mills. Cora Mills. Brick MachlUeS, Wood Working Muchtuery, I haws, rtl'leya, ?to Wli OKKER: Qulolc Delivery. Low Prices and Itctiicable lerms \ / o r~> a i \ i i a n /* V. w. DMUP. A1V1, IJ26 Main St.. COLL'MLIA, S. C. A WORLD < without MUSIC nak:e;b ri-pt"B.entORGANS $35 00 UP. PIANOS $175.00 UP. tif tlrlte for ( alHluguv and Termr. Ad lire mm, M. A. MALONE, Columbia, S. C. ATTK1TION is fltcilitiitrd if you mention 1 thin pnyer when writing ndvci tisore. So..10 That Little Brok Fer Ladies, "I Al.K K MA8UN, RaoinTM, N. Y. no rv DCJY ur.w DUCovF.r.T; <wM y -W iflk V-J 1 O ? qu-ok r."ie' and rural wurat ,1^. ltook at la.tlmonia'i ami I O d* ru* treatruaat fcree. Dr H H. UttEktt'? HOHB. B?i ?. AUult. ?> (lOlTRHOK BK1 NECK CURBD. I /'O Thu relief c, ijtilck, the ruro h ctrUiu. > "ff For |mrt.lcnn?r? en' !o-e ?t > inp to V^V l>lt. It. 1. 1*1 NK l.l.l, jTrforn. Pep't. M., BUSHNKI.I . ILI. 1?r. Plnklej coined well recommended. MROICAIj OKPARTMKN I Tuiane University of Louisiana. Itn mlvnntnuoH for pr?otl?nl inetruotlon, both . is unplslnborato'tw nn>t kbundwi ie i?j,itnl ! imitertnlM nr? unei|iinlle.t Free nooeua ^lvan to the limit <'tunIt) lf>?n t nl irtth '.<) h.'li und SO.noo pntlentnimiiunlly. Inetriietlon I* F1 *e 11 Ontly lit ttie lieitehle ,.f t),e Hlek. The next eesnlnn humn? Novetnher let. luOO. For entnhigiio nn<l Information, atlilrcM riutl 8 K CHitllJ, I M. L>? L>kan. I*. O ltr?iivnr-f'il. No? OrlMiu, 1a. j 9 Eo fr& i 11 I PLAGUE, HC CHOLERA, ELLOW FEVER, bowels. It's the unclean 1 infectious epidemics, and ?ody?unclean inside?that isease. A person whose >wels are kept clean and lively, and blood pure, is o<w fever, or any other of , eases that desolate our id. Some of the cleanest e filthiest inside, and they ho not oniy "catch" the anger the lives of all their tives. There's only one eping clean inside so as to I :ct disinfectant and bowel j 5Y * |! ALL DRUGGISTS I nnrrat pill-poisen in CASCAkETS. CAStines. Tliey not oely euie constipation, V .tssnt palatable, cotrnt. Tastj good, do V REMEDT CO., CHICAGO ot HSW YORK. ??> ^ - _J A V r ^' RAM'S HORN BLASTS. fT^HEttE is no harm I 'n lhe dol'ar '* becomes I/0^ almighty. tomi^ie woun<' ' >' 81 w" ing up the bulletMiEBionary obliVv'\ vfc^Hy Ration rests not on a ministry, but on tares the devil inny sow. rv iituiiiur ? uprun smugs ;ir** most likely to bo coupled to God's loading linos' of love. Patience is the perfume pressed from the crushed blos-oms of joy. If you let conscience-sleep now it will make up for it by and bv. When the live coal touches our lips it makes them .a living Maine. The only divinely authorized version yf the Hible is its transl ition into action. So long as Christ is the way to heaven, it, may be difficult, but it can not be dark. We do not have to think alike, but we must all work together. That is not a good voyage which enriches the cargo hut krecks the ship. Minds of steel are often narrowed down that they may have a cutting edge. TTie good Samaritan dues ot carry oil in his cruse and vitriol on his tongue. The church as an organization makes A good teat-calture for the Old-Adam 9UC11U. l>ry Sermon* "How was the temperance srry. ff^ajr?" "Dr}."?Philadelphia ' "'lrti:t. ~r :? ??M| |? SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Central Tim* at laikitonvillu and Siivannah. Eantera Tiinu at Othur Point* SehfduJa m Effect Mny ('.til. 1900. NOItTH notrvo. *^'*.1 fijtt "?' ItV. Jo^k ilTvIiTS ( t"' SI I V 7 4.*>P 7* villiltJMHh l-.'U U;. ? | I,' l.i, 1.' >.>?, Tpit :iVeil I ti?, 4 t, a " Bin k 111 it> . 4 17; 1 1 1 " Hpringtio 1 ...... 44 ip| | ,s:t ^?lly ' 44.41 'La A r. <'olnuilo i .. AOip ll iK.a Lv ts liy , .1 .1 ; 1 < (> " Summer villo 1 ; 7 ll;i l.'.Ont Bran-hvilm .... x ,V.n 1 65.1 Oranni'liurii .. . . ! 27!n 4 ;,j? ' Klllk{Vll',t) | 10 1,;? I Cl* A r ( QiUin l>ia ?i ] 3 '"><* J.V A'l'4U.'U , S14 K v I ''111 4 UOp| TFiVjp Lv. t4r*nitevIH<> . 1 i . j|p 10 i;,p J.V. Klyii -111 1 |,Vn .. .1 1'V Aiken . ' :iv.?op Lv. Trenton 3?m* 4U0plluip Johli4t<iD 3'Jo* IHtill .Mp Ar Oolurtihin, (T7. D.I.. .. i.'.'jip 2 10a Lv. t'olmnhiu, (BUlg St HdOftl 0 lop fi I.W .. .... .. ??Mp 7 * >? !! 751|> 8 H? Rook Hill *?ip * 47a Ar Charlotte . y hipl II 40a XrT Danville jiTala. T5gp Ar .Hiotiiiionil . , j"wwal'iilap Ar \V ishlnif ton . |" 1 a H..a' h."ii)D ",^Pa.RR) 0U'?I|| 5S Philadelphia j 111 ifaul 2 .via __ Nbw York . 3 OBp 6 11a Lv < 'o'.umliirx . 114 . i T5S Ar spartrtnhnrc . . .. . | H lOp ll .'.ia A?h,'villr> ; lop J50p Ar KnrmvillQ . > I 4 |;1U - : ,,, At Ctnopinu i ; ^ 7 .Hip1 y 4oa Ar ^diisvUlu .... ' *_ I 78Bp!T5? KOCTIIIUXTM). ji',' J^No.80 No t.S Si Su Dn,,y L?mly Lv. Loui.vilia, . . "~| 7 p;a TTp Cv_C"iri?f'ati I "Folia TiTlp Lv Knoxvtile _ ! 120a H i.7a " A?riuvtiie . ;... SOOa 3U5p spartauhuftf 11 ?a fi 18p A r , 11 l? ? 2np Q 4jp lyy Sew York! Pa It.Ill t SlMpiUISot .. ?hilmlelphla . . ... OOop 3.70a Baltimore 827pi 0 22a Lv. Vvfttl" a;t 11 I So Ry) ('."AJp ll loa LyT Blcbmonrl " lTiwp 120l"ri* l'V ~4~4Ha ~6 4^p Lv. Charlotte ,. "... A IbaJlOoop .. Kock Rill ItuviiMlOWp Chrxter OaSn'niip . 10'21ul2 1oa Ar OolumhiH. (BhlirSt 09ttpU-26al 1 Lv Oolumhia. IU. L>. > 11 60al 4 :'?ia " Johrnton . 1030p ladp 0J>a Tranloa .. . 1 I U)p 1 46p 0 4k* Ar. Aih.-tj ~ TBv'tVtihi Ar. Hjdgw^ahl 4 2ft,, ,, ;k,tt Ar Oranitnville f>lk)t Tlilp 7 18a Ar Augnata 'uxa, '2.V44) s 0t>* Cv^tpthimbiH (So R>? "4&)pl"r.iSa Kln^vUU 4 Alt;, '2 7t2a : ?S?r-S8RJS * MuntinorvlJto 7 ^8p r> V j;harl*Tton 8 1aP; 7 lw? Lv Columbia ,k? Jiy ? j, Af. HaIW .. . . . If 4^1) '> '!*/? :: . \iA Ml-rkvilla .... 1 13p 306a " Barnwall 1 3^ Savannah 3 2),, 5 1.7a Ar. Jmrfcaonvllle (P S .) 7 40p 9 25a lr.?ln? 43 anil 44 (1111 ml i xrnpt Suuilayt arrive und depart (rnn, H.imhiirt;. Dally exi-apt Sumlnv SlaapinR Cur Sarvic*. Kxcelleut daily pnerruger rorvtco between Florida and Now York Nos S3 and :!4-N?w York and Florida (Express. Drawing room slts-plng cur* between Augusta and New York Pullman ?ruwinp-romn sleeping curs l>o tweep Port Tantiia .InrksonviHr Savannah. Washington aud Nisv York Pullman sleeping cm s Is-t worn Charlotte mid Richmond bluing cars betweon ChnrlottA and S<?vauonh Ny*. HA ami Sfl?U S. Knst Mail. Through Pulfman drawlnir room buffet sleeping cars 1-etwoen .fnok,*ouwille nnrl New Yorlt and PullDiau aleepeg cars between Augusta and Charlotte. Dining cars serve all meals enroute. Pullman s'm-ping cars hefVvcin .1 ukson vil le Ind Columbia enron'.e >lallv between .lack?mrtlla anil Cincinnati, via Aanuvilln. (ianno?:, j.m.cplh. Third V.P A'lru.Mxr.. TrnfTlr Mer., Wn-ihiiigiun. I) c". Wn?|il?,/frin, 1) (J. W A Tl'KK, S II HAKHWICK, Ufll 1'ilMS Atf'l.. A l (jrll. i a*-.. Afcf't.. Wiutluutfluu, LJ. 'J- Ai.miU, .tf* I prompt)*- |.roA-*u-?fd. OR NO I I.1: ^ v . p w ^ ?r |?N '< 1 f I r? |-?; t n p-\t ntr.t ;l : 1! k fli-ww ^ t i? X tuiu I'.S unrt Forvi. i IStentAnr.<i Trad* Mtrks, ^ , . ...... m>r?9b irrUiM f. ?*r rTffp.S t. 1 p. . r> it t? T A ItJ PATENT LAWYERS OF S YEARS' PRACTICE J. ; 20.000 PATENTS PROCURED THROUGH THEM $ lAU baiioMi onpdcntiftl. Bound mvim vMtnfolfu ) (<Tvir,. MmWato chaiyo*. fij wtT C. A. SNOW & CO.) PATENT LAWYERS, \ 0pp. U. S. Pitent OfflM, WASHINGTON. D. C.vj 4^