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FOUT ttlll *Oth> >olr.i t f.uineri-d tar the r'ei u?;?i ut I tinea Reader*. Dr. Y. lI..Thornwell was slij^hfciy i c i ur?i<] in n runaway Sunday. Alts* Alice Williams, of Lancaster, ir visiting her sicter, Z'.ljps. T. M.xHiiglie's. Rot. R. A. Yongue lias gone to Hickory Groye to attend a meet-' itnr ot-he Rock Hill ili<fri??t ferettpe. The severe drouth which threatened the destruction of *11 ^row- | ing C?ops in litis township was broken by ^.seasonable rain Mon- | day afternoon. Dr. C. L- Chtwson cauio up from Chester Saturday afternoon in the.' f interest oft,his gcJUl mine, which is /located 5 ljrjles north of Fort Mill I in tho Ct^d ITill section of the township. For several years little . work has fcoeu jdone in the mine,1 ,bVt now/that ore worth $328 per, jtou has tbeen discovered therein ! -Dr. Claws^; ljas decided to pur-. % chase the necessary machinery to b^in wo^k in earnest in the minej at the easiest possible date. t-On Saturday morning the con. t^act for the erection of the power chouse ntid arches of the dam of the tCatnwba (Power Company was ^wurded the Sprntt Machino Coinpany of Fort Mill. It js esti- . jtunted ty;at . ajbout fiOU.OOO brick will be required to do the work, jrhich is to be under, the .buporvision of HJr. W. E. -Sprat t. The. j ^power house is to he a one-story cjDuildiug, by 200 feet, nud will ; located on the west side of the I 7r(ver near the dam. I Mr.-C. JfL Lanier is an overseer j .pj1 the plantation of Mr. B. D. ! .{Springs. He is also n member of , Yth? military company in this place. j |Last Thucfklay^jji^ht he roflo one ! tof the farm mules to town to ultend J ,tlie drill of the military company . and hitcluf! the mule in a vacant jlot near ^lain street. The mule . vras stolen,f}uripg his stay in town 1 and all trmjc^of it was lost until Saturday iporning, wjien it was {found in the.northern part of the i township, minus the bridle and . saddle with,which it had been rid- i T tt den to town. William Kell, the young negro ni^P who uiprdered Annie Ardrev, i ? lt>-yoar-old colored girl, in Prqv- ! thence (N. C.) township on the afternoon of J,uly 8, was tried in the I criminal coqft in Charlotte la#;t! Friday ami _found guilty of mnnjfll^pghter. He was sentenced to fie^ve a term of five years nt hard .labor in the State penitentiary at j .Italeigh. Ernest l'otts, the owner ' of the pistol which Kell used iu .shooting ^he girl, jerking it from ,the pocket of .the former at the' itime of the tragedy,was fined for ^Carrying concealed weapons. On account of the State caip^>aign meeting to be held in Yorkville next Saturday the S. C. &G. E. It. It. will run a speciul train j ffpin Catawha Junction to York%ville, leuviug the^ormer place at 0 a. m. and reaching Yorkville at ^0 1 p. in. Returning this train will lepve Yorkville after the speaking I is over. {The schedule has been fixranged especially for the accommodation (of the people of Fort infill, Ogden, Smiths, Lewis', and Chester. Close connection will bo made txjth ways jvith the Southern trains,in Rock Hill. Only one .fare for t^ie round trip in to Ik.' .charged op the special train. Mr. J. 2|f. Spratt informs TUie 'Times that the Catawba Indian fmonument, which is to be erected jin Confederate park by himself uiyl ,Capt. S. E. White, will arrive this week. No.tyiveiliug exercises are to be observed when the monu* .inory. is erected, but.yn next Tuesday about fifty Indiajis of the Cntawl^n tribv will visit Fort Mill to ' noe.tho monument ami enjoy a picnic dinner .which is to be prepared for them by a number ,of ladies of the town. In the afternoon Hon it - r-.11 l.l l?.l f'..? 1... XirirriH, 11 uni-uiuuviru ^nui\> uu, will deliver n speech appropriate! to tfho (M^'fthioil. He is ft HOll of Joh;i Hums, who was a priva'e in C'avl. l'f. A. Crnw/ord's compnny (luring thoCivi/ war, and of whom it ip naid no braver nohlier nerved llu; t'oMulentey. Quito a c*owd will doubtless bo p.ysou' to hoar JQapie sj occh J'lkc i - Ctisst:r. Fork Mill [Times; According t. pvociiu \ 1 s nd you tills rumbliu;' lettor, which may or u\ay not bo of some interest to your readers. Sonie.of tlu sentiments ci utninid heroin will be itjiarded by some as ,wise utid by some otherwise. New. of ral interest is scares in tijvf-e ilicuin^H, j.t nuiy interest souw of your readers to know tlnd the new llajdist church building in VJliPhtor, after being eo long on band, is mining completion. From present appearances it bids fair to bo the prettiest .auditorium i:? the county or iu any other county in this region of the country. On last Suturdpy I weut up to Lowr^sville on the train and .from thence through the country to Now Bethel church. In returning to Chestcrd came bnuk y.ith a triem! in his huggy nnd thus had a chance to see tfie crops ov? r a considerable stretch of country on ditforent roads. 1 \rns agreeably .surprised to see the crops so clean and protp^sing. With favorable seasons from now gntil harvest time all ithnt region of Chester county will make tine crops. The occasion of my visit was a Sunday sshool picnic, which is observed by that .church and coinniunitv annually. */ tf 111 wns largely attended, the crowd .y:n8 orderly and well behaved, and everybody seemed to enjoy the occasion, ^specialty the (im' dinner. S^unday school addresses were piade by the li^v. F. W. Grigg, NjCnpt. W, II. Edwards nrpl Arthur t^irtston. CTho candidates were some..\rhat in evidence, four from Chester and .two ftqin York county. CL'liiu church is on the line of the ^two counties, and the church and community is composed of citizens from both counties. Politics have not as yet begun engage the attcntiouof our people to any.great extent; in fuct.the farmers l^ve been too biu*y to tjiiuk nbqut nnything but thoir crops. Aipl aftor nil, tho success of the agricultural interests of the Qpuntry is the most important question that can ongnge tho interest and attention of tho people. Let the fitdds fail to produce crops and every other interest will languish. The .products of our fields are the basis and foundation of nil our wealth ami material prosperity. Without these, railroads and factories and occjin b'earners would Do ot no earthly use whatever. Our churches, schools, colleges, workshops, stores, and factories are all dependent upon tho success of the farmer, which make the farms and those who run tlieni tho most important factors in the life of tho nation. This has been said and written so often that it would seem to bo throshingover old straw. ,Jt ought not and would not be .necessary, ,but for the fact of tho short memory of our people, and we are so prone to forget and bo carried away by new fattgled notions and ideas and to wander from tho old paths. Why you can see little town d/.idos, male and female, flirting by an old farmer fr.mi tho country as if he was of no more importance than the dirt on their bIioc> solos, ami then go homo and fill their craw on the very products of the field that the old man brought to town that morning, but for which they would have, been compelled to gg to bed hungry. You can hear the pcans of joy going up on every hand because cotton factories are being multiplied all over ,cur Southland as harbingers of a new era of progress and prosperity. 1 trust th/it these bright hopes may be realized and the depletion of the poor white folks from the farms to operate the factories may imiro to the J>enefit of those who inay elect to stjck to the fnrtps and country life. < )f one thipg 1 feel mire, Hint congregating the poor people of the South j 11 to cotton factories, while it may g no bio them to inako fporo money and a bettor living. viewed from the standpoint of (filers and cents, will in 1 ime alter the character npd morals of our Southern population. Disguise the fact as we may?and our people are closing their eyes to the situation, be cause pinny qf them do not want yj set; i|? bpt |hig massing of 1 thou?nud& of our lubdi i v lasa <. wl.itr p! * -'.to t t' ' CC't U-il raises pro'./'; ;u fen"I'J 1 to eu:: .i m plate ami beside which the i \un problem, fo called, fade" iulo in ai^ni ienme. The elutds if this condilion will ;\ot bt !.(r^ unci fee at ii;4. 1 r.t will upj^ ur usihe yf.r.ri roll or.. Tlurv pe< pie are drawr largely from the rural distriots and ai > in tho main ooocl .honoat 1 . . , virtuous, ami industrious people many of tlicai pious. lint wil the environments of their children ho conducive to moral uud m^uta devolopnent? My judgment ,iv ; observation has led pm to the .conclusion that the reverse is tree The fundamental lav.* of Sent1 i Carolina demands that the rii'ht ol suiTrQge depends upon the abilitj of the citizen to read and write Are the hundreds ami thousand* of the boys and irirls who arc ?;rowin?; np-in our cotton m l Is beinj_j taught to read and write? The fe\v are, tlm many are not. When eytjr a boy cr ^irl <)*. ten or Vydvc i ye/irs becomesnu efficient operative in a mill their school days arc ci}dt-d in nine cases out of ten. It is a sad thought and is deplorable, but it is the truth, as anyone will learn if they investigate. Another j fatal mistake our cotton 11 vilI men made itiitl nre Kt.i?l making is in crowding hihI jamming tho operaI lives' houses so closely together, rendering private homo life *pi ini,possibility. I dou'tl belioYO that eveu tl?e gospel of Jesus Christ j <;an save and elevate the human raco if you put the|p in piles. It ; )n no uso to dilato ,upou thin i thought, rs the point ia clear, i What remedy shall bo applied ! to solve tho problemV In the lirst ; place, wo ne?-(l a compulsory e?u| cationnl law, and then a law to prevent children under twelve yearn from workim/ i?> T i.?? n ?..v ivd. x naV[kj hoard it said if we pass n compulsory Inw that it will operate to | force the negro children to go to school as well as thft whites. Thore need be no uneasiness on that point, for the negro children are going to school, end will go, law j or no law. While the white boys , are .working in tho factories and growing up i,g ignorance, the nogvo boys are going to school, learni ing to read and write. Uiit. suppose we can by book or crook manago the political plinso of the j qiu &iion, what disnosition ahull we make of its moral feature? As euro rh God lives ami his word is true, "Evil communications will corrupt good manners," and if the ; present conditions prevail, in less than twenty years the mill population of South Carolina will exert a reflex intlucncc ,thut will ho as dead 1 sea fruit upon our whole body pol| itie. But when J commenced this article my purpose was to discuss a different but kindred subject, and as both time and space is exhausted I must wait for a more convenient .season, i Kind regards to The Times and my many old friends of Fort Mill township. P<ke. Chester, ?S. O., July 20, 1WKJ. *" ? ? Meacham A' Kpps will sell ot Monday, July 30, for one day only, all their $1.25 and ?I 50 Slippers for (JH cents: $1.75 and $2.25 Slippers f??r $1 50. A FURNITURE BARGAIN. i Ono suit of Bocoml-hnml Furniture, which has been uho(J only n Hliort time ami which ih qh ?OOtl a.H now, is piTerpd for ?alo cheap. ?o FKESH VftUKTAtfLKS every (lay. j lli^liesj j)iicon puiil for country produce. I .ft, 0. JO'Nt'S I * 1 ??* ' ; '! n *:; .*? i; ; ; i*rhvi!to. entitle.'a tss 1' -J" < Jovonvsr uu;l j other State c hev.\tt. ; fitr ( in mis J h.-? . :ui . ? >r tSc>Uew.. - i.i i< is t'iveuii wi'.l nddiv m i*" Lvmoe r. . v of "i <;\ I; t,\-;oey it \ ?v?v lie. j>'.> ^(|1 V. .) .1 .V f.N.h. P'?>. J-mi'4 J. I I: T?iliv.itii will he iivwiit ntid iV-diver a h *.?:i t'.? .* v.ny. Every Otviovra! i-i \ ork Comity is ; .cduUlv invited tu l ml tliis meeting. 'i'Jie meetinjr vill held at the P.ase' hull I'nvl:. l.ndies are invited. Com, to it.-, hie seats provided I o."d?'r wiil he preserved. Ariutij'eimMts will he made with the S. t\ e. (i. H. H. K. . 1.1 vit'i a special train ou itie jiurinnir of j ; the j.e? h from Catawba Junction, making ( mnection i;? Kock Hill vyi^; the 1 ; C. C. & A. from Fort Mill, so u.; to uc| commodate visitors to Yorkvillu v. the MHMsion. and the same v? ill be held L i enough to atToid.all an op^ictuu^y to witness a splendid ;r.imo of ball .Jtw* tween professional players, i The special train will leave Oatavpa t < Junction at I) o\ lock a. in. The ?are i will is. one fare b,r tho round trip. ' . The (lold Kill baud will furnish ni<isie for the occasion. . J. S. HHICE, (Vanity Chairman. ? Attet: , J. H. SAYM, Sv-er-dstrv. CANDIDATE ANNOUNCEMENTS. For Maitiitmte. j ,1 hereby announce myself enndi- i ' | didale ?er Maoist rate of Fort Mill , ' Township, subject to tjv action of the 1 Democratic primary. S. F. MASSKY. ; We are authorized to aunounco ('apt. | M. M. WOLFF as a candidate fc-r Alajj- j istrate of Fort Mill township, subject | to the reset't of Hie Democratic primary | For Cotton U'ploli.r i V?ro tiro, jutthori zed to uiiiiouiice,,Trn CI. j Smytlio it* a candidate tor Cotton Weigher iu Fort Mill Township. sub- ; j"Ct to tho result of tJu*' election to be held in Fort Mill on Auburn i!h. I'.hio, , ' and iu wliioj' only tho cotton producers ; i ftntl cotton buyers of the township nre ! . to participate. Clork of Court. i v\Vt? arc fin thori zed to (Hip^ntiw j W. llHOWN WYLlEpurt iv candidate | to the office of Clerk of I the Court for York Coupty, subject to j the remit of t}ie Democratic primary election. 1 hyvehy announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of Court of <Yprk County, nubject to the action of tdie i Democratic iMirty in the primary eloo- j tiou. W. II. STKVVAKT. i hubjoot to the action .of the Uuinu- 1 , orotic primary election, 1 hereby an- i | uounce rpyself ps a candidate for tlu> ' office of Clerk of the Coprt for York i Comity. J.J. DUNTKH. I 1 horohy anuouoco my cmulidacy tyr the oilier of Olerk of Court of York 1 ' county, Hflbject to tlio notion of tho Democratic primary. J. A. TATE. Solicitor of tho 3lrtb Clrcalt. I horeby rvqeounoo my st^f m a ouudidato for Solicitor of tho Si*th Judical 1 Circuit, aubjeit to tho result of tho L*vm,ocratic primaty. THOS. F. MeDOW. I will stand for rcuomiuatiou to tho ' pfllco of Solicitor of tin- Sixth Judicial Circuit, subject to tho result of the noxt j ikmiocrutic primary. J. K. HENRY. J I hereby announce myself a candidate ! Cor Solicitor of the Sixth Judicial CJiri cpit, subject to the retultn.of the next ! Democratic primary. W. (J. HUdJGlI. State Sanata. We are authorized to announce J. S. 11KK K, Esq., as a candidate for Slate , Senator, sub.i-ct to tho result of tho ! Domocrutio primary. For Sheriff. We are authorized to announce Capt j V- -a- v iv.\ rv rv mu.i as a euudidate for I i Sheritl* of York County, subject to the | action of tint Democratic primary. VVk arc authorized to announce* JOHN 11 L()( r AN us a candidal! for reduction as Shorilf of York county, subject to the l remit of the Democratic primary oloc | tiyn. For County supervisor. Wo are authorized to nil nominee R. W. I WHITKBIDES, of Brotul River town| ship, as a candidate for Supervisor . of York county, subject to the result of j th" Democratic primary election. I 1 homby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the otlke of County Supervisor, subject to the result of the Democratic primary. T. (J. CUDI'. I We art authorized to aunouuee JOHN ; F. (iOKDKN as a candidate for the | oilico of Countj Supervisor of York County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary eh-ctiop. \Vo are authorized to aniiouiu^ j ,T. KD. l.KrX'lI, of Droad River towi/- ! ' ship, as a candidate for the Democratic ' uoiiiiiiulioii for Supervisor of York county, subject to tin; result of the Democratic primary. For County Auditor. T I 1... - >? i ui-jiuv iiiui't'iiirr inv.M ij ps :i eiiwwilnlc for rrcoinuiCMilutioii by IImi voters j ill the I )e!iior.r;il ie priinitrv lor reajijmiut- J ui'.'iit os COJUNTY AI tilTOK. vv. w. ddyok. i l-or tIte house ol Rcpresertativei. J hereby announce juyself ;i camli riafce IW tlio HOUSE ok REPRESENTATIVES, subject to tip* net ion of the; l^nocratic primary electiou. J. H. 1CA ILK. We are authorized to announce W. 1'.. DK LOACH, Esq., an a camlidnta for the* HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES, subject, to the result of the Democratic oriiaarv elect ion. Wo are authorized to aiinouncu J. HnHAM(iUAHl) as u candidate fpr the | House of Representatives, subj< rfc to tl?o action of the Democratic primary ol??c- : Hon. Appreciating the good opinion of a , i number of my fellow citizens, nipt in 1 rnsjmnsc to their invitation. I havo tie- ' ciilori to buhuiit my name to the voters ' of York county a* a vaiplidute fpr the House of JloprcxcutativpK, subject to the wishes of the ltemocrattrt party in the approaching primury elect ion I J HITJsL. Foreclosure Sale. To forceli?ne a jmlgmont given against Fate Henderson, I will soil for cash at J. "W. Mclilhany's livery stable on An gust t>. 11*00, at 11 a. in., one box and lot loom fixer'* tools to satisfy said judgment of eight dollars and cost. I t l\. I UI5 WARREN. Special Conatably. 'TU'O (]\\\ 5 OA V 1- if VJ \_' aX ' i-J > / -! A. -- J vTl'Sr.AIi OM: TVCrt iflrorTV^ C,rinOT <>; >_ v- Jbk. ? i ? ?i C L- i C 2 r..TU .-..e-,%. ?. 2 I 'A *' Have moaev h\ ijuvlui* in car 1 lower. Wo i>i<?v : c to. give cast Our Juno salt 8 i'.\is year w -re !."? }?ch i in the past sixteen years. ilhii.s is a j W liyV JJeenuse wIn-h money is pie whoa hi.rci times come they limit lu always tin lowest wej;et the trade. C>ur great clearance sale still in Dry C'.otnls, Millinory, Men's Sir; going Ht about half price. We. are 1 vlirx Rubbers. L. J, Mi TJi MIUl-M ' 1 *t ' A ATM,IT A j \.i %j xt iy yj ii Will commence on July 2H. No the yew, for yon know .we ain't do tl way c<iet we menu it, urnl you will thi Special Counters. On these.Couutc Goods, an(l they will 5, .7 1-2 ni n'good yard-wide, fn.,t-e?tfoied percale Dimity for o cents. fluadios, we enn't toll it nil to you see for yourselves, and vie kelitwo yc in tho greatest Bale ovor held du Fort MEACIIAM j*%NCH| ! Factory Loaded ? g "Leader" and "Rqp.eater' 5 powder and "New Rival" lc $ Superior to all other brands J UNIFOR/1ITY, RELIABI J 1 STRONG SH * Winchester Shells are for sale w * having the rip when you buy and i*r % JOB PRINTING AT T vf> <J *1 1 1 ? WE (WUUV A COM Family, Pulpit,; BIBLES AIMS i ? at p i # TUB LATEST SlIBSC "HAKI1 <>V LIFK." by (Jeor^'ft A. I "TRI M I'KT BLASTS," by "OCR TWO ADA! AND THE MHMOKIAL VDI Agent* van toil. : : : : C C. K Robinson PL oms y 10. Hunt Building, 1^1 S IhEW^OOM^ T* ! V V l \ ;.ii ? iL u. 7?3 & FUEH1TURE. s 3'? ? s :: r ;: r.j lets, I). t'?;o ?2JeI;;ht JAtes ?r? v uifis the hcnciiI of tli-is savin?*, r.cout l&eller limn any i4!ht ?iui<e ^mo t-i^u tii it I inottoy is.scarce, j;l.fill |)o?)j)l?i bnv Mivwhtrrc. hut \v trices, and a6 our prints uu* on. Wo have fouio ehoioo goods iw Hats, Slipptrs, ol?\, that nro u ad junrtora for 2fruil Jars anil VSSEY\m ?mp' r* iiiiwiw . L COST SALEHv." wo don:t cry cost sales ono-bail t lint and bo true, but when w?; ilu ink -bo when you -see our Throe in wo will placo all our Huiumwr tul 10 conts |*or yard. Think, of for r> cents; fast-colored 7 l-9aeoi? , hut wo ouly ask yon to call an? ai will join with us ft saying this ttill. & EPPS. iSTERjJ \ M ihotgun^Shella. r loaded with Smokeless 8 >aded with Black powder. I LITY AND \ I OOTINQ QUALITIES. I by all dealers. * Insist upoo 1 you will get the best. umummm*B l ? # $ ny. TIMES OFFICE St" 1 1 ' 1 1 " - Wf [I'XjKTE line of and Teacher's 111190KS. m. a u m a a m n m RIPTION BOOKS. riofton, i). ix T. I )?Witt Tnlinngo. D. D. OS," by Lcroy McWherter, D. D. .11 MR OP [>. L. MOODY. til on us when in tho city or udrlieMt? & Company, ; CHARLOTTE, N. O