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is. i ^ ' liT, ; -, *i> ^T* 4 FOUT E2LL MKUNUE. _ _____ Pithy Points (lathered tor the Perusal of limes ReaJert. Dr. II. F. Alexander lias returned j from a visit to his old home in Elizahelhtoti, Tenn. Mr. T. W. Macon, of Blythewcod, ' visited his brother, Mr. 1\. V. Macon, who is depot a^ent in Fort Mill, during the past week. Mrs. Dr. T. 13. Meachatn, Messrs. S. L. Meachaiu ami J. E. Ardrey, and Lieut. T. B. Spratt left yes- ; te *day morning on Rumseurs excursion for Charleston. Rov. M. M. Steele, pastor of the Wax haw (N. C.) Methodist church, is assisting Rev. R. A. "Yonguc in a religious meeting which was begun ! at Pleasant Hill Methodist church last evening. Childrens' duy exorcises were field at the Fort Mill Baptist church Sunday evening. Perhaps ^ 1 l _ _ j l r a l Tiie largest nutueiicu ol tue Sanson was in attendance, and all were pleased with the songs and scriptural quotations rendered by the ' children. Mrs. Geo. W. Butler, daughter of Mr. J. Q. Cousart, left Monday ' evening for Alabama City-, Ala., to join her husband, whoso departure for that city was noted in these columns two weeks ago. Mrs. Iiutler was accompanied as far as : Charlotte by her brother, Mr. Earle M. Cousart. Mr. W. M. Crook is teaching the Flint FT ill school, the present ses- i ?ion of which opened Monday morning. Owing to the fact that i r -1. -. l a. i i i x(11111 wur- in hoi yei coiiijmhi'ti | for the season in the neighborhood of the school, the enrollment of scholars is not as large us it will be two weeks hence. Editor J. J. Hull, of the Rock Ilill Herald, has announced his candidacy for the Legiclature. Mr. Hull will probably receive a flattering vote in this township. There ore five other candidates in the j field; but as York county elects oidy four members of the Legislature there must necessarily be a pair of the candidates left at the post. At a meeting of the local camp of Confederate veterans held tSatlirdflv fifli>rnnf>n Ar,iUOru .T II Coltharp and \Y. I. Jones wore elected delegates to represent the camp nt the Greenwood reunion on the 1st and 2nd of August. Miss Julia Thornwell was elected sponsor of the camp. She has appointed Miss Mason Harris her maid of honor. Fort Mill is at presont experiencing a slice of tho Mclvinley prosperity of which wo hear so much nowadays. All night work wns shut down indefinitely at the Millfort mill in this plnce Saturday night, as a result of the depression in the cotton cloth market. About 75 hands are thus thrown out of employment, most of whom have moved to llock ilill and other nearby towns in search of work. Prof. 10. E. Thornwell left this morning for Hock Hill, to attend the summer school for toachers which opens at Winthrop to-< lay. The indications are that the school will be more largely attended this year than heretofore. President Johnson recently stated that ho has arranged for the accommodation of 3o0 tenchors in tho dormitory and in private families. State Superintendent of Education MoMnhon is now in Bock Ilill assisting in the assignment of classes. Flint Hill Baptist church was the scene of a happy marriage on Inst Wednesday afternoon at 1 o'clock, the contracting parties being Dr. B. L. Anderson and Miss Lillie Paris. Rev. A. L. Stowe performed the ceremony. The church was tastily decorated for the occasion and the wedding inarch was played by Miss Mary Belk. Dr. Anderson, who graduated recently from a Southern medical college, is a popular young man and will doubtless do well in the /.4 !/,,-? , ,f 1< I^i o.ot> wv?* T ? ? JMIU ill * I'l Itn [ii unrniwu. Anderson is the third daughter of ono or' Gold Hill's best and most prosperous planters, Mr. S. ('. Fnris. A reception was ^ivon the yonni' married couple nt the home of the bride's parents Wednesday evening, at which was present a lnrpc number of friends | U. 4 W W < r At llie National Capital. Ilotfulur correspond'." ice. Washington, July 10, 1(.K)0.? The issue of imperialism thrust forward hy the Democratic national platform is alrendy worrying tho Republicans. The making public of a circular note Kent to the j^rcat powers by this government defining its policy toward China was intended by the administration to counteract the charge of imperialism. While nominally prepared to inform other f?overntncnfu nf lln ??>!>'" - f XAiV. IJKJllK y llllW eminent towHid China, that circular note was really prepared to try to convince the people of this country that tho McKinloy administration has no imperial designs against China, and more of the same sort of stuir may ho looked for. Mr. McKinley knows that tho China question can wait, but that the Presidential question has got to be settled in November. The administration has been wobbling again. One <lay it officially announced that in defereronco to the advice of General MacArtliur no more troops would be sent from the Philippines to China and the next it ordered a regiment of infantry and a battery of artillery to be sent from Manila. Praise for the manner in which the Democratic platform is written is very frequently heard,sometimes PVPII from lti.iinlilu'nuo l',<' VI.... - i -? iitor Faulkner, of Wont Virginia said of it: "I have never rend n better national plat form than that adopted nt Kansas City. Tt is written in plain language, says exactly what it moans and without indirection." Although he has been uh harshly criticised as any officer in our army for various short-comings from the time that ho was in charge of the construction of the big tunnel for the increase of the water supply of the city of Washington, which although constructed years ago is still being tinkered with nnd has never been put to any practical use, to his more recent service as military governor of (ho city of I Havana, Brigadier-( ronerai Ludlow has had pull enough to get promoted right along and to get the most desirable assignments. His latest is one that any otlicci in the army would like to have. Jle has been ordored to Europe for the purpose of visiting the great military sehools to obtain information to be used in the es' tablishment of a war college for our army ollieers. He was made : l . i r ii 11 . I i jmchuumii ul uiu win ijoam aa soon as he was received as military governor of Havana. One of the signs that tlio Republicans are not so cocksure of Ohio as they pretend to be is the announcement that Henna's Dick has been made chairman of tin State Republican executive committee. That means that Dick will retire from the secretaryship of the Republican National Committee, which ho has held since the last, campaign, ami which carries a salary of $5,000 a year, while the position he has accepted in Ohio has no salary. Who will succeed Dick as Secretary of the National Committee has not been announced, but, of course, it will be some man thoroughly trained in Hanna methods of securing political ends. It wouldn't cause any surprise in Washington if Perry Heath resigns as First Assistant Postmaster General and succeeds Dick. Mr Henry Ault, of I'oston, now in Washington, said of politics in his State: "If Massachusetts was not so overwhelmingly Republican it would go Democratic this year. The press and Republican party leaders are inclined to sneer at the anti-expansionists of the Ray State and to intimate that they are of no consequence politically, but when the election returns are in it will be seen that anti-expansion tins more adherents thnn it has been given credit for having. The question is not looked upon as one of purely government policy, as is the tariff or coinage of silver, but a?s one in which deep principles of right and justice arc involved, and the people of Massachusetts are not to be laughed or sneered out i mm * . of tln*ir profound convictions." That the Democratic expectation of elcclintr a luoioritv of the next House in not a case of rainbow-chasing must become plain to any one who will carefully study the election returns of two years ago. With three vacancies, two in Republican districts and one in a Democratic district, tlio Republicans only have a majority of 10 in the present House and three of i them were seated as a result of eontests from districts which elected Democrats and will do so again. There are twelve Republicans in the present House who were elected by pluralities of less than 1,000 ? one from California with ll'? plurality, one from Illinois with did, 'and another from the same state with 503. one from Indiana with 252, one from Kentucky with 10, ! one from Maryland with 122 and another from the same Statu with 170. one from Minnesota with <103, one from New Jersey with 830, one from Ohio with -100, and two from ! West Yirgina with, respectively, 521 rind 873. if Democrats are elected from all these districts and lose none of the seats they now hold they will control the next 1 louse. - Copt. Alexander Mack. The Fori Mill friends of Dr. Alex. Mack will rend with pleasure the following item, taken from the last issue of the llawkinsvillo fDa.) Dispatch and News: "Wo are glad to learn thnt this gonial gentleman ?md well known physician has received a commission in the State troops as captain and surgeon of the Second regiment infantry. This is a high i: v?mii i'? 1/1, i.vttit rv i!^ rn? pecially gratifying to his friends in tin? military hero. 11 its predecessor whh Cnpt. Howard ?1. WilliainH, one of Macon's host known surgeons. Captain Mack has two assistant surgeons under him, each with the rank of first lieutenant." - The Tlr/ati Lncampmont. Tho St;it<*. All the arrangements for tho hig annual Allianee encampment to he held at Tir/.ah on August 2 and 3 ( hav?- Icon made. Those in charge repeat that tho meeting is to he . strictly non-political. On the first day Secretary of ! Agriculture James Wilson, who has accepted tho invitation, is to speak. Speeches will also he delivered on the same day hy Coii. grossmen Latimer, Stokes, and Talhert, who have no reason to seek votes at Tir/.ah. CongresBinan n..,i r,.,. .. c i i n ivy uuvi iwi ut< i v.. iium i/r?niiiuu Strait will also be present, but they will not make speeches. ( >m the second day President ITnrtzoj^, of Cleinson, is to speak. Afterwards addresses will bedeliv, ored by professors at Cleinson, special attention beiiijj^ t<ivon to agriculture, veterinary surgery and dairying, and possibly other branches. The idea is to havo a leathering that will be most beneficial to the , agricultural classes. The Alliancemen will go into cump as usual and ovorthing will be well managed. Anyone in need of undressed Lumber would find it to their interest to rail on T. M. finches. A il FURNITURE BARGAIN. Ono Htiit of second-hnnd Furniture, which has boon used only a short time and which is as ^ood as new, is offered for salo cheap. o FKKSH YKCiGTAP.LKS every day. Highest prices for country produce. A, 0. JONBS. ? ' '1 . V ^ lAM)lDATfei AN,NOi;M^!F:MS. For ,MA(tl>lra!c I hereby amioitiu'C myself a eaiulitlidatc for Magistrate of Fort Mill Township, sabject to the a.-lion of t liDemocratio primary. S. F. MASSliY. We aro nitl bori/.otl to announce t 'apt. ; M. M. W'OLFli as a candidate for Mat;1 istrate of Fort Mill township, subject to tlio result of tho Democratic primary. Clerk o* Court. We are uuthori/.eti to announce W. lilUAVN "WYLlli as a candidate I for re-election to the otliro of t'lork <>f the Court for York County, subject to the result ??f tliu Democratic primary election. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the oitiee of Clerk of Court of York County, subject to the action of the Democratic party in the primary cloution. " W. 11. STEWART. Subject to the action of the Democratic primary election, 1 hereby an- : nounce myself as a eamlidatc for the otlice of Clerk of the Court for York County. J. J. HUNTER. , I hereby announce my eamlidaey for the ottlee of Clerk of Court of York county, subject to the action of the I Democratic primary. .1. A. TATE. Solicitor of the Sixth Circuit. 1 hereby announce myself as u cumli- j date for Solicitor of the Sixth Judicial 1 Circuit, subject to t lie result of the Drill- I oerutic primary. TUOS. ! '. MeDoW. 1 will stand for reiuuninatiou to t he | oil ice of Solicitor of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, subject to the result of the next. Democrat ic primary. J. K. 11KNKY. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for Solicitor of the Sixth Judicial Circuit. subject to tlie retults of the next Democratic primary. W.C. liOUtUI. State Senate. We are authorized to nnnoutieo ,T. S. BltlCl'j, Esq.. as a candidate fur State I Senator, subject to the result of the Democrat ic primary. Tor Sheriff. We are authorized to announce ("apt E. A. CRAWROUl) as a candidate for Sheritf of York County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. Wk ure authorized lonnnounce J< )HN ; i It. LOGAN as a candidate for reolcct ion ; as Sheritf of York county, subject to the i result of the DemiKn-.itie primary dec lion. For County Supervisor. We are authorized to announce It. W. ! WllITKSlDKS, of Broad River township, as a candidate for Supervisor , of York county, subject to tlm result of 1 the Democratic primary election. I hereby announce myself a candidate. : for re-elect ion to the otlice of County SUPERVISOR. subject to I lie result of t the Democratic primary election. T. i: CITJ? Woare suithorized toannounce JOHN K. (lOKDEN as a candidate for 11??ofiiee of County Sujiervisor of York County, subject to tho action of the) | Democratic primary election. Wo are authorized to announce , J. HI). LEECH, of llrnud Kiver township, as a candidate for the Democratic 1 iioiiiinatiou for Sujiervisor of Yorli I county, subject to the result of the i I Democratic primary. For County Auditor. I I hereby announce myself us a cuiidi- j | date for rccumuiendat iou by the voters in the Democrat ic primary for rcapjioint i luetit as COUNTY AUDITOR. W. \V. LOYCE. For the House ol Representatives. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the HOUSE ok REPRESENTATIVES, subject to the action of the Democratic primary election. J. K. MAI I.E. We are authorized to announce W. 15. tiK LOACH, Esq., as a candidate for the HOUSE OF KEI'K ESENTATl V ES, subject to the result of the Democratic primary election. We are authorized to announce J. E. ; BKAMOUARD as a candidate for the House of Representatives, subject to the action of the Democratic primary election. County 5upt. of F.ducation. Will sail by (<ood Hope. The life boat leaves the shore. Submissive to all necessary Democratic requirements. The 20th century candidate for County i Supcriiiteiidunt of Public Instruction for York Co., S. <is .IAS. UANSLKR. If elected will stoutly keep ill mind tho duties of the oltiee. Each day Will find him in attendance. Vote for him! W. II. IIOOVKH, LIQUOR DEALER, tniRLOTTB, N. C. We look especially after the shipping trade and below quote very close figures. Will he glad to have your orders. Terms cash with order. Corn, per gallon, In jug (boxed i, $1.5*1 $1-75 $<* All first-class goods at $1.75 and $2 VI2RY Ol.l). Ryes from $1.6? to $2, $2 50 and $3 50 per gallon. Hina #r arts t /?n #/? C s ??sil C ?/ v"' ",,u ienulne Imported "Hsh Clin" at $j per gallon. Apple T.randy, $.1.3.5 per gallon. Peach 15randy $J 50 per gallon. No charge far jug and box on above, and no charge at these prices tor keg when wanted In such quantities. Let us have your orders nod oblige, W. n HOOVER ' TWO CAR LOAD! .H\ST Ala: 0NI\,^CH COOKING STOV uccsarsaxa. *.? We save money by luiyin;* in ear In lower. We prop we to ve our eunto; ()or .1 line sales this veiir wore !."> i?>> / - - * - - I" in the past sixteen years. This is a s Why? ] localise whru money is plen when hard times come tin y hunt h>\\ always tho lowest wo ?jet the trade. Our groat oloaranco Halo still goes ( in Dry (ioods, Millinery, .Men's Stray going at about half price. Wo arc In Jar Rubbers. L. .1. HA ->} BARGAINS, For this week only wo olTor the bargains: Cotton Tal M inch width, worth 50 cents- tl Tfov's Wns ? - J -J 1 to S yours old, 50 and 7.? cents Buggv I Largo Nico l{ol>e, worth 50 cuts I'ure Lim n ILolie, worth 75 cents Mens' Stra < >111y a few left, HO here they go. All $ I I lain t his sale All 50 cent flats this Halo All lI5 cent llat:i this sale We have I or 5 Dozen Mens' and 15 cents?all together, and let them ?. MEACIIAM JOB PRINTING AT T I I^INCME I ' ' : Factory Loaded S * ?"Leader" and "Repeater" * powder and "New Rival" lo i Superior to all other brands i S UNIFORfUTY, RELIABI t } STRONG SH Winchester Shells are for sale * having them when you buy and ; < Z .a, * *'Y 1 111 Tf. 11LSI X -i * w i i Jk; ?A(1 * A.i WE ( AHitV A COM Family, Pulpit, ? :I3BDIIINIIIII # TOE LATEST SUBSl! IIAKP or LIFE," Ly Oeorgo A. J. "TUI MI'FT BLASTS," by ' "OUR TWO ADAM AND TM?2 MEMORIAL VOLI Agents Nvantoil. : : : : Ca 0. H Robinson It 10, Hunt ltuilding, : i* ?c- P 5 NEW GOODS IVEl). v ?S & FURNITURE rs r n a~n ? c a m ts, besides t lie freight rates are hums the benefit of thin savin**, cent bettor than any other Juno nre si}.pi that money is scarce, tiful people tmy anywhere, but prices, ami ng our prices nro hi. We have some choice floods v Hats, Slippers, etc., that are auhpiavtcrs for Fruit Jura ami . S S E Y. BARGAINS. following* gjoods wt tremendous jlo Folt. lis Halo 08 cents. ;h Su:ts this sale.. :tS and 55 cents. lobes ?thin biiIo J19 cents. I h is sale 5S cents. iw Hate. 75 cents. cents. 1 it cents. I toy's Malign Iluts, worth 10 and jo for 10 cents. & EBBS. he TIMES OFF IGF, iSTERj * m ihotgun Shells. ; loaded with Smokeless m aded with Black powder. J "or j LITY AND . | OOTING QUALITIES. 2 by all dealers. Insist upon * you will get the best. ? . J i YOUNG. 1A-7 ifr 1'L.ETE line OF md Teacher's I SOWS BOOKS u a a {1PTI0N BOOKS. ^ lofloil, I). I). r. l).:Witt Talmnge, D. I). IS,'' liy Lerny .\1?-Who iter, D. D. JMU OF (>. I.. MOODY. 11 mi ns wli-u in tlio city or nchlros ? & Company, j : CHARLOTTE, N. C. |jj j* v