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' f ? FORT MILL TIMES. : VOL. IX. FORT MILL, S. C., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6,1900. NO. 12. mnnwjiffloi Things Not Running Smooth at Paris. CHARGES AGAINST MR. PECK Not Credited, but His Alanngcment Has Caused Discontent Among In* terested Americans. Paris liv - ? ?i m: rcpumirauon here of articles which have appeared in the American press directed against. (Tommissioner Peck's management and charging the misuse of authority by his staff has started a fund ol' gossip, but has resulted in no tangible evidence that the charges are true. While I some are at variance with Mr. Peck's idqas. no one insinuates that he i- involved In any act not in accordance with absolute honesty or that he is actuated by any but the best motives in directing the work of the American commission, lie asserts emphatically that no space lias lu.n sold by mploycs and expresses a willingness that the fullest investigation be made. That, there'Is considerable friction and discontent among those connected with the commission and among some of the exhibitors is beyond doubt, and this is one of the causes for the national i^juiuiiBsiuners organizing into a body on Thursday and offering their services to Mr. Peck in an effort to smooth out she uneven places. The pay roll is he- , ing decreased each week as the various , experts and employes complete their i work, and their for o will soon he much smaller. The exposition Itself drags along toward completion with many exhibits still unfinished. The chief complaint of visitors is not of lack of sufficient to see. hue absence of any form of amusement except that of viewing the exhibits. There is no outside music or any of the other attractions which made the Chicago world's fair each night a scene of gaity and brilliancy. After a most anxious time the cham I t>or or deputies and PremicrWaldeck "Rousseau have succeeded in navigating the ministerial bark through the breakers thrown up by the interpellations of the Nationalists and dissident Republicans into calmer waters of domestic legislation. The chamber finally seems to have made up its mind that it has wasted enough time on anti-governmental Interpellations which have monopolized almost every night of the ser-sion up to now. and has decided to attend to its proper business of legislation. It, therefore, shelved the interpellation respecting the resignation of Gen. de Galllfet by a majority of over 15rt votes. Gen. de G-alifet is the seventh war minister who has left his post on account of the Dreyfus affair. The Vendome celebration on Monday next promises to take the form of an interesting Franco-American demonstration. ITnilo/l a-.i . T ,\iiiiiii^UMUr Porter will leave Sunday to take part iu the ceremony attending the unveiling of the monument to fount de Roehambeau, towards the erection of which the membor.s of the Ambassy and ninny other Americana have subscribed. An official character is given to the event hy the decision of the cabinet to send representatives of the ministries of war and navy. The legal separation of the Infanta Dnlaila and her hushand, l>on Antonio of Orleans, was signed before the Spanish consul general in Paris on Thursday. The Infanta Eulail i will go to live with her mother, ex-Queen Isabella. Must Stay. Havana, hy Gallic.?Rumors having reached the authorities that Mr. Rathbone intended to leave the island of Cuba, he was notified that his presence was absolutely required in Havana until the investigation into the postal affairs had been completed. The postal offlclnls now in charge state there are rooet cogent reasons why Mr. Raihbono should remain in Cuba, even if they were compelled to resort to force to If A AM birr* '* : 1 ~ ...... i.cur, ll IS UllllCr.SICOCI I Mat additional important facts connecting the officials with postal frauds have been brought to the ears of the authorities here, who, however, wish to avoid even the appearance of harshness in dealing ith these eases. Smallpox on Passenger Ship New York, Special.?The HamburgAmeriran steamer Pretoria, which arrived from Hamburg, Boulogne and Plymouth, with 132 cabin and 1.80;> steerage passengers, is detained i.quarantine, owing to a case of smallpox among 'her steerage passengers. The patient. G. Wolff, a Russian, 27 years old, was taken sick May 27 and was promptly isolated in the ship's hospital. Quiet in Peking. Pekin, by Cable.?American and ?,tiler foreign guards numbering 34:> arrived here in the midst of the Dragon festival. The streets were unusually crowded and. though the people were greatly interested in the annual spoi tacle. no manifestation of hostility was made. The presence of the guards has had a marked effect upon the braiinc of the Chinese towards foreigners. The boxers" are evidently moving afield. Unfortunately no leaders of the ' b ixers" have been arrested. though their capture would have been easy. All tie government has done ha- been to oceu py the scenes of disturbances and no real repressive measures h;:\e been ta ken. V . NEWS SUMMARY. \ The South. A number of Friends fram lialuinoro held services in the old Quaker Meeting House at York. I'a.. the site for Uhit'li Wile <lnnnfo<l ? eon W?tl liam Penn. A duel to the death was fought by Kmmct Coy and Bonifacio Perez, cowboys, in Hidalgo County. Texas, with riilcs, l>oth men falling in their tracks. Chief Justice Hazelrigg, of Kentucky, has given out a statement uositively declining to enter the race for the Democratic nomination for governor. leaving Governor Beckham as the only candidate. Dr. J. B. Shearer has resigned the presidency of Davidson College, his resignation to take effect at the close of the next year, and Professor Henry Bonis Smith has been elected to succeed him. The Tenth annua] reunion of the United Confederate Veterans began in Louisville. Ky., on Wednesday, with the largest attendance of any meeting j yet held. A few days ago. John Boyd, a farmer in Darlington county, S. C.. had a quarrel with a negro on his place and tied him no and wlilnnpii aim iw>i ....... j v. nno ai supper when he was dhot dead. A crowd of men with blood hounds are on the track of the murderer. The negr > who was whipped is supposed to have done the killing. The North. Kansas needs 20.000 men, to gather its record-breaking wheat crop. Irving Johnson, colored, and Levy Persons, white, are supposed to have been drowned in Whist Pond, at Turlington. Conn. An indictment charging Faltiin Gilliam. a domestic in the family of Dr. M. J. Ambrose, with having put poison in their food, has been reported by the Grand Jury, at Cincinnati, O. Strang expansion sentiment was shown at a mass-meeting in Detroit, Mich... in connection with the American Baptist missionary anniversaries. James Fitzharris and Joseph Mullet, Irish Invincibles, were excluded from this country by New York immigration officials and will be deported. it is reported that former Senator David H. Hill will exert every influence to turn New York against Bryan in convention. Forergn. Army officials in Havana deny the charge of having lived extravagantly. The Socialist candidate. llerr Suedokum, was re-elected to the Reichstag at Nuremberg. The Derma 11 East Africa Steamship Company will increase its capital by $1,000,000 for new ships. The German torpedo flotilla is now proceeding slowly down the Rhine, and will arrive at Rotterdam June !). Wholesale exportation of coolies from China to German colonies is ad\rated by Herr Eugene Wolf, the great explorer. The Boers in Northern Natal show signs of active opposition to General Huller. A British force is reported to have lo: t heavily in an effort to break the siege lines at Comassie, Ashanti. Socialists observed the anniversary r.f the Commune by a panadc in I'a l is. A state almost of anarchy, due to the agitation by the "Boxers," prevails in parts of China. Miscellaneous. The Pcstoffice Department denies the truth of the reports thai inxstal em ployes sent from Washington to Porto ltieo drew salaries from both offices. Twelve contract surgeons now with (lie army in the field are to lie transferred to the regular army with the rank of first lieutenant. The French Panama Canal Company has received orders from Paris to resume work on a large scale. The new Philippine Commission lias arrived in Hongkong on its way to Manila. Representative Lents proposes to print 30,000 eoples of the testimony jn the Coeur d'Aleno investigation. F. R. Stack able has been appointed by the President Collector of Customs fcr the district of Hawaii. Id Hung Chang lias been confirmed ' in the Vice Royalty in Canton. Charles Moore, clerk of the Senate j District of Columbia Committee, has been made a Ph. D., Columbia University, for u book entitled "The Northwest Under Three Flags." Robbers got $10,00t) worth of jewelry from M. Perrot's shop, in the Palais 0 1 ? " iku?4n, i ana, 011 r riuay nignt. Lemons and oranges from Los Angeles, Cal., were kept perfectly fresh in n told storage voyage of 8,001) miles to Paris. The Dukes of Fife and Argyll and Earls of Hopetoun and Jersey are mentioned for F/dcrated Australia s Viceroyalty. Mn t men have their wits sharpened on the grindstone of adversity. MONUMENT DEDICATED Monument Dedicated at tt.oxncstovrn, nary land. Hagers'own, Md.. Special.?Another link in the chain which binds together the once warring factions of the North and South, was forged by the dedication of a monument erected to the memory of the men w?to wore the giay, tts well as those who wore the blue and who died in mortal combat on the bloody iicld of Antietam. This event, which is probably without a parallel in the history of the world, was graced by the presence of the President of the United States, accompanied by many members of his Cabinet; a score or more of United States Senators, thrice as many members of Congress, the Governor of Maryland and prominent men from all parts of the country. There were also present hundreds of veterans who fought for the ' "Dost Cause," and thousands who fomrht for tho side that proved victorious. Side l>y side they stood with uncovered heads throughout the ceremony convening the monument from the State to the National Government. Tho dedicatory ceremonies were opened by Colonel Benjamin E. Taylor, who introduced General Ilenry Ivid Douglas, director of ceremonies. P/ayer was offered by the Rev. It. K. CJnrkson, who was followed by Governor John Walter Smith, in an adi dress of welcome. Colonel Taylor as president of the Antietam Battlefield Commission of Maryland, then presented the monument to the National Government and the lion. Ellliu Root, Secretary of War, in a brief address, accepted it on behalf of the United States. Then followed short addresses. mainly of a reminiscent character by Generals John B. Brooke, James Longstreet, Orlundo B. Wilcox. J. E. Durvear, Senators Forakcr, Burrows, Daniel au?l others who were prominent on the opposing sides in the great struggle. These were followed in turn by Representative George B. McClellan, of New York, and other members of both Houses of Cnm^ws Then tho hand played "Hail to the Chief" and General Douglas introduced President McKinloy who delivered the address of the day, and in tho course of which he said: "In this presence and on this memorable field 1 am glad to meet the followers cf Lee and Jackson and Longstreet and Johnson with the followers of Grant and McClellan and Sherman and Sheridan, greeting each other not with arms in their hands or inulico in their souls, hut with affection, and respect for each other in their hearts. (Applause). Standing hero to-day. ono reflection only has crowned my mind? tho difference between this scene and that of 38 years ago. Then tho men who wore the blue and the men who wore the gray greeted each other with shot and shell and visited death upon their respective ranks. We meet after all these intervening years, with hut one sentiment?that of -oyalty to tho Government of the 1'nited States, lovo for our flag and our free institutions and determined, men of the North and men of the South, to make any sacrifice for the honor and perpetuity of the American nation." (Applause). Ciose of Reunion. Louisville, Special.?The tenth an nual reunion of the United Confederate Veterans adjourned sine die at ti o'clock Friday afternoon. The meeting of 1H01 will be held in Memphis. Three cities were competitors for the honor of entertaining the veterans next year. The claims of Memphis were presented by General \V. H. Gordon. who made an eloquent plea for the Tennessee city. The claims of Buffalo were presented by II. h. Smi tb. who made an excellent impression on the convention. l)r. Williams, of Jacksonville, spoke for Jacksonville. 'I he final vote showed for Memphis 1.520 votes; Jacksonville, 2r?t!; Buffalo, 28. A vote of thanks was extended for the. kind invitation of Buffalo. The last session of the convention was confined entirely to the vote on the place for the next convention and was practically devoid of incident, but the latter part of the morning session was full ->f excitement. For upward of half an hour the convention was in an uproar and in a state of great excitement and confusion. Killed In I xplosion. Key West. Fin., Special. As the steamship Bolivar was preparing to sail from this port an explosion occurred in the boiler room. that, aim >st lifted the vessel out of the water. On investigation it was found that ("Chief Engineer John Thompson. I'ablo Foal, a fireman, and a boy named Willie Hancock, were found horribly scalded by escaping steam. All three diod shortly afterward. To Issuj Bonds. Richmond. Va.. Special. The stockholders of the Southern Railway met here Friday. Every snare of the capital stock of the company was represented. The stockholders, by a unanimous vote, authorized the execution of a fourth supplement to the company'a first consolidation mortgage deed, j . <. | vidlng for the issue of bonds thereI under, hearing interest at the late of 4 1-2 per rent, per annum. This notion I does not involve the issue of any additional bonds beyond those previous ly authorized to ho issued under the company's consolidated mortgage. but merely provides that the bonds may be issued thereunder in future ;i? a lower rate ot Interest ?? U I ?- I , ADDRESS OF PROHIBITIONISTS. Conference Address to the Voters of South Carolina. The? Prohibitionists of South Carolina. in appealing to the Democratic voters to join them in suppressing the liquor traffic in this State, deem it proper and right that they fhoulil clearly and unequivocally ftn'c their position with rnfnronnn *'* """ . v.v? vttvv IU I lit VUUducted in the name of the commonwealth. which thereby makes all its citizens responsible in a measure for the continuance of this traffic, which we believe to be a crime against humanity and it means of degradation to the people. In the first place we have chosen to make this contest at the Democratic primary because we are members of this political organization, which is itt virtual control of all the affairs of the State. We have the right to raise tliis issue within the party lines because the machinery of the State government lias been used to contract and operate a system of liquor selling, which has for its chief object the constant increase of the consumption of liquors by the citizens of the Stale, mainly with the view of making money out of the business in which the State is engaged. We would violate conscience and prove recreant to duty as good citizens if we did not protest against this inquitous method of obtaining money through the sensual indulgence and debauchery of our citizenship, and we are making this protect in a fair, manly and consistent way, appealing to the higher instincts of humanity, and pleading for the social, domestic, moral, religious and political elevation of our whole people, lly banishing the evils now fastened upon the State in consequence of the system under which the sale of liquor is conducted, we would protect our young manhood, bring relief to wronged and 'suffering women and children, and inaugurate an era which would eventually rid our homes of the blight following the use of liquor jus a beverage. The State Is now encouraging this use of liquor on the part of its citizens when it should by every means discourage that which wastes the resources, paralyzes the energies and destroys the manliness of these who should be the shield and protection of our homes. The State is engaged for profit in a business that strips the home of comforts with as much certainty as a cyclone mows down the mighty forest; a business that op emu lite gates of perdition to lost souls; a business that the genius of hell lias never fashioned a more complete method of recruiting its ranks; a business that has borne from time immemorial the l>a<lge of disgrace in civilized and Christian communities, and that is now exalted in the sovereign ami enlightened commonwealth of South Carolina to the dignity of government service and government protection, so that our youth are taught by the example of the government itself that the manufacture and sale of liquor is an honorable anil desirable occupation. Whence came tins usurper of governmental authority? Did the citizens of the State decree its introduction as "the best solution of the liquor question?" ISight years ago the Prohibitionists of South Carolina asked the privilege of testing public opinion as to whether I licensed saloons should be prohibited within its borders. This request was made of the managers of the Democratic election machinery, who consented that a separate and unofficial box might be placed at each poll where every voter eould east a bnllt. for or against Prohibition. The opponents of the license system were without efficient organization, but the voters voluntarily went to the polls and rolled up a decided majority against the sa loons. Political exigencies did not favor a prohibitory law, and although a majority of the House of Representatives passed such a law, enough members were ('afterward found Cto reject the law which tbey had Caided in framing and a substitute was ('discovered in the ('present dispensary system. "Ye asked for bread and were given a stone; ye asked for a lish and were given a serpent." Prohibitionists were then placed in i an awkward position and manv of I I horn know nnt what to do. The saloon had hern abolished, and this was ono of tho objects for which they had struggled in tho past, yet liquor soiling was not stopped. On tho contrary, tho State hail been made to engage in tho business under the pretence of controlling the traffic and giving to consumers a commodity that was "chemically p*re." at a price that would not admit of profit. This was coupled with the declaration that the system thus inaugurated without the I consent of the people was "a step towards prohibition." and many acqul- , eseed in the legislation with the belief | that the Stale would really undertake to minimize the consumption of liauor. it was a "law upon the tatute books, and many of tho law-abiding and peace-loving citizens, though honestly opposed to liquor selling in any shape, threw the weight of their influence in favor of the execution of tin* j law. An armed constabulary was furnished with gun. to shoot down citizens who violated the liquor daw, it in the judgment of the constables it was necessary to enforce their authority, j and Miiis began a long reign of vio lence and turbulence in the land. for the law breakers wore as ready and anxious to shoot as the men "clothed with a little brief authority." who acted upon the theory that their own . lives were in constant peril, and their surest defence wa:= to take nuick and I deadly aim. The bloody catalogue need not to lie dwelt upon, for it is the most shameful record in the history of the State, with the single exception of the reign of the carpet-bagger and the scalawag. Meanwhile the law was contested at every step, and the courts were invoked to compass its destruction, with the result that the main features of the system were sustained by the courts, and the statute was unimpeded in its progress towards prohibition. Dispensers neglieted to observe some of (lie most salutary features of the law and themselves became Violators where t"-y" were exported to become guardians; minors and drunkards have found it easy enough to procure liquor with or without the eonivance of the dispenser; "chemically pure" has become a byword and to mean the vilest of the vile; the agents of the State have defrauded and defalcated in large numbers. and few have been made to feel the penalties for their misdemeanors; the stall' board of control has more than once become an exhibition of exceeding offence in the nostrils of the good people of the commonwealth, so that time and again it was necessary to make changes and bring about reformations; scandals almost without c-iomlier have tracked its pathway; changes of dishonesty have been eon itant, ant! tho public was made fariiliar with rebates ami the santplo room; in a word, the entire system has horn permeated with suspiring distrust and causes of offence in striking contrast with the honorable record of South Carolina glorious past lias the system proven "a step towards prohibition? Net in the sen^r that originated this phrase, but in another and truer sense the demand for actual and honest prohibition of the liquor traffic has been largely increased by the failures and shortcomings, of Cue Oapmsary system, which has been "weighed in the balances and found wanting." That is the indictment wo bring against it to-day, and to the Democrat'ie voters we turn for a verdict. In its stead we would offer them still further restriction of the liquor traffic, destroying the profit and beverage features of the present system, and limiting the sale of alcoholic liquors to strictly necessary purposes, such as medicinal, mechanical and sacramental uses. This substitution would take away the odium of the State's being engaged in a business that Is prostituting the youth of the country, wasting tin' resources, or the poorer classes, bringing disgrace and degi'dation upon famiHes. impoverishing the homes of our Htizons, and withholding bread from the women and children who are enrscd with the blight of the drink donion. Prohibition offers an opportunity to work for the elevation of the entire people, the better instruction and training of tin4 young, the creation of incentives to industry, and the moral a vanecce(u,kae tnfar and the moral advancement of ihe State to keep pace with its material prosperity. The benefits of a prohibitory law will not. bo fully realized in a year or even in five years, for the longer such a law is in existence with reasonable chances of enforcement tiio greater will lie the benefits derived from ii.-j presence as a permanent policy of the State. A generation that shall grow up witjiout any knowledge of liquor saloons, whether operated by indiri- j duals or the State, will bo a population I notod for its sobriety, which will be j the rule and not the exception among the young men. Once firmly rooted and grounde in the minds of the poo pie. a prohibitory measure will come to be regarded as a necessity. More than a generation lias parsed sinc? this law was enacted in Maine, and for a long time there was a vigorous fight against, its continuance, hut at this time both political parties are pledged to its maintenance as the set. tied policy of the State. The ery of repeal has been frequently raised, and not many years ago one of the politi-. <al parties made repeal a plank in its platform, with the result that not more than a half dozen members were ele< t ed to the Mouse of Representatives, n>is ovc.- iv<* nunucvo in us membership, ami the fight for repeni was an ignominious failure. (Ion. Neal Dow, who was t!ir apostle of Prohibition, a man of upright character ami irreproachable veracity, in his testimony before a Canadian commission on the liquor traffic, declared that, there was no Stale in the I'nlon whore more liquor was consumed in proportion to population than in Maine, prior to the passage of lite prohibitory law. It was then one ol the poorest States, and under prohibition it has become one of the most prosperous, largely the result of savings by the people from the discontinuance of the liquor traffic, lie said ?it was quite within the mark to say that not one;twentieth as much liquoi IS ROII1 iKllKH'SllllCI.V Ml I Mill illilll' il> was sold by tho saloons before thislaw was passed. Portland, its ehlef city where 'ten. Dow lived and died, had seven distilleries and two breweries, while many cargoes of rnni were brought every year from the West indies, and now liquor is sold there on a very small scale, the quantity not a hundreth part of whai it was in the olden time. His estimate was that there is a saving of $2 l.Oftb.OOO annually, which goes to increase the prosperity of the masses, and lie declared that it is far within the truth to say that ?1.00(?,0<m> would pay for all the iiquor smuggled into Maine and sold in violation of the law. This is the testimony of a man who spent the ' be?t years o' Ma "fe even down ex- J trcme old age in advocutlng a clause (hat he knew was beneficial in a moral, religious. industrial and financial scene. A whole generation has grown up there without being witnesses vb? the effects of liquor, and there arp grown meu and women who havo ucvor seen a drunk man. Is not such a state of affairs worth striving for. even though the attainment of such a result involves sacrifice, toil and endurance on the part of its advocates? Christian men and women can well afford to make the sacrifice and bear the toil, because It is in the direct line of obedience to their Master. nut child's play. The Prohibition l>emocrnts of South Carolina arc not responsible that the issue has to bo made on the political hustings. There is no choice left to us except to abandon the field, wherein we would prove recreant, to the most, solemn obligations that, rest upon a Christian i eople, charged with the moral and religious elevation of those around us. To relinquish the field means the continuation of the liquor traffic under the aegis of our beloved South Carolina. and perpetuates a system that is undermining the publb- weal and distroying the probity of our public men. a system that sanctions with the broad seal of the State an annu'ment. of the divine injunction. "Woe unto him that gives bis neighbor drink. * * * and niakest him drunken also." Kverv day. and every hour through the daj, tli" State of .South Carolina is v i.ding ibat which destroy.; the souls of iiien, and the servants of Cod (anno: remain indifferent or unconcerned while tills law is contained 111 the statute iiooks. "ldigiitoo iviess cxaltetli a vatu n. but -in is a reproach to any people." and the hideous enormity of this sin of drunkenness fostered by the State must not longer stain the proud escutcheon of our common mother. Wo must protest against # ... I anomalous perversion ci governmental oower by which every citizen of the State is made rcsponstnie for a" trhfTlc that is abominable in the eyes of God; The means of our protest is through the political agency with which we are in part entrusted as citizens of South Carolina and we come now to make an appeal to our,fellow-citizens that they will join ns in restoring tho old commonwealth to a right. relation, whereby the lienor traltic will be put under ban, so that our rulers and lawmakers will be spared the necessity of legislating to Increase the sin of drunkenness within our borders. To do this effectually we are compelled to make this issue at the Democratic primary, and hence to have representatives of our principles who will eontend for them before the people, and "seek to obtain eontrol of the executive and legislative departments of the Siato government." This is no unworthy aim or object, and we proclaim these purposes, which are not. hid in a corner, to our political asso eiates, demanding the right to make the issue at the primary polls, ami insisting that fairness and justice requires tl'e recognition of our representatives inside the party lines, where every other issue is settled for the maintenance of good government in this State Wf> ilenv Ihnl :inv olsisa .if Democrats lid\ r? peculiar and aperial privileges accorded to them under the constitution and laws of the party, and we will maintain our right to lie heard on the hustings and to east a free, 'illtrammeled ballot at the polji. Casualties in Philippines. "Washington. I>. Special.?S"cro tary Itoot has sent to the Senate, in response to resolutions of inquiry, an rvtended rep;irt on the number of soldiers who have been killed and who have died of wounds in the Philippines. The casualties in the Philippines from July 31, 183$, to May 31 were: Deaths, regulars, .'ifi officer.0 and 23'> men; volunteers. 11 officers and S34 men. Woun ded, regulars. 37 officers and 721 men; volunteers. 31 offiers and 1.113 men. Killed by n Boy. Brook's Station. (Ja.. Spr in 1. Mosn II;,Inns, a negro who had been working for A. IMrNoely. a farmer, near hero, was shot to death Into Saturday by Kwoll M -Neely. an 18 year-old so.i of the planter, on whose plaee the shooting oeeiirred. The negro's small ti&lighter 'ruek the ehildren of Me.Veely and the latter whipped her. Holmes oame bv MeNeely's home and knocked down the ride t daughter of the planter. A light ensued in which the negro was shot. lire vit'es. Forty-si ^ Filipinos wore reported killed as the result of lat-t week's operations of the American army in Luzon. The Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers and Tin Workers at IndianapoliInd.. will, it la said, accept a compromise scale with an advance of about v per cent. While trying to siio t a rat at Paulding. <).. former Congressman Simon W. ('ranter killed his wife. According to a circular issued by Paul Leroy Iteaulieu, the well-known r'r.'llcli i ?. ttliainivl .|.?-1 I... **.? - - -- .HIM 1 | ||? ?!* ! I?(y I I|i ted Sijiws C'ounsnl Covert of Lyons, frenchmen possess not less llnui noii.oiKI in TtmiisviimI mining property. :iih| (lie French, CerniMn Mild Dutch stock holders "own prohnbly more thiin Inilf of the mines."