University of South Carolina Libraries
i "?&f ?1ill f l UCLlrfHKD \VKDKICFDAYS. Wm, R. BRADFORD. ' jjSiihsoriptiou prico . A l por yoar, CDmw.xmilfiicc oil orjrfiit subj '0t., in 4'tvitecl, li lt mo do not ;i;>kv t- wibliih Aoniinniiioatipns rontninitf: moiv thaw wonts*, ui^l uo lvxif.r.isibility in r.*for tlio yiows ih' < . i.*ros]K>u>lw?itK. mixorbyiiir.r niobium fir t luir^ ,lotto. I i11<?\ i! ? L'ort Milt, UUfl Btrik Hill I mi ?i lli'ss li '.iison Tl,.. Tiv in iw ms ;? ?!. Kjilfs huowu OU u HR^^L iioti to th > pn'oiifch-M-. RrS^R Lpcul Tulnphaiu* No. ,'>. biw may 2, i:*oo. jt Bn i Sweeny W^m excellent judgment in tl ie * olec't ion < f I'rof. A. Ii. Hanks rfa H> />f tin.- St.a! iNiai'l i *f Ivlji i'.'. ntitl our jn'opln feel; jgreutly j-rat i& (ii d o\ i r t he fact tluat n forinor I'< Mill ciliziMj has tiydh b?rn lm'tor* As nil e/hi'-n'or Prutc eor 13u: I^K luis few jy?evrA in South Carolina. The West ><' vert isorrient luis < vcr had vvss the Fort M ' 1 A j|?|& cmy, Pryft/A. K. lir.nks, principal. SB * . * p?P Solely for tho information of "" Mr. J. S. Price, candidal? for the jSuite Senate from York County. The Times feels ouiled upon to ntutn Hint Fort Mill is very much in York County, notwithstanding th? declaration of Mx. Price in the (Constitutional Convention cf lti'.'o that "York County is bounded < 11 llie north by North Caroline, on 4 ho oast by Catawba River, on 111" ^oiith by Chester County, ancl en llio west by 1'raid River." * * * Tho editor of the Chester Lnntorn says ihnt when striding printers (1 hey are always union printers, because the others haven't the Seniority to doinnnd their rights) refer tg those who linvo accepted iheir positions by such '*moup epithets n# 'rats;' they do not deserve ^yinpalhy, and they do not have Jiis." If The Lantern will oblige ais by suggesting a more pleasing and appropriate epillie' tknu "rat" for the limn Who hnsnlip^ed in an.l ^akon the position of the printer who bith struck?nine times out of ten for his jast dnos?or has been locked ont; wo will tlmnk him very much uml forward his suggestion to Mr. liramwo?xl, secretary jof the 1 ntern;;:iotml Typographical Union, who will see to it that the epithet "rat" is forever tabooed by the o.~>,000 unionpr'inters in the United States. 4 . ' The monument which is to be erected in Confederate Park to commemorate the bravery of the Indians of Catawba tribe is expected to arrive withjn a fortnight and will be unveiled as soon thereafter as the bases, eto^cioi be built. In view of t}io wide-spread interest which the pr posed erection of the monument F' nted throughput the State, tbo f?/?Io\vh?g facts /concerning the history of the Oatawbas Jiiay prove acceptable to the reader: The principal town of the Catn^ba triVj > was located whore Fort Mill now stands, the tribo having migrr.ted from tho north to this point r^a early na 1 .">(>7, during which yenr they engaged in battjo the bees. Tradilion Hays that tho bnttlo was fought in the 'qrR ot Uatnvba Kiver anil fSugnr Cpeek. nbont 5 milt s from fort Mill, and that the Catawba* lout in the battle l,0f)0 warriors, while the Cherokee# lost. 1,100. The land on which tho battle was fought in now owqed by Mrs. Dr. J. B, Mack; and ns a refjnlt of the battle, the Cherok^es i;aye up the lands which now comprise York and Chester counties. Broad Kiver wna inado tho boundary between the two triV-ep, a^d it is asaerted that, the ChcMrottfeg ever after the % battle respoctpd the Ontawbns, V which shows the 'loep impression inaMe on them by the tight. IrvV 17:50 tho vhite people nlteOipt\d to mak<j peace between the CqUAwboH, tho Cherokeon. and I {.ho Tuse'arorns, to which the Cher-1 pkecs 'We cun not live I without war. Should wo make I pence with tV|e Tnnearryrns wo muKt.| im mediately look oqt for roiiio other \yitlj whr>*n we rnii bo enomjed in qqr lx'l.jved flee n put ion." It is eminently appropriate that (i monument should be erected to commemorate the existence of the (*ntawbm?t w!) v.!:! % ; ' . i ccv iniKin^' he Indian tribes, and who always fou?;ht for and never against the white man. C * * Yfo are indeed sorry that the edi itorial in last week's issue of Tie* Times, in which it was stated that ; the L'rohi!?itheists should he t;:I eluded from p irtieiput iou in our Detnoeiatie* primaries, has ^ivo.u offense in certain quarters. 1 *i?t we Ijuvc i;o apology i?? oiFer for our words < l" last week; the position taken wo believe to ho entirely 4eimbln, and we shall defend it to the hes?t ?.f our ability on all ueca- : sionu. In iSV'd, oil May 2S, the Prohibition party assembled in national convention at Pittshijr,'*, Pn., and nominated ono L(v. crin;* for t he Presidency. lie received I'll. 7.77 votes. II.. ity toit .'! was Democracy. The Dispensary is ' not a parly !<> this discussion, and wo tin rcfore decline to consider it in thi?; connection further than to hay that it has heen indorsed by the IX Mttocraey of South Carolina ? >i tinvo diirerent occasion*. Commenting upon our cditoral, the (.Iroenviile Mountaineer snyu: Th Fort Mill Times doc.; not think that the Prohihi:ionis.s of Son 111 Caroline. should ho allowed to o.I'er eauili- ' dates in a i>on:o.vario primary fo* any otHco, and says: "l-Toliihition and lieiu01 vary are. s jv.r.ut; and dist i:u ,, and the Slate iVnionrntie convention wliieh is to meet in t o'.umbi.i on Rl.iv Kith | should, ipiash til - proposition ?.?r the Prohibitionists as tint as a mucake." rihut would he iuteres; i,i;j and fruit fa! of j?tlitieal discord. Will The Times declare t hat l3is|KMis;irv and Democracy are one and the same There are a majority of Demo - :i's in Smith Carolina, wli > will no;. aj?:*? e to such a | r.i;.n ii i in, and they ran not he forced to chan^ their views. It would he silly in tho eM fo- ?I - ... ... . ? H 'U IIU'M aoxt month to oxolmlo all ojijiononts of j the Iiispi'iisury f-oai vo.'iuj? in tha prii Jiuu'y, making foalty to iljos-.iloof li'juor j by tho Muto a tost in 1 In* iwrty oam| jtaiyn, ami wo have no Moa tint tlio j s'.iitK'csition of Th Timos will bo hoorfotl, but if suoh oounsols si..r.ihl p, tlio Prohibitionists will bo ablo to takooaro of tlumsolves, for tlioy aro (lotoi'iniiioil to iimko tlio isauo bet wrca Dispensary an 1 rrohibition ia tho cumin;? primary campaign, ami tho State con volition will not ami ilaro no; pass any moasaro to provent moii from rnnninj? for oflioo WhoSO loValtV to tin. lliiii'.iu'ruio - - I""1.' cannot bequest ioncd. Tho Democratic voters in S?u?h t'arolina can not be throttled, nor has any man or sot of men the right todictute us to how tho peoplo shall cast, tluir ballots. Tho Prohibitionists will in.ikoa cloan sweep if such tin attempt ia lnado. Slave l.*bor in New Yoik. Roceutly tlio Now York Verdict has boon prying a hit into tljo subject of , wages paid to labor. There :irt> linn- > dreds of thousands of workers in Now York?and for that matter their like exists in every corner of t ho land?whose average yearly income won't reach?,'00. Oil this they most support a family. Tho World lately told at length el' a woman and her child whose income? and the woman sewed night and day? i is worse than slavery. They are hotter than slavery for tho employer, for slavelabor and slave-ownership would cost the employer more. And f ?r all that the Administration choir so constantly and with npt uracil thankful eyes chant o' a persistent, sweet prosi>erity, labor conditions grow worse and tho poor go lean and i*> >rer. It's a stale of economic afVairs t?>evoke thought and throw a shadow of gravity across his face who hopes for tho |>o 'pie's advancement. It likewise recalls sonic old-time slavery oloiiuenco. Forty years ago tho Southern owners of black chattel-slaves taunted tho North with the holding of white wage-slaves. In u lectnro on (and in favor of) slavery delivered in Tremont Temple, Host on, .Tan nary 21, 1 !>">(>, :-Ttuntor Robert Toombs, of (Jcorgia, said of tho black slave: "lie is entitled by i law to a home, to ample food and clothing, and exempted from excessive labor; and when no longer capable of lab >r, in old age and disease, he is a legal charge upon his tuns tor," while of the white slave he truly said: "Under that system man has become less valuable and le:,;s tared for than domestic animals; * * * in short, capital has become the master of labor, with all the benefits, and without tho natural burdens of the relation." In the course of this same lecture he used the following pmph"tic language: "The moment wages descend to a print barely sullicicnt n> siinnovt I he laborer and his family, capital c an not afford to own labor, and it must cease. Slavery ceased in I'm eland in ohcdiimoc to this law. and not from any regard to liberty or humanity. The increase of population ia this country may produce the j-atne results, and American ?!avery, like t lint of Mo-land, may thid its tuthauasia in the general prostration of all labor." In other words, chattel-slavery lhlds its easy death in Wft^o-alavery. IJoes Toombs' long ago worda tlad no echo in these tin;"-!.' T' ** ; I rotii 1 ho Nit l insl c'?plt<it. Washington, 1). April r.O. d'.K). The i i?*ii who have been s'.owlv hot surely pushing a s' to loot the I tiit' *1 States Treasury l y means of contracts with tlio Post-O.'lice Department for service in the larco cities were given a hard throw do vn this week v.hwu the lhmse Viv a vo'oof ST to ."?<> struck out thai |x<rtiou <>f the post-oillen appropriation carrying $72"?,?)tK> to pay for existing pnonnmiio tuuu sovvlco and to extend tlu* same during tho coming liscul year. That aetion was brought about l?v* the public statement of Representative Moody, of Mussaehusotts, that those men had boon bribing and tryiuir to bribe atomln'*s of Congress with stock in their company, which existed solely for what P could got through Congressional lobulation. Admiral Dewey will not make a stnleujent of liis attitude toward important public questions, unless he chants liis mind, hut xvill nsktheXnnsr.s City convention to nominate liim for President solely on his record. That shown how guileless, isi a political way, the dear old hoy is. Think of the absurdity of a .cent ]?irty nominal in;? a man for 1resident without knowing how he stands nimn a single one of the rrreat issues upon which the camnaiiru will be fought! Only a innti lily Dewoy could I hinit ; :u'li a possible. Notwi; hstamr ny the public doe'.arat ion of almost every prominent Democrat in t ho country that- Col. Ilryan's nomina(ioji is a certainty and the failnv: of ti single l)i mocratic State leader to advocate Dewey, tlte admiral m ill b dieves that, he will 1. nominated. Dx-lleproseututive .lames Ii.uuilt'm I.ewe;, of Washington, sized up tli ) poliMetil situation oat his way thasty: "Col. I Ivy an will receive the unanimous vote of the delegation tor tiio State of NY'ashin:.;' >:t, at Kansas t ity, ai:d 1 am oonli<lo:it\ke will ye! tin* electoral votes of the State. My belief that be will carry the State, in spite of t h<> e\istin;? si roa.t a* ic e ;: for .. msioi', is has *.1 on the stronger sent inn in. ; : opposition to trust:* and til fai:h th people have in h'.niet.'ilism. I believe the same Shin?; will apply to all the IV-ille slope Stales, except Oreyuu," Mr. MeKiuley is unquestionably the one man who engineered the plans which Ud in tlra refusal of tin ,'ejitito by a veto of :> > to d.j to seat Mr. Quay. Mr. MeKinl'.y has hail it infer Quay for j.isl about four years and has been pat ient ly a wailing i bailee to pet eveu. In order to throw Quay jjnd his friendso'.f t h * scent, lloss 1 '.am:a allow ed himself to he counted a Quay man n:itil the dr,y of the vote, when it was announced that ho was paired ayainst Quay. It would he iuterestin;; to know liow Mi. MeKiuley induced Senators Aldrich and llovoridye, both Quay men, to absent thotus"lvcs without pairs. Their votes would have seated Quay. Mr. MeKiuley may, however, liud his triumph a dearly bonyhi one, as Mat t^uay is about as relentless an enemy as any politician could possibly have f lowing his trail awaiting an opportunity to strike. There is a fatality about tho name of (Jcorge. Washington, says the State. The original |<os.sessor of it was doomed to be tlio father of a whole eountry. Now comes, a negro giossessor of it who timls himself sent back to the h'ate orison to re-enter upon the service of a life sentence after enjoying? Tl years of freedom. Washington was sent lip for life from Charleston for rape in is7ii. The succeeding; year he csrajied, and nothing; more was ever heard of him. 1 At the time a circular was issued gi\ i"K a description of tho eseajied convict. Even now the musty records will have to b enrefally looked over for the fellow's name. It seems that after wan- i tiering; about for a time Washington settled in Augusta, (da., where he began life anew, has conducted himself well, and has accumulated considerable property. Chief llood of Augusta had seen one of the cirenlars, and h<? kept an eye on Washington. Filially he concluded he was the cscapud life-term man, arrested him, and yesterday I)Hirer Richards of the Augusta force brought hint ever 11? Simrrinl t CSIlld. 'n nejrro takes his recapture stoiealfy. He does not deny his eoiivietiou and sentence nor his escape. Mrs. F. I), (ireen, of Lancaster, visited tlie family of Postmaster Massey last week. Communications are not published in this jiapor unless aecouiiMiuied by the name ot t)io author. Mr. Ira (i. Sniytho has the thanks of the editor for a repast of the lirst strawberries seen in town this spring. The Gem Restaurant, CM A RLOTT H, N. C. i > South Tryou Street. K K (!i!iN\vi'i I ~ M. W. GUI (Hi, Red Estate A pent If yon lin vo :tny pyouorty to soil, I '.vill try nml lint' you ;i puruhasor. If you want lo buy any proportv, I will ivy nml iiiiil it for you. 1? you havo any jut?|i >r!y to lot, coino plaoo it on my fvoo lint. If you want to r?M?t any pvopivty, coino nml s o what I lia\o listed. All business mat tors giuirdod With ooiitlilonco, nml no elmrifos inn made uiiU ss I ulii ci a trim miction, and then a very small per vent. , \ ' ' . ' ' - t "... - Don't Go Hungry. The Catawba House, Main st., Fort Mill, <J., will faruish you an excellent meal for 25 o?'iits; lod^rin;* can also j bo hacl for 25 coats. All quests are treated conrtoonsly and their wants ea- | tend to. Give us a trial and you will j bo pleased. K. A. II. KTsr.M., Proprietor. I ? AT Till? QT/TI>I? 1 I I JU U1 Of A. O. Jones there has just . been received n shipment of Cabbage, Potatoes (Irish and Sweet), both for plant inland eating, Lemons, Granges, Bananas, My repu I 'cation is that of carrying the < . choicest fruits brought to Fort M1 I Mill. This reputation 1 shall sus1 tain. A lot of medium grade pants, all j sizes and weights, will he sold ro gardless of jirice. You would do well to see them before von hnv w J ' A. 0. JONES Llect'oii?Special 5cliool rax l evy. York v ill o. iv April 2o, 1>'>'?. To (\ T. Crook. B. ? !. Katris, and S. P. I'.h'nkeat .!>;p." 's School District Ko. 2t> A or!: County, S. I'tvoii the written petition of the ro-; quired uunihtof resident votcw? auid I freeholders of I .''strict No 2'!, you are, hereby dire 'e<i to hold an election sit , (told Hill, York Count". d. C., in ! District on t-atr.rduy, Maiy t", J4nV), *.>x- ! lit" purpose < i' ?!. terminim; whether a ; special 1 awlui.' annua! Sax of threo mills for s'-hool purjioses shall be levied on t lie property of said Distvi ri No. _i'>. By order of t h.: (Anility Loavd of Iklucat ion. ,Ton\ I!. Oaiskoi.i., ( hairnian. ANNOUNcEMENIS. Clerk o? Court. V.V arc am; horixed to announce \V. I'liOWN WVi.lll ai a e.indicia to ' for re-e!'ctii?n to the ottiee of Cleric of th" Court for York Comity, subject to the result of the Democratic primary ; elect ion. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for i lio ottice of I lerk of Court of York * oimty, subject to the action of the Democratic party in thu primary (leelinn. * \V, II. STEWART. Subject to the action of tlio Democratic primary election, 1 hereby nit- ; nonnce myself as a candidate for the I olliee of Clerk of the Court for York Comity. J. J. HUNTER. , i hereby announce my candidacy for the olliee of Clerk of Court of York county, subject to the action of the ; Democratic primary. J. A. TATE. ' Sol/clter of the .Sixth Circuit. I lioreby announce myself as a canai- j date for Solicitor of the Sixth Judicial i t ircuit, subject tothe result of thelVm-1 oer.itio primary. TllOS. P. McDOW. MEACIIAM'S DRUG STORE i < Tf yon want the host fresh ^ Drills to be found in town call ami see inc. i can proscribe for you, till prescript ions, or sell you dru^s. 1 have had years of experience in the (Inc. line ^ I ?, t.. *1... I ^ ....v. A.ijr ounr mill Mil ' Wntson building, in front of the | bank. I Your pntronage is solicited. Call and sue me when in need of anything in the drug lino. If your houso needs painting or 1 you need paints for any other purpose, see fiio rognf&ilfgVlr^iiylobrated Longmnn tfc Martinez'1, Kondy-mixc <1 Paints. I also carry in stock a complete line of Cigars, Cigarettes, Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. T. B. Meacliam, M. D , ^ ? s. \;<:>v-./ y ; v vv/V:'.'r""~- -' ' t/^'\^,/v ' l /'? ' ^ m, ?r? In a ?j."(?l hnmor? YVs; and yon would he. Ion, if your clot hint* i wi'iv laundered hy tlio -Model Steam Laundry, Charlotte, N. C. ' Collars, eutTs, shirts, ladies' shirt 1 waists, and everything else that enn I?i? waste d is laundered at the 1 Model Steam Laundry. \ I'd. L. J"lcFLM VNAY, Ajrent, Fort Mitt, ?. C. i ' StiS-l -CM ?3* mm ? ii We are now offering? Thr?;e Cans Tomntoes, Fti Three lbs N;ce Pried Apj 5>?ed Irish I'otatsoe, $? o And have just received Hulls, and Cotton Seed Moal, v cows. Wo have also just received ChildrenStirimr 1 Sum's $1 to $1.50 n pair. CLOTHING! CLQIHII Though we Imve sold a a large line left, and think wo c< quality. We have too many 1> cut prices on these suits, so eoi t. b. beix r our springc.< 11 live* arrived and we will have will call and sco them, f >r OCR eyes. Our stock of hAWNS, P1Q DUCKS, SUITINGS, MADRAS' WHITE GOODS is unsurpassed fShirts, Shirts, 0ur 8t0t Hats and Caps. NVA Shoes and Slippers. ilO YS" SI" ITS ISO Y.Suits at 75 cents, ?1, Sl.tlo, t'l." Pants at 10 cents. 2(h) pairs nice SOMETHING TO KAT? W. your orders and we will till it ami later. We have a full stock of Ga Potatoes, both Irish and Sweet. llring us your produce and we ' for same. TEGRAM & TO THE YOUNG i We want to say that our line of plete in everything. Our Neuliu SUMMCIt l:N!)Ell\VEAK. HOSE ill 1)1 jots. srsrexdehr, Handkekchiei everything, bo wo ask you to conic to see us and cnil for anything you wear. If you want a nice suit of Simmxo Clothing we can tit you ive take orders for Wannanmker & Brown, Philadelphia. All wool suits, in ton patterns, for $8 -the kind that look nice, wear well, and Ijold their shape. We carry all kinds of Hats and Shoes. Try a j ire the host on the market for the i ME AC! 1AM The Proper Time Is right here to do your spring leaning and we are prepared to n ip you do it more effectively and noro economically than you have iver done before. We can provide you with a preparation that we guarantee to guard you against the lepredat ions of bedbug* for one year to come. Your money back f you furnish practical proof to he contrary. Your .Furniture may need vnrlishiug and perhaps restained or minted and your floors colored. W e would be pleased to serve you n this or any other capacity in our inc. \Y 15 iRDRF.Y & CO. MI STBSE." # ill Weight, for 25 cents. jle?, for 25 cents. O a bushel. 11 car each of Sacked Feed, Loose vhieli is best known feed for milch a full lino of Liu!ion,' blisses anil which are beauties. I'riccs from mi CLOTHING! at many Spring Suits, we have s'ill an fit almost anybody in price and oy?' and Children's Suits and liavo no soon and <jjet best selection. PROPRIETOR n OLIJ RELIABLE STORE." 30DS an OPENING just ns soon as you PRICES will <*t rtainly op mi your V" ES. Olid AND! ES. DIM 1T i ES, PERCALES, CALICOS, and >r beauty and quality. k of Spring .Shirts ore beauties ? All kind?, all sizes, all prices. un suit you In Jliia line, both In pries ?id quality. They ore sty llsb, too. A nice Uns to arrive this weok, i.i all ttie latest sprlnf; styles. >' PANTSjO, and 100 pairs of Boys' pants ?il 20, 2~>. do. 10, .*?(), (H) cents, t 11, we have it. Call or 'phono us deliver (roods promptly. Prices ldon Heed, Onion Sets, and Seed will givo you highest market prices COMPANY. * HEN? Gent's FoRNismxc. Goods is com. i:r. Shirts are perfect (reins? all kinds and styles of Collars and Cuffs. In Ties we show you tho Tnk, Four-in-hand, Bows, Clubs, English Squares, and Bat-wine Tios. Wash Tiea, by the dozen, 10 rents anil up. A full line of pcks, tans, fancy Htripea, and polka's, Garters we can't ennrnerato HWMWBMiaP IrSJI -mm mir of our liny Stnte Shoes. They noney. . & EPFS, W. II. KOOYEK, LIQUOR DEALER, CHARLOTTE, N. C. We look e?peclal(y after the shipping trade and below ijuote very close figures. Will be gljd to have your orders. Terms cash with order. Corn, per gallon, in jug (boxedL $1.50, 51.75 81,d $ All first-class goods ai $1.75 nnd $2 VRRY OLD. Ryes frcui $1.60 to $2, $2.50 nud $.? 5<? per gallon. (iuj* from $i.6o to $2, and $2 50. (jenuino Imported "Hsh (Jin" at $5 per gallon. Apple Brandy, $2.35 per gallon. I'cech Brandy $2 50 per g-illon. No charge f ?r jug and box on above, and no charge at these prices for keg when wanted in such quantities. Let us 1 ave your orders and oblige., w. U. HOOVER.