University of South Carolina Libraries
'* v-IvV- ^^SG^i'"> t-il?/l/\ - llnU B I "."" " % .fcx- I -. ' & yit f4 I KpgubflhlSs ?. L. Lem c ret ed J ryia re ? visited ._, e e e , * rJYanklin Burroughs returned last ] Thursday from tkt University of flptti Carolina where be it studying T ' " ,'"/ -, .'|W>i Elisabeth " Ward h at home ] foaT the summer after eomq^tiaf her ja|ijpr ydar at the University of . North Carolina. ' . 1 " " %S*r? . - Little Miss Jeab Evans entertained , neVerai of . her. friends last Saturday ] afternoon in celebration of her^foutth ] birthday. * * * *" i ./ Miss Irma Lewis' ieft Thursday to < uucnu Hummer scnooi at me univer- \ ": of North Carolina. I . j 1 - Miss Annette Epps is visiting Mr _ ' and Mm Charles K. Epps in Charles tiNk, *t??? . t * \ Mr and Mrs Fred Hostetter, Mr and \ Mm J. C. Spivey, and Mr Don Hos- 1 tetter guests-of- Mr and Mrs T. . 1 BN Ludlam at their summer home at . \ . V ' ^ A marriage of interest to many in "" ContrayNvas that of Mrs Viola Turbeville and Mr .Henry I. Miller of New 1 York City \ v(thich was solemnized j ^ Tuesday afternoon, May 20 in the i Greenwicli-Presbyterisui church, New York. Mm Miller has spent some time in Conway durtpg. the past sev- f era) years and is most pleasantly re- s w membered for her eflki^pt nursing. ' . v \ _ J Mrs J. B McCutcheon, Mips Elizabeth McCutcheon, John and Bobby McCutcheon are visiting relatiVps in Due West. % :J* \ v * * * * ' - \ Mr and'Mrs C^H. Snider and Miss" Evelyn Snider left Tuesday morning t! for Charleston where they will at- t tend the reunion of Miv-Snider'a fam- d ily. . ~ ' A and Mrs T. M. Evans have ra- I C turned from a motor trfp to Wash- t ington, D. C. .{ j . - V t. I I Misses Frances and Elizabeth Am? brose and Lueile Langley havP re-" turned from Oriental, N. C. where .they have been yisiting friends. , . J , ^ |i A- L. Collins-wa? in town Tuesday on business. > . W' r " r- - ' M ' , , . v-'t BARRYM FROMBLANK J The John Barrymore < created immortal master] entertainment fo|r the scr -^ achieves new glory in a comedy role. Durmgits^ ran the N. Y. World rated f unaiestperformance on , >> tion. picture screen in th< j New York today." You too, when you see it. PEERLESS 1 ??? Georgetown, MONDAY AND TUE: Matinee, 3:30 P. M. ' " . ' .' ! \ : *> &. - ? c--,. T'7*. -V ^8^E^h?-? n ' -':, *. Mrs B. C. Ca^pbill, and Mr Harlo Campbell of Johnson City, Tens., and lira W. C. Hayl? of ChuIkey^Xsnn., ritrt rueit* of Mr and Mr? H.v P. Little laet week. '* Mrs Bearne Burroughs, Misses J2s>elle and Vivien Burroughs, Mr ^htf tfrs G. Lr Ford and little Betty Jean Ford spent last week at Myrtle Beach. ^ * i *.. "Among* those attending the Sunbeam and R^A. Camps at the Bsq^ist Assembly in Hartsville this week are: fanet, William and Larue Langs ton, Nancy Finley and Charles Goldfinch. " Russell Hodges, and M. L. McMillan. * Little Miss Betty Jane Jonnson telebrated her second birthday by en-* ertaining several of her friends at a >irthday party Thursday afternoon, ice cream and cakes were served. * _ Mr and Mrs C. B. Seaborn have reurned from their weddihg trip. * "? _ Raymond Holt, after spending some : ;ime in Los Angeles, has returned iome,? rr- .?-??,? r Ziek Singleton qt near Toddville, vas in town..Saturday. Misses Virginia Parroti and Helen larby of Sumter, were guests of Mrs V. W. Barrett at Myrtle Beach durng last week. A"Mr and Mrs C. B. Dusenbury -and ' amily and Mr and Mrs Dan H. Winitead and family. Mr and Mrs M. G. Anderson are among those moving to ifyrtle Beach for the summer. i * * * ? _ * ? * * ; Pete Stalvey was here one day last reek from Myrtle Beach. * Mr .and Mrs H. k. zanders of myr|e Beach passed througji town yeserday on their way to a&?jpd several ayft with Mrs Sanders' parents . ^ \ * * V Dr. D. Z. Rowel 1 and little daughter, leraldine, of Andrews, 8. CL, passed h rough Conway last Wednesday, ivening after havingaapant the day at fyrtle Beach. \ -1 Mrs W. E. Barnhill and sister, Miss fulia Belle McCaskiIlv of this city, it tended "The Grand Rally", celebratpg.,the 66th anniversary of Thornwell irphanage, Clinton, S. C. \ Laugh * With : OHM **r\ ORE g| pieces of een, now ; modern BAvr few York lit'^The SiiltimJ HEATRE s. c. SDAY, JUNE 23-24 Evening 7i454k J#?15 ' .> *,* '?* ** />'. * ,>> : ... ?. .... . 7"' *'V ' ' - 4fT*' ' i'v# .. V' f ' n? ' r jf s.0 . ^ " \ 1 ' ' agt - v - -1 ?'. . .T J ' ' .'"r V - .; . *' / 1 ' -. . ifet raw ooin&T. fi c, H ?^'VCip*r' %. f-iTf'gtT Itrihnn Vrnin M|>U dp fftlrhi < frfts in pmx. SAturdar^p- / a. Mrs H. N. Sessions and litUe Miss Finns Gerrald, of this-city, spedt ft few days last week with Mrs Hftttie Smith, of Klorenoe, 8. C, V Mm HitttW Smith sad son, kj<hftfd of Florence, are viittlaf for ft few days with Mr and Mrs H. N. Sessions.,, s s Miss jolis Beil? McCftskill, of thlh city, is spending ft few d*ys in An* | drew*. S. C., in the home of Dr. sod Mrs D. Z. Kowell. -w-i. $? The friends of Master John Jr. MoCftskiU are Messed to lesnr of his good work in hifh school of Thornwell Orphsnsfe. Clinton, 8. C. Me hfts msde the honor roll every month except one, in 10th frsde for the past year, --also hs? the honor of winninf thu 'tPairv MmIsI" fnr ti^it vnrlr tv the dairy for the past yea* ^ ? r.- ; / * ** & 1 Misses Martha Dannev and Leila Tayl&i1 spent several days this week -with Miss Hannah Ross Smith at Myrtle Beach. + * * LOST?One black hat box, with lady's belongings, with stickers of Pineland and N. C. Colleges, lost between Green Sea antf Homewood. Suitable reward for return to Field Office. . Mr and Mrs \V. E. Tyler and daugb^ t?r^ MiSs Hattie, of Loris Route * vcere visitors in town Wednesday. VfW * ? Missionary Society -The general meeting of''the Missionionary society met on Monday After-'; noon at the home of Mrs. D. M. Burroughs with Circle Number Z hostess. Mrs J. 0. Cartrette, the president, presided. The opening song "Jesus Calls Us" was followed by instrumental music by Mrs A. K. Goldfinch. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs D. A. Spivey and Mrs F. C. Toddled the society in prayer Mrs C. R. Scarborough sang ^Something for Thee". ' Mr C. B. Dawsey gave an interesting talk on "Outstanding things in Missionary Life." Reports from Circle8 and departments were given. The news from the Bulletin was read by Mrs H. L. Scarborough. During, the social hour thc hostess circle served punch and cake. f o_ |l m MEMORY OF A. L. CAUSEY l ' ?t a In loving memory of our dear father A. li. Causey who departed ..this |ife M?y-16, ^1930. He was 53 years, 11 months"*n<tJL.day8 old. funeral services were conducted by Rev. Har. reUon. Interment wag at Mt. Olive cemetery. \ He was married first to Fannie M. ' Grainger who preceded him to the grave about 32 years, v To- this union was born 2 sons, Willie -and Cash Causey who survive him. Second to r Hattie J. Sessions who survive him. J To this union was bom 8 children who c alsd~3urvive. They are Mrs Herbert Cox, Blrs Earl Fennel, Mrs Claud .Smith and Guthrie, Kermit, Paul Ruby and Ethel Causey. He is also survived by his mother, Mrs Esther Causey and,, one brother j ^ Daniel M* . Causey and 9 grand*chil- 1 dren. \ , ?. It was hard to part with dear papa, but we mourn not as those who havex^ fw fnr ho {old us he was aav?d and was going to be with Jeaus.. . Sleep on Dear Papa, ">_Arid ta|fe yoar rest; .' * God called you horned -4lf! thought it b^t. ^ ^May each one of us live so we will * meet dear papa : again wjiere there will be no more .sad partings, no See us for all kinds of 6 fertilizer, groceries aikl p feeds*.Special prices on t flour.?The Smith Com^ J nanv. ad. > _ , to t ' Y1 . Tobacco Flues at Big * ? ' * ? ? * Planters Warehouse. ? See Paul D. Wooten, Conway, S. C. t -?, . ...'?*?-? rkousanda of prescriptions for this > remarkable formula vara filled or i druggists last yyar. orar ifcOOflfplijr-- / tfanttsta aa<l welfare oornea ] a fearmlfsa. safe, rapid relief tor I * .. naln. depresefor fever, cold. (la. 4 | r * Conteln? No ApptHM or Otti hdJiildfilMsi CdSdsl , mt :.L \?-p ' ' Pie Tliino Thi v ' * ^ . ; '' What is it that makes ah ice crea; cream pie, or a confection taste good? crave another helping? It is the flavor, the rich, delicate v appeals. For a good vanilla flavor is sence, of an ice cream, a pudding, a cal j i? - - * * ? * * - Ivjrooa pastry cooks Know tnat. A nd th? in the selection of vanilla extractr ~ The bes\w?nilla extracts are mac varieties of vanilla beans. Parke-Dav is made from abfeitd of vanilla beans, This develops the rich, mellow flavor t The flavor, of Parke-Davis Vanil! staifds the heat of baking and the ihtei 7 further than ordinary vanilla extracts, small quantity imports a delicious flav* candies, and frozen desserts. A world-famous chef of one of the try uses Parke-Davis Vanilla ExTt*act! tain pudding which requires long boili that Parke-Davis Vanilla Extract Spec has found that serves the purpose. He Parke-Davis Vanilla Extract Special Therefore, he uses it excTuSTvely ifihii We have just received a bar rel of trade, and especially priced at this tim Note: We Iaso can supply in .6 oz. prices. HORRY DRUG PHONE NO. 80. \ .WE.SELL GRAYBA Eggj I ' ^^=====5= lore heartaches and cares lTnliritia4Ai?,o Cit Wrtagh by his daughters-inJaws, IkCIVIIuiMfr O OIJ W Mrs Willie Caused and :^ fpfknth t\\V Mr8 Guthri% Causey. ICclllH JDlL _c : , . "- c p* HTV WILL UIT rI' CANDIDATE CARDS QUATTLEBAUM UG ?: : ' ICE COMPANY FOR SOpCITOH 12th CIRCUIT ' I hereby announce my. candidacy L A birthday party will b, or the office of Solicitor if the 12th l>?nor of Kelv,r,ator '?'??? udicial Circuit .abject to the Demo- ?'y ?" J""8 24th ^ ?u ratio Parly. " Ll*hf and Ice ComPa*,y ?t G LLOYD FORD up town office. Everyone is this pffrty and you may be ? ing well intertained. ? ? FOK ROAD COMMISSIONER Mr E. E. Rawl, Sales Mt I hereby announce, mysalf a candi- Carolina Kelvinator Com pa late for Road Commissioner subject Greenville, N. C., will give 1 o the rules of the Democratic Party: natcr demonstrations, .'1:30 J. T. SHELLEY. ternoon and 8:30 in- the eve: o _ , /' Kawl Kave a'very interestii NOTICE struetive talk on Kelvinatc Notlce. is hereby Riven that the un- opening of the'new^-office o lvr<dfrTW?d will apply before the Fro- baum LiRht & Ice Compat ?ate Court of Horrv County ofi the is witVploamirr we annour 4th day of July, 1930 at eleven turn tp Rive a more eomple i'clock A. M. for final accounting and"^stratfon of Kelvinator 4' lischarge as administrator of the electric refrigerated 'ofi. Sstate.of ArnelL Davis, deceased. .Mr: Kawl will demonstrate JAMES DAVIS, Administrator or's .refrigeration efficiency - of the Estate-of ArneU Davis, to which no other electric re '. deceased. has ever been subjectedIJ19-4ti. # * . Roiling water will be pouret * o i vinato'r's fast freezing traj Mr and Mrs, O. .N. Washburn of be Cooled 1()6 "degrees in fiv ti/&^Vliav^returned from an ex- You will see kelvinator fre endea trlg^'itrtpugh Georgia, Florida to solid ice in less than 8t nd Mississippi wfiere they . visited, He will also explain the ( rieiitl* and relatives in Louisiana Cdd-Storage Compartment nd Texas. They were accompanied low. freezing cpld for keepi ome by Mrs Washburn's niece, Miss fish, ice cream. etc.{"(2) at llie Fergusofi, of Monroe, La. for freezing regular ice i?u o -- ? automatic controlled cold in cotton. Jteducea working cost fo part mem hi ways neiow nui per acre. Increases yield $10 to $25 . Don't miss^this jrreni-ppoc per acre. Information free. Write, jr*t the facts about nitric W. Boyd Jones, Conway, S. C.u ' " ation values. , f.f .* ?- . 1'v i - A real, btr^M^. fake will . -wr,-i. .-i ; * w away at botjrthe af'er*ioon> - in?r demtmst ration*^ Ref b^y^ervpd and there wil i'tt{Actl7eTfeat'Jres to the II II III If^y- * mun l^ll/. new a n p ch k ai'er wa \ statev * 'Tire-Solvent' proved, to br t-vpl -ftpps pain in henrij?^~ft?n< rafter our dirty work. ' It cle aigia. dehtal pain, rheufinrftam clfrnn. lenses the skin soft. *-Vol nov conies in hand* tubee<ot smooth. We consider it b( ,f ^ j5 ""n-m*rJ *ny ROV- Bny * can todav s?e en est iMC'fi.oo at any pre j ~ <? , . . icrlption druggist or on receipt oj *or? You irice from A Vol Co.: Helton Kas (r-e-Sblveot tor home cle< ier Heart Depressants. # V 'V % (16^>U^fcee) ? ~Z.. ? - - 1 I l^. eans (32- Aunoa.)-. .^ Ur?l|lil MM ?iW 'The Field Pnttii = :?_V?*' :; -:7V, ' '' ,f* 5 '-V ><' *% 111|| MBSgBBBSggggggM pllpM it Counts, i m, a pudding, a cake, a II > What is it that makes you | ^ \ anilla f lavork That is yvhat II the very soul, the very es- I v ce, a "pie, or a confection. I it is why they use (p^at cafe H le from aTblend of several II ' is Vanilla' Extract Special H and then nronerlv Rffpd. HI - - - -? sr ? ^ sr- *-%r '"O v ... - i 0 the fullest extent, la Extract-Special withise cold of freezmg. It goes Less of it-is required, A -i or tol>ie^, cakes, puddings, ... 1 leading hotels in this coun- Special, in preparing a cer- / - . ; ng (4 bourse), and he says nal is the only extract he declares that the flavor of || 1 ?^ ri11 not boil or freeze out. Ill s culinary art. J this Vanilla Extract for our || I . ^ e in pint bottles. , and 3 oz. bottles at special COMPANY CONWAY, S.C. I 4 Jl RADIOS II j i- I nnn/in a 11 nAn -w i- rivuiiivAM rutt thday PEE DEE UNION v - ? ? l VEIN cBY Following is the program for the HT. A , Pee DeV Un ion wBtetr wtH convene with jMaple Baptist church Friday before the fifth Sunday in June, 1930: . ; ? > given in - \ ' Friday ' . 3 nth hirth- li:00 AV M Introductory sermon ^ * attlebaum by Rev. Durley Martin, ,-j5T ' ' their new 12;oo M. Recreation. 4? invited to 1;00 p Jd_Union called to order, lure of be. Enrollment of delegate* and report . -V from churches. ' % ' i.^%{ mager for 1;30 p M_t~FirHt subject: "What iny out of ; tloe8 ,,,e birth of Christ mean to the ^ two neivi- world, and who art? the wise men of ' in the af- tiay? Kw. James Rogers. . ninpr. .!?? ? 2:t)0 P.*' M Second Subject: Can ijf and in- We-aS Christian people be judges ami _ * * >rs at the j fau)r finders? Re\.J. 1"). Ilnrrelson. 4 >a f Quattle- 2:30 P. M^Third Subject: Wh*t 'j/i ly, and it Christ mean by beinpr endowed y^ ice hia re- with power and filled wtth the Holy y\; te demon- , spirit*! Rev. A. D. lIarrclaon? ,y he oldest ? , 7y s 7~ ' _ e market ' ' ^balurday u-nwrket. n/} ^ . h A Kelvinat- . . r2Si.- ,?* y In a test . '2^,. . . * . /j ' , i 10:15 A. M Fourth ^Subject: , ? v ? (frififOfwror .... , , yf . f ... . When are people naved and. what aro pubtijly. thpjr works? M.irk i?. Ken W.' r and will J: ln*ram* - " jf 10:45 A- M. ^Fiftli Subiect: VVJiat e 1,1,00 e8- does the churches need between the' . revival meetings Xo make them soul . * ik fcs-k winner*? R. A. Johnson. . ? * ' % wiuTbe m A M?rf >rorram ,ff nsr mefl 11:15 A. M. Preaching: by Rev. 'fe '?%.$* . ***** \ fflfm 'POP- * 1 en ' 10:00 A. M._ Sunday School ma*s e^rees. meeting, conducted by Supt. . * V V Y ? ^ ~ V; >r uni V] o Missionary sermon by pastor. -?7 r* t - - Committee. ; . ? / - - ' .^3 1 be'given. } : * " 7.*and even- ... cTm/c u/non ' -'tI . : U 1 V/ ? Li WW reshments, . . -A; i bf fitbpr For split Stove wood, " entertain- ' ~.f ,'U average length fifteen. ^ r^ . inehes. see N. P. JenerY to tnake, ENt ~;"e$te, phone 59-wk . ' : 3 ? th? l>est 4J| tf. ans hands >? " ' , ? ' , . v ' 'jl| white and. ' ?'-'t'JP ptter than r,,r OwV'^->' ' ?A?e<l with \ v-*V * '. . .^SwB urfnjf< - Htlktfi a Headache or Neuralgia In. \ l&cdfta SS thaeha a Cakl tiM'Irit "- '