?7 * " . ' ,'1' tp - . ..^ 7 y ,.;^ : -V - - -. -..'* . m- v.--,-- \:=. .-.v ./ # r*' x . ' .* ' t' ** ' \ ~ - : ' t _V';~ - : , ?r i*(fS v V . .. ? . > '* "* *> '*< .?' . f ''T3E5EE53552T3S5ISI^5S55ZSS32S5SBSS3SS55SS5rS2 VOLUME 13. ... V, ? Lawy WITNESS DROPS DE ' ^ ." :.. '; V.-"* ONS _.\-T \ . - ' \ ^ s ' ? ? ' ?^ The. first day's proceedings in the Vial of *B4wk>nd D. Bigham, Florence ** county, farmee, who Jo changed ^ ' *he ?n?f4?r pf five'. members of hi* ^ . ! ? _ .. CC V ? * 6\vn family, were brought to a~ sudden ia v ' - close late Thursday when ia_ State's aj witness was "fatally stricken While ei '1 ' testifying.. . .. $ , George J. Steely 72 years of age, president of the bank of Pamplicb, y< 2was describing scenes at the Bigham fc hottie on the afternoon of January' gj 22., when the five members of the* j, *\ . "" family were killed, when' his mouth aj ?7 showed a strained appearance. He ^ was assisted from the witness chair te . already unconscious, and taken into ti the judge's cloak room from where it a< _ was reported a few n\inute3 after- ie .waj"4 that he" was dead. j-. w Court Adjourns _ ti ' At the suggestion of Phillip ll. Ar- it *' rowsmith, assisting .. Solicitor L, "M. hi Casque in the prosecution, Judge Havne F. Rice adiourned court until in - ^ Friday morning:. Mr. Arrowamith was . J. examining: the .witness when the latr to ter was stricken. hi * r? v Mr. Steele was the second witness ni ' called by the state, following Dr. W; f| -? ; -H.' Poston, of Pampplicjo, on the pj stand. Dr. Foston had been under ex- je . amination from about 11:30 that ad morning unti] 5 o'clock that after- fo noon telling of his services at the di ?? ?Bigham home in connection with the " tragedy,. and undergoing a severe ti v questioning from both state defense el attorneys on his view as an expert of u / ' ' th# possibility that \Smiley Bigham had committed suicide. - Hi Edmund'P. Bigham, convicted and :V1F "^"tenrari In daith nnnn fm the . his hWirnsr. nm guwiv r when arraingedfor the second- tha* "V on the same charge. , V- ' ' - _No Concern ??rt~. ?? a* * - Although he followed the progress w ii of the case with evident interest, the cc rC. -^!HeWdcnt--9hewedjaa^it?feion'or con* W c^rn during the day; -? ? 3* * -Apparently- in the best- of health, .ir "Mr. "Steele mounted the. witness chair h< with a firm step and answered que*? II " 'tions put to him in a clear vigorous*.-hi -manner. He said. Edmund Bigham fi - asked him to assist in searching for hi ' the remaining members o.f the- fami- J* ? ly after Mrs. Bigham and one of thejni bovs had beefT found -dead-bui-.that j lo ^he.declitied because he thought it* was "ol j? dangerous.? ~?r: f ' Jtf "Who "Were you afraid of?" Attor- (jl< ney Arrowsmith asked. "Whoevir # Was doing the. killing," the witnt-i w ' rejoined, whildFa ripple of laughter stirred the packed courtroom. hi * Relations Good /; " w The. bodies ot the other children di ahd Mrs Black were found later, he n< testified, The witness said, he had C . known the Bigham family since he tl was old enough to know anything, -g The relation^ between Smily. and his di - ? - ^ (..'U.u r?i motner ana buw were^joou, n? sbiu, m and so far as he knew, so were the relations between. Edmuhc^. and the hi ! members of the''family." Jii Asked about the relations between t> the two brothers, Mr jSteele ^replied, m 4 * * - . . * - V 'i I , < > ' .* ' * ?V .V ^ % 1 ' . .V 7 T' ' / ' . T; ' V-' ' ' ? : " , V ? - ; . ' * * Is ' ' ? ' ' 1 * * V . 4. i ? -y- * - -' *-- ? - , * 4f * ** . *. *V ' v i' ! , * . ? JC . : S . . . 4 ' .' ' :#r ' ' * - - ^ * . > i?i .* -J___ b *? - "* "t~ ~~ j " _ > v. '' 1 = ' -III ^ ' 'T" T rr? ". ~ v ers C >: v"v_ : i N -' ?? r-^ ad - r"v: ? tand fiestdayf, t ? 111 - ?f- . . m Hundreds of men, with many wo- tb i.en and children, sought to obtain gi >ats in the court room bur mairy th erf disappointed; jW opening, of >ur? Thursday afternoon was d > pi yed about .">0 minutes by. the on- pa sility of court attaches and yrltness- at I?to- make their way' through ?the ? irong'that swarmed atthedoorsr-,'t. yr Bigham, with his wife And two o? Miner daiKvhtnro oitf tntr hnaid^ h i?ii wf UUU^illVl O OlWWIli^ l/VOIJ#V ??? V* dloweti the proceedings closely. He 11 jokt^'at intervals with A. L. King, w jdge Smith and E. J. Sherwood, who. rc representing him, * .. "dn Djaotor Poston who confessed of- ar tn to inability "to remember his tes- as mony at the coroner's inquest and qi ; the first trial, was examined at ht pgth as to" whether or' rtet a man til ho' comnjitted suicide would cofioue to hold a pistol or would drop after shooting himself through the i jjj ??d. f ' ' * sa The physician gave It "as his opi'nn that either result was possible. w Edmund Bigham, the witnesfe said, Bj, ldhim he had returned to' the Big-, bfc im home y after a short visit to a wl ?ighbor's to find, the members of the m imily shot and to"see. Smiley disap- M ;ar across the road with some obct in his hand. This was late in the w; 'ternoon and Smiley's body was m >und about noon of the following gi ly Dr. Poston testified. j. T1 I .11 n,,.. . x tic ucicuoc uvjcvvcu iu an 4uco- ^0 ons relating to the manner in which p, [1 members of the familyjmet death ^ ccept Smiley, for whose murder the ate elected to try Edmund tb Big- aj un. r* i ii'w **"?*? idicated ifoerti the body of his brothm "vJ V Smihey, could be* found before it q as actually located,^ was given in ?urt- Thursday, morning by Walter*.^ [cWhite, farmpr-neigh^or /- of the ^ tghams.- .' \f ' },< The ^defendent^ who wentT o5~l~EnaT" are Thursday for the secorid on" chgrge^ of murdering Smiley Big*m, told ?T"Whlte, the latter testied, that should be made~for ^ is broth o \? body near an* old ditch ^ here it " was later* "found. The witass sa'id Edmund asked him' "to j*? ok out for my interest" if the body " Smiley was found, explaining that i ? latter had four hundred or more \>rs in his - poekets ^the day before " i j tragedy. Only thirty rfdtfWiollaraere found on the body, he said, w; . The ' pistol, which Smiley Bigham . id clasped loosely in his right hand ^ hen found, was offered in evidence iring the testimony of the neat wit sst, W. W. "Purvis, of Pamplico.- ? ourt. attach w=were unable to open le chamber'.'to ascertain whether the on was loaded. It was. handed to the * sfendant. who opened it exhibiting ? ie epipty chambers. . Purvis told of finding Smiley Big- , ant's body with-. the pistolin his ^ and. There Were traces- of blood oq ie weapon .Jbpt none?on the dead f6 iap% "hand, he testified. The witness >id Edmund Bigham asked him- to ok for his brother's body, saying he * slieved the "poor fellow"- was dead, uryis stated. ^ S Magistrate'B. J. flyman, the next itnesa* testified that Edmund Bigam told him -to make a search be- *9 w a certain road for his brother's *? >dy. The body way found below t^jis tad, he said. On cross-examination b said the%defendant had not indicat- a< ft Testimony was presented that tfoe to sfendant Had a pistot on tiler satur- w ly when the tragedy took place^ and or Iso on the preceding Saturday. The ** istol wt| identifvJ as the same c' eapon found in Smiley Bigham's end iVhen his dead body was located t^lhaiday after the other - members th f the. iainiijw mom iiiimil ehwi mm eath. . * ?<- ? - g* There was also testimony tq the ef- w ir.i that Mood atains were found onjlB: u ee I5?-to 1?, feet distant from the p< >ot where Smiley BiyhSm's body J ti? as found with a bullet wouhd-jn his V' ght temple. ^ v ?. Ihi .. IndicatedTlace>*r,f ' lei r -f , if ] ' ij;""" z. " T ' rvt' s. ' '< y - : i,-'-' r? 5' jure: ~ v>'? '-iL V* ? /v-,.. >? ' ?'i r: , * ' - ' . * *._?* *' ^ / . T i i |i^i'.i i .ii^r"^'?"' II)C X ^cewwa v. 8. ?J. imi wan lash The prosecution - also introduce dmund Bigham indicated the genei direction in which search should fc ade for Smiley's bod?. location c ie -body resulting. Walter Surch, n? o, testified that on Saturday befox ie killing. Mrs. Bigham asked .him t > Id Pampljco to get a policeman t otect thejg from Jjjdmund, who sh id, according witness,."ws tf>ut tp k)ill" all df them. _ permit *wii ?sses and attaches ?lo attend the fur at-qt George J. Stfeble, wty> die fHirsday while-testifying a3 a state itness'in the Bigham case.. Much of thev time of the court Fr iy afternoon was consumed by a -gumerit "between opposing couns< t fo the mimissability of certai icstions relating to Smiley Bit mi's mental condition about th the of? the tragedy. . '* Defense Objects Mrs. Ola Curtain, a neighbor of th ighams, was asked about ajconyei ,tion Smiley Bigham had at he me a few days before the family ith the exception of Edmund, w? iot to death. The defense raised a ejection and. the jury was excuse bile Jud^e . Rice heard the argt ents. He reserved his. decision unt onday. ?? T"?Q Besides Mrs.' Curtain, - witness* ho testified ' Friday were -Walt* cWhite, who'helped in search fc niley Bigham's body, Magistrate 1 Hyman and Charlie Gordon, W r Miller, Archie Davis, Herbei oxworth and Walter Burch, all n< roes., . "f The defense continued to object i ictly to the death of Smiley Bighar Gordon. Miller. Davia. and Fq: orth testified to havin?jM*nJ& to-?Saturday preceding the crim ne of them said he saw/our or fr owsstruck vHth the board. They a tstified that Mrs. Black, Mrs. Bit >m ancf'fche "two children left tl )me Tand went to .Mrs. Curtain mie Immedtatelv afWrward, Indication by a state's witness < ie signiture of L. Smiley Bighai 1 the SQcalled confession letter, or ' the factors on which the defgm (cured a new trials marked the prot !ss of EdmUnd D. Bigham's secoii ial for. murder Monday. JC. M. Sfi etary,}clerk of court fop Florern unty, declared that tn his ?pinic to fliomSfitro fr? + Vis* loffor nrfiipK i lit was not. offered ihr evidence, wt ie hand writing of Smiley Bifhar hom along with his mother, Mrs A I'. Bigham, his sister, Mrs,* Bfarjor lack tfnd the two adopted childre ' the latter, Ceo and John^MrOracl I, Edmund is Charged with kill in January 4921, . at the Bigham plan ion at Pfcmplico in Florence count; Shortly after Edmund-JKas arrestc few_ days after the tragedy, M ingletary testified his wife presen i a deed jorK practically i all of tt tgham property at his office to 1 corded, but he refused tlT fceceptv gcause he-said the document showe irtain alterations and erasures. T1 ?ed purported to fce signed by Mr M_Bingham, Mrs. Black and Smi r Bigham, and to convey 900 acre i the defendant and $42,QO0._* ' Thb state also succeeded in gettin to the evidence a. statement allege have"been made by Smily'BigKai iiesday before the Saturday of th ?- ? -? a _ at a. iitii ?, , iixiiciuv uuu xamuna is cuuing u rath and is threatening to Jcill us a it I am not afraid of him." T> ate failed, however, in an attemi place in evidence the will allege - -have' been made on. the Satusda; te week . before the crime. Jtidg ayne F\ Rjce ruled that he would ft: ude it for the preefent. -7.^ : Testimohy of 'Surgeon. Much of the afternoon session < ie court was consumed by the test ony of Dr. J. D: Smyser, brain sui >oft and speciallit uf Flohewee, wb [toothers exhumed, the body of Mr trformed a post mortem examini Dn. Dr. Smyser ^dpscribed the bulb ound 'found in the skull of Mrs Bif im and in response to questions" li [pressed the opinion thaf the wouri * *, ,v V . I' . ' 8 11 ' .J. " >/ * ' V g|if - * .. .> ' ? .-;: ^ '. ,.:'Vv .' -,> |S-i JUJif (d. Mp Suffered Would havefjrodtaed id- a?fcput-Utw?**5we?results if she had p-: been suddenly beheaded. According to * Edmund Bigha'm's account of the if trigedy aa.jelatod'hy several witnes> set, hft mother ran 'from the fronf g^ d9pr across the jhmd saying, "Ssmilcy o haa kiJled' us all," when he returned'"" if home from a ^rief -*business trip to ie find the family wiped but/ 0 & ... Undergoing u; searching -cross-ex,anliiflition by vJu?f?e Mendel ^3T' n S^itFTof defense^eounael-, D,c.Smyser ^ t-. tb^ified also to the powder burns or ' jst^iiyi- said to^ave been around the d boUet wound in the temple, which ; 's {e*Seneaf nace of' the" i-* wotond it_whs caUsed \>y a bullet .fir* j'81 n dsfrghi . a weapon not closer tp theaD head than^lG inches. The defense has n WRcSted. its theory of the crime is..*8 rth|t SmTTey Killed, the other ntembers. j hr te of the- family apd then committed st' -sillcidp. Dr. Srpyser^gave it as his *, opinion that iJmiley,probably would 1 ^ either have clenched the pistol firm- 0 ^ $ ;,<>*> dropped it altogether after m ,r shouting himself. According to wit-1 ^ ^ hjjhses the pistol was- loosely grasped a '^rt?9n His body was .found about noon '-r n of the day following the tragedy. ^ ?old that there was testimony that 1 !?> Sttil^y's thuhab had snapped l^ack m U close to the palm bf his hand when 18 the "p st'ol was removed. Dr.. Sihyser r )S Mid in his opinion the face indicated; ^ ^ that the weapon had been placed in- j )r the hand after rigor mortis had set In. V* ^ J. C. Copeland, former tepant on I the Bigham farmk and A. H. Bostick u< rt of events . connected .with the T g. finding of Smiley's .. body and occur- 81 rences at'the Bigham home the day s< the killing, r--, ' r ' 8 l_. 1?.? ^-Says Attitude Hostile ?^ | Mr. Singletary, although called hy R r the prosecution, had "not-testified at a i- uctufb /vywi iicji %. m. aBptewCjuty^i^ ?qt^>3[; m. tot f^M. GasqOe, referred to his at- * ^ titode as "apparently hostile." Bo- < re sidea telling of the .attempt of Mrs. ^ jj Bigham to rcyord the deed, an at- n _ tempt that he said^ was never renew- 0 ,e ed.the clerk of eoqrt told.of several e ?g deeds including one concerning pro- t perty of the late Mrs. Leatha Cain, a '' of?the defendant, having been * )f t >rp from^thxrrefr^^ 11litis jof - -? m 'fjce. He asserted that he had reason ~~ ' to believe. Smiley Bigham mutilated tl his* * records and added that he at- y tempted to prosecute him, but .Judge, a ^ Rice- ruled that portion of his testi- .si ^ mony_out as incompetent. > ?=- - tl The witness identified Smiley Big- ^ in j hanya. ^ signatm-e^ efr the^ request of e ls jfered in evidence at tnat point out n the witness was asked by Mr. Arrow- ?b (j smith if he still believed the sign a.- 81 je ture to he genuine after/what the sq- ? ,n' preme court and Judge S; .. W. G. c_ Shipp at Separate times had said of ' g the letter.He replied that, he did. ^ v This was the] letter upon which the y defense first mad^ lan unsuccessful ^ effort to obtain a new trial onjthe n r ground of after "discovered evidence. fl AH of -it except tfte signature Was u ie typewritten ahd it. bore neither date ^ nor _ salutation, f"'" ' '_jr it '"The text of.the letter follows: d "Mother and Margie has .the two ie signed'deeds that had disappeared in y s. their posession; Causing trouble s1 1- s^ems to be their pleasure, They took g( is the money tha? the postoffice depart- y nuot has me charged with and w$re ^ % the eause of Cleveland running off. ei d And I had to pay the bond. For years t] w I havh had to leave'home and pay v ie board to be in peace "to make my p fulations and plots. They poisoned t] 11 father and tried (to-poison Letha's io child after her death. When I found ^ ,t them with tlie deeds I decided to kill g d the last one of them and leave no one j, yf to tell the tale. I ant writing this to ^ -e explain^why I did L this act. You Will ' [. never see me again alive. Signed L. 8.: Bighaaa/* .] ?-3^ ' . V >" ..I ft Mrs. Q\w( Kirton was the first wit- ^ )f new to testify Monday. She was on ^ iV- HiniirnnH Fri lilt DV?^1U WUVIl WtM v , wvkjvM. .... - - - p p_ ^jay in^thehiidst of aft Argument as Wiethe* she -should be permitted ^ ^Tday Judge Ride ryled. that her evi- ^ . nh ^d mikc th^danHj^ofSmiley an c re -issue and announced he would allow r d j ' . (Continued on pag| 5 -r-T"r ' ': T'.;". V--"vSp-^ -jr ''- ,-.t - : W"...; J. !?': .* -1.1 . - uv . : '- - : r v-? -__;^~ - *?- & ' ' ' ' ? f-: . r-r. r : s -r' .. - c" . * '* ,v- # >1- ' A. v. - .<0 S _.\ .% !. ' ' : 1 " ?7" * \ - , # * '' 1 ? V ' -? - -* ** * " /' ** ? \ ' \ ' ^ --*9 %'- j; RAND JURY - I* MAKES REPORT " ' * - " : ' * w ' 4 v . ate of South Carolina, County of J Uftftty, Court-of General Sessions, September Term 1924. i HtKs Honor. H. F. Rice, Presiding _". Judge: ' : . , '. ' . 1. We haw passed en all bHls seht /' us by the .solicitor,~ and have Fe- . r??d?than/ . t? the Court, w&h our m idinfrs? 5J. The"sptM*ial committee to investite the condition of County Ofes, aiid aH public buildings,-have- J?? ide oral report of the Grand Jury 1tl follows: * , ''lJ (a) No" speeial.or complete investi- ^ ition of general county finances has ^ on majde for the reason that the v" ttlement of taxes for' fiscial year *r 1U23, should be witnessed by the ca miptruller General and the Foreman ^ the Grand Jury has not yet been-.ce nde; and the expenses of^making a. ecial examination would merely be & payment of duplicate work. / The ejent foreman of the Grand Jurys ill, when notified, attend any settle. - * " " la ent made during the year, and if .'ceesary will rfcport ahy special re atter to the succeeding Grand Jury. ^ (b) The Grand Jury is'informed !t iat. the - School District balances of " - 'o* " ** "S't le'cash on ^hami, for the* several tax ?ars last- past, not^ agree as made ^ y the County Superintendent mmend, that all executions in .hand _ e fully* eccounted^or^aTthe-wjBtattEc ^ uing tax settlement for the fiscial ear 1926. Anti also recommend that' le'sheriff follow closely pnd literal-. , r and- new acts lof 1924 relating to "j ?x executions.- / t 3. In our last report of the'June' ?rm of this court, we mentioned the. a latter of ap investigation 01 mje ai- a aire of the Bank of?Loris.?We are e riabte for lack of further, infonma- t ion, from th*e officers in charge of fiese affairs to add linything to the ^ tatements of that report. We think Ills' mater- is veav imnorant and that ; warraftts further investigation. Whether' "the banking laws of the tale have been, violated of not ii a / erious que&tion'involved in. this iiv^ d estigation. Ch^ 'Grand Jury ^htefe- jE are earnestly recommend that the ^ nsuing : Gpand * Jury continue \\e investigation begun by this body * dth a view of presenting to* this a ourt $ny violation of the laws of ^ tie state. " - " * L ' i (_^f ' j? . 4. The Specfal- Cqmrnittee at?b by firectibh of the Grand Jury invest!^ d ated the condition of public build- * ifcs, and we desire to call attention' V > the condition of the jail and the ? eed of repairs to that building, it * ppears thai the ro6f of the jail still L_ ??ks to the injury and detriment of * lie interior of the building. Tlife aan- G tary condition of the jail is most exehent.'-, ' *;'t y *4? _J . ? 6. It is brought to our attention ?h* hridorAH in the river swamp * n the Horry siv*% 2. ' ^ v* I ~l^j 5^1^^ M MBER 3^' ' Trial ; _"n4 . J DMiiNnRir.. H AM TESTIFIES " " " : " - ,f u. * ^ ' udge Rice Scores Law-"^7 -yers for Contempt ^ Of Court ?- ? : '* . JL. ' / * Judjfe'Rice ruled out the will subittod by the;jgt.nte? ifl evidence. Ho - ' (i f o#l Wtit fKtiz 'rfnt finut :?-? ??* > \e defense then , moved that. Judge ? ' ' T* " cb' direct a verdict. The 'motion was ' ' j er ruled- The cjefense then opened ^ --y ? casiT'by putting on the stand, the ' 3 fendant, Edmund D; Bigham.. Big-* . Liu. appeared. cool aAd collected on - / '* e stand, giving his answers In a - .? par distinct voice. "I /ame home , y J om Ga. late ip summer iDf.1920.be- ' usef' of, a letter t received from ' other. I came immediately after re- . iving letter, and arrived home late r * ... iturday night. Left Mohday. All V >t up when I got home. All came ?: ~~ >wn stairs, and began to talk about- ' - . A' mething which happened .Tuesday ght when they had to sepd for Mrs. , ... _ irton. Smiley, got rather angry. 1 -;/ asonedwith him urging him nqt to? ' . . i pngry with- pother. Smiley said if _?1?happened" again he would kill every st one of them. State moved to . 1 rike out-statement made by Smiley . v *?. rBdmund,, Dut the motion was re- " * ised.-AVd sat upland talked three or * >ur hours that night and I left -there is next afternoon. 'At. breakfast on tiat mornfng we all -began toiktalk ??;??? gain. After breakfast Smiley and I oolj'a walk together, Smiley mentioned his financial condition and aid he had been checked up around " ~~ V"1 ~ >730.00 short, as Postmaster and was ^ iaMeA..gP ^a liaj *UuiUM?. 1U s^ipied. L4^._:g!r5! II 111! lliailiid Tinj tpnablnrl ef thfa 1 i" ijn \ nli, iefore the Federal Court. He also " ! * ~"V nontion'od records which had been / ... ^ j 7_- " - , . orn from record books. Said fye tore " " hem out1 to do away with record of:! vj ransfer of Bigham property. Said he ... . ixpected tto bt? brought up by Grand * *. .$ ury and he believed- the Clerk* saw., . lihT Bear them-out^-SnjjlgX also-spoke^, - *. - *2 f Cleveland's bond, and said "fhifT*~?~ j lather and Marjie were, the cause of 1 ' ;* -lrvfltuiri's running away. Said ne. i ms^gmTTgHio^u^ huiid ^ - Hi returned to Ga, that afterndon7~ffnd ' * i 7 fune back later on when an arrange- . / lent was made to fettle^ up our/af- sJr~. - t airs and they. Smiley, Mother arid "*r?-?y ^ largie made me deed for -all proper- . / . - * y. $42,000.00. TSmiley owed me ^ ^ 000 since 101]$. H# was worried t bout- that. I went back to Ga. and??~y~? hnnt. MoiMmhpf "10 I; moved back to / . he Biffham hompand~werir~tTitn?th^-~?J ~ ' rood cutting , busineshi_Cut about /J . ooa kafnn> ilia Ulltank 7 4W cm uo V^avaw ??v m lace, Smiley looking after the \oadyrig. My relations were always pleajrf- ? n nt wjth the family. I ne^r struck fother or" Sister." Smil^y^was. worri- . d abl5ur~fh? Pbsot Offlce^matter, the orn records, and the f26,000. which * ' Vv; >e pi^ed me. (H^re^Bigham made a ~ (continued on page 4 , ' ' '? " T , _ / i V. ng>^resentments to be made': j . : ^OrtHa _Watta for running a dissofretly house. .Witnesses: Cb'?,F. Smith, ' , ^ Imery Haftes,""jC- P. Gibson, John. Paters,*Ltssey .WaterIT~ ?:?? . * ^ v Sallie Carter, and ^Besrfie Flowers or keeping a bawdy hbUse. Witness- . /' a: J- L. Edwards, \Vr IT."Roberts,- ~ $?] Jewberry Robert*, John Cox, Taft ^ ikibber and Harbert Jodd. " v - *" L. B. Bailey.^for being drunk and ^ \ i80raeriy, carrynig jnswi, v.. v. v bout March 36^. 1924. WltnessesT ~~ K Vill Fowler, die Fowler, W. L. Bail-". y, E W. Small^JCrome Small, J. L. v lugging; Jack Long. J. Q. Graham and Ellen Wifliams or; adultry. Witnesses J. P. Stanley, ^=r? 1 *"-; > u " leo. Gatise, Will Faircloth,' B.F. >. ' tutler aSuTHairy Jane Roger*! Zealit < lMf?' ' ; . ' /' y We desire to thank your honor and - > _ he^off icers of this toifrt Tor the many ' ourteeies extended 4he- grand, I**- and to the individual members durlng-thi* terry. ' %. ' l' - J- ? _4 W- LEWIS, 2; T&rtman,' __ Jonw'ayr.S. C.; Sept. 24, 1924. ? i >?-*> . ' * >a 'r ' ' ' ' ^ , '' ' ^ ^ |*'