University of South Carolina Libraries
W LATTA DEPARTMENT 1 m Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Bethea, Mrs.! I J. B. Luckey, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Cal-j houn motored to Bennettsville Mon-. ' day night to attend a play. Misses Marie Thompson and Mary B Murehison of Dillon visited friends ^E*jat this place during th<> p;.st week. Mrs. J. F. Bethea and daughter Margaret spent Sunday in Flor-I fence visiting Miss Georgia who is sick j in the Florence Infirmary. J. K. Page of Sellers was a business visitor here Wednesday afternoon. L. B. Alford of Floydale was among those in our city 011 business 'v Wednesday. J. Earle Bethea of Dillon was here1 on business Wednesday afternoon. j Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Sherwood, have returned from their honeymoon and were in town visiting relative.-1 on Wednesday and while here Rev. Sherwood made a very interesting address in the Baptist church. W. Ellis Bethea and J. C. Alford motored to Nichols on Thursday afj ternoun, returning same evening. A. C. McGee of Greenville is pay-1 ing his son, Dr. T. C. iMcGee an extended visit. Judge J. C. Davis and Auditor D.j S. Allen of Dillon visited our city I Friday afternoon. x>. v,. oianora win m the near fu-'( ture build an up to date bungalow on' High School Avenue. Mrs. O. J. Fenegan entertained the Lone Oak Chapter D. A. R. on Friday I afternoon the 4th. The large living1 room was made very attractive with ferns, growing plants and cut flow-] 1 ers, vases, baskets and wall vases be-' ing used very artistically. After the, business of the meeting was disposed, of, a dainty salad course was served; by the hostess asisted by Misses Hone, Manning and Lucille Fenegan, daugh? ter of the hostess. A company consisting of several of the most substantial colored citi[ > zens of this place have bought the, brick building owned by R. ". Dew,j and formerly occupied by C. L.; 4 Simpson who did a "Cash and Carry F Business." Simpson has also sold a his stock of groceries to them, and from this time on it will be run as aj '* general grocery store by them. During the past week the Bridge Club met with Mrs D. B. Shine, it 1 being a Hallow'een Party, the deco f rations being pumpkins, black cats, and witches, lighted with candles, also I quantities of ferns were tastefully arranged. The front of the house was thrown "ensuite." Three tables were skillfully placed for cards. The players ejoyed several close rubbers, after which the prize, a large bottle of perfume, was awarded to Mrs. J. O.i Bethea for highest score. At a late1 hour the hostess assisted by Miss Hor-j tense Biggs served a dainty salad,< course. The honored guest of the occasion was Mrs. Homer Bethea of I ? 1m rn 1111111111 n 1111M111 it 1111111 n 11 imi 11111 in i n in 1111111 rn 1111 rn iniiiiiiiii wrr pfcssaa ;im : 11 ii 111 I I EXTR Si Just r< | ||= 1= L 11 Which we l| i= i*"?~ Ladies .Brown Calf HE Shoes made by the fan |? Shoe Co., all sizes and w I it s' I == Brown Calf Blucher Os i Nlte Heel II * Ladies Tricotine Dr IE 1 $i Ladies Black and ta == Military Heel, $7.50 vali I B s: III ^^loi . ... ' \ I, THE DILLON HERALD, D1 Lydia, S. C. Mrs. Traeey E. Fore and son Hud-1 son and daughter Miss Hazel of the! Elberry section were in town Satur- ' iln v ' A. V.. Bessent and son Ernest oC 1 Little River spent the week end with' Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Henry. j1 Mrs. Carrie House who lias been] living in Greenville for the past < several months is spending some' time with her mother Mrs. Marion;! Allen. Mrs. S. J. Betliea, Jr., lias just re- i turned from an extended visit to her! parents in Spartanburg county. John Kougehelmer of Charleston; spent several days here during the 1 past week in the Interest of his line. B. F. Graves of Lincolnton, Ga., vho is putting in concerete on the Dillon-Marion Highway spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Graham Hammond of," Rocky Mount spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. HammondMisses Jennie Lee and Elizabeth Dew of Coker College, also Miss Mae Braddy of Columbia College are; spending a few days with their parents here. Mrs. Nella Gregg Pilot of Serasota.i Fla., spent the week end with hercousin Mrs. Jennie Sellers. W. M. Page of Sellers was among those who visited our city Mondavi afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell of Floydale passed through Latta en route to the Florence Infirmary where Mrs. Campbell is being treated. s Dr. Percy Bethea of Darlington was i visiting relatives in this section the f. first of the week. I Miss Mary Fore entertained the c older set of young folks with a Hallow'een party during the past week, i The Woodrow Wilson Literary Society met November 4tli, 10 21. The meeting was called to order by the ^ president, after which the Lord's prayer was repeated in concert. The roll was called and the minutes of' the last meeting were read. i The following program was carried j out: ^ Original Essay?Gertrude Parham. ( Reading?Sarah Henry. 1st. Impromptu?Blanton Dunn. Itec. Poetry?Mary LeGette. 2nd. Impromptu?Earle McMillan.L Rec. Prose?Rosa Kate Hammond.,] i-iano uuei?Anna Margaret Wil-'. lianis and Inez Parham. Debate?Resolved: "That it is det- j rimental to the best interests for the railroad men to go on a strike." j Affirmative?Pearj Proctor. Thom- , as Bailey. Negative?Anna Margaret . Williams, M. D. Biggs. ! f Margaret Bethea, Cor. Secretary. * "The Four Horsemen of the Apo- < calypse" and special orchestra. Ev-| 1 prybody's Theatre. Matinee and night j 1 Wednesday and Thursday, November , i 16th and 17th. j< in iiiiTWii 111111 ill im inn niTini 1111 i.i 111111 js im: i i m i i i i i i ::In 1111111 n 111111111 li? 111111 i-i 11 * f 'A! eceived om njr?AT TZi inxLiv vv will offer at g\ Also hundret and Kid Military Heel ious Thompson - Crooker idths 1.98 :ford, Ball Strap Military 1.98 esses, $15 and $20 value 1.95 n Calf and Kid Lace Shoes ue now at lift * IV/ -ris F? DILLO, lllillliiillli Willi!!! UlHltiJ!.! 11H H!.! Mtafflffl; LLLON SOUTH CAROLINA, THU1 Services at the Methodist Church. J Main Street Methodist Church, Dr.' IVatson B. Duncan, Pastor. Sunday School at 10 A< M.t Mr. W. H. Muller, Superintendent. Preaching at 11 A. M. and 7.30 p. in. by the Pastor. Morning Subject: "The Chris nun oiuuuara oi uonauct." Evening: Subject: "The Joy ofj Spiritual Certainty." Junior Epworth League at 4 p. j in. Prayer Service on Wednesday at 4 )>. in. Public cordially invited to all set*-) vices. o i Mastoids Sales. ! There was only a small crowd at-1 Lending public sales last Monday and j the bidding was not very spirited,1 unly two sales being made. In the case of G. D. Barlow against it. J. Johnson and Minnie Johnson! the property was bid In by N. ' B.' Hargrove, attorney, for $50.00. Tliisj was a small lot near the Dillon Mills.' Ill tile ease of Mnrinn VnHnnnl ! Bank against A ma Page the property a as bid in by S. W. Norwood for M. 2. Woods, attorney, for $2100. This ivas 72 acres of land near Fork. o COMING. " Minister's Wife's New Bonnet," i mnsicai entertainment. Characters cpresented by Dillon's popular younger set. Sale of seats will commence <ov. 15th at local drupe stores. Be >n hand to secure good seats. iVEAK BLOOD IS A HEAL BAIIRIKB. jlrowing Cliildi*en Often Need (iude's Pepto-Mangan. Some children grow too quickly ? t saps their strength. They lapse careless, desultory habits, or deelop a shrinking attitude. Their aces look pinched. The blood becomes overtaxed by co rapid growth; and poisons from 111- sjoiciu iaiir UK' piace 01 sirengtn :iving red corpuscles in the blood, led corpuscles are those little red larticles that swim in blood and give t. its color. Gradually that child oses interest in its play. Poor blood needs the building that he iron in Gode's Pepto-Mangan jives to weakened blood. Gude's Pepo-Mangan enriches the blood by in reasing the number of red corpuscles >nd restores the blood by driving >ut the poisons. When the revived ilood gets 'to work, the appetite be -wines w xihi a growing cniiq s snouia; je. Your druggist lias Gude's Popto-; dangan in liquid or tablet form. The lame "Glide's Pepto-Mangan" is on ?very package. ?Adv. It. , m i mi i mm 11 mi 111 ii i' 11111 mi 11 mi ii ii 11 mi 1111 i EX1 e CARLC rOMEN A reatly reduced ds of women's < 5tOO Pair Men's Tan ] Shoes at $3 Ladies Coat Suits in Velours, Special at,' $1: jnen s ran calf Higl eluding Packard and Bo tised brands at far belov 500 Pairs ladies Hig Ziegler Bros. Make. $ 5 $3 1SS D< N'S LARGES1 unum Nil I ill U LI IIU1J jJUMJll J JILI1LU1111 nil I HHHIUW4.MW4MWI J*M AI4JJU.UU 141 1WM H WWlI ? - ... _ .... EtSDAY HORNING, NOVEMBER 10, 1 "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" and special orchestra. Everybody's Theatre. Matinee and night Wednesday and Thursday, November 16th and 17th. FOR SALE?My House and Lot on East Main Street. Apply to H. L. Clark, Dillon, S. C.?11 10 2tp. To the Dillon Herald. Dothan School District No. 1) will begin its compulsory school attendance Nov. 21st. All parents and guardians are requested to see that all children between the ages of 7-14 years attend promptly. A. V. Bethea, Chairman, Nov. 10. Board of Trustees ?11 10 2t. NOTICE OP SALE. In the United States District Court for the Eastern District of South Carolina. In the matter of W. C. Parham, Bankrupt. Pursuant to an order of sale made, in this cause in bankruptcy, by Rob-i ert J. Kirk, Esquire, Referee in! Bankruptcy, and dated October 24th 19 21, 1, N.' B. Hargrove, as trustee! iu bankruptcy of the said W. C. Parham will offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the County Court House in the town of Dillon, County of Dillon, State of South Carolina and District aforesaid, on salesday in December next, being the 5th day of December 1921, at 12 o'clock noon, the following described tracts of real estate, ! to wit: All that certain parcel or lot of J land in Dillon county, South Carolina, composed of three smaller tracts and designated as number two, three and four on a plat of the lands of the estate of Mrs. M. J. Monroe, and made by M. M. Monroe, Oct. 10, 1919 and recorded in the office of the Clerk of Court for Dillon County in Plat Book 2, Page 52, tract No. containing 53.26 acres, tract No. 3 containing 29.44 acres, and tract I No. 4 containing 27.31 acres, the| mree iracis containing in the aggregate one hundred and ten 11-100 acres, be the same a little more or lc S8, and bounded as follows: North b> lands of Elizabeth Monroe and E. R. Ellerbe> East by the Public Road from Eatta to Mullins, S. C.., South by the Johnson lands and M. Baker and tract No. 5 of the same plat and West by tract No. 1 of the same plat, and being of the estimated value of $16,500.00. Subject however to a mortgage securing the payment of $12,869.52 held by M. M. Monroe et. al. Also a one half interest in all that! certain tract of land in Marion eoun-| ty, South Carolina containing one! hundred and twenty three and 8-10 i acres, as represented on a plat by J. j M Johnson Civil Engineer, for A. B. Owens and T. B. Weatherford, beart ill tin\imil'11'!m n ?^mummmSSmSmi I 7? A! )AD of Si ND CHIL orices- far h i * " ~ coats, coat suiti ? Hb iiace and Button High Toe S .98 I ( Serges, Tricontines and 1 5.95 I h Toe and Recede Toe, instonians and other adveri Manufacturers cost. h Boot Black and Tan Kid .00 values at .48 spartr r AND BEST , . \ 021. ing date April 1913, .and bounded 1 and described as follows to wit: t North and East by lands of G. W. Christinas, South by lands of A. B. s Owens and West by lands of J. K. fl Page. For a more particular de- a scription of the aforesaid tract of c land reference is craved to the said <; plat which is on record in the Clerk h of Court's office in Marion county, t Of the estimated value of $5000.00. t Subject however, to a mortgage on e the whole tract securing the payment <1 ot $4000.00 held by the Farmers & t Merchants Bank of Entta. S. C. t Also a one-third interest in all s that piece parcel or tract of land in t the town of Latta, County of Dillon s and State of South Carolina, con- ' taining three acres more or less and s hounded on the North by let of Mrs. S. Pope. East by Marion street, s South by lot of Mrs. G. R. Williams a and West by the risht of way of the c A. C. L. railway; the same beinp; all the lands conveyed to W. W. Par- t ham and W. C. Parham by the Bank I of Latta by deed dated January 2, 1010 and recorded in the Clerk's of- 1 fice for Dillon county on February ] I Immense I Tailoring J H Save money! Don't mi 0 sale. The season's fine 25j low prices. Every suit ?3 der and guaranteed. OVERCOATS Meltons in all colore. K ford and brown. Hen grey and tan and a 1 ft! sortment of fancy anc S SUITS 1 rk Herringbones, Club ( ^5 cil stripes, over plai< P Autumn browns and and blacks, fl Come in and see our rem: &gj your Thanksgiving clothes |gj clothes now and deliver th g?l until they are wanted. BETHEA, th Local D m H. M. Marks ai H Oldest Tailors in Existenc 11 iTiiiiiroi 11 in 11 in i i.i 11111111 mil i n n 'i u 11 n i u en 1111111 III N111 NT ftWittM 141HI IN m\ IIIIM till WIJNM EX JOES hon DREN'S elow Manufaci i and dresses Ladies Coats in Vtelou and other fabrics. $20.00 ai $14 i ? J: T>I t_ uauies jDiacK oaun Oil XV Heel, Black Brazil Kid collar, newest authentic n 6.50 Value Serge Skirt! $3.4 Ladies Coat Suits in Trimmed Collars and Cufl $16. nent ? * > . STORE fflTlilllflOT 1919 in Book 12 at page 249, and >eing of the estimated value of $300. The said tracts of land above decribed shall be offered for sale seprately and on the following terms nd conditions: The successful bidder ir bidders at said sale will be reluired to comply immediately with lis bid by paying over to the trustee he amount of his bid in cash, or i he equivalent thereof, and in' the + vent of default by the successful bidler in immediately complying with.' lie terms and conditions of said sale hen said trustee will again offer aid property or properties for sale in he same manner* on the same or onie suDsequenc aay witnout further lot ice and at the risk and expense of iuch defaulting bidder. The purchaser or purchasers at said ale shall pay for the necess\ry intruments of conveyance and for revnue stamps. 4 Dated at Dillon, South Carolina, his twenty-fourth day of October A. 1. 1921. N. B. HARGROVE. ts trustee of W. C. Parham Bankrupt 11 10 4t- \ )ale I ss this monster bargain I ist fabrics at amazing | tailored strictly to or nn I --r erseys in Ox- k ^ ringbones in And Up . beautiful asI plaidbacks. 1$ Checks, Pen- $22.00 |j is, the new And Up &jj staple blues |g irkable bargains. Order m \ now. We will tailor the 99 em at once or hold them 91 e TAILOR. I ealer B nd Company, S e Chicago. H II n n 11 n 11 n 1111111111111111 u n 111111111111 n i-^n nil III H I 11:1111111111 i 111! 11111I I11I I1111111II Hill I TRA! [ t Boston II" ====================== 9 \urers Cost. ?? l? rs, Bolivias, Silver Tips || \ [id $25.00 values .95 jj rap Pump, Junior Louis || ^ , 3 strap Pump with mat EE lodes. 9 in Stripes and Plaids 15 || jtsrown and Blue Fur == 's, Special at ii 95 fl A ===== ii (j 1 SI Hore II EE