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ytms Produce Head)- Cash. "WarUe we are discussing var-i ious ways of beating the boll weevil,"! remarked Mr. Jim McCrauey of thej Dillon Live Stock Co., "it might be, a good plan to think about establishing a creamery this side of the Dig Pee Dee. The nearest creamery is at I Florence and 1 understand it has been a great success financially. It would1 do more to encourage the raising of1 fine milk cows than anything 1 know of. Dut if we can't get a cream j cry 1 believe it would be profitable . ^ n every lanu-owner in the county' v.ould provide each ot his tenants' T ^ with a good milk cow. 1 don't mean \ the scrub COW, but a well-bred Jersey or Holsteiu or something like that that will give 5 or 6 gallons milk a day. It doesn't cost any more to feed a six gallon cow than it does to feed a one gallon cow, and the milk could; bo shipped every day to the Florence creamery. This would give tenants a little spending money, and t even if next year's crop Is a failure > they would 'be able to get along; pretty well. We may make a big crop of cotton next year. That tie-J pends of course on the winter, and the spring and summer following, but if we do make a good crop next; year that means one more chance, with a big acreage the following yearj and right on till we do hit a bad season that will mean bankruptcy for, the county. We ought to begin right now to get Into those other things and gradually reduce the cotton acre-, age. If we would do that we would not feel a Jar when the boll weevil| does get us good and strong." Mi ss Luc ret in. Hinson. | Miss Lucretia Hinson, aged 62 years, died at a Clio hospital Sunday morning after a brief illness. Miss Hinson was taken to the hospital about three days before her death, but the disease which caused her death had made such progress that the best of medical skill was of no avail. Miss Hinscn was buried Monday morning near her old home in the < Beauty Spot section of Marlboro founty. For the last 20 years Miss Hinson had made her home with the family of Mr. M. S. Britt at Little Hock. She ' was a good woman and had many friends by whom she will be greatly missed. She was a member of Little Rock Baptist church and the funeral services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. J. A. Langley. WANT COLUMN WANTED?All kinds of furs. Miuk, Coon, Otter, etc. Highest prices paid. Win. Brick, Dillon. S. 11 10 tf POSTED SIGNS?Signs for Posting lands for sale at The Herald Office?11 3. -5 FINE TOBACCO AND COTTON farms for sale on very easy terms. The farms are well located near j schools, churches, roads etc. J. G. Layton, Dunn, N. C.?11 3 3tp. COTTON?Ample storage capacity nt *, reasonable rates and liberal ad* vances on consignments In any quantity, for prompt sale or to be held, offered by Battey & Co., The Substantial Cotton Factors cf Sa vannah, Ga.?9 1 13th. WANTED?American Products Export Corporation stock. Offer $7.00 per share. Draw draft through Palmetto or Loan and Exchange Bank, Columbia. Carolina Commission Co. ?11 3 4tp. POSTED SIGNS?Signs for Posting lands for sale at The Herald Office?11 3. liATi'EY ?? CO., The Iairge amj Reliable Cotton Factors of Savr.nnah, -vice that combines long and successful experience expert salesmanship and financial soundness.?9 1 13t. WANTED ?COUNTRY PEOPLE TO TRY OUR 75c. MEALS. PALMETTO CAFE, NEXT TO HERALD OFFICE?.tf. TVPl'W li ITL'O mnnnvij c?~# r - - ^ ,, AMA* AJLfWll ^ ?? OU?K" ford's superfine ribbons for Smith and Underwood typewriters. Herald Publishing Co.?3 24 POSTED SIGNS?Signs for Posting lands for sale at The Herald Office?11 3. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS ? Staf J r ford's superfine ribbons for Smith' and Underwood typewriters. Herald Publishing Co.?3 24 CROP AND CHATTEL MORTGAGES titles to real estate, mortgages real ) estate, bills of sale, planters contracts, rent lions, claim and dellrery papers for sale at The Herald office.?3 24. "FOR SALE ?One Overland Country Club Roadster in good shape. Good tires, top, and curtains. Run about 8000 miles. Need the money. See G. D. Easterling at Evans Pharmacy. ?11 10 ltp. | - pjo joj ppid aonw hsvo xshhoih mahogany furniture, china, vases, brass andirons, screen*, etc. AdA rnao Da* TOO ' ? ut v oo ajv/a u o m , vimnui ie, in, VJ. j 11 10 4tp. "WANTED?Man with car to nel| low priced Graham Tires. $130.00 per wB week and commlsions. Graham Tire Co., 3133 Boulevard, Benton Harbor, Mich.?11 10 ltp. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ? At old Dillon Hotel. For information See J. R. Hatch, Dillon Market.?7 11 tf. 4 COTTON shipped to Battey A Co. the Proficient Cotton Factors of Savannah, Ga.. yields satisfaction as is evidenced by the large volume of business entrusted to them. Isn't it to your interest to try them? Do it now and be convinced.?9 1 13t. POSTED SIGNS?Signs fcr Posting lands for sale at The Herald Office?11 3. LET YOl'll CHAPE FRUIT AND Oranges come direct from the grower to your own tables. Sound.' choice fruit. Your orders will have, prompt attention. Prices $3.00 per! box f. o. b. St. Petersburg. Cash with order. \Y. C. Foster, Station! A. St. Petersburg. Fla.?10 27 8t. WAXTKU? Your OOler for. or your request for quotation on galvanized iron roofing nn?l Securo Corn Cribs. We guarantee to save you money. Address, Southern Securo Co.. Rock Hill, S. C.?10 27 3t. MONUMENTS?We nre builders and erectors of high grade monuments. All work of the best material and fully guaranteed. Prices reasonable. See us before placing your order. Lumberton Marble Works, J. H. Floyd. Prop., Lumberton, N. C.?2 24 52t. NOTICE?I AM AGENT FOR THE Florence Steam Laundry and will receive and deliver all laundries as promptly as possible. Palace Market. LOST. One hound dog, answers to name of "Drum." If found and returned to me, the finder Will be paid $5.00. | ESAU LOCHLIER, Latta, S. C. j FINAL DISCHARGE NOTICE. | Notice is hereby given that Oscar campDeii, executor ot tne estate 01 Eliza Campbell, deceased l.r.s this day made application unto me for final discharge as such executor and that Thursday the 1st day of December, 1021, at ten o'clock a. m. at my office has been appointed for the hearing of said petition. JOE CABELL DAVIS, Judge of Probate, Dillon County, S. C. Dillon, S. C., Nov. 1. 1921 ?11 3 4t Notice of Incorporation. Notice is hereby given that under the requirements of Chaptei 4 7, Article one, of the Civil Code ol South Carolina of 1912 and all .amendments thereto, the same hav ing been duly complied with, the undersigned on Friday, the 4th da> of November 1921, will apply to tlu Secretary of State of South Carolina for a charter for a corporation to bf known as the Planters Warehouse Company., (Inc.) the capital stock .thereof to be $10,000.00, divided into 100 shares of the par value of $100 each. The nature of the busii ness to be conducted being the buying .and selling of leaf tobaccos for the warehouse's account or on a commission basis and for the transaction of jsuch other business usually conducted by a tobacco warehouse, with its principal place of business at Lake 'View. S. C. L. G. MILLER. R. S. ROGERS. 1 10 27 2t Corporators. (Eut AffYM. Jim. -!?;1? rirta' ' ? >y1 : n, uyirJ: i. '' What is tho ui money unless you 1 that it will some i He who spends i who hanks a part < ularly must proBi That's arithmet: Let our bank ha ey on deposit. Moi you leave it in the l ? t auuiug IU 11. Try it. It PA' We invite YOUR The Banh SAFETY, SERVICE Dillon, Sei , BRICK BRI( Come to our plan we Kave to offer l LAYTON BRICK Vs MARION We h ve a high power, fas a complete power plant in it; length. Does the work of 6 to 1( while engine is running. All a is a a a a a a a a is e a a a m R rf * r> ? r> J1 /f yri ? America s ? have confidence in the ? America?financial ? emerging* from a st ( ] into a period which pi g lasting prosperity. |=l Definite improvem* >b is the best evidence jb! certainly conditions e\ g ing this improvement. S This bank has confic : E is past, and faith tha rjg] ture holds much of go m - IS > g] We invite your pati ?! FIRST NATIO DILLON, Son ? National Bank Pro W Savii IS IS SIS IS 5? IS IS IS IS IS IS IS I __ y h$wr se of working for bank a part of it so day work for you? oil ho a nnfVlriM U -. *??0 U\SIU*U? , lit" jf his earnings reg>er. Ic. ve your spare monaey piles up fast if ) bank and keep on Y3. Banking Business. z of Dillon AND 4 PER CENT ith Carolina : 1 Lwwwy*.*. - s - mun , "'Jp :*: ?/?/ck t and see what ieforc you b uy. /ORKS, (Est. 1885) I. s. c. ? ? t cutting outfit forced feed; self for sawing logs to any I = ) men. Lever control of blade equipped witb Boscb magneto and offered at SlOO each. A little over a year ago \ tbese drag saws sold for $200 cacb and even more. We arc ' offering them at a big sacrifice. but tbcy mu5t no Price $100. Have . good assortment of gasoline engines. J COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO. j Columbia, 5. C., 823 W. Gcrvats St. 1 BB????????!*! B ? en of ? ?! ?! ?l future. | and business?is ? ; ate of uncertainty ?j romises healthy and S3! ?! mt along1 all lines of adjustment, and ggi rery where are showlence that the worst t the immediate fuod for all. ?i ?l e! w onage, NAL BANK e th Carolina [g tection For Your ? igs ? IS ? A First Aid "V Keep the favor Many welMighted part; house arc not only unci able but unsafe as wel a cold, raw wind is b outside. Cold drafts do somehow. But you ca them into warm ones Perfection Oil Heater. There are some corners that can't seem to warm up with > ular coal heater A Pcrfectioi it and save "rushing" the fur hours at a time. Too much heat is almost at bt STAND/ PERFE k?i>. < " _ ' EAGLE "M1K ADO">^^| For Sale at your Dealer ASK rVR THE YELLOW PENC EACLE Mil EAGLE PENCIL COMF ^ Chris prompt int^irrii OCH CATAUHil K of CHRISTMAS Sl*G(;ESTIONS Frt* 1'pon Itr-quftst Contains lll'XDKKDS OF GIFT AKTKTiKS Kor mi-n. women and children Including 1'ooka of All Kinds ( reeling Cards, Decorations, Stationery, Q&moa. Pictures. ^ Kversharp Pencils and Pountain Pens. //* ?7/l> looks nkf i:/t nr. l.kaps avium Make a oncctime job of it \ c Tnis? Yv CYPB TliE WOOD It's a waste of time, in making repairs? (o ?with lumber that w HeWho Uses Cypres Cypress lasts and lasts an refuses to wear out or r "double money s-worth,'' i BUY THE GRADE TH For Tiany uses the Iovl the thing. This fact giv further advantage over tli "some lumber." You s< Write us for list of FREE I'l Southern Cypress Mfrj 45 Graham Buildin/j, Jacksonvi ror'/r local dealer will supply hasn't enough cypress let us knc -irk I1" * * ^ !; j' '' for V'eak Circulate ite windows warm and saj > of the enough. Keep (lie chill out of (hi omfort- w'fh your regular heating devi . , then supply the rooms you us< 1 When with the cheery warmth of g (lowing Perfection. get in, The Perfection is remarkably lig in turn durable. Put it just where grandi W'ith a wants it. It burns for about ten with a tingle filling. Economize on coal this year you just more kerosene for heating. The f rour reg- Aladdin Security Oil is only abo ? will do what it was a year ago. nace for ^|most all hardware, housefuri and department stores sell the I id at not tion Heater. kRD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) CTION Q j^^^^^Pencil No. 174 \ Made in fire grades 1L WITH THE RED BAND CAPO 'ANY, NEW YORK j ? i ?r nn i ?8 m?? =? * tmas Shopping. j By Mail ii*' in your own linmo at your II pai'kaKo? delivered to your postman in perfect condition, rdered. enience of our enormous stock, doe. reasonable prices anil busily is at your disposal. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Book Store of Rare Excellence See Suppliers and Poraisbcn or CYrBKSX A Sit BL JLJJS MX MAT.1 and- for-allvirh genuine s&nrsur 'i ^Cf V KM 3>' j ETERNAL I , labor an . money r doing new wot '.<) ill n)t out uuicklv. s Builds But Once. d lusts and practically ut out. Cypress means and often more if vou AT FITS THE JOB. er guides are exacdy es wise buyers a still iose who simply order ee the point. ^ANS fur farm buildings. J > ^ A CCH !n*iit on " Tido ' rid5ll# Water" Crrrrts -youcir.iicnMfy I lie, Fla , ? ? il hJ ! : ^K>K YOC. IF HE W ATOXCE 1 1 - . _ . .. mMt* ;Jr-= SECURITY OIL STASDAUI* OllCOMftXNY S " - s J J A tk your dealer about the Perfection (HI Heater Context? J5,000.00 in prigea. e r houM oe and e most lowing >ht and nother i hours r using >rice of >ut hall lishing 'erfeo i 1] Heaters ' :j