University of South Carolina Libraries
' f _ ? PERSONAL. MENTION * Roy Hamilton spent Tuesday in Columbia. Charlie Herring of Raleigh visited hig parents here this week. o Miss Sallie Bethea of Latta spent the week end with Mrs. Ida Dunbar. i *?? ? . naiuu uosenuurg spent Sunday in \ X Mullins. W. W. Thompson and Frank Loyd \ spent Sunday in Florence. ?o? Fred Curry of Charleston, W. Va.. Is spending a few days in town with friends. C ? Miss Mamie Rosembaum of New York is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Win. Brick. ^ Mrs. E. W. Mathers of Columbia is spending a few days with Mrs. O. W. Jackson. Messrs. Worth McKinley, Jessie < Garrell and Charlie Blankenship A spent Sunday in Florence. Miss Kate Woodley and brother, Jno. C. of Clio were in town Sunday visiung relatives. Mrs. J no. R. Watson and Miss Lacey Jackson attended the Eastern Star meeting at Latta Monday night. ?o? Mrs. Kate Edens Reynolds of Latta spent the week end with Mrs. L. E. Mason. Julius Evans of Charleston spent Sunday with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Evans. Mrs. Tygert of Florence is spending a short time with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Elliott. ?o? , Mrs. W. R. Guill is visitinc relai tVeg in Lexington, N. C., and Bedfere, Va. this week. Miss Beulah Mason left yesterday lor L,ako City. S. C. to spend a few flays with friends. Mrs. Annie Bransford left Tuesday morning with her daughter. Virginia for McLeods Infirmary, where Miss Virginia will take treatment. B3-EB B) gHS-IS-S H ' ffl ! . "j T ,> ' m i y tlrit TO j ; ^ in various T j O niacin vari< i$? ! : *3 various ter IS " ^ tr*icS screeu so ? is T fl m d ? ! fc M41 Is iai ? Of t tiCt The Sew Yorh "To find a p epochal ii JJ? one mmt ^ Elizabeths <77 to Shakec and Cleop y The Los Angel t* "Another e ^3 sented to I Th 2 ?i Rex ffil U3 I [ ] ? | from JX J ME t _?beJ6ostan a a a a a a-aII i* A> * THE DIMXI j \V. J. Carter, Jr. of Philadelphia spent several days in town last week with bis father. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rogers spent Thursday and Friday of last week in . Baltimore. . .Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Robertson spent I Saturday and Sunday in Fairmont j with friends. Mrs. H. E. Dixon is in Wilmington jwith her little son who is receiving medical attention from Dr. Sidberrv. Miss Alma McElveen of Lake City. S. C. has accepted a position with the j Morris Fass Department store as . mill inov ?o Mrs. U. J. Gaddy and little daughter of Gaddy's Mill an1 spending some time with Mrs. Gaddv's father at Atkinson, X. C. Mrs. Corrie Boyd Cottingham of Concord. N. C. who has been visiting friends in town, lef' Monday morning for Fayetteville. 0 The Ladie's Improvement Associajtjon will give an oyster supper at iFloydale school house Friday night November 18, to which the public is invited. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Garrett and two little daughters of Greenwood. S. C. spent Sunday with Miss Annie Laurie Lowe. They made the trip through the country in an automobile. o? President Harding has nominated Lewis E. Stephenson for postmaster at Dillon, to succeed Mr. C. L. Cartuichael who has been filling the po smon ior tiio pcsr two years. Mr. i Stephenson is trick operator at the Coast Lino passenKer station and a native of North Carolina. The Improvement C'luh >!< < (*. Tin* Improvement Club im t on Friday afternoon. The prcsidi nt, Mrs. L. C. Bnuldy, presided. Matt* is of interest were discussed. Mrs. Ilrad.dy's resignation was accepted as she stated that she accepted the office for a I limited time and would serve no [longer. Mrs. L. Cottlnghain was electled president, though not present, and all the members were heartily In favor of her holding the office that she has always filled so faithfully jand capably. It is conceded th t Mrs. ffl? H?B ?imc,s. _Jj ous Dramatic Ci big cities of the United >us comments about the ] ms, it is true?but to the i odds the greatest achiever ai* is e FOI >RSEM he Apocal J^or example: : Times said: The Chicago Tri >lay that is equally **Go and see "] i its implications men of the 1 go back to the lt ? vrorth m? ? for example money, ipeare's 'Anthony The Boston Tra\ atra*'** **It is a great les Examiner said; The Pittsburg P pic has been pre- "It . . , has r he world." ^ masterpiece.1 at is the expert verdict upon Ingram Prodh the nov^l by VICENTE B LAS CO Adapted by June Mathis TRO cXS $0St , i. mi 11^?????^ U rxi m m m rrt _QCl iXJ IxJ I? IXJHO ffir ttl 0 Cottingham has had no rival in thh office, though many hare served faithfully. The meeting adjourned. It. T. Pub. Chairman. o Living in Austria is now 08 times as costly as in 1014. Wasps do good by reducing the flies and caterpillars. Umbrellas numbering 20,000 were left in the Paris Underground Railjway last year. 1,1,1 EAGLE "SSKADO5"1 fiS-i For Sale at your Oeiler ASK FCR Ti: YELLOW ?1 EAC.LE EAGLE PENCIL COl I SPECIAL * Owing to th( J8 I will he forced to S a cash basis. I ha> 9 ? sively on a credit t the neonle failing _ has made it very e $ It is a pleasure to people who pay tin ij and I wish to than fj their kind and iibe solicit a continuar If you wish to the end of each mo do business with please do not thin further credit is e cannot carry accou IK I l- ox*A t /i nnv O M a lttitv iw |;a> i \M cl len to thirty days 11 Charlie ]-?-@-?HS-?-IS-S Daxln Q^rihautc/ y/ Ulil l?? ^ o* ritics "ill? PI States have ^' *Oil picture ? in same effect: nent of the M UR EN J ypse I - w :-z*' bune said: O rhe* Four Horse* Apocalypse*... your time and ?2 veller said ^ ^5 picture.** ress said: esulted in a film ^ this 1 iction ?& ibanez TURES; g ORATION a ?????~J # -a-gHS GH SI g~g /ii. I - ^ < )1j*. *%, THTJILSIlAI MOKMXCi, JfOVF | FOR SALE One Ford Touring i Car. Starter Type. 1 1 Complete set of new l tires. J. Earls Bethsa I j? I in lP ;.ciiKo. 1741 * ] S&s V &5fu!S*-' | l\.\6-~ i i ,'ivc i;rade? j ZNCIL WITH Til.1: T.LD HAND MIKAOO MPANY, NEW YORK . NOTICE Ij ; present conditions q put my business on "J e sold very exten- # his year and lots of j to pay their bills mbarrassing to me. t' do business with r eir hills promptly k Tny customers for ral patronage and 1 ice of your patron pay your hills at !j5 .>* U T ..-HI in ii i ? HI ijv K:iJU 11' Off | you, otherwise k hard of me if no \tended. because I mis indefinitely as V- ( 11 mv goods in from time. Saleeby | % ^ - i a t7 n 1 wo JC W ednesd Nov. ] Two ^Nlatii 3:00 j Special C Wednesc Prices: Matin and $1.10 The Grec "The Fc The Special Four Advance Seat J-ffl-ffi-fflS-ffl-ffl- SH EMBER 10. 1921. ^ ^ Closing Out Sale rn | On V/ith a Mighty - fj 6 ey Saving Opportunity g | In order to vacate the I B store building we now | j? occupy, we are compell- I oo | IV/ OOU ^t/C. I J' lie Mil Ul | I ready to wear. Clothing, shoes, shirts, knit I goods etc, regardless of cost. ? Its to your interest to come y to this store once, where your * j? dollar will buy so much more ? :: that you can buy your fall sup- | il ply and not drain your purse. Remember this is a genuine | i closing out sale and you will | be the looser if you fail tocome. 8 if We do not quote prices, but ? ,i remember goods must be sold I nf i si IIII Mil Tmi ii cswa-r -u-.. 1_ Jones Dry Goods Co. R. R. Ave. DILL C. f?S????-?-a >.?5 iS -? ?S -51 ?5!~51 a *&? ? *> ?bif^S ji $ S i 5 O R&J r?, ||^* |e 1 t H HIM Am. 1 ? ? ani ass, uJ'B "LJB ? >ig Days Two ? ay and Thursday, fj L6tk and I7tk f IS Shows Daily ?, aee an d Night ? and 8:00 P. M. | Children's Matinee ? lay at 3 p. 30c ^ ee 55c and 85c Night 55c 5 m rtest Picture of all | Time | mr Horsemen I of | A M /-\pocaiypse | Music by the Famous t lor semen Orchestra S Sale Starts Saturday Nov. 12th IS S?ffi?ffl e-BEHS ?-SHS ffl