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Pyttbr Dillon i^pralb| f I A. B. JOKDAX Editor pjjHT SUBSCRIPTION 82.50 Per Yr. i" Dillon, S. C.f November 10, 1021. J Germany says she will make the. kiddies happy this Christmas with i r ' millions of cheap toys. It's time Ger-j many was making somebody happy. According to our recollection the j average price for the past season's 1W tobacco crop was around 14 cents per pound. On the Noryi Carolina and Virginia markets the price is averaging 30 cents a pound. Nearly every j county in North Carolina and Virginia lias a thorough-going cooperative j marketing organization. North Carolina press dispatches' tell us that tobacco is selling at; fancy prices on North Carolina mar-1 kets. One day's sales at Oxford, wej are told, amounted to 500,000 pounds. which aVPfflPPli 3 0 ponlo while at Winston-Salem the sales amounted to a million pounds and1 the average was still higher. The tobacco planters of North Carolina are] jubilant over the fine prices they! are getting, last year's debts are be-' ing paid and everybody is happy. This, is the same old story. Year after j year we have seen the price go up! after the South Carolina crop has been sold. The cry last season was i that too much tobacco was held in Btorage and the exporters and manu-j facturers were not in the market.! The acreage was known at that time and South Carolina tobacco, being! the first on the market, should have sold for higher prices than are now being paid on the North Carolina! and Virginia markets. The reason is nnt ? - f.V.I TKn I~ ! xv/t nut u iu uuu . i ii'- n'-tiawn in owuui Carolina is short?little more than a J month. South Carolina tohacro is. if. rushed on the market and the buyer fixes the price. We venture to say that lots of South Carolina tobacco is; ^ being resold on North Carolina aud j Virginia markets at handsome prof-! its. This is a fine argument for cooperative marketing. It is the only; solution of the matter. Instead of, i'i> keeping the markets open one month j they should be kept open six months. | Cooperative marketing will do this.! That is the object of the meeting at J the court house tonuyrow. The sit-j nation is in the hands of the men who j plant tobacco and a good, strong 'organization in this county will work wonders. ; ?? Kind Words for Xew Pastor. The following is taken from the' Cuthbert, (Ga.) Leader and will hoi of interest to many of The Herald'si readers: "Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Atkins and J their son. Graham, departed yester-j day for Hamer, S. C.. where they Willi reside. Mr. Atkins has accepted the pastorate of two churches In that section. He served the Presbyterian churches of Cuthbert and Ft. Gaines for six years and they made substan- j tial growth and improvement in other ways during that time. He is an at earnest preacher, a zealous worker W and a man of deep piety, and in his r wife he has an able co-helper. They and their children have made many friends in this section who feel a tinge of sadness because of their removal." In the same issue is printed a set j of resolutions adopted by the Cuth-j bert Presbyterian church in which j profound regret is expressed over Mr. | Atkins' departure, and also commending him in the warmest of nrnirt t t li rt rrr\rwl T^norvlri /-?f V? i r? /tAm V^t HIn tu IMC h'lwu I#cwj;ir ui nun j munity. The resolution says in part: 11 "That in terminating the pastorate i of nearly six years, the longest had ! by this congregation in many years,.] wc desire to express to Mr. Atkins!' our full appreciation of his every effort put forth, both as a citizen and pastor, to advance the interest of the people and the church. He has at all times, been found ready to minister to the sick, needy, troubled, distressed and sorrowful, and shown a willingness to serve the community as a citizen, and the church as its pastor, In the various activities of his pastorate and citizenship his conduct has been such as inspired confidenece and esteem." o Dr. Duncan in Demand. Dr. Watson B. Duncan is continualv ly in demand for addresses and special sermons. He has recently spoken at the Y. M. C. A. in Florence and also in Charleston. He is to be the speaker at the Memorial Service on Armistice Day at Aynor. He has been invited by the County Superintendent of Marion county to make a tour with him, speaking at each High School in the county. Dr. Duncan is everybody's friend and seems ever ready to serve ill anv nnaalhla urav o "Complicated SpellInj?." A tooth paste manufacturer is advertising his product by distributing; small tubes of tooth paste among school children. with the request that each child receiving; a sample tube keep a record of the number of times the paste la used until the tube is exhausted. A third Krade Dillon school student received one of the tubes and her mother told her to attach a note to it requesting the other children in the household n^t to nse the paste out of that particular tube and here is what the mother found a few dc.ys later scrawled on the note: "This is mine, do knot youse M." ' , | \ THE 1 MASTK1VS SALE. State of South Carolina, County of Dillon. In the Court of Common Pleas. The Bank of Little Rock, Plaintiff, against Charley Bethea, Rosie Harris and A. C. Rogers, Defendants. Pursuant to an order of his Honor Edward Melver, Judge of the Fourth Judicial Circuit, bearing date the 3rd day of November, 1921, the undersiiinori ;?? f~" T-viii? ^ , 4..UOK-1 l\J I L/ [ 1 HI II l-UUIliy, I will sell (luring the legal hours of| sale on the first Monday in DecemberI saiue being the 5th. before the court house door in the Town of Dillon, in the county of Dillon, in the State aforesaid, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, "AH that certain piece," parcel or tract of land situate in the'County of Dillon in the State of South Carolina containing 71.7 acres and being tract number six as represented upon a plat of the J. M. Carniichaei Harllee place made by C. H. McLaurin bearing date Oct. i run ini? ??" - ? - .v.u, *</au mill muiucd in ine OIHC0J of the Clerk of Court for Dillon coun-\ ty in Plat Book 2 at page 8." Terms of sale cash, purchaser to pay for all papers and revenue stamps. Any person bidding off the said property and refusing to comply with his bid '.lierefor, said property will be resold upon the same or some subsequent salesday at the risk of the former purchaser. A. B. JORDAN. 11 10 3t. Master for Dillon County I FINAL DISCHARGE NOTICE. \ Notice is hereby given that R. E. i Harrel as guardian of Elbert Har- 1 roll has this day made application 1 unto me for a final discharge as such < guardian and that Thursday the 1st i day of December, 1021, at 10 o'clock a. m. at my office has been appointed for the hearing of said : petition. 1 JOE CABELL DAVIS. i Judge of Probate, Dillon County. S. C.! i Dillon. S. C. Nov. 10. 1021?11 10 4t| l'OIt SALE?r. 11. Fisliers "White Docks, cockerels and pullets from! $3.00 to $5.00 each, pens $15.0oj< to $50.00. In hot competition at ' the State Fair, with White Docks 1 from several States I won first and third pens. Errs In season.' John D. Watson, Dillon S. C. ?1 11 10 3t. .< sassasa ? s?d7 a I m t I uiusing i a ~?. a For the nexl ? will sell our e ? Buggies, Wago ? Robes, etc., at f a Also have a 1 ? and Mules wh a sell at sacrific $ Now is timt * gain in good 1: S Come see for y< ? J. B. McC S m aaa? sisiaa?? Motte Busin T? 1* LUKfcNL When you choc you have many r For ome positions training is necessa you choose to ente get a good positio time hy taking a buj modern Business C ment pays larger dr iness education, wl on the farm or e world. Only the c woman is out ot \ full information a MOTTE BUSIN FLOREN( I - -? I "? DILLON HERALD. DILLON, SOUTH Xotlw of Incorporation. j j Notice is hereby given that un-|| der the requirements of Chapter 47,1 Article one, of the Civil Code of J South Carolina of 1912 and all amendments thereto, the same having been duly complied with, the undersigned will, on Saturday, the 12th day of November, 1921, apply to the S<?cretary of State of South Carolina for a charter for a corporation to be known as the Latta Invest-\ ment Co., of Latta 'S. C. (Inc.) thej capital stock thereof to be $3000.00,! divided into 300 shares of the pari value of $10.00 each. A. R. Bethea, W. J. Robinson, G. G. Watson, Crum McFarland, D. B. Bethea, D. G. Melvin, > Joe Windham, Geo. Bartelle, 11 10 It. Corporators. WHEN EVERY MOVE HURTS Lame every morning, achy and stiff all day, worse when it's damp or chilly? Suspect your kidneys and try the remedy your neighbors use. Ask your neighbor. C. E. Peck, gave ' the .following statement December 21, 1914: "My niuucjs were out o* oraer ana l had dull pains in the small of my back. I was so sore and lame, I could hardly bend and it was just as hard to straighten. I had hea'daches and spells of dizziness. The secretions passed irregularly and I had other symptoms of kidney trouble, i read Df Doan's Kidney Pills and after using them as directed soon got relief from my trouble. I keep Doau's on hand now and when a kidney medicine is needed, they never fail to give results." Lasting Benefit. On January 29t 1918 Mr. Peck , said: "I have had better health the ' i.i?i lum yuars man 1 nave ever bad in my life. I give the credit to Doan's Kidney Pills, as they pave me a cure four years apo." 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Mil hum So., Mfprs., Buffalo, N. Y.?11 10 It. "The Four Horsemen of the Apoelypee" and special orchestra. Ev oybody's Theatre. Matinee and nipht; Wednesday end Thursday, November 10th and 17tli. o A pood business woman usually lrives a harder barpain than a man. lilt Sale I #U( VU3U ? ? a t 60 days I ? ntire stock of ? ns, Harness, ? actory prices. S ot of Horses g ich we will m|i e. ?. > 4"rtnf ? > uai- ^ iorse or mule. S ourself. gj "utcheon & Co. ? a laaaaaaaaaa Less College I e, S. C. I jse your life worlc i oads open to you. 3 a long period of ry. However, if r business you can n in a very sbort 3iness course intbis ollege. No mvestyidends tban a busketber you remain it. :nter the business i. untrained man or | vork. >^rite for ii bout this School. | i ESS COLLEGE !: :e, s. c. i i t i CAROLl^A^Tian^ __L_ * V : an? isaasaaaaaaaai s EH ^Hi a m\ I ill a ffi ?u? KM ? SI ? 1 ffl L Si 5555 JC i The Best m EB ? | II IS IS Made by Sc ? II former price ?70 to $ ? BS Former price $50 to ! 3 SB Former price $20 to ! | I Former price $35 to $ | 1 New lot Young Men4! * g Brand going at I I BIG LOT OF OVE1 S fg Men's and Young M 8 ? No better made at i !=j II .-?We have the larg b=j I Dillon and our prices ?i n liuii uii aim pi 3 I ing this is the place t g] I the right price g] I handle onlyfirst < g I out our store. =! I W. L. DO 3 H ^ g Men's and Boys j ~=j 3 arrived. New prices - 9 Men's, Womens and C S I going at S I We have just receive* ] I Shoes, Brown Calf +] I shoes at the righi s I ? SB Extra good line Ladi 3 1 and white g) I I Good Silk and Wool h ? I I TitlHlPC Qnrl MA1VI VAAUU1V1UJ S All Wool Serge Midd IS 1-2 Price. ^ ' Former price $16 to 5 s s 7 s Ladi 8 Sweaters hi a ? We have a nice lot of a right price S We mean all woo B g Stetson Hats s s s i | Where Q law m | DILLON, t ffifflsifflfflfflfflffla-afflstsffla \ n EE61 w a *?**?* r" Dod I a s ^ J I \ I ^_===_ a ? =^==^= a a ^ Price Possible I 'S SUITS || | hloss Bros. & Co. g g a SO now d?or to *AA 11 ? d\ Stj [*] $65 now $25 t? <3^0 H u *' $30 now $15 t? $20 II J f 50-w-- -$20 ^ $25 | I 'f| s Suits just arrived, Oriole ?? | IS $17.50 || | It CO ATS JUST ARRIVED ? ien's Klingmade Overcoats B m [?| $15' $28.50 1| | >YS SUITS. I ? I ? jest stock of Boys Suits in , are right. We defy competi- ^ ices. If your boys need cloth o get good suits for them at S $6.00 and up- BB? class merchandise through- ? : a lUGLAS SHOES. ffi $5.50 "$1000 I Children Shoes brought over, IS 1-3 OFF | S d a lot of Ladies and Misses 5 8 a with low rubber heels, good g] ^ces $3.001? 3.50 ? es Silk Hose, brown, black $2.50 $4.50 1 a oseat - $1.75 | a Coats at less than half price. * , m y Suits, the Hoflin Make at * IS >35 now - -- - $i 5 II VV V*" B alf price. [<g s | : all Wool Blankets at the [+] $g t? $10 is a $7.00 1 ? _JL1_ m ??- is uality Counts 1 VCKSON r South Carolina s jfflfflfflfflfflEfflffifflfflffliaSlffifflfflffl % 4